Assistance To Railway Employees For Education Of Their Children


Master Circular No. 17   Assistance to Railway Employees for Education of Their Children   CONTENTS     No. Subject 1 Introduction 2 Children Educational Assistance, Reimbursement of Tuition Hostel Subsidy 2.1 Applicability 2.2 Applicable to Staff on Deputation/Out of India 3 Definitions of the Terms Used in the Orders 4 General Conditions Of Eligibility 4.1 Staff Who are Eligible to Get Allowance 4.2 When both Husband/Wife are working 4.3 When the Staff is on Leave / Under Suspension 4.4 Validity of the Concession 4.5 Number of Children Eligible for the Assistance 4.6 Allowance Applicable on Regular Student-Children 4.7 Allowance and Scholarship & Eligibility in case of Transfer 5 Children’s Educational Allowance 5.1 Conditions Under Which Allowances are Admissible and Schools of Requisite Standard 5.2 Allowance Admissible to a Rly servant at the Nearest Station where there is a school of the requisite standard 5.3 Allowance in case of Transfer 5.4 Allowance in case of Denial of Admission in Schools at the place of Posting/Residence of the Rly Staff 5.5 Allowance in case of Children staying with Parents Due to Vacation/Illness etc. 5.6 Rate of the Allowance 5.7 Various Conditions Under Which Allowance is Admissible 6 Reimbursement Of Tuition Fee 6.1 Reimbursement of Tuition Fee Admissible Only in Case of no Educational Allowance 6.2 Rate of Tuition Fee Reimbursable for Various Classes. 6.3 Rate of Tuition Fee Reimbursable for College/Technical College. 6.4 Rate of Tuition Fee Reimbursable for Physically Handicapped Children 6.5 Hostel Subsidy 6.7 Effective Date of Hostel Subsidy Admissible 6.8 No Hostel Subsidy in Case of Drawal of Educational Allowance 7 Procedure for Payment of Children’s Educational Allowance, Reimbursement of Tuition Fees and Hostel Subsidy. 8 Uniforms 9 Railway Subsidised Hostels on Railways 10 General: 11 Railway Boards Orders on the Subject for Compilation 12 Other Railway Board Orders on the Subject –         Children Education Allowance –         Reimbursement of Tuition Fee –    Hostel Subsidy   Form 1 – Children Educational Allowance – To be Submitted by the Parents   Form 2 – Reimbursement of Tuition Fee – To be Submitted by the Parents   Form 3 – Hostel Subsidy – To be Submitted by the Parents   Form 4 – Hostel Subsidy – Certificate to be Given by the Head of School    Assistance to Railway Employees for Education of Their Children        The Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided to issue a consolidated Master Circular based on the instructions/ orders issued from time to time on the subject of  “Educational Assistance  ” to the children of Railway employees as below for the information and guidance of all concerned. 2. Children Educational Assistance, Reimbursement of Tuition Fee and Hostel Subsidy.   Applicable on:   (1)These orders shall apply to Railway servants including those on deputation to the Railways whose pay is debitable to Railway Revenue but shall not apply to:   (a) Civil servants;   (b) Persons in casual or daily rated or ad-hoc or part time employment;   (c) Persons paid from contingencies;   (d) Persons employed on contract except where the contract provided otherwise; and   (e) India based Railway staff serving in Missions abroad and receiving educational assistance under the Indian Foreign Service (Pay, Leave, Compensatory Allowances and other conditions of Service) Rules, 1961.   (2)These orders shall also apply to Railway Servants on deputation to State Governments or on Foreign Service, provided necessary provision in regard to the drawal of educational assistance under these orders from such State Government or foreign employers is expressly made in the terms of deputation or foreign service.   3.   Definitions:   In these orders, unless the context otherwise require:   (a)  ‘Child’ means a child of a Railway servant and includes a stepchild and a adopted child, who is wholly dependent on the Government servant;   (b)  ‘Railway’ means the Zonal Railway Administrations on open line, Production Units including other organisations set up directly under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board);   (c)  ‘Head of Office’ means a gazetted officer declared as such under rule 4 of the Delegation of Financial powers Rules 1978 and include such other authority or person whom the competent authority may, by order, specify as Head of Office; (d)  ‘Higher Secondary or senior Secondary Classes’ means classes XI and XII and include classes upto the equivalent of XII class under the 10+2+3 scheme like Pre-university class or the first year class of an Intermediate College, a technical college, or a Polytechnic provided the child has passed the Secondary or equivalent but not the Higher Secondary Examination before joining such class;   (e)  ‘Primary Classes’ means classes I to V but does not include Kindergarten or nursery classes;   (f)  ‘Recognised School’ means a Government School or any educational institution whether in receipt of Government aid or not, recognised by the Central or State Government or Union Territory Administration or by a University or a recognised educational authority having jurisdiction over the area whether where the institution is situated.  For the purpose of these orders education upto the senior level shall be treated as school education;   (g)  ‘Secondary classes’ means classes VI to X.   (h)  ‘Tuition Fee’ means tuition fee payable and actually paid, and includes: –   (i)Science fee,   (ii)Laboratory fee, in case science fee is not separately charged;   (iii)Special fee charged for agriculture as an elective additional subject; and   (iv)Any fee charged for subjects like music which are taught as part of the regular school curriculum of subject requiring practical work under the programme of work experience;   Provided that if tuition fee charged from a Science student is higher than that charged from a non-science student, science fee, though separately charged, shall not be included in tuition fee for the purpose of these orders.   Explanation – ‘Tuition fee , however, does not include: –   (i) Domestic science fund charges;   (ii) Library fee;   (iii) Games fee;   (iv) Admission fee; and   (v) Extra curricular activity fee. 4. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY   4.1   (1)Subject to the provisions of orders 11 to 24, all Railway servants who were eligible to draw educational allowance, reimbursement of tuition fee and Hostel Subsidy as per criteria and upper pay limit in force prior to 01.01.1986 will be eligible for these benefits at new rates w.e.f. 01.10.1986. These concessions will also apply to all Railway employees without any pay limit from 01.12.1987.        (Rly. Bd’s no. PC/IV/Imp./NL-2 dt. 14.01.1988)   (2)Provided that the assistance will be admissible only if the children of the Railway servant study in a recognised school.        (Rly Bd’s no. E (W) 84ED1-1 dt. 14.09.1990)   4.2   (1)In case both wife and husband are Railway servants and are governed by the provisions of these orders, the children’s educational allowance or reimbursement of tuition fee or hostel subsidy as the case may be shall be admissible to one of them only.   (2)In case the wife or husband of a Railway servant is employed outside the Railways, the Railway servant shall be eligible to draw the allowance or reimbursement or subsidy under these orders, only if his/ her spouse is not entitled to the benefit of any such allowance or reimbursement of subsidy from his/ her employer and declaration of to that effect shall be obtained from the Government servant.   4.3   (1)The children’s educational allowance or the reimbursement of tuition fee or hostel subsidy shall be admissible to a Railway servant while he/she is on duty or is under suspension or is on leave (including extra ordinary leave).   Provided that during any period which is treated as  ‘dies non’ the Railway shall not be eligible for the allowance/reimbursement /subsidy for the period.   (2)If a Railway servant dies or ceases to be in service by reason of retirement, resignation, discharge, dismissal or removal from service in the course of an academic year, the allowance or reimbursement or hostel subsidy shall be admissible till end of the academic year in which the event takes place.   4.4The concession of children educational assistance/ reimbursement of tuition fee and Hostel subsidy shall be admissible in respect of the child upto the end of the academic session even if he completes 20 years (18 years in case of children educational assistance scheme administered by Ministry of External Affairs) half way during the academic session. A Railway servant shall not be eligible to draw children education allowance, reimbursement of tuition fee or Hostel Subsidy for a child for more than 2 academic years in the same class.      (Rly. Bd. letters No. E (W) 84ED1-1 dt. 07.02.1990) 4.5Assistance in these orders shall be admissible to the Railway servant in respect of not more than 3 children at any time, born upto 31.12.1987 and shall be restricted to 2 children at any time, born thereafter;   Provided that where a Rly.  Servant claims Children’s Educational Assistance in respect of some of his Children and Hostel Subsidy in respect of other children, the total number of Children in respect of whom the allowance or subsidy is drawn shall not exceed three children born upto 31.12.1987 and two children born thereafter.”        (Rly. Bd. letters No. E (W) 84ED1-1 dt. 14.09.1990)   4.6The children’s educational allowance, reimbursement of tuition fee or hostel subsidy, as the case may be, shall be admissible to a Railway servant in respect of a child only if the child attends the school regularly.   Provided  that  no such allowance, reimbursement  or  subsidy shall be admissible in any case where the period of absence  from the   school   without  proper  leave  exceeds  one   month   not withstanding  that the name of the child remains on the rolls  of the school.   4.7       (i)The children’s educational allowance, reimbursement  of tuition  fee, or hostel subsidy, as the case  may  be, shall be admissible to a Railway servant in respect  of his   children regardless of the fact that any scholarship is received provided that if  free ship  is awarded, reimbursement of tuition  fee/hostel  subsidy shall be admissible only to the extent of fees actually paid;   (ii)  Children’s  Educational  Allowance/ Hostel  subsidy:  Where  the  children  do  not  accompany  the Railway employees on transfer upto Class XII will be admissible in respect of children studying at the last station  of posting of the employee concerned or any other  station where the children reside without any  restriction  of pay  drawn. If children studying in schools are put  in  hostels at the previous station of posting or any other station, the  Railway  employee concerned  will be eligible for hostel subsidy without other restrictions.        (Rly. Bd’s Letter No. E (W) 83AL12-8 dt. 06.02.1984)   CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE   5.1         (i)         (a)A Railway servant is eligible to draw children’s educational allowance when he is compelled to send  his child to a school away from the station at which he is posted and/or residing owing to the absence of a school of the requisite standard at that station;   (b)  However, where the children do not accompany the Railway servant to North-Eastern Region comprising  the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram, children Education Allowance upto Class XII at the prescribed rate will be admissible  in respect of children studying at the last station  of posting of the employees concerned  or  any other station where the children reside.   Explanation:  Notwithstanding clause 11 (I), Children Educational Allowance shall be admissible w.e.f. 01.05.1989 to a Railway servant who on transfer from one station to another, is compelled to keep his child/children studying in final year of Secondary/Higher Secondary/Senior Secondary Classes at old  station  for  Board examination in the interest of continuity of studies.   (ii)For the purpose of this order, the following schools shall not be deemed to be  schools of the  requisite standard:-   (a)In so far as an Anglo Indian child  is  concerned, a school not run by the Anglo Indian community or a school not affiliated to the Council for Indian  Council  of Secondary Education;   (b)A school run by a body of certain religious persuasion which the child is prevented by the tenets of his religious persuasion from attending due to  religious instructions  being  compulsorily imparted  in  such  a school, and   (c)A school where teaching is conducted in a language different from the language of the child.   Explanation I:The language of the child will be the medium  of instruction, in the school where the child was getting  education earlier  and in the case of a child admitted in a school for  the first  time  the  mother  tongue of the  child  by  birth  or  by adoption.   Explanation II:The admissibility of children’s educational allowance will have to be  determined with reference to the standard of the school, viz., Primary, Secondary or Higher Secondary or Senior Secondary and the medium of Instruction and the language of the child  and not to the absence of any particular subject in a particular institution.   5.2The allowance shall be admissible to a Railway servant at a station where there is no school of the requisite standard, only if the nearest school of such standard is so situated that  there is no convenient train or bus service to take the child from  his residence  near the time of the opening of the school and bring him back not too long after the school is closed for the day  and the journey by such train/bus service takes more than an hour.   5.3       (i)If a Railway servant is transferred from a station where there is no school of the requisite standard to a station where there is such a school and if he was in           receipt of any allowance, he shall remain eligible  for such allowance until the close of the academic year of the school in which his child was studying at the time of his transfer provided the child continues to study for that period in that school.   (ii)However, when the employee is transferred from one State to another, the  educational assistance now admissible upto the end of scholastic year, will be           extended till the end of such year in which the child passes the matriculation/higher    secondary/Senior Cambridge examination, in respect of such children who might be studying in class IX or above at the time  of transfer of the employee.   5.4If a child of a Railway servant is denied admission to a school of the ‘requisite standard at the station at which the Railway servant is posted and/or residing because of their being no vacancy, or for any other reasons, and the child is, compelled to attend a school away from the Railway servant’s place of posting and/or residence, the Railway servant shall be entitled to  the  allowance as if there were no school  of  the  requisite standard at that station. Explanation:The availability of a vacancy in a school shall be determined with reference to the position existing at the time of the admission of the child in the school, whether it be at the start or in the middle of the session, in consultation with competent educational authorities of the area and not on the basis of the certificate of the school authorities.   5.5A Railway servant in receipt of the allowance shall continue to be eligible to draw such allowance during any period, not exceeding four months.   (i)When he may go and stay with the child in respect of whom the allowance is drawn while on leave or during suspension or temporary transfer;   (ii)When the child may come to live with the Railway servant provided it is  certified by a registered medical practitioner that the child is forced to remain  away from studies due to illness; and   (iii)  When the child may come to live with the Railway servant during vacation, provided the child continue to  be on the rolls of the school.   5.6The allowance shall be admissible to a Railway servant at the following rates:-   Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary classes (I to XII) – Rs.50/- per month per child.   