Reservation Of Jobs And Recruitment Thereto For Physically Handicapped Persons In Groups C & D Posts On Railways


MASTER CIRCULAR No. 13   Reservation of Jobs and Recruitment Thereto for Physically Handicapped Persons in Groups C & D Posts on Railways   CONTENTS   No. Subject   Introduction 1 Quota for Physically Handicapped 2 Definitions of the Categories Referred to in 1 – – The Blind – – The Deaf – – The Orthopaedically Handicapped 3 Counting of Vacancies and Methodology for Reservation 4 Identification of Posts 5 Recruitment – – The concessions to physically handicapped candidates 6 Monitoring of Recruitment 7 General Railway Boards Orders Subject Letter No. Date Reservation of posts for the physically handicapped persons in Group C & D posts/services under the Central Government DOP’s, OM. No. 39016/6 / 771 – Estt (C) dated 04.11.1977 Reservation of posts for the Physically Handicapped persons in Groups C&D posts services on the Rail­ways E (NG) III – 77 RCI / 54 08.01.1978 Reservation of vacancies for the physically handi­capped persons in Groups C & D posts on the Rail­ways E (NG) III / 78 / RC 1 / 54 26.10.1979 Reservation of vacancies for the physically handicapped persons in Group C and D posts on the Railways – {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation for the three categories. E (NG) II / 80 / RC 1 / 67 28.08.1980 Recruitment of physically handicapped persons against reserved vacancy – Vocational Rehabilitation Center E (NG) II – 80 / RC 1 / 67 23.03.1981 Handicapped Quota. E (NG) II / 82 / RC 1 / 3 08.02.1982 Recruitment of physically handicapped persons selected by the Railway Service Commissions. E (NG) II – 82 / RC 1 / 48 06.05.1982 Reservation of posts for the physically handicapped persons in Group C and D posts/ –Clarification for Blind Candidates E (NG) III 77 / RC – 1 / 54 13.08.1982 Appointment of physically handicapped persons to Group ‘C’ posts-standard in Educational qualifica­tions – Minimum Education Qualification. . E (NG) II-82 / RC 1 / 98 01.09.1982 Subject Letter No. Date Method to Compute Reserved Vacancy for the Physically Handicapped. DOP’s, O.M. No. 36035 / 17 / 85 – Estt. (SCT) 01.04.1986 Reservation for the physically handicapped persons in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts on the Railways –         {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} Reservation and Identified Posts. E (NG) II / 85/ RC – 2 / 74 RBE No. 1114 / 86 26.06.1986 Employment of physically handicapped persons on Railways — Submission of periodical reports — half yearly – Proforma for Sending Report E (NG) II/85/RC2/36/4) 17.11.1986 Reservation of jobs for physically handicapped per­sons in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts – Identifica­tion of jobs — Classification of occupations as suit­able for handicapped persons E (NG) II/86/RC-2/18/ Policy RBE No. 175/87 10.07.1987 Vacancies of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts reserved for physically handicapped persons (including blind person) for offices located outside Delhi—Constitution of Special Recruitment Committee regarding. D.O.P, O.M. No. 36019/9/88-Estt (B) 18.08.1988 Employment of Physically Handicapped candidates In-Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts — Special Recruit­ment Drive. E(NG)II/88/RC-2121 04.11.1988 Recruitment of physically handicapped persons Employment of the visually handicapped – E (NG) II/86/RC-2/I8 (Policy) 25.09.1989 Reservation for Ex-servicemen physically handicapped etc. and application of principle of maximum 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservations under Article16(4) of the Constitution of India. 90-E(SCl)I/71/1 17.06.1990 Appointment of physically handicaped to Group D posts in Railways E(NG)II-93/RC-2/1 RBE 99/93 05.07.1993 Reservation for Physically Handicapped persons in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts/service in Government 90-E(SCT)I/71/1 02.12.1994 List of Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physicaly Handicapped Address of the Special Employment Exchanges for Physically Handicapped (Running) Other Orders of Railway Board onthe Subject           Reservation of Jobs and Recruitment Thereto for Physically Handicapped Persons in Groups C & D Posts on Railways     At present, the instructions on the subject of reservation of jobs and recruitment thereto S for the physically handicapped persons are scattered in a number of office circulars / orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidating them has been engaging the attention of the Railway Board. They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the above subject as below for the information and guidance of all concerned.   1. Quota for Physically Handicapped:   It has been decided by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) that reservations in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts for the physically handi­capped persons should be made as indicated below:                                                                 Category Reservation Percentage (a) The blind 1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} (b) The deaf                                   1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} (c) The orthopaedically handicapped 1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} Total 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   [No. E (NG) III/77/RC – l /54 dated 08.01.1978 and No. E (NG) III/78/RC – H 54 dated 26.10.1979] At least one Group ‘D’ vacancy on each Zonal Railway should be earmarked for appointment as ‘Caner’ and may be filled up by visually handicapped persons. [No. E (NG) II / 89 / RC – 2 / 25 dated 07.07.1989]   2. Definitions of the Categories Referred to in 1   The Blind – The blind are those who suffer from either of the following conditions:   (a) Total absence of sight.   (b) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses.   (c) Limitation of the filed of vision subtending and angle of 20 degrees or worse.   The Deaf – The deaf are those in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of life. They do not hear, understand sounds at all events with amplified speech. The cases included in this category will be those having hearing loss more than 90 decibles in the better ear (profound impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears. Orthopaedically Handicapped – The Orthopaedically handicapped are those who have a physical defect or deformity, which causes an interference with the normal functioning of the bones, muscles and joints.   3. Counting of Vacancies and Methodology for Reservation.   It has been decided that with effect from 01.01.1986, the reservation for the physically handicapped in the Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts shall be computed on the basis of the total number of vacancies occurring in all Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts. The recruitment would, however, be only in the posts identified to be suitable for them subject to the overall ceiling of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation in that post as laid down by the Supreme Court.   The methodology for calculating the vacancies and for filling up the same, as outlined in the Department of Personnel’s O.M. No. 36035/17/85-Estt, (SCT) dated 01.04.1986, circulated under Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/85/RC-2/74 dated 26.06.1986 may be followed with suitable modifications found necessary to suit the set up on the Railways.   The reservation of vacancies is to be made separately for each category. If candidates belonging to a category of persons are not available, persons from the other categories may be taken. In that case, the reservation would be deemed to have been utilised in pursuance of the principle of inter se exchange.   In any year, if vacancies reserved are not filled, the reservation should be carried forward in the subsequent three recruitment years at the end of which the reservation should be deemed to have lapsed. [No. E (NG) H/85/RC-2/74 dated 26.06.1986 and D.O.P’s OM. No. 36035/17186-Estt. (SCT) dated 01.04.1986]   4. Identification of Posts:   Identification of posts on the Railways in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ for reservation and recruitment of physically handicapped persons had already been circulated vide this Ministry’s letter No. E (NG) II/86/RC-2/18/Policy dated 10.07.1987. The list is only illustrative and not exhaustive. The Railway may add to the list additional posts identified by them locally under intimation to the Railway Board. [No. E (NG) H/86/RC-2/18/Policy dated 10.07.1987]   5. Recruitment:   Recruitment for filling vacancies against physically handicapped quota is to be made by the Railways themselves. For this purpose, all vacancies in Groups ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts are to be notified to the Employment Exchanges, Special Employment Exchanges and the nearest vocational rehabilitation centres for the physically handicapped persons. The vacan­cies are not only to be notified in such agencies but are also to be filled through them. A list of Special Employment Exchanges and Vocational Re­habilitation Centres for the physically handicapped was enclosed to Board’s letter. No. E (NG) II/80/RC1/67 dated 23.03.1981. [No. E (NG) II/80/RC-1/67 dated 23.03.1981] The physically handicapped candidates are eligible for the following concessions:   (a)  Age relaxation upto 10 years; relaxation of another 5 years for SCs/STs.   (b)  A pass in Matriculation would do (instead of insisting on mini­mum 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} marks as in the case of other general candidates) provided other prescribed conditions are satisfied.   (c)  Exempt from the payment of application and examination fees.   (d)  Exempt from medical examination at the time of appointment provided they have already been medically examined by a Medical Board attached to the Special Employment Exchanges/ Vocational Rehabilitation Centres and produce the Medical Certificate of such Boards.   (e)  Exempted from typing qualification for appointment to clerical posts if they are found otherwise qualified and are certified as being unable to type by the Medical Board, attached to the Special Employment Exchanges or by a Civil Surgeon where such a Board does not exist. No. E (NG) H / 80 / RC – 1 / 67 dated 27.08.1980; E (NG) II / 80 / RC – 1 / 67 dated 23.03.1981; No. E (NG) II / 82 / RC-1 / 98 dated 01.09.1982 and DOP’s O.M. No. 36019 / 9 / 88 – Estt. (B) dated 18.08.1988]   Those who physically handicapped candidates, who are not covered by (d) above, may be given a medical memo indicating that they are recruited against the Handicapped Quota to enable the Medical Officer to keep this in view at the time of medical examination of physically handicapped candidates. (No. E (NG) II / 82 / RC – 1 / 3 dated 08.02.1982)   In the case of handicapped persons recruited through the Railway Recruitment Boards, if the candidates are properly registered with the Special Employment Exchange and possess a certificate of special handi­cap, they may be examined medically for their suitability for employment as handicapped person provided they request for such a medical examina­tion. The appointment of such candidates may be counted against the Handicapped Quota of that Railway. [No. E (NG) II / 82 / RC – 1 / 48 dated 06.05.1982]   The procedure for verification of character and antecedents of the candidates for appointment under the Handicapped quota will be regulated according to the extant instructions on the subject issued by the Government from time to time. [DOP’s OM. 36019/9/88 – Estt. (B) dated 18.08.1988]   Physically Handicapped, SC/ST, Ex-Servicemen and dependents of those killed in action may be given preference for recruitment to Group C and D in Central Services. [No. E (NG) II / 80 / RC – 1 / 67 dated 27.08.1980]   6.The Ministry of Railway (Railway Board) desire that the overall control should be with the Chief Personnel Officer so that the Headquarters Personnel Department is in a position to oversee the implementation of the above instructions and maintain requisite data for forwarding the periodic returns. In this case, the returns are to be sent to the Ministry of Railways half-yearly in the prescribed proforma. [No. E (NG) II / 85 / RC – 2 / 74 dated 26.06.1986 and E (NG) II / 85 / RC -2 / 36 (4) dated l7.11.1986]   7. General:   (i) While referring to the synopsis as above, the original circulars referred to should be read for proper appreciation. The synopsis given in the Master Circular should be construed only as a key to the original circular and not as a substitution. In case of any doubt, the original circular(s) referred to in the Master Circulars, will be relied upon as authority.   (ii) It should be noted that the orders/instructions issued under the various circulars have only prospective effect from the date of issue of the relevant original letter(s), unless specifically stated otherwise in the concerned letter. Hence, for dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time have to be referred.   (iii) Though all efforts have been taken to include all the relevant circulars on the subject, if any circulars which have not been superseded, happens to be omitted, that circular, which has been omitted through oversight, will still hold the field. Anyone coming across such a circular may bring it to the notice of the Railway Board for suitable action for issuing a Supplementary Circular. 1.   Subject:  Reservation of posts for the physically handicapped persons in Group C & D posts/services under the Central Government. [DOP’s, OM. No. 39016 / 6 / 771 – Estt (C) dated 04.11.1977]   The undersigned is directed to say that the question of reservation of posts in the Civil Services for the Physically Handicapped persons has been under consideration of the Government for some time. While the number of persons physically handicapped in various ways is considerable, the question under consideration -has been confined for the purposes for employment of the blind, the deaf and the orthopaedically handicapped persons. The President is now pleased to decide that the reservations in Groups C and D posts/services for the physically handicapped persons listed below should be made to the extent indicated against each:     Category of the handicapped Reservation Percentage (1) The blind 1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} (2) The deaf                                   1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} (3) The orthopaedically handicapped 1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   2. The categorisation of the physically handicapped persons for purposes of reservations in employment will be on the basis of definition furnished in the annexure attached to this Office Memorandum   3. The reservation of posts should be made separately for each of the aforesaid three categories of the physically handicapped persons but provision may be made for inter-se exchange of vacancies if candidates belong­ing to a category of persons are not available or if the nature of vacancies in an office is such that a given category of persons cannot be employed. If in any year, the vacancies reserved for these categories are not filled, the reservations could be carried over for a period of upto two recruitment years. In order to implement these reservation orders, the jobs, which can be performed by various categories of physically handicapped persons without loss of productivity, should be identified by the Ministries/Departments concerned.   4. Where a Department consider that it is not possible to provide for the physically handicapped to the extent of the reservations in view of the nature of duties expected to be performed by the employee in any particular Department, that Department could be partly or fully exempted from the reservation orders. The grant of such exemption shall be decided by an inter-Departmental Committee to be setup by the Department of Social Welfare, on which the Deptt. of Social Welfare Deptt. P. & A.R Deptt of Health and the Administrative Department concerned would be represented.   5. In the categories of jobs, which are identified by the Ministries/Departments as being particularly suitable to handicapped persons, other things being equal, preference should be given to handicapped persons for such jobs even in excess of the quota reserved for them in accordance with the instructions contained in paragraph 1 above.   6. The Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of the offices under their administrative control for implementation of these orders.   7.    In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.     ANNEXURE   Definitions of the categories of the handicapped for purposes of reservation in employment   The Blind:   The blind are those who suffer from either of the following conditions:   (a) Total absence of sight.   (b)  Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses;   (c) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.   The Deaf:   The deaf are those in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of life. They do not hear understand sounds at all events with amplified speech. The cases included in this category will be those having hearing loss more than 90 decibles in the better ear (profound impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears.   Orthopaedically Handicapped:   The orthopaedically handicapped are those who have a physical defect or deformity, which causes an interference with the normal functioning of the bones, muscles and joints.     2.   Subject: Reservation of posts for the Physically Handicapped persons in Groups C&D posts services on the Rail­ways [No. E (NG) III – 77 RCI / 54 dated 08.01.1978]   The Ministry of Home Affairs, Deptt of Personnel & Administrative Reforms have communicated Governments decision for reservation in Group C & D posts/services for the physically handicapped persons as given below:   The Blind                                                          1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   The Deaf                                                          1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   The Orthopaedically Handicapped                    1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   The categorisation of the physically handicapped for purpose of reser­vations is given in the Annexure.   The reservation of posts is to be made separately for each of the aforesaid categories of physically handicapped persons but if candidates belonging to a category of persons are not available or if the nature of vacancies is such that a given category of persons cannot be employed there is a provision for taking persons belonging to the other categories. In order to implement these reservation orders the jobs which can be performed by various categories of physically handicapped persons without loss of productivity should be identified.. Where it is not possible to provide for the physically handicapped to the extent of the reservations in view of the nature of duties expected to be performed by the employees in such posts could be partly or fully exempted from the reservation orders, but the grant of such exemption is to be decided by an Inter Departmental Committee.   The Ministry of Railways desire to know how best their directives could be implemented on the Railways. In certain categories as in the case of line staff, partial exemption may have to be asked for. Your views and recommendations may kindly be sent in about a fortnight’s time.   It may also be pointed out that various associations for the Blind are recommending consideration of Blind persons for appointment as An­nouncers. On some Railways blind persons are reported to have been taken as Announcers. While formulating your views, these aspects should also be kept in view.   ANNEXURE   Definitions of the categories of the Handicapped for purposes of reservation in employment   The Blind:   The blind are those who suffer from either of the following conditions:   (a)  Total absence of sight;   (b)  Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses;   (c)  Limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degrees or worse.     The Deaf:   The Deaf are those in whom the sense of hearing is non-functional for ordinary purposes of Life. They do not hear understand sounds at all events with amplified speach. The cases included in this category will be those having hearing loss more than 90 decibles in the better ear (profound impairment) or total loss of hearing in both ears.     The Orthopaedically Handicapped:   The Orthopaedically handicapped are those who have a physical defect or deformity, which causes an interference with the normal functioning of the bones, muscles and joints 3. Subject:Reservation of vacancies for the physically handi­capped persons in Groups C & D posts on the Rail­ways.   [No. E (NG) III / 78 / RC 1 / 54 dated 26.10.1979]   In continuation of Ministry’ s letter of even number dated 08/10.01.1978, it has been decided that reservations in Groups C and D posts for the physically handicapped persons should be made as indicated below:   The Blind                                                          —        1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   The Deaf                                                          —        1{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   The Orthopaedically Handicapped                    —        1 {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}   The posts in which the physically handicapped persons could be employed have been listed in the annexure. The list is illustrative and not exhaustive. They may be added to by Railway Administration.   If candidates belonging to a category of persons are not available persons from the other categories may be taken. If in any year vacancies reserved are not filled, the reservation should be carried over for a period upto two recruitment years.   In the categories listed and those added by the Railways, preference may be given to handicapped persons even in excess of the quota reserved for them to make up for the shortfall in other recruitment categories where considerations of safety does not permit intake of handicapped persons.   A report as in the enclosed proforma should be sent to the Board at the end of each year showing reservations made for the physically handicapped persons. Your report for the period upto 31.12.1979 may kindly be sent by 15.01.1980. 4.   Subject:  Reservation of vacancies for the physically handicapped persons in Group C and D posts on the Railways.   Reference:Board’s letter No. E (NG) III / 78 / RCI / 54 dated 26.10.1979.   [No. E (NG) II / 80 / RC 1 / 67 dated 28.08.1980]   In Board’s letter referred to above instructions were issued that for recruitment in Group C and D posts one per cent reservation should be made for each of the blind, the deaf and the orthopaedically handicapped. A list had also been enclosed with this letter indicating the posts in which the physically handicapped persons should be employed. This list was only il­lustrative and not exhaustive and the Railways could add more posts to this list for recruitment of physically handicapped persons falling in the above categories.   2.     Since in the Railways the physically handicapped persons cannot be appointed in most of the categories because of the safety considerations, the position has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways and it has been decided that 15{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} instead of the present 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} (1 {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} each for the blind, the deaf and the orthopaedically handicapped) of the vacancies in the notified categories or other categories where the Railways consider that physically handicapped persons can be recruited, should be reserved for recruitment of the physically handicapped persons in the above categories. Efforts should be made for the recruitment of proportionate number out of the above 3 categories of physically handicapped. In case, however, sufficient number of candidates is not forthcoming in one category, that may be made up by the persons available in other categories to make up a total of 15{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}.   The other conditions for the recruitment of physically handicapped as laid down from time to time will continue to be the same.         5.   Subject:  Recruitment of physically handicapped persons against reserved vacancy.   [No. E (NG) II – 80 / RC 1 / 67 dated 23.03.1981]   Enquiries have been made by certain Railway Administrations as to whether the applications from physically handicapped persons should be sponsored by the Employment Exchanges or whether this can be altogether dispensed with and the Railway Administrations authorised to regulate such appointments. It is clarified that as per existing instructions of the Govern­ment, all vacancies in Group C and D posts are not only to be notified in the employment exchanges but are also to be filled through that agency except in the case of recruitment through service commissions. It has also been decided that in addition to special employment exchanges and ordinary employment exchanges, the nearest Vocational Rehabilitation Centres for physically handicapped persons may also be asked to nominate suitable handicapped persons. A list of Vocational Rehabilitation Centres is enclosed for information to whom a copy of the requisition may also be endorsed in future.   ANNEXURE   List of Vocational Rehabilitation Centres for Physically Handicapped   1. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Guindy, Madras.   2.  Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus; Gobind Nagar, Kanpur.   3.  Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, Napier Town, Jabalpur.   4.   Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Gill Road, Ludhiana.   5.  Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I., Campus, Sion, Bombay.   6. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, B.C. Roy, Polyclinic, Beliaganta, Calcutta.   7.  Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, I.T.I., Pusa, New Delhi.   8.  Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad.   9.   Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, I.T.I., Kuber Nagar, Ahmedabad.   10. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C/0 Jayamata Training Institute, Nalanchina, Trivandrum.   11. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, 5, Siddaiah Road, Bangalore.   6.   Subject:  Handicapped Quota.   [No. E (NG) II / 82 / RC 1 / 3 dated 08.02.1982]   Representations have been received by the Board in regard to harass­ment during medical examination of the candidates selected against the handicapped quota. This harassment is alleged to be on account of clear instructions not being given on the medical memo that the candidate is being recruited against the handicapped quota, so that the medical officer exam­ining these candidates keeps in view the disability i.e. deafness, blindness and physical disability. It will be necessary that suitable instructions are given to your recruitment officers to ensure that correct indication is given when such candidates are sent for medical examination.   7.   Subject: Recruitment of physically handicapped persons selected by the Railway Service Commissions.   [No. E (NG) II – 82 / RC 1 / 48 dated 06.05.1982]   A question has been raised as to how the cases of appointment of handicapped candidates selected by the Railway Service Commission should be considered, as they normally cannot pass the medical examination prescribed for the candidates recruited by the Railway Service Commis­sions. The matter has been examined by the Ministry of Railways and it has been decided that such candidates if properly registered with the special Employment Exchanges as indicated in Ministry’s letter No. E (NG) II-80/RC1/67 dated 23.03.1981 possessing certificate of special handicap may be examined medically for their suitability for employment as a handicapped person provided the candidate represents for such a medical examination. The CMO’s may consider such requests and medically examine them ac­cordingly. The appointment of such handicapped candidates may, however, be counted against handicapped quota of the Railway as laid down in Ministry’s letter No. E (NG) II – 80/RC1/67 dated 28.08.1980.   8.   Subject: Reservation of posts for the physically handicapped persons in Group C and D posts/services under the Central Government.   [No. E (NG) III 77 / RC – 1 / 54 dated 13.08.1982]   Enquiries have been received from various Railway Administrations whether persons blind in one eye are entitled to concessions in the matter of appointment to the posts reserved for the blind persons under the Central Government. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Social Welfare. It is clarified that only those persons who are covered under the definition of blind persons mentioned in Annexure to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 08.01.1978 already circulated, are entitled to concessions in the matter of appointment to the posts reserved for the blind persons under the Ministry of Railways. In individual case, if need be an ophthalmolgist may be consulted in order to determine whether the person concerned is entitled for appointment to the posts reserved for blind persons.       9. Subject:  Appointment of physically handicapped persons to Group ‘C’ posts-standard in Educational qualifica­tions.   [No. E (NG) II-82 / RC 1 / 98 dated 01.09.1982]   The Ministry of Railways in their letter No. E (NG) II-81/RSC/25 dated 25.01.1982 had prescribed that the minimum educational qualifications for recruitment to Group ‘C’ non-technical popular categories of posts other than ASMs and Guards should be a pass in matriculation or equivalent with a minimum of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} marks in the aggregate. It has also been stated that for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, ex-servicemen, this minimum per­centage of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} marks in matriculation need not be insisted upon.   A question has been raised as to whether in the case of appointment against handicapped quota, the candidate concerned has to possess mini­mum of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} marks in matriculation. The matter has been considered and it is clarified that for appointment of handicapped persons against their quota to these posts, the minimum of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} marks in matriculation need not be insisted upon and a pass in matriculation would do provided the other prescribed conditions are satisfied in their case.     10. Subject: Reservation for the physically handicapped persons in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts on the Railways.   [No. E (NG) II / 85 / RC – 2 / 74 dated 26.06.1986; RBE: 1114 / 86]   Attention of Railway Administrations is invited to instructions con­tained in Ministry of Railways letter No. E (NG) III/78/RC-1/54 dated 08.01.1978 regarding employment of physically handicapped persons in Group C and D posts on the Railways. It was laid down therein that reservation should be made for each of the categories of physically handicapped persons that is 1 {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} for the Blind, 1 {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} for Deaf and 1 {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} for the orthopaedically handicapped. Subsequently the percentage of posts to be reserved for employment of physically handicapped persons on Railways was raised vide Ministry of Railways letter No. E (NG) II/80/RC1/67 dated 28.08.1980, to 15{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of vacancies in identified categories or other categories where the Railways consider that physically handicapped persons can be recruited (5{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} each for Blind, the Deaf, and the Orthopaedically Handi­capped).   2.    The question whether the said reservation for the physically handicapped is to be computed on the basis of vacancies occurring only in these Group C and Group D posts which have been identified as suitable for the physically handicapped persons or on the basis of me total vacancies, has been reconsidered. It has now been decided that with effect from 01.01.1986, the reservation for the physically handicapped in Group C and D posts shall be computed on the basis of the total number of vacancies occurring in all Group C and D posts. The recruitment of the handicapped would, however, be only in the posts identified to be suitable for them, subject to the overall ceiling of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation in that post as laid down by the Supreme Court. In this connection a copy of O.M. No. 36035 / 17 / 85 ESTT (SCT) dated 01.04.1986 from the Department of Personnel and Training is sent herewith for information and guidance.   3.    In view of the above, the Department of Railways have now decided that on Railways too the reservation of vacancies for the physically handicapped persons should, with effect from 1st January, 1986, be 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} (l{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} each for the blind, the deaf and the orthopaedically handicapped persons) of all the vacancies occurring in Group C and Group D posts. The employment of physically handicapped persons will, however, be only in posts, which are identified to be suitable for their employment. The instructions contained in Ministry of Railways letter No. E (NG) II / 80 / RC1 / 67 dated 28.08.1980 cited above, stand modified accordingly.   4.         