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Monday, February 17, 2025


1 Examination of Grievances of SCs/STs Referred by Association
The representations made by the All India SC/STs Railway Employees Association relating to the grievances of SC/ST Railway Employees should be examined and appropriate action may be taken thereupon. (Railway Board’s letters No. E(SCT)/57/CM/14 dated 27.12.1960 and 80-E(SCT)15/1(Pt. II) dated 5.2.1982)2 Acknowledging Receipt of Communications from Association
Receipt of representations / correspondence made by the All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and its Zonal Branches in regard to matters relating to reservation in recruitment and promotion should be acknowledged. (Railway Board’s letters No. E(SCT)/74 CM1/166 dated 24.7.1974 and 80-E(SCT)15/1(Pt. II) dated 5.2.1982)

3 Informing the Association about Government Policies
While acknowledging receipt of communications, the Association should be advised of the Government’s policy decisions so as to enable the SC/ST employees to be conversant as to what the Government is doing for them. (Railway Board’s letters No. E(SCT)/74 CM1/166 dated 24.7.1974 and 80-E(SCT)15/1(Pt. II) dated 5.2.1982)

4 Grant of Special Casual Leave and Issue of Journey Passes
Special Casual leave and special passes should be granted to the Office bearers of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association to enable them to attend the informal meetings at Zonal “Railway Headquarters/Railway Board. The facility of two card passes of First class/2nd AC for the Zonal Railway Jurisdiction on each Zonal Railway for the President/Working President and the General Secretary was extended in 1994. (Railway Board’s letters No. 79/E(SCT)15/1 dated 1.5.1979, No. 80-E(SCT)15/1(Pt. II) dated 21.9.1982 and No. 93-E(SCT)I/22/1 dated 18.05.1994) 7. The above facilities provided to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association were withdrawn in Oct 1980 because of differences in different groups of Association. However, the facilities to Association were restored in 1982 vide Railway Board’s letter No. 80-E(SCT)15/1(Pt. II) dated 5.2.1982.

5 Issue of Identity Cards-cum-Gate Passes where entry is controlled by Gate Pass system
Identity card-cum-gate passes may be issued to two office bearers viz., the President/Working President and Secretary of the Zonal Executive Committees (as individuals) in respect of those offices/Workshops where entry is controlled by Gate-Pass system. (Railway Board’s letter No. 93-E(SCT)I/22/1 dated 15.6.1994)

6 Allotment of Railway office accommodation to Zonal offices of SC/ST Railway Employees Association at Zonal Railway Headquarters Extracts from MR’s letter No. 88/LM(B)/3/42 dated 04.10.1988 are reproduced below:
Individual cases for allotment of Railway office accommodation by Association will be considered on merits by the concerned Railway Administration.

7 Card Pass facility at Central & Zonal level
The facility of special passes may include 2 card passes of 1st Class / 2nd AC for All India jurisdiction at Central level for the President/Working President & General Secretary and 2 Card passes of 1st Class / 2nd AC for Zonal Railway jurisdiction at Zonal level for the President/Working President & General Secretary for the purpose of helping the office bearers of the Association in their staff welfare activities. (Railway Board’s letter No.93-E(SCT)I/22/1 dated 18.05.1994 )

8 Informal meetings & their periodicity
On the request of the Association, its representatives should be allowed the facility to meet informally the General Mangers/Chief Personnel Officers in the Zonal Railway Headquarters/Production Units, Divisional Railway Managers, Other Divisional officers in the Divisions and Chief Works Manages or Dy. C.M.E. in the Workshops for representing their grievances personally. The periodicity of informal meetings has been laid down as two in a year. Formal minutes of the meeting, however, need not be circulated to the Association and correspondence need not to be entered into with the Associations but copies of any orders that may be issued following discussions may be sent to the Association. (Railway Board’s letters No. 78/E(SCT)/15/4 dated 9.2.1978, No. 80-E(SCT)15/1(Pt. II) dated 5.2.1982 and No. 88-E(SCT)1/80/2 dated 12.7.1996.) Note: The periodicity of informal meetings was decided to be held twice in a year vide Board’s letter No. 93-E(SCT)I/22/1 dated 18.05.1994 but the frequency was increased to once a month vide Board’s letter No. 88-E(SCT)1/80/2 dated 16.2.1995. However, again in 1996, the periodicity of meetings has been restricted to twice a year vide Railway Board’s letter No. 88-E(SCT)1/80/2 dated 12.7.1996..