5.7       (1)The allowance shall be admissible to a Railway servant throughout the year notwithstanding that no tuition fee  is paid during the vacation;   (2)In the case of a child who is successful at the final Secondary/Higher Secondary/Senior Secondary Examination, the allowance shall be admissible to the Railway servant  upto the  end of the month in which the examination is  completed      or upto the end of the month upto which the school fees are charged, whichever is later;      (3)In the case of a child who fails in the final Secondary/Higher Secondary/Senior Secondary Examination, but resumes his studies, the allowance shall be admissible to      the Railway servant for the period of vacation intervening provided that fees are paid for the period of vacation.   6. REIMBURSEMENT OF TUITION FEE   6.1 A Railway servant shall be eligible to the reimbursement of tuition fee payable and actually paid in respect of his child provided that no children’s educational allowance under  these orders is admissible to him.   6.2The tuition fee payable and actually paid by a Railway servant in respect of his child may be reimbursed, subject to the following limits:-   (a)  Class I to X – Rs. 20/- per month per child   (b)  Class XI to XII – Rs. 25/- per month per child   (c)  Classes  I to XII – Rs.50/- per month per child in respect of physically handicapped and mentally retarded children. Note:Science fee upto the limit of Rs.5/- p.m. will  be reimbursable in addition to the tuition fee in respect of children studying in classes IX to XII offering science subjects.   6.3The reimbursement of tuition fee charged by a college run by a University or affiliated to a University for Pre-University/first year class of an Intermediate College or of a Technical College or first year class of Polytechnic or for a correspondence course shall however, be  reimbursed in full subject to their being restricted to the rates prescribed by Government college for corresponding classes.   “In cases where minimum qualifications for admission in the two years Diploma course in Polytechnics is 10th class of the revised pattern of education and the student joins the polytechnic after passing X class of the revised pattern of education, the reimbursement of tuition fees shall also be allowed  for  the  1st and the IInd year  classes  of  the  above course.”   6.4.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in  these orders, tuition fee payable and paid in  respect of a physically handicapped or a mentally retarded child of a Railway servant shall be reimbursed subject to the following conditions:-   (a) The Institution in which the child is studying is one which is recognised or approved or aided by the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory     Administration;   (b)The fees charged are approved by the Central Government or State Government or Union Territory Administration, as the case may be.   Explanation:If the Institution is recognised or approved or aided by the fees charged are not approved by Central or State Government or Union Territory Administration, the fees reimbursable shall be subject to a ceiling of Rs. 50/- p.m.   Explanation II:This is confirmed that the Railway employees are eligible for reimbursement of Tuition fees in respect of their children, i.e. boys as well as girls, studying in schools where tuition fees as actually payable and paid, despite the availability of free education as a policy  by the State Government subject to the ceiling limits prescribed in para 19 of Railway services (Educational Assistance) Orders, 1983 circulated under Board’s letter No.E (W) 84ED1-1 dt. 20.01.1989.     (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 88ED1-1 dt. 13.06.1990)   Concession of reimbursement of tuition fee for class I to V would be admissible from 01.10.1986 in respect of employees who are eligible for these benefits as per upper pay limit in force prior to 01.01.1986. The concession will apply to all  Railway employees without any pay limit from 01.12.1987.        (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 84ED1-1 dt. 04.09.1989)   HOSTEL SUBSIDY   6.5       (i) A Railway servant shall be eligible to the grant of  a subsidy at the rate of Rs.150/- per month per child if because of his transfer he is obliged to keep his children in the hostel of a residential school away from the station at which he is posted and/or is residing;   (ii)If a Railway servant posted in North Eastern Region puts his/her children in hostels at the last station of posting or any other station, he/she will be given hostel subsidy without other restrictions.   6.6However, if the date of admission to the Hostel is earlier than the date of transfer and if such admission is made in anticipation of the transfer, the hostel subsidy may be made from the effective date of transfer.   Hostel subsidy should also be granted to such of the  Railway employees who admit their children in the Oak Grove School, Jharipani under such compelling circumstances arising due to their positive transfers from the station to another.        (Rly. Bd.’s letter No.PCII/73/DA dated 13.07.1979).   6.7The hostel subsidy shall be payable upto 10 plus 2 stages in States and Union Territories, that the pattern of 10 Plus 2 Plus 3 has been adopted and upto Higher Secondary and Senior  Secondary stage in other States and Union Territories irrespective of  the fact that the children study in a Kendriya Vidyalaya or any other recognised school.   