Casual Labour


Master Circular No. 48   CONTENTS   No. Subject 1 Introduction 2 Definition 3 Engagement of Casual Labour 4 Definition ofProject for Casual Labour 4.1, 4.2 Areas where Casual Labour should not be employed 5 Age & Educational Qualification 6 Screening for engagement of fresh faces 6.1 Medical examination/fitness 6.2 SC/ST reservation 6.3 Ex servicemen reservation 6.4 No other PreferentialReservation 6.5 Reservetion notthe cretaria during emergency engagement 6.6, 6.7 Procedure for Reengagement of Discharged CL 7 Status 8 Continuous employment 9 Wages 10 Remuneration in theregular scale of pay 11 Entitlements and Privileges 11.1, 2 On attaing Temporary Status 11.3 Leave 11.4 Advances 11.5 Passes & PTO’s 11.6 Incentive under F.W. Programme 11.7 Wages on day of absence 11.8 Relaxation in agelimit for direct recruitment in Group ‘C’ Posts 11.9 Productivity Linked Bonus 11.10 Holidays 11.11 Compassionate engagement of wards 11.12 Maternity Leave 11.13 Compensation for temporary disablements 11.14 Daily allowance 11.15 Educational Assistance 11.16 Additional  remuneration  for Night duty 12 Seniority 13 Medical facilities 14 Supply of Uniforms 15 Working hours and Periodic rest 16 Records/Registers 16 a Service Card 16 b Service book 16 c Left hand Thumb Impression Register 16 d Live register 16 e Supplementary live register 17 Absorption 18 Termination/Retrenchment 18.1 Application of DA Rules 18.2 Application of I. D Acts 18.3 Notice 18.4 Condition where Notice is not required 18.5 Retrenchment Compensation 18.6 Calculation of completion of 1 year service 18.7 Procedure in case of refusalby CL to decent 18.8 In case of failing in screening for absorption 18.9 Principle of ‘last come first to go’ during retrenchment 18.10 Intimation to Employment Exchange on retrenchment/ Closure 19 Payment of Gratuity 20 Other Provisions 21 General Disclaimer   Other Railway Boards Letter on the Subject   Link to Chapter XX of IREM Vol. II   Link to Chapter XV of IREM Vol. I Casual Labour           The  instructions issued by the Railway Board from  time  to time  on the subject of Casual Labour, are contained  in  several letters.  The Railway Board have now decided to  consolidate  the various  instructions  on  the subject into a single  body  as  a master  circular, as below, for the information and  guidance  of all concerned.   Definition:   2.   The term Casual Labour refers to Labour, whose employment is seasonal  intermittent, sporadic or extends over  short  periods. Engagement  of  casual labour may be for  a  short  duration  on specific works or on Projects, till such time work is available. Labour  of  this  kind is generally recruited  from  the  nearest available source.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)60 CL/13 dated 22.08.1962, E(NG)I/77/CL/46            dated 08.06.1981)   Engagement of Casual Labour:   3.    According to extant policy, the authorised strength of Casual Labour on a Railway both in the open line and in the Projects, (frozen as on 1.1.84 and) refixed as on 1.1.90, after taking into account factors like the number of posts created for decasualisation, reduction in gang strength due to modernisation of track and introduction of machine maintenance, reduction in Project Casual Labour etc, should not be exceeded and fresh candidates  (fresh faces) should not be engaged from the open market. However, to meet emergent situations, the ban will not apply  and fresh candidates from the open market if absolutely necessary, should be taken only with the prior personal  approval of the General Manager.   3.1   The  above stipulation equally applies  to  Project  Casual Labour  also  and CAO(R)’s have also to take  prior  approval  of General Manager before engaging “fresh faces.”   3.2   Casual Labour who have worked on the open  line/Project in the past and who, after discharge, have not been re-employed  and are  borne on the live register will be re-engaged first  against the  requirement  in the order of priority on the  basis  of  the total  period of service prior to their discharge, in  preference to  candidates  from the open market. Also the  re-engagement  of discharged Casual Labour, borne on the live register/supplementary casual labour register referred to in paras 7.8 and 7.9 of  this  circular against short term requirements as in emergencies or against requirements arising from the  absorption of serving Casual Labour in regular Group ‘D’ posts, should  have the prior personal approval of the General Manager. While seeking his approval for such re-engagement of discharged Casual Labour, the number required to be taken from the live register should also be put up to him. In case of engagement of Casual Labour for specific emergencies, like restoration of breach etc., the period of  their  engagement  also should be mentioned  along  with  the number to be taken.   (Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG)ii/80/CL/5 dated 07.06.1984, 20.12.1984, E(NG)II/88/ CL/34 dt.27.12.89, E(NG)II/88/CL/86 dated 08.12.88, 14.02.1990, E(NG)II/89/CL /1 dated 23.02.90 and E(NG)II/89/CL/1dated 25.10.1990)   3.3   Subject  to what has been mentioned in paras 3, 3.1  &  3.2 above, casual labour may be engaged only for the following  types of work :   (a) Works of casual nature in the open line establishment, for which payment to the personnel engaged would be met from contingencies;   (b) Projects irrespective of duration, including execution and implementation of the expansion and  modernisation projects;   (c)  Seasonal  labour sanctioned for specific works of  less than  180 days’ duration and seasonal labour  for  hot-weather establishment like water carrier/ Pankha  puller engaged  during  summer for a period  not  exceeding  4 months.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/77/CL/46 dated 08.06.1981 and E(NG)II/78/CL/2            dated 22.11.1984)   4.   For purposes of applying the instructions contained in paras 3, 3.1 & 3.2 above, a project should be taken as construction  of new  lines,  major bridges, restoration of dismantled  lines  and other major important open line works, like doubling, widening of tunnels  etc., which are completed within a definite time limit. The  GM/HODs  concerned, in consultation with the FA&  CAO,  will decide  whether  a  particular open line work  is  a  Project  or otherwise.  If the through track renewals include replacement  of lighter  section of rails by a heavier section or increasing  the density  of sleepers or provision of additional depth of  ballast etc., these should be treated as works leading to an  improvement in  the  carrying  capacity and as  such,  irrespective   of  any financial  limit,  should  be  treated  as  ‘Project’.’  Casual renewals’  or other ‘through renewals’, which do not lead to  any improvement in the carrying capacity of a Railway will,  however, not fall within the definition of ‘Project.   4.1  Casual Labour should not be employed :   a) For work on construction of wagons and similar other works of a regular nature.(Works of a regular nature cover Workshops, Loco   Sheds, train lighting establishments, C&W Depots, Yards and Stations).   b) For Civil Engineering, Signal and Bridge maintenance works,  except for seasonal fluctuating works, casual and occasionally renewals;      (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/74/CL/27 dt. 20.06.1974) c)   As trolleyman;   d)   In the Printing Presses; and   e)   In  regular vacancies, whether permanent or  temporary, and  for  performance of duties related  to  day-to-day administration.   NOTE:     Casual  labour  may be  engaged  for  loading/unloading operations at stations and Yards and also in  unskilled categories  for  examining the wagons for  water  tight repairs during the monsoon season.   (Ref: Board’s letter No.PC/RLT/72/89(3) (i) dated   17.9.73, E(NG)60   CL/13  dt.  22.8.62  and  E(NG)II/77/CL/46   dated 8.6.1981).   4.2 Casual  labour should not be engaged in skilled  and  semi-skilled grades without trade test. Where a panel of trade  tested candidates to be appointed as Casual Labour to cater to the needs on the open line is not available with the administration, casual labour  may be engaged in Skilled/semi-skilled grades, without a trade test, but their suitability should be adjudged well  before they attain temporary status.Such engagement in Skilled grades should  have the personal approval of an authority not  lower  in rank than a Divisional Engineer. Also the number to be so engaged should be kept down to the absolute minimum.        (Ref: Board’s letters NO. E(NG)II/71/CL/83 dated 11.5.73 and      E(NG)II/84/CL/58 dated 20.12.1985). Age & Educational Qualification:   5.    Candidates  from  the open market to be  engaged  as  fresh casual  labour  should  conform to the age limit  laid  down  for regular recruitment to Group ‘D’ posts, Casual labour should,  at the  time  of  initial  engagement, be below  28  years  of  age, relaxable by 5 years in the case of Sch. Castes and Sch.  Tribes. They  should  not be retained beyond 58 years of age.  Also  they should  possess the minimum educational qualification  and  other standards laid down for the particular department.   (Ref: Board’s letters No. E(NG)64/CL/25 of 29.01.1966, E(NG)II/ 79/CL/5 dated 16.05.1979 and E(NG)II/88/CL/34 dated 22.04.1988).     SCREENING FOR ENGAGEMENT OF FRESH FACES   6.    Candidates  to be engaged as casual labour fresh  from  the open market should be taken from lists, which should be  prepared by each Division generally once a year, on receipt of the General Manager’s  sanction  for the engagement of fresh  Casual  labour. Inclusion of names in the list should be based on screening by  a committee of three officers, one of whom should be an officer  of the  Personnel Branch and another from the Department  concerned. Further, one of the members on the Screening Committee should  be from the SCs/STs and one from a minority community by co-opting a fourth  officer,  wherever  necessary. The  unit  of  recruitment should normally be the area of location of work where  engagement of Casual Labour is necessary.   MEDICAL EXAMINATION/FITNESS   6.1   Before  a candidate included in the list is  engaged  as  a fresh  Casual Labour, he should be examined for  medical  fitness for the category in which he is likely to be absorbed eventually.        (Ref: Board’s letter NO. E(NG)II/88/CL/34 dated 22.4.1988).   SC/ST RESERVATION   6.2   Percentages laid down in favour of Sch. Castes/Sch.  Tribes for  recruitment to Group ‘D’ categories on each  Zonal  Railway, Production Unit should be applied in the intake of Casual  Labour both  in the Open line and in the Projects. Similarly, while  re-engaging casual labour based on their seniority according to  the number  of days of service in earlier spells, Sch.  Castes/  Sch. Tribes should be ngaged by going down the list, even if they had rendered  lesser number of days of service so as to  achieve  the prescribed percentage of reservation.        (Ref:  Board’s  letter No. 79E(SCT)/15/1  dt.  10.03.1979,  80-E(SCT)15/15 dt. 26.10.1981,  88-E(SCT)1/28/1 dt. 04.10.1988 and  89 -E(SCT)2/80/23 dt. 11.12.1989)   EX SERVICEMEN RESERVATION   6.3   While  engaging  fresh faces as  casual  labour  for  works expected to  last  for  some  months,  the   orders   regarding reservation for employment of Ex-servicemen should be followed in spirit,  particularly where there is a large intake of  personnel as in the case of new projects.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/84/CL/92 dt. 15.12.1984)   6.4  In the matter of engagement of fresh Casual labour from  the open  market,  except for the intake of Sch.  Castes/Sch.  Tribes according to the percentages prescribed, as mentioned in para 6.2 above  and intake of ex-servicemen (6.3 above), no  preferential treatment should be given to anyone including the sons/wards of serving or retired Railway servants.      (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/89/CL/NR/27 dt. 13.03.90)   6.5 The provision contained in paras 6 to 6.2 above  will  not, however, be applicable  in the engagement of fresh casual  labour needed in emergencies like flood relief work, accident relief and restoration of through communication etc.   6.6 In the matter of re-engagement of discharged Casual  labour, the  relevant  provisions of the Industrial  Disputes  Act,  1947 and  the rules framed thereunder should be kept in view,  besides maintaining the practice  of displaying on the notice board about the  availability  of fresh employment to the  discharged  Casual Labour.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/78/CL/2 dated 22.11.1984).   6.7  At the time of re-engagement, the individual’s casual labour card  in regards to the entries about his past spells of  service should  be checked from the original paid vouchers to the  extent possible.  If  the  past service was in  a  different  unit,  the superior  should  get the entries in respect of service  in  that unit checked by making a written reference to that unit.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/83/CL/74 dt. 4.2.1984).   Status   7.    Casual Labour, who continue to do the same work  for  which they were engaged initially on the open line or other work of the same type for more than 120 days without a break, will be treated as temporary, after expiry of 120 days of continuous  employment. For  this purpose, the term same type of work should not  be  too rigidly  interpreted  so as to cause undue  suffering  to  Casual Labour  by way of break in service because of a slight change  in the  type of work in the same unit. The term ‘same type of  work’ should  be  interpreted  in spirit as well as in  letter  and  no casual labour should suffer in this matter. The various types  of work,  which  may  be  considerd as same type  of  work,  may  be grouped, as under:-   a)  Track renewals and linking – Ballasting  re-sleepering, relaying etc;   b) Masonry and concrete work – work on buildings, bridges, quarters,   platforms etc;   c)  Steel  work  –  Erection  of  Bridge  girders,   sheds, shelters etc;   d)  Earthwork – Foundations, banks, platform etc;   e)  Fitting, Smithy, Carpentry and such other artisan  work and helpers; and   f)   All  work  performed  by the  unskilled  casual  labour working  under  the  same  I.O.W.,  P.W.I.  and  Bridge Inspector  etc.,  should be treated as doing  the  same            type of work.       (Ref:  Bd’s  letter  No. E(NG)II/71/CL/83  dt.  11.05.1973  and E(NG)II/77/CL/46 dt. 08.06.1981)   7.1   Casual  labour engaged on seasonal specific works  of  less than  180 days’ duration if shifted from one work to  another  of the same type (e.g. relaying) and the total continuous period  of such  work  at any time is of more than 180 days’  duration  they should  be treated as temporary after the expiry of 120  days  of continuous employment.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(NG)II/77/CL/46 dt. 08.06.1981)   7.2   Casual  water carriers employed during  summer  season  are eligible  for  Temporary  status on completion  of  120  days  of continuous  employment. Continuous employment should be  reckoned by counting the total number of days of continuous employment  in various  spells  of  engagement as water  carrier  in  the  past, commencing  from the year 1985, provided the gap between any  two spells  has  been caused due to the season being  over  or  there being no work. Further, if a person engaged in the previous years is given an opportunity to work in the hot weather  establishment in the subsequent  year and he fails to avail the offer, he  will have  to start afresh, in the event of his engagement against  in future.        (Ref:Board’s  letter  No.E(NG)II/77/CL/N/4  dated   24.07.1979,  E(NG)II/83/ CLL/117 dated 25.01.1985 and 10.12.1985)      7.3   Casual Labour engaged on works which have  been  sanctioned upto the 31st March of the year should not be treated as having a break,  if sanction to continue the works is  given  subsequently and the casual labour are engaged to finish the work.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. PC/RLT/69/3(1)dated 12.07.1973)     7.4   Casual  Labour employed in Projects on the  Railways  (also known as Project Casual Labour) shall be treated as temporary  on completion of 360 days of continuous employment. This will  apply to:-   (a)  Casual  Labour on Projects, who were in service  as  on 1.1.1981.   (b)  Casual Labour on Projects, who though not in service on 1.1.1981,  had been in service earlier and had  been  re-engagement after 1.1.1981 with continuous  employment  of 360 days or more to their credit prior to 1.1.1981 and   (c)  Casual Labour on Projects, who though not in service on 1.1.1981  had  on  re-engagement  after  1.1.1981, either completed  or would complete the period of 360 days  of continuous employment.   7.5  Temporary status on these casual  labour would be  conferred as shown below:-   Length of Service (i.e. continuous employment) Date from which would be treated                                           as temporary i) Those, who had completed five years as on 1.1.1981 from 1.1.1981 ii) Those, who had completed three years but less than five years as on 1.1.1981 from 1.1.1982 iii) Those, who had completed360 days but less than three years as on 1.1.1981 from 1.1.1983 iv)Those who complete 360 days after 1.1.1981 from 1.1.1984 or date on which 360                                           days of continuous employment is completed, whichever is later.   NOTE: (i) Continuous employment would mean continuous engagement on the same work or the same type of work as explained in the earlier paragraphs.             (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(NG)II/84/CL/41dated 01.06.1984, 25.06.1984 and 11.09.1986)   (ii)  Your  for  the  purpose of determining  the  extent  of service should be taken as equivalent to 365 days  i.e. 5 years/3 years should be equivalent to 1825 days (5  x 365)/1095 days (3 x 365).           (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/84/CL/41 dt.27.7.1984)   7.6 For purposes of implementing the scheme, each Zonal Railway should prepare a list showing the Project Casual Labour for  each Division on the basis of length of service, as explained in para 5.2.1 of Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/84/CL/41dated 11.09.1986 and thereafter prepare a consolidated list as on 01.04.1985 covering  all Project  casual  Labour  in  employment  on  the  Zonal  Railway/Construction  organisation at any time from 1.1.1981  onwards.  The list so prepared will form the basis for conferment of temporary status and also for any subsequent engagement/re-engagement/discharge.   7.7 The provisions of the scheme is given in para 7.4 above, would also apply to Project casual labour, who had worked as such prior to 1.1.1981 and also, after discharge due to completion of work of want of further work had not been re-engaged after 1.1.1981 provided such labour having submitted written representations by 31st March, 1987, alongwith documentary proof of their earlier engagement i.e. the following: (a)      Name (b)     Father’s name, (c)      Date of birth, (d)     Permanent address. (e)      Educational qualification. (f)        Personal marks of identification, (g)     Name of office/deptt. and the place where (h)     initially engaged. (i)        Reasons for discharge; (j)        Where and how employed after discharged; (k)      Attested copy of photograph and I.T.I. & (l)        Any other proof of having worked as Project (m)   casual Labour on the Railway.   7.8   The  applications received from the Project  casual  Labour referred  to  in para 7.7 above, by 31.03.1987  should,  subject  to verification  in  regard to their genuineness by a  Committee  of officers   on  each  Division (Committee  to  be  of  the   same composition  as  constituted for regular appointment to  Gr.  ‘D’ posts), be included in a supplementary list drawn division/deptt. wise. The names of the persons included in such lists should also be  entered  in  a separate register,  called  the  Supplementary casual labour register, according to the total length of  service to  their  credit.  Their  cases should  be  considered  for  re- engagement  in  the  respective  unit of  seniority,  as  may  be required, after the list of Project casual Labour referred to  in para  7.6  is  exhausted. For  purpose   of  grant  of  temporary status,  service  as Project casual Labour, already  rendered  by them  will  be taken into account, as and  when  re-engaged.  For absorption  in regular employment it is only the  service,  which they render, after re-engagement that will be taken into account. Before   re-engagement   they  should  be  subject   to   medical examination  to  determine their fitness for  employment  on  the Railways,  having  regard  to the fact that  they  had  not  been working on the Railways for a number of years.        (Ref: Bd’s letters No.E(NG)II/84/CL/41 dt 02.03.1987 & 21.10.1987)   7.9  Open line Casual Labour, who were discharged prior to 1.1.1981 for want of work or due to completion of work and not  re-engaged thereafter are also eligible to the benefit of consideration,  as extended vide paras 7.7 & 7.198 above, to similarly placed  Project Casual  Labour,  subject to their having  submitted  applications providing   the  necessary  information,  by  31.3.1987   and   the applications, after verification, have been found to be  genuine. Such  casual labour, however, will be eligible to  be  considered for  engagement  only on the seniority unit in  which  they  were initially engaged.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/78/CL/2 dt.04.03.1987 and 21.10.1987)   7.10  If a Casual Labour retrenched on completion of work or  for want  of work does not accept the offer made or turn up for  work when  offer is made on availability of fresh work, he  loses  the benefit of the previous spell of engagement as casual labour  and his services will start afresh when engaged.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/10/CL/25 dated 02.04.1981)   7.11  When  an  individual  engaged  as  Casual  Labour  acquires temporary  status  he retains that status, so long as  he  is  in continuous  employment, even if he is transferred to a work of  a different nature.