9 Supply of Policy Circulars/letters on Reservation and Establishment Matters etc
Apart from providing all policy circulars/letters etc. on reservation for SCs/STs, 15 copies of all circulars/letters etc. on Establishment matters should be endorsed to the Association for proper appreciation of the reservation rules. (Board’s letter No. 93-E(SCT)I/22/1 dated 18.05.1994)

10 Issue of Identity Cards-cum-Gate Passes where entry is controlled by Gate Pass system
Identity card-cum-gate passes may be issued to two office bearers viz., the President/Working President and Secretary of the Zonal Executive Committees (as individuals) in respect of those offices/Workshops where entry is controlled by Gate-Pass system. (Railway Board’s letter No. 93-E(SCT)I/22/1 dated 15.6.1994)

11 Staying facility to the Office Bearers of the Association on visits to Zonal Railway Headquarters/Railway Board for Informal Meetings
Railways may provide the staying facility to the Office Bearers of the Association who come for informal meetings at the Zonal Railway Headquarters/Railway Board on usual payment terms subject to availability of accommodation. This may include Railway Institutes, Community Centres, Marriage Halls, Rest Rooms and Rest Houses accommodation as per entitlement. (Railway Board’s letter No. 93-E(SCT)I/22/1 dated 18.05.1994)

12 Railway Telephone & Notice Board facility.
Grant the following additional facilities to the All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/ Association at Zonal , Divisional & extra Divisional and Branch levels:- (i) Railway Telephone in offices (ii) Allotment of Notice Board at a suitable place. (iii) Staying facilities which may include Railway Institutes, community centre, Marriage Halls, Rest House, Rest Houses, Retiring Rooms etc. As per entitlement free of cost when they are called for official meetings with the administration. (Railway Board’s letter No.96-E(SCT)I/71/5 dated 22/10/2002)

13 Appropriate Training to the Office Bearers of Association
Organise Appropriate/Orientation Courses for various level of offices so that they are exposed to such programme. Office Bearers of the Associations of SC & ST employees should also be exposed to such training so that they become more enlightened and selective in submitting complaints on grievances in service matters to the appropriate authorities. (Railway Board’s letter No.85-E(SCT)II/74/1 dated 10/10/95)

14 Special Casual leave and special journey passes
Special Casual leave and special journey passes not more than 20 (twenty) in number of office bearers of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association for attending to informal meetings at Divisional / Workshop level. (Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)II/3/468 dated 11/12/97)

15 Special Casual leave and special journey passes
Special Casual leave and special journey passes not more than 20 (twenty) in number of office bearers of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association for attending to informal meetings at Divisional / Workshop level. (Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)II/3/468 dated 11/12/97

16 Office accommodation Board, Zone and Division levels
The Association, being welfare Association, may be allotted suitable office accommodation at Board, Zone and Division levels. Allotment of accommodation may be ensured within a month. (Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)II/3/468 dated 11/12/97)

17 Office accommodation at Branch level.
Office accommodation may be provided to the Branches of SC/ST Association. The no. of Branches may not exceed the no. of Branches allowed to any of the recognised unions. (Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)1/22/12 dated 19/06/98)

18 Participation of Gr. ‘A’ & Gr. ‘B’ serving Railway Officers in Association activities.
Gr. ‘A’ ‘B’ serving Railway Officers belonging to SC/ST can also become members of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association with the condition that he/she as an office bearer or a member of the executive committee of the Association should not deal in his/her official capacity with any representation or other matters connected with that Association. (Railway Board’s letter No.96-E(SCT)I/71/5 Pt.I dated 01/09/98)

