MASTER CIRCULAR NO. 20   CONTENT   (LIST OF CIRCULARS FROM WHICH CONSOLIDATION HAS BEEN MADE)       Subject Reference Date Recruitment/Appointment, Qualification etc Recruitment of Class IV Staff – General Instructions E (NG) 58/RC1/61 31.01.1961 Appointment of Substitutes – From panel of selected candidates E (NG) IV69/SB/12 25.11.1969 Casual Labour—Regulating theengagement of E (NG) II/84/CL/43 07.06.1984 Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) posts – Minimum Educational qualifications E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 16.08.1985 RBE 238/85 Recruitment to Group D (Class IV posts) — Minimum educational qualifications E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 31.03.1986 RBE 65/86 Recruitment of Group’D’ (ClassIV) posts—minimum educational qualification E(NG)IV84/RR1/26/ 85 04.09.1986 RBE 159/86 Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class IV) posts—Minimum educational qualifications E(NG)II/84/RR-1/26 06.11.1987 RBE 271/87 Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) post—Minimum educational qualifications. E(NG)II/84/RR-1/26 18.12.1987 RBE 312/87 Qualifications for recruitment to Group ‘D’ posts—engagement of casual labour E (NG) IV88/CL/34 14.04.1988RBE 71/88 Casual labour-strength of E(NG) II-88/CL/86 08.12.1988 RBE 268/88 Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class IV) posts—Minimum educational qualifications E(NG)II/84/RR-1/26 15.12.1988 RBE 271/88 Casual labour—Engagement of ‘Fresh Faces’ E(NG)II/90/CL/171 11.10.1990 RBE 182/90 Engagement of casual labour as fresh faces in Group ‘C’ cadres E(NG)II/91/RC-3/ 60 31.12.1991RBE 226/91 Engagement of substitutes on the Railways in Gr. ‘D’ categories E(NG)II./90/SB/10/MC 04.11.1992 RBE 185/92 Reservation for  SC/STs in Recruitment/Appointment Reservation quota for Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes—Recruitment of CL E (SCT)/70/15/15/2 19.11.1970 Engagement of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates as Casual Labour on Railways E (SCT)/79/15/1 10.03.1979 Engagement of SC/ST candidates as Casual Labourers on Railways-Recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee on theWelfare of SCs/ STs in their 47th Report. 89-E(SCT)1/80/23 21.12.1989 RBE 304/89 Engagement of Substitute School Teacher Engagement of Substitute School Teachers on Railways E (NG) IV68/SB/1 29.06.1968 Engagement of Substitute School Teachers on Railways E (NG)IV68/SB/1 31.03.1970 Subject Reference Date Engagement of Substitute School Teachers on Railways E (NG) II/68/SB/1 08.07.1970 Recruitment of teachers for Railway Schools E(NG)IIV75/RC1/ 121 09.01.1976 Recruitment of teacher for Railway Schools E(NG)IIV77/RC1/43 12.08.1977 Recruitment of teachers for Railway Schools E(NG)IIV78/RC1/4 25.07.1978 Recruitment of teachers for Railway Schools E(NG)IIV78/RC1/4 24.08.1978 Recruitment of Teachers for Railway Schools E(NG)1V80/RC1/42 19.06.1980 Engagement of Substitute Teachers on Ad hoc basis on Railways E (NG) IV89/RC3/2 22.02.1989RBE58/89 Grant of Temporary Status (TS) Substitutes—Engagement and Grant of temporary status to. E (NG) 65/LR1/1 01.09.1965 Temporary status on substitutes reduction of period from six months to four months E (NG) IV73/SB/14 06.03.1974 Substitutes grant of temporary status E (NG) II-82/SB/8 06.01.1983 Grant of TS to CL in Engg. Dept. engaged for track patrolling duty during monsoon E(NG)II/92/CL/SC/71 02.04.1993 Screening for Empanelment/Regularisation/Filling up of Gr D Posts Strict maintenance of Records/Registers and observance of rules relating to engagement & screening of Casual Labour/Substitutes E (NG) IV77/CL/2 31.03.1979 Screening Committees for Casual Labour/ Substitutes-representation to S/C & S/T on E (NG) IV79/CL/16 27.04.1979 Problems of Casual Labour – In Screening E (NG) IV82/CL/18 03.03.1982 Screening of Casual Labours/Substitutes—Issue of duty passes E(NG)V82/CL/W/5 21.04.1983 Constitution of Selection Board screening of casual labour for regular absorption  and appointments of Class IV categories E(NG)IV83/RR1/7 (1) 01.06.1983 Screening of Casual Labours/ Substitutes—Issue of duty passes E(NG)IV82/CL/W/5 23.07.1983 Screening/empanelment of casual labour and substitutes E (NG)IV78/CL/2 21.02.1984 Screening/empanelment of casual labour and substitutes maintenanceof CL registers E (NG) II/78/CL/2 22.11.1984 Screening and empanelment of CL & substitutes maintenance of CL registers E (NG)IV78/CL 25.04.1986 Filling of Group ‘D’ (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of CasualLabour and Substitutes-Exten­sion of screening procedure E (NG)IV84/CL/85 17.06.1988 Screening/empanelment of Casual Labour and Substitutes E (NG) IV88/CL/18 01.10.1988RBE250/88 Filling of Group D (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of CasualLabour and Substitute extension of screening procedure E (NG)IV84/CL/85 20.01.1989 RBE 261/89 Subject Reference Date Filling up of Group ‘D’ (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of Casual Labour and substitutes- Extension of screening procedure E(NG) II/84/CL/85 20.11.1991 RBE 200/91 Filling of Group ‘D’ (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of Casual Labour and substitutes- Extension of screening procedure E(NG)II/84/CL/85 17.08.1992 RBE 135/92 Empanelment/Regularisation/Filling up of Gr D Posts Empanelment of Casual Labourers and Substitutes E (NG) II/70/CL/28 20.07.1970 Empanelment of Casual Labourers and Substitutes E(NG)IV69/RC1/90 18.12.1970 Recruitment of Casual Labour/ Substitutes – Their empanelmentfor regular employment and reservation of vacancies in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes E (SCT) 74/CM15/7 27.04.1974 Recruitment of Casual Labour/ Substitutes — Their empanelment for regular employment and reservation of vacancies in favour of SC/STs E (SCT)/74/CM15/7 09.10.1974 Empanelment of casual labour and substitutes—Extension of ad hoc procedure E (NG)IV84/CL/85 27.12.1984 Filling in of Group D (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of casual labour and substitutes— Extension of screening procedure E (NG) IV84/CL/85 31.07.1985RBE222/85 Filling in of Group D (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of casual labour and substitutes-Extension of screening procedure E (NG)IV84/CL/85 13.09.1985 Medical Examination on Empanelment/Regularisation Substitute service — counting for pensionary benefits F (E) III/69/PN1/21 22.07.1970 A relaxed standard of medical examination of casual labourers on first appointment to class IV service and absorption against posts with lower medical classification in case of their medical unsuitability E (NG) IV7l/CL/84 13.12.1972 A relaxed standard of medical examination of casual labourers on first appointment to class IV service and absorption against posts withlower medical classification in case of their medical unsuitability E (NG) II/7l/CL/84 10.05.1973 A relaxed standard of medical examination of casual labourers on first appointment to class IV service and absorption against posts with lower medical classification in case of their medical unsuitability E (NG) IV7l/CL/84 01.08.1973 Relaxation in age limit at the time of Empanelment/Regularisation Empanelment of Casual Labourers for Class IV posts – Relaxation in age limit E (NG) IV74/CL/26 18.06.1974 Empanelment of Casual Labourers for Class IV posts – Relaxation in age limit E (NG)IV74/CL/26 25.02.1975 Age relaxation for Casual Labourers/Substitutes for Class in posts advertisedby RSC E (NG) IV75/CL/85 03.01.1976 Subject Reference Date Relaxation of upper age limit for serving Railway employees for recruitment to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts on Railways E(NG)V73/PM1/315 20.11.1976 Relaxation of upper age limit for Casual Labour/Substitutes for recruitment against Group C posts through RSC E (NG) II/79/CL/17 28.04.1979 Relaxation in the upper age limit for the casual labour for absorption in regular Cadre E (NG) II/79/CL/15 16.05.1979 Relaxation in age limit Class IV staff—Delegation of Powers E (NG) IV79/CL/5 29.09.1980 Relaxation in age limit—Class IV staff—Delegation of powers E (NG) II/79/CL/5 10.10.1980 Relaxation of upper age limit for serving Railway employees for recruitment to group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on Railways E(NG)I-90/PM1/30 17.05.1991 RBE 103/91 Relaxation of upper age limit for CL/Substitutes for recruitment against Group C and D posts E(NG) II/91/CL/71 25.07.1991 RBE 134/91 Facilities to Substitutes like Pay, Adavances, Leave, Passes Medical etc Extension of medical facilities to casual labourers E (NG) IV77/CL/2 03.05.1978 Substitutes — increase in the days of authorised absence E (NG) IV77/SB/37 24.10.1978 Grant of Festival Advance/Flood Advance etc. to Casual Labour/ Substitutes. E (NG) IV78/CL/14 22.11.1978 Grant of Festival Advance/Flood Advance etc. to Casual Labour/ Substitutes E (NG)IV78/CL/14 27.12.1978 Extension of Medical facilities to substitutes E (NG)IV77/CL/2 16.05.1979 Determination of date of appointment of Substitutes to be recorded in service records E (NG) II/77/SB/38 19.09.1979 Grant of regular scale of pay to casual labour engaged as watermen during summer season E(NG) II/83/CL/117 25.01.1985 RBE 33/85 Grant of relief of Central Govt. Pensioners and Family Pensioners under theLiberalised Pension Rules, Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 and the Extraordinary Pension Rules PC/IV82/PN/1 29.07.1985 RBE 221/85 Witnessing of payments—Non-utilisation of Khalasis in Establishment work E (G)82 ALI-9 20.08.1985 RBE 244/85 Revision of rates of daily allowance applicable to casual labour E(NG) II/90/CL/1 30.05.1990 RBE 91/90 Entitlement/Privilege admissible to Casual Watermen with TS working in summer establishment—Eligibility for Casual Leave, Privilege Passes/PTOs, etc E(W)88PS5—1/1 25.10.1991 RBE 182/91 Payment of TA/DA to casual labour E(NG)II/91/CL/67 16.04.1992 RBE 59/92 Benefit of medical treatment to the family members of Casual Labour with temporary status in open line/project E(NG)II/92/CL/27 27.07.1993 Subject Reference Date Compassionate Appointment Appointment on compassionate grounds in Group D posts—Minimum educationalqualifications E (NG) IIV86/RC-l/l/ Policy 25.03.1986 RBE 66/86 Appointment on compassionate grounds — Cases of wards ofcasual labour with temporary status who die in harness E(NG) II/84/CL/28 31.12.1986RBE256/86 Engagement on compassionate grounds—Cases of wards of casual labour with temporary status who die in harness E(NG)II/84/CL/28 06.12.1990 RBE 233/90 Appointment on compassionate grounds—Case of widow/wards of substitutes who die in service E(NG)II/93/SB/5 07.10.1993 RBE 147/93 Re-engagement of discharged Substitutes Re-engagement of Casual Labourers/ Substitutes who have been discharged during the strike of May, 1974 E (NG) IV74/CL/99 25.08.1975 Re-engagement of casual labourers discharged during 1974 strike – Seniority etc E (NG)IV74/CL/99 10.09.1976 Re-engagement of Casual Labourers/ discharged during 1974 strike—seniority etc. E (NG)IV74/CL/99 09.11.1976 Retrenchment Protection from retrenchment of casual labour belonging to SC/STs E (LL) 76/AT/ID/1-16 17.02.1978 Live Register Engagement of CL—Maintenance of live Casual Labour Register and other matters E(NG)II/89/CL/1 25.10.1990RBE 188/90 Engagement of casual labour—Maintenance of ‘live register’ of casual andother matters E (NG) II/89/CL/1 23.02.1990 RBE 41/90 Link to Master Circular No. 48 on Casual Labour Link to Other Railway Boards Orders on the Subject   1.   Subject: Recruitment of Class IV Staff. [No. E(NG)58RC1/61 dated 31.01.1961]   A number of directives have been issued from time to time in regard to recruitment of ClassIV staff. In supersession of all earlier orders on the subject, the Board have decided to lay down the following compre­hensive instructions which should be followed with immediate effect:—      (i)Periodicity of Recruitment:Recruitment should be made at intervals of six months to one year.   (ii)Recruitment:The unit for recruitment shall normally be the Division or District, major workshops. Loco Sheds, carriage and Wagon sick lines, P.W.I, lengths, etc., etc. Recruitment will be made for each category separately. If necessary there may be more than one unit for recruitment in a Division or a District.   (iii) (a)  Literacy as a Qualifying Condition :Literacy as a quali­fying condition should be insisted upon only for those categories for which it is essential for the proper execution of their duties as under:—   Pointsmen, Goods Markers, Sealmen or Seal Porters, Cleaners in Sheds, Semi-skilled artisan. Saloon Attendants, Hospital Attendants, Peons, Farashes.   Literacy should be taken to mean ability to read and write simple sentences in any language. It is not necessary to relate it to passing a prescribed examination or standard.   The minimum standard need not be the same for all Class I services. It would have to be higher for a Cleaner who is intended to be trained to be a Fireman and later as a Driver, than, say, for a Khalasi.   (b)For all other categories literacy should not be insisted upon, but as amongst candidates considered suitable for appointment preference should be shown to those who are literate candidates. No standard of literacy will be insisted upon for casual labour.   (iv) (a)  Physical Fitness and Age Limits: The age for recruitment to categories for which literacy is a qualifying condition should be between18 and25 years. Preference, however, may be given to candidates in the age group of18 to23 years.     (b)In order to restrict the number of applicants and discour­aged the wrong type of candidates for posts requiring essentially manual work, such as Gangmen and Hamals, for which literacy has not been prescribed as a qualifying condition, minimum qualifications based on physical fit­ness should be prescribed to ensure that the process of re­cruitment is easier. These may be as follow:   (1)        The maximum age limit of25 years may be pre­scribed.   (2)       The physical fitness of a candidate should be the deciding factor for employment. The Railway Ad­ministrations should ensure that each candidate is in good bodily health and free from any defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties the post to which the candidate is appointed. The Medical examiners will use their discretion as to the scope of general physical examination in each case and will judge the cases on their merits, taking into consideration the prospective duties of the candi­dates. For example, in the case of Gangmen and Hamals, physical fitness may be judged by asking the candidate to run for a distance of ¼ mile or so with a weight of20 seers.   (c)The upper age limit is relaxable by5 years in the case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates.   (v)Publicity:An Employment Notice indicating the total number of vacancies, the No. of vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, scale of pay, qualification prescribed, etc., as well as the last date for the receipt of applications should be issued to Employment Exchanges within the recruitment unit and to the recognised Associations of Scheduled Castes and Sched­uled Tribes. Copies of these notices should also be exhibited outside the Railway Offices situated in the area of recruitment.   (vi)Application Forms :The employment Notice should prescribe a simple application form to be filled up in Hindi or in the regional language of the area.   (vii) (a)Channel/or Submission a/Applications :Where literacy is an essential qualification applications from the candidates nominated by Employment Exchanges or registered by Employment Exchanges in terms of clause (b) below only will be eligible for consideration. These may be limited in proportion to die total vacancies available in the recruitment unit concerned. In other cases, i.e. where literacy is not required for competence in the job and is not prescribed, applicants applying directly to the Railway Administration should also be considered and registration at an Employ­ment Exchange should not be made obligatory.   (b)For the convenience of serving Railway employees applica­tions from their sons/immediate dependents may be re­ceived by the Railway Administration direct. They should be got registered in an Employment Exchange by deputing a Welfare Inspector, if necessary, for this purpose and they will thereafter be eligible for consideration along with others. It is not necessary that their names should be nominated by the Employment Exchange concerned. In cases where the Employment Exchanges do not accept applications from such candidates and they require the candidate concerned to appear before them in person for registration of his application, it has been decided that such applicants may be considered without their getting regis­tered at the Employment Exchange. At the time of selection no discrimination can be made between a candidate apply­ing direct to the administration and the one nominated by the Employment Exchange and only the most suitable ones will be selected for appointment. Applicants belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes even though they are not sons/immediate dependents of serving Railway employees may also be given the benefit of getting their applications registered at the Employment Exchanges through a Welfare Inspector as indicated above.   (viii)Number of Candidates to be Called Up :The number of applicants to be called for trade test/interview should be generally 3 to5 times the number of vacancies to be filled.   (ix)Local Candidates :As ClassIV vacancies generally attract local residents, the applications of such candidates received by the Administrations should be given full consideration at the time of selection.   (x) (a)  Selection Boards :The Selection Board for recruitment shall consist of two Railway Officers and an outsider who shall be a retired gazetted officer of integrity, Headmaster of a High School or Principal of a College. The Railway Officer will be an Assistant Personnel Officer and an Officer of the Branch concerned. The Selection Board will not be expected to screen the applications received. That will be done by a Personnel Officer or other Officer or a Committee of Officers as considered desirable. Interviews and/or tests shall be conducted by the Selection Board.   (b)The outsider co-opted as Member of the Selection Board should as far as possible be a local man and he may be paid an all inclusive remuneration at the rate of Rs.10 per day. If, however, a local person is not available, e.g. at Chittaranjan etc. and person from an out-station is co-opted, he may, in addition to the remuneration of Rs.10 per day, be issued free first class railway return journey pass and also permitted the free use of the railway rest house, if available.   (xi)Panels :The list of selected candidates will be pasted on important Notice Boards throughout the area of requirement after each selection. The list will contain as many names as are likely to be needed against the bare anticipated vacancies in the course of six months or one year following the selection, depending on tile frequency of recruitment. No allowance should be made for medically unfit candidates etc.   2.So far as the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works and the Integral Coach Factory are concerned, the following procedure will be adopted for the recruitment of ClassIV staff:—   (i)C.L.W.—The annual requirements should first be worked out. Recruitment will be made in the ratio50:50 locally and through the Asansol Division of the Eastern Railway and Adra and Kharagpur Districts of the South Eastern Railway. These Division/Districts may be informed regarding the number of ClassIV staff who will be recruited by the Division/Districts in – addition to their own requirements and those among the recruits who volunteer for the Chittaranjan Locomotive Works will be interviewed by the latter and engaged.   (ii)I.C.F.—The annual requirements should first be worked out. Recruitment will be made in the ratio of50:50 locally and through the Southern Railway. Each Division of the Southern Railway should be asked to recruit more than their own require­ment and those among the recruits, who volunteer for the Integral Coach Factory will-be interviewed by the latter and engaged.   