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/77/CL/46 dt. 08.06.1981)   7.12  No  deliberate  break should be caused in  the  service  of casual   labour,  when  work  for  their  continued  service   is available.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/80/CL/25 dt. 21.10.1980)   Continuous employment:   8.   Prior to 21.10.1980, discharge of casual labour either in the open line or in the Project due to completion of work or non-availability of further productive work was treated as constituting an interruption for purposes of reckoning continuous employment.  From 21.10.1980, such a  discharge  on  account  of completion of work or non-availability of further productive work does  not  constitute an interruption of  continuous  employment. Where a casual Labour has been discharged on and from 21.10.1980 in the above mentioned circumstances and re-engaged later, when work is available the previous spell of service will be reckoned as continuous with the subsequent spell of service, to determine the eligibility for being treated as temporary. Gaps to be condoned are not subject to any time limit.        (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(NG)II/80/CL/25 dt.21.10.1980, 02.04.1981, 08.09.1983 & 14.05.1984)   8.1 Service rendered by a casual labour in one unit will not count, if he joins another seniority unit after completion of work in the former unit, for purposes of reckoning continuous service towards eligibility for Temporary status.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/80/Cl/25 dated 02.04.1981)   8.2   Absence  of  the following nature will  not  constitute  an interruption or break for purposes of determining the  continuous employment:   (a) Period of absence of a workman who is under medical  treatment  in connection with  injuries  sustained  on duty, covered by the provisions under the W.C. Act;   (b) Authorised absence not exceeding 20 days in the case of open line casual labour inclusive of a period of 3 days of unauthorised absence for personal reasons; (c) Authorised absence not exceeding 30 days with effect from 01.10.1988 in  the  case  of  Project  Casual  Labour inclusive  of  three days of unauthorised  absence  for personal reasons; (upto 30.09.1988, the limit was only 20 days).   (d) In the case of female casual Labour a period of absence of  4 weeks for maternity purposes, in addition to  the authorised period of absence;   (e)  Period  of  extra-ordinary absence if  any,  when  kept under medical observation – such period being  reckoned against  the  number  of  days  of  authorised  absence allowed. In cases, where the authorities are forced  to inevitably    detain   casual   Labour   for    medical observation,  even  beyond  the  period  of  authorised absence, in individual cases, the absence in excess  of the  authorised period may, on merits of each case,  be treated  as  a  authorised absence  in  excess  of  the permissible  period,  such excess  not  constituting  a break;   (f)  Days  of  rest  given under  the  Hours  of  Employment regulation or  under the provisions of the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules.      (g) Days on which the establishment employing the casual Labour remains closed.   NOTE: (1) Days  of rest, days on which the establishment  remains closed would not count against the limit of 20  days/30 days of authorised absence.   (2) Authorised absence covers permission granted by the supervisory official in charge, to be away  from  work for the period specified.   (3) Absence of half-a-day should be reckoned as  half-a-day only.   (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(NG)II/71/CL/12 dt.15.05.1971, E(NG)II-71/CL/83 dt.11.05.1973, E (NG)II/76/CL/116 dt. 21.03.1977, E (NG) II/79/CL/26 dt. 28.07.1979, E (NG) II/ 80/CL/19 dt. 31.01.1981, E (NG) II/81/LG/2/28 dt.15.01.1982 and E(NG)II/88/CL/18 dt. 01.11.1988)   Wages:   9.    Casual Labour employed on the Railways belong to either  of the following categories, for purposes of payment of wages:   (a)  Labour governed by the Minimum Wages Act (Central); and   (b)  Labour not governed by the Minimum Wages Act.   9.1 Casual Labour, who are engaged in the  following scheduled employments on the Railways are governed by the Minimum Wages Act (Central):   (a) Construction or maintenance of roads or in building operations including Permanent Way, Docks, Wharfs, Jetties,  Bridges,  Tunnels, Overhead  Tanks,  electric lines and wires in buildings, fixing up of poles etc;      (b)  Stone breaking, stone crushing;                         (c)  Maintenance of buildings;                         (d)  Loading and unloading in the Railway Goods Sheds; and                         (e)  Ash-pit cleaning.   (Ref: Board’s letters No.E (LL) 72 ATMW/1-2 dt.17.07.1973 and 24.12.1973)   9.2   Casual Labour governed by the Minimum Wages  Act  (Central) should be paid –   (i)  A  daily rate ascertained from the local  authority  or the State Govt. concerned where necessary; or   (ii) If such a rate is not available, a daily wage at 1/30th of the minimum of the scale of pay plus D.A. as may  be applicable  to the corresponding categories of  Railway servants; and   (iii) If  either  of  the rates as at  (i)  and  (ii)  above happens to be lower than the minimum wages fixed  under the  Minimum  Wages Act (Central) then at  the  rate(s) fixed by the appropriate authority under the Act.   Note:-The rates prescribed by the State Govts. under the  Minimum Wages  Act  legislated  by the respective  States  will  not apply.   9.3   Casual  Labour  not  governed  by  the  Minimum  Wages  Act (Central)  should  be  paid  on  daily  rates  which  should   be ascertained  from the local authorities or the State  Governments concerned.   9.4       (i)  Where there are Municipalities, which have fixed  local rates, the rates fixed by them should be adopted.   Note:- If a casual labour is working within a Municipal area and if the local Municipality has given a rate for  the locality,  payment should be at the rate given  by  the Municipality  and  not  at a  rate  prevailing  in  the neighboring locality.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.PC-72/RLT/89/3(ii) dated 17.09.1973)   (ii) Where  the  Municipalities, though  existing  have  not fixed  any  rate, or where the  Municipalities  do  not exist,  the rate fixed by the other  local  authorities such  as, the District Magistrate, District  Collector, Dy.Commissioner or the State Govt. should be adopted.    (iii) Where  two different rates are operative one  fixed  by the Municipality and the other fixed by the local civil authorities  the  higher  of the two  rates  should  be adopted.        (Ref: Board’s letters No.PC76/RLT/69/7 dt.21.198.76 and PC 75/RLT/69/7 dt.13.07.1977)   9.5   Where such local rates are either not available or are  not ascertained or cannot be ascertained for a period of more than 18 months the Casual Labour should be paid at the rate of 1/30th  of the   minimum of the time scale of pay plus  Dearness  allowance thereon  as  payable  to  a  corresponding  category  of  Railway servant.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.PC-72/RLT/69/3 dt.19.11.1973) 9.6  To ensure than the rates fixed by the local authorities from time to time are not lost sight of, a review of the rates adopted by the Railway should be undertaken annually, after  ascertaining the  rates from the local authorities/ State Government. Rates  as fixed  or revised by the local authorities/State Govt. should  be adopted  promptly  for  remunerating the  casual  Labour  on  the Railways  and  in any case within three months from the  date  of such  fixation/revision  by  the local  authorities.  If  due  to unavoidable  factors/ reasons, more than 3 months’ time is  taken on  the  Railways to revise or refix the wages, the same  at  the revised rates should be paid from the date, immediately following the prescribed three months’ limit.        (Ref: Board’s letters No. PC-72/RLT/69/3(ii) dt.17.09.1973 and E (NG) II/81/CL-9 dt. 21.02.1982)   9.7 For  specialised  labour employed  as  Earth  moving  Plant Drivers, Mechanics, Drivers, Riveters, Dolly men, Heaters, Bridge Serangs,  Bridge Khalasis for whom local rates are not  available and  it  is also not possible to engage them at  the  daily  rate derived  from  the minimum of the appropriate scale of  pay  plus dearness  allowance, special rates may be sanctioned by the  G.M. in consultation with the FA&CAO.   9.8 In special cases, where justified, the G.M./CAO(R) may,  in consultation  with  the FA & CAO fix a rate  for   casual  Labour governed by Minimum Wages Act or otherwise upto 33-1/3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} in excess of the rate prescribed in the M.W. Act or  the rate prescribed by the  local  authority.  General Managers are  also  empowered  to enhance the rate of Casual Labour governed by Minimum Wages  Act, even  in  excess of 33-1/3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of rates fixed under  the  Act.  Such excess,  should  not, however, exceed the rate prevalent  in  the same  locality  for similar labour who are not  governed  by  the local  authority.  Where  a  still  higher  rate  is   considered necessary  the proposal should be referred to the  Railway  Board with full justification therefore.   (Ref: Board’s letter No.E (NG) 66 CL/21 dt.01.02.1967 and E(NG)67 CL/42 dt. 04.02.1970)   9.9  Powers to fix wages with reference to the daily rate derived from  the minimum of the appropriate scale of pay  plus  dearness allowance,  in the cases where the local rate is  not  available, may  be  exercised  by  the Head  of  the  Deptt.  concerned,  in consultation with the FA & CAO.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) 66 CL/21 dt. 20.02.1967)   9.10  Casual  Labour  governed  by the  provisions  of  Hours  of Employment  Regulations  are eligible for wages for  the  day  of periodic  rest,  if  such a day is preceded  for  followed  by  a day/days of absence authorised or unauthorised.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(LWA)69/HER/42 dt. 26.05.1973)   9.11  Casual  Labour not governed by the provisions  of  M.A. Act, 1948,  and  who do not work on the days preceding  and  following the  day  of rest are not entitled to the wages for  the  day  of periodic rest.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E (LWA) 67/HER/25 dt.14.05.1968)   9.12  Casual Labour, whose periodic rest day falls on a  National holiday  will  be allowed one day’s extra wages if they  are  not allowed to avail an alternative holiday.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E (L) 66 HL112 dated 30.12.1966)     9.13  Casual Labour employed on break-down duties  is  eligible for  free  food,  higher rate(s) of wages,  which  may  be  fixed depending  upon  the circumstances, as also  TA/DA  if  otherwise admissible under the rules as for regular Railway servants.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/69/CL/1 dated 01.03.1971)   9.14 Casual Labour who have worked in the first half of the day, but  did  not  turn  up  for work  in  the  second  half  due  to unavoidable  circumstances, should be paid wages  for  half-a-day for which they had actually worked.