MASTER CIRCULAR NO. 28   COMPENDIUM ON CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON NON-GAZETTED   RAILWAY SERVANTS   CONTENTS     Part I S. N Particulars 1. Introduction 2. General 3. Annual Report 4. Forms Prescribed 4.1. Likely to be considered for Promotion Group ‘B’ 5. Self Appraisal 5.1. Reporting Authority and his duties 5.2. Below grades 1600-2660 (RPS) and working in grade 1600-2660 5.3. Teachers working in Schools 5.4. In case of dose relatives 5.5. Responsibility of Reporting Authority to mention warning/admonition/ displeasure/ reprimand 5.6. Reporting Period and delay 5.7. Performance appraisal 5.8. Report written not with due care and attention 6. Reviewing Authority and his duties 6.1. Positive and Independent Judgment on the remarks 6.2. Reviewing Authority to verify to correctness of remarks 6.3. Reports containing vague and non-committal remarks 6.4. Reviewing Authority to countersign within one month 6.6. Delay, ifany 6.5. Reviewing Authority retires or demits office 6.7. Review by Addl. Divisional Railway Manager 7. Section II of Confidential Report be initiated by Senior Scale Officer 8. Communication of Adverse Remarks 8.1. Remarks (a) – Not Fit For Promotion (b) – As ‘Average’ 8.2. Representation against adverse remarks 8.3. Rejection of representation 9. Remarks “Average” 10. Procedure to be followed while reporting on integrity 10.1 Railway servants in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 (RPS) and above 10.2 Unconfirmed doubt or suspicion 11. Other Provisions 11.1 Report, review of ACR of Non-gazetted Railway servants 11.2 Promotion should not be held up for non-availability of latest CR 11.3 Accident/averted accidents should be recorded 11.4 Teachers/instructors in Teaching/Training Schools 12 Miscellaneous Original Orders/Circulars from which Consolidation has been made Confidential Reports—Preparation and Maintenance of. E/55/CR3/3  09.08.1955 Confidential Reports—Preparation and Maintenance of. E/55/CR/3  09.11.1956 Confidential Reports on Non-Gazetted Staff —Standardisation of Forms. E(NG)57/CR/3/1 14.06.1966 Confidential Reports on Non-gazetted Staff Standardisation of Forms. E57CR3/1 01.11.1966 Confidential Reports Class III Staff. E(NG)67/CR3/2  23.10.1967 Confidential Reports- Entry On Not Fit For Promotion E(NG)II/67/CR/3/4  17.02.1969 Refresher courses for Non-gazetted Staff – Column in ACR Form E(Trg.) 1-67TRI / 105 31.10.1969 Confidential Reports—Refresher courses for Non-gazetted staff. E(NG) II-70CR-1 30.09.1970 Confidential Reports on School Teachers. E(NG)II/68/CR/1  16.12.1970 Entry in A.C.R. regarding passing of Hindi Examinations under the Hindi Teaching Scheme. Hindi/73/G-l/24 11.03.1974 Confidential Reports on non-gazetted staff. E(NG)II/75/CR/9  14.09.1976 Confidential Reports—Average Remarks. E(NG)II/76/CR/1 15.10.1976 Confidential Reports on Non-gazetted staff Standardisation of Forms. E(NG)II/75/CR/1 06.01.1977 Confidential Reports—Question whether a relative of a Railwayservant can report on the latter. E(NG)II/78/CR/3 08.08.1978 Confidential Reports on non-gazetted staff preparation and maintenance of E(NG)II/78/CR/2  10.11.1978 Entries to be made in the Confidential Reports of the staff held responsible for accidents. E(NG)II/77/CR/5 06.01.1981 Delay in finalisation of Confidential Reports and holding of orders of officiating promotion in higher grades. E(NG)I/81/CR/4  14.07.1981 Instructions for preparation and maintenance of Confidential Reports on Non-gazetted Railway servants. E(NG)I/81/CR/5 30.09.1981 Writing of Confidential Reports-Mention of Warnings therein.   E(NG)I/81/CR/8, M.H.A. OM No. 21011/l/81 Estt.(A) 31.08.1981 22.09.198105.06.1981 Confidential Reports of Non-gazetted staff. E(NG)I/82/CR/1 20.03.1982 Entry in the Service Book—Employees who qualifies in the Diploma Course of Rail Transport. E(NG)I/83/CR/1 14.03.1983 Confidential Reports of Non-gazetted Staff. E(NG)I/85/CR/5  09.12.1985 RBE 333/85 Introduction of performance oriented appraisal system-C.R.formats for non-gazetted Rail­way employees. E(NG)I/86/CR/5, E(NG) 1-86-CR-5 22.04.1987 RBE 83/87 C.R. Formats forNon-gazetted Railway employees.   E(NG)I/86/CR/5 23.06.1987 RBE 83/87 Section II of the Confidential Report Form for non-gazetted employees in grade of Rs. 1600-2660 and above-deletion of column “fitness for promotion” therefrom. E(NG)I/86/CR/4, E(NG) 1-76-CR/3 23.02.1988RBE 32/88 Entry in the ServiceRecords – Qualifications acquired in the field of Scouting. E(NG)I/88/CR/4 12.05.1989 RBE 126/89 Qualifications acquired in the field of Scouts & Guides — Reflection of in the CRs. E(NG)I/88/CR/4 25.02.1991 RBE 36/91 Adverse comments in Confidential Reports – which have not been communicated —Effect thereof on consideration for promotion. E(NG)I/91/CR/2 10.06.1993 RBE 92/93 Confidential Reports. (IREC Vol.1) Rule 1619—IRE Code Vol. I Other Railway Boards Orders on the Subject             COMPENDIUM ON CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON NON-GAZETTED RAILWAY SERVANTS       Subject:Confidential Reports on Non-gazetted Railway servants—Master Circular. [No. E (NG) I/90/CR/4, dated 17.06.1991] The instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time on the subject of preparation and maintenance of Confidential Reports on non-Gazetted Railway servants are contained in several letters. It has now been decided by the Railway Board to issue a consolidated master circular, as below, incorporating all the instructions issued so far on the subject for the information and guidance of all concerned.   General:   2.         The Confidential Report is an important document, providing for the basic and vital inputs necessary for assessing the performance of a Railway servant for his/her advancement in official career. The Railway servant reported upon, the Reporting Authority and the Re-viewing Officer should, therefore, fill in the form with a high sense of responsibility.   3.         The report should be written annually on e very Railway ser­vant, except those mentioned below, in the form prescribed for the purpose, generally for the period ending with the financial year, appraising the performance, character, conduct and qualities of the concerned Railway servant:   (a)Group ‘D’ Railway servants: [Ref: Board’s letter No. E55/CR/3 dated 09.11.1956]   (b)Group ‘C’ Railway servants in the initial recruitment grade of Rs. 950-1500 (RPS), except those working in the Ministry of Railway s; [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) 57/CR3/1 dated 14.06.1966]   (c)Group ‘C’ Railway servants whose initial grade is higher than the grade of Rs. 950-1500(RPS) provided the next higher grade for them is a non-selection grade, except in the case of Skilled Gr. I & II. Artisans’ staff for whom Confidential Reports shall be written for those in two grades below the selection grade. [Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG) 67/CR3/2 dated 23.10.1967 and E (NG) I/81/CR/5 dated 26.09.1981} Forms prescribed:   4.         The forms prescribed for writing the Confidential Reports, since the reporting year 1986 are enclosed as Annexure-I to VI.   Annexure-I: – For all Group ‘C Railway servants, including Work­shop Staff, but excluding PWIs, APWIs, IOWs, AlOWs, SIs, ASIs, Teachers / lnstructors and those working in grade Rs. 1200-2040 (RPS).   Annexure-II:     – For IOWs & AlOWs.   Annexure-III: – For PWIs, APWIs, SIs and ASIs.   Annexure-IV: – For Teachers / lnstructors in Teaching / Training institutions.   Annexure-V: – For Group ‘C’ Railway servants in Gr. Rs. 1200-2040 (RPS). [Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG) I/86/CR/5 dated 22.04.1987 and 23.06.1987]     4.1       In respect of Railway servants working in grade Rs. 1600-2660 (RPS) and in grades above Rs. 1600-2600, likely to be considered for promotion to Group ‘B’ Gazetted service, an additional section called Section-II is required to be written in the prescribed form as per Annexure-VI. [Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG) II/75/CR/9 dated 14.09.1976; E (NG) I/86/CR/5 dated 22.4.1987 and E (NG) I/86/CR/4 dated 23.02.1988]   Self appraisal:   5.         Every Railway servant working in Gr. Rs. 1600-2660 and in grade(s) above Rs. 1600-2660, should, before the CR is initiated, furnish a brief description of his duties and a resume of the work done by him during the year/period for which CR on him/her is written, bringing out the special achievements during the period and also shortfall in achievement, if any together with reasons therefor. This should he done in part-II of the CR form.   Reporting Authority & his duties:   5.1       The confidential report should be initiated by the Reporting Authority, who was, during the period for which the CR is written, immediately superior to the Railway servant on whom the report is written, or such other authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the General Manager or any other officer authorised by him. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/81/CR/5 date d 26/30.09.1981]   5.2       The confidential reports on Railway servants working in grades below Rs. 1600-2660 (RPS) should be initiated by Supervisors work­ing in Gr. Rs. 2000-3200 (RPS) and above. For those working in Gr. Rs. 1600-2660 (RPS) and above, the report should be initiated by a Gazetted officer. [Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG) II/75/CK/9 dated 14.09.1976 and E (NG) I/82/CR/I dated 20.03.1982]   5.3       The confidential reports on Teachers working in the schools may be initiated by the Headmaster/Headmistress/Principal of the School concerned irrespective of their grades. The report so written is subject to review and counter-signature by the Gazetted executive officer concerned. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/68/CR/1 dated 16.12.1970]   5.4       Where a close relative of a Reporting Authority functions under the latter (which situation should be avoided to the extend possible and if it becomes inescapable to be allowed for the barest minimum time possible), the Reporting Authority should abstain from writing the annual Confidential Report on the Railway servant who is his close relative. The Reviewing Officer will in such cases take on the role of the Reporting Authority. If a similar relationship exists between the Reviewing Officer and the officer reported upon, the same would apply in respect of the Reviewing Officer and the role of the Reporting Officer will be transferred to the authority next higher. In cases of this nature, should mere be any doubt, it would he incumbent upon the Reporting Officer to consult the next higher authority before he writes the report. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(NG) II/78/CR/3 dated 08.08.1978]   5.5       The Reporting Authority has also the responsibility to decide regarding making a mention in the report about warning(s) / admonition / displeasure / reprimand administered to a Railway servant for inefficient working / acts of omission or commission depending upon the position while writing the Report, whether the concerned Railway servant’s performance, after the warning / reprimand, has improved and is satisfactory. If it has shown improvement, he may decide not to make a reference in the Confidential Report to the warning(s) etc. given. Otherwise, he may make an appropriate mention in the relevant column in Part-III of the report. In that case, a copy of the warning/ reprimands / displeasure referred to in the Confidential Report should be placed in the CR folder as an annexure to the relevant Confidential report. The adverse remarks thus entered should also be conveyed to the Railway servant concerned and his representation, if any disposed of as per the procedure prescribed. [Ref: Board’s letter N o. E (NG) I/81/CR/8 dated 31.08.1988 & 22.09.1981]   5.6       The Confidential Report should be recorded within one month of the expiry of the reporting period and delay in this regard by the Reporting Authority will be adversely viewed. If the Railway servant delays submission of self-appraisal, the Reporting Authority should comment adversely on this aspect. If the Reporting authority retires or demits office, he may give the Confidential Reports 6n his subordinates within a month of his retirement/demission of office. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) H/78/CR/2 dated 10.11.1978]     5.7       Performance appraisal through confidential reports is intended as a tool for human resource development. Reporting Authority should realise that the objective behind the appraisal is to develop the Railway servant, so that he/she may realise his/her true potential. There should, therefore, be no hesitation on the part of the Reporting Authority to report shortcomings in performance, attitude or overall personality of the Railway servant reported upon. Although writing CR is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be an effective tool for developing the individual, the Reporting Authority should, at regular intervals, review the performance of the Railway servants and take corrective steps as may be necessary, by way of advice, counsel etc. It should be the endeavour of each Reporting Authority to present the truest possible picture of the Railway servant on whom the report is written, in regard, to his/her performance, conduct behaviour and potential. Some posts of the same rank may be more exacting than the others. The degree of stress and strain may also vary from time to time. These facts should be kept in view during performance appraisal for appropriate comments/mention.   5.8       Where the higher authority is satisfied that the Reporting authority had not written the report with due care and attention, the competent authority has the discretion to make suitable remarks in the Confidential Report of the Reporting Authority.   Reviewing authority & his duties:   6.         The confidential report on a Railway servant, after it is written by the Reporting Authority will be reviewed by the Reviewing Author­ity i.e the authority who was, during the period for which the report is written, immediately superior to the Reporting Authority or such other authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the G.M.   6.1       The Reviewing Authority should exercise a positive and inde­pendent judgment on the remarks recorded by the Reporting Authority in the Confidential Report(s) on his subordinates and should clearly express his/her agreement or disagreement with the remarks of the Reporting Authority, particularly if they are adverse.                           [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) 57/CR3/1 dated 14.06.1966]   If the Reviewing Authority is satisfied that the Reporting Author­ity had not made the report with due care and attention, he/she shall record a remark to that effect in Part-IV of the Confidential Report.   6.2       Where the Reviewing Authority is not sufficiently familiar with the work of the Railway servant reported upon, to arrive at a proper and independent judgment of his own, the Reviewing Authority should verify the correctness of the remarks of the Reporting Author­ity after making such enquiries as he may consider necessary. If need be, he may also give a hearing to the Railway servant concerned before recording his remarks. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/75/CR/1 dated 06.01.1977]   6.3       Reports containing remarks, which are vague or non-committal and entries which are not sufficiently meaningful, should be returned to the Reporting Officer for amplification/explanation. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/75/CR/1 dated 06.01.1977] 6.4       The Confidential Report should be reviewed and counter-signed by the Reviewing Authority ordinarily within one month of its receipt from the Reporting Authority.                      [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/75/CR/1 dated 06.01.1977]   6.5       Delay, if any, on the part of the Reporting Officer, in not recording the Confidential Report on his subordinates within one month of the expiry of the report period should be adversely commented upon by the Reviewing Authority. [Ref: Board’s confidential letter No. E (NG) II/78/CR/2 dated 10.11.197 8]   6.6       Where the Reviewing Authority retires or demits office and Confidential Reports of the Railway servants who had worked under him are required to he reviewed, he shall review the same ordinarily within a period of one month from the date of his retirement or demission of office.   6.7       Section II of the Confidential Report of Railway servants working in. Gr. Rs. 1600-2660 (RPS) on the Divisions may be reviewed by the Addl. Divisional Railway Manager, in stead of the DRM. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/82/CR/I dated 20.30.1982}   In regard to Railway servants working in Gr. Rs. 2000-3200 (RPS) and above on the Divisions, the General Manager may lay down whether their C. R. (Section-II) shall be reviewed by me DRM, instead of ADRM. GMs may exercise discretion in this regard as warranted on their respective systems. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/85/CR/5 dated 09.12.1985]   7.         Section-II of the Confidential Report which is required to be filled for the Railway servants working in Grade Rs. 1600-2660(RPS) and in above grades, should be initiated by a Senior Scale Officer, unless the Assistant Officer concerned is working directly under a Deputy Head of the Department or Divisional Railway Manager/Head of the Department. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) 57/CR/3/1 dated 14.06.1966]   Communication of Adverse Remarks:   8.         Any remarks recorded in the Confidential Report of a Railway servant adversely reflecting on his performance or his basic qualities or potential shall be treated as adverse. Adverse remarks recorded in the Confidential Report of a Railway servant should be communicated in writing, irrespective of whether they are considered remediable or not, to the Railway servant concerned along with the substance of the favourable remarks contained in the Confidential Report. Such a communication shall be sent by the Reviewing Authority or by any other authority specified by the G.M. in this behalf within a period of one month of acceptance of the Confidential Report. A record of such communication should be kept in the C.R. folder of the Railway servant concerned, attached to the relevant report. Care should be taken to ensure that the remarks are communicated in such a form that the identity of the officer making the adverse remarks is not disclosed.   8.1       For the purpose of para 8.   (a)        An entry in the Confidential Report that the Railway ser­vant concerned is not tit for promotion shall be deemed to be an adverse remark and the whole entry including the reasons for the remark shall be communicated to the Rail­way servant;     (b)        Any remark describing as ‘average’ either the performance or any other quality of the Railway servant shall not be treated as an adverse remark.   8.2       All representations against adverse remarks should be dealt with and decided upon expeditiously by the competent authority i.e. normally the authority next above the Reviewing authority and in any case within three months from the date of submission of the representation. The competent authority in consultation with the Reporting and/ or Reviewing Authority, if such consultation is necessary, should consider the representation and pass orders on the representation, either. (a)        Expunging the adverse or critical remarks in toto; or   (b)        Toning down the adverse or critical remarks; or   (c)        Rejecting the representation.   