MASTER CIRCULAR NO. 14 RECRUITMENT OF SPORTSPERSONS UNDER SPORTS QUOTA CONTENTS No. Subject 1 Introduction 2 Recruitment of Sportspersons – Railway/PU wise Quota in Group-C – Unit wise Quota in Group-D 3 Recruitment of Sportspersons in Skilled Cadre in the Pro­duction Units – Recruitment in CLW, DLW and ICF – Recruitment in DCW, RCF and W&AP 4 Minimum Norms for Recruitment of Sportspersons – For Group ‘C’ – For Group ‘D’ 5 General Manager’s Power to Relax Age 6 Probation /Confirmation/Termination of Services Sports-persons 7 Untilised Quota of Recruiting Units 8 Incentives to Sportspersons for outstanding performance a – Higher Initial Fixation of Pay b – Appointment in Intermediate Grade c – Additional increments for excellence in sports d – Incentives to Coaches e – Out of Turn Promotion f – Second out of turn Promotion g – Promotion from Group D’ to Group ‘C’ 9 Procedure for Out of Turn Promotion and Unutilised Quota 10 Training and Practice Session For The Sports Persons 11 General Railway Boards Orders Subject Letter No. Date Recruitment of sportsmen and out-of turn promo­tion to serving sportsmen- Revision of Quota and Out of Turn Promotion E (NG )III/75/RRl/26 10.12.1975 Recruitment of sportsmen against Sports Quota on Railways as Minimum norms therefore RSCB/RSQ/Policy/75 29.12.1975 Out-of-turn promotions to serving sportsmen. E (NG) III/75/RRI/26 25.11.1976 Recruitment of sportsmen -Limit on No. of Recruitment in a Year E (NG) III/77/RR1/14 27.07.1977 Direct recruitment in intermediate grades against Sports Quota E (NG) II/80/RRI/7 07.04.1980 Subject Letter No. Date Recruitment of Sportsmen in Category ‘D’ (Class IV) against Sports Quota on Railways — Guide­lines therefor RSCB/RSQ/Policy/80 29.05.1980 Recruitment of sportsmen in Category ‘D’ (Class IV) against Sports Quota on Railways — Guidelines therefor. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/80 21.06.1980 Out-of-turn promotion to serving Sportsman — From Category D(ClassIV) to Category C (Class-III). E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 21.04.1981 Out-of-turnpromotion to serving sportsmen. E (NG) III- 75/RRI/26 10.06.1981 Recruitment of sportsmen E (NG) II-82/RRI/21 27.09.1982 Relaxation of age limits. E (NG) II/82/RR-I/32 24.02.1983 Out-of-turn promotion of serving sportsmen. E (NG) II/85/RR3/7 08.03.1985 Direct Recruitment in Intermediate Grades against Sports Quota E (NG) II/85/RR3/1 27.04.1985 Out-of-turn promotion of serving sportsmen E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 RBE No. 148/87 10.06.1987 Recruitment of sports persons in Revised Pay scales and performance-linked incentives to Sports-persons. E (Sports) 88/RSQ/ Policy 02.02.1988 Recruitment of Sports persons in Revised Pay Scale and performance-linked incentives to Sports persons. E (Sports) 88/RSQ/ Policy 12.12.1988 Probation period for persons recruited against Sports Quota E (NG) II/88/RR-3/41 RBE No. 12/89 05.01.1989 Out-of-turn promotion of Serving Sportsmen. E(NG)II/85/RR-3/7 31.05.1989 Recruitment of Sports persons in skilled cadre in the production units. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/12 12.04.1990 Recruitment against Sports Quota— Incentives to Sports persons. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 RBE 89/90 25.05.1990 Recruitment of sports persons in skilled cadre in the Production Units. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/12 05.09.1990 Recruitment against Sports Quota — Incentive to sportspersons. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 RBE No. 172/90 01.10.1990 Recruitment of Sportspersons in Group ‘D’— adjustment of quota. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 RBE 24/91 04.02.1991 Recruitment of Sportspersons against Sports Quotain Billiards, Bridge, Chess, Tennis, Golf and Jr. Football and Rifle Shooting. E (Sports)91/RSQ/ Policy RBE No. 31/91 06.02.1991 Fixation of upper age limit for recruitment of Sportspersons (Supplementary Circular No. 2 to M.C. No. 14) E (NG) II/91/RR-3/7 RBE No. 95/91 07.05.1991 Recruitment against Sports Quota — Educational Qualification (Suppl. Circular No.3 toM.C. No.14) E (NG) II/91/RR-3/8 RBE No. 176/91 09.10.1991 Recruitment of Sportspersons in Group’D’ on the workshops (Supplementary Circular No. 4 to M.C. No. 14); E (NG) II/91/RR-3/35 RBE No. 202/91 20.11.1991 Subject Letter No. Date Recruitment against Sports Quota—Sports norms for Group’C’ (Supplementary Circular No. 5 to M.C. No. 14 E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 RBE No. 119/92 21.07.1992 Recruitment of Sportspersons in skilled cadre in the Production Units (Supplementary Circular No. 6 to M.C. No. 14 E (NG) II/90/RR-3/12 RBE No.64/93 26.04.1993 Out-of-turn promotion of serving sportsmen— Extension of currency thereof. Supplementary Circular No. 6 to Master Circular No.14. