Government of India   Ministry of Railways   Master Circular No. 29     TRAINING OF NON-GAZETTED DIRECT RECRUITS     CONTENTS     S. N Particulars Part I 1. Background 2. Period Of Training 2.1. Curtailment Of Period Of Training 3. Qualifying Examination At The End Of Training Period 4. Execution Of Service Agreement 4.1 Conditions Governing Repeat Course When Trainees Fail To Complete Training Course 4.2 Procedure And Mechanism For Recovering Cost Of Training 5. Duration And Syllabus For Various Categories 6. General Original Orders/Circulars From Which Consolidation Has Been Made Particulars Letter No. Date Trainee Clerks for the Personnel Branch. ESS/TRI 61/3 15.06.1956 Mode of examination at the end of initial training. E (NG) 58 PAI-14 27.05.1959 Execution of Service Agreements by Apprentices Trainees. E (NG) 55AG1/3 14.09.1961 Recruitment and training of Apprentices/ Trainees Repeat Courses – Stipends. E (NG) 58/RC1/150 21.11.1961 Rules of recruitment of Class III Staff-Training of Personnel and Accounts Clerks. E (NG) 63 RRl/l0 29.03.1963 Rules regulating seniority of non-gazetted Railway servants. E (NG) I-78-SR6-42 07.04.1982 Recovery of cost of training from Apprentices in case of failure to serve the Railways for the stipulated period etc. E (NG) I/86/AP/1 21.01.1986 RBE 4/86 Recovery of cost of training from Apprentices in case of failure to serve the Railways for the stipulated period etc. E (NG) V86/AP/1 20.02.1986 RBE 39/86 Initial Training period for recruits in various categories.     E (NG) II/87/RR-1/21 30.06.1987 RBE 171/87 Particulars Letter No. Date Grant of increment to Railway employees after completion of one year’s service against working posts in cases where training period is curtailed in administrative interest. E (NG) I/86/ICI/3 (PNM/NFIR) 02.03.1988 RBE 93/88 Initial Training for recruits in various categories. E (NG) II/87/RR-1/21 25.11.1988 RBE 261/88 Initial Training for recruits in various categories. E (NG) II/87/RR-1/21 27.11.1990 RBE 226/90 Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments. E (NG) I/90/IC1/1 & DOP & T OM No. 16/16/89 Estt.(Pay-D 04.02.1991 22.10.1990 RBE 25/91 Chapter I—Section B—Paras 120-178 IREM 89 Ed Training facilities to new recruits in the Accounts Deptt on Railways — Counting of period for increments. E (NG) 57IC1-5 08.01.1958 Annual increments to trainee clerks in Establishment Branch—Counting of period of training. E (NG) 62I/C 1/1 22.01.1962 Annual increments to Trainee Clerks in Establishment Branch – Counting of period of training. E (NG) 62-IC1-1 26.04.1963 Annual increments to trainee clerks in Establishment Branch—Counting of period of training. E (NG) 61-IC1-1 27.07.1963 Regulation of the period between the date of expiry of the period of apprenticeship and the date of posting. E (NG) II-67 AG 1/4 17.01.1969 Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments. E (NG) I/90/IC1/1 & E (NG) I/90ACI /L 15.11.1991 08.08.1991 RBE 195/91 Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments. E (NG) 1/90/IC1/1 & 04.02.1991 RBE 25/91 Counting of training period before regular appointment for the purpose of drawing increments. E (NG) I/90/IC1/1 02.06.1992 RBE 89/92 Counting of training period for the purpose of drawal of increments – Clarification. E (NG) I/90/ICI/1 23.12.1993 RBE 183/93       Other Railway Boards Orders on the Subject      The Manual of Training                     TRAINING OF NON-GAZETTED DIRECT RECRUITS     At present the orders relating to initial Training of non-gazetted, direct recruits are contained in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders/ circulars into one Master Circular has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below for the information and guidance of all concerned.   2. The initial period of training, wherever prescribed for non-gazetted direct recruits in various categories of Group “C” posts, is an important pre-requisite to be successfully completed, before a trainee is absorbed in the post for which he has been recruited. It is, therefore, not desirable to curtail the initial period of training. This will apply equally to the training to be imparted in the case of Inter apprentices as also in the case of departmentally selected candidates against quota prescribed in certain categories, to be filled by Limited Competitive Examination among serving eligible employees (e.g. 10{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} in the case of Traffic and Commercial Apprentices). [No. E (NG) H1871RR-1121 dated 30.06.1987 and 25.11.1988]     2.1.The General Managers have powers of curtailing period of training of non-gazetted categories (whether as apprentices or otherwise) in exigencies of service, ensuring that the prescribed tests / examinations mandatory for successful completion of training are complied with. On such curtailment of training, the trainees shall be posted against the posts for which they have been recruited. They shall, on such posting, be entitled to benefits as applicable to incumbents of such posts except seniority and benefit of increment. Grant of seniority and increments will continue to be regulated as per existing orders in this regard. [No. E (NG) II/87/RR-1/21 dated 27.11.1990; E (NG) 1-78/SR/6/42 dated 07.04.1982; E (NG) I-86/ICI/3 dated 02.03.1988 and E (NG) I-90/ICI/1 dated 04.02.1991]   3.         The qualifying examination at the end of initial training of directly recruited non-gazetted staff through the Railway Service Commissions (now Railway Recruitment Boards) must necessarily be a written test.   3.1.  The candidates should be warned, at the time of their recruitment that their retention in service will be dependent on their successfully completing the training and passing the requisite test.   3.2.  