19 Free of cost staying facilities
Free of cost staying facilities may be provided to the office bearers attending informal meetings at divisional and branch levels also in addition to provision of staying facilities at Zonal and Central levels. (Railway Board’s letter No.2001-E(SCT)I/71/2 dated 11/07/2002)

20 Gate Pass & Staying facility
The facility of Identity Card / Gate Passes where the entry is controlled by the Gate Pass System, may be extended to four to five office bearers of the Federation at all levels and staying facilities may be provided to the office bearers attending Informal Meetings at Divisional and Branch levels also in addition to provision of staying facilities at Zonal and Central level on usual payment terms subject to availability of accommodation. This may include Railway Institutes, Community Centres, marriage halls, rest rooms and rest house accommodation as per entitlement. (Railway Board’s letter No.2001-E(SCT)I/71/2 dated 17/07/2002)

21 Transfer of office bearers of SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
Transfer of elected office bearers of SC/ST Railway Employees Association in the same grade may not generally be resorted to in ordinary situation.. However, whenever such transfers are considered essential, the controlling authority may satisfy himself that the same is appropriately warranted according to the administrative needs, in such cases, the concerned Liaison Officer for SCs/STs may be apprised of the circumstances under which such transfers have been ordered. This will enable the Liaison Officer to explain the background of transfer to the office bearers of the Association, if any representation against transfer of office bearer of SC/ST Association is received. (Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)I/22/12 dated 05/03/99 and No.2001-E(SCT)I/71/2 dated 11/07/2002)

22 Staying facilities & protection of office bearers from transfer
It has brought to notice that the instructions regarding provision of facilities to the Association contained in Board’s letters No.96-E(SCT)I/71/5 dated 22/10/2002 regarding staying facilities: No.97-E(SCT)I/22/12 dated 05/03/1999 regarding protection of office bearers from transfers: No.96-E(SCT)I/46/1 dated 15/09/97 and No. 96-E(SCT)I/71/5 dated 28/08/97 regarding acknowledgement of and reply to communications, are not being followed. It is reiterated that the above instructions may be strictly adhered to. (Railway Board’s letter No.2008-E(SCT)I/22/7 Pt.I Dated 11/06/2008)

23 Regarding holding of Informal Meetings
Grant the following additional facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association at all levels:- (i) In addition to two informal meetings scheduled per year a special need based meeting with the GMs/CPOs will be held as and when decided by General Manager. (ii) Informal Meeting at AEN level will also be held on issues relating only to engineering staff within his jurisdiction, once a year. (Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.I Dated 13/06/2008)

24 Minimum basic facilities in their offices.
Grant minimum basic facilities in these office accommodations provided to these Associations like a table, 3 to 4 chairs, electricity, a fan etc. at various levels. The above facilities may be provided immediately by recycling the old /unutilised furniture already available on Zonal Railways / Divisions / Branches offices etc. and not as a fresh procurement for this purpose. (Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VI dated 01/07/2004)

25 Railway Telephone with Zonal STD at the residence of the President/ Working President and General Secretary
Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residence of the President/Working President and the General Secretary of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/ Association be provided at Apex and Zonal levels. This is however, subject to the facility being available at that location. (Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.VII dated 14/07/2004)

26 Railway telephone facility at the residence of office bearers of Association.
Railway telephone with Zonal STD(Inter Divisional) at the residences of President / Working President and the General Secretary of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association be provided at Apex and Zonal levels. (Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 dated 14/07/2004)

27 Card Pass of All India jurisdiction and Railway STD Telephone at the residence of Additional General Secretary/CEC
Ist Class / IInd AC Card Pass of All India jurisdiction(including Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains without any companion/attendant) and Railway STD Telephone at the residence of Additional General Secretary/CEC of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association. (Railway Board’s letter No.2005-E(SCT)I/22/14 dated 04/10/2007)