You are, however, authorised to recruit men from other areas for work in any category in which there may be dearth of suitable local men.   3. Casual Labour, Substitutes and Temporary Hands-on:   Railways are drawing up panels for engagement of ‘Substitute’ at way-side stations and for permanent and temporary gangs as also for hot weather es­tablishments. This procedure is likely to deprive candidates from way-side stations of a chance of recruitment and the old system under which the senior Supervisor was authorised to be making such recruitment should, therefore, be allowed to continue. No standard of literacy will be insisted upon for these categories of staff. It is only at the stage when permanent recruitment is to made that selection should be done by a duly constituted Selection Board, when all ‘Substitutes’, ‘Casual’ and ‘temporary’ workmen will have a prior claim over others to permanent recruitment.   The percentages of reservation of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should be observed in recruitment to temporary or permanent vacancies.   ‘Substitutes’, ‘Casual’ and ‘Temporary’ workmen who acquire tem­porary status as a result of having worked on other than Projects for more than6 months or other Casual Labour who have worked for more than6 months should be considered for regular employment without having to go through Employment Exchanges. Such of the workmen as join service before attaining the age of25 years may be allowed relaxation of the maximum age limit prescribed for ClassIV posts to the extent of their total service which may be either continuous or in broken periods.   As in already the practice on some of the Railways, all concerned should be directed to maintain a register in which the names of Casual Labour, Substitutes and Temporary workmen who have rendered6 months service, either continuous or in broken periods, should be registered for future employment as casual workmen and also as regular employees provided they are eligible for regular employment.   4.It may be clarified that the above orders do not apply to the recruitment of Rakshaks (Sainiks) in the Railway Protection Force which is done in accordance with the provisions in the R.P.F. Act and Rules1959.   2.   Subject: Substitutes—Engagement and Grant of temporary status to.   [No. E(NG) 65 LRI-1 dated 01.09.1965]   Reference directives issued by the Railway Board from time to time in regard to the engagement of substitutes and the basis of their remuneration. The Board have had under consideration the question of specifying the circumstances under which the substitutes should be engaged on the Indian Railways. In supresession of all earlier orders on the subject, the Board have decided to lay down the – following comprehensive instructions which should be given immediate effect, i.e. from the date of issue of this letter.   2.”Substitutes” refer to persons engaged in Indian Railway Estab­lishment on regular scales of pay and allowances applicable to posts falling vacant because of absence on leave or otherwise of permanent or temporary Railway servants and which cannot be kept vacant.   3.Ordinarily, there should be no occasion to engage substitutes having regard to the fact that practically in all categories of railway servants leave reserve has been provided for. Occasions may, however, arise when owing to an abnormally high rate of absentees the leave reserve may become inadequate or ineffective e.g. heavy sickness, etc. or where the leave reserve is available, but it is not possible to provide the same, say at a way side station. On such occasions, it may become absolutely necessary to engage substitutes even in vacancies of short duration, as otherwise, the Railway service may be adversely affected.   4.  Substitutes should as far as possible, be drawn from a panel of suitable candidates selected for class III andIV posts and should be engaged subject to the observations made in para3 above, only in the following circum­stances:—   (i)Against regular vacancies of unskilled and other categories of classIV staffs requiring replacement for which arrangements cannot be made within the existing leave reserves.   (ii)Against a chain vacancy in the lower category of ClassIV staff arising out of the incumbent in a higher classIV category being on leave, where it is not possible to fill the post from within the existing leave reserve, and where otherwise, the railway services will be affected.   (iii)Against posts in categories for which no leave reserve has been provided.   (iv)Against vacancies in other circumstances specified by the Rail­way Board from time to time.   5.Substitutes so engaged should be paid regular scales of pay and allowance admissible to such posts irrespective of the nature of duration of the vacancy.   6.Substitutes should be afforded all the rights and privileges as are admissible to temporary Railway servants on completion of six months continuous service. Substitute school teachers may however, be afforded temporary status after they have put in continuous service of three months and their services should be treated as continuous for all purposes except seniority on their eventual absorption against regular posts after selection.   7.The breaks in service arising out of following cases of absence will not be considered as break in service for the purpose of determining six months continuous employment referred to in para6 above, viz:—   (a)the periods of absence of a substitute who is under medical treatment in connection with injuries sustained on duty, covered by the provisions under the Workmen’s Compensation Act;   (b)authorised absence not exceeding15 days during the preceding six months;   Note:Unauthorised absence or stoppage of work will be treated as a break in continuity of employment.   (c)days of rest even under the Hours of Employment Regulations or under the Statutory Enactments and the days on which the Establishment employing the substitute remains closed will not be counted against the limit of15 days authorised absence referred to above. The term “authorised absence” for this purpose covers permission granted by the Supervisory Official in charge to be away from the work for the period specified.   (d)periods involved in journey etc. for joining the post on transfer from, one station to another station or within the same station itself in the exigencies of service but not exceeding in any case normal period of joining time permissible under the rules.   8.The conferment of temporary status on the substitutes in accor­dance with para6 above does not entitle them to automatic absorption/ap­pointment to Railway service unless they are in turn for such appointment on the basis of their position in selection lists and/or they are selectedin the approved manner for appointment to regular railway posts.   9.A register should be maintained for recording the names of all substitutes wherever employed according to the unit of recruitment, e.g. Division, Workshops, PWIs lengths etc. strictly in the order of their taking up substitute employment at the time of their initial engagement.   10.Substitutes who have already completed six months continuous services should be afforded temporary status with effect from the date of issue of this letter.   11.Substitutes now working on the Indian Railways on Casual Labour terms should be brought on to regular scale of pay and allowances applicable to the posts from the date of issue of this letter, provided it is permissible to engage them in terms of para3 and4 above and they should likewise be afforded temporary status in accordance with para10 above. 3.     Subject:Engagement of SubstituteSchoolTeachers on Railways.   [No. E(NG)II68 SB/1 dated 29.06.1968]   It has come to the notice of the Board that in several cases, School Teachers are continued as “substitutes” against stop-gap arrangements for a number of years and they are neither absorbed in regular posts nor discharged from service. The Board have carefully considered the matter and decided that engagement of substitute Teachers against stop-gap arrangements should not be continued beyond a school session and in any case not beyond a maximum period of one year. The Board further desire that in future substitute School Teachers should be drawn only from an approved panel of selected candidates. With this end in view, steps should be taken to ensure that a few names are always available on the panel. If in a rare case, a substitute has to be engaged in the absence of a panel, he should be discharged on completion of three months service and a panel should be formed in the meantime.   4.       Subject :Substitutes — Appointment of. [No. E(NG)II69 SB/12 dated25.11.1969]   1.Reference para 4 of Board’s letter No. E (NG) 65LR1/1 dated01.09.1965.It has been laid down therein that Substitutes should, “as far as possible” be drawn from a panel of suitable candidates selected for Class III and Class IV posts.   2.  A case has come to the notice of the Board where a Substitute was appointed from outside the panel even though a panel was in existence at the time. This was done on an assumption that appointment of substitutes from the panel was to be made only “as far as possible”, in terms of Board’s orders referred to above, and it was not mandatory for the recruiting authority to take men from the panel as a rule.   3.  The Board desire to clarify that the above assumption is not correct. The “as far as possible” occurring in para4 of Board’s letter dated01.09.1965 are not intended to confer an unfettered discretion on the recruiting authority and should not, therefore, be taken to mean that there is an absolute freedom for appointing persons who are not on the panel. It may be necessary on certain occasions to engage a person who is not in the approved panel but this should be for a very short period and only in very urgent cases.   5.   Subject : Engagement of SubstituteSchoolTeachers on Railways.   [No. E(NG)II 68S3/1 dated 31.03.1970]   In their letter of even number dated29.06.1968, the Board laid down that if in a rare case, a substitute teacher has to be engaged in the absence of a panel, he should be discharged on completion of three months’ service and a panel formed in the meantime. It has been represented to the Railway Board that in several cases substitute teachers are not available for a short duration of three months and difficulties are being experienced in obtaining the services of teachers for such a short period. The Board have considered the matter and have now decided that if, in a rare case, the non-empanelled teachers has to be engaged as a substitute, he should not be continued for more than six months. In order that a non-empanelled teacher does not continue as a substitute, the, Board desire that Railway Administrations should ensure that a panel is kept. For this purpose, Railways may place indent on the Railway Service Commission for forming a panel even if there are no definite vacancies for the lower grade teaching staff.   6.     Subject : Engagement of SubstituteSchoolTeachers on Railways.   [No. E(NG)II-68/SB/1 dated 08.07.1970]   Attention is invited to letter No. E(NG)II-68RE 1/12dated22.02.1968, wherein it has been laid down that Board’s prior approval should be obtained before an indent is placed on the Railway Service Commission in connection with recruitment against Class III posts.   It has come to the notice of the Board that difficulty is being experienced by Railways in placing indents in time on the Railway Service Commissions with the result that Railways are left with no panel for appointment of substitute teachers therefrom and that this leads to continuance of non-empaneled substitutes beyond the limit prescribed in Railway Board’s letters of even number dated 29.06.1968 and 31.03.1970.   The Board have considered the latter and have now decided in partial modification of their letter No. E(NG)II/68RE1/12 dated 22.02.1968 that Railways need not take Board’s prior approval for placing indents for re­cruitment of the School teachers; the necessary provision for substitutes being also incorporated in such indents in accordance with Board’s letter of even number dated 31.03.1970. The varification of vacancies should be done in consultation with FA&CAO.   The Board, however, desire that candidates proposed to be appointed against posts earmarked for substitutes should be clearly warned that the posts are for substitutes only. 7. Subject:Empanelment of Casual Labourers and Substitutes.    [No. E(NG)II-70/CL28 dated 20.07.1970]   1.The existing procedure for recruitment to Class IV regular posts as contained in Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)58RC1/61 dated 30.01.1961, inter-alia, lays down that substitutes, casual labour and temporary work­men who acquire temporary status on works other than projects or other casual labour who have worked for more than six months, should be considered for regular employment without having to go through Employ­ment Exchanges.   2.  In the CPO’s conference held in the Railway Board’s office on 18/19.12.1969, it was brought to the notice of the Board that on the Railways a large number of substitutes had been employed without proper selection and empanelment and that these substitutes had been continued in employ­ment over long periods. The Board considered that, having allowed them to continue without proper selection for long periods, it would not be feasible to discharge them without screening and, therefore, desired that they should be screened for empanelment by Screening Committees and not by Selec­tion Boards, against vacancies to be worked out after providing for the anticipated surpluses.   3.  It has now been represented that it would not be equitable to confine this ad hoc screening procedure to substitutes alone leaving casual labour out of consideration altogether and that, as the regular procedure for selection as laid down in Railway Board’s letter dated 30.01.1961, referred to above, is one and the same for casual labour as well as for substitutes the relaxation should equally apply to casual labour also.   4.  The Board have now decided that the substitutes, casual labour and temporary workmen who have acquired temporary status on works other than Projects as also other casual labourers who have worked for more than six months, should all be considered for empanelment by the Screening Committee in terms of their decision referred to in para2 above. The Board, however, desire to make it clear that this ad hoc procedure of empanelment is designed to ameliorate the hardship likely to be caused to the casual labourers and substitutes if they are now discharged after having worked for long periods, and that it does not supersede the regular procedure of selection as envisaged in Railway Board’s letter dated30.01.1961. Accordingly, the vacancies which were estimated, out of these available on 19.12.1969 (date of CPOs conference) as required to be filled up (after taking into account the estimated reduction in the number of posts, and after providing for the anticipated surpluses) only should be filled up through this procedure. Once the vacancies so estimated have been filled up, the normal procedure should be restored. 8. Subject:Substitute service— counting for pensionary benefits   [No. F(E)III/69/PN1/21 dated22.07.1970]   1.Attention is invited to para6 of the Board’s letter No. E(NG)65LR1/ 1 dated01.09.1965 wherein it was inter alia laid down that the substitutes should be afforded all rights and privileges as are admissible to temporary railway servants on completion of six months continuous service. A question has been raised as to the extent to which the substitute service is to be taken into account for pensionary benefits. The matter has been carefully considered by the Board and it is clarified that the service as substitute will count for pensionary benefits from the date of completion of six months (three months in the case of teachers) continuous service as substitute provided it is followed by absorption in regular class III/IV service without break. The substitute service rendered before the issue of these orders will also be regulated accordingly.   2.  The cases of the employees, who have, however, quit service before the issue of these orders, and in whose cases, the substitute service has been treated otherwise, need not be re-opened.   3.  The above has the sanction of the President.   9.     Subject:Reservation quota for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes—Recruitment of Casual Labour   [E(SCT)70 CM 15/15/2 dated 19.11.1970]   The Board have considered die matter further and now desire that although there is no reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the matter of recruitment of Casual Labourers, it should be ensured that adequate number of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates are taken-in as Casual Labourers.   2.   It is reiterated that the roster is not to be made applicable at the time of Casual appointment, but at the time of regular appointment, the roster must be made applicable.   10.   Subject:Empanelment of Casual Labourers and Substitutes.   Reference:Board’s letter of even number dated16.03.1970   [No. E(NG)II-RC/90 dated18.12.1970]   It has been represented to the Board that even in respect of substitutes who have already put in long periods of service and have become entitled to benefits of temporary service, their service is facing a break merely to comply with the Board’s orders contained in the letter referred to above. The intention of Board’s letter of16.03.1970 is that to regular railway service only empanelled personnel should be appointed and such empanelment should be promptly done so that unapproved substitutes are not continued in service for long spells. Instructions have also been issued separately that substitutes and casual labour, who have acquired temporary status, should, inter alia, be considered for empanelment by Screening Committees constituted in terms of Boards’ letter No. E(NG)II-70/CL/28 dated 20.07.1970. The Board desire to clarify that substitutes who have already acquired temporary status should be immediately screened in terms of the orders referred to above and that their service should not be artificially broken merely to comply with the orders that such substitutes should not be continued for more than three months. Substitutes are to be replaced only by properly empanelled persons. Where it is not necessary to operate a post, it is not obviously necessary to retain any substitute.   The incidence of substitutes working against regular vacancies beyond2 months must be reported to the Personnel Officers and beyond4 months to the Head of the Office monthly who should ensure that special efforts are made to finalise the panels and make regular postings. 10A. Subject:A relaxed standard of medical examination of casual labourers on first appointment to class IV service and absorption against posts with lower medical classification in case of their medical unsuitability.   [No. E(NG)II-71CL/84 dated 13.12.1972]   As a result of the discussions held in the Departmental Council under the J.C.M., the Railway Board have decided to grant the following conces­sions to casual labourers:   (i) When casual labourers are included in a panel for appointment to classIV posts and sent for medical examination for first appoint­ment to regular service, the standard of medical examination should not be the one that is required for first appointment but should be a relaxed standard as prescribed for re-examination during service. For this purpose, the period of their employment as casual labourers, whether on project or non-project works, should be treated as qualified service for such relaxed standards.   (ii) Such of the casual labourers, as are found on medical examination to be unfit for the particular category for which they are sent for medical examination, despite the relaxed standard prescribed for re-examination, may be considered for alternative category requiring a lower medical classification subject to their suitability for the alternative category being adjudged by the Screening Committee, to the extent it is possible to arrange absorption against alternative posts requiring the lower medical classification.   2.   These orders shall take effect in respect of panels which are framed after the date of issue of this letter. 10B.   Subject: A relaxed standard of medical examination of casual labourers on first appointment to class IV service and absorption against posts with lower medical classification in case of their medical unsuitability.   [No. E(NG)II-71 CL/84 dated 10.05.1973]   Reference Board’s letter of even number dated13.12.1972 on the above subject. It is clarified that the concessions mentioned therein are intended to be extended only to such of the casual labourers as have the minimum of6 years service, whether continuous or in broken periods. 10C. Subject:A relaxed standard of medical examination of casual labourers on first appointment to class IV service and absorption against posts with lower medical classification in case of their medical unsuitability. E(NG)II-71CL/84 dated 01.08.1973]                 Reference Railway Board’s letters of even number dated13.12.1972and10.05.1973 on the above subject. It is clarified that the orders contained therein are equally applicable to substitutes. 11.   Subject:Temporary status on substitutes reduction of period from six months to four months.   [No. E(NG)II-73SBI/14 dated 06.03.1974]   The existing orders relating to engagement of substitutes and grant of temporary status to them as contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)65LR1-1 dated01.09.1965 provide that they should be afforded the rights and privileges as are admissible to temporary railway servants on comple­tion of six months continuous service. The orders also provide that substitute school teachers should be afforded this benefit after they have put in continuous service of three months.   The Board have now decided that the benefits of temporary railway service to substitutes may henceforth be granted on completion of four months’ continuous service instead of six months’ continuous service. The period of three months for attaining temporary status for school teachers will, however, continue unchanged. 12.     Subject:Recruitment of Casual Labour/Substitutes- Their empanelment for regular employment and reservation of vacancies in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes   Reference:Correspondence resting with Board’s letters No. (i) E(G)70EC/2/6 of 11.08.1972; (ii) E(G)73EC/2/2 of 26.05.1973; (iii) E(NG)-73CL/41 of 23.08.1973; (iv) E (NG) II-72CL/72 of01.12.1972; (v) E(SCT)70CM15/15/2 of 19.11.1970.   [No. E(SCT)74CM15/7 dated 27.04.1974]   It has come to the notice of the Railway Board that the Railways have been appointing a large number of casual labour/substitutes even against regular and maintenance vacancies and thereafter the Screening Committees have been regularising such persons without observing in many cases, Railway Board’s orders regarding reservation of vacancies in favour of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. In certain categories where quite a large number of persons were taken in Class IV posts the number of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes engaged and regularized has been practically nil.   2.         The matter has, therefore, been reviewed by the Board and it has been decided that—   (i) Orders contained in Railway Board’s Letter No. E(SCT)70 CM15/15/2 of 19.111970 should be strictly observed while engaging Casual labour/Substitutes against each individ­ual category in the various departments. It is also clarified that the term adequate number (occurring in 4th line of para 2 of Board’s letter of 19.11.1970) should be taken to mean that the intake of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should not be below the percentage of reservation in favour of the two commu­nities.   (ii) The Screening Committees should make good the shortfall, if. any, by resorting to direct recruitment from the open market in each Class IV category before the panel is published.   (iii) Ordinarily the question of any shortfall in non-technical catego­ries should not arise.                     (iv) So far as technical categories in Class IV are concerned, if there is any shortfall the matter should be reported to the Board with detailed remarks giving reasons forthe shortfall and also the steps taken by the Administration to make good the shortfall.   13.     Subject: Empanelment of Casual Labourers for Class IV posts.   [No. E(NG)II-74CL/26 dated 18.06.1974]   Reference Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)58RC1/61 dated 30.01.1961 wherein it has, inter-alia, been laid down that in the case of Casual Labourers the age limit for recruitment to Class IV service may be relaxed to the extent of their total service rendered as Casual Labour which may be either continuous or in broken periods.   2.  A case has come to Board’s notice where a casual labourer had put in more than 1300 days service (broken and continuous together) on the date of his screening for empanelment to Class IV but was omitted as he was overage taking the age on that date reduced by the number of days of actual service put in. The Board are of the view that for casual labour to be regularised after screening, the age limit should not be applied so rigidly. The Chief Personnel Officer should give age relaxation in such hard cases. In deciding which are hard cases, the criterion should be whether on the date of initial engagement as casual labourer, the man was within the prescribed age limit and whether he has been more or less regularly working for the Railway since then.   14. Subject:Recruitment of Casual Labour/Substitutes— Their empanelment for regular employment and reservation of vacancies in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes   [No. E(SCT)74CM15/7 dated 09.10.1974]   Reference Railway Board’s letter No. E(SCT)74CM15/7 dated27.04.1974on the above subject.   In the above quoted letter for item (i) under para2 please substitute the following:   (i) “Orders contained in Railway Board’s letter No. E(SCT)700M13/15/2 of19.11.1970 should be observed as far as possible while engaging casual labour/substitutes against each individual category in the various departments. It is also clarified that the term adequate number (occurring in 4th line of para2 of Board’s letter of19.11.1970) would be the number according to the percentage of reservations in favour of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities.   15. Subject: Empanelment of Casual Labourers.   [No. E(NG)II-74CL26 dated25.02.1975]   Please refer to Board’s letter No. E(NG)58RC1/61 dated30.01.1961and even number dated 18.06.1974 regarding relaxation of age limit at the time of recruitment of casual labourers in regular ClassIV service. It has been represented that there are some instances where casual labour/substi­tutes work against skilled/highly skilled grades and they may come up for regularisation against these posts. It is hereby clarified that the provision for relaxation of age by the period put in as casual labour/substitutes applies equally to such cases of regularisation in Class III skilled or highly skilled grades.   16.     Subject: Re-engagement of Casual Labourers/Substitutes who have been discharged during the strike of May, 1974.   [No. E(NG)II-74CL/99 dated25.08.1975]   In the PNM meeting held between the A.I.R.F. and the Board on 20.05.1975 the following decisions were taken in regard to casual labour/substitutes who had been discharged in connection with the strike of May, 1974:   (a) Discharged casual labour/substitutes who have not been re-employed will be re-engaged against future requirement in the order of priority on the basis of their total period of service prior to their discharge.   (b) When framing panels in future, the casual labour/substitutes in question should be allotted seniority by reckoning their previous spells of employment and on the basis of such cumulative aggregate service.   (c) The casual labour/substitutes who have not been re-engaged so far, will also be considered for empanelment/screening based on the length of their employment prior to the date of discharge.   (d) The casual labour/substitutes in question will not be subjected to any additional disability for the purpose of age limit, on account of this break in service.   The Board desire that suitable action may be taken by your administration on the basis of the above decisions.   17.     Subject:Age relaxation for Casual Labourers/Substitutes for Class in posts advertised by Railway Service Commissions   [No. E(NG)II-75CL/85 dated 03.01.1976]   It has been represented to Board that there are a number of casual labourers on Railways who are Matriculates, Diploma Holders etc. and who have put in a number of years of service on the Railways but being over­age they are debarred from applying to the Railway Service Commissions for appointment in Class III service.   The Board have carefully considered the matter, particularly in the context of bettering the future prospects of educated casual labourers, and they have decided that casual labourers/substitutes who wish to apply for the post advertised by Railway Service Commissions, may be given relaxation in age to the extent of service put in by them, continuous or in broken spells, subject to a maximum of three years as in the case of regular Class III employees. The service as casual labourers should be verified from the Service Cards retained by the casual labourers, which should be treated as authentic documents.   18.   Subject:Recruitment of teachers for Railway Schools   [No. E(NG)III 75 RCI/121 dated 09.01.1976]   In1968 the earlier practice under which teachers for Railway schools could be directly recruited by the Railway Administrations was changed and the recruitment work was transferred to the Railway Service Commissions vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)67 RRI/25 dated12.07.1968 while regular vacancies have been filled through the Railway Service Commissions, the Railway Administrations have had to fill many vacancies by engaging substitute teachers. Some of these substitute teachers have to be retrenched after putting in long years of service, when the candidates selected by the Railway Service Commissions report eventually. To avoid this situation, a proposal made is that the same agency should make regular recruitment as well as appointment of substitutes. This issue has been discussed with organised labour and as a result the Ministry of Railways have decided that direct recruitment of teachers against vacancies occurring for the next18 months from01.01.1976 onwards should be made by the Railway Administra­tions themselves and no indents need hereafter be placed on the Commis­sions for such vacancies. Against indents placed already, the Commissions should make recruitment if advertisements have already been issued. Where vacancies have not been advertised so far, the indents may be returned to the Railways.   For recruitment the Railway Administrations should adopt the same procedure as the Commissions have been following viz. issue of advertise­ments and consideration of eligible candidates by Selection Board. The substitute teachers already working may also be asked to apply and be considered along with other applicants.   In January1977 each Railway Administration should send to the Board a report on the recruitment conducted in1978 so that the Board can review the matter.   19.     Subject:Re-engagement of casual labourers discharged during the May1974 strike— Seniority on re-engagement.   [E(NG)II 74 CL/99 dated 10.09.1976]   In Railway Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)II74 CL/99 dated25.08.1975 it was laid down that discharged casual labour/substitutes will be re-engaged against future requirements on the basis of their total period of service and when framing panels they would be allotted seniority by reckoning their previous spells of employment. The matter again came up for discussion in the PNM meeting held between the A.I.R.F. and the Railway Board on 11.03.1976 when it has been decided that when retrenchment becomes necessary, their service prior to the strike would be taken into consideration vis-a-vis others for reckoning seniority.   The above decision should be followed in all cases of retrenchment hereafter.   20. Subject: Re-engagement of Casual Labourers/discharged during the May, 1974 strike—seniority etc. on re-engagement.   Reference: Board’s letter No. E(NG)n-74CL/99 dated 16.10.1976.   [No. E(NG)II-74CL/99 dated 09.11.1976]   The Board wish to clarify that the protection against retrenchment mentioned in the penultimate sentence of the above letter is not only for Casual Labourers but also for “Substitutes”.   21.     Subject:Relaxation of upper age limit for serving Railway employees for recruitment to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts on Railways.   [No. E(NG)I 73 PMl/315 dated 20.11.1976]   The Third Pay Commission had recommended, vide para47, Chapter 8, Vol. I of their report, that the existing promotion prospects of the Class IV as well as Class III cadres need further improvement and for this purpose employees should be encouraged to improve their educational and technical qualifications should be allowed to compete with relaxed age limits alongwith outsiders for higher posts. They have also recom­mended that serving employees who possess the requisite qualifications should also be made eligible to compete by relaxing the age’ limits.This subject has been discussed in the National Council (JCM) and it has been decided by Government that for direct recruitment to Group’C’and’ D’ posts the upper age limit will be relaxable up to the age of35 years for persons who have put in3 years continuous service in allied cadres, details being finalised by each Ministry.    The Ministry of Railways have accordingly decided that for direct recruitment to all Group’C’ and Group ‘D’ vacancies, serving employees who have put in3 years continuous service on the Railways will be given age relaxation by the period of Railway service put in, subject to the upper age limit of35 years not being exceeded. Where extant orders permit age relaxation over35 years e.g. Laboratory staff of the Medical Department applying for posts of Laboratory Superintendents, the existing higher age limits will continue to apply. 22.   Subject: Recruitment of teacher for Railway Schools.   [No. F(NG)III 77RC/143 dated 12.08.1977]   Please refer to Board’s letter No. E(NG)III 75RCI/121 dated 09.01.1976 where the G.M.’s were authorised to recruit teachers for Railway Schools (and Colleges where the teaching staff are in Class III). This procedure was to be in force for18 months from01.01.1976 hereafter a review was to be made. The Board have since reviewed the matter and decided that the same procedure should be continued hereafter.   23. Subject: Protection from retrenchment of casual labour belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.   [No. E(LL)76AT/ID/1-16 dated 17.02.1978]   Reference Ministry of Railway letters No. E(SCT)70CM15/15/2 dated19.11.1970 and E(SCT)74CM/15/7 dated27.04.1974 wherein the Railways were advised that adequate number of SC/ST candidates are taken in as casual labourers although there is no reservation in the matter of recruitment of casual labourers and that the intake of SC and ST, while engaging casual labourers/substitutes against each individual category in the various departments should not be below the percentage of reservation in favour of the two communities.   A question has been raised whether in view of the provisions of Section 25G of the Industrial Disputes Act under which the employer will ordinarily adopt the procedure of last come, first go in effecting retrench­ment of workmen in a particular category, casual labour belonging to SC/ ST can be protected from the retrenchment in preference to other persons till they form the prescribed percentage in the category from which retrenchment is contemplated.   It is clarified that section25G of the Industrial Disputes Act itself contemplates certain cases where the employer may depart from the general rule ‘last come, first go’ for reasons to be recorded by him. In this view of the matter, it can be concluded that preferential treatment as envisaged in the various administrative instructions could be given in individual cases even under the existing provisions of the section 25G of the Industrial Disputes Act.   Thus the ground that some of the workers who are junior in service belong to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes may be a good ground to retain such workers in preference to those who are senior to them at the time of retrenchment. While giving such preferential treatment to such workers at the time of retrenchment, the employer will have to record reasons as to why the rule of ‘last come, first go’ is not applied to this class of workers.   24.   Subject:Extension of medical facilities to casual labourers   [E(NG)II 77CL/2 dated 03.05.1978]   At the J.C.M. Departmental Council meeting held in December,1977, the Staff side demanded that casual labour should be given free medical facilities, and that no artificial breaks should be created in their service to deny them temporary status. The demand has been considered by the Board, and in consultation with the Staff side, the Board have decided as under:—   (i) In terms of Note No.4 below para2501 of the I.R.E.M., casual labour should not be retrenched with a view to imposing artificial breaks. Based on the representations made before the Railway Labour Tribunal,1969, instructions were issued vide Board’s letter No. PC-72/RLT-69/3(i) dated17.09.1973 that artificial breaks should not be imposed. This was further reiterated in Additional Member Staffs D.O. letter No. E(NG)II75CL/28 dated07.05.1975 to all the General Managers. The Board desire that strict instructions should be issued to all concerned against the imposition of artificial breaks in service of casual labourers and observance of extant orders on the subject.   (ii) All casual labourers, project as well as non-project, may be given medical facilities for self only in outpatient departments. The Service cards of the employees may be utilised as the identifica­tion cards for this purpose.   Necessary funds and facilities may be provided for this purpose.   This issues with the concurrence of the finance directorate of this Ministry.   25. Subject: Recruitment of teachers for Railway Schools.   [No. E(NG)III-78RCI/4 dated 25.07.1978]   The problem of engagement of substitute teachers by the Railway Administration has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways from tine to time. In the Ministry of Railways letter No. E(NG)II-68SB/1 dated 29.06.1968 it was impressed on the Railways to draw substitute teachers only from an approved panel of selected candidates and for that purpose steps should be taken to ensure that a few names are always available on the panel to be supplied by the RSCs. Inspite of these instructions the problem continued to subsist resulting in services of such substitutes having contin­ued for years without regularisation by R.S.Cs. although this Ministry had repeated the instructions once on31.03.1970 and again on06.08.1974.   The Central Vigilance Commission has recently commented ad­versely about continuing the services of substitute teachers for more than one year.   The General Managers were authorised under this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)III-75RCI/121 dated09.01.1976 to recruit teachers for Railway Schools directly without the agency of the R.S.C. This practice has been made permanent vide this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)III-77RCI/43 dated 12.08.1977. With the issue of these instructions, the problem of engaging substitute teachers for indefinite period should cease to exist. The Ministry of Railways therefore desire that it should be ensured that an adequate panel is always maintained to fill regular vacancies and also an adequate waiting list. All substitute teachers should hence forward be taken only from this waiting list.   