The period of training count towards increments even in the case of those recruits who are sent for training immediately after their appointment, in terms of Board’s letter of 04.02.1991.   3.3.      Candidates recruited in the Personnel and Accounts Branches should be posted against working posts in their respective Departments for at least a month to acquire the background of the Railway working before being sent for training. [Nos. ESS/TR1/61/3 dated 15.06.1956; E (NG) 58-PA1/14 dated 27.05.1959; E (NG) 63/RR-I/10 dated 29.02.1963 and E (NG) I-90/ICI/1 dated 04.02.1991]     4.         Apprentices/Trainees, who require initial training before being appointed to a working post should execute a Service Agreement to serve the Railways for a minimum prescribed period. [No. E (NG) 55/AGI/3 dated 14.09.1961 and E (NG) 58/RC-I/150 dated 21.11.1961]   4.1.      Apprentices/Trainees who fail to complete the prescribed training courses satisfactorily may be given a repeat course on the following conditions: —   (a) Stipend to the apprentices should be withheld when an extension/ repeat course is considered necessary for falling to complete the training successfully at the end of the prescribed period of training.   (b) So far as persons recruited as trainees in the various Group “C” categories are concerned, the services of such trainees, who do not complete the prescribed training successfully should be terminated in accordance with the terms of appointment, e.g. by giving 14 days’ notice. After this they will cease to be Railway servants. If such trainees desire repeat course of training without any stipend or any other remuneration, the Railway may consider each case on merits.   (c) SC/ST Apprentices/Trainees may be given a second chance with stipend / pay and a third, if considered necessary, without stipend / pay.   (d) The Apprentices/Trainees to whom repeat course is given will rank junior to those passing in their first attempt.   (e) Such of the trainees and apprentices who are given repeat course will be governed by the conditions prescribed by the Government from time to time. Such conditions should be incorporated in the offer of appointment in the case of trainees and in the form of an agreement in the case of apprentices. [No. E (NG) 58/RC-1/150 dated 21.11.1967]   4.2.The Apprentices/Trainees, who are appointed, on successful completion of the training, on the Railways are required to execute a Service Agreement as referred to in para 4 above. Such of those who do not complete the training period or do not serve the Railways for the minimum prescribed period on completion of training will have to refund the whole cost of the training. For this purpose the Railways may evolve a procedure which will have an in-built mechanism to ensure the recovery of the cost of the training e.g.,   (1) Maintaining a register in each office indicating the liability of the staff for refunding the cost of training;   (2) Where an employee, resigns, before accepting his/her resignation, check up the liability of the concerned employee for refunding the cost of training with the register maintained as in (l);   (3) In case of transfer, suitable entry should be made in his/her Last Pay Certificate about his/her liability (whenever applicable) to refund the cost of training. [No. E (NG) I1861AP1 dated 21.01.1986 and 20.02.1986]     5. The duration of training period and the syllabus for various categories of Group “C” staffs are given in the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, 1989 – Chapter I – Section-B – Paras 120-178.   6.  General:   (a)  While referring to this Circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to -the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority.   (b)  The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and   (c)  If any circular on the subject, which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration white preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight, should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.   1.     Subject: Trainee Clerks for the Personnel Branch. [No. ESS/TR1/61/3 dated 15.06.1956]   Reference correspondence resting with your letter No. AE. 40802/ Adj/Training dated 26.04.1956. The sanction of the Railway Board is accorded to your introducing a scheme for the training of clerks of the personnel branch of your Railway for a period of 4 months (theoretical training for 3 months) in the Establishment Rules arid relevant Acts and practical training for one month), so that, after training, when posted against posts they may be able to deal with cases in accordance with the current orders.   During the period of training, the candidates may be paid at the minimum of the time scale and Dearness Allowance, but they will not be eligible for any other allowances.   2.         The Board also desire that the candidates should be clearly warned at the time of their recruitment that their retention in service will be dependent on their successfully completing the training and passing the requisite test.   3.         A copy of the detailed programme of the training may be sent to the Board for information.     2.   