Allotment Of Quarters And Retention Thereof On Transfer Etc


Government of India   Ministry of Railways   Master Circular No. 49   Allotment of Quarters and Retention thereof on Transfer etc   CONTENTS   No. Subject 1 Introduction 2.1 Backdrop of Railway Quarters 2.2 Interchange of pool of Quarters 2.3 Allotment of quarters when two staffs marry each other 3.1 Out of turn allotment 3.2 Allotment of quarters to handicapped staffs 3.3 Allotment of quarters to staffs suffering of heart ailment cancer etc 4 Allotment to eligible dependents/specified relations of Retired/ Deceased Rly employees appointed on compassionate grounds 5 Allotment to compassionate appointee undergoing induction training 6 Actions to be taken in case of subletting 7 Checks/ Inspections by the Estate Officers/Allotment Authorities 8 Retention of quarters by Rly employees on transfer/retirement etc 8.1 -Permanent Transfers 8.2 – Special provision in respect of transfer to NF Railway 8.3 – Special provision in respect of N.Rly employees posted in New Delhi/ Delhi area on transfer to the Railway Board’s Office 8.4 – An employee trasnfer from one electrified suburban area to another station in the same elec­trified suburban area 8.5 – Retention of Railway accommodation by the Railway Audit Staff 8.6 – Retention of railway quarters by apprentices 8.7 – Temporary Transfer 8.8 – Deputation_and aecondment in India 8.9 – Deputation abroad 8.10 – Training 8.11 – Leave including Extraordinaryleave 8.12 – Leave on Medical ground 8.13 – Maternity Leave 8.14 – Leave Preparatory to Retirement 8.15 – Leave granted to staffs who retire under the provision of FR 56 (i) 8.16 – Retention by State Govt./UTs employees on repatriation 8.17 – Leave ex.India 8.18 – Study Leave 8.19 – Retirement 8.20 – Resignation/dismissal/removal 8.21 – Death 8.22 – On expiry of the permissible/permitted period 8.23 – Delegation by GMs/CAO to Authority in field under them 8.24 – The  Re-employed doctors 9 Procedure to deal with unauthorised occupation of Rly quarters 10 Orders for entitlement of type of quarters, hiring for residential purpose and licence fee 11, 12 & 13 General Disclaimer 14 List of Railway Boards letters on which the MC is based 15 Other Railway Boards Orders on the Subject 16 Link to Chapter 17 of IREM Vol.II   Allotment of Quarters and Retention thereof on Transfer etc     At present instructions/orders regarding allotment of quarters and/or retention thereof, in the event of transfer from one station to another are contained in a number of letters issued by this Ministry from time to time. It has been decided to consolidate all of them in one single Master Circular, for the purpose of facility and convenience.   2.1One of the benefits to which the Railway employees are entitled is provision of residential accommodation, on payment of a standard rent, which is at subsidised rates. As per extant policy, separate pools of allotment are maintained for essen­tial and non-essential staff* Actual classification as per local condition has been left to the discretion of Zonal Railway Administrations. While doing so, the Zonal Railways Ad­ministration is required to keep in mind the need for special consideration in respect of certain classes of Railway staff, for instance, women and Harijan employees, who for traditional reasons, require special protection in the matter of residen­tial accommodation. They need special dispensation particular­ly when employed at small stations, where adequate housing facilities do not otherwise exist.   (Ref: No. E(&)57 LG 5-1 dated 21.02.1958)   2.2 If, in any case, a quarter belonging to a particular pool is allotted to the eligible dependent of an employee work­ing in a different department, thereby causing a shortfall in the quota of quarter in that pool, the deficiency so caused in that pool of quarters should be made good at the earliest available opportunity, in order that the balance is restored at the earliest.   (No. E (G) 85 QR1-14 dated18.08.1986)   2.3Allotment of quarters to gazetted and non-gazetted staff, where two employees of opposite sexes in occupationof two separate quarters at the same station, allotted under nor­mal rules, marry one another, shall be regulated as under: –   a)No Railway employee (Gazetted or non-gazetted), shallbeallotted a railway quarter if the spouse has already been allotted a quarter at the same station, unless such quarter is surrendered. This will, however, not apply where the husband and wife are residing separately in pursuance of an order of judicial separation made by any court.   (b)Where two employees in occupation of separate quarters at the same station allotted under railway rules, marry one another, they will, within one month of the marriage surrender one of the residences.   (c)Where two employees (husband, and wife) are in occupa­tion of separate residences at the same station, one allotted under Railway Rules and another from a different pool on account of the allottee being an employee of another Government Department, any one of them shall surrender his/her residence within one month of the marriage. (d)If a residence is not surrendered as required under (b) or (c) above, the allotment of the Railway residence shall be deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of such period.   (e)In the event of either of the two employees (husband& wife) being transferred to another station, he/she (as the case may be), shall be entitled for allotment of Railway quarter under the relevant rules,   (Ref. No. E (G) 66 QR1-44 dated02.07.1974)   3.1Out of turn allotment, wherever conceded, should be done strictly on the basis of date of registration in the out of turn register to be maintained for the purposes. Placing of an employee in the out of turn list, however, is left to the discretion of the competent authority, based on merits of each case.   3.2Requests from the handicapped persons appointed on the Railways under special schemes should also be entertained for registration in the out of turn register on merits of each case, with due regard to the degree of their disability.   (Ref. No. E (G) 66 QR1-21 dated12.10.1966)   3.3Heart ailment, having the following symptoms, should beincluded for ad-hoc allotment on medical grounds. The concession should, however, be restricted to self-ailment only, as indicate below: –   “Heart ailment having symptoms of Grade III and GradeIV which includes serious disabilities like Angina Grade III andIV congested Cardiac Failure Grade III andIV or Malignant Hypertension with symptoms of Grade III andIV.”   With regard to eligibility for ad-hoc allotment on other medical grounds, such as Pulmonary T.B, and Cancer, illness of parents and other members of the family should be excluded, only the illness of the Government servant himself and/or members of his/her family i.e. wife/husband and the children, should alone be considered for the concession of ad-hoc allotment on these two grounds.   Existing5{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation of vacancies in general pool for, ad-hoc allotment on medical grounds and physical handicap would continue.   (Ref. No. E(G)85 QR 1-8 dated05.06.1986)   4.Requests from eligible dependents/specified relations of retired Railway employees and of deceased Railway employees who are appointed on compassionate grounds, may be considered by the competent authority only in cases where the compassionate appointments have been made within the prescribed period of12 months. In case, the compassionate appointee had remained in occupation of the Railway accommodation unauthorisedly beyond the permitted period, that in itself would not confer any right in favour of the compassionate appointee in the matter of regularisation of the Railway accommodation in his/her name. Further the Railway Administration should also initiate eviction proceed­ings soon after the prescribed period for retention of accommodation is over. The special dispensation allowed in favour of the eligible wards of retired/deceased employees and their scope is to be confined only to such of the wards, as are regular employees. Thus the casual labour and the substitutes with or without temporary status are excluded from their scope. The requests are to be considered as under: –   (i)When a railway employee who has been allotted railway accommodation retires from service or dies while in service, his/her son, daughter, wife, husband or father may be allotted railway accommodation on out of turn basis provided that the said relation was a railway employee eligible for railway acco­mmodation and had been sharing accommodation with the retiring or deceased railway employee for at least six months before the date or retirement or death and had not claimed H.R.A. during that period. The same residence might be regularised in the name of the eligible relation if he/she was eligible for a residence of that type or higher type. In other cases a resi­dence of the entitled type or a type next below is to be allotted.   (ii)Provided that in case where the retiring employee, inclu­ding those who take voluntary retirement, or any member of his family, owns a house in the place of his/her pasting, the spe­cified relative will not be eligible for allotment of railway quarter on out of turn basis.   Note:  (i)Orders regarding non-drawal of house rent allowance are applicable only in cases where the dependentis employed in the station where the Railway employee has been allotted rail­way accommodation.   (ii)The concession of ad-hoc allotment would not be available in the case of a dependent who secures employment in the Railway after the date of retirement of parent or during the period of re-employment.   (iii)Type ‘A’ accommodation may be regularised in the case of eligible dependent on his request, even if, the employee is eligible for Type ‘B’ or higher type of accommodation.   (iv)The concession of ad-hoc allotment to the eligible dependent would not be available in case any other dependent is already in occupation of Government accommodation.   (v)Ad-hoc allotment of lower type of accommodation has to be restricted to the same area or ad join-ing area where retired employee is having the accommodation. However, licence fee/damages rent will have to be paid by the retired employee as per relevant rules/extant instructions if there is delay in allotment of alternative accommoda­tion due to restriction of allotment of such colony.   (vi) The date of regularisation should be from the date of cance­llation in case the eligible dependent is already in Eailway service and is entitledfor regularieation and not from the date of issue of the orders, which was the practice being followed till now,   (vii) Where arrears are due from retired Railway employee, a statement indicating arrears due, should be furnished to the dependent and he should be asked to furnish documentary evidence/certificate regarding payment of licence fee/damages from the office where the retired employee was working during the period in case recovery has already been made and if not he should be asked to make payment of the amount. This should be a condition of ad-hoc allotment and should be made clear in the letter sanctioning ad-hoc allotment.   (viii)The said employee, who has been sharing accommodation with the retiring or deceased employee, is not eligible for HRA. It should be ensured that no out of turn allotment of accommodation is made to such employee, in case he/she has been drawing HRA by suppressing the fact that he/she was sharing the accommodation allotted to his/her father s on/husband/wife.”   (Ref: Letters No. E (G)85 QR 1-9 dated 15.01.1990, E (G) 90 QR 1-11 dated 15.05.1991 & 01.07.1991, E (G) 67 QR 3-6 dt. 12.02.1988, E (G) 90 QR 1-18 dt. 26.05.1991 and E (G) 85 QR 3-2 dt. 29.08.1986)   5. In case of appointment on compassionate grounds, Railway accommo­dation may be regularised where such appointee possessing minimum educational qualification undergoes induction training provided other conditions regarding eligibility etc. are fulfilled.   It is, however, clarified that such an allotment shall be purely temporary, and on ad-hoc basis, provided such induction training is regularised as regular appointment in due course. In case the trainee employee failsto qualify in the final examination and is subsequently discharged from service, his/her allotment of quarter shall be cancelled.   (Ref: Letter No. E (G) 88 QR 1-5 dated 21.06.1990)   6. For subletting the railway quarters to outsiders, the following action shall be taken:-   i)Where a railway employee has sublet the quarter fully to an outsider, he should be taken up, and eviction proceedings should be started against the sublettee to get the quarter vacated expeditiously;   ii)Where a railway employee has sublet a portion of the accommodation to an outsiders for a consideration, the same should be got vacated the allotted to another railway employee; and   iii)Where a part of the accommodation is shared by the allottee with another railway employee, with due permission of the competent authority, no action need be taken.   Further, the staff found violating the above instruc­tions, after proper warning, should be charged penal/Market rent as the case may be- pending finalisation of the BAR or eviction proceedings. Departmental action is also required to be taken against Railway servants in such cases.   (Ref. No. 8 (8)79 RN2-117 dt. 09.04.1980& E (D&A) 86 RG 6-34 dt.10.04.1986)   7.The Estate Officers/Allotment Authorities on the Railways, etc., should carry out checks/ inspections every six months to ensure that the houses are occupied by the allottee railway servants only and are not sublet to outsiders in con­travention of the extant instructions.   (Ref. No. E (G) 86 QR 1-6 dt. 50.09.1986)     8.Retention of Railway quarters by railway employees on occurrence of various events such as transfer, retirement, etc. is regulated as under:  –   8.1Permanent Transfers   a)A Railway employee on transfer from one station to ano­ther which necessitates change of residence, may be permitted to retain the railway accommodation at the former station of posting for a period of2 months on payment of normal rent or single flat rate of licence fee/rent. On request by the employees, on educational or sickness account, the period of retention of rail­way accommodation B»y be extended for a further period of6 months on payment of special licence fee, i.e double the flat rate of licence fee/rent. Further extension beyond the aforesaid period may be granted on educational ground only to cover the current academic session on payment of special licence fee.   b)Where the request made for retention of railway quarter is on grounds of sickness of self or a dependent member of the family of the railway employee, he will be required to produce the requisite Medical Certificate from the authorised Railway Medical Officer for the purpose.   c)In the event of transfer during the Bid-school/college academic session, the permission to be granted by the competent authority for retention of railway accommoda­tion in terms of Item (a) above will be subject to his production of the necessary certificates from the con­cerned school/college authority.   8.2 Special provision in respect of employees transferred to N.F. Railway.   a) A Hallway employee who has all India transfer liability or, in the exigencies of public service, is posted on transfer to the N.P. Railway, excluding Katihar Division, will be permitted to retain railway accommodation allotted to him/her at the last station of his/her posting, on payment of normal rent/single flat rate of licence fee/rent for the first two months and thereafter at 1-^ times the normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent. However, officers posted subsequently to Katihar Division will continue to get this benefit on personal basis.   b)Staff posted to the Katihar Division of N.F. Railway will be governed by the rules and orders, as applicable to the gene­rality of railway employees in regard to retention of quarters and payment of licence fee/rent therefor. The eligibility to these concessions of staff initially posted on transfer to N.F. Railway Divisions other than Katihar, will cease if and when they are posted to any station in Katihar Division.   