6.8The hostel subsidy shall not be admissible in respect of a child for whom children’s educational allowance is drawn  by  a Railway servant.   7. Procedure for payment of children’s educational allowance reimbursement of tuition fees and hostel subsidy.   7.1A Railway servant, claiming children’s educational allowance, or hostel subsidy shall furnish a certificate in the prescribed form 1, 2 and 4 as the case may be to the Head of Office at the time of preferring his initial claim and thereafter in the months of March and July every year. For allowing the reimbursement of tuition fee to a Railway servant, a Certificate from  the Principal of the schools, where the child is  studying, need not be insisted upon. However, at the time of accepting  the initial claim, production of the cash receipt given by the school or  the counterfoil of the Bank Credit Voucher, if the tuition fee is paid through Banks, by the Railway servant as a proof of having actually paid the tuition fee, will be sufficient. For the subsequent occasions, a declaration from the Railway servant  to the effect that he continues to incur the expenditure on Tuition Fee etc. should be accepted. The Railway servant may also  be asked to certify that his child/children is/are actually studying in a recognised school and that he is actually incurring expenditure on the tuition fee. The reimbursement of tuition fee, will, however, be restricted to the actual amount paid by the Railway servant to the school authorities subject to the revised ceiling indicated in the Board’s letter No.PCIV/86/Imp./AL-II dated 14.01.1988. Whenever there is any change in  regard to the school institution/child etc. the first claim will be treated as a “fresh  claim’ and procedure as indicated in the preceding paragraph will be followed where the Railway servant is himself the Head of the Office, he shall furnish certificate to the next higher authority.        (Rly. Bd’s letter No.E (W) 84ED1-1 dt. 19.06.1989)     7.2The Head of office in regard to officers working in his office and the next higher authority in regard to the Head of Office shall, after making such enquiry as may be  considered necessary, issue a certificate indicating the amount of allowance admissible  to the Government servant on the basis of  which  the allowance shall be drawn by the drawing and disbursing officer.   Provided that in the case of Children’s educational allowances it shall be permissible for the allowance being drawn on provisional basis, pending verification as above, for short periods  not exceeding three months subject to an undertaking being  obtained from the Railway servant that if, as a result of verification, it is established that a school of the requisite standard  does exist at the station of posting/residence or near such station as referred to in order 12, he  shall  refund the allowance paid to him.   Provided further that the Head of office or the next higher authority, as the case may be, may  at his discretion, make enquiry at periodic intervals regarding admissibility of assistance under these orders.   7.3The drawing and disbursing officer shall certify on the pay bill that the certificates mentioned in order 26 in respect of the Railway servants covered by the pay bill have been obtained.   7.4A Railway servant transferred from one station to another shall furnish a fresh certificate at the new station in case he continues to be eligible to draw children’s educational allowance or hostel subsidy.      (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 84ED1-1 dt. 20.01.1989)   8.  UNIFORMS:   8.1The Railway Board have decided that uniforms of a simple style on a modest scale and at low cost maybe supplied at the cost of Railway Revenues to the children of Railway  employees studying in Primary classes of Railway Primary/Middle and High/Higher Secondary Schools. Children of Railway employees studying in non-Railway schools managed by the staff themselves may also be supplied uniform in the same manner as referred to above  subject to the following conditions:-   (a)  The schools should be situated in Railway colonies;   (b)The schools should be well established and recognised by the State Govt. Education Deptt.   (c)  Uniforms should be  worn  by all  students  in  Primary classes.   Rly.  Bd’s letter No. E (W) ED1-0 dt. 18.05.1960 & E (W) 82  SC2-47 dt. 28.03.1989 & 03.08.1990).   8.02The pay limit of the Railway employees for eligibility of the free uniforms to the children should be upto and including Rs. 1400/-  p.m. Those employees whose pay is above Rs. 1400/- p.m. and  outsiders will have to provide uniform  at  their  own cost.        (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 82SC2-47 dt. 11.06.1987) 8.3The children of Rly employees will be supplied two sets of terrycloth uniforms. The colour and style of uniforms should be as prescribed for cubs and Bulbuls/Scouts and Guides  of  Bharat Scouts and Guides. The details are as follows:   (i)Colour: For boys, the lower garment should be in Navy Blue and Upper garment in Grey colours. For girls, the upper and lower garment should be Blue colour.   (ii)Style: Boys should be issued the shirts (half-sleeves) and shorts (nicker), Girls should be issued frocks and panties. The details specifications should as far as possible, be as follows:   Shirt (Grey) with colour, two epaulettes, NR slip badge on right shoulder (sleeve) and two patch pockets the left one fixed with membership badge (blue.)                Short  (knickers)  Navy Blue with web belt.    