Subject: Mode of examination at the end of initial training. [No. E (NG) 58 PAI-14 dated 27.05.1959]   The Board are informed that in certain categories staff appointed in the initial recruitment grades through the Railway Service Commission concerned are sent to the Railway Training Schools for initial training for a limited period. At the end of such training, the suitability of staff in certain categories is either judged by holding viva or by written tests, as the case may be. There have been occasions when staffs who do not come out successful in such tests complain of favouritism on account of language difficulties, provincialism etc. With a view to have uniformity in this respect, the Board have decided that a qualifying examination at the end of initial training must necessarily be a written test in English for all categories, except in some categories such as Permanent way Mistries and semi-literates where educational qualifications are not insisted upon only oral tests need be held which may be in the provincial language of the employee concerned as far as possible.     3.   Subject: Execution of Service Agreements by Apprentices Trainees. [No. E (NG) 55AG1/3 dated 14.09.1961]     According to the agreement executed by a person as Apprentice/ Trainee, he stands committed to serve the Railway Administration for a specified minimum period after successful completion of apprenticeship/ training, but in some cases he is confirmed in Railway service before completing the said minimum period. On confirmation, he is required to execute a fresh Agreement Form in his capacity as a Class III Railway Servant (vide Form No. I, Appendix XXIV. R-1 (1951 Edition). A question has arisen whether such a person may be allowed to quit service at any time after giving one month’s notice, m accordance with the provisions contained in Clause 3 (a) of the service agreement form to be signed by him as a Class III employee, irrespective of his previous commitments. The Board have carefully considered the matter and have decided that in such cases the agreement to be executed by the employee on his being permanently absorbed against a working post as for Class III Railway servant should be without prejudice to the terms and conditions of the previous Agreement entered into by him as an Apprentice/Trainee, i.e. to say he will not be allowed to quit Railway service by serving the Administration with one month’s notice in terms of his later Agreement, unless he refunds the entire cost of training and pay/stipend etc. drawn by him.   In view of the foregoing, the President, is pleased to decide that the Agreement for Class III staff appearing as Form No. l. Appendix XXIV, R-I (1951 Edition) as amended from time to time, may be further amended as in the Advance Correction Slip No. 70-RI, attached.   Advance Correction Slip No. 70 R-I. Appendix XXIV – R-I. (1951 Edition)     Add the following as Clause 15 after Clause 14, renumbering the existing Clause 15 as Clause 16 Form No. l in this Appendix :—   (Form of Agreement for Subordinate Staff)   “15.      In the case of Apprentices/Trainees who have received training at the Railway expense and have on successful completion of their apprenticeship/training, been permanently absorbed against working posts, this agreement is without prejudice to the terms and conditions of the previous agreement entered into by them as Apprentices/Trainees.” ailway Board’s letter No. E (NG) 55AG 1/3 dated 03.09.1961]   4.   Subject: Recruitment and training of Apprentices/Trainees Repeat Courses – Stipends. [No. E (NG) 581RC1/150 dated 21.11.1961]   The Railway Board have had under consideration the question of providing repeat courses to the Apprentices/Trainees who fail to complete the prescribed training satisfactorily. After a careful examination, they have decided that the under mentioned instructions should be followed by all Railways uniformly: —   (i) Stipend should be withheld when an extension/a repeat course is considered necessary at the end of prescribed period of training for the reasons that the Apprentice has failed to complete the prescribed training satisfactorily. The stipend need not, however, be withheld at an intermediate stage but it should be considered on individual merits whether the Apprentice should continue to receive training or be discharged.   (ii) So far as the persons recruited as trainees in the categories of Signallers, Commercial Clerks, Ticket Collectors, Accounts Clerks, Tracers, Guards etc. are concerned, if the existing terms of appointment do not allow stoppage of stipend/pay for the extended period of training, the services of such of the trainees as do not complete the prescribed period of training satisfactorily should be terminated in accordance with the terms of appointment for example, by giving “14 days” notice. After the termination of their services, they will cease to be Railway servants. If the Railway Administration desires to give a repeat course to such trainees as have ceased to be Railway servants, this should be done by the competent authority and in individual cases, such trainees may be asked whether they are willing to have a repeat course without stipend, which should be arranged by the Railway Administration.   As regards future trainees in the above categories it should be prescribed in the terms of appointment that a repeat course, if considered necessary by the Administration, shall be given without stipend or any other remuneration.   (iii) Scheduled Caste/Tribe Apprentices/Trainees may be given a second chance with stipend/pay and the third chance, if considered necessary, without stipend/pay. . (iv) The Apprentices/trainees for whom repeat course is given will rank junior to those passing in their first attempt. Such of the Trainees/Apprentices, who fail in the initial training and who will be given repeat course without stipend, will be governed by the terms and conditions as given in Annexure “A” to this letter. These conditions should be incorporated in the formal agreements in the case of Apprentices and in the offers of appointment in the case of trainees.   