28 Providing of new furniture
New furniture at the existing scale may be provided in the Association’s offices as against the old recycled one, prescribed in the current rules. (Railway Board’s letter No.2008-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.IV Dated 20/05/2008)

29 Circulation of record note of discussion of the Informal Meeting of the Association.
The record note of discussion of Informal Meetings of the Association should be circulated within one month and further necessary action on the items may be taken accordingly. (Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 dated 23/07/2004)

30 Inclusion of a member of SC/ST member in Colony Care Committee
A representative of SC/ST Association recommended by the All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association of the concern Zone/Division should also be included in the Welfare Committee such as Colony Care Committee in all the places wherever it exist. (Railway Board’s letter No.2005-E(SCT)I/22/14 Pt.I Dated 27/06/2008)

SC/ST & OBC Association Matters

File No.




2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. II 15.04.2013


Provision of additional facilities of two nos. of 2nd AC Card Passes of All India jurisdiction to the Addl. General Secretary and Joint Secretary of the Central Executive Committee of All India OBC Railway Employees Association.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. II 12.04.2013


Provision of additional facilities of two nos. of 2nd AC Card Passes of All India jurisdiction to the Addl. General Secretary and Treasurer of the Central Executive Committee of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
2013-E(SCT)I/71/1 12.03.2013


Grant of facilities to All India OBC Railway Employees Federation Regarding holding of informal meetings.
2013-E(SCT)I/71/2 11.02.2013


Inter-relationship between the Apex Body i.e. OBC federation and Zonal OBC Association.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. II 14.01.2013


Permission for travel in Ist AC Class in Rajdhani/Shatabdi Trains without Companion/attendant.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. I 31.12.2012


Upgradation of the existing three 2nd AC Pass to Ist AC at Apex Level and extension of Zonal Card Passes upto Delhi/New Delhi.
2012-E(SCT)I/71/11 12.10.2012 Increase in the members of CEC of AIOBCREF from 16 to 24.
2012-E(SCT)I/71/11 30.10.2012 Provision of CUG connection to the President and General Secretary of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/ Association at apex and Zonal level.
2012-E(SCT)I/71/11 12.10.2012


Provision of Officer’s Rest House to the office bearers of the Association.
2010-E(SCT)I/71/5 10.09.2012 Continuance of recognition to All India OBC Railway Employees Association, Konkan Railway Zone and providing of various facilities to the OBC Association.
2012-E(SCT)I/71/8 06.07.2012


Ist AC Card Passes to the President/ Working President, General Secretary and Vice President/CEC of OBC Federation and extension of Zonal Card Passes upto Delhi/New Delhi at par with all India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.I 03.07.2012


Upgradation of existing three 2nd AC Card Passes to 1st AC at Apex level and Extension of 2nd AC Card Pass of Zonal Association up to Delhi/New Delhi.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.II 29.06.2012


Number of participants of office bearers in the informal meetings with Railway Board.
2012-E(SCT)I/71/2 16.02.2012


Inclusion of a member of OBC Association in welfare committee i.e. Colony Care Committee and Area Housing Committee at Zonal/Divisional level.
2010-E(SCT)I/71/5 17.08.2011 Circulation of list of newly elected office bearers of Zonal Executive Committee of All India OBC Railway Employees Association/KRCL Zone.
2011-E(SCT)I/22/3 07.06.2011


Provision of Computer/PC with internet facility to the Association at Zonal level.
2009-E(SCT)I/22/4 25.11.2010 Recognition of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association as Welfare Association functioning at all levels.
2003-E(SCT)/22/27 Pt. VI 26.02.2010 Grant of additional facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees federation/Association-Basic facilities in their offices.
2008-E(SCT)I/22/11 30.09.2008 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees federation/Association.
2005-E(SCT)I/22/14 Pt.I 27.06.2008 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association-Inclusion of a member of SC/ST in Colony care Committee.
2005-E(SCT)I/14 Pt. I 27.06.2008 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association-Inclusion of a Member of SC/ST in Colony Care Committee.
2005-E(SCT)I/14 Pt. I 27.06.2008