8.3 Special provision in respect of Northern Railway employees posted in New Delhi/ Delhi area on transfer to the Railway Board’s Office.   An employee of the Northern Railway posted to Ministry of Railways(Railway Board) at New Delhi/Delhi area may be permi­tted to retain the Northern Railway quarter at New Delhi/ Delhi area for a period of 4 months on payment of normal rent/ flat rate of licence fee/rent. Further retention for another two months on the grounds of sickness or for 4 months on the grounds of education of children may be allowed subject to conditions set forth in para 8.1 above. This will be subject to :-   a)That the employee on transfer to Board’s office immediately applies for allotment of General Pool accommodation; and   b)That when an allotment is made by the Directorate of Estates the employee accepts the allotment and moves to the accommo­dation within the permissible period.                             8.4.An employee posted at a station in the electrified suburban area of a Railway may on transfer to another station in the same elec­trified suburban area, may be permitted to retain the Railway quarters at the former station on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent provided:-   a)The Railway administration is satisfied and certifies that the concerned employee can conveniently commute from the former station to the new station for performance of duty without lose of eficiency; and   b)The employee is not required to reside in an earmarked Railway quarter.   8.5 Retention of Railway accommodation by the Railway Audit Staff.   The Railway Audit Staff on transfer away from the rail­way concerned, may be permitted to retain the railway quarter for a period of two months on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee. In the event of retirement and death, the eligibility for retention of Railway accoaaaodation by retired Railway Andit Staff and families of the deceased Railway Andit Staff will be as unders-   a)Retirements – For a period of four months from the date of retirement on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent and the next four Months on educational or sickness account on payment of special licence fee, i.e., double the normal rent or double the flat rate of licence fee/rent.   b)Death – The family of & railway audit staff who dies while in service may be permitted to Setain the rail­way quarter for a period of six months on payaent of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent from the date immediately after the date of death of an employee.   8.6 Retention of railway quarters by apprentices.   A serving employee who is selected as an apprentice either departmentally or through the R.R.B. may be allowed to retain the Railway quarters at the station from where he/she proceeds on training, during the period of hie/her apprenticeship.   Note: (i)All transfers should be treated as permanent trasnfers unless the orders of transfer themselves specifically indicate that the transfers are “temporary”.   ii)In the case of house owning employees the normal rent means the rent required to be paid by the house owning employees in terms of the Ministry of Railway’s letter No. E (G)77 QR 1-53 dates 11.07.1984 and E (G) 87 QR 1-21 dated 18.03.1988.   iii) A member of family means husband or wife, as the case may be, and child/children only. Dependent relatives such as widow mother,, dependent brother or sister are not to be included for the purpose of these concessions.   iv)The current academic session refers to annual academic couose onding with annual examination and not till the results thereof are announced. It does not also mean the total duration of any course of study; for example, in respect of 5 years degree course, the current aca­demic session means first or second or third year of the course, as the case may be, and not the total 5 years.   An employee will have to furnish proper certificates from the recognised institution. Certificates for attending any part time coarse or any course not re­cognised by the Education Department of the State is not acceptable for the purpose of retention of railway quarter on educational ground.   v)In case an eaployee requests for retention of quarter on the ground of sickness of self or a family member a ad also on account of education of a child/children, the permissible periods for retention of quarter on the ground of eickness and/or education irill run concurrent­ly, and not in separate spells.   8.7 Temporary Transfer                                            a)During the entire period of ‘temporary’ transfer an employee may be permitted to retain the quarters at fonier place oi* posting on payment of normal rent/flat rats of licencf fee/rent. Temporary transfer should not, however, be ordered for a period of more than 4 months unless there are pressing circumstances.   b) Semporary transfers of non-gazetted employees initially for u period in excess of 4 months or by extension of the temporary transfer for periods aggregating more than 4 Months should be ordered personnally by an autho­rity not lower than the Divisional Railway Manager. In respect of Gazetted employees, such temporary transfers should be ordered with the approval of the General Manager.   c)In cases where temporary transfer is converted into permanent one, the railway employee may be allowed to retain the railway accommodation at the old duty station for further period as admissible on permanent transfer on payiient of rent as prescribed therefore, from the date on which the employee is informed of the permanent transfer. This period will be over and above the period already allowed to the employee on temporary transfer.   d)The Railway Administrations should review all cases of temporary transfer well before expiry of the period of 4 months of temporary transfer and iecide whether the temporary transfer already ordered should continue to be temporary or be converted into a permanent one, to ensure that in the cases where temporary transfers are converted into permu,ient ones, the total period of retention of Railway quarters on payment of normal rent flat rate of licence fee/rent is normally restricted to a period of 6 months.   Note:If an employee already on temporary transfer to a station is again transferred to yet another station either on temporary or on permanent lusis, the permissible period of retention of railway quarte e’s as applicable in the case of temporary or permanent transfer will count from the date of transfer of the employee fxom the station concerned, for the purpose of retention of quarter at the original station. In the case of permanent fcransfer of an enpioyee to another station from the station where she/he was on temporary transfer, the limit of six months as in para 7 (a) above, for retention of quarters at the original station on normal rent flat rate of licence fee/rent will not apply.   8.8 Deputation_aad aecondment in India   a)An eaployee on deputation to another Ministry/Department of Central or State Government in India may be permitted to retain the Railway quarter on the terms and conditions as applicable in the case of permanent transfer.   Services in any public sector undertaking/company under any Ministry/ Department of Central or State Governments excluding the public sector undertakings under the Minis tyr of Railways, will toe treated as service on deputation for the    the purpose of retention of quarters; and   b)In the case of deputation and secondment to public sector undertakings under the Ministry of Railways e.g. RITES, IRCON, COFOIS, CRFS, IRFS, RCT, IRWO, CONCOR, the instruc­tions issued from time to time will continue to apply.   8.9 Deputation abroad   An employee on deputation abroad may be permitted to Aetain the railway quarters as follows:   a)For the entire period of his deputation abroad provided family passage facility is not availed of.   b)In case an employee avails of the family passage con­cession he/she aay be permitted to retain the quarters for a period of 2 months or upto the date of departure of family in India, whichever is earlier.   