The grant of stipend/pay during the second chance of training in item (iii) above has the sanction of the President.         ANNEXURE-A   Terms and conditions for Trainees/Apprentices who fail in initial training and for whom repeat course may be arranged at the discretion of the Railway Administration.   A. TRAINEES   1.  No premium will be charged from such trainee/trainees.   2.  No remuneration in the shape of stipend, salary or allowance of any kind will be paid to such trainee/trainees by the Railway Administration No. PTOs or passes will be issued to him/them.   3.  The trainee/trainees will have to conform to all the general rules and regulations of discipline and conduct of the Railway Administration.   4.  The trainee/trainees will be under the control and discipline of the Railway Administration concerned.   5.  The trainee/trainees will indemnify the Railway Administration for any loss or damage to the equipment and fitting that may be caused by him/them during the course of the training.   6. The trainee/trainees will not be an employee/employees of the Railway Administration and as such will not be entitled to any compensation or damages from the Administration under the Workmen Compensation Act, or otherwise for any injury to him/them or his/their property, however caused, and that he/they will not make any claim therefor.   7. Living accommodation will be provided, if available to the trainee/trainees on payment of rent as for Railway employees.   8. Such trainee/trainees will not be eligible to any service benefits during the period of his/their repeat course of training without stipend. The period of his/their initial training and the repeat training will, therefore, not count as service for any purpose.   B. APPRENTICES   1.  During the period of repeat course of training without stipend, the Apprentice/Apprentices will be governed by terms and conditions of his/their Agreement with the President, entered into by him/them at the time of joining the initial apprenticeship except that no stipend will be paid during the repeat course period.   2.  Such apprentice/apprentices will not be eligible to any service benefits during the period of his/their repeat course of apprenticeship without stipend. The period of his/their initial and repeat course apprenticeship will, therefore, not count as service for any purposes.   5.     Subject: Rules of recruitment of Class III Staff-Training of Personnel and Accounts Clerks. [No. E (NG) 63 RR1/10 dated 29.03.1963]   In terms of Board’s letters No. 53 Acs. Insp/45 dated 05/11.04.1955 and No. E55TR1/61/8 dated 15.06.1956 (See Appendix I) Clerks recruited to the initial grade in the Personnel and Accounts Branches are to be given training before being put on to the working posts. The Board have reconsidered the matter and decided that hereafter Clerks recruited in the Personnel and Accounts Branches should be put against working posts for at least a month to acquire the background of the Railway working before being sent for training.   These orders come into force with immediate effect.   6.   Subject: Rules regulating seniority of non-gazetted Railway servants. [No. E (NG) I-78-SR6-42 dated 07.04.1982}   The Ministry of Railways are pleased to direct that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual (Second Edition) may be amended as in the advance copy of Correction Slip No. 132 sent herewith.   Indian Railway Establishment Manual Advance Correction Slip No. 132.   Chapter III-    Rules regulating seniority of non-gazetted Railway servants.   Add the following as note (ii) below Rule 302 renumbering the existing note as note (i).   In case the training period of a direct recruit is curtailed in the exigencies of service, the date of joining the working post in case of such a direct recruit shall be the date he would have normally come to a working post after completion of the prescribed period of training. [Authority: Ministry of Railways (Railway Board’s) letter No. E (NG) I-78-SR6-42 dated 07.04.1982]   7.   Subject: Recovery of cost of training from Apprentices in case of failure to serve the Railways for the stipulated period etc. [No. E (NG) I/86/AP/1 dated 21.01.1986; RBE 4/86]   As the Railways are aware, Apprentices are recruited by the Railways for training and subject to fulfilment of prescribed conditions, for appointment against the working posts after successful completion of training of vacancies exist. As per the terms and conditions of the Apprenticeship agreement, the Apprentices are to undergo training for the prescribed period during which they are paid stipend and allowances as per the orders in vogue from time to time. The Apprentices who are appointed on successful completion of the training programme are required to serve the Railways for a minimum stipulated period. If they do not complete the training period or do not serve the Railways for the minimum stipulated period on completion of training, the whole cost of training is to be recovered from them. However, non-gazetted employees who have not received training at Railway’s expense in a special, avocation but only have been given an “induction course” to make them suitable to the working needs of the Railway may be exempted from refunding the cost of training in the event of their selection to other posts under Central/State Government or Public Sector Undertaking in terms of Board’s letter No. E (N) II/77/AP/6 dated 09.02.1979.   2.         