Facilities Granted To All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association.


Government of India   Ministry of Railways   Master Circular No. 65     Facilities granted to All India SC/ST Railway EmployeesAssociation.     CONTENTS       No. Subject 1. Introduction 2. Examination of Grievances of SCs/STs Referred by Association 3. Acknowledging Receipt of Communications From Association 4. Informing the Association about Government Policies 5. Informal meetings & their periodicity 6. Grant of Special Casual Leave and Issue of Journey Passes 7. Facility at S.N 6 Withdrawn and Subsequently Restored 8. Supply of Policy Circulars/letters on Reservation and Establishment Matters etc 9. Issue of Identity Cards-cum-Gate Passes where entry is controlled by Gate Pass system 10. Staving facility to the Office Bearers of the Association on visits to Zonal Railway Headquarters/Railway Board for Informal Meetings 11. Allotment of Railway office accommodation to Zonal offices of SC/ST Railway Employees Association at Zonal Railway Headquarters 12. General 13. List of Railway Boards Letter 14. Other Railway Boards Orders on the Subject 15. Link to Chapter 25 (Part B)of IREM Vol. II   Facilities granted to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association             At present the orders relating to grant of facilities to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association are contained in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders/circulars into one Master Circular has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below, for the information and guidance of all concerned. 2. Examination of Grievances of SCs/STs Referred by Association 2.1The representations made by the All India SC/STs Railway Employees Association relating to the grievances of SC/ST Railway Employees should be examined and appropriate action may be taken thereupon. (Railway Board’s letters No. E (SCT)/57 CM/14 dated 27.12.1960 & 80-E (SCT)/15/1 (Pt. II) dated 05.02.1982) 3. Acknowledging Receipt of Communications from Association 3.1Receipt of representations/correspondence made by the All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association and its Zonal Branches in regard to matters relating to reservation in recruitment and promotion should be acknowledged. (Railway Board’s letters No. E (SCT)/74 CM1/166 dated 24.07.1974 & 80-E (SCT)/15/1 (Pt. II) dated 05.02.1982) 4. Informing the Association about Government Policies 4.1While acknowledging receipt of communications, the Association should be advised of the Government’s policy decisions so as to enable the SC/ST employees to be conversant as to what the Government is doing for them. (Railway Board’s letters No. E (SCT)/74 CM/14 dated 24.07.1974 & 80-E (SCT)/15/1 (Pt. II) dated 05.02.1982) 5. Informal meetings & their periodicity 5.1On the request of the Association, its representatives should be allowed the facility to meet informally the General Mangers/Chief Personnel Officers in the Zonal Railway Headquarters/Production Units, Divisional Railway Managers, Other Divisional officers in the Divisions and Chief Works Manages or Dy. C.M.E. in the Workshops for representing their grievances personally. The periodicity of informal meetings has been laid down as two in a year. Formal minutes of the meeting, however, need not be circulated to the Association and correspondence need not to be entered into with the Associations but copies of any orders that may be issued following discussions may be sent to the Association. (Railway Board’s letters No. 78/E (SCT) 15/4 dated 09.09.1978, No. 80-E (SCT) 15/1 (Pt-II) dated 05.02.1982 and No. 88-E (SCT) I/80/2 dated 12.07.1996) Note:  The periodicity of informal meetings was decided to be held twice in a year vide Board’s letter No.93-E (SCT) 1/22/1 dated 18.05.1994 but the frequency was increased to once a month vide Board’s letter No. 88-E (SCT) 1/80/2 dated 16.02.1995. However, again in 1996, the periodicity of meetings has been restricted to twice a year vide Railway Board’s letter No.88-E (SCT) I/80/2 dated 12.07.1996. 6. Grant of Special Casual Leave and Issue of Journey Passes 6.1Special Casual leave and special passes should be granted to the Office bearers of All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association to enable them to attend the informal meetings at Zonal “Railway Headquarters/Railway Board. The facility of two card passes of First class/2nd AC for the Zonal Railway Jurisdiction on each Zonal Railway for the President/Working President and the General Secretary was extended in 1994. (Railway Board’s letters No. 79/E (SCT) 15/1 dated 01.05.1979, No. 80-E (SCT) 15/1 (Pt-II) dated 21.09.1982 and No. 93-E (SCT) I/22/1 dated 18.05.1994) 7. The above facilities provided to All India SC/ST Railway Employees Association were withdrawn in Oct 1980 because of differences in different groups of Association. However, the facilities to Association were restored in 1982 vide Railway Board’s letter No. 80-E (SCT)/15/1 (Pt.II) dt. 05.02.1982. 8. Supply of Policy Circulars/letters on Reservation and Establishment Matters etc 8.1 Apart from providing all policy circulars/letters etc. on reservation for SCs/STs, 15 copies of all circulars/letters etc. on Establishment matters should be endorsed to the Association for proper appreciation of the reservation rules.             (Board’s letter No. 93-E (SCT) 1/22/1 dated 18.05.1994) 9. Issue of Identity Cards-cum-Gate Passes where entry is controlled by GatePasssystem 9.1Identity card-cum-gate passes may be issued to two office bearers viz., the President/Working President and Secretary of the Zonal Executive Committees (as individuals) in respect of those offices/Workshops where entry is controlled by Gate-Pass system.             (Railway Board’s letter No. 93-E (SCT) I/22/1 dated 15.06.1994) 10. Staving facility to the Office Bearers of the Association on visits to Zonal Railway Headquarters/Railway Board for Informal Meetings 10.1 Railways may provide the staying facility to the Office Bearers of the Association who come for informal meetings at the zonal Railway Headquarters/Railway Board on usual payment terms subject to availability of accommodation. This may include Railway Institutes, Community Centres, marriage Halls, rest Rooms and Rest Houses accommodation as per entitlement.             (Railway Board’s letter No. 93-E (SCT) I/22/1 dated 18.05.1994) 11. Allotment of Railway office accommodation to Zonal offices of SC/ST Railway Employees Association at Zonal Railway Headquarters Extracts from MR’s letter No. 88/LM (B)/3/42 dated 04.10.1988 are reproduced below: 11.1    “Individual cases for allotment of Railway office accommodation by Association will be considered on merits by the concerned Railway Administration.” 12. General: (a) While referring to this circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority. (b) The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to above, have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and (c) If any circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration while preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.   The circulars from which the consideration has been made: –   S.N Letter No. Date 1 E (SCT)/57 CM/14 27.12.1960 2 E (SCT)/74 CMI/166 24.07.1974 3 78/E (SCT)/15/4 09.02.1978 4 79/E (SCT/15/1 01.05.1979 5 80/E (SCT) 15/1 (Pt.II) 05.02.1982 6 80/E (SCT) 15/1 (Pt.II) 21.09.1982 7 93-E (SCT) 1/22/1 18.05.1994 8 93-E (SCT) 1/22/1 15.06.1994 9 88-E (SCT) 1/80/2 16.02.1995 10 88-E (SCT) 1/80/2 12.07.1996


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