Inclusion of a member of SC/ST in Colony Care Committee.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt.I. 13.06.2008


Regarding holding of informal meetings.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. VI 28.05.2008 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/Association-Minimum basic facilities in their offices.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. VI 28.05.2008 Grant of additional facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railways Employees Federation/ Association-Minimum basic facilities in their offices.
2005-E(SCT)I/22/14 Pt. 04.10.2007 Card pass of All India jurisdiction and Railway STD Telephone at the residence of Additional General Secretary/CEC.
2005-E(SCT)I/22/14 Pt 04.10.2007 Providing of additional facilities to the office bearer of CEC of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association-Card Pass of All India jurisdiction and Railway STD Telephone at the residence of Additional General Secretary/CEC.
2005-E(SCT)I/22/13 11.07.2007 Circulation of list of office bearers of ad-hoc Executive Committee of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association at all levels.
2006-E(SCT)I/22/9 19.12.2006 Providing a PC with Internet facility in the office All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation.
2004-E(SCT)I/22/11 04.09.2006 Circulation of Amended bye-laws of the All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
2004-E(SCT)I/22/11 30.08.2005 Circulation of Amended bye-laws of the All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. 03.08.2004 Provision of reservation for SCs/STs in the co-operative Societies on Indian Railways.
99-E(SCT)I/22/1 Court Case 16.07.2004 W.A. Nos. 3082 and 3578 of 2003, W.P. Nos. 27284, 27285 and 32599 of 2003 filed by Shri M.P. Kumar, Shri C. Balakrishnan, Shri B. Jagannath Rao and Shri Managaraman before the Hon’ble High Court, Madras regarding holding of elections.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. VII 14.07.2004 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railways Employees Federation/ Association-Railway telephone with Zonal STD (Inter Division) at the residences of the President/working President and General Secretary.
2003-E(SCT)I/22/27 Pt. VI 01.07.2004 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railways Employees Federation/ Association-Minimum basic facilities in their offices.
1997-E(SCT)I/22/12 Pt. 18.06.2004
Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railways Employees Federation/ Association- Permission for travelling in IInd AC Class on Rajdhani/Shatabdi Expresses.


97-E(SCT)I/22/12 Pt. 18.06.2004 Permission for travelling in IInd AC Class on Rajdhani/Shatabdi Expresses
2002-E(SCT)I/71/1 17.06.2004 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railways Employees Association-Provision of office accommodation.
2002-E(SCT)I/71/11-2ndInformal meeting 17.01.2003 Informal Meeting of All India OBC Railway Employees Federation with Board.
2002-E(SCT)I/21/1 20.11.2002