Pending the final disposal of the representation, if submitted within the prescribed time limit, the adverse remarks should not be treated as   | operative, fm’ purposes of any consideration including promotion. If no representation has been submitted or the representation submitted has been finally disposed of, there is no bar to the adverse remarks being taken note of. The orders passed on the representation shall be final and the Railway servant concerned should be informed suitably of the decision, duly keeping a copy of the order in his CR folder.   8.3       No memorial or appeal against the rejection of representation should be allowed six months after the rejection. [Paras 8 to 8.3—Ref: Board’s letters No. E (NG) H/75/CR/I dated 06.01.1977; E (NG) II/78/CR/2 dated 10.11.1978 and E (NG) I/81/CR/5 dated 26/30.09.1981]   9.         The remarks “Average” recorded in the Confidential reports are not to be treated as adverse. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/76/CR/I dated. 15.10.1976]   9.1       If the rules/orders regarding preparation of confidential re­ports have been violated in any particular case, the Railway servant adversely affected by such action, may bring the matter to the notice of the authority higher man the Reporting authority. The letter should take necessary action to rectify the position, as may be warranted by the circumstances and advise the Railway servant concerned in regard to the action taken. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/67/CR/3/4 dated. 17.02.1969]   Procedure to be followed while reporting on integrity:   10.    If the Railway servant’s integrity is beyond doubt, it should be stated so against the relevant item in Part-HI of the report.   10.1     In respect of Railway servant working in Gr. Rs. 1600-2660 (RPS) and in above grade, for whom Section-II of the report, includes an item on Integrity to be certified, it is not necessary to fill in the item in Part-DI.     10.2     If there is any unconfirmed doubt or suspicion on the Rail­way servant’s integrity, the item should be left blank and action taken as mentioned below:   (a)        A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should be sent together with the Confidential Report to the next superior authority, who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Authority should state either, that he has not watched the Railway servant’s work for sufficient time to form a definite judgment or that he heard nothing against the Railway servant, as the case may be;   (b)        If, on follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the Railway servant’s integrity should be certified and entry made accordingly in the Confidential Report;   (c)        On the other hand, if the doubts or suspicions are con-firmed either initially or after the doubts are confirmed after investigation, the fact should be recorded and communicated to the Railway servant; and   (d)        As a result of follow up action, if the doubts or suspicions still remain without being either cleared or confirmed, the Railway servant’s conduct should be watched for a further period and action taken thereafter, as referred to in (b) and (c) above. [Ref: Board’s letters No. E (D&A) 65RG6/47 dated 24.11.1965 and E (D&A) 90RG6/47 dated 05.06.1990]   Other Provisions:   11.       The General Manager may lay down detailed rules for the timely preparation, submission and maintenance of Confidential Re-ports on non-Gazetted Railway servants on his system, in general conformity with the principles laid down in Chapter-XVI of Indian Railway Establishment Code-vol.1 1971.   11.l      No authority should either report, review the Confidential Report on any non-Gazetted Railway servant, unless he has been acquainted with the work of the Railway servant reported upon, at least for three months during the period for which the report is writ-ten. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/75/CR/1 dated 06.01.1977 and E (NG) I/81/CR/5 dated 26/30.09.1981]   11.2     Delay should be avoided in writing the report. Promotion of a Railway servant should not be held up merely because of non-availability of the latest Confidential report for a particular period for which it has become due. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/81/CR/4 dated 14.07.1981]   11.3  All instances of Railway servants held responsible for accidents /averted accidents should be recorded in the Confidential Reports, on the proforma provided for the purpose. [Ref:Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/77/CR/5 dated 06/13.01.1981] 11.4     In respect of Teachers/Instructors in Teaching/Training Schools there is a provision regarding qualifications/achievements in the field of Scouts & Guides being mentioned in Column 9(c) of Annexure-IV attached with this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG) V86/CR/5 dated 22.04.1987. In respect of other staff Reporting Officers may mention such achievements/qualifications against Column 4 in Part-III of Annexure-1.11 & III and Column 11 of Annexure-V containing Confidential Reports formats circulated under this Ministry’s letter dated 22.04.1987. [Ref: E (NG) I/88/CR/4 dated 25.02.1991]   12.       (i)White referring to the Master Circular, the original circulars mentioned herein should be read for a proper appreciation. The master circular is only a consolidation of the existing instructions and should not be treated as a substitution of the original circulars. In case of doubt, the original circulars should be relied upon as authority;   (ii)The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to, have only prospective effect unless indicated otherwise;   (iii)       If any circular having a bearing on the subject, which has not been superseded, has been lost sight of in the preparation of the master circular, the said circular which has been missed through oversight, should not be ignored but should be treated as valid and operative.     13.       The letters on the basis of which, the Master Circular has been prepared are indicated in the enclosure.   ANNEXURE-I   … Railway   Confidential Report for Group ‘C’ Staff including workshop staff (except PWIs, APWIs, Signal Inspectors, Asstt. Signal Inspectors and Teachers/Instructors), for the year ending.   … Department                                                                                                                  … Office Part-1—Personal Data     1.         Name in full:   2.         Date of birth:   3.         Designation*:   4.         Station at which employed:   5.         Substantive pay ……………………….. Scale ………………………..   Officiating pay ……………………….. Scale ………………………..   6.         Date of appointment to service:   7.         Date of continuous appointment to the present grade:   8.         Whether permanent/temporary or officiating:   9.         Educational, professional & Technical qualifications:   10.       Particulars of examination (including Departmental Examinations) passed during the year:   11.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe:   Part-II—Self-Appraisal (To be filled by staff m grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties:   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year / period from ……………….………………… to ……………………………… bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of shortfall in achievement furnish reasons. (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided limited to 100 words and is required to be signed).   *In case of Territorial Army Personnel their T.A. rank should also be indicated.   Part-III—Assessment by the Reporting Officer   1.         Does reporting officer agree with the statement made in Part-II. If not the extent of agreement and reasons therefor. (Wherever applicable).   2.         Character and habits to include comments on: —   (a)        Integrity (to be filled only in those cases in which Section-II is not required to be maintained)   (b)        Tact and Temper   (c)        Conduct   (d)        Attendance   (e)        Physical fitness for strenuous work   3.         Departmental abilities (merits and demerits) to include comments on: —   (a)        Initiative and direction   (b)        General Intelligence   (c)        Keenness/promptness and efficiency   (d)        Power to control others   (e)        Organising /Supervising ability    (f)         Capacity for hardwork   (g)        Amenability to discipline   4.         Special aptitude or qualification   5.         Physical disability, if any, for outdoor work or posting to a particular area                                                            6.         Reliability   7.         Relations with others-   (a)        Those above:   (b)        Those below:   (c)        The public (if his duties entail his coming into contact with public/Railway users):   8.         Power of Drafting:   9.         Knowledge of Rules, Regulations and Procedure:   10.       Ability to conduct enquiries, sift evidence and prepare reports (for Inspectors only):   11.       In case of Stenographers/Steno-Typists/Typists:   (a)        Accuracy   (b)        Speed   (c)        Neatness of execution   (d)        Trustworthiness in confidential & secret matters   12.       In case of Drawing Office Staff:   Whether the employee can design / is a neat tracer / Draftsman / is an accurate calculator.   13.       In case of Ministerial Staff only:   (a)        Is his/her handwriting neat?   (b)        Does he/she maintain his/her Office files neatly?   (c)        Does he/she maintain his/her rule Books, Codes, Diary and Reminder Memo Book etc.?   (d)        Does he/she promptly produce papers when required?   (e)        Is his/her disposal prompt?   (f)         Is he/she capable of putting up papers independently?   14.       In Case of Workshop Staff and Technical Field Staff like Chargemen / Shop Supdt. / Dy. Shop Supdt. / Bridge Inspectors etc. only.   Technical Abilities.   15.       Has his/her work been satisfactory? If not, in what respect he/she has failed.   16.       Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed refresher course, if so —   (a) Whether he/she attended the refresher course on being re-leased, and   (b) Whether he/she passed/failed in the said refresher course.   17.       Has the employee been reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period under report? If so, please give brief particulars.   18.       Has the employee done any outstanding or notable work meriting commendation? If so, please give brief particulars.   19.       Grading:  Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Average/Below Average.   Signature of Reporting Officer Name in Block Letters Designation Date…………………   Part-IV—Remarks by Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing Officer.   2.         Is the Reviewing Officer satisfied that the Reporting Officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant material?   3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the reporting officer? (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons)   Is there anything you wish to modify or add?   4.         If the Officer reported upon is a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Reporting Officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general remarks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/out of turn promotion? If so, specify.     Signature of the Reviewing Officer     Place: …………………..                                                   Name in Block Letters     Date: ……………………                                                   Designation during the period of report.     ANNEXURE-II   … Railway     Confidential Report for Group ‘C’ Staff (IOWs & AlOWs) for The Year Ending …     … Department                                                                                                                 … Office Part-I—Personal Data   1.         Name in full   2.         Date of birth   3.         Designation*   4.         Station at which employed   5.         Substantive pay ………………………. Scale Rs. …………………….   Officiating pay ……………………….. Scale Rs. …………………….   6.         Date of appointment to service   7.         Date of continuous appointment in present grade   8.         Whether permanent/temporary   9.         Educational, Professional & Technical qualifications   10.       Particulars of examinations (including departmental examinations) passed during the year.   11.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe.   Part-II—Self Appraisal (To be filled by Staff in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year/period from …………… to…………… bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of shortfall in achievement furnish reasons. (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided limited to 100 words and is required to be signed).   Part-III—Assessment of the Reporting Officer   l.          Does the Reporting Officer agree with the statement made in Part-II ? If not, the extent of disagreement and reasons therefor? (Wherever applicable).   *In case of Territorial Army personnel their T.A rank should also be indicated.   2.         Character and habits to include comments on:   (a)        Integrity   (b)        Tact & Temper   (c)        Conduct   (d)        Attendance   (e)        Physical fitness for strenuous work   3.         Departmental abilities (Merits & Demerits) to include comments on:   (a)        Initiative and direction   (b)        General Intelligence                                             |   (c)        Keenness/promptness and efficiency   (d)        Power to control others   (e)        Organising/supervising ability   (f)         Capacity for hardwork   (g)        Amenability to discipline   4.         Special aptitude or qualification.   5.         Physical disability, if any, for outdoor work or posting to a particular area.   6.         Is his / her work well and methodically done and close supervision exercised?   7.         Does he/she level and survey accurately and his/her plans accurate and well turned out?   8.         Is he/she careful in seeing mat the existing buildings and their surroundings in his/her charge are well maintained?   9.         Does he/she bring defects to notice promptly and arrange at once for their rectification?   10.       (a)        Does he/she control and supervise his/her labour and arrange it properly:   (b)        Is he/she able to insist on good work from Contractors? and   (c)        Whether his/her demand for temporary extra labour is reasonable?   11.       Is he/she prompt and careful in (i) Correspondence, (ii) Submission of his/her returns?   12.       Are his/her measurement books properly entered and well kept?   13.       (a)        Does he/she settle up quickly with Contractors etc.?   (b)        Are his/her bills promptly made out and submitted?   (c)        Does he/she submit in time Compilation, Drawing and other information for preparing Compilation Report’?   14.       Are his/her office and godown tidy and in good order?   15.       (a)        Does he/she arrange for the safe custody and proper storage of materials against unnecessary deterioration from weather or any other cause ?   (b)        Does he/she maintain proper accounts of issues, receipts released and surplus stores?   16.       Is his / her technical knowledge such as would be expected from one of his rank?   17.       Is his / her materials and tools and plant accountal and issues properly made?   18.       Is he/she active and hardworking?   19.       Does he/she turn out promptly on emergencies?   20.       Has he/she been ill during the year? If so, state in what way and for how long?   21.       Does he/she take an interest in the welfare of his/her staff?   22.       Remarks may be made as to his/her supervision of work. Is his/ her brickwork carefully supervised and painting carefully done? Does he/she see mat fences etc. are carefully aligned and leveled, doors and windows carefully fitted, beams properly bedded, painting and white/washing carefully done and all splashes of paint and whitewash removed? When works are completed, does he/she see the surroundings are cleaned up and all surplus materials & tools quickly disposed of?   23.       Has his/her work been satisfactory? If not, in what respect he/ she has failed?   24.       Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed refresher course? If so,   (a)        Whether he/she attended the refresher course on being re­leased, and   (b)        Whether he/she passed/failed in the said refresher course.   25.       Has the employee been reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period under report? If so, please give brief particulars.   26.       Has the employee done any outstanding work meriting commendations? If so, please give brief particulars.   27.       Grading:   ‘Outstanding’, ‘Very good’, ‘Good’, ‘Average’ & ‘Below Average’     Signature of the Reporting Officer Name in Block Letters Designation Date …………………..   Part-IV—Remarks by the Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing Officer   2.         Is the Reviewing Officer satisfied that the Reporting Officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant materials?   3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the Reporting Officer? (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons) Is there anything you wish to modify or add?   4.         If the officer reported upon is a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Reporting Officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general re-marks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/ out of turn promotion? If so, specify?   Signature of the Reporting Officer Place ………………..                                                         Name in Block Letters Date ………………..                                           Designation during the period of report. ANNEXURE-III   … Railway     Confidential Report for Group ‘C’ Staff (PWIs & APWIs. Signal Inspectors And Asstt. Signal Inspectors) for the year end­ing ……………   … Department                                                                                                                 … Office Part-I—Personal Data   1.         Name in full   2.         Date of birth   3.         Designation*   4.         Station at which employed   5.         Substantive pay …………………….    Scale Rs. ……………………..   Officiating pay ……………………..     Scale Rs. ……………………..   6.         Date of appointment to service   7.         Date of continuous employment in the present grade   8.         Whether permanent/temporary   9.         Educational or Technical qualifications   10.       Particulars of examinations (including departmental examinations) passed during the year   11.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe.   Part-II—Self Appraisal (To be filled by Staff in grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year/period from …………………… to …………………… bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of shortfall in achievement furnish reasons (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided, limited to 100 words and is required to be signed). * In case of Territorial Army Personnel, their T.A. rank should also he indicated.     Part-III—Assessment by the Reporting Officer   l.          Does the Reporting Officer agree with the statement made in Part-II? If not, the extent of disagreement and reasons therefor? (Wherever applicable).   2.         Character and habits to include comments on:   (a)        Integrity   (b)        Tact & Temper   (c)        Conduct   (d)        Attendance   (e)        Physical fitness for a strenuous work   3.         