The methodology for calculating the vacancies and for filling up of the same outlined in the enclosed O.M. dated 01.04.1986 of the Department of Personnel and Training may be followed with suitable adjustments found necessary to suit the set up on the Railways. For this purpose, each Railway Administration may lay down as to which authorities will discharge the functions assigned to heads of Departments in the instructions of DOP. The Department of Railways however, desire that the overall control should be with the Chief Personnel Officer so that the Headquarters Personnel Department is in a position to oversee the implem­entation of these instructions and also, it constitutes a centralised agency on each Railway Administration for maintenance of requisite data and for furnishing the prescribed periodic returns.   11. Subject: Reservation for the Physically Handicapped persons in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts / services under the Central Government. [DOP’s, O.M. No. 36035 / 17 / 85 – Estt. (SCT) dated 01.04.1986]   The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Personnel and A.R. Office Memorandum No. 39016/6/77-Estt(C) dated 04.11.1977 read with O.M. No. 36035/14/83-Estt (SCT) dated 20.01.1984, on the subject men­tioned above and to say that the question whether the 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation for the physically handicapped is to be computed on the basis of vacancies occurring only in the Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts which have been identified as suitable for the physically handicapped persons or on the basis of the total vacancies occurring in all Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts respectively has been reconsidered in the context of the need for speedy rehabilitation of the physically handicapped. It has now been decided that with effect from 01.01.1986, the 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation for the physically handi­capped in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts shall be computed on the basis of total number of vacancies occurring in all Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts respectively under each Head of Department in a Ministry/Department/ Office, although the recruitment of the handicapped would be only in the posts identified to be suitable for them, subject to the overall ceiling of 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation in that post as laid down by the Supreme Court.   2.  As 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation shall now have to be computed on the basis of vacancies occurring in both the identified and non-identified Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts, and since there are no reserved points for the physically handicapped in the roster for non-identified posts, the instructions laid down in this Department’s Office Memorandum No. 39016/20/80-Estt(C) dated 27th March, 1981, OM No. 36035/14/83-Estt (SCT) dated 20.01.1984 and O.M. No.36035/4/84-Estt (SCT) dated 10.09.1984 for effecting and carrying forward the reservation for various categories of physically handicapped through fixed points on the rosters, shall be deemed to have been withdrawn with immediate effect. Consequently, the 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation for the physically handicapped shall now be computed in the manner laid down as under.   3.  In the beginning of each year, every appointing authority shall assess the number of vacancies, actual as well as anticipated, for making direct recruitment to the-various posts/services under its administrative control. These vacancies shall be plotted on the separate rosters being maintained for different grades/cadres in each office of the appointing authority forgiving effect to reservations for Schedule Castes/Tribes. In the case of such vacancies occurring in posts identified as suitable for one or more of the categories of the handicapped, the appointing authority shall also work out the number of vacancies which could be reserved for the physically handicapped, after accommodating fresh and the carried forward reservation of Scheduled Castes/Tribes, within the 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} ceiling as laid down by the Supreme Court. This exercise shall be completed within the month of January itself and the appointing authority shall send a report to the Head of the Department by 31st January of each year intimating the following details about the vacancies available with it:   (i) Total number of vacancies available and required to be filled by direct recruitment specifying (a) name of the post; and (b) Groups to which it belongs (Groups C or D);     (ii) Whether the post has been identified as suitable for the physically handicapped; and if so, for which sub-categories; and   (iii) In case of identified posts, the number of vacancies out of (I) above, which could be reserved for the physically handicapped after adjusting the fresh and carried forward reservations for SC / ST within the 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} ceiling.   If after this exercise in January, more vacancies come up during the recruitment year, they will also be reported to the Head of the Department by each appointing authority as and when they occur so that the latter is in a position to reassess the computation of the reservation required to be made for the physically handicapped on a macro-basis. If it is less on account of some anticipated vacancies not materialising, that also may likewise be reported to the Head of the Department so as to enable him to make necessary adjustment at his level.   4. All Heads of Departments shall maintain a separate 100 point Register for this purpose, in which each cycle of 100 points shall be divided into three Blocks, comprising the following points:   1st Block          —        point No. 1 to point No. 33   2nd Block        —        point No. 34 to point No. 67   3rd Block         —        point No. 68 to point No. 100   All the vacancies so reported by the different appointing authorities will be entered in this Register for each group of posts (Group C and D). The account shall be maintained on year to year basis separately for Group ‘ C’ and Group ‘D’ posts/services and will be closed on the 31st December of each year. For each block of vacancies, there shall be reserved one vacancy for the physically handicapped in post/grade identified as suitable for one or more of the categories of the physically handicapped. After computing all the vacancies and determining the reservation for the handicapped, blockwise, in the manner indicated above, the Head of Department will be required to distribute these reserved vacancies for the handicapped among different appointing authorities in the light of availability of vacancies in the identified categories under the various appointing authorities. Care should also be taken that 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation for physically handicapped is, as far as possible, distributed equally among the three sub-categories i.e. the Blind, the Deaf and the Orthopaedically Handicapped, consistent with the appro­priate identification. If the number of vacancies is such as to cover only one block or two discretion as to which category of the handicapped should be accommodated first should vest in the Head of the Department who should decide on the basis of the nature of the post, the level of representation of the specific handicapped category in the concerned grade/posts etc. In the event of the reservation not being utilised in the same-block in which it fell due, it shall be carried forward to the next block or blocks as the case may be in the same year. In such exigencies where the reservation could not be utilised in any of the blocks during the year, the same shall be carried forward in the subsequent three recruitment years at the end of which the reservation shall be deemed to have lapsed. Mutual exchange in the event of non-availability of specific handicapped category would be permissible according to the instructions contained in this Department’s O.M. No. 39016/6/77-Estt(C) dated 04.11.1977 and O.M. No. 39016/20/80-Estt(C) dated 30.12.1980.   5.  After the reservation for the physically handicapped has been computed in the above manner, the Head of the Department shall inform the appointing authority of the specific category of handicapped who should be appointed in an identified post or grade, against the total distributed vacancies for each appointing authority. The appointing authority shall take on all the vacancies in the respective 40 point / 100 point rosters being maintained for effecting reservation for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes for posts under its control. In the rosters for the posts identified as suitable for the physically handicapped, and in which vacancies are proposed to be reserved for this category as per the computation made and intimated by the Head of the Department, such number of vacancies to that extent required shall be reserved for the physically handicapped after adjusting the fresh and carry forward reservation for SCs/STs but subject to the overall 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} ceiling as laid down by the Supreme Court.   6.  After the appointment has been made against such a reserved va­cancy for handicapped, the appointing authority shall furnish a compliance report to the Head of the Department to facilitate the latter in assessing the quantum of carry forward as indicated in para 4 above in case of non-­availability of physically handicapped candidates to fill up the vacancies reserved for them. In case, any of the reserved vacancies for physically handicapped is filled by the appointment of a person from any of the sub-categories, the reservation would be deemed to have been utilised in pursuance of the principle of inter-se-exchange.   7. For the year 1986 the procedure laid down in the previous paragraphs may be followed immediately as if the assessment of vacancies is being made in the beginning of 1986 taking into account the vacancies including those which have arisen in 1986 and already filled up. The appointments of handicapped persons already made in accordance with the roster points as per instructions existing prior to the issue of this O.M. may be adjusted against vacancies to be reserved for physically handicapped persons on the basis of the instructions contained in this O.M. After such adjustments the appointing authorities may be intimated the details of the vacancies to be filled up as instructions contained in para 5 of this O.M.   8. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above instruc­tions to the notice of all the Heads of Departments and appointing authorities under their control for necessary compliance and also ensure that the reservation as provided in the above manner, is effectively monitored to cut down on all possible delays.     12. Subject:Employment of physically handicapped persons on Railways — Submission of periodical reports — half yearly.   [No. E (NG) II/85/RC2/36/4) dated 17.11.1986]   Please refer to undersigned’s D.O. of even number dated 25.04.1986 enclosing therewith a proforma for sending statements showing the reser­vation made/posts filled in by physically handicapped persons in Group C and D posts during the quarter. The proforma sent on 25.04.1986 may be treated as cancelled and the information may be sent as per new proforma enclosed with periodicity of half yearly statement. The Ministry of Welfare has desired that the information required to be sent only half/yearly starting according to the proforma now enclosed. It is requested that the half yearly statement starting from the period ending June 1986 be sent as per proforma now enclosed.   