It has come to the notice of the Railway Board that on one of the Railways, the cost of training, which was to be recovered from Apprentices as per the extant orders, was not recovered. It is presumed that adequate machinery and system exist on your Railway to ensure timely recovery of the cost of training in such cases where recovery has to be made. If not, Board desire that suitable measures should be devised to ensure that prompt action is taken to recover the cost of training from Apprentices wherever such recovery is due. In this connection, you may consider introducing a procedure which will have an in-built mechanism to guard against, such recurrence e.g. (a) where a person resigns, one of the check points before accepting the resignation should be about his liability, if any, to refund the cost of training; (b) a register may be maintained in each office where cases involving liability for refunding the cost of training should be entered; and (c) in the event of transfer of an employee, a suitable entry may be made in the L.P.C. about his liability (wherever applicable) to refund the cost of training. Necessary action may be taken accordingly under advice to the Board.     8.   Subject: Recovery of cost of training from Apprentices in case of failure to serve the Railways for the stipulated period etc. [No. E (NG) I/86/AP/1 dated 20.02.1986; RBE 39/86]   “Reference Board’s letter of even number dated 21.01.1986 on the above subject. Please substitute the first two sentences and the words “If not, Board” of the third sentence of para 2 of Board’s above quoted letter as under:   “It has been brought to the notice of the Railway Board through a draft paragraph issued by the Director of Audit, Central Railway for inclusion in the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India—Union Government (Railways) for the year 1984-85 — that the cost of training which was to be recovered from Apprentices as per the extant orders was not recovered. During discussion of this paragraph with the Addl. Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Railways) an assurance was given by the Railway Board that suitable instructions would be issued to the Railway Administration to avoid recurrence of such cases. Railway Board therefore….”   9.   Subject: Initial Training period for recruits in various categories. [No. E (NG) III 87 IRR-1121 dated 30.06.1987; RBE 171187]   In a few individual cases of certain trainees or groups of trainees recruited for different categories of Group C posts, some of the Railway Administrations have approached the Board seeking approval for curtailment of the prescribed period of initial training for various reasons. The Board would like to point out that the initial period of training, wherever prescribed, is an important pre-requisite to be successfully completed, before a trainee is absorbed in the post for which he has been recruited. Board have, therefore, decided that in no case should the initial period of training be curtailed. Railway Administrations may please ensure compliance with this direction of the Board.     10.   Subject: Grant of increment to Railway employees after completion of one year’s service against working posts in cases where training period is curtailed in administrative interest. [No. E (NG) I-86-ICI/3(PNM/NFIR) dated 02.03.1988; RBE 93/88]   “The question of granting annual increment to the staff who are posted against working posts before completion of the training period as a result of curtailment of the prescribed training period in the interest of administration duly taking into account the curtailed period of training has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways. It is clarified that the curtailed period of training cannot be taken into consideration for the purpose of increments in terms of Board’s letter No. E31/RR8/1/3 dated 31.10.1952 and 15.01.1954. Copies of these letters are enclosed for ready reference.   2.         Such of those apprentices who are initially recruited for a training duration exceeding one year, but whose training period is curtailed, may be given the minimum of the scale as stipend as and when they are put on the working post treating it as enhanced stipend till the prescribed training period is over. They should not, however, be brought on the scale of the post concerned till they successfully complete training.   3.         These orders will be effective from 1.5.1988. It has come to the notice of the Board that a few Railway Administrations have taken into account the service put m by the Apprentices before completion of the prescribed training period in the working post for grant of annual increments. Since this is not in accordance with the instructions referred to above, it has been decided that the pay of the staff in such cases should be refixed. However, overpayments made in such cases till date of issue of this letter need not be recovered.   4.         In this connection, attention is invited to Board’s letter No. E (NG) II / 87 / RR-1 / 29 dated 30.06.1987 (See Appendix 9) advising Railway Administrations that in no case should the initial period of training be curtailed. Railway Administrations may please ensure adherence to these instructions.   5.         This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   11.   Subject: Initial Training for recruits in various categories. [No. E (NG) II/87/RR-1/21 dated 25.11.1988; RBE 261/88]   Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 30.06.1987 (See Appendix 9) advising Railway Administrations that in no case should the initial period of training be curtailed. Board have decided that this will apply equally to the training to be imparted in the case of Inter apprentices as also in the case of departmentally selected candidates against quotas prescribed in certain categories to be filled by Limited Competitive Examination among serving eligible employees (e.g. 10{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} in the case of Traffic & Commercial Apprentices). Railway Administrations may please ensure “compliance with these directions.   