Departmental abilities (Merits & Demerits) to include comments on :   (a)        Initiative and direction   (b)        General Intelligence   (c)        Keenness, promptness and efficiency   (d)        Power to control others   (e)        Organising / supervising ability   (f)         Amenability to discipline   (g)        Knowledge of Rules, Regulations and Procedure.   4.         Special aptitude or qualification   5.         Physical ability if any for outdoor work or posting to a particular area.   *6.       Is his/her road in good order and tidily kept?   7.         Does he/she maintain points and crossings properly?   8.         Has he/she effected any improvement during the year?   9.         Does he/she keep his/her stock of material in an orderly manner?   10.       Are his/her tools and plant in good order and kept in repair?   11.       Does he/she control and supervise his/her labour properly and is he/she economical with it?   12.       Has any relaying, re-sleepering or renewals been done, and if so, were they carried out care/fully, satisfactorily and economically?   *These items do not apply in case of Signal Inspectors/Asstt. Signal Inspectors.   13.       Is he/she methodical and careful on his/her work especially as to details?   14.       Does he / she return released and other surplus materials promptly to stores?   15.       Does he/she arrange for the safe custody and proper storage of materials against unnecessary deterioration from weather or any other cause?   16.       What was the date of the last annual inspection of his/her beat and what was the impression as a result of this inspection?   *17.     When was his/her section last tested with the Hallade Recorder and what was the general result as compared with the previous test?   *18.     Are the bridges dean and tidy, and kept in good order, and free from weeds and dirt?   *19.     Are the approaches of bridge well kept up and ballasted?   *20.     (a)        Has he/she carefully renewed timbers and worn out fittings of bridges during the year?   (b)        Are his/her level crossings and their approaches maintained well?   21.       Have any speed restrictions been imposed on his/her length on account of defective maintenance of permanent way or other causes under his/her control?   22.        (a)        Is he/she prompt and careful in correspondence ?   (b)        Does he/she maintain creep and other registers regularly with the requisite data and observations?   23.       Are his/her store accounts carefully kept?   24.       Does he/she submit his/her returns in time?   25.       Are his/her office and godown tidy and in good order?   26.       Are his/her muster rolls and gang charts properly entered and well kept?   27.       Does he/she turn out promptly on emergencies?   28.       Are his/her demands for temporary extra labour reasonable?   *These items do not apply in case of Signal Inspectors / Asstt. Signal Inspectors. 29.       Is his/her technical knowledge such as would be expected from one of his/her rank?   30.       Does he/she take interest in the welfare of staff?                .   31.       Has his/her work been satisfactory? If not, in what respect he / she has failed?   32.       Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed refresher course? If so,   (a)        Whether he/she attended the refresher course on being released; and   (b)        Whether he/she passed/failed in the said refresher course.   33.       His/her relation with the staff working under his/her supervision and other fellow employees.   34.       Has the employee been reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period under review? If so, please give brief particulars.   35.       Has the employee done any outstanding work meriting commendation? If so, please give brief particulars.   36.       Grading:   ‘Outstanding’, ‘Very Good’, ‘Good’, ‘Average, ‘Below Average’.   Signature of the Reporting Officer Name in Block Letters Designation.   Part-IV—Remarks by the Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing Officer.   2.         Is the Reviewing Officer satisfied mat the Reporting Officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant material?   3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the reporting officer? (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons? Is there anything you wish to modify or add?)   4.         If the officer reported upon is a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Reporting Officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general re-marks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/ out of turn promotion? If so, specify.   Signature of the Reviewing Officer Place: ………………….                                                    Name in Block Letters Date: …………………..                                      Designation during the period of report.       ANNEXURE-IV   … Railway   Confidential Report for Group ‘C’ Staff (Teachers/Instructors in Teaching / Training Schools) for the year ending.   Name of School/Institution   Part-I—Personal Data   1.         Name in full   2.         Date of birth   3.         Designation*   4.         Station at which employed   5.         Substantive pay …………………..    Scale Rs. …………………..   Officiating pay ……………………    Scale Rs. …………………..   6.         Date of appointment to service   7.         Date of continuous appointment in the present grade   8.         Whether permanent/temporary?   9.         Educational or technical qualifications   (a)        Professional   (b)        Technical, and   (c)        Special (e.g. Drill, Scouting etc.)   10.       Particulars of examinations (including departmental examinations) passed during the year.   11.       Actual duty on which employed (Subjects and classes taught)   12.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tri be.   Part-II—Self Appraisal (To be filled by Staff in Grade Rs. 1400-2600 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year / period from ………………….. to ………………….. bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of short-fall in achievement furnish reasons (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided, limited to 100 words and is required to be signed).   *In the case of Territorial Army Personnel, their T.A. rank should also be indicated.   Part-III—Assessment by the Reporting Officer   1.         Does the Reporting Officer agree with the statement made in Part II? If not, the extent of disagreement reasons therefor? (Wherever applicable)   2.         Character and habits:   (a)        Moral character   (b)        Relations with fellow teachers   (c)        Integrity   (d)        (i)         Regularity and punctuality   (ii)        Leave taken during the school session in the year.   (e)        Health   (f)         Whether he/she sets good example in (a) Neatness (b) Cleanliness and (c) Obedience of orders.   3.         Departmental Abilities:   (a)        Initiative   (b)        Intelligence   (c)        Keenness, promptness and efficiency   (d)        Proficiency in day-to-day teaching:   (i)         Power of expression   (ii)        Supervision of written work of scholars   (iii)       Maintenance of records   (e)        Organising ability   (f)         Ability to maintain discipline   (i)         In the class,   (ii)        Outside the class, and   (iii)       Control of servants.   (g)        Proficiency in educating the backward ‘students of the class   (h)        Examination results of the subjects taught by the teacher in different classes.   4.         Physical disability, if any, for outdoor work or posting to a particular area.   5.         Aptitude for developing (i) character (ii) sportsmanship and developing extra curricular activities such as (a) games and sports (b) music (c) debating societies (d) managing clubs etc. amongst the students.   6.         Whether the teacher was booked for the prescribed refresher course? If so,   (a)        Whether he/she attended the course on being released, and   (b)        Whether he/she passed/failed in the said course.   7.         Has he/she been reprimanded for indifferent work or for any other causes during the period under report? If so, give brief particulars.   8.         Has he / she done any outstanding or notable work meriting commendation? If so, give particulars.   9.         Grading: (Outstanding, ‘Very Good’, ‘Good’, ‘Average’, Below Average’).   Signature of the Reporting Officer Name in Block Letters Designation Date ……………………   Part-IV—Remarks by the Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing Officer.   2.         Is the Reviewing Officer satisfied that the Reporting Officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant material? 3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the Reporting Officer? (In case of disagreement please specify the reasons? Is there anything you wish to modify or add?)   4.         If the officer reported upon is a member of Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Reporting Officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general re-marks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for any special assignment or/out of turn promotion? If so, specify.   Signature of the Reviewing Officer Place …………………..                                                    Name in Block Letters Date …………………..                                      Designation during the period of report     ANNEXURE-V   Confidential Report Format for Staff in Rs. 330-560 (RS)/ Rs.1200-2040 (New Scale)   1.         Name of the employee   2.         Date of birth   3.         Date of original appointment   4.         Designation & Grade:   (a)        Substantive   (b)        Officiating   5.         Total length of service in the substantive/officiating grade.   6.         Amenability to discipline.   7.         General remarks about his work and discharge of his duties with efficiency and sincerity.   8.         Knowledge of departmental rules/working.   9.         Attention to safety/safety consciousness.   10.       Punishments, if any, awarded during the reporting year.   11.       Awards/Commendations certificates, if any was awarded during the reporting year.   12.       Integrity.   13.       Overall classification i.e. Outstanding, Very Good, Good, Average, Below Average.   14.       For stenos only:   (a)        Accuracy in stenographic work,   (b)        Power of drafting. *For categories to whom applicable.   Signature of the Reporting of Officer Name in Block Letters Date …………:……..                                           Designation ………………… Remarks, if any, of the Reviewing Officer     Signature of Reviewing Officer Name in Block Letters Designation during the period of report   [Authority:Board’s Letter No. E (NG) I/86/CR/5 dated 23.06.1987]     ANNEXURE-VI   Section-II   (For Staff in grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above likely to be considered for promotion to group ‘B’ service)   Confidential Report for the year ending   Name:                                                              *Designation   1.         Integrity   2.         Special Attributes:           a Qualities of leadership Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Average/Below Average b Capacity to take decision on matters within his/her competence Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Average Below Average. c Willingness to shoulder  higher responsibility Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Average/Below Average. d Ability to inspire confidence, guide, motivate and obtain the best out Outstanding/Very Good/  Good/Average/Below Average of staff. e Ability to enforce discipline. Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/Average/Below Average.     Reporting Officer’s Signature and Designation.   Remarks by the Reviewing Officer (DRM/Dy. Head of Deptt.)     Station ………………… Date …………………….                                                                             (Designation)   *In case of Territorial Army Personnel, their T.A. rank should also be indicated. Revision, as per slip pasted above made vide Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-86 CR/4 dated 23.02.1988.   1.   Subject: Confidential Reports—Preparation and Maintenance of. [No. (E) 55CR3/3 dated 09.08.1955]   It has been observed that adequate attention is not being paid in the matter of writing, maintenance, and etc., of annual confidential reports on the non-Gazetted Railway staff. The question has been reviewed and the Board have decided that the following general principles be laid down for the guidance of all concerned.   (i) Importance of Annual Confidential Reports — The Board have accepted the principles that promotion to “Selection posts” should be based primarily on merit and to “Non-Selection posts” on the basis of Seniority-Cum-suitability and the assessment of relative merit turns to a great extent upon a comparison of confidential reports. To safeguard the interest of the Government no less than of the individual concerned, it is necessary to ensure that a confidential record of every employee is regularly and consciously maintained.   (ii) Responsibility for the maintenance of Confidential Reports — The Head of every department/office should regard it as a personal and special responsibility to ensure that annual confidential reports are properly maintained in respect of the persons working under his direct or ultimate control. It is the duty of officers at each level to keep a proper watch over the work and conduct of those below and to provide training and guidance wherever necessary. The annual confidential reports should be based upon the recorded results of such watchfulness and periodical inspections.   (iii) Objectivity of Confidential Reports — In order to minimise the operation of the subjective human element and of conscious or unconscious bias, the confidential report on every employee recorded by his immediate superior should be submitted by the reporting officer to his own immediate superior. The latter should as a rule have sufficient knowledge of the work and qualities of the employees reported on, to be able to judge whether the reporting officer’s report is fair and correct assessment. If he accepts it as such its objectivity is less open to doubt. If the superior officer does not fully agree with the reporting officer, he should indicate the nature and extent of such difference.   (iv) Communication of adverse remarks – On the question whether a averse entries in confidential reports should be communicated to the employee, one view is that the ‘unpleasantness’ likely to be caused by the communication of adverse entries would tend to discourage the reporting officers from expressing their opinion freely and frankly; the opposite view is mat failure to communicate adverse entries may enable unscrupulous reporting officers seriously to injure the prospects of an employee whom they dislike and that it is unfair to the employee to deny his promotion on account of defects of which he may well be unaware, and which he could have removed had he been informed of them.   Quite apart from the point of view of the employee himself, it is evidently in the interest of the State that every employee should know what his defects are and how he can remove them. Different solutions have been tried at different times to resolve this conflict. As a result of experience it is considered that the best results will only be achieved if every reporting officer is made conscious of the fact that it is his duty not only to make an objective assessment of his subordinate’s work and qualities, but also to see that he gives to his subordinates at all times the necessary advice, guidance and assistance to correct their faults and deficiencies. If this part of the reporting Officers duty has been properly performed, mere should be no difficulty about recording adverse entries, because they would only refer to defects which persisted despite the reporting officer’s efforts to have them corrected. Accordingly in mentioning only faults or defects in the report the reporting officer should also give an indication of what effects he had made by way of guidance, admonition etc., to get the defects removed and with what results. Every such entry after it is confirmed by the superior officer should normally be communicated to the officer concerned either verbally or in writing considering the nature of the remarks and the personality and the record of the officer and the fact of such communication recorded in the report itself. It should, however, be opened to the superior officer to whom the remarks of the reporting officer are put up for acceptance to decide mat the report need not be so communicated. Where the superior officer so desires, a specific order to this effect should be recorded by him.   (v) Standardised form for writing Confidential Reports — The question of standardising the form for writing confidential report is receiving the Board’s attention and their orders will be communicated in due course.   The Board desire that the above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned for their information and guidance.   2.   Subject: Confidential Reports—Preparation and Maintenance of.   Reference:Board’s letter of even number, dated the 9th August 1955 (See Appendix l) [No. E 55/CR/3 dated 09.11.1956]   In accordance with the Provisions of Rule 1619-R.I the General Managers have framed detailed rules for the preparation, sub-mission and disposal of Confidential Reports of non-Gazetted Railway Servants and have also defined the classes to which such rules apply. It is noticed from the replies to Board’s letter of even number, dated 28.01.1956 that no Confidential Reports are being maintained by the Railway Administration for Class IV and Artisan staff. Keeping in view of the volume of work involved the Board have, now decided that there is no need for writing Confidential Re­ports on Class IV staff and also artisan staff and to this extent para (i) of their letter of even number, dated 09.08.1955 may be treated as amended.   2.         According to Rule (6) of Appendix-II-A-RI, selection posts shall be filled by considering men ordinarily not in grades lower man two grades below the post to which promotion is being made. To ensure uniformity in regard to the maintenance of Confidential Report and also to have a reasonable record of an individual’s work the Board have further decided that Confidential Reports should only be main­tained for Class III staff in grades lower than two grades below the selection posts.   These orders have immediate effect. Necessary correction to the Code Rules will issue, in due course.     3. Not printed. [E (D&A) 65/RG6/47 dated 24.11.1965]     4.   Subject: Confidential Reports on Non-Gazetted Staff —Standardisation of Forms. [No. E (NG) 57/CR/3/1 dated 14.06.1966]   Reference Board’s letter No. E 55CR3/3 dated 09.08.1955 {See Ap­pendix l) and 09.11.1956 (See Appendix 2). The question of prescribing a standard form for writing C. Rs. on Class III staff on Indian Railways has been under consideration of the Board. They have now drawn up four standard C. R. Forms for the folio wing categories of Class III staff, copies of which are attached herewith. The Board desire that these should be adopted for writing C.Rs. of staff in future: —   (i)                  C.R. Forms for Class III staff including workshop staff (except PWIs, IOWs, AIOW, and Teachers/ l Instructors) (Annexure I)   (ii)        C.R. forms for IOWs and AlOWs only. (Annexure II)   (iii)       C.R. forms for PWIs and APWIs only (Annexure III)   (iv)       C.R. forms for Teachers / Instructors in Teaching / Training Schools (AnnexureIV).   