Frocks (blue) with box pleats, collar, two epaulettes, NR slip badge on the right shoulder (sleeve), two patch pockets on the chest, six’s emblem being fixed just above the left one, membership badge on the left shoulder (sleeve), cloth belt  and two large patch pockets on the lower (bottom) portion of the frock. Panty should be with pleats.   Note:In case any doubt arises with regard to colour and style of the uniform, the State Chief Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides or the Secy. thereof may be consulted.   (iii)Two sets of Terrycot uniforms per child per annum may be supplied to both boys and girls. In places where woolen jersey is supplied during winter season, the same may continue.   (iv)The cost per set of uniforms should not exceed Rs. 65/- (Sixty-five).        (Rly. Bd’s letters No. E (W) 60ED1-1 dt. 18.05.60 and E(W) 82SC 2-47 dated 28.03.1989 & 03.08.1990)    8.4It has also been decided by the Railway Board that the uniform supplied to the children of Railway employees are not required to be taken back when they leave the school due to transfer of their parents or otherwise.   (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 61D1-9 dt. 01.05.1961)     9.   RAILWAY SUBSIDISED HOSTELS ON RAILWAYS   9.1During the meeting with the then Minister for Railways (Late Shri N Gopalaswami Ayyangar) in November 1951, it was decided by the Ministry of Railway (Railway Board)  that Railway should establish subsidised Hostels at principal educational centres in lieu of the  concessions admissible under the existing rules regarding educational assistance. The objective envisaged by the then Hon’ble Minister for Railways in 1951 was to provide Subsidised Hostels on planned basis in the principal educational Centres for boarding the sons and daughters of Railway employees who are serving in places distant from Educational Centres.  With a view to provide necessary assistance to Railway employees in the matter of education of their children, 20 Subsidised Hostels have been set up from 1958 onwards in major  linguistic areas where  boarding  and lodging is provided  at  heavily  subsidised rates.   9.2  Main features of Subsidised Hostel Scheme:   On each Railway, there should be at least one hostel in each linguistic area. The consideration that should be particularly observed in selecting the station should be :-   (i)That the station itself should be an educational centre with schools and colleges where  general  professional education maybe available;   (ii) That the Railway staff working in the area around that particular station would consider it worthwhile to send their children to the hostel. For example, large cities like Bombay and Calcutta are out of the question, because all the Railway staff would like to send their children to the educational institutions located in these cities only as day scholars even though it may involve the children travelling fairly long distances on the suburban trains. (iii)  (a) There should, if possible, be Railway building readily available for  housing the hostel or suitable available land where the hostel may be built; (ii)        a)Children of Railway employees who were compelled to seek admission in schools/colleges at stations other than of their posting due to lack of schools of  requisite standard at the places of their posting are also eligible for admission in subsidised hostels;   b)In Subsidised Hostels where the number of seats provided is fully occupied,   preference in admission should be given to students upto the Higher Secondary school standard;    (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 62ED1-38 dt. 23.02.1963)   c)      1) Admission in hostel at normal rates may  also be granted on a lower priority to children of employees  who are students of Technical  and Science Colleges irrespective of their mother tongue. If any of the students is in  receipt of a Scholarship or Educational Assistance, he should be admitted on payment of  full charges.   2) The very few seats likely to be left over in a hostel after admission of children of the linguistic group and those who are getting educational through   the medium of the particular language for which the hostel is meant as well as students of Science and Technical Colleges, may be left unfilled for the admission of children of employees in the linguistic area who may have to be transferred in the mid session.            (Rly. Bd’s letter No. 63ED1-37 dt. 27.12.1963)   d)Students, who are in receipt of scholarships for technical education from the staff  Benefit Fund should not be subsidised, i.e., such scholarship holder should be  admitted  to  the  subsidised hostel only on payment of full charges.      (Rly. Bd’s  letter  No.E (W) 62ED1-38  dt. 23.02.1963)       (iii)Faculty of Railway subsidised Hostels must be made available to the children of  all  Railway  employees WITHOUT ANY PAY LIMIT.      (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 82ED3-2 dt. 03.08.1990)   9.4       i)The building and equipment are to be treated as a service building and all  maintenance, water and electricity charges etc. are borne by Railways. No charges for lodging  are to be  recovered  from   the occupants.        (Rly Bd’s letter No. E (W) 60ED1-37 dt. 15.11.1960)   ii)Railway employees are required to pay the following charges in respect of children admitted in subsidised hostels; ranges in Revised Scale Rates of boarding charges re-                                   coverable per month from each boarder.   