12.   Subject: Initial Training for recruits in various categories. [No. E (NG) II/87/RR-I/21 dated 27.11.1990; RBE 226/90]   Attention is invited to Board’s letters of even number dated 30.06.1987 (See Appendix 9) and 25.11.1988 (See Appendix 11). Board have been receiving proposals from various Railways for reduction in the period of initial training and this matter regarding delegation of powers to the General Managers in regard to curtailment of period of training of non-gazetted categories has been under consideration of the Board for some time.   2.         After careful consideration of the matter Board have decided that in supersession of their letter of even number-dated 30.06.1987 and 25.11.1988 quoted above, the General Managers may be delegated the power of curtailing period of training of non-gazetted categories (whether as apprentices or otherwise), in the exigencies of service, ensuring that the prescribed tests/examinations mandatory for successful completion of training are complied with. On such curtailment of training, the trainees shall be posted against the posts for which they have been recruited as trainees/apprentices. They shall on such posting be entitled to benefits as applicable to incumbents of such posts except seniority and benefit of increment. Grant of seniority and increments will continue to be regulated as per ACS No. 132-IREM forwarded under Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-78/SR6/42 dated 07.04.1982 (See Appendix 6) and Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/86/ICI/3 dated 02.03.1988 (See Appendix 10).   3.         These orders shall come into force prospectively from 1.12.1990.   13.   Subject: Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments. [No.E (NG) I/90/ICI/1 dated 04.02.1991; RBE 25/91]   Please find enclosed a copy of the Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No. 16/16/89-Estt. (Pay-I) dated 22.10.1990, on the above subject for information and necessary action. The instructions contained in this O.M. will be applicable to non-gazetted Railway employees mutatis-mutandis w.e.f. 01.10.1990.   2.         This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Training, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No. 16/16/89—Estt. (Pay-I) dated 22.10.1990.   Subject: Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments – Clarification regarding.   The undersigned is directed to say that under FR-26 only duty in post on time scale counts for increments in that time scale. As per FR 9(6)(a)(i) the services as a probationer or apprentice is treated as duty provided that service as such is followed by confirmation. As such, the training period during which a Government servant is not remunerated in the scale of pay attached to the post cannot be treated as duty.   2.         The Staff Side in the National Council (JCM) have raised a demand that the training period should be counted for the purpose of drawing increments as otherwise the concerned staff, particularly the non-gazetted in the technical Departments, where the training period is a long one is put to perpetual disadvantage vis-a-vis the staff in non-technical jobs who are recruited along with technical staff in the same scale of pay.   3.         The matter has been considered in the National Council (JCM) and it has been decided that in case where a person has been selected for regular appointment and before formally taking over charge of the post for which selected person is required to undergo training, training period undergone by such a Government servant whether on remuneration to stipend or otherwise may be treated as duty for the purpose of drawing increments.   4.         These orders take effect from the 1st of the month in which this O.M. is issued.   5.         Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.   6.         In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders issue with the concurrence of Comptroller & Auditor General of India.   14.   Not Printed. [Chapter I—Section B—Paras 120-178 IREM 89 Ed] 15.   Subject: Training facilities to new recruits in the Accounts Deptt on Railways — Counting of period for increments. [No. E (NG) 57ICI-5 dated 08.01.1958]   Reference Railway Boards letter No. 53Acs, Insp./45, dated 11.04.1955. The Board have had under consideration the question as to whether the period of training for three months given to the new recruits to the Account Deptt who are paid salary at the minimum of the time scale and the Dearness Allowances but no other allowances should be counted for the purpose of increments or not. It has been decided that as a matter of rule the period of training should not be counted in the case of those recruits who are sent for training immediately after their appointment.   2.         However, on certain Railways, owing to the difficulty of accommodations and dearth of suitable personnel for imparting training and in the exigency of service, the training scheme was implemented much after 11.04.1955, the date of issue of Board’s letter referred to above, and the staff appointed after 11.04.1955 had been straightaway posted to the working post and men sent for training. The Board have decided as a special case, that in their case the period for training should count for increments.   6.   