A specimen form for Sec. II to the above forms, to be filled in only in respect of staff in grades Rs. 335-425 (AS) and above likely to be considered for promotion to class II service is also attached (Annexure V).   2.         The Board have also decided that henceforth C.Rs need not be maintained on staff in initial grade (Rs. 110-180(A). All C.Rs in staff in grades above Rs. 110-180(A) should be initiated by gazetted officers only.   3.         Section II of the Report shown in Annexure V should be initiated by a senior scale officer, unless the Asstt. Officer concerned is working directly under the D.S./Dy. Head of Department.   4.         The C.Rs of Class III staff should be scruitinised at each higher level to see that they have been prepared according the relevant instructions.                                                           5.         The next higher officer should be required to exercise a positive and independent judgment on the remarks of the reporting officer and should clearly express his agreement or disagreement with the remarks, particularly if they are adverse.   5.   Subject:Confidential Reports Class III Staff. [No. E (NG) 67CR3/2 dated 23.10.1967]   With reference to the orders contained in Board’s letter No. E (NG) 57CR3/1 dated 14.06.1966 {See Appendix 4) doubts have been raised by Railways on certain points. These have been considered by the Board and the following clarifications are issued: —   (1)        Confidential reports need not be maintained in the case of staff whose initial grade is higher than Rs. 110-180, provided the next higher grade for them is a non-selection grade.   (2)        Though the initial recruitment grade of Stenographers is Rs. 130-300, Confidential reports should be maintained in their case, as the next higher grade is a selection one.   (3)        In the case of artisan staff in highly skilled grades of Rs. 130-212 (AS) and 175 – 240(AS) Confidential Reports should be maintained in accordance with para 2 of Board’s letter No. E55CR3/3 dated 09.11.1956 (See Appendix 2).   (4)        Confidential reports on all staff including artisan staff should not be written by senior subordinates.   6.     Subject: Confidential Reports- Entry On Not Fit For Promotion [No. E (NG) II/67/CR3/4 dated 17.02.1969]   In the Confidential Report forms prescribed for Class III staff on Railways, there is an item regarding suitability of the employee for promotion to higher grades. Board have decided that, when filling in this item, considerable care should be exercised and that if the officer concerned does not consider the employee as fit for promotion to a higher grade and makes an entry accordingly in the report, the reasons for such a view must be clearly recorded. The whole entry i.e. includ­ing the reasons in the item should be communicated to the employee concerned. If the employee wishes to make any representation, he may do so in writing. The representation should be considered by an officer higher than the reporting officer should and a suitable reply should be given by the higher officer to the employee concerned. No further correspondence should, however, be entertained in this matter.   2.         Board have also decided that, if the rules and/or the various orders that might have been issued by the Board or locally by the Railway regarding the preparation of Confidential Reports are violated in any particular case, the employee adversely affected may bring the matter to the notice of the officer higher than the reporting officer. The latter should take necessary action and rectify the position as warranted by the circumstances. He should also give a reply to the employee concerned in regard to the action taken.   7.   Subject: Confidential Reports on School Teachers. [No. E (NG) II-68/CR/1 dated 16.12.1970]   In partial modification of me instructions contained in Board’s letters No. E (NG) 57CR3/1 dated 14.06.1966 {See Appendix 4) and E (NG) II-68CR/1 dated 06.11.1970, me Board have decided that the confidential Reports of teachers should be initiated by the Head Master/Head Mistress/Principal of the School concerned irrespective of their grades, subject to review and countersigned by the Gazetted Executive Officer concerned.   8.     Subject:            Confidential Reports on non-gazetted staff.   Reference:        Your Confidential letter No. E-108/0-X dated 12.09.1975. [No. E (NG) II-75CR/9 dated 14.09.1976]   The point raised in your letter, referred to above, has been gone into by the Ministry of Railways. It is not considered necessary to enforce uniformity in this regard as the pattern of supervision vanes from department to department. However, the basic criterion should be that Confidential reports should be written by officers / staff who supervise the work of the staff in the lower grades.   2.         Assistant Officers are expected to be in direct touch with the staff in two highest scales, which in the generality of cases are Rs. 550-750 and Rs. 700-900. Generally, therefore, C. Rs. on staff in scale Rs. 550-750 and above should be initiated by an Assistant Officer but there will be exceptions and staff in the lower scales of Rs. 470-750,455-700,425-700 and 425-640/600 may also have to be covered and their C. Rs also written by the Assistant Officers.   3.         Confidential Reports of other staff should not be initiated by a supervisor in a scale lower than Rs. 550-750.   9.   Subject: Confidential Reports—Average Remarks. [No. E (NG) II/76/CR/1 dated 15.10.1976]   It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that the remark “Average” in the Confidential reports of the Railway employees is sometimes treated as adverse. This subject came up for discussion at a meeting of the National Council (JCM) where it was clarified that the remark “Average” in the Confidential reports is not to be treated as adverse. AU concerned may please be advised.   10.   Subject: Confidential Reports on Non-gazetted staff Standardisation of Forms. [No. E (NG) II-75/CR/1 dated 06.01.1977]   Reference Board’s letter No. E (NG) II57CR/3/1 dated 14.06.1966 (See Appendix 4) with which four standard Confidential Report Forms drawn up by the Boards for various categories of Class III staff were sent to you. The Administrative Reforms Commission have suggested certain improvements in the forms and the C. R. forms in use on the Railways have been modified in the light of instructions received from Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms. The revised forms are sent herewith. These forms have been devised with a view to ensuring maximum objectivity in the preparation of Confidential Reports. In filling up the forms, tick-marks and dashes should be avoided. The reporting and reviewing authorities should apply their mind carefully to the various alternatives suggested under the different headings and indicate their opinion by writing out in full the appropriate alternatives, which according to them would best describe the Officers, qualities. These new forms may be adopted for preparing Confidential Reports in future.   2.         By way of amplification or partial modification of the Board’s previous instructions on the subject, the following guidelines are brought to the notice of all concerned for guidance:   (i) Reporting, reviewing and endorsing officers should have been acquainted with the work of the official reported upon for atleast three months during the period covered by the Confidential Report.   (ii) With a view to enabling the reviewing authority to discharge his responsibility in ensuring the objectivity of the Confidential Reports, it has been decided that where he is not sufficiently familiar with the work of the officer reported upon, so as to be able to arrive at a proper and independent judgment of his own, it should be his respon­sibility to verify the correctness of the remarks of the Reporting Officer after making such enquiries he may consider necessary. Where necessary he may also give a hearing to the person reported upon before recording his remarks.   (iii)       It hardly needs any emphasis that recommendation for out of turn promotion on the ground of outstanding work should be made sparingly and only inappropriate cases. Such an assessment should be given only in rare and exceptional cases to those who had done any specific work of an outstanding character, mention of which is made in the Confidential Report itself.   (iv)       It is reiterated that all adverse remarks should be communicated in writing irrespective of whether they are considered remediable or not. While doing so, the substance of the favourable entries may also be communicated. Care should, however, be taken to ensure that the remarks are communicated in such a form that the identity of the Officer making particular remarks is not disclosed. How­ever, in case of Officers in grade 550-750 (RS) who would come up for consideration for promotion to Class II and for whom Section II of the C. R. form is also written, the remarks regarding unsuitability for Class II post given in Section II need not be communicated to him if he is unsuitable for promotion even to higher grade Class III post remarks for which are given in Section I. (v)        Reports with vague or non-committal remarks where the entries are not sufficiently meaningful, should be returned to the Reporting Officer for amplification or explanation.   (vi)       If the reporting officer feels that a prescribed course of training is required by an official in order or equip him better for his duties or to develop his potentialities, he may make separate recommendation to the appropriate authority on this matter. The ‘Confidential Report would not be proper place for such a recommendation.   3.         The Railway Ministry also desire that in case of categories of staff for whom Confidential Reports are not maintained, the punishments including recordable warnings, commendations etc. conveyed to them, should be entered in the Service Book.   Annexure — Not printed.   11.   Subject: Confidential Reports—Question whether a relative of a Railway servant can report on the latter. [No. E (NG) II/78/CR/3 dated 08.08.1978]   The question whether a reporting officer could write Confidential Report on his close relative who may happen to be his subordinate officially has been carefully examined and it has been decided in consultation with the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms that:   (1)        The administrative authority may take care that to the extent possible, a close relative of an official is not placed under the direct charge of the official where the latter has to write the C. R. of the former.   (2)        Should such a situation become inescapable, it should not be allowed to continue beyond the barest minimum time possi­ble.   (3)        In such a situation, the Railway official should abstain from writing the annual C.R. of the employee who is his close relative and instead the reviewing officer should take on the role of the reporting officer.   (4)        If a similar relationship exists between the reviewing officer on one hand and the officer reported upon on the other hand, the same would apply in respect of the reviewing officer and the role of the reporting officer would be transferred to the authority next higher up.   (5)        In cases of this nature, where there is any doubt, it would be incumbent upon the reporting officer to consult the next higher authority before he writes the confidential report.   12.   Subject: Confidential Reports on non-gazetted staff preparation and maintenance of. [No. E (NG) II/78/CR/2 dated 10.11.1978]   In this Ministry’s letters No. E (NG) 57CR3/1 dated 14.06.1966 (See Appendix 4) and No. E (NG) IV75/CR/1 dated 06/10.01.1977 (See Appendix 10) instructions regarding preparation and maintenance of CRs in respect of non-gazetted staff on Railways were circulated along with the standard C.R. Forms. The existing system of writing CRs has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways in the light of instructions recently issued by the Department of Personnel and Ad­ministrative Reforms and it has been decided as under:   (i)         The Annual Report should be recorded within one month of the expiry of the report period and delay in this regard on the part of the reporting officer should be adversely commented upon. If the officer to be reported upon delays submission of self-appraisal, this should be adversely com­mented upon by the reporting officer.   (ii)        Where the reporting officer retires or otherwise demits office, he may be allowed to give the report of his subordinates within a month of his retirement or demission of office.   (iii)       All adverse remarks in the Confidential Reports of Railway servants, both on performance as well as on basic qualities and potential, should be communicated along with a mention of good points, within one month of their being recorded. The communication should be in writing and a record to mat effect should be kept in the C.R. dossier of the Railway servants concerned.   (iv)       Only one representation against adverse remarks (including reference to ‘warning’ or communication of the displeasure of the Railway Administration or ‘reprimands’, which are recorded in the confidential report of the Rail­way servant) should be allowed within one month of their communication. While communicating the adverse remarks to the Railway servant concerned, this time limit should be brought to his notice.   (v)        All representations against adverse remarks should be decided expeditiously by the competent authority and in any case, within three months from the date of submission of the representation. Adverse remarks should not be deemed as operative, if any representation filed within the pre-scribed limit is pending. If no representation is made within the prescribed time, or once this has been finally disposed of, there would be no further bar to taking notice of the adverse entries.   (vi)       No memorial or appeal against the rejection of the repre­sentation should be allowed six months after such rejec­tion.   2.         These instructions should be brought to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.   13.   Subject: Entries to be made in the Confidential Reports of the staff held responsible for accidents. [No. E (NG) II-77/CR/5 dated 06.01.1981]   Instructions were issued by the Board vide their letter No. E (NG) D-77/CR/5 dated 10.0l.1978 desiring that the observations made by the Minister for Railways at the Chief Safety Superintendents Conference held at New Delhi on 17.10.1977 should be strictly complied with while writing the Confidential Reports of Officers and Staff.   2.         Minister for Railways in course of his meeting with Board on 26.04.1978 further observed that there were a number of cases where drivers disregarded signals and desired that deterrent action should be taken against drivers at fault. He also desired that the safety aspect of all staff including running staff, transportation and station staff, and maintenance staff of engineering Signal, Mechanical and electrical departments should be checked and recorded in proforma to be devised for this purpose. He also desired that entries should be made in Confidential Reports of such staff, who are found to be lacking in their safety consciousness.   3.         It has, therefore, been decided that all instances of the staff concerned being held responsible for accidents/averted accidents should be recorded in a separate proforma. Necessary proforma for the pur­pose has been designed and is enclosed herewith.   4.         In the case of supervisory and inspectorial staff, who are not usually held responsible in accidents cases e.g. Movement Traffic Inspectors, Loco Inspectors, Signal Inspectors, Train Lighting Inspectors, Carriage & Wagon Inspectors, Supervisory SMs etc., it is de­sired that rather than filling the enclosed proforma, a separate heading ‘Safety Consciousness’ with sufficient space for recording remarks etc. may be provided in the Confidential Report Forms so that the importance attached to this aspect is evident from the space allotted to this particular item in the C.R. Form. The remarks against this item should be based on the following criteria: —   (a)        Knowledge of safe working rules;   (b)        Whether the person disregards safety in train operation for short-term gains.   (c)        Whether he exercises sufficient supervision on the staff and equipment to ensure safety in train working.   5.         As far as Group A & B Officers are concerned, further instructions will follow on finalisation of revised format of Confidential Report forms.   6.         In the case of supervising officials against whom adverse remarks are proposed to be given in the Confidential Reports, care should be taken to ensure that they do not suffer any disadvantage in comparison with other supervisory officials working in the same discipline, who at that particular moment might not have been in direct control of train operations. While it is important to create safety consciousness amongst the supervisory staff, who are incharge of train operator it is also important for their morale to ensure that no undue disadvantage accrues to their career due to the fortuitous circumstances of having been appointed in a particular posts at a time when accident occurred.   14.   Subject: Delay in finalisation of Confidential Reports and holding of orders of officiating promotion in higher grades. [No. E (NG) I-81/CR/4 dated 14.07.1981]   In connection with the PNM Meeting of N.F.I.R. to be held with Ministry of Railways on 16.7 1981 {See Appendix 14), N.F.I.R. have tabled an item on the above subject stating that inspite of repeated targets fixed, the Confidential Reports are not finalised in due time which results in delay in issue of officiating orders both for regular vacancies and short term leave vacancies.   Attention in this connection is invited to this Ministry’s confi­dential letter No. E (NG) IL78/CR/2 dated 10.11.1978 (See Appendix 12), wherein it was desired that annual reports of employees should be recorded within one month of the expiry of the report period and delay in this regard on the part of the Reporting Officer should be adversely commented upon. From the complaint made by N.F.I.R., it is seen that the above instructions of the Ministry of Railways are not being followed on Railways leading to complaints all round. It is, therefore, reiterated that the above instructions should be scrupulously followed and delay on the part of the Reporting Officer in this respect should be taken up suitably. Ministry of Railways also desires that promotion of the staff should not be held up merely because of the non-availability of the latest Confidential Report for a particular period for which it has become due.   15.   Subject: Writing of Confidential Reports-Mention of Warnings therein. [No. E (NG) I-81/CR/8 dated 31.08.1981/22.09.1981]   A Copy of the Office Memorandum No. 21011/1/81 Estt, (A) dated 05.06.1981 received from Ministry of Home Affairs (Deptt. of Personnel and Administrative Reforms) on the above subject is sent herewith. The instructions contained therein shall apply to all concerned.   Copy of Ministry of Home Affair’s OM. No. 21011/1/81-Estt (A) dated 05.06.1981   Subject: Writing of Confidential Reports-Mention of warnings therein.   