A compliance report on the above decision may kindly be sent by 30.09.1978.   26.     Subject:Recruitment of teachers for Railway Schools   [No. E(NG)III-78RCI/4 dated 24.08.1978]   In continuation of their letter of even number dated25.07.1978, the Ministry of Railways have decided that the period of validity of recruitment panels of teachers which your administration will form, should be one year from the date of operation of the panel. The currency of the panel may, however, be extended for another one year with the approval of the Ministry of Railways to whom the matter may be referred by your administration with full justification.   As mentioned in Board’s letter of25.07.1978 quoted above, there need be no separate panel for substitute teachers. However, if your administration had earlier formed such a panel, its currency should be as laid down above.   27.     Subject: Substitutes — increase in the days of authorised absence.   [No. E(NG)II/77/SB/37 dated 24.10.1978]   In accordance with the Ministry of Railway’s letter No. E(NG)65LRI-1, dated 01.09.1965 read with their subsequent letter No. E(NG)II73SB/14 dated 06.03.1974 authorised absence not exceeding15 days during thepreceding four months does not constitute a break in the service of asubstitute, who has not attained temporary status. The question of increasing the period of authorised absence has been considered by the Ministry ofRailways and it has been decided that the limit of authorised absence as laid down in para 7(b) of this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)65LR1-1 dated 01.09.1965 for the purpose of continuity of service in the case of substitutes may also be raised from15 days to20 days.                                  28.     Subject: Grant of Festival Advance/Flood Advance etc. to Casual Labour/ Substitutes.   [No. E(NG)II/78/CL/l4 dated 22.11.1978]   The question of grant of Festival and Flood Advances to the Casual Labour/Substitutes has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways for some time past. This-issue was also a subject of discussion with the Organised labour in the PNM meeting held with NFIR on 16/17.05.1973 and it was agreed to examine the matter further to see whether any relaxation is possible in the case of Casual Labour, who attaining temporary status are subscribing to P.F.   The Ministry of Railways in consultation with the Ministry of Finance have decided that in the matter of grant of Festival and Flood Advances, the Casual Labour/Substitutes who have attained temporary status and have put in three years continuous service should be treated at par with temporary Railway Servants and granted these advances on the same conditions as are applicable to temporary Railway servants for grant of such advances provided they furnish two sureties from permanent Railway employees, not governed by the payment of Wages Act.   This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways and has the sanction of the President.   29.     Subject:Grant of Festival Advance/Flood Advance etc. to Casual Labour/ Substitutes.   [No. E(NG)II/78/CL/14, dated 27.12.1978]   Reference Ministry of Railways letter of even number dated 22.11.1978on the above subject.   The question of furnishing sureties of two Permanent Railway servants not governed by the Payment of Wages Act in connection with the grant of Festival and Flood Advance to the casual labour/substitutes who have attained temporary status in terms of the above letter, has been reconsidered by the Ministry of Railways. It has been decided that the sureties of two permanent railway employees as required under22.11.1978 is referred to above, may be accepted even if they are governed by the Payment of Wages Act. Accordingly the expression “not governed by the Payment of Wages Act” occurring in the last line ofpara 2 of this Ministry’ s letter of 22.11.1978referred to above, be deleted.   This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways and has the sanction of the President.   ]30.     Subject:Engagement of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates as Casual Labour on Railways.   [No. 79-E(SCT)15/1 dated 10.03.1979]   Reference in invited in this Ministry’s letter No. E(SCT)70CM 15/15/2 dated 19.11.1970, No. E(SCT)74CM15/7 dated 27.04.1974 and 09.10.1974 which provide that though in the matter of engagement of Casual Labour and Substitutes no roster is required to be maintained, the recruiting authority should ensure intake of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to be as far as possible according to the percentage of reservation prescribed in favour of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities. Further, in this Ministry’s letter No. 77-E(SCT)15/18 dated 22.07.1977, the above instructions were reiterated and it was laid down that the principle of reservation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes should generally be suitably applied to the extent possible to work-charged establishments also as in the case of. engagement of Casual Labour/Substitutes, except in the case of those who are required for emergencies like flood relief work, accident restoration and relief etc.   2.  In the Consultative Committee Meeting of the Members of Parliament with the Railway Minister held on 7th February1979, criticism was voiced that the engagement of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as Casual Labour/Substitutes/work-charged staff on the Railways is not upto the prescribed percentages. The Ministry of Railway have now decided that the percentages laid down for ClassIV categories should be followed for engagement of Casual Labour/Substitutes also. The existing number of employees should be reviewed urgently so as to make good the shortfall of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, if any.   30A.   Subject:Strict maintenance of Records/Registers and observance of rules relating to engagement& screening of Casual Labour/Substitutes.   [No. E(NG) 11/77/CL/2 dated 31.03.1979]   In the then AMS’s confidential D.O. letter No. E(NGII/75/CL/21 dated07.05.1975, it was requested that with a view to ensure strict observance of all orders/rules issued from time to time relating to casual labour, frequent inspection of sites by senior officers, in addition to tightening up the administrative machinery should be carried out. It was reiterated in Ministry of Railways letter of even number dated 03.05.1978 that strict instruction should be issued to all concerned against the imposition of artificial break in service of Casual Labour and observance of extent orders on the subject Inspite of these instructions, complaints regarding non-observance of extent orders on Casual Labour continue pouring in.   2.  The task Force on vigilance of the Ministry of Railways in their report has recommended as follows.   “Observance of rules relating to engagement and screening of Casual Labour/Substitutes should be ensured and responsibility in the matter should be fixed on the concerned senior subordinate officer.”   3.  Extracts from record of discussions the Board had with AIRF. on 13.11.1978 regarding problems of Civil Engineering Staff Indian Railway are also reproduced below:   “The representatives stated that even the existing order regarding absorption of casual labour have not been implemented. There have been artificial break every4 months merely for not allowing the employees continuity and certain posts required for mainte­nance and operation are still being operated by casual labour. It was agreed to look into this matter.”   With a view to ensure implementation of the extent orders/rules on the subject and to avoid artificial breaks in the service of Casual Labour, the Board desire that the above recommendation of the Task Force on vigilance should be implemented and Ministry of Railway’s instructions contained in their, letter No.E(NG)II/74/CL/27 dated 20.06.1974 and No.E(NG)II/ 77/ CL/46 dated 27.02.1978 regarding decasualisation should be strictly followed.       Subject:Screening Committees for Casual Labour/Substitutes-representation to S/C & S/T on. [No. E(NG)II/79/CL/16 dated 27.04.1979]   In Ministry of Railway’s letter No. E(NG)II/70/CL/28 dated 20.07.1970, it has been laid down that causal labour substitutes should be screened for empanelment by Screening Committees and not by Selection Boards. Ministry of Railways have considered the matter regarding the constitution of such Screening Committees and have decided that such Screening Committees should include an Officer belonging to S/C or S/T.   32.     Subject: Relaxation of upper age limit for Casual Labour/Substitutes for recruitment against Group C posts through Railway Service Commissions.   [No. E(NH)II/79/CL/17 dated 28.04.1979]   In terms of the Ministry of Railways’ letter No. E(NG)II/75/CL/85 dated 03.01.1976 casual labour/substitutes who are matriculates/diploma hold­ers etc. are eligible for age relaxation to the extent of their service as causal labour/substitutes, subject to a maximum of three years, for appearing in examinations/selections advertised by RSCs. Subsequently as a result of discussions in the JCM National Council orders were issued vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)I73 PM1/315 dated 20.11.1976 that serving employees who have put in three years’ continuous service may be given age relaxation for direct recruitment to Group C& D posts by the period of service put in, subject to the age of35 not being exceeded. The Ministry of Railways have since reviewed the position of casual labour/substitutes and decided that such of them as have put in three years’ (at one stretch or in broken periods may be similarly granted age relaxation by the period of service put in as casual labour/substitutes subject to the age of35 not being exceeded.   33.     Subject:Extension of Medical facilities to substitutes.   [No. E(NG)II77/CL/2, dated 16.05.1979]   The Ministry of Railways have decided that Medical facilities granted to casual labour under their letter of even number dated 03.05.1978 may also be extended to substitutes to the same extent as admissible to casual labour i.e. out-patient/treatment for self only. The service cards etc. of the employees may be utilised as the identification cards for this purpose.   This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of this Ministry.   34. Subject: Relaxation in the upper age limit for the casual labour for absorption in regular Cadre.   [No. E(NG)II/79/CL/5 dated 16.05.1979]   Ministry of Railway’s letter No. E(NG)N-74/CL/26 dated 18.06.1974provides that in the case of casual labour to be regularised after screening, the age-limit should not be applied so rigidly and the C.P.O. can grant relaxation in hard cases, the criterion for deciding hard cases being that on the date of initial recruitment as casual labour, the man concerned was within the prescribed age-limit and he has been more or less regularly working since then. The matter has been considered further by the Railway Board and it has been decided that as long as it is established from records that a casual labourer has been enrolled within the age limit relaxation at the time of actual absorption should be automatic and guided by this factor.   2.   As a result of discussion held in the PNM meeting with AIRF on 16/17.02.1979 it has further been decided that:—   (i) As far as possible casual labour/substitutes should be engaged only upto the age of28 years.   (ii) At the time of regular absorption of casual labour/substitutes, in old Cases where the age-limit was not observed, relaxation of age should be considered sympathetically.   (iii) The reservation quota for SCs/STs in ClassIV categories should be followed when engaging casual labour/substitutes as already laid down under Board’s letter No.79E (SCT) 15/1 dated 10.03.1979.   35.     Subject: Determination of date of appointment of Substitutes to be recorded in service records. [No. E (NG) II/77/5B/38 dated 19.09.1979]   Reference Ministry of Railway’s letter of even number dated 13.01.1978and your replies thereto. Ministry of Railways have carefully considered the matter and have decided that the date of appointment of a substitute to be recorded in the Service Book against the column ‘date of appointment’, should be date on which he attains temporary status if the same is followed by his regular absorption otherwise, it should be the date on which he is regularly appointed/absorbed. This applies to substitute teachers also who attain temporary status after a continuous service of three months only.   36.     Subject: Recruitment of Teachers for Railway Schools.   [No. E(NG)II/80RC1/42 dated 19.06.1980]   In Board’s letter No. E(NG)III-78RC1/4 dated 25.07.1978, instructions were issued that the Railways should ensure that an adequate panel is always maintained to fill regular vacancies of teachers and an adequate waiting list should be available for appointing substitute teachers therefrom. Instances have come to Board’s notice where ad hoc arrangements have been made by the Railways for appointment of substitute teachers due to non-availability of any waiting list, by picking up any one from the open market.   2.  Board desire that the Railways should ensure strict compliance of the instructions contained in Board’s letter of 25.07.1978. That is, an ade­quately long panel of selected candidates should be drawn up at the time of rccruitmg teachers for regular appointment so that the tail-end of the panel (which is in excess of the actual number of regular appointment to be made) can be treated as a waiting list from which substitute teachers can be drawn as and when the need arises. Where due to any compelling reasons, a waiting list is not available or me waitiisted candidate is not forthcoming and the post cannot be left unfilled till a regular incumbent is available, the post may be temporarily manned by. recruiting a substitute who should be selected through a procedure of calling for applications locally and making the selection from out of these applications. The substitute arrangement should not be continued indefinitely and in any case not more than 6 months by which time a regular incumbent should be selected and posted.   37.   Subject: Relaxation in age limit Class IV staff—Delegation of Powers.   [No. E(NG)II/79/CL/5 dated29.09.1980]   In accordance with the Ministry of Railway’s instructions contained in letter of even No. dated 16.05.1979, the CPO’s are empowered to grant relaxation in the age limit in the case of casual labour to be regularised after screening. A point has been raised whether consequent on upgrading the posts of DS’s to DRMS to level I, these powers of CPO’s could be delegated to DRM ‘s. The Ministry of Railways have given careful consid­eration to the matter and have decided that as a measure of decentralization the DRM’s may exercise such powers. 38.   Subject: Relaxation in age limit—Class IV staff—Delegation of powers.   [No. E(NG)II/79/CL/5 dated l6.10.1980]   Reference Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 29.09.1980.   A question has been raised whether the powers can be exercised by all the DRMs or only by DRMs in Level-1. It is clarified that the powers can be exercised by all DRMs irrespective of the fact whether they arc in Level I orII.   39.   Subject:Problems of Casual Labour. [No. E(NG)II-79/CL-2 dated 03.03.1982]   In the PNM’s meeting held with A.I.R.F. on31.07. & 01.08.1981 to the staff side had demanded that casual labour called for screening for regular absorption in ClassIV should be only25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} more than the number of vacancies. As per the provisions contained in sub-section IV Section B, Chapter I of IREM, the Panel for recruitment of ClassIV should contain as many names as are likely to be needed against the bare anticipated vacancies in course of six months or one year following the selection depending on the frequency of recruitment Board desire that these instructions should be strictly adhered to. It has also been decided that the number of casual labour called for screening should be only25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} more than the actual number of vacancies for which the panel is to be formed.   40.       Subject:Screening of Casual Labours/Substitutes—Issue of duty passes.   [No. E(NG)II/82/CL/W/5.dated 21.04.1983]   A question has been raised whether in the case of candidates working as unapproved substitutes/casual labours when called for screening after attaining temporary status their period of absence from their Headquarters to the place of screening should be treated as ‘duty’ and they could be given duty passes to cover their journey.   The matter has been considered by the Ministry of Railways and it has been decided that in such cases screening should be treated on par with an obligatory departmental examination envisaged under para 305 (I)-RI and such casual labours/substitutes may be issued passes for the journey in question and the period thus spend should be treated as duty.   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   The above orders will take effect from01.04.1983.   40A.     Subject:Constitution of Selection Board screening of casual labour for regular absorption  and appointments of Class IV categories.   [No. E(NG)II-83/RRI/7(1) dated 01.06.1983]   The Prime Minister has again expressed her views on the subject of employment of persons of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes’ Minority Community.   As the Railways provide a large employment potential, the following instructions may be observed in the matter of Recruitment Committees.   3.According to the provisions in sub-section (IV) of Section (B) of chapter I of the IREM Vol.I, the Selection Board for recruitment of ClassIV staff on the Railways shall consist of two Railway officers and an outsider, who is to be a retired gazetted officer of integrity. Headmaster of a high School or a Principal of a College. In Board’s letter No. E(NG)III-79/RRI/3 dated 07.03.1979, further instructions were issued that for recruitment of ClassIV to the Workshops, the Selection Board should consist of an Assistant Mechanical Engineer and Assistant Personnel Officer and an SC/ST Officer of the same rank.   4.  In modification of these instructions, it has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the Committees constituted for recruitment to Group ‘D’ posts including screening of casual labour/substitutes should consist of at least three members, one of whom should belong to SC/ST communities and another to minority communities. No member of the Committee should be directly subordinate to any of the other members. If such a Committee cannot be constituted from amongst the officers from the Zonal Railways or any Division or Workshop, a person of SC/ST and minority communities from an adjacent Railway or another department, either of the Central Government or State Governments or persons from outside the Railway, like retired Railway and Army officers or Principals of educational institutions or eminent persons belonging to SC/ST and minor­ity Communities may be co-opted to serve on the Committee. Nomination of outsiders should be from a panel of names that may be formed by the Government or the General Managers of the concerned Railway.   41. Subject:Screening of Casual Labours/Substitutes—Issue of duty passes.   [No. E(NG)II/82/CL/W/5 dated 23.07.1983]   In partial modification of this office letter of even number dated 21.04.1983, Ministry of Railways have decided that Project casual labours on receipt of scale rate of pay should also be entitled to the benefits as envisaged in the Board’s letter of even number dated 21.04.1983.   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   42.     Subject: Casual Labour—Regulating the engagement of.   [No. E(NG)II-84/CL/43 dated07.06.1984]   As the Railway Administrations are presumably aware, the Indian Railways have at present a casual labour work force totalling more than two lakhs. A number of stops has been taken from time to time to restrict the total number of casual labourers and to absorb size able number of casual labour in regular employment either against vacancies arising in the normal course or through posts created in the process of decasualisation.   2.   As a stop in the direction of containing the total strength casual labour, extant orders provide that no ‘face’ shall be engaged as casual labour without the prior personnel approval of the General Manager concerned.   3.   The Ministry of Railways have had occasion in the recent past review this matter. The available information indicates that further form and concerted measures will have to be taken to ensure that the total work force of casual labour is kept under strict control.   In order to achieve this objective, the Ministry of Railways have decided as under:—   (i) The existing restrictions on the engagement of “fresh faces” as casual labour whether on the open line or in the projects should continue. Rigid adherence to them must be ensured.   (ii) The orders issued in this Minstry’s letter No. 83-B-260dated 14.02.1984 that in the open line the strength of casual labour as existing on1st January,1984 should be frozen, should be strictly observed and enforced.   (iii) As in the case open line, in the Construction Organisations case also the casual labour strength as obtaining on1st January,1984 should be frozen in respect of each Chief Engineer (Cent)/Chief Signalling& Tele-Communication Engineer (Const) Chief Proj­ect Manager (Railway Electrification) or any other independent organisation.   (iv) The above would be subject to the following stipulations :—   (a) Where exigencies of work require increase in the total strength of casual labour as on 1st January, 1984 in the constructios organisation, such increase may be au­thorised by the Engineer [Const/CSTE(Const)/Chief Project Manager (etc.) with the specific prior approval of the General Manager (Addl. G.M. in the case of Railway Electrification].   (v) On the open line, in each division, the Divisional Railway Manager will lay down the ceiling limit on the strength of casual labour, ceiling limit on the strength of casual labour (Casual Labour strength obtaining on 1st Jan., 1984, being the outside limit) for each Department (like Civil Engineering Signalling & Tele-communication) for each year commencing with the year 1984. Similarly in the Construction organisation the Head of De­partment concerned will fix unit-wise ceiling of casual labour for the year.     (vi) Records of the sanction of casual labour both on the open line and in Construction Organisation will be maintained as to enable Accounts to cross check that the total strength operated is not in excess of the strength fixed as indicated above.   (vii) In case it is necessary in the interest of the safety-of execution of any works that the authorised strength of casual labour as aforesaid should be increased, then the authority to authorise such an increase shall be exercised only by the following officers personally:—   (a) Divisional Railway Manager, in the case of Division pro­vided the increase in within the over all strength as fixed for the year.   (b) Chief Engineer Cosnt/CSTE/Const/Chief Project Manager, Railway Electrification or similar Head of other project organisation in case casual labour strength of a unit under him, is to be increased but within his organisation’s overall strength for the year.   (c) General Manager where authorised casual labour strength is to be increased in case of a particular Division/Construc­tion organisation.   Note :For this purpose, a year will be reckoned from1st July of a year to the 30th June of the next year.   (viii) A steady reduction of overall casual labour strength should be achieved each of Zonal Railways, production units, etc. by im­provement in productivity, decasualisation and through absorp­tion in regular employment.   (ix) Every year, each General Manager/Chief Administrative Officer, etc. will advise to the Board, his Railways revised fixed strength of casual labour, Division/ Construction unit-wise, indication also the strength of casual labour as on 31st March of that year (strength would refer to the number of persons who are yet not in regular employment are holding valid casual labour cards).   (x) Any posts created in the Process of decasualisation should correspondingly reduce the authorised strength of casual labour. The authorised strength shall also be reduced to the extent casual labour are absorbed in regular service against vacancies arising from time to time.   (xi) The strength of casual labour should be the subject to critical review at the mosting of Principal Officers in the Headquarters as well as the offices at the divisional level. The result of the review should be reflected in the respect of DRM to GM and in the GMs PEDOs of the Board. In the GMs/PODOs the review should include the casual labour position on the construction organisa­tions also.                                4.  Railway Administrations may now kindly take immediate action to implement these instructions. Authorised strength fixed or each Railway (separately) for the open line and for Construction) may be advised to this Ministry by the 30th June,1984. Note :   Information as of and column1,4,5 and10 which will be lose for all the times may be sent by separately for the first time in and D.O. cover to O.S.D. (I.R.)   Statement regarding open line Casual Labour as on (On 1st of each month)   name of Deptt. Total No. of Casual Labour on 01.01.1984 Authorised limit fixed by DRM as on1st July of each year (Para-VII of the Board’s letter) begining 0l.07.1984 No. of Casual Labour as on 1st of the re­porting month Total No. of Casual Labour out of Column 2 who have not comple­ted 120 days as on 01.01.1984 Total No. of Casual Labour out of Col. 2 who have completed 120 days as on 01.01.1984   Total No. Of C/L granted regular scale of pay during of previous month 1 2 3 4 5 6  7 No. of C/L granted against regular No. of Casual Labour at the end of the month Total Number of Casual labour still working on daily wages through they have completed more than 120 days as on 01.01.1984.     Completed one year Completed two year Completed three year Completed four year Completed five years 8 9     10               Statement Regarding Project Casual as on (On 1st of each)   Total No. of project Casual Labour as on 01.01.1984 Authorised limit fixed by CE (Const.) (EE/Const) on 1st July of each year (Para-III VII of Bd’s letter) beginning 01.01.1984 LCSTE/Const. No. of Casual Labour on 1st of reporting month. Total No. of project Casual Labour out of Col.-1 who have not completed 180 days. As on 01.01.1984 Total No. of project Casual Labour out of Col.-1 who have not completed 180 days. As on 01.01.1984 Total No. of project Casual Labour granted consolidated monthly wages during the reporting month Total No. of project Casual Labour given Ty. Status on completion 360 days continuous employ-ment during the reporting month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total No. of Casual Labour regular-ised during the report-ing month No. of Casual Labour at the end of the month (Para X of Bd’s letter) Total No. of Project Casual Labour Still working as daily wages as on 01.01.1984     Completed one year   (a) Completed two year   (b) Completed three year   (c) Completed four year   (d) Completed five year   (e) 8 9     10       Vacan-cies during the previ-ous month (Reg. Para-X of Bd’s letter). (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 8 9     10     Engineering   Electrical   Mechanical   Commercial   Medical   Transportation   Signal and Telecommunication   Administration                         Note:Information as in column 2,5,6, & 10 will be a base for all the time and may be sent early separately for the first time in a. & o. Cover to O.S.D. (I.R.)   44.       Subject: Screening/empanement of casual labour and substitutes maintenance of Casual Labour registers. [No. E(NG)II/78/CL/2 dated 22.11.1984]   Reference this Ministry’s letter of even number, dated 21.02.1984on the above subject The Ministry of Railways have had occasion to review the existing instructions and procedures regarding engagement of casual labour. Instructions regulating the engagement of casual labour and provid­ing for control over the total casual woik force were issued in this Ministry’ s letter No. E(NG)II/84/CL/43, dated 07.06.1984.   2.  The Ministry of Railways have now decided that if a casual labourer who was earlier discharged from service on completion of work or for want of further productive woric, has not worked on the Railways again in the proceeding two complete calendar years, his name should be struck off the casual labour register. The Ministry have observed in this connection that in the matter of re-engagement of on casual labour the Railway Administration will, no doubt, keep in view the relevant provisions of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and the Rules framed there under and the practice of displaying on the notice Board if fresh employment for dis­charged casual labour is available.   3.  The casual labour register should be reviewed and up-dated an­nually, preferably during the first quarter of the year. The register so maintained should be scrutinised by Sr. Gazetted Officer preferably, both at the beginning and the close of the year and in any case at least once annually after the review has taken place. The reviewig Gazetted Officer shall sign the register in taken of secrutiny.   4.  It may be clarified that as per extent orders, if a casual labour retrenched on completion of work does not accept the offermade or turn out for work whom offer is made to him on availability of fresh work, he loses the benefit of the previous spell of employment as casual labour. In this connection, attention is invited to the clarification given in para 2 of this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)II-30/CL/25, dated 02.04.1981. These orders should be strictly enforced. 45.     Subject: Empanelment of casual labour and substitutes—Extension of ad hoc procedure.   [No. E(NG)II-84/CL/85 dated27.12.1984]   Reference Ministry of Railway’s letter No. E(NG)II/78 CL 2, dated 25.02.1983 under which instructions were issued that subject to exceptions specified in this regard like compassionate appointment all Group ‘D’ (ClassIV) vacancies as may become available up to31.12.1984 should be filled in by the screening of casual labour/substitutes. A special relaxation has also been made vide this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)II/73/CL/1 dated 23.08.1973, in respect of Group ‘D’ (ClassIV) vacancies in workshops due to special requirements of workshops.   2.  The question of extension of this ad hoc procedure of screening “casual labour/substitutes’ for another two years more i.e. upto31st Decem­ber,1986 is still under consideration. In the meantime, the Ministry of Railways have decided that the above ad hoc procedure of empanelment by screening committees and the special relaxation for workshops may be extended in respect of all Group ‘D’ (ClassIV) vacancies which may become available up to30 th June,1985 or till any further orders are issued, which even is earlier.   46.     Subject:Filling in of Group D (ClassIV) vacancies by empanelment of casual labour and substitutes— Extension of screening procedure.   [No. E(NG)II/84/CL/85 dated 31.07.1985; RBE 222/85]   Reference Ministry of Railways letter of even number dated 27.12.1984under which instructions were issued that subject to exceptions specified in the instructions issued in this regard from time to time like compassionate appointments, recruitment in diesel/electric loco sheds recruitment in workshops etc., all Group’ D’ (ClassIV) vacancies as may become available upto 30th June,1985 should be filled in by the screening of casual labour/ substitutes.   2.  The question of extension of the provisions of the aforesaid letter of 27.12.1984for the filling in the Group ‘D’ (ClassIV) vacancies by the screening of casual labour/substitutes, has been under consideration. The Ministry of Railways have now decided as under:—   (i)  Subject to what is stated in sub-para (ii) below and with the exceptions referred to in the Preceding paragraph, all Group ‘D’ (ClassIV) vacancies that may become available upto 30th June, 1987 will be filled by the screening and empanelment of casual labour and substitutes as per procedure obtaining at present.   (ii) In the case of vacancies in the Electrical, Mechanical and S&T Departments, Casual Labour and Substitutes will be eligible for absorption in regular employment only if they have the minimum educational qualification of ITI or they are course completed Act Apprentices.   47.     Subject:Filling in of Group D(Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of casual labour and substitutes— extension of screening procedure.   [E(NG)III/84/CL/85 dated 13.09.1985]   Ministry of Railways have decided that para 2 (ii) of letter of even number dated 31.07.1985 should be substituted the following :—   “In the case of vacancies (other man those ofSafaiwalas) in all the wings of the Electrical and Mechanical Departments and in the workshops of S&T Department, casual labour and substitutes will be eligible for absorption in regular employment only if they have the minimum qualification of ITI or they are Course Completed Act Apprentices.”   48.     Subject: Recruitment of Group ‘D’ (ClassIV) posts—minimum educational qualification.   Reference:Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/84/RR1/26, dated 16.08.1985 and 31.03.1986and No. E(NG)/86/RCl/l/Policy dated 25.03.1986.   [No. E(NG)II/84/RR1/26 dated 04.09.1986; RBE 159/56]   The question of minimum educational qualifications for recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class IV) posts laid down in Board’s letter of even number dated 16.08.1985 has been reviewed with recognised Labour Federation in PNM/DC meetings with the Railway Board. Pending a final decision on the issue. Railway Board desire that me revised minimum educational qualifi­cations laid down in Board’s letter of 16.08.1985 be held in abeyance. The position will be reviewed as soon as a final decision on this issue is taken or after one year, whichever is earlier.   49.     Subject: Qualifications for recruitment to Group ‘D’ posts—engagement of casual labour.   [No. E(NG)II/88/CL/34 dated 14.04.1988; RBE 71/88]   As Railway Administrations are aware, the instructions contained in Board’s letter No. (NG) II/84/RR-1/26 dated 16.08.1985 have been tempo­rarily kept in abeyance pending review of the qualifications specified therein, and that further instructions in the matter will be issued separately as end when a decision is taken in this matter.   2.   The Railway Board have decided that the qualifications as obtaining at present for recruitment to Group ‘D’ posts will also apply to casual labour or substitutes engaged as ‘fresh faces’ where engagement of such fresh faces is authorised by the G.M. personally as per extant instructions. Accordingly, the following sentences occurring at the end of para (iv) (b) of sub-section-IV of section ‘B’ of Chapter-1 of the IREM (1968 Edition), will stand deleted forthwith :   “No standard of literacy will be insisted upon for casual alone.   50.     Subject:Filling of Group ‘D'(Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of Casual Labour and Substitutes—Exten­sion of screening procedure.   [No. E(NG)II/84/CL/85 dated 17.06.1988]   Further to Ministry’s letter of even number dated 21.12.1987, it has been decided that provision of Ministry of Railway’s letter of even number dated 31.07.1985, as amended on 13.09.1985 read with their letter No. E(NG)II/84/RR-1/26 dated 04.09.1986 on regarding filling up of Group ‘D’ vacancies, subject to certain exceptions, by the screening and empanelment of casual labour and substitutes, will continue to be in force for vacancies arising upto 31st December, 1988 ornllfurtherinstructionsinthematter are issued, whichever is earlier.   51.     Subject: Screening/empanelment of Casual Labour and Substitutes.   [No. E(NG)II-88/CL/18 dated 01.10.1988]   Extant instructions, contained in Board’s letters (i) No. E(NG) II 78/CL/2 dated 21.02.1984 (ii) No. E(NG)II/79/CL/2 dated 03.03.1982 (iii) E(NG)II/84/CL/85 dated 17.06.1988, regarding absorption of casual labour in regular employment, lay down inter-alia that for this purpose casual labour born on the live casual labour registers are to be considered. The number to be so considered will be equal to the number of vacancies to be filled plus 25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} thereof.   2.  In the P.N.M. meeting held with Board in March, 1988, the A.I.R.F. had raised certain demands relating to casual labour. One of the demands related to the screening and empanelment of casual labour for absorption in regular employment.   3.1These demands were discussed in a separate meeting with the said Federation, held on15/16.06.1988. During this meeting the Federation pointed out that difficulties are experienced due to the Railway Administrations conducting the screening only with reference to the vacancies becoming available from time to time. They mentioned further that such screening is not always done in time. The Federation suggested that to obviate hardships arising due to these reasons, all the existing casual labour should be screened and one screened list should be prepared from which absorption in regular employment can take place against vacancies becoming available from time to time.   3.2The practical difficulties in implementing the above suggestion were pointed out to the Federation, whereupon, after discussion, it was agreed that the existing instructions should be reviewed to see whether any modifications therein can be made.   4.         The position has accordingly been reviewed by the Board who have now decided that the screening of casual labour for absorption in regular employment (in accordance with the instructions governing such absorption) may be made by the Railway Administration with reference to the vacancies available for the purpose at present and the vacancies likely to arise due to normal wastage upto the end of1989 (i.e. upto31 st December,’ 1989) and available for absorption of casual labour. Railway Administra­tion should endeavour to complete the screening process on this basis within a period of four to six months. The number to be called for screening will continue to be the number assessed in the aforesaid manner plus25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} thereof in terms of instructions in Board’s letter dated 03.03.1982 cited in para1 supra.   5.         The Board wish to clarify here that in implementing the above instructions, the empanelment of casual labour for absorption in regular employment will be determined with reference to the number of days put in on the crucial date to be fixed for the purpose by the local administration in each such screening. 6.  The position will be reviewed after a year or so for issue of such further instructions as may be considered necessary.   7.         Other instructions issued, from time to time, regarding considera­tion of casual labour for absorption in regular employment will continue to hold good.   53.   Subject: Filling of Group D (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of Casual Labour and Substitute extension of screening procedure.   [No. E(NG)II-84/CL/85 dated 20.01.1989]   Further to Ministry’s letter of even number dated 17.06.1988, it has been decided that provisions of Ministry of Railway’ s letter of even number dated 31.07.1985, as amended on13.09.1985 read with their letter No. E(NG)II-84/R-1/26 dated04.06.1986 and15.12.1988 regarding filling up of Group ‘D’ vacancies, subject to certain exceptions, by the screening and empanelment of casual labour and substitutes, will continue to be in force for vacancies arising upto 31st December,1989 or till further instructions in the matter are issued, whichever is earlier. Attention in this connection is also invited to orders contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II-88/CL/18 dated 01.10.1988.   