Upto Rs. 1050/- p.m.               –           Rs. 25/- Rs. 1051/- to Rs. 1440/- p.m   –           Rs. 40/- Rs. 1441/- to Rs. 1720/- p.m.  –           Rs. 60/- Rs. 1721/- and above.              –           Rs.100/-   (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 82ED3-2 dt. 03.08.1990)   9.5The expenditure on provision of recreational facilities to the boarders of the Subsidised Hostels may be restricted to the following:-                                                                           Expenditure per annum   (a)  Newspapers and Periodicals          –           Rs.  900/-   (b)Sports materials (for one/two indoor games) and any material for physical exercise –            Rs.  425/-   (c)  Gardening implements                     –           Rs.  200/-     (Rly. Bd’s letter No. E (W) 82ED3-2 dt. 25.11.1986)   9.6For the period of long vocations which will last for a month or over, no recoveries should be made on account of Hostel charges from the inmates. No refund of fees may be allowed  for shorter period of absence on account of Diwali, Dussehra, and Holi holidays or on account of sickness of any inmate.    (Rly Bd’s letter NO. E (W) 63ED1-10 dt. 17.06.1963)   9.7The functioning of subsidised Hostels should be improved. A Senior Railway Staff (preferably a teacher) to be provided family accommodation in the hostel itself if necessary by  suitable extension. Special allowance should be sanctioned and the warden granted disciplinary authority over the inmates. Suitable facilities for the inmates should be provided 10.  General:   a)The consolidation made in the Master Circular should be construed  only as a key to the original circular and not a substitution. In case of any doubt, the original           circular(s) referred to in the Master Circular will  be relied upon as authority;   b) It should be noted that orders/instructions issued under the various circulars have  only prospective effect from the date of issue of the relevant original letter(s), unless specifically stated otherwise in the concerned letter. Hence, for dealing with old  cases,          the  instructions  in force at the relevant  time  have to be referred.   c)Though all efforts have been taken to include all the relevant circulars on the subject,  if any circular which has not been superseded happens to be omitted, the circular which has been omitted through oversight will still hold the field. Anyone coming across  such  a  circular  may  bring it to the notice  of  the  Railway   11. The consolidation has been made from the following:   S.N Letter No. Date. 1 E (W) 84ED3-1                   16.05.1980 2 E(G) 83AL22-8                  06.02.1980 3 E (W) 84ED1-1                   04.09.1990 4 E (W) 82SC2-47                  03.08.1990 5 E (W) 82ED3-2                    03.08.1990 6 E (W) 84ED1-1                   13.06.1990 7 E (W) 84ED1-1                   07.02.1990 8 E (W) 82ED3-2                   05.09.1989 9 E (W) 84ED1- 1                   04.09.1989 10 E (W) 84ED1-1                   19.06.1989 11 E (W) 82SC2-47                  28.03.1989 12 E (W) 84ED1-1                   20.01.1989 13 E (W) 82ED3-2                   02.12.1988 14 PC-IV/86/Imp/AL-2             04.01.1988 15 E (W) 82SC2-47                  11.06.1987 16 E (W) 86ED3-2                   25.02.1986 17 E (W) 84ED3-1                   25.06.1985 18 PCIII/73/EA                   13.07.1979 19 E (W) 65ED1-26                  22.06.1965 20 E (W) 63ED1-37                  27.12.1963 21 E (W) 63ED1-10                   17.06.1963 22 E (W) 62ED1-38                  23.02.1963 23 E (W) 61ED1-9                   04.08.1961 24 E (W) 60ED3-24                  27.04.1961 25 E (W) 60ED1-37                  15.09.1960 26 E (W) 60ED1-10                  18.05.1960 27 E (W) 60ED1-5                   10.03.1960 28 E (W) 56SC-29                   25.02.1960 29 E (W) 56SC-29                   09.07.1959 30 E (W) 56SC-29                   13.06.1959 31 E (W) 53ED1-3 /Pt.A             19.08.1958 32 E (W) 53ED1-3                   16.06.1955                                                          FORM – I Para -25   CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE   1.Certified that my child/children mentioned below in respect of whom children’s educational allowance is claimed  is/are wholly dependent upon me and I am compelled to send my child/ children away from the place of my posting/residence due to non-availability of the school of the requisite standard at the station of my posting/ residence or due to non-availability of a vacancy  in  such  a  school  at the  station  of  my  posting/residence.   Name of the child Date of birth School/college in which studying. Location thereof and residence of  the child The place where the Railway Servant is residing Class in which the child is studying Monthly Educational Allowance admissible Account of allowance claimed period from July— to Feb— Mar— to June— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7          1.        2.        3.   2. Certified that my child/children in respect of whom children’s educational allowance is claimed is/are studying in the schools mentioned in column (2) which is/are recognised school(s) (Not applicable to schools run by Central Government/State Government/Union  Territory Administration/Municipal Corporations/Municipal Committee/Panchayat Samiti/   Zilla Parishad).   