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)CL/4 dt. 29.10.1962)   9.15  Casual  Labour  engaged in  scheduled  employments  on  the Railways  (M.W.  Act (Central) should be issued  wage  slips,  as provided  in  Rule 26 (2) of the Minimum  Wages  (Central)  Rules, 1950,  before  the disbursement of wages. This  is  a  statutory obligation  on the part of the employer. Similarly  wage  sheets for such labour should be maintained.        (Ref Board’s letter No. E(LWA)66 AT/MW/1-14 dated 21.12.1966) & E (L) C74 ATMW/1-1 dated 18.07.1974)   9.16 Irrespective of whether a Casual Labour is a male or female, wages  and  other benefits admissible should be  allowed  without discrimination.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E (NG) II/83/CL/107 dated 04.06.1984)   10. Remuneration in the regular scale of pay :        Casual  Labour,  whether  in the open  line  or  engaged  in Projects, who have attained temporary status are entitled to  the regular  time scale of pay with the benefit of  annual  increment, D.A., HRA and CCA, wherever applicable as per rules.   10.1 Casual Labour engaged in Projects, on completion of 180 days of  continued  employment are eligible to be treated  as  monthly rated  workers and should be paid consolidated wages at the  rate of  the  minimum scale of pay i.e., equal to the minimum  of  the scale of pa plus Dearness allowance thereon, without however, the benefit in increments.   Note:- Till they completed 120 days of continuous service in the case of open line Casual Labour and 180 days in the case of Project Casual Labour payment would be at daily rates.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E (NG) II/82/LG-5/4 dt. 06.06.1983)   10.2    Before,  however, allowing the benefits  referred  to  in paras 10 and 10.1 above, a preliminary verification in regard  to age and completion of the requisite number of days of  continuous service should be made by an Asstt. Officer.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/77/CL/46 dt. 08.06.1981)   10.3   Casual Labour, who have attained temporary status and have been  paid  in the regular time scale of pay,  when  re-employed, after having been discharged either on completion of work or  for non-availability  of further productive work, are eligible to  be started on the pay last drawn by them, provided the services were put in after 21.10.1980.               (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II-77/CL/46 dated 18.11.1981 & 12.01.1983)   10.4   In the case of open line, Casual Labour engaged in Skilled categories, the relevant scale for purposes of determining  their wages  on attainment of temporary status will be that  applicable to Skilled artisans. Similarly, Project casual Labour engaged  in Skilled categories will be eligible to draw, on completion of 180 days  of continuous employment, consolidated wages equal  to  the minimum  of  the  relevant scale of  pay  applicable  to  skilled artisans  plus D.A. thereon. Payment in or with reference to  the scale will, however, be admissible in individual cases, only from the  date  an  individual  casual Labour  engaged  in  a  skilled category  has  passed  the prescribed trade  test,  if  the  same happens to be later than the date of attaining Temporary  status/date  of completion of 180 days of continuous employment, as  the case may be.               (Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/84/CL/58 dated 20.12.1985)   11.   Entitlements and Privileges             Casual Labour are not entitled to any privileges  other than  those statutorily admissible under the Labour Laws such  as Minimum   Wages  Act,  W.C.  Act.,  I.D.  Act  etc., or those specifically sanctioned by the Board from time to time.   11.1 Casual Labour, who have attained temporary status are eligible for all the rights and benefits admissible to Temporary Railway servants, as laid down in Chapter XXIII of the Indian Railways Estt. Manual, (1968 Edition) including the  benefit  of application  of the Railway Servants Discipline &  Appeal  Rules. The entitlements and privileges admissible/allowed to the Casual Labour are as follows:-   11.2  Casual labour, who have attained temporary status  are entitled   (a)  To  be  paid  in regular scale  of  pay  plus  Dearness Allowance, HRA and CCA wherever admissible, with annual increments;   (b)  To contribute to the S.R.P.F.,   (c) To count half of the service rendered (i) in the case of open line  casual  labour  after 01.01.1961 (after attaining  temporary  status) and (ii) in the case of Project causal labour (after attaining Temporary          status) after 01.01.1981, towards qualifying  service  for pensionary  benefits on their eventual absorption in  a regular post;              (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/78/CL/12 dated 16.10.1990, E (NG) II/85/CL/6                   dated 28.11.1986 and 19.05.1987)   11.3      Leave                             Temporary Railway servants are entitled practically  to the same leave facilities as are admissible to permanent  Railway servants  and  the  leave  earned  by  the  casual  Labour  after attaining  temporary status and which is at their credit  on  the date  of  their  absorption in a regular  post  will  be  carried forward to the new post.           (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/83/CL/SC/9 dated 07.05.1983) 11.4:                           Casual  Labour, who have attained Temporary status  and have put in three years of continuous service, are eligible to be granted Festival Advance/ Flood Advance, subject however, to  the condition  that they furnish two sureties from permanent  Railway servants.           (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/78/CL/14 dated 22.11.78 and 27.12.1978)   11.5      Passes & PTO’s                           Casual Labour with Temporary status also is eligible to  the privilege of passes and PTO’s till absorption.  Also  the continuous  service  rendered by them after  attaining  temporary status will count for the purpose of post-retirement passes.           (Board’s letter No.E(NG)64CL/25 dated 29.01.1966)   Normally casual labours are recruited locally.  But  in situations  when  local recruitment is not possible due  to  non-availability  and  the labour are recruited away from  the  site, passes  may  be  issued for the individuals (not  to  the  family members) on recruitment as also at the time of their discharge.           (Board’s letter No. W(NF)60/CL/13/ dated 29.11.1962)   (a) Since Casual labours have not been absorbed  against regular  posts,  they  are  not  entitled  to  the benefit of widow/widower passes.          (b) Casual labour are entitled to get 6 sets of PTO instead of 4 sets till their absorption.      (Authority Board’s letter No.E(W)85PSS-8/2 Dated 12.12.1989)   11.6 Incentive under F.W. Programme:                           Casual  labour who have become entitled to  payment  in regular  time scale of pay re eligible to the grant of  incentive increment  for following the small family norms under the  Family Welfare Scheme.           (Ref: Board’s letters No. 80/H/FW7/1 Dated 07.02.1980 & 80/H/FW7/1 dated 30.12.1984 and 03.08.1985)           11.7 Daily rated casual labour, both male and  female, are eligible for wages for the days of absence due to the following:          (1)  Vasectomy operation  – Male – For a maximum of six working days.   (2)  Non-puerperal  Tubectomy – Female – For a maximum of fourteen working days.   (3)  Insertion of I.U.D – Female – For one working day.            Benefit will be admissible only to those, who have been in continuous  employment  for  at least three  months.  Full  wages should be claimed for the days of absence, subject to the maximum limit  prescribed  and debited to contingencies under  the grant provided by the Min. of Health, Govt. of India. For those not fulfilling the  conditions relating to the extent of service prescribed, payment of the normal compensation money  will  only be admissible.        (Ref: Board’s letters No.66/H/FW/6/74 dt.15.03.1972 and 78/H/FW/9/5 dt.15.02.1979)               Further, when admitted as indoor patient in the hospital for post vasectomy complications, free diet is admissible.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. 65/H/FP06/74 dt. 07.06.1973)   11.8 Relaxation in age limit for direct recruitment in Group ‘C’ Posts.    Casual  Labour/Substitutes who have put in 3 years (at one stretch or in broken periods) are granted age relaxation upto the period service put in as Casual Labour/Substitutes subject to the age  relaxation limit 40 years in the case of general candidates and 45 years in the case of SC/ST not being exceeded.      (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(NG)II/75/CL/85 dt. 03.01.1976 and E(NG)II/79/CL/17 dt. 28.04.1979) and E (NG) II/91/CL/71 dt. 25.07.1991)   11.9 Productivity Linked Bonus   Casual Labour who have attained temporary status and Project casual  labour  on  completion  of not  less  than  180  days  of continuous  service are eligible to be paid  Productivity  linked bonus.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II/79/PLB/1 dt. 24.01.1980)   However, Casual labour entitled to Productivity linked bonus as  per orders in force, but injured on duty and placed  on  sick list  and  paid  half-monthly payment  as  applicable  under  the Workman’s compensation Act, 1965 are not entitled to be paid  the Productivity linked bonus.           (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II/82/1 PLB-6 dt.10.01.1984)   11.10     Holidays:   Casual Labour with temporary status is eligible for fifteen days  of casual leave in a calendar year besides   nine  holidays effective  from 1.1.80 inclusive of the three National holidays. Prior to 01.01.1980,  they were entitled  to  only  three  National holidays.      (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(LR)III/78/HL I/4 dt. 22.05.1979 and 23.02.1980) Casual  Labour  engaged  in Projects,  who  are  treated  as monthly  rated workers and paid consolidated wages equivalent  to the  minimum  of the time scale of pay  plus  Dearness  allowance thereon,  are entitled, on completion of 180 days  of  continuous service  to nine holidays in a calendar year, inclusive of  three National holidays.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/82/LG5/4 dt. 06.06.1983)   Where  due  to compulsions of work, such Casual  Labour  is required  to work on National holidays, they are eligible  to  be paid  monetary compensation (National holiday allowance)  as  per the rate(s) in force from prescribed conditions.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/76 CL/63 dt. 22.01.1977)     Casual Labour engaged on daily rate of pay are entitled to three National holidays only, provided they are in service on the day preceding the National holiday and are also in service on the day  following  the National holiday. In case the  following  day happens  to fall on the periodic day of rest, they should  be  in service on the next working day. The National holidays should  be treated as paid holidays.