The undersigned is directed to say that questions have been raised from time to time regarding the stage at which a mention about warnings, admonitions, reprimands etc. administered in the course of nor­mal day-to-day work by supervisory officers should be mentioned in the confidential report of the official to whom the warning, reprimand etc. has been administered. As mere seems to be some doubt in this regard, the position is clarified in the following paragraph.   2.         There may be occasions when a supervisory officer may find it necessary to criticise adversely the work of an officer working under him or he may call for an explanation for some act of omission or commission and taking all circumstances into consideration, it may be felt that while the matter is not serious enough to justify the imposition of the formal punishment of censure, it calls for some formal action such as the communication of a written warning, admonition or reprimand. Where such a warning / displeasure / reprimand is issued, it should be placed in the personal file of the officer concerned. At the end of the year (or period of report), the reporting authority, white writing the Confidential Report of the officer, may decide not to make a reference in the Confidential Report to the warning/ writing/displeasure/reprimand, if, in the opinion of that authority the performance of the officer reported on after the issue of the warning or displeasure or reprimand, as the case may be, has improved and has been found satisfactory. If, however, the reporting authority comes to the conclusion that despite the warning/displeasure/reprimand, the officer has not improved, it may make appropriate mention of such warning/displea­sure/reprimand, as the case may be, in the relevant column in Part-in of the form of Confidential Report relating to assessment by the Reporting Officer, and, in that case, a copy of the warning/displeasure/ reprimand referred to in the confidential report should be placed in the C. R. dossier as an annexure to the confidential report for the relevant period. The adverse remarks should also be conveyed to the officer and his representation, if any, against the same disposed off in accordance with the procedure laid down in the instructions issued in this regard.   3.         Ministry of Finance etc. is requested to bring the above clarifications to the notice of all the administrative authorities under their control.   16.   Subject: Instructions for preparation and maintenance of Confidential Reports on Non-gazetted Railway servants. [No. E (NG) W/CR/5 dated 30.09.1981}   As you are aware para 1619 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Volume-I envisages mat General Managers may frame detailed rules for the preparation, submission and disposal of confidential re-ports of non-gazetted Railway servants in general conformity with the principles laid down in the rules preceding this para.   2.         In the PNM meeting held with the NFIR on 16.07.1981, the representatives of the Federation requested that general instruc­tions should be issued to the Railways about preparation, submission and disposal of confidential reports so that staff are in a position to know that their cases are being dealt with in accordance with the extant instructions of the Railway Board.   3.         Various instructions have been issued by the Board from time to time on the preparation and maintenance of confidential reports of non-gazetted Railway servants. Most of these instructions were issued in confidential form, with the result that they may not have been communicated to the generality of Railway servants. However, in view of the provision contained the Establishment Code Volume-I that rules shall be framed for preparation, submission and disposal of confiden­tial reports on non-gazetted Railway servants, it is necessary and also appropriate mat every Railway notifies certain general instructions for regulating the preparation and maintenance of confidential reports on non-gazetted Railway servants. A model for these instructions has been framed and is enclosed for your information with the request that you may take action to circulate them either in the same form or with such modifications, as you may consider necessary. These instructions should be notified for the general information of all non-gazetted Railway servants working on your Railway/organisation in the same manner in which other orders concerning the conditions of Railway service on non-gazetted staff are notified.   Model Instructions For Preparation and Maintenance of Confidential Reports of Non-gazetted Railway Servants.   In exercise of the powers vested in him under para 1619 of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Volume-I, the General Manager frames and notifies for general information the following instructions for the preparation and maintenance of the confidential reports on non-gazetted Railway servants working on Railway.   2.         Under these instructions, unless the context otherwise requires: —   (a)        “Reporting Authority” means the authority who was dur­ing the period for which the confidential report is written immediately superior to the Railway servant whose confi­dential report is written or such other authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the General Man­ager or any other officer authorised by him.   (b)        “Reviewing Authority” means the authority who was during the period for which the confidential report is writ­ten immediately superior to the reporting authority or such other authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the General Manager or any other officer authorised by him.” (c)        “Accepting Authority” means the authority who was during the period for which the confidential report is written immediately superior to the reviewing authority or such other authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the General Manager or any other authorised by him.   3.         A confidential report shall be written by the reporting authority l on every non-gazetted Railway servant working under him for every financial year or calendar year as the case may be in the manner specified in Paras 4, 5 & 6 below :   Provided that it shall not be necessary to write a confidential report on:   (a)        Grade ‘D’ Railway servants.   (b)        Railway servants in grade Rs. 260-400 (RS)   (c)        Railway servants whose initial grade is higher than Rs. 260 – 400, provided the next higher grade is a non-selection grade, except in the case of Highly skilled Anti-san staff for whom confidential reports shall be written for those in two grades below the selection grade.   4.         Confidential reports shall be written for each financial year or calendar year as may be specified by the General Manager appraising the performance, character, conduct and qualities of the concerned Railway servant, in the form prescribed for the purpose either by the Railway Board or by the General Manager.   5.         In writing and preparing a confidential report, the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and Accepting Authority shall generally keep in view the provisions contained in Section II of Chapter XVI of the Indian Railway Establishment Code Volume-I.   6.         (a)        The confidential report for each financial year or calendar year as the case may be shall be written ordinarily within one month of the close of the said year.   (b)        The confidential report shall be reviewed and counter-signed by the Reviewing Authority ordinarily within one month of receipt by him from the Reporting Authority.   (c)        After review the confidential report shall be accepted with such modifications as may be considered necessary and countersigned by the Accepting Authority ordinarily with­in one month of its receipt by him.   (d)        No authority shall either report, review, or accept the confidential report of any non-gazetted Railway servant unless he has been acquainted with the work of such Railway servant atleast for three months during the period for which the report is written.   (e)        Where the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority or Accepting Authority retires or demits office, he shall re­port review or accept as the case may be the confidential reports of all Railway servants working under him ordinarily within a period of one month from the date of such retirement or demission of office.   7.         (a)        Where the confidential report of any Railway servant contains an adverse or a critical remark either on his perfor­mance or on his basic qualities or potential, it shall be communicated to him together with the substance of the favourable remarks in the confidential report either by the Accepting Authority or by the Reviewing Authority as may be specified by the G.M. or any other officer by him in this behalf within one month of the acceptance of the confidential report and a record to this effect shall be kept in the file containing the confidential reports of the Rail­way servant concerned.   (b)        For the purpose of clause (a) an entry in the confidential report that the Railway servant concerned is not fit for promotion shall be deemed to be an adverse remark and the whole entry including the reasons for the remark shall be communicated to the Railway servant concerned.   (c)        For the purpose of Clause (a), any remarks describing as “average” either the performance or any other quality of the Railway servant shall not be treated as an adverse remark.   8.         The Railway servant who has received a communication of adverse or critical remarks entered in his confidential report may represent to the Accepting Authority against the remark communicated to him within one month of the receipt of the communication by him.   Provided that the Accepting Authority may entertain the representation received upto a period of six months from the date of receipt of the communication by the Railway servant if it is satisfied that the Railway servant had sufficient cause for not submitting the representa­tion in time.   9.         (a)        The Accepting Authority shall and if it is considered necessary in consultation with the Reporting Authority or the Reviewing Authority consider the representation made by the Railway servant and pass orders on the representation as far as possible within three months from the date of submission of the representation :   (i)         Rejecting the representation;   (ii)        Toning down the adverse or critical remark; or   (iii)       Expunging the adverse or critical remark.   (b)        The orders so passed on the representation shall be final and the Railway servant concerned shall be informed suit-ably and a copy of the order shall also be kept in the file containing the confidential reports of the Railway servant.   10.       No memorial or appeal against the rejection of the representa­tion shall be allowed after six months after such rejection.   17.   Subject: Confidential Reports of Non-gazetted staff. [No. E (NG) I-82-CR/1 dated 20.03.1982]   The Western Railway have suggested that with the recent upgradations in all categories of non-gazetted staff, it is imperative that the levels of authorities to initiate and accept Confidential Reports should be re-viewed as this work has increased beyond proportion at the level of the DRMs. The suggestion has been considered and it has been decided as under: —     2.         So far as the staff below the grade Rs. 550-750 (RS) is concerned, the instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/ 75/CR/9 dated 14.09.1976 (See Appendix 8) already envisaged that the confidential reports on these staff may be initiated at the level of a Senior Supervisor. The initiation of Confidential Reports on these staff should one by Senior Supervisors of the grade of Rs. 700-900 (RS) and above.   3.         In regard to staff in the grade of Rs. 550-750 and above the Confidential Reports should as hithertofore be initiated only by an Assistant Officer. However, the countersigning and acceptance of the confidential Reports of these staff after review by a senior scale or JA grade officer may be done by the Addl. DRMs instead of the DRMs. Similarly, Section-II of the Confidential Reports of the staff in grades Rs. 550-750 and above may also be reviewed by the Addl. DRMs instead of the DRMs. For this purpose, as provided for in para 2(ii) of Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/75/CR/1 dated 06.01.1977 (See Appendix 10), the Officer concerned will have to verify the correctness of the re-marks of the reporting or reviewing officers after making such enquiries as he may consider necessary. He may also give a hearing to the person reported upon before recording his remarks, if need be.   18.   Subject: Entry in the Service Book—Employees who qualifies in the Diploma Course of Rail Transport. [No. E (NG) I/83/CR/1 dated 14.03.1983]   Ministry of Railways have decided that when a Railway employee qualifies in the Diploma Course of Institute of Rail Transport a suitable entry in regard to the same should be made in his service Records.   19.   Subject:Confidential Reports of Non-gazetted Staff. [No. E (NG) I/85/CR/5 dated 09.12.1985; RBE 333/85]   Reference Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-82-CR-I, dated 20.03.1982 (See Appendix 17) wherein it was laid down that Confidential Reports of staff in grade Rs. 550-750 and above should be countersigned and accepted by the Additional DRMs instead of the Divisional Railway Managers. Similarly Section II of the Confidential Reports of the staff in grades Rs. 550-750 and above may also be reviewed by the Addi­tional Divisional Railway Manager instead of the Divisional Railway Manager.   2.         These instructions have since been reviewed in the light of observations made by one of the Railways, that under these instruc­tions, DRMs do not have any say in the performance appraisal of the staff in question. After careful consideration, the Department of Rail­ways have since been decided that in regard to the staff in grade Rs. 700-900 and above the General Managers may lay down whether their Confidential Reports will be seen and countersigned by the DRM, General Managers may exercise discretion in this regard as warranted on their respective systems.     20.   Subject: Introduction of performance oriented appraisal system-C.R. formats for non-gazetted Rail­way employees.   Reference:Board’s letter of even number dated 04.02.1987. [No. E (NG) I/86/CR/5, dated 22.04.1987; RBE 83/87]   Kindly refer to Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/75/CR/1 dated 06/10.01.1977 (See Appendix 10) under which four standard Confidential Report Forms for non-gazetted Railway employees were circulated to the Railways. These forms have since been reviewed and revised in the light of model formats revised by the Department of Personnel & Training. The revised formats are sent herewith as Annexure I, II, III & IV.   It has also been decided mat Confidential Reports for Railway employees in grade Rs. 330-560 (RS)/Rs. 1200-2040 (New Scale) should be written in a simplified proforma enclosed as Annexure V.   These revised formats should be used for writing Confidential Reports of the staff for the year 1986 and onwards.   ANNEXURE-I   … RAILWAY     Confidential Report for Group Staff including workshop staff (except) PWIs, APWIs, Signal Inspectors, Asstt. Signal Inspectors and Teachers/Instructors, for the year ending. … Department                                                                                                                  … Office Part-I — Personal Data   1.         Name in full ……………………………………………. ………………………………………   2.         Date of birth ……………………………………………………………….   3*.       Designation …………………………………………………………………   4.         Station at which employed ………………………………………………   5.         Substantive pay ……………………..  Scale …………………………..   Officiating pay ……………………..   Scale …………………………..   6.         Date of appointment to service ………………………………………..   7.         Date of continuous appointment to the present grade …………….   8.         Whether permanent/temporary or officiating ……………………….   9.         Educational, Professional & Technical qualifications …………….   10.       Particulars of examination (including Departmental Examinations) passed during the year. ………………………………………………….   11.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe   *In case of Territorial Army Personnel, their T.A. rank should also be indicated.   Part-II — Self-Appraisal (To be filled by Staff in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties.   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year/period from … …………………………… to ………. ……………………. bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of shortfall in achievement furnish reasons. (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided limited to 100 words and is required to be signed).     Part-III — Assessment by the Reporting Officer   1.         Does Reporting officer agree with the statement made in Part II. If not the extent of agreement and reasons therefor. (Wherever applicable).   2.         Character and habits to include comments on:   (a)        Integrity (To be filled only in those cases in which Section II is not required to be maintained).   (b)        Tact and Temper.   (c)        Conduct   (d)        Attendance   (e)        Physical fitness for strenuous work.   3.         Departmental abilities (merits and demerits) to include comments on :   (a)        Initiative and direction.   (b)        General Intelligence.   (c)        Keenness/promptness and efficiency.   (d)        Power to control others.   (e)        Organising/Supervising ability.   (f)         Capacity for hardwork.   (g)        Amenability to discipline.   4.         Special aptitude or qualification.   5.         Physical disability, if any, for outdoor work or posting to particular area.   6.         Reliability.   7.         Relations with others:   (a)        Those above:   (b)        Those below:   (c)        The public (if his duties entail his coming into contact with Public/Railway users):     8.         Power of drafting:   9.         Knowledge of Rules, Regulations and procedure.   10.       Ability to conduct enquiries, sift evidence and prepare reports (for Inspectors only).   11.       In Case of Stenographers/Steno-Typists/Typists   (a)        Accuracy:   (b)        Speed:   (c)        Neatness of execution:   (d)        Trustworthiness in confidential & secret matters   12.       In case of drawing office staff: Whether the employee can design/is a neat tracer/Draftsman/is an accurate calculator.   13.       In case of Ministerial staff only:   (a)        Is his/her handwriting neat?   (b)        Does he/she maintain his/her office files neatly?   (c)        Does he/she maintain his/her Rule Books, Codes, Diary and Reminder Memo Book etc.?   (d)        Does he/she promptly produce papers when required?   (e)        Is his/her disposal prompt?   (f)         Is he/she capable of putting up papers independently?   14.       In Case of workshop staff and Technical Meld Staff like Chargemen/ Shop Supdt. /Dy. Shop Supdt/Bridge Inspectors etc. only.   Technical Abilities.   15.       Has his/her work been satisfactory? If not, in what respect he/she has failed.   16.       Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed refresher course, if so.   (a)        Whether he/she attended the refresher course on being released, and   (b)        Whether he/she passed/failed in the said refresher course.     17.       Has the employee been reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period under report? If so, please give brief particulars.   18.       Has the employee done any outstanding or notable work meriting commendation? If so, please give brief particulars.   19.       