Subject: Annual increments to trainee clerks in Establishment Branch—Counting of period of training. [No. E (NG) 62IC-1 dated 22.01.1962]   The Board have decided that in the case of Establishment Trainee Clerks who were initially appointed against working posts and sent for training subsequently, the period of their training should count for purposes of increments and the pay of the incumbents of the posts may be regularised with retrospective effect as was done in the case of Accounts Clerks vide Board’s letter No. E (NG) 57ICI-5, dated 08.01.1958.   The above orders will equally apply to further cases of similar nature also.   (This is in supersession of Board’s letter No. E (NG) 61-ICI-1, dated 20.02.1961 addressed to the Western Railway and connects the Railway’s further letter No. E511/2, dated 23.08.1961)     7.   Subject: Annual increments to Trainee Clerks in Establishment Branch – Counting of period of training. [No. E (NG) 62ICI-1 dated 26.04.1963]   A reference is invited to Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) 63RR1/ 10, dated 29.03.1963, according to which the clerks recruited to the Personnel and Accounts Branches should be put against working posts for at least a month to acquire the background of Railway working before being sent for training. During the past, the Railway Administrations have not been following any uniform practice in sending the new recruits for training, as in several cases different procedures were adopted even in the cases of persons recruited in the same batch. As for instance, some of the new recruits were sent for training before they were put to working posts and others were sent for training after they had put in some period of service in working posts. This has resulted in several anomalies in that some of the senior persons who went direct for training were deprived of the period of training for the purpose of increment; where as the juniors who were put to working posts and subsequently sent for training, counted the entire period for the purpose of increments. In order to remove such anomalies, which will not arise in future’, the Board have decided, as a special case, that in the case of clerks recruited to the Personnel and Accounts Departments who were initially sent for training should be taken into account for the purpose of increments and the pay of the affected persons should be relieved with retrospective effect, but no arrears should be paid prior to the date of issue of this letter.   18.   Subject: Annual increments to trainee clerks in Establishment Branch—Counting of period of training. [No. E (NG) 61/ICI-1 dated 27.07.1963]   Reference Board’s letter of even number dated 26.04.1963 on the above subject. The President is pleased to decide that the period of training of Clerks recruited to the Personnel and Accounts Departments who were initially sent for training before appointment to working posts may be as duty under Rule 2003-6 (b) R.II and the pay of the affected refixed with retrospective effect but no arrears should be paid 26.04.1963.   19.   Subject: Regulation of the period between the date of expiry of the period of apprenticeship and the date of posting. [No. E (NG) II-67 AG1/4 dated 17.01.1969]               Reference your reply to Board’s letter of even number dated 29.05.1968. The Board have carefully considered the question of laying down a uniform procedure regarding the treatment of the period of intervening the date of completion of training of apprentices and the date of their actual absorption against working posts. They have decided that the apprentices should be absorbed against working posts on the working day following the date of completion of the apprenticeship / training period. The suitability of the apprentices for absorption against working posts should be judged well in advance of the expiry of the apprenticeship/ training period.               In cases where there is delay in holding examinations, valuation of answer books, issue of office orders etc. owing to administrative reasons, the period intervening the date of completion of the apprenticeship/ training period and the date of posting against working posts should be treated as extended period of training / apprenticeship and the apprentices should be paid stipend for that period. In no case an apprentice should be absorbed against working post with retrospective effect in future.               Past cases dealt with otherwise than as indicated above need not be re-opened.   20.   Subject: Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments. [No. E (NG) I/90/ICI/1 dated 15.11.1991; RBE 195/91]     With reference to Board’s letter of even number dated 04.02.1991 the following queries were raised by South Central Railway: —   (i)         Can the period rendered in training earlier than 01.10.1990, but continued beyond that date, be taken into account for the purpose of drawal of increments or only the period from 01.10.1990 is to be taken;   (ii)        What part of the training undergone by the persons recruited as Trainees in certain categories where repeat course is given without stipend or any other remuneration and in the case of SC/ST Apprentices/Trainees, a second chance with stipend/pay and the third chance without stipend/pay is to be taken for the purpose of drawal of increments.   The matter has since been considered and the position clarified to South Central Railway under Board’s letter of even number dated 08.08.1991, a copy of which is enclosed herewith the information and necessary action.   Copy of Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/90/ICI/L New Delhi, dated 08.08.1991 addressed to South Central Railway.   Subject: Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments.   