54.     Subject:Engagement of Substitute Teachers on Ad hoc basis on Railways.   [No. E(NG)II-80/RC-3/2 dated 22.02.1989; RBE 58/89]   Instructions(1) No. E(NG) 65/LR1-1 dated 01.09.1965(2) No. E(NG) II 68/SB/l dated 29.06.1968 (3) No. E(NG)II 68/SB/l dated 31.03.1970(4) E(NG) II 68 SB/I dated 08.07.1970(5) E(NG)III/75/RC/1/121 dated 09.01.1976(6) E(NG)II-77 RC-1/43 dated 12.08.1977(7) E(NG)III-78 RC/1/4 dated 25.07.1978(8) E(NG)III-78 RC-1/4 dated 24.08.1978(9) E(NG) II-80/RC-1/42 dated19.06.1980 have been issued from time to time to the effect that appointment of substitute teachers on ad hoc basis on the Railways should normally be avoided and where it becomes the escapable it should be for short periods. With this end in view, these instructions enjoin that substitute teachers should be drawn from an adequately long panel of selected candidates so that the tall-end of the panel can be treated as a waiting list from which substitute teachers can be drawn as and when need therefor arises. Inspites of clear instructions on the subject, however, it has come to the notice of the Board that the same are not being strictly adhered to on the Railways and substitute teachers continue to be engaged on ad hoc basis for long periods from among candidates, not on the approved panel and without going through proper selection procedure.   2.  In this connection particular attention is invited to instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II-80/RC1/42 dated 19.06.1980 that there should be no separate panel for substitute teachers. Adequate panel has to be maintained to fill regular vacancies of teachers and adequate waiting list for appointing substitute teachers therefrom so that the tail-end of the penal can be treated as a waiting list for the purpose. In cases where due to any compelling reasons, a waiting list is not available or the wait listed candidate is not forthcoming and the post cannot be left unfilled till a regular incumbent is available, the post may be temporarily manned by recruiting a substitute who should be selected through a procedure of calling for applications locally and making a selection from out of these applications. Such an arrangement should not, however, be extended beyond six months in any case, within which time a regular panel for anticipated-vacancies for appointing substitute teachers should be formed.   3.  The instructions, as above, are reiterated and Board would like to stress that contingencies to engage substitutes from out side the regular panel should not normally arise. Posting of teachers on ad hoc basis should be totally discouraged. Unavoidable cases of ad hoc posting should be done only with the personal and prior approval of the General Managers.   4.   In this connection, it is also reiterated that:   (a) the conferment of temporary status on a substitute when the same is admissible under extant orders does not perse entitle the incumbent to automatic absorption/appointment to Railway serv­ice unless he is in turn for such appointment on the .basis of his position in the select list or in rare cases he has been selected as a substitute in a separate selection, he appears in the regular selection and is empanneled in the regular selection list in the approved manner for appointment to regular railway posts; and   (b) Candidates proposed to be appointed as substitutes are to be clearly warned that their appointment is only as substitute and services will be terminated immediately on return of the persons on leave or regular selected candidates become available. 55.   Subject: Substitutes grant of temporary status.   [No. E(NG) II-82/SB/8 dated 06.01.1983]   Instructions were issued by the Railway Board in their letter No. E(NG) 65/LR1-l, dated 01.09.1965 regulating the service conditions of sub­stitutes. In these orders it was inter alia stated that substitutes should be afforded all the rights and privileges as are admissible to temporary railway servants on completion of6 months continuous service. It was further stipulated that substitute school teachers may, however, be afforded tempo­rary status after they have put in continuous service of3 months etc. These orders were modified in Board’s letter No. E(NG) II/73/SB/14, dated 06.03.1974. In these modified orders, it was clarified that the benefits of temporary railway service to substitutes may henceforth be granted on completion of4 months continuous service instead of6 month continuous service. The period of3 months for attaining temporary status for school teachers however continued to be unchanged.   The Board have now decided that gaps which occur in service of substitutes between two engagements in their case should be ignored for the purpose grant of temporary status on completion of4 months service.   56.     Subject: Screening/empanelment of casual labour and substitutes.   [No. E(NG) II/78/CL/2 dated 21.02.1984]   As Railway Administrations arc aware, the ad hoc procedure for screening of casual labour for absorption in regular vacancies is current upto 31.12.1984 in terms of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated25.02.1983. In the Meeting held between the Board and the AIRF/NFIR on12.08.1983 the question of measures to be taken as a safeguard against bogus/unauthorised casual labour service cadre being acted upon was discussed. It was agreed that in future, screening of casual labour for purpose of absorption in regular employment be restricted to only those who are in the current Casual Labour Registers except such of them as are absent on two occasions when called for such screening. For this purpose the aid register should be maintained in duplicate. Board desire that these instructions should be strictly adhered to.   57.     Subject: Grant of regular scale of pay to casual labour engaged as watermen during summer season.   [No. E(NG) II/83/CL/117 dated 25.01.1985;RBE 33/85]   In the meeting held on 21th August,1983 and subsequently on 30th July,1984 with the staff side of the Departmental Council of the JCM, the Staff Side demanded that services rendered by the casual watermen in spells every year should be aggregated for the purpose of eligibility for regular scale of pay, etc. Similar proposal has also been received from some of the Railway Administrations.   2.  The Ministry of Railways have examined this matter in the light of instructions contained in their letter No. E(NG) II/80/CI/25, dated 21.10.1980 and02.04.1981. They have now decided that the casual watermen employed in the summer seasons should be eligible for temporary status on completion of120 days of continuous employment. For the purpose of counting the total number of days of continuous employment various spells of engagement as casual watermen may be aggregated provided the gap between any two spells of employment has been caused due to the season being over and/or there being no work for them in such establishment provided further that if a person engaged in the previous year is given an opportunity to work in the same hot weather establishment in the subsequent year but he fails to avail of that opportunity, he will have to start afresh in the event of his being so engaged again on any future occasion.   3.  These orders will be effective from the summer season of the current calendar year(1985). In other words they will apply only to casual watermen to be engaged during the summer season of the current year and for such engagement in future years.   4.This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   58.       Subject: Grant of relief of Central Govt. Pensioners and Family Pensioners under the Liberalised Pension Rules, Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 and the Extraordinary Pension Rules.   [No. PC/II/82/PN/1 dated 29.07.1985; RBE 221/85]   A copy of OM No. F 42(l)-Pension/85, dated18.07.1985 of Deptt. of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare on the above subject is sent herewith for your information and necessary action. As stated in para5 thereof, these orders will apply to Railway pensioners also.   Copy of D.O.P. & P.W., O.M. No. F 42(1) –  Pension 185 dated 18.07.1985   OFFICE MEMORANDUM   Subject: Grant of relief to Central Government pensioners and family pensioners receiving pension under the Liberal­ised Pension Rules, Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 and the Extraordinary Pension Rules.   The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Finance (Depart­ment of Expenditure) O.M. No. 2(8)-EV/82 dated 07.02.1985 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the President is pleased to grant a further instalment of relief with effect from the Ist January,1985, at the rate of 2½{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of pension to compensate the pensioners and the family pensioners for the rise in the cost of having (average price index level576).   2.   With the grant of relief mentioned above, the entitlement to relief w.e.f.01.01.1985 will be at the rates as indicated below:—   (i) (a) Government servants who retired prior to30.09.1977;   (b) those who retired between30.09.1977 and30.04.1979 and have not opted for merger of Dearness Allowance in terms of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. F. 19(4)-EV/79 dated25.05.1979;   (c)  family pensioners; and   (d)  those in receipt of extra-ordinary pension;   will be eligible for relief at the following rates:—   Date Increase in the {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of relief Minimum amount p.m. Maximum amount p.m. 01.01.1985 onwards from 115{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} to 117½{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} Rs. 118 Rs. 580 (ii) (a)   Government servants who retired between30.09.1977 and 30.04.1979 and have opted or deemed to have opted for the benefit of the merger of Dearness Allowance in pay in terms of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. F. 19(4)-EV/79, dated25.05.1979;   (b)  those who retired after30.4.1979 but before31.01.1982; and   (c) those who retired on or after 31.01.1982 but before 31.03.1985 and have not opted for merger of Additional Deamess Allowance in terms of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. 1(3)-EV/82, dated08.04.1982.   will be eligible for relief at the following rates:—   Date Increase in the {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of relief Minimum amount p.m. Maximum amount p.m. 01.01.1985 onwards from 85{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} to 97½{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} Rs. 98 Rs. 488   (iii) Government servants who retired on or after 31.01.1982 but before 31.03.1985 and have opted or deemed to have opted for merger of Additional Deamess Allowance in pay in terms of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure)O.M. No. F. 1(3)-EV/82 dated08.04.1982 will be eligible for relief at the following rates:—   Date Increase in the {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of relief Minimum amount p.m. Maximum amount p.m. 01.01.1985onwards from 80{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} to 82½{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} Rs.83 Rs. 413   (iv) Government servants who retired/retire on or after 31.03.1985 will be eligible for relief at the following rate:—   Date Percentage of relief Minimum amount p.m. Maximum amount p.m. 01.04.1985 onwards 2½{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} Rs. 3 Rs.13   3.   In respect of (a) persons who retired prior to31.01.1982 and (b) those who retired on or after31.01.1982 but before31.03.1985 and have not opted for merger of Additional Dearness Allowance in terms of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. F.1 (3)-EV/ 82 dated 08.04.1982 [of paras 2(i) (a)& (b) and (ii) above], the relief will be so adjusted that the amount of pension plus relief does not exceed Rs.1888 p.m. with effect from01.01.1985. In case of persons who have retired on or after 31.01.1982 but before31.03.1985 and have opted for the merger of Additional Deamess Allowance in pay in terms of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. 1(3)-EV/82 dated08.04.1982 [of para 2(iii) above], the relief will be so adjusted that the amount of pension plus relief does not exceed Rs.1813 p.m. with effect from01.01.1985. However, there will be no ceiling on the amount of monthly pension plus relief in respect of persons retiring on or after31.03.1985.   4.   Ready-Reckoners showing the amount of relief admissible on different rates of pension on the revised basis with effect from01.01.1985 are enclosed (Tables I toIV).   5.   These orders will also be applicable to Armed Forces Pensioners, Civilian Pensioners paid out of the Defence Service Estimates, All India Services Pensioners and Railway Pensioners.   6.   These orders do not apply to retired High Court and Supreme Court Judges. In their cases, orders will be issued separately by the Administrative Authorities concerned.   7.   The Accountants General and authorised Public Sector Banks are requested to arrange payment of relief to the pensioners on the basis of above instructions without waiting for any further instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank of India in view of letter No. 528-II/34-80-II dated23.04.1981 of the Comptroller& Auditor General of India addressed to all Accountants General and the Reserve Bank of India Circular No. GANB No. 2958/GA64 (11 CGL)/81 dated26.05.1981 addressed to all State Bank of India and its subsidiaries and all Nationalised Banks.   59.       Subject:Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) posts -Minimum Educational qualifications.   [No. E(NG) II/84/RR1/26 dated 16.08.1985; RBE 238/85]   As Railway Administrations are aware, excepting in a few cases, like recruitment of Khalasis in diesel/electric loco sheds, formal educational qualifications for individual categories have not been laid down by this Ministry for recruitment to Group D (Class-IV) posts. In this connection, attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG) 58/RC1/61, dated 30.01.1961 and sub-paras (iv) (a) and (b) of sub-section IV in Section B of in Chapter I of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual.   2.  In the context of increasing sophistication in Railway technology and modernisation of its operations, the question of prescribing minimum educational qualifications for Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) recruitment on the Railways, has been under consideration of this Ministry for some time past. Railway Accident Enquiry Committee1978 had recommended that in the lowest recruitment grades in Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) category including casual labour, only persons with minimum educational qualifications should be recruited. Railway Reforms Committee in their Recommendation No.10 (in PartIX of their report on Personnel) have recommended that basic literacy should be prescribed in the recruitment standards for all staff irrespective of category including casual labour.   3.  The matter has been carefully considered by this Ministry inter-alia, in the light of the above mentioned recommendations. It has now been decided that for recruitment/ appointment to Group’ D’ posts, the minimum educational qualification should be as under:   (i) In future, casual labour and substitutes will be eligible for absorption in vacancies (other than those of Safaiwalas) in all the wings of the Electrical and Mechanical Departments and in the Workshops of S&T Department only if they have the minimum qualification of I.T.I, or they are course Completed Act Appren­tices.   (ii) For recruitment of Khalasis in the Diesel/Electric Loco/EMU sheds, the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letters Nos. E(NG) II/80/RC1/7 dated 28.01.1983, E(NG) IV83/RC2/39, dated 31.12.1983 and E(NG) II/83/RC2/75, dated31.05.1985 will con­tinue to apply.   (iii)(a)   For recruitment to vacancies (other than those of Safaiwalas) in all other wings (including workshops) of the Electrical/Mechanical Departments and in Workshops of S & T Department, the minimum educational qualifications will be I.T.I, or completion of a course under the Appren­tices Act.   (b) The minimum qualifications for posts of Khalasis in S&T Department (i.e. for other than S&T Workshops) will be a pass in the tenth standard.   (iv) For Safaiwalas in Mechanical/Medical and other Departments, the minimum qualification will be a pass in the Fifth Standard only.   (v)   The minimum educational qualification for recruitment to Group ‘D’ posts in all other Departments including Medical and Civil Engineering Departments, will be a pass in the Eighth Standard.   (vi) Wherever higher educational qualifications for any particular category or categories have already been laid down, however, either by this Ministry or locally by the respective Railway administrations, these will continue to be followed.   (vii)  The aforesaid minimum qualifications will apply to engagement of ‘fresh faces’ as casual labour or as substitutes, as also for direct recruitment in Group ‘D’ vacancies, wherever engagement of ‘fresh faces’ or direct recruitment is permitted under the instruc­tions in force, from time to time.   (viii) A review of the aforesaid minimum qualifications will be made after three years, i.e. the latter half of1988.   60.   Subject: Witnessing of payments—Non-utilisation of Khalasis in Establishment work.   Reference: Board’s letter of even number dated 01.02.1985 on the above subject.   [No. E(G) 82 ALI-9 dated 20.08.1985; RBE 244/85]   Further to the instructions contained in the letter mentioned above, the Ministry of Railways observe that it has come to their notice that establish­ment work in executive offices is entrusted to the Casual/Substitute Khalasis which is against the rules. The Casual/Substitute Khalasis are not meant for the clerical as per their terms and conditions of the appointment.   2.  The Ministry of Railways therefore, desire that the practice of entrusting establishment work to the Casual/Substitute Khalasis in executive offices where it exists, would be stopped forthwith and they should be utilised only on the work, they are meant for.   61.     Subject:Appointment on compassionate grounds in Group D posts—Minimum educational qualifications.   [No. E(NG) III/86/RC-1/1/Policy dated 25.03.1986; RBE 66/85]   With reference to this Department’s letter No. E(NG) II/84/RR1/26, dated 16.08.1985, laying down minimum educational qualifications for recruitment in Group D posts in the various Departments of the Railways, a question has been raised whether these qualifications will apply also to appointment on compassionate grounds. The matter was also raised in the meeting of the Departmental Council held in March,1986 when the staff side urged that the said qualifications should not apply to compassionate appointments.   2.  The Department of Railways wish to clarify that the qualifica­tions laid down in this Department’s letter of even number dated 16.08.1985apply also to appointments made on compassionate grounds. However, having regard to the points made during the Departmental Council meeting and the representations received in the matter, the Department have decidedthat the following posts from out of those at present reserved exclusively for widows, if otherwise admissible under extant orders. Accordingly, in respect of these posts minimum educational qualifications as now prescribed will not be insisted upon:   (a) Water woman; (b) Retiring-room attendants; (c) Cinder picking woman; (d) Sweeper woman; (e) C&W Khalasis (for waste packing only); (f) Ayah and female sanitary cleaner in Railway hospitals and Railway schools; (g) Khalasis attached to sub-divisional offices of AEN, PWI and IOW.   3.  These orders will be reviewed at the end of1988 when in terms of para 3(viii) of the letter dated 16.08.1985 cited above, the general question of minimum educational qualifications for recruitment to Group D posts will come up for review.   