Note: i) “Deputation abroad” means transfer of an employee for service abroad, during which period, pay and allowances of the eaployee is charged to Government of India revenues.   ii)Railway employees posted abroad in the Indian Missions against posts pay and allowances of which are borne by the Ministry of Railways will be treated as on perma­nent transfer for the purpose of retention of quarter in India.     8.10 Training   a)An employee deputed for training in any railway or non-railway trafcAng institute/place or to attend semi­nar, conference, etc., may be permitted to retain the railway quarters for the period of training, seminar, etc. on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent.   b)An employee deputed for training abroad under any aided scheme such as Colombo Plan, etc. or at Government expenses may be permitted to retain the railway quarters for the entire period of deputation for training abroad.   c)When an employee already transferred from a station is deputed for training in India or abroad during the per­missible period for retention of Hallway quarters at the old station, the period of retention of quartersasadmissible on transfer will be automatically got extended by the period of deputation for training. The rent to be charged for the period of deputation for training will be normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent, if the training commences from a date within the first two months of transfer and special licence fee if it commences after the first two months.   8.11 Leave including Extraordinary leave   a)A Railway employee in occupation of railway quarter may be permitted, while on leave for a period not exceeding 120 days, to retain the quarter for the period of leave on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent provided the authority sanctioning the leave certifies that the employee concerned is likely to be posted back to old station on expiry ofhis leave.   b)When an employee takes leave (LAP) before he/she is ordered to be transferred, he/she may be permitted to retain the quarter for the period of leave upto the date of transfer/ relief on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/ rent and thereafter he/she may be allowed retention of the quarter as applicable in case of transfer on payment of tent, as specified therefor.   c)When an employee takes leave after he/she is transferred/ relieved he/she may be permitted to retain the railway quarters at the old station for the period permission in case of transfer counted from the date of relief on pay­ment of rent, as specified therefor. The period of reten­tion of quarter permissible in case of leave will not be allowed in addition.   8.12Leave on Medical ground   a)An employee on medical leave may be permitted to retain the quarter for the full period of leave on payment of normal, rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent.   b)When an employee already on medical leave is ordered to be transferred to another station, retention of Railway quarter will be permitted for the period of medical leaveon normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent and there­after for periods as admissible on transfer on payment of rent as specified in case of transfer. c)Then an employee already relieved on transfer to another station takes leave on medical ground, the period for retention of Railway quarter on transfer will automati­cally get extended by the period of sanctioned medical leave. During the period of medical leave normal rent/ flat rate of licence fee/rent should be charged if the medical leave la taken from a date within the first two months of transfer and double the flat rate of licence fee etc. if it is taken after the first two months.   8.13 Maternity Leave   An employee granted maternity leave may bepermitted to retain the railway quarter for theperiod of maternity leave plue any leave granted incontinuation thereof subject to a maximum of5 months.   8.14Leave Preparatory to Retirement   An employee granted leave preparatory to retirement may be Remitted to retain the railway quarter for the full period of leave on average pay subject to a maximum of180 days.   8.15 Leave granted to employees who retire under the provision of FR 56 (i)   An employee who retiree from service under the provision of PR56 (i) may be permitted to retain the railway quarter during the period of earned leave, not exceeding4 months sanctioned preparatory to retirement, on payment of normal rent. The concession regarding retention of railway quarters after retire­ment will not be available to such a retired employee, in addition.   8.16 Retention by State Government/Union Territories employees on repatriation   An employee of the State Government/Union Territory on depu­tation with the Indian Railways may, on repatriation to the parent Government/Department be permitted to retain the rail­way quarter for a period of2 months from the date of relief on payment of normal rent.   8.17 Leave ex.India   An employee on leave ex-India not exceeding180 days may be permitted to retain the quarter on payment of normal rent/ flat rate of licence fee/rent for the entire period, provided the entire period of leave or any portion thereof is spent outside India and the competent authority certifies that the employee will be reposted to place of posting on expiry of the leave period.   8.18Study leave   a)In case the officer is in occupation of accommodation below his entitlement, for the entire period of study leave on payment of normal rent.   b)In case the officer is in occupation of his entitled type accommodation, for the period of study leave but notexceeding six months on payment of normal rent provided that where the study leave extends beyond six months he may be allotted alternative accommodation,, one type below his entitlement, on the expiry of six months or from the date of commencement of the study leave if he so desires.   c)In case the officer does not want to shift to the house below his entitlement, he will be charged special licence fee for the entire period of study leave after the initial6 months for which only normal rent should be charged.   8.19 Retirement   A Railway employee on retirement including voluntary retirees may he permitted to retain the railway accommo-dation for a period of 4 months on payment of normal rent/ flate rftte of licence fee/rent and the next 4 months on educational or sickness account on payment of special licence fee, i.e., double the normal rent or double the flat rate of licence fee/rent. This is also applicable to audit staff doing railway audit work.   8.20 Resignation/dismissal/removal   An employee who resigns froia service or is dismissed or removed from service may be permit fed to retain the railway quarter for a period of one month only to payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee.   8.21 Death   The family ofa railway employee who dies while in service may be permitted to retain the raiolway quarter ffor a period of 6 months on payment of normal rent/flat rate of licence fee/rent from the date immdiately after the date of death of an employee. This alos applies to audit staff doing railway audit work    8.22 On expiry of the permissible/permitted period indicated in all the above cases, the allotment of quarter in the name of the employee at the old station will be deemed to have been terminated automatically. Retention of quar-ter by the employee after expiry of the permissible period will be treated as unauthorised. Poring the period of unauthorised occupation the employee should be required to pay damages rate of rent in respect of the railway quar­ter. Realisation of damages rate of rent should not be ponded on the ground that the employee has appealed or the case of the employee has been referred to the Ministry of Railways for regularisation of the excess period of retention. If the appeal of the employee succeeds he will be allowed refund as due.                                      8.23The General Managers of Railway Administration and the Chief Administrative Officers of Projects/Organisation etc., may assign the work relating to granting of permission for retention of quarters to one or more officers in the Headquarters/ Divisions as considered necessary. Thesd officers will be responsible for implementing the orders regarding retention of quarters issued from time to time within the parameters laid down by this Ministry. If several officersare assigned this work in Headquarters/Divisions, an officer of appropriate level should be entrusted with the work of periodically overseeing and co-ordinating the work done by lower authority/authorities.   (No.G (G) 85 QR 1-9 dated 15.01.1990)   8.24 The re-employed doctors be allowed to retain the railway accommodation during the period of their re-employment. However, the facility of retention of railway accommodataion after retirement can be given to retiring doctors only once i.e. either after their noraal retirement or after   (E (G) 89 QR 2-15 dated 20.12.1989)   9.For unauthorised retention of railway accoaimodation Railway Administration should take following steps to discourage Railway employees: –   (i)‘No Claim’ certificate should not be given unless the employee after retirement has vacated the railway quar­ter and cleared all his arrears of rent, electricity and other charges, etc.   (ii)While the retirement/death gratuity or special contribu­tion to P.R., as the case may be, should be withheld in full for non-vacation of railway quarters not only after superannuation but in all cases cessation of service, namely, voluntary retirement, death etc. Further the amount withheld should remain with the Administration only inform of cash without conversion into any type of security lest the very purpose of withholding full D.C.R.G. should get defeated. It may also please be kept in view that the gratuity shonlil be released as soon as the quarter is vacated so that there is neither any hardship to the retired employee or its family nor there ia any claim for payment of interest on withheld gratuity for reasons of any administrative lapse.   (iii) One set of post-retirement passes should be disallowed for every month of unauthorised retention of Railway quarters by retired officers/staff. The concerned retired officer/ staff may be allowed the priviledge of poet-retirement passes after the period during which the forfeited passes would have been admissible, is over. A show cause notice to this effect may be issued to the retired employee before disallowing the pass.   (Ref. No. E (5) 8l QR 1-51 dated 24.04.1982, 04.06.1985, and 17.01.1985 and E (G) 90 QR 5-6 dated 01.12.1990)   10.In addition, separate orders also exist about:-   a)         i)Entitlement of various types of house accommodation based on the revised pay scales recommended by Fourth Pay Commi­ssion.   No. 88/LM(B)/21/79 dated 24.07.1989 – Annexure’A’.   ii)Entitlement of running staff for allotment of quarters.   No.92/LM(B)/21/26 dated 15.09.1992 – Annexure ‘B’   No.81/W2/21/10/Polioy Dated 17.06.1986 – Annexure ‘B (i)’.   iii)Hiringof accommodation for residential use of officers -Policy regarding.   No.92/LM/B/22/1 dated 08.05.1992 – Annexure ‘C’   b)Rates of licence fee (standard rent) for residential acco­mmodation all over the country – Implementation of the recommendations of the IV Pay Commission.   i)         No. F (X) l-87/11/6 dated 25.09.1987) ii)         No. F (X) I-87/11/6 dated 26.07.1988) iii)       No. F (X) 1-86/11/9 dated 07.07.1989)                       Annexure ‘D’ iv)       No. F (X) 1-86/11/9 dated 01.04.1989) v)         No. F (X) l-86/11/9 dated 15.05.1991) vi)       No. F (X) l-8f/11/5 dated 15.07.1992)   11. While referring to this circular, the original circulars refe­rred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as substituting the originals. In case of any doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority.   12. The instructions contained in the original circulars mentioned herein have only prospective effect unless specifically indica­ted otherwise in the said circulars.   13.If any circular on the subject, which has not been superceAed has been missed in preparing this consolidated circular, the said circular which has not been taken into consideration due to oversight, should be treated as valid and operative.               List of Letters The consolidation has been made from the following circulars: –   S.N Reference Dated 1. No. E (G)  57 LG 5-1 21.01.1958 2. No. E (G)  66 QR 1-21 12.10.1966 3. No. E (G)  73 QR 1-44 02.07.1974 4. No. E (G)  79 RN 2-117 09.04.1980 5. No. E (G)  81 QR 1-51 24.04.1982 6. No. E (G)  81 QR 1-51 04.01.1983 7. No. E (G)  81 QR 1-51 17.01.1985 8. No. E (D&A) 86 RG 6-34 10.04.1986 9. No. E (G)  85 QR 1-8 05.06.1986 10. No. 81/W2/21/10/Policy 17.06.1986 11. No. E (G)  85 QR 1-18 18.08.1986 12. No. E (G)  85 QR 3-2 29.08.1986 13. No. E (G)  85 QR 1-6 30.09.1986 14. No. F (X) I-87/11/6 25.09.1987 15. No. E (G)  87 QR 3-6 12.02.1988 16. No. F (X) I-87/11/6 26.06.1988 17. No. F (X) I-87/11/9 01.04.1989 18. No. F (X) I-87/11/9 07.07.1989 19. No. 88 /LM(B)/21/79 24.07.1989 20. No. E (G)  89 QR 2-15 20.12.1989 21. No. E (G)  85 QR 1-9 15.01.1990 (RBE No. 7/90) 22. No. E (G)  88 QR 1-3 21.06.1990 23. No. E (G)  90 QR 3-6 31.12.1990 24. No. E (G)  90 QR 1-11 15.03.1991 25. No. E (G)  90 QR 1-18 01.03.1991 26. No. F (X)I-86/11/9 31.05.1991 27. No. E (G)  90 QR 1-11 01.07.1991 28. No. 92/LM/B/22/1 08.05.1992     GOVERNMENT CF INDIA/BHARAT SARKAR   MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS/RAIL MANTRALAYA   (RAILWAY BOARD)   No.88/LM(B)/2l/79                                                                        New Delhi, datad 24/7/1939   Thie General Managers, All Indian Railways, (Including Production Units)   The General Menager, Metropolitan Transport Project, Calcutta.   The Chief Administrative Officer(R), Metropolitan Transport Project, Delhi, Bombay and Madras’.   The General Manager, Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala,   The Director General, R.P. S. O.,   The Principal, Railway Staff College, Baroda. The Chief Administrative’ Officer, D.C.W., pafciala. W. & A.P. Dangalore. Sub: –   Entitlement of various types of house accommodation based on the revised pay scales rocornrncndec by Fourth Pay Commission.   Conseciuent on the revision of pay scales by the Fourth Pay Commission, the revised entitlements for allotment of quarters, in supersession of Board’s circular No.81/W2/21/10 dated 5.6.1981, will be as under: –   NOTE:             No existing type-IV or oilier type of quarters will be transferred from non-gazetted pool to gazetted pool merely because the number of Class-III staff, eligible for such quarters in accordance with the above instructions happens to be less than the number of available quarters.   Category of staff/officers and pay scales Entitlement i)     All Group ‘D’ Staff. Type-I ii)   All Group’C’ staff in the scales of pay, the minimum of which is below Rs. 1320/- p.m. Type-II iii)   All Group’C’ staff in scales of pay Rs.1320 – 2040 Rs.1350 – 2200 Rs.1400 – 2300 Rs.1400 – 2500 Type-III iv) All Group ‘C’ staff in the scales of pay Rs. 1600-2660 and Rs. 1640-2900. Type-III v) All Group ‘C’ staff in scales of pay Rs. 2000-3200 Rs. 2375-3500 and all scales of pay the minhimum of which is Rs. 2000.- and above. Type-IV vi) (a) All Assistant Officers.      (b) Senior Scale Oficers getting pay below Rs. 3700/- p.m. Type-IV vii) Senior scale officers drawing Rs. 3700/- p.m. and above. Type-V viii) J.A. Grade Officers and S.A. Grade Officers. Type-V             Sd/- (V.K. Kaul) Director Land Management, Railway Board. GOVERNMENT CF INDIA/BHARAT SARKAR   MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS/RAIL MANTRALAYA   (RAILWAY BOARD)   No.92/LM(B)/21/26.                                                                     New Delhi, dated: 15. 