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(LL)62/HL1/3 dt.17.01.1964)   On the day of polling during elections to the Lok Sabha/State Legislature, Casual Labour should be given facilities for casting votes but they are not entitled to a paid holiday.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(L)67 HL-3 dt. 27.04.1967)   11.11 Compassionate engagement of wards: If a Casual labour dies, due to accident while on duty, the General  Manager may consider requests from his (deceased C.L.) ward for engagement  as a Casual Labour or  as  a  Substitutes, provided the casual labour concerned is eligible for compensation under  the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923. The power in  this behalf should be exercised by the G.M. personally and should  not be delegated lower down.          (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II-84/CL/28 dated 04.05.1984)   The  General  Manager may also  exercise  his  personal discretionary power in the case of death of a Casual labour  with temporary status dying in harness i.e. during the employment with the Railways, other than the cases of death due to accident,  for engaging  a  suitable and eligible ward of  the  deceased. This engagement  will be as a Casual labour or as a Substitute only. The General Manager is required to exercise the powers personally in this behalf in a judicious manner taking into account the features  of the cases i.e. whether they constitute to extreme hardship meriting special consideration.             (Ref: Board’s letters No. E(NG)II/84/CL/238 dated 31.12.1986 and 06.12.1989 & 06.12.1990) 11.12     MATERNITY LEAVE   Female casual Labour with temporary status will be entitled to all benefits of maternity leave irrespective of their length of temporary status service, as  admissible to female temporary  Railway  servants under Rule  551-RI,  effective  from 25.06.1991.           (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-90/CPC LE-9 dated 25.06.1991)   Female casual labour without temporary statuses are, however, not entitled to the grant of maternity leave. In  their case a period of 4 weeks may be allowed as authorised absence for maternity purposes.              (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(P&A)I-82/14PLB-6 dated 20.11.1984)   11.13 Compensation for temporary disablements   11.13.1 Casual labour including daily rates labour, who suffer temporary  disablement on duty are eligible to be paid half-monthly payment as compensation at the rates prescribed ion  the Workmen’s Compensation Act.             (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/87/CL/2 dated 8.11.1978)   11.13.2 GMs are empowered to sanction the cost of/supply  of artificial  links to such casual labour not on  temporary  status who  are involved in accidents arising out of duty/in the  course of duty. This power cannot be delegated further.           (Ref: Board’s letter No. 70/H/9/25 dt.28.11.1970)   11.14  Casual Labour, wherever have to be unavoidably sent  on duty out of their HQrs station to a place more than 8 KMs. away from Hqrs. station are entitled to be paid Daily allowance as per rules, at the rates specified from time to time. The instructions linking the rates of daily allowance with the classification  of cities for grant of CCA is applicable to casual labour also.   (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/80/CL/22 dated 28.10.81 & E(NG)II/86/CL/34                 dated 20.1.87 (S C Rly) and Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/78/CL/29 dt. 21.09.1978)     11.15     Educational Assistance:                           Casual labours with temporary status, who have  put  in not  less  than  3 years service  are  entitled  for  educational assistance.       (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)90-EDI-8 dated 04.02.1991)   11.16 Casual Labour engaged on night duty will  be  eligible for  additional  remuneration,  for  each  hour  of  night   duty performed between 22.00 hrs. and 6.00 hrs. at 2{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} (two percent) of the daily wages per each hours of night work. For this purpose 30 minutes  and above will be rounded off to one hour and less  than 30 minutes will be ignored.   12.   Seniority                            Service  prior to absorption in the regular cadre  will not count for seniority, which will be determined on the basis of their regular appointment after due screening/selection viz-a-vis other  regular Railway servants, subject to the previous that  if the seniority of certain individual Railway servants has  already been determined in any other manner pursuant to Judicial decision or otherwise, the same shall not be altered.             (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/83/CL/SC/9 dated 07.05.1983 and Para 2511(a) of IREM)   13.  Medical facilities:   All  Casual  Labour, whether employed in open  line  or Project are eligible for medical facilities for self only in  the out-patient departments.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/77/CL/2 dated 03.05.1978)   13.1  In certain special circumstances as  mentioned  below, casual  labour (and not their family members) may also  be  given free in-door medical treatment facilities.   (a) When they sustain injuries in accident cases,  as specifically provided for in the relevant Acts for e.g., in Workmen’s Compensation Act; and   (b)  When  they are employed at sites not  within  easy reach  of non-Railway medical facilities  or  when such  facilities,  though  available  are  grossly inadequate. In special cases, when the patient is confined to  bed, medical  attendance and treatment may be given at  the  residence also.      (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/77/CL/46 dt.18.11.1981)   14.  Supply of Uniforms             Casual labour as have completed one year of  continuous service  after attaining temporary at status are eligible to  the supply  of Uniforms, if they are working in  categories  eligible for   the   supply,   e.g.,  Gangmen   attached   to   mechanised maintenance).        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)/87/UVI/14 dated 26.07.1990)   15.   Working hours and Periodic rest.    All Casual labour is entitled to a weekly day of  rest with  pay.   For purposes of hours of work, periods of  rest  and payment  of overtime allowance etc., their  classification  would follow  the  category  in which they are  employed  and  will  be regulated in accordance with the Hours of Employment regulations. Such  of those as are governed by the Minimum Wages Act  will  be governed  by  the  provisions of the Act  and  the  rules  framed there under.             (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG)60/CL/13/ dated 22.08.1962, 01.09.1962 and E(NG)II/76/CL/116 dated 21.03.1977)             Casual labour who are governed by the Minimum Wages Act are entitled to a weekly day of rest after they have  worked  in the  scheduled  employment under the same employer  a  continuous period of not less than 6 days.      (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(Trg)/Adj/29 dated 17.12.1963)   However,  for a period of five years from  15.05.1985  the provisions of Sections 13 & 14 of the minimum Wages Act  relating to  hours of work and overtime will not apply to the daily  rated casual  labour  on the Railways engaged in the  Constructions  of maintenance  of Permanent Way, subject to the condition that  the exempted  casual labour are governed by the Hours  of  Employment Regulations, 1961.       (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LL)/84/AT/WM/1-5 dated 07.06.1985)   16. Records/Registers:   (a)  Service Card: This is commonly referred to as  the Casual  labour Card and should be in the form of booklet (like  a passport  book  of  the size 4″ to 6″) with a  staff  card  board binding. Every individual engaged as Casual labour  should, on his  appointment be given the casual labour card, which  should be retained by him as documentary proof of his service. The  card should contain the following:-   (i) Page 1 on the left side should carry instructions  for the guidance of casual labour. The instructions should be in bilingual form, both in Hindi and in English. In addition, instructions may also be given in a local language of the area, if convenient.   (ii)  A machine-number on the card.   (An account of the Casual labour cards should be maintained in the Divisional office  indicating  the particular  field unit to which a card has  been  issued and the worker in whose favour it has been issued).   (iii) Information indicating (1) Name of the individual (in block letters)   (2) Father’s name   (3) Date of birth   (4) Age at initial casual employment – Year and month (5) Personal mark(s) of identification   (6) Date of engagement   (7) Date of termination   (8) Nature of job on each occasion   (9)  Name  in  full  (Capital  letters)  &  Design.  of Supervisor   For purpose of providing a Card, each individual before his engagement as casual labour, should deposit a sum of Rupee One and also copy of his photograph in passport size. The photo, after attestation by the competent authority, should be pasted in the space provided for the purpose in the Casual Labour card.   The casual labour card will be an accepted document of identification of the  casual labour at all times for all purposes. It should not be lost. In the event of loss, a report  should be lodged by the concerned casual labour with  the near  at Police station and a copy of the FIR should be given  to the  Railway.   A duplicate card may be issued  thereafter  on  a charge  of Rupees Two.  The issuing authority should ensure  that the  duplicate card is is issued to the same person to  whom  the original  was  issued.  Any failure in this regard is  liable  to render  the  Railway servant concerned for action under  the  D&A Rules.    The casual labour card, after preparation will be in the custody of the Supervisor in charge of the unit and will be given to the casual labour at the time of discharge/retrenchment. Whenever  taken  back/re-engaged, the card should be  taken  back from them and after entering the date of re-engagement,  the Supervisor in charge should retain the same in his custody. When casual labour attain temporary status, their casual labour cards should be secured with the Service Book opened for the respective individuals. Entries of service  in  the  card, under each subordinate should be made without fail before discharge. Periods of authorised absence, not constituting a break in continuity for purposes  of  conferring  temporary status, should  be  shown  as service.   Officers of the Personnel Branch and officers of the employing department  should conduct test checks  regularly  to guard against malpractices in the preparation and issue of cards like forging of signatures, issue of bogus cards, making unauthorised or fictitious entries of past service etc. Similarly before  re-engaging any individual as casual labour on the basis of  his claim of previous engagement as per casual labour card, the employing supervisor should satisfy himself that  the  card produced is genuine.   