Service Records /Books


Master Circular No. 5   Service Records /Books   Contents   No. Particulars 1. Introduction 2. Basis of Revised Format of Service Record/Book 3. Additional Columns In the Revised Format 4. Cost of Photo on the Service Record/Book 5. Instructions on Date of Birth 6. Suitable Entry on Passing Dip. In Rail Transport Management 6.1 – Suitable Entry for Scout Activities 6.2 – Suitable Entry for Hindi Proficiency 7. Recommendations of  the Railway Reforms Committee 7.1 – Recommendation No. 92 7.2 – Recommendation No. 151 8. Instructions on Above Recommendations while Updating SR 9. Entry on Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme 9.1 – Entry of all events like Promotion, Transfer, Deputations etc 10. SR to be Shown to the Staff once in a Year 11 General 12 Other Railway Boards Orders on the Subject     Service Records/ Books     At present the orders relating to service Records/Books are contained in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders circulars into one Master Circular has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below for the information and guidance of all concerned.   2.It was decided by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) on 24.02.1977 that the revised form of Service Book prescribed by the Ministry of Finance, Deptt of Expenditure in their O.M. dated11.03.1976 and06.10.1976 should be adopted on the Railways also. It was also decided that the revised Service Book form will be applicable to the new entrants and that in the case of existing Railway servants, the new form may be adopted as and when the stock of the old form is exhausted and in that case the existing entries need not be re-written for the new form. A copy of the form of revised Service Book as circulated, is enclosed herewith.   3.Subsequently, it was decided by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), as a result of a reference from Railways, that the following additions may be made to the Revised Service Book circulated:   (1)        Part I-(Bio-data)   Below column13 of the ParaI,   Col.14             Designation of the Appointing Authority; and Col.15             Signature of the Appointing Authority.   (2)  Last item of the Revised Service Book   (a) Date of appointment (b) Place of appointment (c) Capacity on appointment (d)Payand scaleon appointment (e) Reference to appointment letter No. and date. (f) Religion of the appointee. 4.The cost of the photograph to be affixed by the employee on the front page of part I of the Revised Service Book is to be borne by the Government.   5.It should be ensured that at the time of entry into service, the date of birth of an employee is entered invariably both in figures and works as already provided for in Col. 6 of the Revised Service Book. 6.When a Railway employees qualifies in the Diploma Course of Institute of Rail Transport, a suitable entry in regard to the same should be made in his service records.   6.1When a Railway employee acquires any qualification in the field of scouting, a suitable entry in regard to the same should be made in the service records. 6.2When staff are awarded at all Indian Railway level for commend­able contribution for progressive use of Hindi, an entry may be made in the service record and a copy of the certificate placed on their C.Rs.   7.The Railway Reforms Committee, inter-alia have made the follow­ing recommendations in connection with the maintenance of Service Records of the employees :   Recommendation No. 92 : “Service Records of staff should be kept up-to-date in order to cut down grievance handling time. This should be the special charge of the Personnel Branch and form part of the duties of the Per­sonnel Inspectors”. Recommendation No. 151: “Personnel Inspectors should ensure that entries in the Service Records are not allowed to become more than one month behind the current position”. 8.Both the above recommendations  have been accepted by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) and they desire that this should not only be brought to the notice of all concerned but also should be kept in view while updating/maintaining the entry in the Service Records.   9.In order to streamline the procedure in regard to Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, it has been decided that Form No. 13 as in the proforma placed below should included in the Service Books of all the existing members as well as the new members admitted to the scheme hereafter. Every year in the month of January and at the time of transfer of the members of the scheme the Head Office shall record a certificate as given below, in the remarks column (Col. No. 7) of the Form No. 13 over his dated Signature. ‘Subscription   at the rate of Rs………………………appropriate to Group………………………of  the scheme  recovered from pay and Allowances for the period from January……………to December………………   9.1All other events in the nature of promotion, transfer on deputa­tion/foreign service, absorption in Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous bodies, retirement etc. occurring during the service career of the member of the scheme should also be recorded under Column No.6 of the above Form No.13 duly attested by the appropriate authority over his dated signature. 10.The Service Record Book should be shown every year to the employee who is governed by Pension Rules and the signature obtained in token of having persued the entries in the Service Record with a particular reference to qualifying service. 11. General :   (a)    While referring to this Circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority. (b) The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and (c) If any circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration. in preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight, should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.

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