9.1992   The General Managers, All Indian Railways Including Production Units,   Director Generel/R.D.S.O. Lucknow.   General Manager/Metro Railway, Calcutta.   Chief Admn. Officer, M.T.P., Bombay.   C.P.M., M.T.P., Madras.   Chief Engineer(C)11, M.T.P., Delhi.   Sub: –   Entitlement of running staff for allotment of quarters.   Consequent to adoption of the revisoci pay scales recommended by the Fourth Pay Commission, it has become necessary to modify the existing instructions on the above noted subject. Accordingly, in partial modification of this Ministry’s letter.No.91/W2/21/ 10/Policy dated 17.6.1986 the revised entitlements for allotment of quarters in respect of running staff shall be as under: –   Category Pay Scale Type I. i. Second firemen 825-1200     II   ii. Asstt. Guard/Brakesmen 950-1400   iii. First Firemen   950-1500   iv. Diesel Assistant   v. Elect. Assistant II. i. Shu;nter   1200-2040     III   ii. Goods Guard   iii. Goods Driver   1350-2200   iv. Passenger Guard   v. Mail Guard 1400-2600 III. i. Passener Driover 1600-2660   IV   ii. Mail Driver 1640-2900   2.         This issues wiith the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.     Sd/- (V.K. Gupta) Director Land Management Railway Board.     No.92/LM(B)/21/26.                                                               Nevw Delhi, dated .15.9.1992.   Copy to :-   1.   F.A. & C.A.O., All Indian Railways. 2.   The Director of Audit, All Indian Railways.     Sd/- for Financial Commissioner/Railways. Copy to:   PC-IV, E(F&A)II and F(X)l branches of Board’s office.             MKS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA   MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT   DEPARTMBNT OF RAILWAYS   (RAILWAY BOARD)   No.81/W2/21/10/ Policy                                                            Naw Delhi, dated: —17.6.1986   The General Managers, All Indian railways (including CLW, DLW, ICF, W&AP and DCW).   The General Manager, Metro Railway, Calcutta.   Chief Administarative Officxer, M.T.P., Bombay.   Chief Project Manager, M.T.P., Madaras.   Chief Engineer (Cons.) II, MTP, Delhi.   The Director General, R.D.S.O., Lucknow.      Sub: Entitlement to allotment of Quarters to running staff.               Reference Board’s letter No. 81/W2/21/10 dated 5.6.81, laying down the entitlements for allotment of Quarters to railway employees. In the case of running staff, since 30{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the basic pay should alos be reckoned as Pay for purposes of determining the eligibility for allotment of quarters in terms of Board’s letter No. E(P&A) II/83/RS-3 dated 26.3.83, the entitlement for allotment of qua4rters in the case of running staff would be as under:   Category Scales Entitlements I. 1. Firemen ‘C’   Rs. 210-270         Type II 2. Assistant Guard Rs. 225-308 3. Assistant Guard(SG) Rs. 260-350 4. Fireman ‘C’ (SG) Rs.260-350 5. Firaaan ‘B’ Rs.260-350 6. Firemen ‘A’/ Dsl.     Asstt./ AE Driver  Rs. 290-350 7. Shunter Rs. 290-400   II. 1. Goods Guard Gr. ‘C’   Rs. 330-530   2. Shunting Driver   Rs. 330-560         Type III 3. Goods Driver ‘C’ Rs. 330-560 4. Goods Guard ‘B’ Rs. 330-560 5. Passenger guard ‘A’ Rs. 425-600 6. Passenger Guard ‘A’ Spl. Rs. 425-640 7. Goods driver ‘B’ Rs. 425-6400 8. Guard ‘A’ Spl. (SG) Rs. 455-700 III. 1. Driver ‘A’ Motorman   Rs.550-700   2. Driver ‘A’ Spl./Motorman Rs. 550-750 Type IV 3. Driver ‘A’ Spl./(SG) Rs.700-900   2.         As far as recovery of rent for Railway Quarters is concerned, 30{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of basic pay would continue to be3 reckoned as pay for this purpose as per the instructions contained in para 1 (iii) of Board’s letter no. PC-III/75/RA/1 dated 22.3.76 and para 3.23 (I) of Board’s letter No. E(P&A) II-80/RS-10 dated 17.7.81.   3.         This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Department of Railways.       Sd/- (Arimardan Singh) Jt. Director Civil Engg. (G), Railway Board.     GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OFF RAILWAYS (Railway Board)   No. 92/LM/B/22/1                                                                                           Dated: 08.05.1992   The General Manager, All Indian Railways and Production Units and r.D.S.O.   Sub:-    Hiring of accoinnodation for residential use of officers – Policy regarding.   Under Para 1917 of Engineering Code (1989 addition) hiring, by the administration, of a private building, for use as a residence by a Gazetted Officer, requires prior sanction of the Railway Board. Detailed guidelines on the subject have been issued from time to time. In order to consolidated them at one place, in supersession of all previous orders on the subject, instructions contained here-in after nay be followed for the purpose.   2.         Period of lease:   2.1       The period of lease must be for at least three years.   2.2.      The intention of the aforesaid provision is that the rents for houses once leased should not be increased atleast for a period of three years.   2.3       Extention of lease beyond the period of three years on same terms and conditions nay, however, be considered for shorter periods also, if necessary.   2.4       Lease agreement nay provide for termination of lease by administration on a stipulated notice. This is to cover the cases of transfer etc. of officers when the houses nay be no longer required.   2.5       The actual clauses to be provided in the agreement nay, however, be decided in consultation with the Law Officer keeping the Railway’s interest protected within the broad frame work of these instructions.   3.         Ceiling limit of rent:   3.1       Following ceiling limit would be applicable for various grades of officers depending upon the places.       Grade/Scale Delhi Bombay Calcutta Ahmedabad Madras Hyderabad Bangalore and other ‘A’ Class cities B – I B- II ‘C’ and other places not categorised as such   Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs S.A. Grade and above. 2100 1900 1700 1600 1500 J.A. Grade 1900 1700 1500 1400 1400 Sr. Scale, Jr. Scale Including Class-II Officers.         1800         1400         1300         1200         1200   3.2       The above ceilings are the upper-most limits within which the actual rentals should be fixed by the Railways in consulta­tion with their Finance.   3.3       Excess over the ceiling limit, if any, shall be borne by the Officers (for whom the houses are taken on lease) and recovered from their salary, in addition to the prescribed 7{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of pay.   4.         Payment of advance rent/Broakerage etc.   4.1       In no case any brokerage will be payable by the Railways.   4.2       Payment of any advance rent should be discouraged.   4.3       However, if payment of advance rent becomes inescapable, it should be limited upto maximum of three months’ rent subject to adjustment before last three months of expiry of the leasing period with concurrence of F.A&CAO and approval of General Manager.   5.         General guide!ines :   5.1       Approval to the proposals for leasing of accommodation for any new location for the first time would be issued from the Board on proposals being received from the Railways duly vetted by their Finance.   5.2       The proposals formulated by Railways should invariably Indicate the following and the justification for the same:   a)         The actual number of houses to be taken on lease at a particular station.   b)         The quantum of House Rent Allowance payable to different categories of officers at the station in question vis-a-vis rent proposed.     c)         Actual rentals to be paid, keeping in view the provisions of para 3.2 above, local factors and the relative importance of the locations.   5.3       Nunber of houses to be leased should be limited to the barest minirruro at the Zonal/Divisional Headquarters. Proposals for these stations should clearly indicate the following in addition to that given in para 5.2 above.   