So far as calculation of vacancies are concerned your attention is drawn to Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/85/RC2/74 dated 26.06.1986.   ANNEXURE   Statement showing the total number of vacancies in each of the categories of Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts and number filled by handicapped persons.   Name of the Ministry / Railway ……………                V. H. : Visually handicapped for the half year :           January – June                          H. H. : Hearing Handicapped                                     July – December                       O. H. : Orthopaedically Handicapped                                                                                     Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ to be shown separately.     Class of post     Total No. of vacancies occurring during the period. (a)      (b)   Total No. of identi-fied vacan-cies out of col. 2(a)   No. of vacancies reserved for handicapped and filled   No. of vacan-cies carried forward to the next recruitment   Reasons for not filling reserved vacan-cies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9   Occurred Filled   How many reser-ved for handic-apped Carried forward vacancies Total of Col. (4) & (5) Actually filled by handicapped       Group ‘C’                                 V. H.    –                                                   H. H.    –                                                   O. H.   –   Group ‘D’                                 V. H.    –                                                   H. H.    –                                                   O. H.   –   Instructions for filling up the proforma are enclosed.   Signature of Liaison Officer     13. Subject: Reservation of jobs for physically handicapped per­sons in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts – Identifica­tion of jobs — Classification of occupations as suit­able for handicapped persons.   [No. E (NG) II/86/RC-2/18/Policy dated 10.07.1987; RBE 175/87]   Attention is invited to Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) letter No. E (NG) III/78/RC -1/54 dated 26.10.1979 laying down that reservation for Group C and D posts for the physically handicapped persons should be 1 {459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} each for the Blind, the Deaf and Orthopaedically Handicapped and that these categories may be added to by each Railway Administrations to ensure that full 3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation is provided in as many categories as possible. Attention is also invited to the Ministry’s letter No. E (NG) II/85/RC-2/74 dated 26.06.1986 laying down that w.e.f 01.01.1986 reservation for the physically handicapped in Group C & D posts shall be computed on the basis of total number of vacancies occurring in all Group C and Group D posts but the actual recruitment of the handicapped would be only in the posts identified to the suitable for them.   2. The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (De­partment of Personnel & Training) have circulated a list of various jobs for employment of the physically handicapped persons (the blind, the deaf and the Orthopaedically handicapped) in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts/ services. Along therewith has been circulated a list identifying the physical requirements of these jobs as also the functional classification of disabilities indicating what jobs can be held by each category of disabled persons with what disability.   3 .The jobs so identified for employment of physically handicapped persons have been carefully considered by a Committee of Joint Directors of the Railway Board and the Committee has listed out about 250 jobs in Group ‘C’ and some jobs in Group ‘D’ for employment of such candidates on Railways. While enclosing as Annexure-I, a copy of the list of jobs recommended by the Committee of Joint Directors, the Board desire that:   (i) Wherever designations actually in use on Railways are different from those shown in the list, a liberal interpretation may be given by the Railway Administrations who may consider physically handicapped candidates for employment in corresponding jobs;   (ii) For the present, Railway Administrations may continue to con­sider physically handicapped candidates for any additional categories of jobs identified by them locally but not included in the enclosed list;             (iii) Railway Administrations should advise the Railway Board of such additional categories [vide (ii) above] and indicate against each such category functional classification and physical requirements of the job, by 31st October 1987. If no information in this regard is received by that time from a Railway Administration, it will be presumed that Railway Administrations has no such additional category to advise to the Board to be considered for inclusion in the consolidated list of jobs for physically handicapped candidates. 4. In Annexure-II attached, is given the details of functional with code) and physical requirements of jobs (with code).   ANNEXURE – I   JOBS IDENTIFIED FOR EMPLOYMENT OF PHYSICAL HANDICAPPED PERSONS ON THE RAILWAYS   No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 1. Laboratory Asstt. Physical S, F, SE, B OL, PD, D 2. Laboratory Asstt. Soil S, F, SE, B OL, PD, D 3. Laboratory Asstt. Chemical S, F, SE, B OL, PD, D 4. Surveyor, Topographical SE, W, ST, F, L PD, D 5. Surveyor, Photogrammatric SE, W, ST, F, L PD, D 6. Work Inspector, Engineering SE, ST, W, F, B Nil 7. Draughtsman, Archives SE, S, F, B BL, OL, D, PD 8. Draughtsman, Civil SE, S, F, B BL, OL, D, PD 9. Draughtsman, Electrical SE, S, F, B BL, OL, D, PD 10. Draughtsman, Mechanical SE, S, F, B BL, OL, D, PD 11. Draughtsman, Struct. SE, S, F, B BL, OL, D, PD 12. Draughtsman, Topographical SE, S, F, B BL, OL, D, PD 13. Laboratory Asstt, Chem., Engg, Genl. SE, S, B, F OL, D, PD 14. Laboratory Asstt., Metallurgical SE, S, B, F OL, D, PD 15. Plane Tabler, Ground Surveyor SE, ST, W, B, F D, PD, BH 16. Topographical Auxiliary SE, ST, W, B, F D, PD, BH 17. Tracer SE, S, B, F BL, OL, FT, D, PD, 18. Blue Printer SE, S, B, F BL, OL, FT, D, PD, 19. Laboratory Asstt. Clinical SE, S, B, F PD, 20. Dresser SE, S, ST, B, F, PP — 21. Statistical Asstt. SE, ST, F OL, BL, D, PD, FT, MW 22. Librarian SE, S, F, B OL, OA 23. Librarian, Film SE, S, F, B OL, OA 24. Translator SE, S, F OL, BL, MW, FT, OA 25. Legal Asstt. H, SE, S, F OL, OA, PB 26.   Higher Secondary and Secondary School Teacher SE, H, S, F OL, OA, MW (all Subjects) B, PB, (for music only) 27. Language Teacher Higher Secondary and Secondary School SE, H, S, F OL, MW, OA 28. Higher Secondary and Secondary School Teachers (other than those listed elsewhere). SE, H, SF OL, MW, OA No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 29. Middle School Teachers SE, H, S, F OL, OA, MW (for all Subjects) B, PB, (for music only) 30. Language Teacher, Middle School SE, H, F, S OL, MW, OA 31. Language Teacher, Middle School SE, H, F, S OL, MW, OA 32. Primary School Teacher SE, H, F, S OL, MW, OA 33. Primary School Teacher (other) SE, H, F, S OL, OA, MW,  FT 34. Teachers, Infant School SE, H, F, S OL, OA, MW,  FT 35. Art Teacher SE, S, F, ST OL, OA 36. Handwriting Expert SE, F OA, OL, BL, FT 37. Finger Print Expert SE, F OA, OL, BL, FT 38. Section Officer/Office Suptt. /Head Clerk/Section Incharge/ Head Asst./Supervisors (clerical) S, W, H OL, OA 39.   Inspectors / Supervisors, others (clerical) S, W, H, SE OL, OA 40. Office Assistants / Senior Clerks. S, W, H OL, OA, PB 41.   Clerical & Other Supervisors (not elsewhere specified ) S OL, OA 42.   Private Secretary-cum-Stenographers / Personal Asstt. S, W, H OL 43. Steno-Typists / Stenographers S, W, H OL 44. Typists S, W, H OL, BL, D, PD 45. Teleprinter Operator / Teletype Operator  S, W, H OL, BL, OA 46. Key Punch Operator / Card Punch Operator S, W, H OL, BL, OA, D, PD 47. Book Keeper, (General)   S, W, H, SE OA, BL, OL, FT, MW, PD 48. Accounts Clerk S, W, H, SE OA, BL, OL, FT, MW 49.   Ledger Clerk / Keeper S, W, H, SE PD, OA, BL, OL, D, PD, (for such jobs as do not involve public dealing) 50. Cashier( General ) S, W, H, SE OA, BL, OL 51.   Cashier Cash Counter/Cash Clerk, Clerk Cash Counter S, W, H, SE OA, BL, OL 52. Audit Clerk S, W, H, SE OA, OL, BL 53. Clerk, Cost Accounting S, W, H, SE OA, OL, BL 54. Computer S, W, H OA, OL, BL, D, PD 55.   Calculating Machine Operator / Accounting Machine Operator F, W, H OA, OL, BL, D, PD   56. Book Keeping Machine Operator F, S, W, H OA, OL, BL, D, PD No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 57.   Machine supervisor Data Processing machine Supdtt., Data Processing. F, S, W OA, OL, BL, D, PD   58. Sorting Machine Operator, Punch Card Sorting Machine operator F, S, W, SE OL, OA, BL, D, PD 59. Coding Machine Operator F, S, W, SE OL, OA, BL, D, PD 60. Tabulating Machine Operator F, S, W, SE OL, OA, BL, D, PD 61. Clerks (General) S, W, SE OL, OA, BL, D, PD, PB 62. Enquiry Clerk or Information Clerk S, W OL, OA 63. Store Keeper, Store Clerk, Godown Keeper, Warehouseman S, W, H OL, OA 64. Stock Distributor S, W, H OL, OA 65. Stock Verifier S, W, H, SE OL, OA 66. Receptionist ( Hotel ) S, W, H OL, OA, PB 67. Reception Clerk / Receptionists S, W, H OL, OA, BL, PB 68. Library Clerk / Library Assistant S, W, H, SE OL, OA 69. Time Keeper S, W, SE OL, OA, BL, D, PD 70.   Time Keeper / Starter Vehicle time Keeper S, W, SE OL, OA, BL, D, PD 71. Coder Clerk F, S, W OL, OA, BL, D, PD 72. Reservation Clerk /Transport S, W, SE, H OL, OA 73. Booking Clerk / Transport S, W, SE, H OL, OA, BL 74. Ticket Collector, Railways S, W, SE, H FT, MW, PD, D 75. Travelling Ticket Examiner, S, W, S, E, H Nil 76.   Ticket Examiner/Ticket Checker/ Asstt. Traffic Inspector S, W, SE, H Nil 77. Station Master Railways S, W, SE, H Nil 78.   Telegraph Master Controller, Telegraph S, W, H, SE OA, OL, BL, FT, MW 79. Supervisor / Telegraph S, W, H, SE OA, OL 80.   Supervisor / Telephone, Engg. Supervisor, Phone ( Traffic ) S, W, H, SE Nil 81. Monitor, Telephone S, W, H, SE OA, OL, FT, MW, PB 82. Supervisor, Wireless S, W, H, SE OA, OL, FT, MW 83.   Section Controller, Rlys. / Traffic Controller, Rlys. S, W, H, SE CL 84. Traffic Inspector Railways S, W, H, SE Nil 85. Loco Foreman S, W, H, SE Nil 86. Yard Master, Railways S, W, H, SE Nil 87. Yard Foreman, Railways S, W, H, SE DA, BH 88.   