The points raised in your letter No. P(R) 359/III dated 23.05.1991 on the above subject are clarified as under:   (i)   Government of India’s orders regarding counting of training period for the purpose of increments are effective from 0l.10.1990. The training period before 01.10.1990 will therefore, not count for the purpose of increments.   (ii)  In terms of Board’s letter No. E (NG) 58/RCI/150 dated 21.11.1961, the repeat course without stipend is not to be counted as service for any purpose. Therefore, it will not count for the purpose of increments also.   21.   Subject: Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments. [No. E (NG) I/90/ICI/1 dated 04.02.1991; RBE 25/91]   Please find enclosed a copy of the Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No. 16/16/89-Estt. (Pay-I) dated 22.10.1990, on the above subject for information and necessary action. The instructions contained in this O.M. will be applicable to non-gazetted Railway employees’ mutatis mutandis w.e.f. 01.10.1990.   This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     Copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Training, Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No. 16116/89-Estt (Pay-I) dated 22.10.1990 addressed to All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.   Subject: Counting of training period for the purpose of drawing increments —Clarification regarding.   The undersigned is directed to say that under FR-26 only duty in a post on time scale counts for increments in that time scale. As per FR 9(6)(a)(i) the services as a probationer or apprentice is treated as duty provided that service as such is followed by confirm action. As such, the training period during which a Government servant is not remunerated in the scale of pay attached to the post cannot be treated as duty.   2.         The Staff Side in the National. Council (JCM) have raised a demand that the training period should be counted for the purpose of drawing increments as otherwise the concerned staff, particularly the non-gazetted in the technical departments, where the training period is a long one is put to perpetual disadvantage vis-a-vis the staff in non-technical jobs who are recruited along with technical staff in the same scale of pay.   3.         The matter has been considered in the National Council (JCM) and it has been decided that in case where a person has been selected for regular appointment and before formally taking over charge of the post for which selected person is required to undergo training, training period undergone by such a Government servant whether on remuneration of stipend or otherwise may be treated as duty for the purpose of drawing increments.   4.         These order take effect from the l st of the month in which this O.M. is issued.   5.         Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.   6.         In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders issue with the concurrence of Comptroller and Auditor General of India.   22.   Subject: Counting of training period before regular appointment for the purpose of drawing increments. [No. E (NG) I/90/ICI/1 dated 02.06.1992; RBE 89/92]   Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 04.02.1991 and subsequent clarifications thereto dated 08.08.1991, addressed to South Central Railway and circulated to all the Railways under Board’s letter dated 15.11.1991 on the above subject wherein it was clarified that Government of India’s orders regarding counting of training period for the purpose of increments are effective from 01.10.1990 and the training period before 01.10.1990 will, therefore, not count for the purpose of increments. This matter has since been considered in the National Council/JCM and it has been decided with the approval of the President that the benefit of treatment of such training as duty for the purpose of increments may be allowed in the case of those Railway servants also who had undergone such training on or after 01.01.1986. However, in such cases, the benefit of counting period for pay will be admissible on notional basis from 0l.0l.1986 and on actual basis from 0l.10.1990.   2.    This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   23.   Subject: Counting of training period for the purpose of drawal of increments – Clarification. [No. E (NG) I/90/ICI/1 dated 23.12.1993; RBE 183/93]   As the Railways are aware, the instructions regarding counting of training period for the purpose of drawal of increments have been laid down in Boards letters of even number dated 04.02.1991 (RBE 25/91) and 02.06.1992 (RBE 89/92). The following querries have been received from various Railways in this regard:   (i)    Whether the benefits of training period for the purpose of drawing increments is also admissible to Intermediate Apprentice Mechanics after completion of their training and absorption in working post as Chargeman “B”.   (ii)    Whether such benefit is admissible to those Railway servants also whose training period started before 01.01.1986 but was completed after 01.01.1986.   2.         The matter has since been considered and the position is clarified as under: —   (i) Intermediate Apprentice Mechanics are also eligible to get the benefit of Board’s letters referred to above, after successful completion of their training and absorption in working post as Chargeman “B”.   (ii) The period rendered in training on and after 01.01.1986 will count for the purpose of increments on notional basis upto 30.09.1990 and on actual basis thereafter.   3.         This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.


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