62.     Subject:Recruitment to Group D (ClassIV posts) — Minimum educational qualifications.   [No. E(NG) II/84/RR1/26 dated 31.03.1986; RBE 65/86]   Attention is invited to the instructions contained in this Department’s letter of even number dated 16.08.1985 cited above. The staff side of the Departmental Council of the JCM had urged in the meeting held with the Board in September,1985 and again on l0th/11th March,1986 that the instructions contained in the aforesaid letter need to be reviewed. In the course of discussions they also raised the question of applicability of these instructions to panels (either already formed or in the process of formation) for direct recruitment as also for absorption of casual labour/substitutes. They further requested that the position regarding absorption of existing casual labour and substitutes should be clarified for the information of all concerned.   2.   In the light of discussions in the Departmental Council meeting held on l0th/11th March,1986, the following clarifications/further instructions are hereby given.   3.   In regard to absorption of existing casual labour and substitutes in departments other than the Electrical and the Mechanical Departments and in the workshops of the S&T Department, the existing procedure will continue for vacancies that may become available upto30.06.1987, as laid down in the Department’s letter No. E(NG) II/84/CL/85, dated 31.07.1985and letter of the same number dated 13.09.1985. For example, for absorption of existing casual labour and substitutes in the Civil Engg. Department or Commercial or Operating Department, in the said Departments, i.e. other than Electrical/Mechanical Departments and Workshops of S&T Department, the practice and procedure obtaining before the issue of the instructions of16.08.1985 will continue to apply for vacancies that may become available upto 30th June,1987.   4.1.As regards formation and operation of panels in all the Depart­ments (including Electrical, Mechanical and S&T Departments), the fol­lowing decisions have been taken:   (a) Panels already formed on or before16.08.1985 in terms of the pre-­existing qualifications, for absorption in regular employment of existing casual labour and substitutes in the Electrical and Mechanical Departments, can be operated as per instructions in force immediately before16.08.1985 in so far as educational qualifications are concerned.   (b) Panels under process of formation as on16.08.1985 in terms of pre-existing qualifications for absorption in regular employment of casual labour and substitutes in the Electrical and Mechanical Departments, can be formed and operated as per instructions in force immediately before16.08.1985 in so far as educational qualifications arc concerned.   (c) Panels for direct recruitment in workshops notified before 16.08.1985 or under process of notification as on that date or formed but yet to be notified as on the said date(16.08.1985) as per pre-existing qualifications, can be operated or notified and oper­ated without insisting on the qualifications now prescribed.   4.2.Marginal cases in respect of the above which entail doubts or which cause difficulties can be decided by the Chief Personnel Officer in consultation with the Head of the Department concerned.   63.     Subject:Screening and empanelment of Casual labour& substitutes maintenance of Casual labour registers.   [No. E(NG) II/78/CL/2 dated 25.04.1986]   Attention is invited to the instructions contained in the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board’s) letter of even number dated 22.11.1984. In the PNM Meeting with the NFIR held in December,1985 the Federation urged that the said instructions should be reviewed as often, a discharged casual labourer may not get an opportunity for re-engagement for want of fresh work in the seniority unit from which he was retrenched. They urged that the instructions should be suitably modified, so that they do not operate harshly.   2.  In the light of discussions in the aforesaid PNM Meeting, it has been decided that the names of such of casual labourers, as were discharged from employment at any time after1st January,1981 on completion of work or for want of further productive work, can continue to be borne on the live casual register. Accordingly, where the name of a casual labourer who have been discharged for want of work or on completion of work had been deleted in terms of the instructions of22.11.1984 cited above, it can be restored to the live casual labour register. Where, however, a casual labourer was discharged prior to01.01.1981 and has not been re-engaged thereafter for any reason, his name will continue to stand deleted from the live casual labour register.   3.  The instructions contained in the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board’s) letter No. E(NG) II/80/CL/5, dated 10.12.1984 regarding persons engaged to casual labourer for short duration like a week or ten days for work of a short duration or for emergencies like restoration of breaches, etc., will however, continues to hold good. Accordingly, casual labour cards not be issued to such labourers nor will their names be entered in casual labour register.   64.   Subject:Appointment on compassionate grounds— Cases of wards of casual labour with temporary status who die in harness.   [No. E(NG) II/84/CL/28 dated 31.12.1986; RBE 256/86]   Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG) II/84/CL/28 dated 04.05.1984, in which the Railway Administrations were advised that General Managers could exercise powers personally to decide requests for appointment on compassionate grounds (as casual labour or substitute), or ward of a casual labourer who dies due to accident while on duty, provided the casual labour concerned is eligible for compensation under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.   2.  In the PNM meeting with NFIR, the Federation suggested that the benefits of compassionate appointment should be extended to families of casual labour who are on regular scales of pay and who die in harness, in the same manner as for wards of other Railway employees who die during service.   3.  During the PNM meeting with NFIR held on 21/22.07.1986, it was explained to the Federation that the provisions relating to compassionate appointment in the case of regular employees cannot be extended to casual labour with temporary status. It was added however, that individual cases of extreme hardship can be considered on merits.   4.  The matter has been examined further in the light of deliberations in the said PNM meeting.   5.  Ministry of Railways have now decided that if a casual labourer with temporary status dies in harness, i.e. during hs employment with Railways and if the case presents features constituting extreme hardship, meriting special consideration, the General Manager could exercise his personal discretionary power for giving appointment to eligible and suitable ward of such casual labour on compassionate grounds. Such appointment will be only in the form of engagement as casual labour (fresh face) or as substitute. The Ministry expect this power to be exercised judiciously keeping in view in particular the need to contain the total casual labour force as enjoined in the extant instructions on the subject.   6.  The power to make such appointments should not be further delegated to a lower authority.   7.  Cases of death due to accident while on duty will continue to be governed by instructions contained in this Ministry’ s letter of even number dated 04.05.1984.   8.  These instructions will be in force for a period of two years i.e. upto31st December,1988. The position will be reviewed at the end of1988.   65.     Subject:Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (ClassIV) posts—Minimum educational qualifications.   Reference: Board’s letter of even number dated 04.09.1986.   [No. E(NG) II/84/RR-1/26 dated 06.11.1987; RBE 271/87] The final decision contemplated in Board’s letter of 04.09.1986 on the subject quoted above, is not yet complete. Pending final decision, the Board have decided that the instructions contained in their said letter of04.09.1986 will continue to be in force upto31.12.1987 or till further instructions are issued, whichever is earlier.   66.     Subject:Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class-IV) post—Minimum educational qualifications.   [No. E(NG)II/84/RR-1/26 dated 18.12.1987; RBE 312/87]   The review contemplated in Board’s letter of 04.09.1986 on the subject quoted above, is yet to be completed. Pending final decision after such review, the Board have decided that the instructions contained in their said letter of04.09.1986 will continue to be in force upto 30th June,1988, or till further instructions are issued, whichever is earlier.   67.     Subject:Casual labour-strength of.   [No. E(NG) II-88/CL/86 dated 08.12.1988; RBE 268/88]   Attention of the Railway Administrations is invited to Railway Ministry’s letter No. E(NG) II-84/CL/43, dated 07.06.1984, wherein detailed instructions for containing the total strength of casual labour were issued. It has been enjoined therein that the strength of casual labour as on01.01.1984 has to be treated as frozen not only by the number of posts created for replacing casual labour sanctions, but also even to the extent casual labour are absorbed against vacancies arising from time to time. The said instruc­tions, however, contain an enabling provision for General Managers, to authorise increase in the frozen strength if the requirement of work so warrants.   2.  The scope of the aforesaid instructions came up for discussion at a meeting between the Board and the two Labour Federations (AIRF& NFIR) in September,1988. The Federations stated that the instructions re­garding progressive reduction in total strength of casual labour should not be applied so rigidly as to make it practically impossible to re-engage casual labour on live registers even when fresh work becomes available. They urged that where such ex-casual labourers are available Railway Admini­strations should, to the extent possible, re-engage them for execution of fresh works becoming available from time to time.   3.Ministry of Railways have reviewed the matter in the light of points urged by the Federations. Attention in this connection is also invited to instructions contained in Board’s letter No. 87/W-6/TK/12, dated 07.04.1988, regarding execution of works through contract agencies departmental labour. Ministry of Railways desire to clarify in this context that where total casual labour strength has been brought down to a level considered reasonable the provisions of Para(X) of Ministry of Railway’s letter dated 07.06.1984 should be applied in a flexible and realistic manner so that fresh work or available work can be got done, to the extent possible, by re-­engaging casual labour on live registers. For this purpose, they may follow the guidelines contained in Board’s letter No. 87/W-6/TK/12, dated07.04.1988. In such cases, General Managers may review and refix the total authorised strength of casual labour in a realistic manner and keeping in view the spirit of the instructions of07.06.1984 viz. of containing total strength of casual labour.                68.     Subject: Recruitment to Group ‘D’ (Class IV) posts—Minimum educational qualifications.   [No. E(NG)II/84/RR-1/26 dated 15.12.1988; RBE 271/88]   The review contemplated in Board’s letter of 04.09.1986 on the subject quoted above, is yet to be completed. Pending final decision after such review, the Board have decided that the instructions contained in their said letter of 04.09.1986 will continue to be in force upto 30th June,1989 or till further instructions are issued, whichever is earlier.   69.     Subject: Engagement of SC/ST candidates as Casual Labourers on Railways-Recommendation of the Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare of SCs/ STs in their 47th Report.   Reference:Board’s letter Nos.E(SCT)70/CM/l5/15/2, dated 19.11.1970, E(SCT)74/CM/15/7 dated 27.04.1974, E(SCT)74/CM/15/7 dated 09.10.1974, 77-E(SCT) 15/18 dated 22.07.1977, 79-E(SCT) 15/1 dated 10.03.1979, 80-E(SCT) 15/58 Pt. II dated 29.08.1981, 80-E(SCT) 15/75 dated 26.10.1981, 88-E(SCT) I/28/1 dated 04.10.1988 and No. 89-E(SCT) I/80/23 dated 11.12.1989; RBE 304/89.   [No. 89-E (SCT) 1/80/23 dated 11.12.1989]   The Parliamentary Committee on Welfare of SCs/STs in their 47th Report have made following observation/recommendation:   “However, the Committee are distressed to find that while recruiting185 persons as casual labourers in1987, the number of casual labourers belonging to Scheduled Castes was only four and none of them belonged to Scheduled Tribes despite the instructions of the Railway Board. The Committee recommend that the Railway should look into this recruitment of the casual labour and analyse the reasons for not adhering to the instructions issued by it to the Eastern Railway and if need be, to fix the responsibility in the matter.”   2.  Instructions have been issued to the Railways from time to time on the subject vide Board’s letter referred to above. However, instances have been coming to the notice of the Board that engagement of Casual labours is not being’ done according to prescribed percentages on some of the Railways. As a result of this, Board have to face criticism in various form at times on this account.   3.  Board have taken a serious view of this and desired that the in­structions contained in the letters quoted above should be strictly followed and in future whenever fresh faces are engaged as casual labours, it must be ensured that SC/ST candidates are engaged as Casual labours as per the percentages prescribed for each Zonal Railway/Production Unit, etc. so as to avoid recurrence of such lapses in future.   70.     Subject: Engagement of casual labour—Maintenance of ‘live register’ of casual and other matters. [No. E(NG)II/89/CL/1dated 23.02.1990; RBE 41/90]   As Railway Administrations are aware, there is an absolute ban on engagement of’ fresh faces’ as casual labour, save and except where the prior personal approval of the General Manager has been obtained. It follows that any person who is not on the ‘live register’ of casual labour cannot be engaged as casual labour without the prior approval of the General Manager. Any official who engaged ‘fresh faces’ or engages any person not on the live register, without the prior sanction of the General Manager, should be severely dealt with.   2.1.Even when casual labour working regularly get absorbed against vacancies arising from time to time or against new posts and additional casual labour are required to be taken from the live register to take the place of the former, the personal and prior approval of the General Manager should be taken indicating the number to be taken from live register. This is considered essential in order to contain the casual labour strength in view of the post for de-casualisation sanctioned on a large scale in the recent past and reduction required to be made in gang strength due to machine maintenance, track modernisation, etc. It is clarified that this requirement will apply even in these cases where addi­tional casual labours are required for emergencies like restoration of breaches, etc.   2.2.Certificate regarding inclusion of names from live registers and or of ‘fresh faces’ to be recorded in the salary bill of month, i.e. names not included in the bill of the previous month, should be recorded in the manner prescribed in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/88/CL/113, dated 16.05.1989.   2.3.To ensure that live casual labour registers are properly maintained, these registers should be reviewed every year and updated. Such periodical review is already enjoined in the extant instructions vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/78/CL/2, dated 22.11.1984. Further in the live register against each person with reference to L.T.I. Register No., casual labour card No., and service registers number should be given.   2.4.One copy of the casual labour register should be lodged with the Divisional Office, as laid down in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/78/CL/2, dated 08.12.1988. Further, as envisaged in the same letter, bringing on to the computer the names and other relevant particulars of all persons borne on the live casual labour register, should be done on priority.   2.5.The names of casual labour from the live register should be removed when they are absorbed in regular employment or they are no longer entitled to be in the live register as per extant instructions.   3.   In the existing L.T.I, registers, three additional columns should be included for giving references to casual labour card number, live register number and the service register number (where service register is maintained for employees, who have attained temporary status). The changes to be made in the existing L.T.I, registers are indicated in Annexure.   4.   All the casual labour cards should contain cross reference to the serial number of the individual concerned in the live register and the number in the L.T.I, register.   5.   In the service register opened, there should be a reference on top to L.T.I, register number, live register number and the casual labour card number.   6.  Railway Administration may issue detailed instructions within the framework of the preceding provisions. The detailed instructions should be so formulated as to sub serve the objective underlying the instructions issued by the Board, i.e., inter alia to contain the total strength of casual labour and also guard against unauthorised engagement of individuals as casual labour or engagement of individuals on the basis of bogus casual labour card.                                                            ANNEXURE   SL No Name and Designation Father’s Name Permanent Residential Address Rate of Pay Date of Appoint- ment Age on Appoint- ment Date of final dis-charge with reasons/ Date of absorption (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)       Date of first working assubstitute/ attaining temporary statues SC/ST/Ex.-servicemen Casual Labour Card No. Service Register No. Live Register No. Rolled thumb impression of the employee with attestation of the appointing authority (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)   71.     Subject:Revision of rates of daily allowance applicable to casual labour.   Reference:Board’s letter No. E(NG) II/80/CL/22 dated 05.03.1983   [No. E(NG) II/90/CL/1 dated 30.05.1990; RBE 91/90]   Attention of the Railway Administrations is invited to the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter No. (NG) II/80/CL/22, dated 05.03.1983 on the above noted subject.   On the demand made by N.F.I.R. in the PNM meeting held in Feb., 1990 regarding revision of rates of Travelling/Daily Allowance applicable to casual labour, the Federation were advised that the matter will be examined.   The matter has accordingly been examined by the Ministry of Rail­ways, the Ministry have now decided that consequent on the revision of rates of daily allowance to Railway servants in terms of Board’s letter No. PC-IV/Imp/AL/7, dated 04.12.1986 the rates of Daily Allowance applicable to casual labour when they have unavoidably to be sent on duty out of their headquarters in the interest of Railway work, should be revised as under:   Particular of localities Unskilled/Semi skilled Skilled   Rs. Rs. Localities other than mentioned in B-I& A Class 20.00 30.00 B-I Class cities and expensive localities 25.00 40.00 A Class cities and specially expensive localities 35.00 50.00   2.   The above orders will take effect from1st May,1990.   3.  This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Dte. of the Ministry of Railways.   4.  Para2508 of Chap.XXV of the IREM may be corrected further as per the Advance Correction Slip enclosed.   