Grading:           Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Average/Below Average.   Signature of Reporting Officer: Name in Block Letters: Designation: Date:   Part-IV — Remarks by Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing officer.   2.         Is the Reviewing officer satisfied that the Reporting Officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant material?   3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the reporting officer? (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons) Is there anything you wish to modify or add?   4.         If the Officer reported upon is a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Re­porting Officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general re-marks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/ out of turn promotion? If so, specify.   Signature of the Reviewing Officer: Place:                                                                                      Name in Block Letters : Date:                                                                        Designation during the period of report.     SECTION II (For staff in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above likely to be considered for promotion to Group ‘B’ Service)   Confidential Report for the year ending   … Railway                                                                                                               … Department   Name: ……………………………   Designation: …………………….   1.         Fitness for promotion to Group ‘B’ Service:   (a)        (i)         Fit for promotion   (ii)        Not yet fit for promotion.   (b)        Is he/she fit for out of turn promotion?   2.         The assessment whether he/she can be classified as ‘Outstanding’, ‘Very Good’, ‘Good’, ‘Average’, ‘Below Average’.   3.         Integrity.   4.         General Assessment.                                   Reporting Officer’s signature and Designation.   [Remarks by the Reviewing Officer (DRM/Dy. Head of Deptt.]             Station: …………..                                                                       (Designation) Dated: …………….                                             Remarks by the Head of the Department.   In case of Territorial Army personnel their T.A. rank should also be indicated.   Station: ………………………                                                                      (Designation) Dated: ………………………..   INSTRUCTIONS   l.          The Confidential Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for assessing the performance of an officer and for his/her further advancement in his/her career. The Officer reported upon, the Reporting Officer and the Reviewing Officer should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling out the form with a high sense of responsibility.     2.         Performance appraisal through Confidential Reports should be used as a tool for human resource development. Reporting Officers should realise mat the objective is to develop an officer so mat he/she realises his/her true potent! al. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental one. The Reporting Officer and the Reviewing Officer should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality personality of the officer reported upon.   3.         The items should be filled with due came and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities.   4.         If the reviewing Officer is satisfied that the Reporting Officer had made the report without due care and attention, he/she shall record a remark to that effect in item 2 of part IV. The competent authority shall enter the remarks in the Confidential Roll of the Reporting Officer.   5.         Every answer shall be given in a narrative form. The space provided indicates the desired length of the answer. Words and phrases should be chosen carefully and should accurately reflect the intention of the officer recording the answer. Please use unambiguous and simple language. Please do not use omnibus expressions like ‘outstanding’, ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘average’, ‘below average’ while giving you comments against any of the attributes.   6.         Although performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, the Reporting Officer should at regular intervals review the performance and take necessary corrective steps by way of advice, etc.   7.         It should be the endeavour of each appraiser to present the truest possible picture of the appraisee in regard to his/her perfor­mance, conduct, behaviour and potential.   8.         Assessment should be confined to the appraisee’s performance during the period of report only.   9.         Some posts of the same rank may be more exacting than others. The degree of stress and strain in any post may also vary from time to time. These facts should be home in mind during appraisal and should be commented upon appropriately.   Note: The following procedure should be followed in filling up the item relating to integrity:   (i)         If the officer’s integrity is beyond doubt, it may be so stated.   (ii)        If there is any doubt or suspicion, the item should be left blank and action taken as under:   (a)        A separate secret note should be recorded and fol­lowed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Confidential Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up ac­tion is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he has not watched the Officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgment or that he has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be.   (b)        If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officer’s integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Confidential Report.   (c)        If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned.   (d)        If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the of­ficer’s conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. [Ministry of Railways’ letter No. E (D&A) 65/RG/6-47 dated 24.11.1965]   ANNEXURE-II   … Railway.   Confidential Report for Group ‘C’ Staff (IOWS & AIOWS) For the year Ending.   … Department                                                                                                                 … Office Part-I —- Personal Data   1.         Name in full ……………………………………………………………….   2.         Date of birth ……………………………………………………………….   3.         Designation* ……………………………………………………………….   4.         Station at which employed ………………………………………………   5.         Substantive Pay ……………………… Scale Rs ……………………..   Officiating Pay ………………………   Scale Rs ……………………..   6.         Date of appointment to service………………………………………….   7.         Date of continuous appointment in present grade ………………….   8.         Whether Permanent/Temporary ………………………………………..   9.         Educational, Professional & Technical Qualifications ……………..   10.       Particulars of examinations (including departmental examinations) passed during the year ……………………………………………………   11.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe,   Part-II — Self Appraisal (To be filled by staff in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties.   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year/period from ……………………….to………………. bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of shortfall in achievement furnish reasons. (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided limited to 100 words and is required to be signed).   *In case of Territorial Army personnel, their T.A. rank should also be indicated.         Part-III — Assessment of the Reporting Officer   l.          Does the Reporting Officer agree with the statement made in Part II ? If not, the extent of disagreement and reasons therefor? (Wherever applicable).   2.         Character and habits to include comments on:   (a)        Integrity.   (b)        Tact & Temper.   (c)        Conduct.   (d)        Attendance.   (e)        Physical fitness for strenuous work.   3.         Departmental abilities (Merits & Demerits) to include comments on :   (a)        Initiative and direction.   (b)        General Intelligence.   (c)        Keenness/promptness and efficiency,   (d)        Power to control others.   (e)        Organising/supervising ability.   (f)         Capacity for hardwork.   (g)        Amenability to discipline.   4.         Special aptitude or qualification.   5.         Physical disability, if any, for outdoor work or posting to a particular area.   6.         Is his/her work well and methodically done and close supervision exercised?   7.         Does he/she level and survey accurately and his/her plans accurate and well turned out?   8.         Is he/she careful in seeing mat the existing buildings and their surroundings in his/her charge are well maintained?   9.         Does he/she bring defects to notice promptly and arrange at once for their rectification?   10.       (a)        Does he/she control and supervise his/her labour and arrange it properly. (b)        Is he/she able to insist on good work from Contractors? and   (c)        Whether his/her demand for temporary extra labour is reason-able.   11.       Is he/she prompt and careful in (i) correspondence, (ii) Submission of his/her returns?   12.       Are his/her measurement books properly entered and well kept?   13.       (a)        Does he/she settle up quickly with Contractors etc ?               (b)        Are his/her bills promptly made out and submitted?   (c)        Does he/she submit in time Compilation, Drawing and other information for preparing Compilation Reports?   14.       Are his/her office and godown tidy and in good order?   15.       (a)        Does he/she arrange for the safe custody and proper storage of materials against unnecessary deterioration from weather or any other cause ?   (b)        Does he/she maintain proper accounts of issues, receipts re-leased and surplus stores?   16.       Is his/her technical knowledge such as would be expected from one of his rank?   17.       Is his / her materials and tools and plant accountal and issues properly made?   18.       Is he/she active and hardworking?   19.       Does he/she turn out promptly on emergencies?   20.       Has he/she been ill during the years? If so, state in what way and for how long?   21.       Does he/she take an interest in the welfare of his/her staff?   22.       Remarks made as to his/her supervision of work. Is his/her brickwork carefully supervised and painting carefully done? Does he/ she see that fences, etc. are carefully aligned and leveled, doors and windows carefully fitted, beams properly bedded, painting and white-washing carefully done and all splashes of paint and whitewash removed? When works are completed, does he/she see the surroundings are cleaned up and all surplus materials and tools quickly disposed of?   23.       Has his/her work been satisfactory? If not, in what respect he/she has failed?   24.       Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed refresher course? If so.   (a)        Whether he/she attended the refresher course on being released, and   (b)        Whether he/she passed/failed in the said refresher course.   25.       Has the employee been reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period under report? If so, please give brief particulars.   26.       Has the employee done any outstanding work meriting commendations ? If so, please give brief particulars.   27.       Grading:   “Outstanding”, “Very good”, “Good”, “Average” & “Below Average”.   Signature of the Reporting Officer: Name in Block letters: Designation: Date:   Part-IV — Remarks by the Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing Officer.   2.         Is the Reviewing Officer satisfied that the Reporting Officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant materials?   3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the Reporting Officer? (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons) Is there anything you wish to modify or add?   4.         If the officer reported upon is a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Reporting Officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general re-marks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/ out of turn promotion? If so, specify?   Place:                                                               Signature of the Reviewing officer: Date:                                                                Name in Block letters: Designation during the period of Report:   SECTION-II (For Staff in grade Rs. 1600- 2600 and above likely to be considered for Promotion to Group “B” Service)   Confidential Report for the year ending … RAILWAY                                                                                                         … Department   Name   Designation*   1.         Fitness for promotion to Group “B” Service:   (a)        (i)         Fit for promotion          (ii)        Not yet fit for promotion   (b)        Is he/she fit for out of turn promotion?   2.         The assessment whether he/she can be classified as “Outstanding”, “Very Good”, “Good”, “Average”, “Below Average”.   3.         Integrity.   4.         General Assessment.   Reporting Officer’s Signature/Designation.   (Remarks by the Reviewing Officer (DRM/Dy. Head of Deptt.)   Station:                                                             (Designation) Dated:   Remarks by the Head of the Deptt. (Designation)                  Station: Dated:   *In case of Territorial Army Personnel their T.A. rank should also be indicated.     INSTRUCTIONS   1.         The Confidential Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for assessing the performance of an officer and for his/her further advancement in his/her career. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Officer and the Reviewing Officer should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling out the form with a high sense of responsibility.   2.         Performance appraisal through Confidential Reports should be used as a tool for human resource development. Reporting Officers should realise mat the objective is to develop an officer so mat he/she realises his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a fault-finding process but a developmental one. The Reporting Officer and the Re­viewing Officer should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon.   3.         The items should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities.   4.         If the Reviewing Officer is satisfied mat the Reporting Officer had made the report without due care and attention, he/she shall record a remark to that effect in item 2 of part IV. The competent authority shall enter the- remarks in the Confidential Roll of the Reporting Officer.   5.         Every answer shall be given in a narrative form. The space provided indicates the desired length of the answer. Words and phrases should be chosen carefully and should accurately reflect the intention of the officer recording the answer. Please use unambiguous and simple language. Please do not use omnibus expressions like “out-standing”, “very good”, “good”, “average”, “below average” while giving your comments against any of the attributes.   6.         Although performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in or­der that it may be a tool for human resource development, the Report­ing Officer should at regular intervals review the performance and take necessary corrective steps by way of advice, etc.   7.         It should be endeavour of each appraiser to present the truest possible picture of the appraisee in regard to his/her performance, conduct, behaviour and potential.   8.         Assessment should be confined to the appraisee’s performance during the period of report only.   9.         Some posts of the same rank may be more exacting than others. The degree of stress and strain in any post also vary from time to time. These facts should be borne in mind during appraisal and should be commented upon appropriately.   Note:   The following procedure should be followed in filling up the item relating to integrity:   (i)         If the officer’s integrity is beyond doubt, it may be so stated.     (ii)        If there is any doubt or suspicion, the item should be left blank and action taken as under:   (a)        A separate secret note should be recorded and fol­lowed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Confidential Report to the next superior officer who will ensure mat the follow up ac­tion is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either mat he has not watched the Officer’s work for sufficient time to form a definite judgment or mat he has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be.   (b)        If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officer’s integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Confidential Report.   (c)        If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned.   (d)        If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the offi­cer’s conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. (Ministry of Railways’ letter No. ED & A/65/RG/6-47 dated 24.1l.1965)       ANNEXURE-III   … Railway.   Confidential Report for Group ‘C’ Staff (PWIs & APWIs Signal Inspectors and Asstt. Signal Inspectors) for the year end­ing.   … Department                                            … Office   Part-I — Personal Data   1.         Name in full ……………………………………………………………….   2.         Date of birth ……………………………………………………………….   3.         Designation* ……………………………………………………………….   4.         Station at which employed ………………………………………………   5.         Substantive Pay ……………………… Scale Rs ……………………..   Officiating Pay ………………………   Scale Rs ……………………..   6.         Date of appointment to service………………………………………….   7.         Date of continuous employment in the present grade ……………..   8.         Whether permanent/temporary ………………………………………….   9.         Educational or Technical Qualifications ………………………………   10.       Particulars of examinations (including departmental examinations) passed during the year …………………………………………………..   11.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe.   Part-II — Self Appraisal (To be filled by staff in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties.   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year/period from ……………………….to………………. bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of shortfall in achievement furnish reasons. (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided limited to 100 words and is required to be signed).   *In case of Territorial Army personnel their T. A. rank should also be indicated.   Part-III — Assessment of the Reporting Officer   l.          Does the Reporting Officer agree with the statement made in Part II ? If not, the extent of disagreement and reasons therefor? (Wherever applicable).   2.         Character and habits to include comments on:   (a)        Integrity.   (b)        Tact & Temper.   (c)        Conduct.   (d)        Attendance.   (e)        Physical fitness for strenuous work.   3.         Departmental abilities (Merits & Demerits) to include comments on:   (a)        Initiative and direction.   (b)        General Intelligence.   (c)        Keenness, promptness and efficiency.   (d)        Power to control others.   (e)        Organising/supervising ability.   * These items do not apply in case of Signal Inspectors/Asstt. Signal Inspectors.   (f)         Amenability to discipline.   (g)        Knowledge of Rules, Regulations and Procedure.   4.         Special aptitude or qualification.   5.         Physical disability, if any, for outdoor work or posting to a particular area.   6.         