Head Train Recorder, Head Number Taker, Head Trains Clerk S, W, SE DA, PD No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 89. Train Examiner S, W, SE Nil 90. Controller, Train S, W, H, SE OL 91. Traffic Time Table Inspector S, W, H, SE Nil 92. Traffic Regulator Train S, W, H, SE   93. Traffic Inspector Train S, W, H, SE Nil 94. Platform Inspector S, W, H, SE OA, FT, MW 95. Rates Inspector S, H, SE FT, MW, OA, BH 96. Claims Inspector Railways S, H, SE OA 97   Traffic Inspector, Motor Transport Inspector, Motor Transport S, H, SE Nil 98. Goods Supervisor Railways S, W, H, SE OA, FT, MW 99. Communication Works, Others S, W, H, SE – do – 100 Telephone Operator S, H BL, MW 101 Telephone Operator (Local) S, H BL, MW 102 Telephone Operator ( PBX ) S, H BL, MW 103 Telegraphists S, H, SE BL, OL, MW 104   Telephones, Telegraphs & related Telecommunication Operator S, H OL, OA, BL, MW, FT 105 Tourist Guide ST, W, SE, H OA 106 Gardner, General B, KC, SE, F PD, D 107 Electroplater SE, F, B, L OL, D, PD, PB 108 Metal Sprayer SE, ST, F, L, PF D, PD 109 Hardness Tester Metal SE, F, B, L, S, PP PD, D 110 Impregnator, Wood S, ST, B, PP, SE, F P 111 Wood Sawyer, Hand Metal S, ST, B, PP, SE, F PD 112 Tailor, General S, ST, SE, F BL, OL, D, PD, FT, PW 113 Master Cutter, (garment) S, or ST, B, F, SE OL, D, PD, FT, MW 114 Upholesterer (furniture) SE, S, F, PP PD, D, OL 115 Trimmer, Machine S, SE, F BL, OL, PD, D 116 Trimmer, Hand S, SE, F – do – 117 Rivetting Machine Operator S, SE, F PD, D 118 Carpenter, General B, KC, SE, S, ST, F OL, PD, D 119 Carpenter (Cons.) KC, SE, S, ST, F PD 120 Carpenter (Struc.) B, KC, SE, S, ST, F PD 121 Jointer ( Wood ) B, KC, SE, S, ST, F PD 122 Furniture Maker Wood B, KC, SE, S, ST, F PD, D, OL No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 123 Cabinet Maker B, KC, SE, S, ST, F – do – 124 Wood turner, Machine ST, SE, F OL, PD 125 Mortised Operator – do – – do – 126 Tenoning Machine Operator – do – – do – 127 Jointer Machine Operator – do – – do – 128 Driller, Wood – do – – do – 129 Dowel Machine Operator – do – – do – 130 Pattern Maker, Wood S, ST, KC, SE, F PD, OL 131 Fret Saw Machine Operator S, ST, SE, F, B PD, D 132 Wood Lacquerer PP, ST, SE, F BL, OL, PD, D, FT 132-A. A Tool-setter, Press ST, B, SE, F OL, PD 132-B. Setter, Drop Forging Machine ST, B, SE, F – do – 133 Shaper ST, SE, F OL, PD 134 Planner – do – – do – 135 Planner, Edge – do – – do – 136 Slotter – do – – do – 137 Miller – do – – do – 138 Gear Cutter – do – – do – 139 Heavy Duty End-Mill Operator – do – – do – 140 Driller Metal, General – do – – do – 141 Radial Driller – do – – do – 142 Borer – do – – do – 143 Cylinder Borer – do – – do – 144 Grinder, General – do – – do – 145 Grinder, Crank Shaft – do – – do – 146 Roll Grinder – do – – do – 147 Surface Grinder – do – – do – 148 Thread Grinder – do – – do – 149 Honer – do – – do – 150 Lapper – do – – do – 151 Glazer – do – – do – 152 Polisher – do – – do – 153 Grinder, Tool & Cutter – do – – do – 154 Saw Grinder, Machine ST, SE, F OL, PD 155 Saw Grinder, Hand S, SE, F FT, MW, OL, BL, PD, D 156 Power Press, Operator, Metal ST, F, SE OL, PD 157 Ball Lapping Machine Operator – do – – do – 158 Dividing Machine Operator – do – – do – 159 Watch Repairer S, SE, F BL, OL, FT, MW, PD, D 160   Orthopaedic Appliances & Limb Technician S, ST, B, F, SE PD, D No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 161 Mechanic, Dental S, ST, F, SE OL, PD, D 162 Fitter, General ST, SE, F Nil 163   Assembler, Refrigerator & Air conditioning Unit  ST, S, B, F, SE PD 164   Mechanic, Precision instrument, Elec. S, SE, F OL, PD 165 Adjustor, Relays S, SE, F OL, PD, D 166   From Layer, Cable (Telephone & Telegraph) S, SE, F OL, PD 167   Wireman, Light & Power ST, W, SE, B, PP, PD PD 168 Electrician Automobile – do – PD 169 Electrical Wiring Operatives – do – PD 170 Lineman, Light & Power ST,W,L, PP, B, SE PD 171 Cable Jointer – do – PD 172   Lineman & Cable Joining Operatives – do – PD 173 Armature Winder S, SE, F, B, PP OL, B L, D, PD 174 Coil Winder, Machine – do – – do – 175 Battery Servicing Man – do – OL 176 Battery Repairer – do – OL 177   Operator, Impregnation Plant (Elec., Equip. Mfg.) ST, SE, F, B, PP OL, D, PD 178 Meter Sealer, Elec. ST, W, F, SF D, PD 179 Sound Recording Equipment Operator S, SE, H, F OL 180   Plumbers, Genl. ST, S, W, SE, PP, F, L, KC D, PD 181   Pipe Fitter ST, S, W, SE, PP, F, L, KC D, PD 182   Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Operatives. – do – – do – 183 Welder, Gas ST, or S, SE, F B, PD 184 Welder, Electric ST, or S, SE, F B, PD 185 Welder, Machine ST, or S, SE, F, B OL, PD, D 186 Gas Cutter ST, or S, SE, F, B PD 187 Brazer ST, or S, SE, F, B OL, BL, PD, D 188 Sheet Metal Worker, Genl. ST, S, SE, F, B, L PD, D 189 Sheet Metal Worker, Struct. – do – – do – 190 Sheet Metal Machine Operator – do – PD 191 Tinsmith ST OR S, SE, P, B, PP OL, PD, D No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 192 Tin Coater SE, F, B – do – 193 Plater ST, SE, F, B – do – 194   Boiler Fotter ST or S, SE, F, B, PP PD, D 195 Tubesmith, Boiler – do – – do – 196 Boiler Maker ST, S, SE, F, B, PP – do – 197 Erector Struct. – do – – do – 198 Fitter, Struct. – do – – do – 199 Fitter, Constt. – do – PD 200 Revator – do – PD 201 Lens Grinder ST, SE, F, B OL, BL, PH, D 202 Lens Polisher, Optical – do – – do – 203 Edger, Optical Glass – do – – do – 204 Lens Centerer & Edger, Optical – do – – do – 205 Wheel Grinder, Glass – do – – do – 206 Edge Finisher, Glass – do – – do – 207 Compositor, Hand S or ST, F, B – do – 208 Impositor – do – – do – 209 Distributor, Letter Press – do – – do – 210 Lino Operator S, SE, F, B – do – 211 Mono Operator – do – – do – 212 Mono Caster ST or S, SE, F, B D, PD 213 Maker-up, Photo-type Setting – do – OL, BL, D, PD 214   Phototype Setting Machine Operator – do – – do – 215 Pressman (Flatbed, Letter Press) ST, SE, F, PP, B D, PD 216 Machineman, Hand Printing ST, SE, F, PP, B D, PD 217 Machineman, Automatic Printing ST or S, SE, F D, PD 218 Machineman Rotary Printing – do – – do – 219 Machineman Offset Printing – do – – do – 220 Stereo Matrix Moulder ST or S, SE, F, B – do – 221 Stereotype Caster – do – – do – 222 Lithographic Artist – do – OL, BL, D, PD 223 Retoucher, Lithographic – do – – do – 224   Mounter ST or S, SE, F, B, PP OL, D, PD 225 Cameraman, Photo Machine Mech. S, SE, F, B D, PD 226 Photostat Cameraman – do – – do – 227 Photostat Camera operator – do – – do – 228 Book Binder S, SE, F, PF, B, KC D, PD, OL No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 229   Book Binder and related worker, others – do – – do – 230 Stencil Cutter Silk Screen Painting S, SE, F, B OL, BL, D, PD, FT, MW 231 Silk Screen Printer – do – – do – 232   Painter, Building S, ST, W, PP, B, KC D, PD 233   Painter, Steel Structure S, ST, W, D, PP, B, KC – do – 234   Painter, Genl. S, ST, W, D, PP, B, KC D, PD 235 Painter Spray ST, W, F, B – do – 236 Painter, Sign or Letter S, ST, F, B – do – 237 Painter, Brush – do – – do – 238 Painter, Wood-work & Furniture S, ST, F, B D, PD 239 Caner – do – B, PB, OL, BL, PD 240 Concrete Mixer (Mosaic Tile) ST, S, B, F, SE OL, PD 241 Polishing Machine Operator ST, W, SE, F PD, D 242 Building Insulator, Hand ST, B, SE, F PD 243 Glazier, Constt. ST, S, F, SE PD, D 244 White Washer – do – PD 245 Distemperer, Bldg. – do – PD 246 Line Inspector, Telegraph & Tele. S, H, W, SE Nil 247 Telephone Inspector – do – Nil 248 Guard, Passenger Train – do – Nil 249 Guard, Goods Train – do – Nil 250   Brakesman, Railway Luggage Guard – do – PD, OA, MW 251 Condutor, Guard Railway – do – MW 252 Passenger Guide, Railway – do – OA, FT, MW 253 Telegraph Messengers – do – DA, PD, PB               GROUP ‘D’   1 Daftry, Attender S, W, SE OL, PD 2 Peon, Office Boy – do – OA, OL, PD 3 Dusting Man, Farash – do – OA, OL, D, PD 4 Duplicating Machine Operator, Cyclostyle Machine Operator – do – D, PD, OL, OA, 5 Despatch Rider S, W, H, SE Nil 6   Messenger, DAK Peon   – do – All categories except B, BL 7 Linen Kepper ST, S, W, SE, B PD, D No.   Title Physical Requirements   Categories suitable for the jobs as identified by the Jt. Director’s Committee 8. Cook Institutional ST, SE, B, F, L PD, D, OL 9. Sweeper Dry ST, S, W, KC, SE, F, PP, L PD, D 10. Sweeper Wet – do – – do – 11. Sweeper, Sewer – do – – do – 12.   Sweeper, Cleaners & Related Workers, Other – do – – do – 13.   Water Carrier ST, S, W, KC, SE, F, PP, L PD, D 14.   Dhobi ST, S, KC, S, E, PP, L, F PD, D 15. Washing Machine Operator ST, F, PP OL, PD, D, PB 16. Drying Machine Operator – do – – do – 17. Watchman ST, W, SE Nil               ANNEXURE – II   ABBREVIATION   (i) PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS   Code   F          1          Work performed by manipulating (with fingers). PP        2          Work performed by pulling and pushing. L          3          Work performed by lifting. KC      4          Work performed by kneeling and crouching. B          5          Work performed by bending. S          6          Work performed by sitting (on bench or chair) ST        7          Work performed by standing. W        8          Work performed by walking. SE        9          Work performed by seeing. H         10        Work performed by hearing / speaking.   (ii) FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION   Code                                       Functions   BL       (i)         both legs affected but not arms : BA       (ii)        both arms affected –                          (a)            impaired ;                                                                                 (b)            weakness of grip.   BLA     (iii)       both legs and both arms affected : OL       (iv)       one leg affected (R / or L),   OA      (v)        one leg affected (R / or L),                 (a)           impaired reach; (b)          weakness of grip; (c)         ataxie.     BH       (vi)    stiff back and hips (cannot sit or stoop);   FT        (vii)    limited exercise to tolerance-early fatigue;   MW     (viii)      muscular weakness and limited physical endurance;   IC        (ix)       general in-coordination of movement;   B          (x)        the blind;   PB       (xi)       partially blind;   D         (xii)      the deaf;   PD       (xiii)     partially deaf.       14.    Subject: Vacancies of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts reserved for physically handicapped persons (including blind person) for offices located outside Delhi—Constitution of Special Recruitment Committee regarding. [D.O.P, O.M. No. 36019/9/88-Estt (B) dated18.08.1988]   In terms of this Department’s Office Memorandum No.36019/4/87-Estt (B), dated03.09.1987, a Special Selection Committee was set up to fill up vacancies in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts reserved for physically handicapped (including blind persons) in Ministries/Departments/Offices located in Delhi. The work of this Committee has been completed. In pursuance of the decision taken in the meeting held on 19th July, 1988under the Co-Chairmanship of the Ministers of State for Welfare and Personnel, it has now been decided to constitute a Special Recruitment Committee for filling up vacancies in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts reserved for physically handicapped persons in offices located outside Delhi, as under:   1.         Constitution: 1.         Chairman, Staff Selection Commission                                           Chairman   2.         Joint Secretary, Ministry of Welfare                                                       Member Secretary   3.         Joint Secretary (AT) Department of Personnel& Training                              Member   4.         Director (Employment Exchange)                                  Member D.G.E.& T.   The Chairman may co-opt officers of appropriate status from major employing Departments like the Railways, P&T, Banking etc., as Members of the Committee as may be considered necessary. Members of the Committee, who are not in a position to participate in the selection on any day for any reason, may nominate a representative on their behalf not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.   2.         Scope:   The Special Recruitment Committee will recommend suitable candi­dates for appointment to identified posts to the extent of the vacancies reserved for such physically handicapped persons separately for each cate­gory viz. orthopaedically handicapped, the deaf and the blind. The scope of the Committee will be limited to selection for such reserved vacancies in the Central Government Departments/Offices located outside Delhi.   