208/2002 Inclusion of a member of SC/ST in Area Housing Committee.
2001-E(SCT)I/71/2 17.7.2002 110/2002 Implementation of facilities granted to All India OBC Railway Employees Association.
2000-E(SCT)I/71/1 3.3.2000 36/2000 Dealing with internal disputes of All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/ Association.
1997-E(SCT)/22/12 11.08.1999 All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and All India OBC Railways Employees Federation/ Association-Jurisdiction of their.
99-E(SCT)I/71/6 15.06.1999 Registration of Zonal Railway/Production Unit OBC Railway Employees Associations.
99-E(SCT)I/22/5 18.05.1999 Zonal/Divisional Committee of All India SCs &STs Railway.
96-E(SCT)I/71/5 10.05.1999 All India OBC Railway Employees Federation’s position vis-à-vis Zonal Railway’s OBC Railway Employees Association.
97-E(SCT)I/22/12 05.03.1999 39/99 Transfer of office-bearers of SC/ST and OBC Railway Employees Association.
99-E(SCT)I/22/1 25.01.1999 Elections for the elected office bearers of Central Executive Committee of All India Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association as per VIII city Civil Court Chennai directions dated 18.01.1999 in original suit No. 397/98 of M.P. Kumar Vs Railways and others.
97-E(SCT)I/22/12 24.12.1998 293/98 Implementation of facilities allowed to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association & All India OBC Railway Employees Federation/OBC Railway Employees Association.
96-E(SCT)I/71/5 Pt. I 01.09.1998 Membership of All India OBC Railway Employees Federation and All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association from serving Gr.’A’ and Gr. ‘B’ Railway Officers.
98-E(SCT)I/71/2 28.08.1998 Formation of All India other Backward Classes Railways Employees Federation at Central level.
93-E(SCT)-I/22/1 26.08.1998 Zonal/Divisional Committees of All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association.
97-E(SCT)I/22/2 18.08.1998 184/98 Grant of facilities to All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association-Provision of special Casual Leave and Journey Passes to Office Bearers.
98-E(SCT)I/71/2 30.06.1998 All India OBC Railway Employees Federation- Guidelines for formation etc.
96-E(SCT)I-71/5 19.06.1998 135/98 Grant of facilities to All India OBCs Railway Employees Association.
97-E(SCT)I/22/12 19.06.1998 134/98 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
96-E(SCT)-I/71/5 16.06.1998 132/98 Grant of facilities to All India OBC’s Railway Employees Association.
96-E(SCT)I/22/15 3.6.1998 Zonal/Divisional committees of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
96-E(SCT)I/71/5 29.05.1998 117/98 Grant of facilities to All India OBC’s Railway Employees Association.
96-E(SCT)I/22/12 09.03.1998 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association- Provision of office Accommodation.
97-E(SCT)-II/3/468 26.12.1997 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association- Provision of office Accommodation.
96-E(SCT)I./46/1 15.09.1997 Facilities granted to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.
97-E(SCT)II/3/468 11.12.1997 Grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association- Provision of office Accommodation.
97-E(SCT)I/71/2 5.9.1997 Liaison officers for looking after the matters relating to OBCs.
96-E(SCT)I/71/5 28.8.1997 116/97 Grant of facilities to All India OBCs Railway Employees Association.


88-E(SCT)I/80/2 12.07.1996 Regular meetings of the Liaison officers at Zonal/Divisional Hqrs to sort out the problems of SCs and STs.
88-E(SCT)I/80/2(Hindi) 12.07.1996 Regular meetings of the Liaison officers at Zonal/Divisional Hqrs to sort out the problems of SCs and STs.
93-E(SCT)I/22/1 16.06.1994 All India SC & ST Railway Employees Association, New delhi- Circulations of the Lists of Members of the Cental/Zonal/ Divisional executive Committee.
93-E(SCT)I/22/1 15.06.1994 Grant of facilities to All India SC and ST Railway Employees Association.
93-E(SCT)I/22/1 18.05.1994 Grant of facilities to All India SC and ST Railway Employees Association.
88-E(SCT)15/1/Pt. II 19.02.1986 Grant of special facilities to the office bearers of All India scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association.
82-E(SCT)22/1 10.11.1982 Correspondence with All India Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association
80-E(SCT)I/15/1 21.09.1982 Grant of special casual leave and special passes to the office bearers of All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association.
80-E(SCT)/15/1(Pt. II) 5.02.1982 Grant of special casual leave and special passes to the office bearers of All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Railway Employees Association.
79-E(SCT)15/1 1.05.1979 Dealing with unrecognised Union/Association- All India Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe s Railway Em’loyees’ Association (Headquarters office Shri Guru Ravidas Mandir, Dev Nagar, Karolbagh, New Delhi- Facilities of special casual leave and special passes.
78-E(SCT)15/4 9.03.1978 Dealing with unrecognised Union/Association