Is his/her road in good order and tidily kept?   7.         Does he/she maintain points and crossings properly?   8.         Has he/she effected any improvement during the year?   9.         Does he/she keep his/her stock of material in an orderly manner?   10.       Are his/her tools and plant in good order and kept in repair?     11.       Does he/she control and supervise his/her labour properly and is he/she economical with it?   12.       Has any relaying, re-sleepering or renewals been done, and if so, were they carried out carefully, satisfactorily and economically?   13.       Is he/she methodical and careful on his/her work especially as to details?   14.       Does he / she return released and other surplus materials promptly to stores?   15.       Does he/she arrange for the safe custody and proper storage of materials against unnecessary deterioration from weather or any other cause?   16.       What was the date of the last annual inspection of his/her beat and what was the impression as a result of this inspection?   *17.     When was his/her section last tested with the Hallade Recorder and what was the general result as compared with the previous test?   *18.     Are the bridges dean and tidy, and kept in good order, and free from weeds and dirt?   * 19.    Are the approaches of bridge well kept up and ballasted?   *20.     (a)        Has he/she carefully renewed timbers and worn out fittings of bridges during the year?   (b)        Are his/her level crossings and their approaches maintained well?   *21.     Have any speed restrictions been imposed on his/her length on account of defective maintenance of permanent way or other causes under his/her control?   22.       (a)        Is his/she prompt and careful in correspondence ?   (b)        Does he/she maintain creep and other registers regularly with the requisite data and observations?   23.       Are his/her store accounts carefully kept?   24.       Does he/she submit his/her returns in time?   25.       Are his/her office and godown tidy and in good order?   26.       Are his/her muster rolls and gang charts properly entered and well kept?   27.       Does he/she turn out promptly on emergencies?   28.       Are his/her demands for temporary extra labour reasonable?   29.       Is his/her technical knowledge such as would be expected from one of his rank?   30.       Does he/she take interest in the welfare of staff?   31.       Has his/her work been satisfactory? If not, in what respect he/she has failed?   32.       Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed refresher course? If so,   (a)        Whether he/she attended the refresher course on being released; and   (b)        Whether he/she passed/failed in the paid refresher course.   33.       His/her relation with the staff works under his/her supervision and other fellow employees.   34.       Has the employee been reprimanded for indifferent work or for other causes during the period under review? If so, please give brief particulars.   35.       Has the employee done any outstanding work meriting commendation? If so, please give brief particulars.   36.       Grading:           “Outstanding”, “Very Good”, “Good”, “Average”, “Below Average”.   Signature of the Reporting Officer: Name in Block letters: Designation. Part-IV — Remarks by the Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing Officer.   2.         Is the reviewing officer satisfied mat the Reporting officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and, after taking into account all the relevant material?   3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the reporting officer? (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons? Is mere anything you wish to modify or add?)   4.         If the officer reported upon is a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Reporting officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general re-marks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/ out of turn promotion? If so, specify.   Place:                                                               Signature of the Re viewing Officer: Date:                                                                Name in Block letters : Designation during the period of report.   SECTION-II (For Staff in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above likely to be considered for promotion to Group “B” Service) Confidential Report for the year ending … Railway                                                                                                              … Department   Name: ……………………………   Designation*: …………………..   1.         Fitness for promotion to Group “B” Service:   (a)        (i)         Fit for promotion.   (ii)        Not yet fit for promotion.   (b)        Is he/she fit for out of turn promotion?   2.         The assessment whether he/she can be classified as “Outstanding”, “Very Good”, “Good”, “Average”, “Below Average”.   3.         Integrity. 4.         General Assessment.   Reporting Officer’s Signature and Designation.   Remarks by the Reviewing Officer (DRM/Dy. Head of Deptt.)   Station: …                                                                              (Designation) Dated: …                                              Remarks by the Head of the Department.     INSTRUCTIONS   1.         The Confidential Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for assessing the performance of an officer and for his/her further advancement in his/her career. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Officer and the Reviewing Officer should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling out the form with a high sense of responsibility.   2.         Performance appraisal through Confidential Reports should be used as a tool for human resource development. Reporting Officers should realise that the objective is to develop an officer so mat he/she realises his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental one. The Reporting Officer and the Re­viewing Officer should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon.   3.         The items should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities.   4.         If the Reviewing Officer is satisfied that the Reporting Officer had made the report without due care and attention, he/she shall record a remark to that effect in item 2 of part IV. The competent authority shall enter the remarks in the Confidential Roll of the Re-porting Officer.   5.         Every answer shall be given in a narrative form. The space provided indicates the desired length of the answer. Words and phrases should be chosen carefully and should accurately reflect the intention of the officer recording the answer. Please use unambiguous and simple language. Please do not use omnibus expressions like “out-standing”, “very good”, “good”, “average”, “below average” while giving your comments against any of the attributes.   6.         Although performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in or­der that it may be a tool for human resource development, the Report­ing Officer should at regular intervals review the performance and take necessary corrective steps by way of advice, etc.   7.         It should be endeavour of each appraiser to present the trust possible picture of the appraisee in regard to his/her performance, conduct, behaviour and potential.                                      8.         Assessment should be confined to the appraisee’s performance during the period of report only.   9.         Some posts of the same rank may be more exacting than others. The degree of stress and strain in any post may also vary from time to time. These facts should be borne in mind during appraisal and should be commented upon appropriately.   Note: The following procedure should be followed in filling up the item relating to integrity:   (i)         If the officers’ integrity is beyond doubt, it may be so stated.   (ii)        if there is any doubt or suspicion, the item should be left blank and action taken as under :   (a)        A separate secret note should be recorded and fol­lowed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Confidential Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up ac­tion is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret, note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he has not watched the Officer’s work for sufficient time to form a definite judgment or that he was heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be.   (b)        If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, me officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Confi­dential Report.   (c)        If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned.   (d)        If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the offi­cer’s conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. (Ministry of Railways’ letter No. ED & A/65/RG/6-47 dated 24.11.1965)       ANNEXURE-IV   …Railway.   Confidential Report for Group ‘C’ Staff (Teachers-Instructors in Teaching/Training Schools) for the year ending   Name of School/Institution.   Part-I — Personal Data   1.         Name in full ……………………………………………………………….   2.         Date of birth ……………………………………………………………….   *3.       Designation …………………………………………………………………   4.         Station at which employed ………………………………………………   5.         Substantive pay ……………………..  Scale Rs. ……………………   Officiating pay ……………………..   Scale Rs.  ……………………   6.         Date of appointment to service ………………………………………..   7.         Date of continuous appointment to the present grade …………….   8.         Whether permanent/temporary ? ………………………………………   9.         Educational or Technical qualifications ……………………………..   (a)        Professional   (b)        Technical, and   (c)        Special (e.g. Drill, Scouting etc.)   10.       Particulars of examinations (including departmental examinations) passed during the year. ………………………………………………….   11.       Actual duty on which employed (subjects and classes taught).   12.       Whether the employee belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe.   Part-II — Self-Appraisal (To be filled by Staff in Grade Rs. 1400-2660 and above only)   1.         Brief description of duties.   2.         Brief resume of the work done by you during the year/period from …………………to……………………. bringing out any special achievements during the year/period. In the event of shortfall in achievement furnish reasons. (The resume is to be furnished within the space provided limited to 100 words and is required to be signed).   *In case of Territorial Army Personnel, their T.A. rank should also be indicated.   Part-III — Assessment by the Reporting Officer   1.         Does the Reporting Officer agree with the statement made in Part II? If not, the extent of disagreement and reasons therefor? (Wherever applicable).   2.         Character and habits:   (a)        Moral character   (b)        Relations with fellow teachers   (c)        Integrity   (d)        (i)         Regularity and punctuality   (ii)        Leave taken during the school session in the year.   (e)        Health.   (f)         Whether he/she sets good example in:   (a)        Neatness   (b)        Cleanliness and   (c)        Obedience of orders.   3.         Departmental Abilities:   (a)        Initiative.   (b)        Intelligence.   (c)        Keenness, promptness and efficiency.   (d)        Proficiency in day-to-day teaching:   (i)         Power of expression.   (ii)        Supervision of written work of scholars.   (iii)       Maintenance of records.   (e)        Organising ability.   (f)         Ability to maintain discipline.   (i)         In the class   (ii)        Outside the class and   (iii)       Control of servants   (g)        Proficiency in educating the backward students of the class.   (h)        Examination results of the subjects taught by the teacher in different classes.   4.         Physical disability, if any, for outdoor work or posting to a particular area.   5.         Aptitude for developing (i) character (ii) sportsmanship and developing extra curricular activities such as (a) games and sports (b) music (c) debating societies (d) managing clubs etc. amongst the students.   6.         Whether the teacher was booked for the prescribed refresher course? If so,   (a)        Whether he/she attended the course on being released and   (c)        Whether he/she passed/failed in the said course.   7.         Has he/she been reprimanded for indifferent work or for any other causes during the period under report? If so, give brief particulars.   8.         Has he / she done any outstanding or notable work meriting commendation? If so, give particulars.   9.         Grading: “Outstanding”, “Very good”, “Good”, “Average”, “Below average”.     Signature of the Reporting Officer: Name in block letters: Designation: Date:     Part-IV — Remarks by the Reviewing Officer   1.         Length of service under the Reviewing Officer.   2.         Is the Reviewing Officer satisfied that the Reporting Officer has made his/her report with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant material?   3.         Do you agree with the assessment of the officer given by the reporting officer?   (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons. Is there anything you wish to modify or add?)   4.         If the officer reported upon is a member of a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe, please indicate specifically whether the attitude of the Reporting officer in assessing the performance of the SC/ ST officer has been fair and just.   5.         General remarks with specific comments about the general re-marks given by the reporting officer and remarks about the meritorious work of the officer including the grading.   6.         Has the officer any special characteristics, and/or any abilities, which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/ out of turn promotion? If so, specify.   Place:                                                   Signature of Reviewing Officer: Date :                                                   Name in Block letters : Designation during the period of report.   SECTION II (For Staff in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above likely to be Considered for promotion to Group “B” Service)   Confidential Report for the year ending   … RAILWAY.                                                                                                       … Department   Name: ……………………………   Designation*: …………………..   1.         Fitness for promotion to Group “B” Service:   (a)        (i)         Fit for promotion.   (ii)        Not yet fit for promotion.   (b)        Is he/she fit for out of turn promotion ?   2.         The assessment whether he/she can be classified as “Outstanding”, “Very Good”, “Good”, “Average”, “Below Average”.   3.         Integrity.   4.         General Assessment.   Reporting Officer’s Signature and Designation.   Remarks by the Reviewing Officer (DRM/Dy. Head of Deptt.)   Station : …………..                                                                   (Designation) Dated : …………….                                            Remarks by the Head of the Department.   *In case of Territorial Army personnel their T.A. rank should also be indicated.     INSTRUCTIONS   1.         The Confidential Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for assessing the performance of an officer and for his/her further advancement in his/her career. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Officer and the Reviewing Officer should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling out the form with a high sense of responsibility.   2.         Performance appraisal through Confidential Reports should be used as a tool for human resource development. Reporting Officers should realise mat the objective is to develop an officer so mat he/she realises his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental one. The Reporting Officer and the Re­viewing Officer should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon.   3.         The items should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities.   4.         If the Reviewing Officer is satisfied mat the Reporting Officer had made the report without due care and attention, he/she shall record a remark to that effect in item 2 of part IV. The competent authority shall enter the remarks in the Confidential Roll of the Reporting Officer.   5.         Every answer shall be given in a narrative form. The space provided indicates the desired length of the answer. Words and phrases should be chosen carefully and should accurately reflect the intention of the officer recording the answer. Please use unambiguous and simple language. Please do not use omnibus expressions like “out-standing”, “very good”, “good”, “average”, “below average” while giving your comments against any of the attributes.   6.         Although performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in or­der that it may be a tool for human resource development, the Report­ing Officer should at regular intervals review the performance and take necessary corrective steps by way of advice, etc.   7.         It should be endeavour of each appraiser to present the trust possible picture of the appraisee in regard to his/her performance, conduct, behaviour and potential.   8.         Assessment should be confined to the appraisee’s performance during the period of report only.   9.         Some posts of the same rank may be more exacting than others. The degree of stress and strain in any Post may also vary from time to time. These facts should be borne in mind during appraisal and should be commented upon appropriately.   Note:   The following procedure should be followed in filling up the item relating to integrity:   (i)         If the officer’s integrity is beyond doubt, it may be so stated.     (ii)        If mere is any doubt or suspicion, the item should be left blank and action taken as under:   (a)        A separate secret note should be recorded and fol­lowed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Confidential Report to the next superior officer who will ensure mat the follow up ac­tion is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret, note, the Reporting Officer should state either mat he has not watched the Officer’s work for sufficient time to form a definite judgment or mat he had heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be.   (b)        If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Confi­dential Report.   (c)        If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned.   (d)        If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the offi­cer’s conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. (Ministry’ of Railways’ letter No. ED & A/65/RG/6-47 dated 24.11.1965)         ANNEXURE-V   Confidential Report Format for Staff in Rs. 330-560 (RS)/ Rs. 1200-2040   (New Scale)   1.         Name of the employee   2.         Date of birth   3.         Date of original appointment   4.         Designation & Grade   (a)        Substantive   (b)        Officiating   5.         Total length of service in the substantive/officiating grade.   6.         Amenability to discipline.   7.         General remarks about his work and discharge of his duties with efficiency and sincerity.   8.         Knowledge of departmental rules /working.   9.         Attention to safety/safety consciousness*   10.       Punishments if any, awarded during the reporting year.   11.       Awards/Commendation certificates, if any awarded during the reporting year.   12.       