a)      Total nunber of residences available for officers;   b)         Nunber of units under construction (specifying as to when they would be conpleted and available for allotment);   c)         Total nunber of officers requiring such accomnodation in each category; and   d)         The shortfall   indicating how this has been met in the inroediate past.   5.4       Once such a proposal is approved by the Board as .regards nunber of houses being leased at a specific ceiling in a particular place, the Railway nay continue to hire houses at such stations provided that the ceilings, in respect of nunber of houses and rent, as approved by the Board for these places, are not exceeded. While sanctioning such a hiring, the Railway will critically examine the proposal in consultation with their local finance so as to ensure that need for such hiring still exists.   6.         This issues with the concurrence of Associate Finance of Ministry of Railways.         Sd/- (S.K. Jagdhari) Executive Director/ Land Management. Railway Board.   GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (————————–) MINISTRY OF RAILWYS (RAIL MANTRALAYA) (RAILWAY BOARD     No. P(X)I-87/11/6.                                                                        New Delhi, dated.25.09.1987   The General Managers, All Indian Railways including CLW, DLW & ICF.   The Director General, R.D.S.O., Luckno.   The General Secretary, I.R.C.A., New Delhi,   The Railway Liaison Officer, New Delhi,   The Generl Manager (Constr.) N. F. Railway, Guwahati,   The Chairman, Railway Recruitment Board, Allahabad/Chandigarh/Bhopal /J&Y/Ajmer/Patna/Bhuvaneshwar/Ahmedabad/trivandrum.   The Principal, Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering & Telecommunications, Secunderabad.   The Principal, Railway Staff college, Baroda.   The Principal, Indian railway Institute of Advanced Track technology, Poona.   The Deputy Director, Rail moverments, Moghal Sarai.   The C.A.O.R., Metropolitan Transport Project, Madras/ Bombay/New Delhi.   The General Manager, Wheel & Axle Plant, 18, Miller’s Road, Bangalore.   The General manager, M.T.P., Calcutta.   The Chief Administrative Officer, Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops, Railway Office Complex, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi-2   Addl. General manager, Railway electrification, aallahabad.   The Chief Engineer, Railway electrification, Nagpur.   The Chief Administrative Officer, D.C.W., Patiala.   The Oficer on Special Duty, R.C.F., Kapuprthala.   Sub:Fixation of flat rate of licence fee (standard rent) for residential accommodation all over the country Implementation of the recommendations of the Ivth Pay Commission.   The revised patterns of rent for various types of railway accommodation, as decided by Ministry of Railwys, are indicated below: –               (i) Presently, standard rent for each type of railway quarter is pooled on Zonal Railway basis and the same is fixed at 6{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of total cost of quarter in that class or ten per cent of pay whichever is lower. This system is proposed to be abolished. Instead, standard rent will now be fixed in flat rates for each type of quarter throughout the railways. Considering the fact that the range of plinth area under each type varies widely, each group of Railway quarters has been proad-banded in various sub-groups and flat rates fixed for each of them. A statement shewing category of accommodation, standard plinth area, proposed area for slab range of each group and revised standared rent for each sub-group is enclosed. These rates are also applicable for transit flats.               (ii) thee are a few houses in various Railways where the standard plinth area are very much larger than those prescribed by the Board. Railways may review the position and re-classify such houses after necessary addition/alterations as called for.   (iii) As regards sub-standard houses the existing assessed rent may be incr3easedby 10{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} and rounded off to the next rupee.   (iv) Regarding leased accommodation, persons occupying the same are now required to pay 10{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of pay or actual rent paid to house-owner whichever is less. It has been decided that for leased accommodation standard rent will be 7.1/2  of fevised pay of the officer or actual rent paid to house-owner whichever is less.               (v) the revised flat rates of standard rent and other changes, as envisaged in sub-paras (I), (iii) & (iv) above, will be effective from 1.7.87 i.e., from the salary bill for July, 987. The periodical revision of standard rent for Railwy accommodation will henceforward be undertaken after everyu three years instead of five years as at present. The next revision, will therefore, fall due on .7.1990.    2.         the railways may revise their rent roll on the bsis of the enclosed statement. Based on the particular type and the range of plinth area, the rates of rent to be recogered may beintimated to the Bill Preparing Officers.    Immediate action may alos please be taken to recover the standard rent accordingly under advise to Board.   3.         The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.               Hindi version will follow.     Sd/- (AUROBINDO GHOSH) Jt. Director, Finance (X) LR, Railwy Board.     Statement indicating the formula for fixation fo flat rate of licene fee for different types fo accommodation.(enclosure to Railway Board’s letter no. F(X) I-87/11/6 dt. 25.9.87)   Type of Accommodation Standard plinth area Proposed area for slab range of each group Revised rent proposed Type I 34 Sq. mt. Upto 25 25-30 30-35 above 35 Sq. mt.  “     ” “       “ “       “ 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 Type II 45 Up to 45 45-50 50-55 above 55 Sq. mt.  “     ” “       “ “       “ 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 Type III 55.75 Up to 60 60-65 65-70 above 70 Sq. mt.  “     ” “       “ “       “ 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 Type IV 83.60 Up to 80 80-90 90-100 100-120 above 120 Sq. mt.  “     ” “       “ “       “ “       “ 85.00 95.00 105.00 125.00 160.00 Type V 139.35 + 18.60 each as servants quarter & garage. Up to 150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-450 above 450 Sq. mt.  “     ” “       “ “       “ “       “ “       “ “       “ “       “ 200.00 250.00 350.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 600.00 600.00   Note:    For servant quarters and garages allotted independent of the regular accommodation, the following flat rates may also be recovered:   (i)                  Servant quarter – Rs. 10 per month   (ii)        Garage              _ Rs. 5 per month.     ·        also includes Officers Transit Flats.   ************************** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA   MINISTRY OF RAILWYS   (RAILWAY BOARD)   NO. F(X)I-87/11/6                                                                           New Delhi, dt. 26.07.1988   The General Managers;     Sub:     Fixation ofo flat rate of licence fee (standard rent) for residential accommodationall over the country – Implementation of the recommendations of the Ivth Pay Commission.     CORRIGENDUM   Ref:      Board’s letter of even no. dt.19.05.88   ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-               In para 1 of the letter referred ot above for words 10 percent of “basic pay” substitute works – 10 percent of “monthly emoluments”           Sd/- (Pani Ram) Dy. Director, Finance (Exp), Railway Board.   GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWYS (RAILWAY BOARD)   NO. F(X)I-86/11/6                                                                       New Delhi, dated. 07.07.1989   The General Managers;   Sub: Retention of Railwy quarters overstayal in residence after cancellation oof allotment, etc.   Instructions have been ssued vide Board’s letters of even number dated 25.09.87 and 1.4.89 fixing flat rate of licxwence fee’ (standard rent) and damages rates respectively.   2.         