3. Certified that: i)   My  wife/husband  is /is not a Railway/Central  Govt. servant; ii) My wife/husband is a Central Government Servant and that she/he will not claim  children’s  educational allowance in respect of our child/ children.  iii) My wife/husband is employed with  *____________________ she/he is/is not entitled to children’s  educational allowance in respect of our child/ children. 4. Certified that during the period covered by the claim the child/children attended the school themselves from  the  school without proper leave for a period exceeding one month. 5. Certified that the child/children has/have been not studying in the same class for more than two academic years. 6. In the event of any change in the particulars given above which affect my eligibility for Children’s Educational Allowance, I under take to intimate the same promptly and also  to  refund excess payments, if any made.                                  (Signature of the Rly. servant)                               Name in block letters___________                               Designation & Office ___________ Date ____________ Place of posting ________   (Strike out whatever is not applicable)   *Employer other than Railways to be mentioned.                                                FORM-2 Para 25    REIMBURSEMENT OF TUITION FEE   1. Certified that the child/children mentioned below in respect of whom reimbursement of tuition fee is claimed is/are  wholly dependent upon me:   Name of the child Date of birth School/ college in which studying. Class in which the child is studying Monthly Tuition fee actually payable Tuition fee actually paid. Period from July— to Feb— Mar— to June— Account of reimbursement claimed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   2. Certified that the tuition fee indicated against the child/each of the children had actually been paid by me (cash receipt/counter-foil of the Bank credit vouchers to be attached with  the initial claim).   3. Certified that;   i) My  wife/husband  is /is not a Railway/Central  Govt. servant;   ii) My wife/ husband is a Central Government Servant and that she/he will not claim  children’s  educational allowance in respect of our child/ children.   iii) My wife/husband is employed with  *____________________ she/he is/is not entitled to children’s  educational allowance in respect of our child/ children.   4. Certified that during the period covered by the  claim  the child/children attended the school regularly and did not absent himself/herself/themselves from the school without proper leave for a period exceeding one month. 5. Certified that the child/children mentioned has/have not been studying in the same class for more than two year. 6. Certified that I or my wife/husband have/has not claimed and will not claim the children’s educational allowance in respect  of the children mentioned above. 7. Certified that my child/children in respect of whom reimbursement of tuition fee is claimed is/are studying in the schools which is/are recognised school(s) (Not applicable to schools run  by Central  Government/State Government/Union Territory Administration/Municipal  Corporations/Municipal Committee/ Panchayat Samiti / Zilla Parishad). 8. In the event of any change in the particulars  given  above which effect my eligibility for Children’s Educational Allowance, I under take to intimate the same promptly and also to  refund excess payments, if any made.                                     (Signature of the Rly. servant)                               Name in block letters___________                               Designation & Office ___________ Date ____________   (Strike out whatever is not applicable)   *Employer other than Railways to be mentioned.                                                                                      FORM -3 Para 25   HOSTEL SUBSIDY   1.Certified that my child  Shri/Kumari  _____________________ ______________________ is studying in  ______________ ____________________ (Name of the school) was admitted to  hostel of the school on ________ 19______ (Certificate from the Head  of the School attached)   2. Certified that   (a) My wife/husband is/is not in Government service is/is not drawing Hostel Subsidy in respect of  my  child/ children;   (b) The total number of children in respect of  whom  the hostel  subsidy  and children’s  educational  allowance have been claimed does not exceed two.   3. I undertake to inform my employer forthwith in the event of my withdrawing the child from the period and also in the event of there being any change in the particulars mentioned earlier.   Date _________                                    Signature of the Rly servant)                                    Name in block letters_______                                    Designation & Office _______                                                   FORM -4 Para 25   HOSTEL SUBSIDY   _____________________________________________School (Name of the School and Place)   1.   Name of boarder _______________________________________ 2.   Name of parent  ________________________________________ 3.   Class to which admitted. ___________________________________ 4.   Date of admission in the hostel  ____________________________ 5. Period during the year for which the child would continue to stay in the hostel ___________           From                     To   (a) (b)  (c)  (d)   Principal/Head Master/Head Mistress                                             (Stamp of the School) Dated _______


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