Casual  labour card need not be prepared and issued to the casual  labour, who are engaged for a very limited period, say a week or ten days or a fortnight for work during emergencies  like restoration of breaches, flood relief, accident relief operations etc. (Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG) 63/CL/42 dt. 24.03.1964, E(NG)II/71/CWL/5 dt. 30.11.1971,  E(NG)II/78/CL/30 dt.13.09.1978, E (NG) II/79/CL/7 dt.13.03.1979 & 04.02.1984, E(NG)II/80/CL/5 dt.10.12.1984 and E(NG)II/84/CL/24 dt.24.09.1987)   (b)  Service book – This  will  be  opened alongwith  leave  account  for  every individual casual labour on his/her attaining temporary status. Besides containing  the bio-data and other relevant  details  of service  rendered as casual labour, the service book should  also carry  a  reference at the top to the LTI register  number,  live register  number  and  the  casual  labour  card number  of  the individual  concerned.  The  service book  should  be maintained thereafter  just  as  it is done in respect  of  regular  Railway servants.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/89/CL/1 dt.23.02.1990)   (c)  Left hand Thumb Impression Register In  each unit of engagement of Casual Labour, a register of specimen   thumb impression of each casual labour should maintained, providing for the following:   (1) Sl. No (2) Name & Designation (3) Father’s name (4) Permanent home/residential address (5) Rate of pay (6) Date of appointment (7) Age of appointment / D O B (8) Date of final discharge/date of absorption (9) Date of first working as C.L./attaining temporary status (10) Whether SC/ST/Ex. Serviceman (11) Casual Labour Card No (12) Service Register number (in the case of those with temporary status), (13) Live register No. (14) Rolled thumb impression of the casual labour with attestation of the appointing authority.      Entries  should  be made only once and in  a  running  order based  on the date of engagement. The thumb impression should  be got examined by the Finger Print Examiner in due course of time.        (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(G)63/FRI-1 dt.11.02.1964 and E(NG)II/89/CL/1 dt.23.02.1990) (d) Live register:    The names of all open line casual labour, employed in a unit should  be  entered in a register (to be  maintained  unit-wise), entry  in  the register being made strictly in the order  of  the individual taking up casual appointment at the initial stage.       In  the case of Project casual labour, the register will  be maintained  as per the territorial jurisdiction of the  Division, including all the departments. The register should have the following :-      (1) Sl. No (2) Name & Designation (3) Father’s name (4) Date of Birth (5) Educational Qualification (6) Personal marks of identification (7) Whether SC/ST/Ex. serviceman (8) Age at initial casual employment         (9) Unit in which initially engaged. (10) Date of giving monthly rate scale (11) Date of absorption (12) L.T.I. register number (13) Casual Labour Card No (14) Service Register number  (15) Permanent address      The live register will be a running record of the casual labour, working in a particular unit/Division in the case of Project casual labour, and also of those discharged casual labour waiting  for  re-engagement, but will exclude the  names  of  the casual labour no longer entitled to be kept in the live  register i.e., (i)  the names of casual labour who have been  absorbed in regular posts; (ii)  the names of casual labour who were discharged prior to 1.1.1981 and not re-engaged thereafter for any reason; (iii)  the names of discharged casual labour who do not report for duty when called on two occasions on the availability of work.   The names of casual labour who are engaged for a very  short duration viz., on occasions like restoration of breaches, through communication, accident relief etc., are however, not required to be included in the live register.   The live register should be maintained in duplicate and  one copy from each unit should be lodged with the Divisional Office. In the case of Railway establishment  other  than  the Zonal Railways, one copy should be with a nominated officer  and  the other with the respective units/supervisors. The   register maintained  in the units should be updated from time to time  and reviewed  annually,  preferably during the first quarter of the year, to ensure proper maintenance, as per the  instructions  in force.  The register maintained should also be scrutinised  by  a senior Gazetted Officer, at least once annually after the  review has taken place, if not at the beginning and close of the year as is normally required, to ensure that no unauthorised entries  are made,  and signed by him in token of the scrutiny. A note  should also  be kept in the register as to when and by whom it had  been checked.    The copy of the register maintained in the Divisional office should be updated once a year or atleast once in two years from the copy in the field units, after a  verification  of  the authenticity of the additions/deletions, if any made in the field registers.    The  names  of all casual labour borne on  the  live  casual labour  register,  alongwith  other  relevant  particulars   like father’s name, unit in which employed, LTI register number  etc., should be computerised and printouts secured. (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(NG)63/CL/13 dt.16.09.1963, E(NG)II/78/CL/2  dt.  21.02.1984 & 22.11.1984, E(NG)II/78/CL/2 dt.25.04.1986, E(NG)II/87/CL/38 dt. 12.06.1987 and E(NG)II/78/CL/2  dt. 08.12.1988)    (e)  Supplementary live register:   The names of casual labour, both in the open line and in the Projects who were discharged prior to 1.1.1981 for want of work  or due  to completion of work and not re-engaged thereafter and  who had applied by 31.03.1987, claiming the benefit of inclusion in  the seniority  list prepared by the Administration for  provision  of employment  will,  after  a verification of  genuineness  of  the claims, by a committee of officers on each Division, be  entered in  the supplementary live register. For full details, para  7.7. to 7.9 above may be seen. The registers will be separate for  the open  line casual  labour and the Project casual labour. The individuals borne on the supplementary live registers will  have no preference over those borne on the live registers for purposes of consideration for absorption, re-engagement.        (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(NG)84/CL/41 dt. 02.03.1987, E(NG)II/78/CL/2  dt. 04.03.1987, E (NG) II/84/CL/41 dt. 20.03.1987 and E (NG) II/78/CL/2  dt. 21.10.1987)    17.  Absorption     All  vacancies  in Group ‘D’ posts, barring  the  following, becoming  available upto 30.6.1992 would, as per the extant  ad-hoc arrangement, be filled from amongst casual labour and substitutes empanelled on the basis of screening:   (i)  Vacancies against which appointment on compassionate grounds is done;    (ii)  Vacancies provided for recruitment of Sports persons and artists;   (iii) Vacancies reserved for recruitment of ex-service personnel;   (iv) Vacancies in Diesel & Electric Loco sheds &   (v) Vacancies in workshops in the Mech Deptt   Note: Due  to special requirements of workshops in the  Mech Deptt.,  vacancies  in Gr.’D’ are filled,  as  per  the instructions contained in Board’s letter No.E(NG) II/ 73 /CL /41 dated  23.08.1973, inclusive of transfer of Railway servants who volunteer from  other departments and transfer of Gangmen and Stores Khalasis against a prescribed limit. The resultant vacancies  in other departments are available for the absorption of casual labour and Substitutes.        (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(NG)84/CL/92 dt.15.12.1984 and E(NG)II/84/CL/5  dt.22.06.1990)                   17.1 On the Northeast Frontier Railway vacancies  in  Group ‘D’  should  be filled to the extent of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} from  amongst  casual labour and the rest through the Employment Exchange.   17.2 Absorption i.e. appointment against a regular  vacancy, will  be  on  the basis of screening and not  by  selection. The Screening  Committee  should at least consist  of  three  members including an officer belonging to SC/ST community and another  to minority community.        (Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG) II/70/CL/28 dt.20.7.1970, E (NG) II/79/CL/16 dt. 27.04.1979 and E (NG) II/83/RR1/7 dt. 01.06.1983)           17.3 While drawing screened panels for absorption against normal Group ‘D’ vacancies, the Screening Committee should ensure intake of SCs/STs confirming to the percentages  of  reservation prescribed  in  their favour. In the event of  shortfall  in  the intake  of  SCs/STs, the deficiency should be made  good  through Direct recruitment.        (Ref: Board’s letters No.E(SCT)74/CM/15/7 dt.27.04.1974 & 09.10.1974 and 88/E(SCT)1/28/1 dt. 04.10.1988)   17.4  For purposes of screening and absorption, the  instructions provide as follows:-   (a) Casual labour employed in Projects should, as a rule, be considered  for appointment on a regular basis against vacancies  in  Group ‘D’  posts  required  for operation  and maintenance of new assets created  viz., new lines, conversions, doubling, major yard remodeling  i.e. the posts to be filled exclusively  from  Casual labour who have worked at the Project stage; An exception can  be made, if there are open line casual labour in the area covered by the local recruitment units of the Inspector, who have worked for longer periods, than the Project casual labour.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/72/CL/11 dt. 07.03.1972)   (b) Project casual labour are also eligible to be considered for appointment on any section of the open line  and  their consideration is not  limited to the immediate area of the construction only. The total service as a casual labour should decide eligibility for consideration  as between open  line  and  Project casual labour.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/72/CL/11 dt. 03.05.1972)       (c) A Division should be treated as a unit. Having, however,  regard to the situation and varied  practices on  the  Railways  in regard to  absorption  of casual labour, it has been left to the individual Railways to evolve suitable guidelines, in consultation with recognised labour, for absorption  of both Project casual labour and open line casual labour in regular employment,  against  normal vacancies as  well  as  in posts sanctioned for decasualisation, in an equitable manner.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/88/CL/109 dt.17.02.1989)   17.5  After  working  out  the vacancies  in  Gr.’D’  to  be provided   for  the  absorption  of  casual  labour  in   regular employment  in accordance with the instructions in force, a  list of casual labour eligible to be considered should be drawn  equal to  the  number  of vacancies worked out  plus  25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}  thereof. In drawing the list, only those who are borne on the current  casual labour  register,  excluding  those who had been  absent  on  two occasions   when   called  for  screening  earlier,   should   be considered. The list should be prepared in the order of seniority of  all  eligible casual labour* in the unit of  screening  which may   be   fixed   by   the   Railway,  based   on   the   total service/cumulative aggregate service.   (*including those referred to in paras 17.6 & 17.7)        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E (NG) II/78/CL/18 dt.21.02.1984, E(NG)II/79/CL/2 dt. 03.03.1982 and E (NG) 88/CL/18 dt. 01.10.1988)   17.6 Casual  labour working in the offices of  the  Railway Recruitment  Boards should also be considered for  absorption  on the  basis of screening along with other open line casual  labour in the Division, where the office of the RRB is located.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/81/RSC/48 dt.15.10.1981)   17.7 Casual labour engaged seasonally viz.  water  carriers /Pankha puller etc., should also be considered for screening  for absorption  along  with  others based on their  total  length  of service.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/77/CL/N/4 dt.24.07.1979)   17.8 Casual labour engaged in work-charged establishments, who are  promoted to semi-skilled, skilled and highly  skilled grades  due  to non-availability of departmental  candidates  and continue  to work as such for a long period, may be absorbed  in regular  vacancies in skilled grades to the extent of 25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of  the vacancies  in the open line reserved for  departmental  promotion from the un-skilled and semi-skilled categories,  provided  they have  passed  the  requisite trade test. Those so absorbed  in skilled categories  will  be  placed  below  the  departmental promotees. This  facility of absorption will also apply  to  the casual labour, who was engaged initially directly in the skilled categories in work-charged establishments, after  qualifying  in the trade test.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)62/CL/36 dt.16.01.1963, E(NG)II/73/CL/70 dt. 13.06.1974  and E(NG)II/82/CL/6  dt.18.11.1983)   17.9 At the time of screening of casual labour relaxation in age should be automatic if it is established that the  individual was  within  the prescribed age limit and had been more  or  less regularly  working.  In old cases, where the age  limit  was  not observed, relaxation of age should be considered sympathetically. The  CPOs,  DRMs  and the  Chief  Engineers  (Construction)  are competent to grant the relaxation in age.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/79/CL/5 dt.16.5.79, E(NG)II/83/CL/NR/39 dt. 29.09.1980, 10.10.1980 & 09.05.1983) 17.10 Relaxation of age to the extent of service rendered  as Casual  labour  in  skilled/highly  skilled  grades  (Gr.’C’)  is admissible  at  the  time of consideration  of  their  cases  for regularisation in Gr.’C’ skilled/Highly skilled grades.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/74/CL/26 dt.25.02.1975)   17.11 As per the requirement prescribed, casual labour  will be  eligible  to be considered for  absorption  against  Group’D’ vacancies in all the wings of the Electrical, Mechanical, in  the workshops of the  S&T Departments, only if they have the  minimum qualification   of   ITI  or  they  are  Course   completed   Act Apprentices. However, this requirement has been kept in  abeyance upto 30.06.1992.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/84/CL/85 dt.31.07.1985 & 13.09.1985 and E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 dt. 04.09.1986, 15.12.1988 & 15.07.1991)   17.12 Physical fitness of the casual labour who are  proposed to  be absorbed should be considered i.e. they should be in good bodily health and free from any  deficiency/defect, likely to interfere with or affect the efficient performance of the  duties of  the  post to which they may be  appointed  after  absorption. Subject  to  what  has been mentioned in paras  17.13  to  17.15, casual  labour  empanelled  for absorption  should  be  medically examined in the appropriate category before absorption.   17.13 If the casual labours have been medically examined, at the time of initial  engagement in  the appropriate medical category,  they need not be examined any further at the  time  of their  regularisation.  However, they will have  to  be  examined regarding  the  periodicity of examination while in  service,  as required  for  regular  employees.  As per  extent  rules,  these examinations  will required the Railway servant to  have  medical standard(s)  as applicable at the time of  re-examination  during service. The casual labours are now to  be  medically  examined preferably  before  they  are  given  temporary  status  for  the category in which they are to be eventually absorbed.              (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/87/CL/89 dt. 04.01.1988)      17.14 Casual Labour, who have rendered a minimum of 6  years of  service, whether continuous or in broken periods and who  are empanelled  for  regular  appointment  and  who  have  not   been medically examined earlier should be sent for medical examination which should be a relaxed standard as prescribed for medical  re-examination of Railway servants during service.    (Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/71/CL/84 dt.13.12.1972 &10.05.1973 and E (NG) II/80/CL/29 dt.29.08.1983)                   17.15 Such of the casual labour as have rendered a minimum of 6  years of service are found on medical examination, unfit for the  particular  category for which they are  sent  for  medical examination, despite  the  relaxed  standard applies,  may be considered for an alternative category requiring a lower medical classification,  subject to the possibility of absorption  in  an alternative  category with lower medical classification  existing and the individual concerned is adjudged  suitable to be absorbed in the alternative category.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/71/CL/84 dt.13.12.1972 and 10.05.1973)   17.16 Casual labour with temp status, who are medically decategorised due to injuries sustained by them in the course of duty, could get their names registered in the special  Employment Exchanged for the physically handicapped. If their names so registered as physically handicapped in the said Exchange,  their candidature would be considered by the Rly. administration, along with  other eligible physically handicapped candidates  nominated by the special Employment Exchange and vocational  rehabilitation centers  as and when the next recruitment against the  quota  for the physically handicapped, takes place.       (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/88/CL/68 dt.17.09.1990)           17.17 Casual labours, who have attained  temp  status,  when called  for  screening  may be issued passes  for  their  journey wherever  involved  and the periods spend for the purpose  may  be treated as duty.      (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/82/CL/W/5 dt. 21.04.1983)          17.18 Casual labour with temp status on absorption in regular group ‘D’ posts will be allowed fixation of pay as follows:-   a) Those drawing pay in identical grades will have their pay fixed with reference to the last pay drawn;   b)Those working in semi-skilled and skilled grades but absorbed in group ‘D’ unskilled grades will have their pay fixed by granting increments in the unskilled grade with reference to their earlier service as casual labour in higher or equivalent grades.       (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/76/CL/79 dt. 05.11.1976)           17.19 Casual labour engaged in the MPTs at Bombay, Delhi and  Madras should be considered for absorption on the Central, Northern and Southern Railways respectively alongwith  the  open line  casual labour and project casual labour of  the  respective Railways.   They should also be considered for absorption against the posts in Group ‘D’ sanctioned for maintaining the assets created by  these MTP Organisations as and when the posts are actually sanctioned.           (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/84/PO/MTP/13 dated 13.02.1985)   17.19 The staff of cooperative societies, canteen, commission vendor/Bearers  etc. can be considered for regular absorption  in Group ‘D’ after eligible Casual Labour and substitutes have  been considered, i.e. in the list of screening, they will be below all casual labour and substitutes.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(NG)III/77/RR1/5 dated 26.08.1977)   18.   Termination/Retrenchment:   Except, where notice is required to be served under any statutory  obligation, no notice is required for the  termination of  the services of casual labour. Their services will be  deemed to have been terminated when they absent themselves.             Where  retrenchment is necessary, due to non-availability of work, the unit for their retrenchment will be the unit of their recruitment i.e. the Inspector or the establishment of  the Senior Subordinate viz., IOW, PWI, S.M., Tfc  Inspector, L.F., as  the case may be. The junior most will be retrenched first, subject o what has been mentioned in para  18.9  Casual Labour diverted from one unit to another will rank junior most  in the  new unit. On projects, the jurisdiction of the XEN  will  be the unit for retrenchment.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(LL)71/AT/1D/1-7  dated 22.01.1974)   18.1 In  the  case  of  casual  labour  who  has  attained temporary  status, termination of services otherwise than due  to completion  of  work  or want of work or due  to  being  rendered surplus  requires  the  procedure prescribed under  the  Disc.  & Appeal Rules to be followed.   18.2  In terms of the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, a worker means any individual  doing  either  Manual  or clerical  or technical  work  and  includes  all  casual  labour employed on the Railways i.e. open line, Project and Construction. For purposes of effecting retrenchment, wherever it becomes necessary, the unit concerned should prepare and  display seniority  list(s) of the particular categories of Casual  Labour employed  therein  including those who  have  attained  temporary status.   18.3  Notice    Casual labour, who have worked for a period of not less than  240 days in the preceding twelve calendar months should  be given  a  notice  of one month in writing  as  per  the  proforma prescribed  indicating  the reasons for retrenchment or  paid  in lieu of such notice, wages for the period of notice. One  month’s notice  as required under the relevant provisions of the  I.D.Act should  invariably be given rather than payment of wages in  lieu of  notice.  The total service rendered by  casual  labour  under different subordinates in a Division or under a Personnel  Office would  count  for  the  purpose  of  providing  the  retrenchment benefits.        (Ref: Board’s letter No.E(L)58 AT4/10  dated 26.12.1959)   18.4 No notice is required, if the retrenchment is under  an agreement, which specifies a date for the termination of service. A direct written communication to the casual labour concerned will be necessary, wherever the engagement is  for  a  specific period.   