Integrity.   13.       Overall classification i.e. Outstanding, Very Good, Good, Aver-age, Below Average.   14.       For Stenos only:   (a)        Accuracy in stenographic work,   (b)        Power of drafting.   *For categories to whom applicable Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-86-CR-5 dated 04.02.1987     Subject:   Introduction of performance oriented appraisal system—C.R. Formats for Non-gazetted Railway employees.   It has been decided by the Government that Confidential Reports for all Central Government employees should be revised in the context of the introduction of performance oriented appraisal system and the revised formats should be used for writing C.Rs for reporting year 1986. Revision of the C.R. Formats for non-gazetted Railway employees is accordingly under consideration of the Ministry of Railways. As it is likely to take sometime to finalise the revised formats, you are requested to advise all concerned that pending revision of formats, Confidential Reports for the reporting year 1986 should not be written in the old forms unless in any particular case or cases it becomes unavoidable for any reason. Such cases should indeed be rare particularity as CRs for non-gazetted staff on Railways are generally written for the financial year.     21.   Subject: C.R. Formats for Non-gazetted Railway employees. [No. E (NG) I-86-CR-5 dated 23.06.1987; RBE 83/87]   Please refer to C.R. Format for staff in grade Rs. 330-560/ Rs 1200-2040 (Revised Scale) circulated as Annexure V of the Board’s letter of even number dated 22.4.1987 (See Appendix 20). It is clarified that the report in this proforma should continue to be initiated by the senior subordinate and accepted by the Reviewing Officer as usual. Accordingly, the following additions may be made in the form below column 14.   “Signature of the Reporting Officer Name in Block Letters: Designation: Date:   Remarks, if any, of the Reviewing Officer   Signature of the Reviewing Officer Name in Block Letters: Designation during the period of report.”   22.   Subject: Section II of the Confidential Report Form for non-gazetted employees in grade of Rs. 1600-2660 and above-deletion of column “fitness for promotion” therefrom. [No. E (NG) I-86-CR-4 dated 23.02.1988; RBE 32/88]   Please refer to Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-76-CR-3 dated 05.03.1986 wherein the column regarding “fitness for promotion” was deleted from the Confidential Report Form for Group “C” staff. However, this column was retained in Section II of the C. R. Form which is maintained for Railway employees in grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above likely to be considered for promotion to Group “B” service.   AIRF have raised a demand in the PNM mat the column regard­ing “fitness for promotion” should be deleted from Section n of the C. R. Form also in terms of the decision taken in the National Council (JCM) to delete this column from the C. R. Forms of all Group “C” employees.   The matter has been carefully considered by the Ministry of Railways and it has been decided mat the column regarding “ “fitness for promotion» should be deleted from Section II of the C. R. Form for Group “C” staff and instead a column for «special attributes» should be included as a sub-section. Accordingly, the format of Sec­tion II has been revised as per Annexure “A, which may be substituted for the existing form of Section II as circulated under Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-86-CR-5 dated 22.04.1987 (See Appendix 20).       ANNEXURE“A”   Section II of the C.R. Form for Railway Employees in Grade Rs. 1600-2660 and above likely to be considered for Promotion to Group ‘B’ Service   …RAILWAY                                                                                                           …Department   Name: …………………                                                     *Designation:…………………   1.         Integrity   2.         Special Attributes:   (a)        Qualities of leadership   Outstanding/Very Good/Good/ Average/Below Average.   (b)        Capacity to take decision          Outstanding/Very Good/Good/ on matters within his/her            Average/Below Average competence.   (c)        Willingness to shoulder  Outstanding/Very Good/Good/ higher responsibility.                              Average/Below Average.   (d)        Ability to inspire confi-  Outstanding/Very Good/Good/ dence, guide, motivate              Average/Below Average. and obtain the best out of the staff.   (e)        Ability to enforce                      Outstanding/Very Good/Good/ discipline.                                 Average/Below Average.     Reporting Officers Signature and Designation.   Remarks by the Reviewing Officer (DRM/Dy. Head of Deptt.)   Station: …………………….. Date: …………………………                                                                     (Designation)   Remarks by the Head of the Department.   Station: …………………….. Date: …………………………                                                                     (Designation)   *In case of Territorial Army Personnel, their T.A. rank should also be indicated.     Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-76-CR/3 dated 05.03.1986     Subject: Confidential Reports on Group ‘C’ staff — Deletion of Column “Fitness for promotion”   Reference Ministry of Railways letter No. E (NG) II-75-CR/1 dated 06/10.01.1977 {See Appendix 10) circulating therewith revised Confidential Reports Forms for non-gazetted staff.   The Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) had represented that the column relating to “Fitness for promotion” should not figure in the form of Confidential Report, as it is for the Departmental Promotion Committee to assess the fitness of an officer for promo­tion, on the basis of various other qualitative aspects of performance and taking into account the remarks against all other columns of the Confidential Report. The matter was also discussed in the meeting of the Committee, of the National Council (JCM) held on 12th May 1985. As a result of the discussion, it has since been decided that the column relating to “Fitness for Promotion” may be deleted in the form of Confidential Report for Group “C” staff. However, the column in Section II of the Confidential Report Form for senior supervisors regarding “fitness for promotion to Group B” will be retained.   23.   Subject: Entry in the Service Records – Qualifications acquired in the field of Scouting.     [No. E (NG) I/88/CR/4 dated 12.05.1989; RBE 126/89]   Ministry of Railways have decided that when a Railway employee acquires any qualification in the field of Scouting a suitable entry in regard to the same should be made in his service records.   24.   Subject: Confidential Reports. (IREC Vol.1) [Rule 1619 of IREC Vol. I]   1619.               (1) Non-gazetted Railway servants— In general conformity with the principles laid down in the proceeding rules, a General Manager may frame detailed rules for the preparation, submission and disposal of confidential reports on non-gazetted Railway servants and may define the classes to which such rules shall apply. Annual confidential reports in the prescribed form on all Class III Railway servants, in two grades below the selection grade, shall, however, be maintained regularly. The document in which the substance of an adverse report is communicated to a Railway servant shall be prepared in duplicate, one copy being signed by the Railway servant concerned and returned with his explanation, if any, and the other copy being retained by him for further reference.   (2) Confidential reports on subordinates of accounts department considered fit f or promotion to gazetted rank.— Annual confi­dential reports (R. 1619) on each senior accountant, senior inspector of station accounts and senior inspector of stores accounts, considered fit for promotion to the rank of Assistant Accounts Officer, should be submitted by the Chief Accounts Officer to the General Manager by the 1st. April each year. These reports (R. 1619) should be recorded in the handwriting of the Chief Accounts Officer and should be kept strictly confidential. Reports on the work of any individual, once reported as fit for promotion to the rank of Assistant Accounts Officer, should continue to be sent in subsequent years even though the Chief Accounts Officer may change his opinion about his ability. A confidential list of such persons should, therefore, be kept in each Accounts Office. The report (R. 1619) should give the following particulars.   Form R. 1619     Confidential Report on … for 19… 19…   (a)        Name ……………………………………………………………………   (b)        Rank ……………………………………………………………………   (c)        Capacity and knowledge in each branch of work……………..   (d)        Ability to manage Section and general influence over others   (e)        Personal character and health………………………………………   (f)         Other qualities worth recording……………………………………     25.   Subject: Qualifications acquired in the field of Scouts & Guides — Reflection of in the CRs. [No. E (NG) I/88/CR/4 dated 25.02.1991; RBE 36/91}   In terms of this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 12.5.89 {See Appendix 23) the qualifications acquired in the field of Scouts & Guides are required to be entered suitably in the service record of the concerned employees.   2.         The question of such qualifications being reflected in the confidential Reports also has been under consideration of the Board. As you are aware in respect of Teachers/Instructors in Teaching/Training Schools there is already a provision regarding such qualifications being mentioned vide column 9(c) of Annexure – IV attached with this Ministry’s letter No. E (NG) V86/CR/5 dated 22.04.1987 {See Appendix 30). In respect of other staff it has now been decided that the reporting officers may mention special achievements/qualifications in the field of Scouts & Guides against column 4 in Part HI of Annexures I, H & III and column 11 of Annexure V containing Confidential Reports formats circulated under this Ministry letter dated 22.04.1987, referred to above.     26.   Subject: Adverse comments in Confidential Reports – which have not been communicated —Effect thereof on consideration for promotion. [No. E (NG) I/91/CR/2 dated 10.06.1993; RBE 92/93]   As the Railways are aware, in terms of Board’s letter No, E (NG) II/78/CR/2 dated 10.11.1978 (See Appendix 12), adverse remarks in the Confidential Reports are to be communicated to the Railway servants concerned within one month of their being recorded. The Railway servant is allowed to represent against the adverse remarks within one month of their communication. All representations against adverse remarks are to be decided expeditiously by the competent authority, in any case within 3 months from the date of submission of the representation. Adverse remarks are not deemed as operative if any representation filed within the prescribed limit is pending. However, the existing orders as brought out above do not cover a situation where adverse comments in the Confidential Reports have not been commu­nicated to the employee concerned.   2.         In this connection, the Staff Side of National Council/JCM expressed view that adverse remarks not communicated to a Govern­ment servant should not be operated upon and they should be totally ignored. This view of the staff side was not found acceptable by the Government. However, it was realised mat it may not be quite appropriate mat Government Servant is passed over only on the basis of adverse remarks against which he had no opportunity to represent as the same have not been communicated. The matter has therefore been considered further and it has been decided as follows: —   (i)         Where the Departmental Promotion Committee find that the adverse remarks in the CRs have not been communi­cated but the adverse remarks are of sufficient gravity to influence their assessment of the Railway servant con­cerned, men the Committee shall defer consideration of defer case of the Railway Servant, provided these remarks have been recorded in any of the CRs pertaining to three immediately preceeding years prior to the year in which the DPC is held and direct the Cadre Controlling Author­ity concerned to communicate the adverse remarks to the Railway servant concerned so that he may have an oppor­tunity to make a representation against the same. Where the uncommunicated adverse remarks pertain to a period earlier than the above or where the remarks are not con­sidered of sufficient gravity to influence the assessment of the Railway servant concerned, the DPC may proceed with the consideration of the case but may ignore the remarks while making the assessments.   (ii)        After a decision is taken by the Competent Authority on the representation made by the Railway servant or in the event of Railway servant not making any such representa­tion after the period therefore has expired, the DPC shall assess the suitability of the railway servant on the basis of entries now contained in the CR. While considering the deferred case as above, if the DPC find the Railway ser­vant fit for promotion, the procedure prescribed below shall be followed: —   (a)        If the DPC find the Railway servant fit for promo­tion, it would place him at the appropriate place in the relevant panel select list after taking into account the toned down remarks or expunged remarks and his promotion will be regulated in the manner indicated below. (b)        If the Railway servants placed junior to the Railway servant concerned have been promoted, he would be promoted immediately and if there is no vacancy, the junior most Railway servant officiating in higher grade should be reverted to accommodate him. On promo­tion, his pay should be fixed under Rule 13 21-R. II (FR-27) at the stage it would have reached had he been promoted from the date the Railway servant im­mediately below him was promoted but no arrears would be admissible. The seniority of the Railway servant would be determined in the order in which his name, on review, has keen placed in the panel/select list by DPC.   (c)        If in any such case, a minimum period of qualifying service is prescribed for promotion to higher grade, the period from which a Railway servant placed be­low the Railway servant concerned in the panel/select list was promoted to the higher grade should be reckoned towards the qualifying period of service for the purpose of determining his eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade.   (iii)       In case where a decision on the representation of a Rail-way servant against adverse remarks has not been taken or the time allowed for submission of representation is not over, the DPC in their discretion may defer the consideration of the case until a decision is taken on the represen­tation.   (iv)       In both the cases referred to in paras 2(i) and 2(iii) above, where consideration of the case is deferred on account of adverse remarks contained in the CRs, the concerned authority should intimate the result of the representation of the Railway servant against adverse remarks within a period of 3 months from the date of submission of the said representation, if any.       27.   Subject: Confidential Reports on Non-gazetted Staff Standardisation of Forms. [No. E57 CR3/1 dated 01.11.1966]   Reference Board’s letter of even No. dated 14.06.1966 (See Appendix 4). The present heading of the Annuxure I forming an enclosure to the above letter may be changed to read as under: “Confidential Report for Class III including workshop Staff (except P.W.Is, A.P.W.Is., I.O.Ws., A.I.O.Ws, Signal Inspectors, Assistant Signal Inspector and teachers/instructors for the year ending 31st March, 1967.”                                                                           28.   Subject: Refresher courses for Non-gazetted Staff – Column in ACR Form. [No. E (Trg.) 1-67 TR1/105 dated 31.10.1969]   In Board’ s letter number E55 TRI/64/3 dated 31.12.1955 (copy enclosed for ready reference) refresher courses for various categories of staff have been prescribed.   Railway Administrations are already aware of the important of these refresher courses to the non-gazetted staff, as these not only upgrade the technical skill of the staff in the respective jobs, but also prepare them for higher responsibilities in due time, besides the more important aspect of ensuring safety in Railway working.   2.         In the case of staff connected with train passing and train operation duties, provision exists in Rule 152-A-RI for disciplinary action to be taken when they fail to pass the prescribed refresher courses.   3.         The Board have considered that what action should be taken in respect of staff, other than those connected with train passing and train operation duties, and have decided that as most of the Railway Administrations have provided adequate facilities for conducting refresher courses in the training establishment, they should now take suitable measures to ensure that the staff are releases in time to attend the refresher courses.   In the case of these categories of staff, the confidential report form should include one more column, which should provide for.   (a)        Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed refresher course,   (b)        Whether he attended the refresher course on being released, and   (c)        Whether he passes/failed in the said refresher course.             The remarks of the reporting officer in this column should be taken into consideration as one of the criteria for adjudging the suitability of the employee concerned for higher grades in selection or non-selection posts which are filled on the basis of suitability tests.   4.         Having regard to the foregoing decision of the Board, Railway Administrations should make every endeavour to enable the staff concerned to attend and pass the prescribed refresher courses.   29.   Subject: Confidential Reports—Refresher courses for Non-gazetted staff. [No. E (NG) H-70 CR-1 dated 30.09.1970]   Reference is invited to para 3 of Railway Board’s letter No. E (Trg.)l-67TRI/105, dated 31.10.1969 in which it was laid down that in the case of categories of staff other than those connected with train passing and train operation duties, the Confidential Report Forms should include one more column which should provide as follows :—   (a)        Whether the employee was booked for the prescribed re-fresher course;   (b)        Whether he attended the refresher course on being released; and   (c)        Whether he passed/failed in the said refresher course.   2.         The Board have now decided that in the Confidential Report Forms circulated under Board’s letter No. E (NG) 57CR3/1 dated 14.04.1966 (See Appendix 4) a column covering entries (a) to (c) above may be included as item No. 15 in Annuxure I, item No. 23 in Annexure II item 32 in Annexure III and item No. 8 in Annexure IV, (renumbering other items suitably) with the following “Note” at the foot of the respective items: —   Note:   This column should be completed only in cases of those categories of staff who are booked for refresher courses but are not connected with train passing and train operation duties.     30.   Subject: Entry in A.C.R. regarding passing of Hindi Examinations under the Hindi Teaching Scheme. [No. Hindi/73/G-l/24 dated 11.03.1974]   It has been decided that whenever a Railway employee passes any of the Prabodh, Praveen and Pragya Hindi Examination, a suitable entry to the effect should be made in the C.R. of the employee concerned for the year.


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