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 RBE No. 176/93 06.12.1993 Out-of-turn promotion and recruitment of Sports persons in Intermediate grades — Creation of su­pernumerary posts for. E (NG) I/93/SR 6/9 RBE No.109/94 30.11.1994 Seniority of staff recruited against Sports Quota. E (NG) I/94/SR6/16 RBENo.112/94 08.12.1994 Other Railway Boards Orders on the Subject RECRUITMENT OF SPORTSPERSONS UNDER SPORTS QUOTA At present, the Orders relating to recruitment of Sports persons are scattered in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders/circulars into one Master Circular has been under the consideration of the Ministry of Railways, Railway Board. They have now decided to issue a consolidated Order on the subject as below, for the information and guidance of all concerned: 2. Recruitment of Sportspersons : The Railways have been authorised to recruit Sports persons against the quotas referred to below: Group ‘C’ (a)Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern, 24 per year per Railway South Central, South-Eastern and Western Railways (b)North Eastern and North-East 18 per year per Railway Frontier Railways (c)C.L.W., D.L.W.,& I.C.F. 12 per year (d)D.C.W., R.C.F.& W& AP 5 per year (e) Metro Railway, Calcutta 4 per year Note: Recruitment is generally permitted in the direct recruitment grades only. However, with prior approval of Railway Board, recruitment in intermediate grades could also be resorted to by Railway Administration not exceeding40 Sports persons annually on all India basis, within the quota specified for each unit. Group’D’ (a) Each Division and Headquarters of the Railway 4 per year (b) Each Workshop 3 per year (c) CLW, DLW, ICF and RDSO 10 per year (d) DCW, RCF & WAP 5 per year Note : Inter-Divisional or Inter- Workshop adjustment in the requirement of Group ‘D’ referred to at (a)& (b) is permissible subject to the personal approval of the General Manager/SDGM but the overall limit should not be exceeded. [No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1126 dated 10.12.1975; E (NG) III/77/RR-1/14 dated 27.07.1977; E (NG) II/80/RR-1/7 dated 07.04.1980; No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/80 dated 29.05.1980 and 21.06.1980 and No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/1dated 27.04.1985] 3. Recruitment of Sportspersons in Skilled Cadre in the Pro­duction Units. 3.1The three Production units viz. CLW, DLW and ICF are permit­ted to recruit not more than four Sports persons in the category of Skilled Artisans (in the initial recruitment grade), waiving the prescribed training period. This will be within their normal annual quota of12. Such recruit­ment of Sports persons against skilled cadre should be counted against the 25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} direct recruitment of skilled artisans vide Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/ 78/RC-1/9 dated24.02.1979). [No. E(NG)II/90/RR-3/12 dated 12.04.1990] 3.2.Similarly DCW, RCF and W&AP have also been permitted to recruit more than two Sports persons in the category of skilled artisans (in the initial recruitment grade) waiving the prescribed training period. This will be within their normal annual quota of5 and subject of other conditions as mentioned at para3.1 above. [No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/12. dated 05.09.1990] 4. Minimum Norms for Recruitment of Sportspersons – The minimum norms for recruitment of Sports persons against sports quota on Railway have been indicated below: (a) Group ‘C’: Sports persons who have represented in any of the games recognised by the Railway Sports Control Board: (1) The country as a member of Junior/Senior team. OR (2) Zonal teams within the country and the team should have obtained at least3rd position in inter-zonal championships. OR (3) The State or Equivalent Unit in national championships whether junior or senior section and obtained at least3rd position in individual or atleast 4th position in team games. OR (4) The University in All Indian Inter-University Championships (organised under the aegis of Inter-University Sports Board) and should have obtained upto second position in individual events or upto third position in team games OR (5) A State School team in National School Games for Schools (conducted under the aegis of All Indian School Games Federations) and should have obtained at least first position both in individual or team games. Notes:(1) In Team games like Hockey, Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Kabaddi, etc. fourth position will be taken into consideration. (2) Appointments against Sports quota in Groups C should be given only after trials except when the Sports persons has represented India or got position in National level. (b) Group ‘D’: (1) Sports persons concerned should have represented a District in Junior/Senior State Championship and obtained atleast first three position either in individual or team events. (2) Sports persons concerned should have represented State Schools/ University/State Junior or Senior Team in National School Games Inter-University Championship/Junior or Senior National Championships. In such cases obtaining of a position need not be insisted upon. [No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/75 dated 20.12.1975, No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/80 dated 29.05.1980 and E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 dated 25.05.1990] 5.The General Manager may relax the prescribed age limits to the extent warranted and justified while recruiting outstanding sportsmen against sports quota. [No. E (NG) II/82/RR-1/32 dated 24.02.1983] 6. Probation /Confirmation/Termination of Services Sports-persons: As the Sports persons are recruited mainly on the consideration of their achievements in Sports it has to be ensured that the recruits deliver the goods and they not only keep up the performance of Railways in the field of Sports but also constantly endeavour to improve on it. With this end