18.5 Retrenchment Compensation :   Upon termination of service on due notice or payment of wages  in  lieu of notice period, compensation as  laid  down  in Section 25(F) of the I.D. Act i.e. compensation equivalent to  15 days’ average pay for each completed year of service or any  part thereof  in excess of 6 months, is payable to casual labour,  who have been employed for not less than 240 days in the preceding 12 months in (a)  Construction work or a project which has been going  on for a period of more than two years; and   (b) Other than construction work or project.   18.6 Casual  labour  should  be  deemed  to  have  completed continuous  service  for  one year under an employer  if  he  has worked  for 240 days (calculated in terms of Section 25(B)(2)  of the  I.D. ACT) in a period of 12 month proceeding the  date  with reference  to  which calculation in to be made, even  though  the casual labour might not have been in service for the whole  year. Similarly,  service rendered in excess of 6 months with not  less than  120  working  days therein will count as  the  whole  year.  However, in a service of more than 6 months, if the casual labour have  not  put  in  actual  work for  not  less  than  120  days, compensation  will not be payable for that period and the  casual labour  will be eligible to be paid only for the completed  years of service.  Retrenchment compensation, where due, should  invariably be paid, at the time of retrenchment.   (Ref: Board   letter  No.  E(L)58  AT4/10  dated   26.12.1959, E(LWA)67  AT/LD/1-6 dated 20.01.1968,  E(LL)81  AT/1D/1-18 dated 23.02.1982 & E(LL)72 AT/1D/1-2 dated 05.03.1973)   18.7 In case of refusal by any casual labour to decent  the retrenchment  compensation  a  certificate  from  three  or  four witnesses, who may include co-workers and other Railway  servants employed,  may  be  recorded on the voucher with  the  date,  was tendered  retrenchment compensation refused to account the  same. An intimation to this effect should be sent to the  LEO(C)/ALC(C) of the same immediately.             (Ref Board’s letter No. E(LL)80 AT/10/1-31dated 31.08.1982)   18.8 Where the services of casual labour who have worked under employers for not less than one year are  terminated following  their  failure  at  the  screening done for regular employment. the conditions precedent to retrenchment as lay down in  the  relevant sections of the I.D. Act have  to  be  complied with.           (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LL)78 /aT/1D/1-26 dated 21.12.1978)   18.9  While  effecting  retrenchment  of   casual   labour, ordinarily  the  principle of ‘last come first to go’  should  be adopted, in terms of the provisions of Section 25-G of I.D.  Act.  The employer may however, depart from this principle for  reasons to be recorded in writing.   Thus,  at  the  time of  retrenchment  if  junior  SC/STs have to be protected from  retrenchment  when there  is deficiency in their representation, such  a  protection will be justified and this reason will have to be recorded  while retrenching the seniors in preference to the junior Sch.  Castes/Tribes.        (Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LL)76 AT/I/1-16 dt. 17.02.1978)   If  no  quota  for the representation  of  Sch.  Castes/Sch. Tribes  was kept in view in the recruitment of casual  labour  at the  initial stage, it would still be open to the  Administration to fix quota within reasonable limits at the time of retrenchment for purposes of protection of Sch. Castes/Tribes.        Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(LL)76 AT/ID1-16 dt. 23.11.1978)   18.10 Sixty days before a unit is expected to discharge or retrench casual  labour/is expected to close down, intimation should be given to the nearest Employment Exchange on the prescribed proforma, *if alternative employment for them on the Railways is unlikely, so as to enable the Employment exchange  to render  employment assistance if possible, even before  they  are discharged.        (* Prescribed vide Min. of Labour’s O.M. No. EE1/9/44/71 dt. 25.05.1972  circulated  with Board’s No. E (NG) II 72  CL/72  dt. 26.08.1972)   18.11 If  a  Survey Project is closed down  for  any  reason whatsoever, Casual labours who have been in continuous service for not  less  than one year in the said Survey  Project  immediately before  the closure, will be entitled to retrenchment notice and compensation  in accordance with the provision of the  Industrial Disputes Act.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(LL)79 AT/ID/1-23 dt. 28.06.1979)   18.12 Retrenchment  compensation need not be  paid,  to  the discharged  casual labour, who after discharge,  are  immediately offered  re-engagement under the same employer in the same  area/locality  within  a radius of 5 miles/ 8 kms. and who  refuse  to accept the same.   18.13 The Railway Administration should gear up machinery in following the provision  of  I.D.  Act, so  that statutory provisions of I.D. Act are followed while terminating the services  of  Railway  Employee/  casual  labour  to  avoid  huge expenditure towards compensation, wages etc.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E (LL) 82/AT/ID/39 dt. 11.05.1989)   19.  Payment of Gratuity:    All casual labour on the Railways whether on daily rates  or on  monthly  wage  are  eligible, on demoting service due to superannuation, retirement, retrenchment resignation, death  or disablement,  to  the  payment  of gratuity, as  may  be  due  in accordance  with the provisions of the Payment of  gratuity  Act, 1972. The payment of gratuity would be applicable to all cases from 16.09.1972 viz., the date of   commencement of the Act/Legislation which provided for the benefit. The procedure for dealing  the  claims  pertaining to the period  from  16.09.1972  to 25.02.1986 has been spelt out.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E (LL) 85/AT/GRA/1-1 dt. 26.02.1986 & E(LL) 86/AT/GRA/1-2 dt. 06.11.1990)   19.1 Gratuity  is payable to casual labour  employed  seasonally i.e.  hot  weather water carrier, water  tightening  staff  etc., engaged  for  short  duration.  Gratuity  under  the  Payment  of Gratuity   Act  is  admissible,  in  addition   to   retrenchment compensation payable under the Industrial Disputes Act.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(LL)86 AT/GRA/1-2 dt. 07.08.1989)     20.  Other Provisions:   (i) It is not necessary to create temporary posts to accommodate  casual labour, who have acquired  temporary  status, for  allowing the attendant benefits like regular time  scale  of pay, annual increment etc.      (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(NG)64 CL/25 dt. 04.09.1965)   (ii) Labour shall not be employed against regular vacancies, whether permanent or temporary, on casual labour turns.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(NG)64 CL/23 dt.12.10.1965)   (iii) If casual labour with temporary status fails to resume duty on expiry of maximum period of  extra-ordinary  leave granted  to him or where he is granted a lesser period of leave that the maximum admissible and his continuous  absence  exceeds the  maximum  limit upto which he could have been  granted  leave under  sub-rule(1) of Rule 732 R.I. (1971), his services  may  be terminated  after  the service of notice, as is required  in  the case  of  temporary Railway servants, duly keeping in  view  Rule 149-  R.I.  (1971)  and also after complying  with  the  relevant provisions  of I.D. Act, 1947 wherever applicable,  treating  the case  as one of retrenchment from service for reasons other  than availability  of  work  and intimation  given  to  the  concerned authorities under the I.D. Act, 1947.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(NG)II/88/CL/13 dt. 12.01.1989)   (vi)  There should be an effective watch over the strength of total casual labour force on a system and efforts should be made to bring about a steady reduction. To monitor the progress in this direction, while no ‘fresh face’ should be engaged  without the prior personal approval of the General Manager and  similarly no offer of re-engagement of discharged labour borne on the  live register  should  be  made  without  the  G.M’s  prior   personal approval, as a further check each supervisor should certify under his  signature in the muster sheets, as to whether any names  not figuring  in the previous bill have been included.  Wherever  new names  have  been included, the details thereof  along  with  the authority for their engagement should be furnished in a statement to  accompany the bill. In the Accounts Office, the inclusion  of the certificate by the Supervisors concerned should be  verified, Also  a  free test checks should be conducted  by  the  concerned authorities  to  verify the correctness of inclusions  made  from live  registers and the sanctions issued for their engagement  as well   as   the  engagement  of  fresh   faces   wherever   done. Failure/lapses  in  this behalf should be  seriously  viewed  and action  under  D&A Rules initiated against  the  Railway  servant responsible.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(NG)II/88/CL/113 dt. 16.05.1989)   (v) Casual  labour  are not eligible  to  become  members/office  bearers of the recognised Unions on the Railways as  they are  not  Railway servants in terms of Rule 102 (13) –  Estt.  Code Vol. I.        (Ref:  Bd’s  letter  No.  E(LR)I/80/UTP/4  dt.  25.06.1987 to Northern Railway)     (vi) The practice of entrusting establishment work to casual labour/substitute Khalasis in executive offices is to be  stepped forthwith.        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(G)82/ALI/9 dt. 20.08.1985)   (vii) The continuous temporary service rendered  by  Project casual  labour  also, prior to their absorption, can  be  counted towards the qualifying service for the purpose of promotion  from Group  D to Group C and the same will be admissible only  if  the same  is  rendered  on similar fields. In respect  of  open  line casual  labour  the same benefit was extended  vide  Board’s  No. E(NG)/64/CL/25 dt. 25.07.1964).        (Ref: Bd’s letter No. E(NG)II/85/CEP/3 dt.  31.07.1987)   21.       (i) While referring to this master circular the original letters/references  mentioned herein should be read for a  proper appreciation.  This  circular  is only  a  consolidation  of  the existing instructions and  should not be treated as  substitutes of  the original letters. In case of doubt, the original  letters should be relied upon as authority;   (ii) The  instructions continued in  the  original  letters referred to have only prospective application, unless  indicated otherwise; and (iii) If any letter, having a bearing on the subject  which has not been supersede, has been lost sight of in the preparation of  this master circular, the said letter, which has been  missed through oversight, should not be ignored but should be treated as valid and operative.


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