3.                     Sources of Selection & Methodology :   The Special Recruitment Committee may obtain nomination of eli­gible physically handicapped candidates from Special Employment Ex­changes/Vocational Rehabilitation Centres outside Delhi and the National Association of Blind and other major associations looking after the interests of physically handicapped persons. The Committee may also tap/ explore any other source considered appropriate by them to have a wider field of selection.   The Committee shall be fully competent to decide upon the method­ology for selection, e.g. interview, proficiency test followed by interview, etc., according to the requirement of the particular category of post to which selection is being made. For this purpose, the Committee may select any place/venue in any town/city in the country.     4.         Miscellaneous:   Under the existing instructions, all physically handicapped persons are eligible for age relaxation upto10 years for appointment to any Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts. They are also exempted from payment of examination fee/application fee. Instructions also lay down that those physically handi­capped persons, who have already been examined by a Medical Board attached to the Special Employment Exchange/VRCs, need not be sub­jected to medical examination once again at the time of appointment.     5.  All Ministries/Departments/Offices are, therefore, requested to extend full co-operation to the Special Recruitment Committee and also issue suitable instructions to their attached/subordinate offices located outside Delhi to ensure that the candidates recommended by the Committee are issued offer of appointment within2 days from the date of receipt of the nominations. The appointment will be subject to medical examination, wherever necessary, which may be carried out after the appointments are made. The decisions of the Committee in respect or recommendations/ nomination/selection for appointment of any post in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ in any Ministry/Department/Offices shall be final and binding.     6. Ministries/Departments/Offices, who at present are authorised to recruit personnel to Group ‘C’ (non-technical) posts directly and not through the Staff Selection Commission may kindly place a formal requi­sition with the Chairman of the Special Recruitment Committee to allot candidates for filling up the posts reserved for physically handicapped persons in their offices located outside Delhi as a non-time measure.     7.         The procedure for verification of character and antecedents of the candidates nominated for appointment will be regulated under the instruc­tions issued in this regard separately.   15.   Subject: Employment of Physically Handicapped candidates in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts — Special Recruit­ment Drive.   [No. E(NG)II/88/RC-2121 dated 04.11.1988]   Attention is invited to correspondence resting with D.O. letter of even number dated26.07.1988 and12.08.1988 from Shri S. Gurusankakran, Adviser (Staff) addressed to the General Managers of Zonal Railways and Produc­tion Units. A copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances& Pension, Department of Personnel& Trainings, O.M. No. 36019/9/88-Estt.B dated 18.08.1988 (Appendix-14) alongwith their O.M dated13.09.1988 and12.10.1988 containing amendment/clarification is sent herewith for information and necessary action.   ANNEXURE -I   Copy of Ministry of Personnel, P.G & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No. 36019/9/88-Estt (B) dated 13.09.1988   CORRIGENDUM   Subject:  Vacancies of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts reserved for physically handicapped persons (including blind persons) foroffices located outside Delhi. Constitution of Special Recruitment Committee regarding.   In lids Department’s O.M of even number dated18.08.1988 on the above subject, in para1 under the heading ‘Constitution’ item4 may be substituted by the following:   “Director General of Employment and               “Member”                              Training”                              (Ministry of Labour)     ANNEXURE – II     Copy of Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions De­partment of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No. 3601919188-Estt. B dated 12.l0.1988.     Subject:Vacancies of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts reserved for physi­cally handicapped persons for offices located outside Delhi — Constitutions of Special Recruitment Commit­tee regarding.   Theundersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s O.M of even number dated 18.08.1988, as modified vide O.M dated 13.06.1988 on the subject mentioned above.   2. It is hereby clarified that as decided in the meeting held on19th July1988 under the co-chairmanship of the Ministers of State for Welfare and Personnel, circulated vide this Ministry’s O.M. No. 36035/23/88-Estt. SCT dated 29.07.1988; the Special Recruitment Committee would make selections for filling up vacancies reserved for visually handicapped and hearing handicapped persons only, in Central Government Offices/ Autonomous Bodies located outside Delhi.   3.  It is also clarified in modification of para5 of the O.M dated 18.08.1988 referred to above, that as decided in the aforesaid meeting, appointment letters to the selected and allotted candidates will be issued by the concerned Departments by31.12.1988. 16. Subject: Recruitment of physically handicapped persons Employment of the visually handicapped. Reference: D.O. letter No-220-E/1551/Pt. 22/Rectt. dated 11.05.1989.   [No. E (NG) II/86/RC-2/I8(Policy) dated 25.09.1989]   Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated10.07.1987identifying certain posts for the three categories of the physically handicaped viz., the Blind, the Deaf and the Orthopaedically Handicapped. It is seen from para6 of the Joint Inspection Report enclosed to D.O. letter of 11.05.1989 quoted above that there is scope for employment of the Visually Handicapped and the Hearing Handicapped in the following activities in the Diesel Loco Sheds:   (i)         Fuel pump injector testing;   (ii)        Magnilie Lab, rewinding   (iii)       Flourescent Flaw detector;   (iv)       Governors testing.   1.2.      Similarly, according to para7 of the said Joint Inspection Report, Hearing Handicapped can be considered for appointment in the following shops of S&T Workshops: (i) Block Repair Shop; (ii)  Black Smith (iii)  Machine Shop; (iv)   Relay Overhauling; (v)    Relay Panel Repairs.   2.   The aforesaid recommendations in this report have been consid­ered by the Board.   2.1       They are of the view that for the activities in Diesel Loco Sheds mentioned above, keen eyesight is essential. Ability to hear is also required except in Zyglo testing. Accordingly, a Hearing Handicapped (Deaf) person can be considered for appointment in jobs comprising Zyglo testing.   2.2       Whether Hearing Handicapped persons can be employed in the shops mentioned in para 1.2(supra) will have to depend upon environ­mental conditions, which have also to take into account the local circum­stances, and the safety of the person so employed. 2.3  The employment of Hearing Handicapped persons in Zyglo testing in Diesel Loco Sheds and in the shops mentioned above in S&T Workshops may be considered by your Railway Administration in the light of the above observations.   3.  In this connection attention is also invited to Board’s letter of even number dated10.07.1987 advising the Railway Administrations that they may consider Physically Handicapped candidates for any additional categories of posts identified by them locally but not included in the list enclosed to above cited letter of10.07.1987. ANNEXURE-1     List of Vocational RehabiIitation Centre for Physicaly Handicapped   1. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Guindy, Madras.   2.Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Gobind Nagar, Kanpur.   3. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, Napier Town, Jabalpur.   4. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Gill Road, Ludhiana.   5.Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Sion, Bombay.   6. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, B.C. Roy, Polioilino, Beliaghata, Calcutta.   7. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre fort Physically Handicapped, I.T.I. Pusa, New Delhi.   8.  Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, C.T.I. Campus, Vidyanagar, Hyderabad.   9. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, I.T.I. Kuber Nagar, Ahmedabad.   10.Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, c/o Jayamata Training Institute, Nalanohira, Trivandmm.   11.Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, c/o P.T.I. Tumkur Road, Bangalore.   12. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, Sitamarhi (U.P.),   13. Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, Gauhati (Assam).   14.Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped, Bhubaneswar (Orissa).   ANNEXURE- II     Address of the Special Employment Exchanges for Physically Handicapped (Running)   1.         The Regional Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Azamabad, Hyderabad- 500020   2. The Special Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Salajose Cross Raod, Opp. S.V. College, Ahmedabad- 380001   3.The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Barrack No.l/E-5 Block-A, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, Curzon Road, New Delhi110001.   4.         The Special Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped No.5, Crescent Road, High Grounds West, Bangalore- 560020   5. The Special Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Merchantile Chambers,3rd Floor, Graham Road Bellard Estate Bombay- 400001   6.   The Special Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Gill Road, Ludhiana (Punjab).   7. The Assistant Director, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, 33,Mount Road, Nandanam, Madras- 600035   8.   The Special Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, 5,Council House Street (Ground Floor), Calcutta- 700001   9. The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, G.T. Road, Kanpur- 208002   10.  The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, 965,Wrigth – Town, Jabalpur (M.P),482001.   11.  The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Nandavanam Road, Palavam, Trivandrum, Kerala-695001.   12.   The Employment Officer, I/G Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Patna (Bihar), Combined Labour Building, Bailey Road, Patna-800001.   13. The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, 1282,Sector- 13-C, Chandigarh-160018.   14. The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Directorate of Employment& Training, Himachal Pradesh, Stock Palace, Simla-171002   15.    The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Rajasthan, Jaipur- 302001   16.   The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Directorate of Employment, Orissa, Flat No.367, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751007   17. The Employment Officer, The Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Gauhati (Assam)   18.    The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Agartala,Tripura   19.  