Indian Railway Establishment Manual Advance Correction Slip No. 152   Substitute the following table for the existing table below para 2508 of Chapter XXV   Particular of localities Unskilled/Semi skilled Skilled   Rs. Rs. Localities other than mentioned in B-I& A Class 20.00 30.00 B-I Class cities and expensive localities 25.00 40.00 A Class cities and specially expensive localities 35.00 50.00   These rates would be effective from1st May,1990.   72.   Subject: Casual labour—Engagement of ‘Fresh Faces’.   [No. E(NG)II/90/CL/171 dated 11.10.1990; RBE 182/90]   As the Railway Administrations are aware, Board have repeatedly made it clear that the policy should be to contain the total strength of Casual Labour on Railways. With this end in view, emphasis has also been placed on many occasions banning engagement of ‘fresh faces’ as Casual Labour, except with the prior personal approval of the General Manager. Board have also expressed the hope that this power would be exercised by the General Managers sparingly.   2.   An incident has, however, come to the notice of the Board, wherein a large number of ‘fresh faces’ have been engaged by a Railway Administration; further, a sizeable number of ex-casual labours have also been re-engaged by the same Railway Administration mainly to make up for what has been described as ‘heavy absenteeism’. Board are of the view that where there is heavy and persistent absenteeism, the endeavour should be to find other administrative solutions so that this problem is contained and tackled in a long term perspective. By its action in getting over the problem by engaging a large number of Casual Labour, the Railway Administrations have perhaps not paid due regard so the spirit underlying the Board’s instructions on the need to contain and reduce the total strength of Casual Labour.   3.  The Board trust that the concern which they have been expressing in this matter and which has found expression in the various instructions on the subject issued from time to time, will be taken due note by the Railway Administrations and the cases of the type mentioned above would not be allowed to occur.   73.       Subject: Engagement of Casual Labour—Maintenance of live Casual Labour Register and other matters. [No. E(NG)II/89/CL/1 dated 25.10.1990;RBE 188/90]   Attention of the Railway Administrations is invited to para2.1 of Board’s letter of even number dated 23.02.1990 on the above subject. It was laid down therein that even when casual labour working regularly get absorbed against vacancies arising from time to time or against new posts, and additional casual labours are required to be taken from the live register to take the place of the former, the personal and prior approval of the General Manager should be taken indicating the number to be taken from the live register.   2.  In the CEG meeting with the Board, the two Labour Federations had urged the Board that the condition of obtaining prior personal approval of the General Manager for re-engagement as Casual Labour of persons whose names are borne on the live casual labour register should be withdrawn and that powers in this regard should be allowed to be exercised at appropriate lower levels in the Railway Administration.   3.  The Board have reviewed the matter in the light of the points urged by the Federations in the CEG Meeting. The considerations which weighed with the Board in making the aforesaid stipulation have been briefly referred to in the said para2.1 of Board’s letter dated 23.02.1990.Board, are therefore, of the view that this condition should be retained. However, it is hereby clarified that for re-engagement as casual labour of persons whose names are borne on the live Casual labour registers, personal prior approval to be obtained from the General Manager would be only in regard to the number of persons to be re-engaged and not to the specific names of the persons to be re-engaged. Further, where persons are re­-engaged from the live casual labour register for specific emergencies like restoration of branches, not only the number of men to be so re-engaged but also the duration of their engagement, is to be clearly specified in the approval accorded by the General Manager.     74.     Subject: Engagement on compassionate grounds—Cases of wards of casual labour with temporary status who die in harness.   [No. E(NG)II/84/CL/28 dated 06.12.1990; RBE 233/90]   Kindly refer to Board’s letter of even number, dated06.11.1989 wherein General Managers of Zonal Railways have been delegated powers to engage suitable wards of casual labour who die in harness during service, on compassionate ground. These orders arc currently valid up to31.12.1990.   2.The matter has been further discussed in PNM/NFIR Meeting (Item No.51/90) held on11/12.09.1990 where in the Federation, urged that since this issue may arise regularly, delegation may be made on a lasting basis instead of extending the currency of orders from time to time. Board have agreed to the suggestion.   3.  Accordingly, Board’s approval is hereby communicated to the above delegation of powers being made without any specific time limit for considering engagement of suitable ward of casual labour with temporary status who die in harness, in accordance with the stipulations made in paras 5,6 and7 of Board’s letter of even number, dated 31.12.1986     75.     Subject: Relaxation of upper age limit for serving Railway employees for recruitment to group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on Railways.   [No. E (NG) I-90/PM1/30 dated 17.05.1991; RBE 103/91]   As the Railway Administrations are aware, in terms of Railway Board’s instructions contained in their letters No. E(NG)I-73/PM1/315, dated 20.11.1976 and E(NG) I/81/PM1/ 194, dated23.09.1981 for direct recruit­ment to all Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ vacancies, serving employees who have put in3 years’ continuous service on the Railway are given age relaxation to the extent of service put in by them subject to the upper age limit of35 years in the case of general candidates and40 years in the case of SC/ST candidates not being exceeded.   2.   Both NFIR and AIRF have raised a demand in the forum of PNM that the age limit for direct recruitment to Group ‘C’& ‘D’ posts should be increased for the departmental candidates. In view of the discussions held in PNM meetings and in the light of the decision taken in the National Council under JCM, it has been decided that for direct recruitment to Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts, the Railway employees who have put in at least three years’ continuous service may be given age relaxation to the extent of the period of Railway service put in by them subject to the upper age limit of40 years, not being exceeded in the case of general candidates and45 years in the case of SC/ST candidates. However, where extant orders permit age relaxation over40/45 years, the existing higher age limit will continue to apply.   76.     Subject:Relaxation of upper age limit for Casual Labour/Substitutes for recruitment against Group C and D posts.   [No. E(NG) II/91/CL/71 dated 25.07.1991; RBE 134/91]   In terms of Ministry of Railway’s letter No. E(NG) II/79/CL/17, dated 28.04.1979, the Casual Labour/Substitutes who have put in3 years service (at one stretch or in broken periods) are granted age relaxation up to the period of service put in as Casual Labour/Substitutes subject to the age of 35 years not being exceeded. The Ministry of Railways have since reviewed the position and decided that age relaxation to the extent of Casual Labour/ Substitutes service put in subject to upper age limit of40 years in the case of general candidates and45 years in the case of SC/ST candidates not being exceeded may also be granted in the case of Casual Labour/Substitutes, as has been agreed to in the case of serving Railway employees vide Board’s letter No. E(NG) I/90/PM-1/30, dated 17.05.1991.     77.     Subject: Entitlement and privilege admissible to Casual Watermen with temporary status working in summer establishment—Eligibility for Casual Leave, Privilege Passes/PTOs, etc. . [No. E(W)88PS5—1/1 dated 25.10.1991; RBE 182/91]   Reference Railway Ministry’s letter No. E(NG) II/83/CL/117 dated 25.01.1985, on the above-noted subject.   2.The Railway Ministry on farmer consideration of the matter have decided that Casual Watermen who attain temporary status in terms of the orders referred to above may be allowed:—   (i) one set of Privilege Pass every year to be issued during the currency of their engagement and valid for its normal duration;   (ii) two sets of PTOs every year, to be issued during the currency of their engagement and valid for its normal duration; and   (iii) one casual leave per completed monthor employment.   3.This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     78.     Subject: Filling up of Group ‘D’ (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of Casual Labour and substitutes— Extension of screening procedure.   [No. E(NG) II/84/CL/85 dated 20.11.1991; RBE 200/91]   Further to Railway Ministry’s letter of even number dated13.03.1991 it has been decided that instructions contained in the Ministry of Railway’s letter of even number dated 31.07.1985 as amended on13.09.1985 read with their letter A48 and15.12.1988 re­garding filling up of Group D vacancies subject to certain exceptions by the screening and empanelment of casual labour and substitutes will continue to be in force for vacancies arising up to30.06.1992 or till further instructions in the matter are issued, whichever is earlier. Attention in this connection is also invited to orders contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG) II/88/CL/18dated 01.11.1988 79.     Subject: Engagement of casual labour as fresh faces in Group ‘C’ cadres.   [No. E(NG) II/91/RC-3/60 dated 31.12.1991;RBE 226/91]   As the Railway administrations arc aware, instructions have been issued by Railway Board from time to time on engagement of casual labour which clearly envisage such engagement only in Group ‘D’ categories barring occasional engagement of casual skilled artisans in Group ‘C’, in terms of provisions contained in paras 2001—2007 of the IREM l (1989 Edition). Engagement of casual labour in other Group ‘C’ cadres is not permissible as per extant orders.   2.Instances have, however, come to Board’s notice wherein various Railway administrations have resorted to engagement of casual labour (in open line and construction) in Group ‘C’ categories (other than skilled artisans cadres) like Works Mistries, P. Way Mistries, IOWs, Pharmacists, etc. resulting in all sorts of administrative and legal complications.   3.  It is, accordingly, advised that Railway administration shall refrain from engaging any casual staff in Group ‘C’ categories (other than skilled artisans) with immediate effect. Suitable instructions in this regard may be issued to all concerned, directing that no Unit shall resort to casual engagement against Group ‘C’ categories (other than in skilled artisan cadre). A very serious view is being taken by the Board in all such cases of irregularity and the staff responsibility as being insisted upon.   4.  Details of casual engagements already made in Group ‘C’ category (other than in skilled artisan cadre) inter alia indicating the name of the individual engaged, date of engagement, date of birth, educational qualifi­cation, whether already surplus or the likely date of surplus, the circum­stances under which the person concerned was engaged may also be collected for the Railway as a whole (including construction departments) on priority basis and sent to Railway Board within one month of the receipt of this letter i.e. latest by 31st January,1992.   80.     Subject: Payment of TA/DA to casual labour.    [No. E(NG)II/91/CL/67 dated 16.04.1992; RBE 59/92]   Attention is invited to Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/90/CL/1, dated 30.05.1990 communicating revi­sion rates of daily allowance applicable to casual labour sent on duty out of their headquarters in the interest of Railway work. To this extent the existing table below para2508 of Chapter25 IREM (pre-revised edition) stands amended.   2.  Though this table is not incorporated in IREM Vol.II (revised edition)1990, the instructions contained in Board’s letter dated30.05.1990 continue to hold good.   3.  Keeping in view the provisions in para 2001 of IREM of Vol. II (revised edition) 1990 Ministry of Railways desire to clarify the position in regard to payment of TA/DA to casual labour, as under:   (i) Casual Labour are not ordinarily liable to transfer. However, in accordance with the directions given by Supreme Court in the case of lnderpal Yadav v. UOI, 1985(2) SLJ 58(SC) the seniority of the project casual labour is to be maintained division-wise/category-wise for purposes of engagement/discharge/re-engagement. This direction thus cast on obligation on the Railways to shift such casual labour from one place (where the work ceases to exist) to another place (where the work is available within the Division). This shift from one place to another within the divi­sional seniority unit is now permissible in accordance with para 2001 (i) of IREM revised edition.   (ii) Casual labours are not entitled to transfer and packing allowance as the same is admissible only to regular staff in the event of their transfer.   (iii) Wherever casual labour is thus shifted to facilitate them to move from one location to another they may be provided with the free travel facility by way of a second class pass for self and family to the place of posting and daily allowance for the period of journey. They are not entitled to any daily allowance for the periods spent at the new place of posting as their headquarters stand automati­cally shifted from old place to the new place of working, nor to any other benefits of Travelling Allowance.   4.   This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   81.   Subject: Filling of Group ‘D’ (Class IV) vacancies by empanelment of Casual Labour and substitutes— Extension of screening procedure.   [No. E(NG)II/84/CL/85 dated 17.08.1992; RBE 135/92]   Further to Railway Ministry’s letter of even number dated 20.11.1991, it has been decided that instructions contained in the Ministry of Railway’s letter of even number dated 31.07.1985 as amended on 13.9.1985 read with their letter No. E(NG)II/84/RR-1/26, dated 04.09.1986and15.12.1988 regarding filling up of Group ‘D’ vacancies subject to certain exceptions by the screening and empanelment of casual labour and substitutes will continue to be in force of vacancies arising upto 30.06.1993 or till further instructions in the matter are issued, whichever is earlier. Attention in this connection is also invited to orders contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG) II/88/CL/18 dated 01.11.1988.     82.   Subject: Engagement of substitutes on the Railways in Gr. ‘D’ categories.   [No. E(NG)II./90/SB/10/MC dated 04.11.1992;RBE 185/92]   Railway Board have issued detailed instructions on the subject of engagement of substitutes from time to time and the same have recently been consolidated and retreated to the Railways vide Board’s letter of even number dated29.01.1991 as Master Circular No.20 of1991. Among other things the instructions clearly stipulate that the occasion to engage substi­tutes should be few and far between.   2.  From the figures furnished by the Railway Administrations at the recent Chief Personnel Officer’s conference held in July’92 it is noticed that there are over15,000 substitutes engaged on the Railways in Mechanical, Traffic, Commercial and Medical departments.   2.1  Board, after reviewing the matter, have observed that there is need to have stricter control on engagement of substitutes and accordingly desire that now onwards:—   (i) Any new face substitute should be appointed only with the prior personal approval of the General Manager, even where such practice is not already in vogue.   (ii) Strict control should be exercised on the number of substitutes engaged and serious attempts should be made to bring down their number drastically.   (iii) Strict control on maintenance of leave records and absenteeism should be enforced.   3.  It is requested that compliance with the above may please be ensured.   83.   Subject: Grant of temporary status to Casual Labour in Engineering Department engaged for track patrolling duty during monsoon season.   [No. E(NG)II/92/CL/SC/71 dated 02.04.1993]   Please refer to Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/83/CL/117, dated 25.01.1985 regarding grant of regular scale of pay (and temporary status) to Casual Labours engaged as watermen during summer season therein Board have decided that the casual watermen employed in the summer seasons should be eligible for temporary status on completion of 120 days of continuous employment. For the purpose of counting the total number of days of continuous employment various spells of engagement as casual watermen may be aggregated provided the gap between any two spells of employment has been caused due to the season being over or there being no work for them in the hot weather establishment of the unit concerned. Attention is also invited to Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/83/CL/117, dated 17.06.1985 whereunder it was confined that the provisions of Board’s letter dated 25.01.1985 apply only to casual watermen employed during summer season.   2.   The question has been reconsidered by the Board and based on the clarification famished by the Railways that Casual Labour Service Cards are being issued to the seasonal casual labour engaged on monsoon track patrolling Board have decided that the instructions contained in their letter No. E(NG)II/83/CL/117, dated 25.01.1985 may also be made appli­cable to casual labour engaged on monsoon track patrolling duty.   3.  Board further desire to clarify that the restriction regarding engagement of fresh faces should also be observed in these categories of seasonal casual labour and the further requirement in these categories should be met from the casual labour borne on live register who are awaiting re-engagement on almost all the Division on the Railways, and that any re-engagement from the live register of casual labour to meet such future requirement should be made only with the personal approval of the G.M.   84.   Subject: Benefit of medical treatment to the family members of Casual Labour with temporary status in open line/project. [No. E(NG)II/92/CL/27 dated 27.07.1993]   Please refer to Board’s letters No. E (NG) II/77/CL/2, dated 03.05.1978and E(NG)II/77/ CL/46, dated18.11.1981 as also Para13 of Master Circular No. 48 on Casual Labour, wherein it is stated that all casual labourers—project as well as non-project—may be given medical facilities for self only in out-patient departments. Attention is also invited to Note (ii) underpara 616 of the Indian Railway Medical Manual in terms of which “Casual Labour with more than6 months’ service will become entitled to the same rights and privileges as admissible to regular Railway employees”.   2.  Railway Board after reviewing the matter and in partial modifi­cation of the above provisions have decided that all Casual Labourers (Open Line as well as Project) with temporary status are eligible of medical facilities as applicable to regular Railway employees i.e. for self and family members.   3.  This issues with the concurrence of Finance, Directorate of Ministry of Railways.   85.   Subject: Appointment on compassionate grounds—Case of widow/wards of substitutes who die in service.   Reference: Supplementary Circular No. 2 to M. C. No. 20   [No. E(NG)II/93/SB/5 dated 07.10.1993; RBE 147/93]   Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/84/CL/28 dated 31.12.1986 regarding appointment on compassionate grounds of wards of temporary status casual labour who die in harness, as Casual Labour (fresh face) or as a substitute.   2.   Board desire to clarify that instructions contained in the above letter are also applicable to the cases of temporary status substitutes who die in harness.   3.   This also disposes of South Eastern Railway’s, letter No. P/Comp./Poly/IV/3/5 dated19.02.1993 on the above subject.


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