Instructions were also issued earlier vide Board’s letters No. E (G) 83 RN2-7 dated 21.7.84, E (G) 83-RN2-6 dt. 17.12.83 and 27.8.84 permitting retentioj oof railway quartersby railway employees on transfer, deputation, retirement, etc. and retention of railway quarters at old station of posting by employes posted to N.F. railway. In tehe instructions the rent recoverable has been defined as ‘double the assessed rent’ or ‘double the nornal rent’ or ’10 percent of the emoluments’, whichever is the highest. In view of the new concepts of ‘flat rate’ of licence ffe and damage rates that has now come into use, it has been decided that in future the term double the assessed rent’ or ‘double the normal rent’ or ’10 percent of the emoluments whichever is the highest’ shall be categorised as ‘special licence fee’ and it will be at the rate of double the ‘flat rate of licence fee’. Other charges such as service charges, garden charges, charges for furniture, electrical appliances, etc., wherever leviable, shall continue to be levied in addition.   3.         Accordingly, the Board have decied that the expression ‘assessed rent’, ‘double the asessed rent’ or ‘double the normal rent or 10 percent of the emoluments ane ‘market rate of licence fee’, wherever occurring in the instructions issued by the Board rate of licence fee’ ‘special licence fee’, and ‘damages rate’ respectively.   4.         These orders shall come into force retrospeotivosly from 1.7.87.                                                5.         Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.       Sd/- (Dipali Khanna) Jt. Director. Finance (Exp.) L.R. Railway Board. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWYS (RAILWAY BOARD)     No. F (X) I-86/11/9                                                                      New Delhi, dated. 01.04.1989     Sub:     Charging of danages for unauthorised occupation of Rssidential Accommodation-implementation of,the recommendations of the 4th Pay Commission.   In terms of Board’s letter No.F(X)I/72/RN3/1 dt.25.9.76 market rent is recovered at 5-times, 4 -times 5-times and 2-times the assessed rent or 10 per cent of the emoluments whichever is higher depending upon the classification of city/ town.   Board have reconsidered the entire issue in the light of the latest instructions issued by the Ministry of Urban Development vide their OM .No. 18011 (12)/73-POL/III dated 27.8..87 and have decided thpt:   i)          The instructions issued vide Board’s letter No.F(X)l-72/RN3/1 dt.23.9.76 are hereby withdrawn.   ii)         A damage rate of Rs.15/-per sq.m. of Plinth Area in respect of types A to D (types I to IV) abd Rs. 16/- per sq.m. of the ‘Plinth Area’ in respect o types E and  above (type V and abovfe) is fixed. In addition, garden charges and other charges as ae applicable will also abe recovered.   iii)         The above rates of damages will be valid for a period of 2 years (upto 13.3.91) and revised rates will be prescribed thereafter by the Board and’ intimated to the Railways.   iv)        The rate of damages as above would be effective from the date of issue of these orders. All pending cases prior to the date of issue of these orders may i be disposed of based on the pre-revised orders.         The term “market rate” will no more be applicable for charging/recovery of damages.   v)         Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.   Sd/- (Dipali Khanna) Joint Director, Finance (Exp.) LR. Railway Board.       Government of India (Bharat Sarkar) Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board)   No.F(X)I-86/11/9.                                                                       New Delhi, dated : 31.05.1991   As per Standard list Nos.I to III.   Sub: Revision of rates of damages for -unauthorised occupation of Railway accommodation.   In partial modification of this Ministry’s letter No, P(X)I-86/11/9 dated 1.4,89 regarding damages rates for unauthorised occupation of residential accommodation, it has now been decided to revise the rates of damages from the present rate of Rs.15/- per sq. m. of plinth area per month to Rs.50/- per sq.m. in respect of Types A to D (Types I to IV) and from Rs.16/- per sq.m, of plinth area to Rs.34/- per sq.m. per month in respect of Type E and above (Type V and above) for Class ‘A’ cities.   2.          As far as other cities are concerned, the rates of dama­ges oiruclated vide Board letter quoted above shall remain in force.   5.         These instructions shall take effect from 1.6.91. Prior to 1.6.91 damages rates in respect of class ‘A’ cities will be charged as per instructions issued vide letter of even number dated 1.4.89. Cases of unauthorised occupation occnring before that date but continuing beyond 1,^,91 shall be decided in accordance with the instructious contained in this letter.   4.         All other clauses of this Miniistry’s letter of even num­ber dt.1.4.89 shall remain unchanged..           Sd/- (Saroj Rajware) Jt.Director, Finance (X) LR. Railway Board.     GOVERNMENT OFF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD)   No. F (X) I-89/11/3                                                                     New Delhi. Dated: 15.07.1992   As per Standard Lists –I, II & III.               Sub:     Revision of flat rate of licence fee (Standard Rent)for residential accommodation all over the Indian Railways w.e.f. 1.7.90.    In partial modification of this Ministry’s letter No. F (X) I-87/11/6 dt. 25.09.1984, it has been decided to revise the flat rate of licance fee for residential accommodationn all over the Indian Railays as shown in Annexure-I   2.         The revised rates of licence fee would be effective from 1.7.90. It is desired that immediate actionn may please be taken to recover revised licence fee in acordance with these orders in respect of Railway acommodation all over the country.   3.         While realisation of revised licence fe from the month of July, 1992 onwards should be started immediately, the arrears should be recovered in not more than eight monthly instalments.   4.         There may be some vewry old type of house3s where the ratio of living area (worked out on the basis of yardstick prescribed by Ministry of Urban Development) to plinth area is less than 0.70. Such cases, if considered necessary, may be referred to Board for consideration.   5.         As regards sub-standard houses, there will be no increase in the licence fee.   6.         For leased accommodation, standard rent will be 7.1/2{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the emoluments of the officer or the actual rent paid to the house owner, whichever is less.    7.                  The next revision would fall due on 1.7.93.   8.         Immediate action may please be taken to give effect to these orders and compliance reported.   9.         Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.       Sd/- (PANI RAM) Dy. Director, Finance (Exp.) Railway Board.     ANNEXURE-I Statement showing the revised flat rate of licence fee for different types of accommodation (Enclosure to letter No. F (X) I-89/11/3 dt.   *********** Type Standard plinth area Slab range Revised rent w.e.f. 1.7.1990 (Rs.) I 34 sq.m. Up to 25 sq.m. 28 25-30  “  ” 30 30-35  “  ” 36 Above 35  “  ” 39 II 45 sq.m. Up to 45 sq.m. 65 45-50  “  ” 69 50-55  “  ” 76 Above 55  “  ” 80 III 55.75 sq.m. Up to 60 sq.m. 81 60-65  “  ” 84 65-70  “  ” 91 Above 70  “  ” 95 IV 83.60 sq.m Up to 80 sq.m. 160 80-90  “  ” 170 90-100  “  ” 180 100 – 120  “  ” 220 Above 120 “  “ 240 V 139.35 sq.m. + 18.60 each as servant quarter & garage Up to 150 sq.m. 398 150 – 200  “  ” 464 200 – 250  “  ” 596 250 – 300  “  ” 729 300 – 350 “  “ 861 Above 350 “ “ 1060   (* also includes officers transit flats)   NOTE:  For servant quarters and garages allotted independent of the of the regular accommodation, the following rates may also be recovered.                           i) Servant quarter          :           Rs.15/- per month                         ii) Garage                     :           Rs. 8/- per month

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