The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Surat (Gujarat)   20. The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchange for Physically Handicapped, Baroda (Gujarat).   21. The Employment Officer, Special Employment Exchanger for Physically Handicapped, Rajkot (Gujarat) 17. Subject: Appointment of physically handicaped to Group D posts in Railways.   [No. E(NG)II-93/RC-2/1 dated 05.07.1993; RBE 99/93] (Supplementary Circular No. 1 to Master Cirular No. 13)     In terms of Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/80/RC-1/67 dated 23.03.1981 regarding recruitment against physically handicapped quota, all vacancies in Group C and Group D are to be notified to the Employment Exchanges, Special Employment Exchanges and nearest Vocational Reha­bilitation Centres for the Physically Handicapped persons. The vacancies are not only to be notified to such agencies but also to be filled through them.   2.         The question of extending the facility to the Physically Handi­capped sons/immediate dependents of railway employees as applicable in the case of other sons/immediate dependents of railway employees in regard to normal Group D recruitment as laid down in terms of Para 179(viii)(b) of Indian Railway Establishment Manual,1989 Edition, was discussed in PNM Meeting with NFIR held on11 & 12.02.1993. Pursuant to the deliberations at the said Meeting, Board have decided that the Physically handicapped sons/immediate dependents of railway employees who are already registered with Special Employment Exchanges, can also apply directly to the Railway Administration in response to Notices for recruit­ment of physically handicapped to Group D posts and such applications shall be considered alongwith others against the handicapped quota.   3.   For effective implementation of the above decision, similar pub­licity as in the case of recruitment to Group D, may also be made for the purpose of recruitment to Group D against physically handicapped quota and the Employment Notices sent to Special Employment Exchanges, etc. and exhibited on Notice Board outside railway offices, etc. situated in the area of recruitment     18. Subject: Reservation for Ex-servicemen, physically handicapped etc. and application of principle of maximum 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservations under Article16(4) of the Constitution of India.   [No. 90-E(SCl)I/71/1 dated 17.06.1990]   A number of Zonal Railways and Production Units have requested for clarification as to whether the reservations already provided to the physi­cally handicapped and Ex-servicemen under Article16(1) of Constitution of India, if added with the existing reservation of SCs/STs and OB Cs under Article16(4) of Constitution of India will exceed the limit of50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} and contravene the judicial pronouncement of the Hon’ble Supreme Court given in the Mandal Commission case.   2.   The whole matter has been examined and referred to the Minis­try of Personnel, Public Grievances& Pensions (DOP&T) as well as to Ministry of Welfare vide this Ministry’s O.M. No. 90-E (SCT) I/71/I-Pt. I dated02.06.1994, a copy of which enclosed for ready reference. The final clarification will be issued on receipt of clarification from above Ministries.     Copy of Rly. Board’s O.M. No. 90-E(SCT)I/71/l-Pt. I dated 02.06.1994.   OFFICE MEMORANDUM     Subject:  Reservation for the SCs, STs and Other Backward Classes.   Reference:  Department of Personnel & Training O.M. Nos. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 22.10.1993 and 29.12.1993.   A reference is invited to the DOP&T’sO.M. quoted above under which revised rosters and percentages of reservation for recruitment of SCs, and STs and OBCs have been prescribed. It has been observed that the total of the percentages of reservation as per the revised rosters comes to49.5/50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}. Instructions, inter-alia, also stipulate that the reservations provided to the SCs STs and OB Cs put together, do not exceed50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacancies arising in a year.   2. In this connection, it may be stated that in addition to the quotas prescribed for the SCs, STs and OBCs, the following quotas of reservation are required to be provided in recruitment to Group C and D posts: –   Ex-servicemen:10{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} in Group C and20{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} in Group D.   Physically handicapped:            3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}. 3.  Thus the overall reservation under the various Heads amounts to about65{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a}, which is in excess of overall ceiling limit of50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the total vacancies in a year.   4.   In the circumstances, a doubt has arisen as to how the reservation quotas for the Ex-serviceman and physically handicapped could be filled up in addition to the quotas prescribed for the SCs, STs and OBCs. In this connection your kind attention is invited to Supreme Court’s observations made in paras832 & 833 of Mandal’s case judgement dt.16.11.92 (Indira Sawhney& Others Vs. U.O.I.& Others): –   “832.We are also of the opinion that this rule of50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} applies only to reservations in favour of backward classes made under Article16(4). A little clarification is in order at this juncture: all reservations are not of the same nature. There are two types of reservations, which may, for the sake of convenience, be referred to as ‘vertical reservations’ and ‘horizontal reser­vations’. The reservations in favour of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes (under Article16(4) may be called vertical reservation whereas reservations in favour of physically handicapped (under clause(1) of Article16) can be referred to as horizontal reservation.   Horizontal reservations cut across the vertical reservations- what is called inter-locking reservations. To be more precise, suppose3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacancies are reserved in favour of physically handicapped persons; this would be a reservation relatable to clause(1) of Article16. The persons selected against this quota will be placed in the appropriate category; if he belongs to S.C. Category he will be placed in that quota by making necessary adjustments; similarly, if he belongs to open competition (O.C.) category, he will be placed in that category by making necessary adjust­ments. Even after providing for these horizontal reservations, the percent­age of reservations in favour of backward class of citizens remains and should remain the same. This is how these reservations are worked out in several States and there is no reason not to continue that procedure.   833.It is, however, made clear that the rule of50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} shall be applicable only to reservations proper; they shall not be- indeed cannot be– applicable to exemptions, concessions or relaxation, if any, provided to ‘Backward Class of Citizens’ under Article16(4).”   5.  In view of above, Ministry of Railways is of the view that the rule of50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservations is applicable to reservation made under Article16(4) and not to reservation made under Article16(1) of the Constitution of India, such as physically handicapped or Ex-serviceman quotas. This Ministry would be grateful if DOP & T may kindly confirm above viewpoint at the earliest possible time so that Ministry of Railways may also clarify to various Zonal Railways, Production Units etc. who desired the clarification with a view to ensure that recruitment action of any of above categories may not come to a halt for want of clarification.   19. Subject: Reservation for Physically Handicapped persons in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts/service in Government.   [No. 90-E(SCT)I/71/1 dated 02.12.1994]   In continuation of Board’s letter of ever number dated17.06.1994, the copy of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training)’s office Memorandum No.36035/16/94-Estt. (SCT) dated20.09.94 on the above cited subject is being sent herewith for your information and necessary action. The same principle will apply for exservicement inter-alia.     Copy of D.O.P., O.M. No. F. No.  36035116/94-Estt. (SCT) dated 20.09.1994   OFFICE MEMORANDUM   Subject:  Reservation for the physically handicapped persons in Group C & D posts/service in Government-revised procedure for filling up the vacancies.     The undersigned is directed to refer to the DOPTO.M. NO.36036/17/ 85-Estt. (SCT), dated01.04.1986 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the Government had under consideration the method of effecting the3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} reservation for physically handicapped persons in the light of the judgement of the Supreme Court in Indira Sawhney case (W.P. No.930 of1990). The Court has held that reservation for SC/ST/CBCs may be called vertical reservation and the reservation for physically handicapped persons as hori­zontal reservation. Horizontal reservations cut across vertical reservation (in what is called inter-locking reservation) and the persons selected against the physically handicapped quota have to be placed in the appropriate category; if he belongs to SC category he will be placed in that quota by making necessary adjustment and similarly if he belongs to open competition (OC) category he will be placed in that category by making necessary adjustment. Even after providing for these horizontal reservations, the percentage of reservation in favour of backward class of citizens should remain the same.   2. In the light of the above said observations of the Supreme Court, it has been decided that the physically handicapped persons selected under the reservation provided for them should be placed in the appropriate category viz. SC/ST/OEC/General category depending upon the category to which they belong. For example, if in a given year there are200 Group C vacancies, the reservation for SCs will be30, for STs it will be15, for CBCs it will be54 and for General Category it will be101. The vacancies reserved for physically handicapped will be calculated as per the instructions on the subject contained in O.M. dated01.04.1986. Suppose the vacancies for the Physically Handicapped in that year come to6 and of the6 physically handicapped candidates selected,1 belongs to the SC category1 to the ST category,2 to the OBC category and2 to the General category, then the one physically handicapped SC candidate will be adjusted against the30 SC vacancies, the one physically handicapped ST candidate will be adjusted against the15 ST vacancies and the2 physically handicapped, OBC and General category candidates against the54 OBC and101 General category vacancies respectively. The Roster points will be filled up accordingly. The vacancies reserved for the physically handicapped should be indicated alongwith the other vacancies so that the physically handicapped candidates can also apply alongwith the other.   All the Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all the reads of Department and appointing authorities under their control for necessary compliance.


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