in view, the Ministry of Railways have decided that a two-year probation period may be prescribed for all persons recruited against the sports quota. On completion of the two-year probation, the performance of the Sports persons will be reviewed at the Zonal Railway level by a committee consisting of the President and Honorary General Secretary of the Zonal Railway’s Sports Association and Captain/Coach of the particular discipline. If the performance of the persons recruited on sports account is considered to be unsatisfactory, he/she will be given a show cause notice and if the reply is not considered satisfactory, his/her services will be terminated by notice observing the requisite procedure for such termination. For review of cases involving Sports persons recruited in intermediate grades, which recruit­ment is controlled by the Railway Sports Control Board, New Delhi, one nominee of the Railway Sports Control Board will be associated with the aforesaid Committee. In addition to the criteria followed for deciding confirmation of any temporary employee in regular employment, the continued retention and confirmation of an employee appointed against the Sports Quota will be subject to the performance as a Sports person also being satisfactory. Necessary provision should, therefore, invariably be incorporated in the offer of appointment issued to the Sports persons in regard to probation, confirmation etc. [No. E (NG) II/88/RR-3/41 dated 05.01.1989] 7.The quota for appointment of Sportsmen, which remained unuti­lised on the various Railways at the end of the year, would be taken over by the Railway Sports Control Board and allotted to those Railways who wish to recruit sportsmen in excess of their quota for the next year. Such carry forward of the quota will be done only upto the next year i.e. the year immediately after the one to which it pertains. [No. E (NG) II/82/RR-l/21 dated 27.09.1992] 8. Incentives to Sportspersons for outstanding performance : The Ministry of Railways, Railway Board have decided that the Railway Administration will have powers to fix the pay at the time of initial recruitment of outstanding Sports persons with additional increments as follows: (a) Higher Initial Fixation of Pay: S. No Grade Fixation at initial recruitment 1. Rs. 950-1500 (260 – 400 Upto a maximum of Rs.1250 depend­ing upon the caliber of the Sports-persons (Under General Manager’s Powers). 2. Rs.1200-2040 (Old scale Rs.330-350 (Recruitment grade only) Upto a maximum of Rs.1530 de­pending upon the caliber of the Sports-persons (Under General Manager’s powers). (b)As regards intermediate grade for which approval is to be sought from the Board against the quota of40 per year. The Railway Administra­tions may observe the following guidelines: S. No Grade Fixation at initial recruitment 1. Rs.1200-2040 (old scale Rs. 330-560) Upto a maximum of Rs.1530 depending inter alia upon the calibre of the sports persons. 2. Rs.1400-2300 (old scale Rs. 425-640/ Rs.425-700) Fixation at a stage between 7th (Rs.1680) and12 stages (Rs.1900) above minimum depending upon the calibre of the Sports persons. 3. Rs. 1600-2600/ (old scale Rs. 550-750) Fixation at a stage between 7th (Rs.1900) and the 10th stage (Rs.2100) above minimum depend­ing upon the calibre of the Sports-persons 4. Rs.2000-3200 (old scale Rs.700-900) Fixation at a stage between the 7th (Rs.2450) and the 10th stages (Rs2675) above minimum depend­ing upon the calibre of the Sports-persons. [No. E (Sports) 88/RSQ/Policy dated 02.02.1988 and 12.12.1988 and E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 dated 25.05.1990] (c) Increments: General Managers are empowered to grant incentives on RailwaySports Control Board’s recommendation by way of additional increments for Sports persons for excellence in sports. For excellence at National Level (1) Two increments for gold medal winning performance during the national championships. (2) One increment if found justified for Silver or Bronze medal winning performance during the national championships. Exellence in International Meets International meets will be categorised as under the advance incre­ments: Category Al — Olympic Games Category A2 — Asian Games Category B — Common Wealth Games, World Champion­ships, World Cup. Category C — Asian Championships, Common Wealth Championships. Grant of incentives for medal winning performance in Olympics will be considered on merits on receipt of results. For medal winning perform­ances in other international events irrespective of the sports person winning gold/silver/bronze medal, the Railways may grant upto three increments in games falling in Category A-2, upto two increments for those coming in Category B and one increment for those in Category C. These increments will, however, be in addition to those if any, granted on the performances in national events. (d) Incentives to Coaches : It has been decided that performance of all Coaches attached to Indian Railways team will be reviewed once in a calendar year. The Coaches who render exemplary service and contribute to the good performances of Indian Railways teams may be granted one additional increment subject to a maximum of five (5) in lifetime. The awards to Coaches will, however, be granted only with the approval of the Railway Board. The above incentives as provided herein in respect of Sports persons, may be granted in addition to those mentioned in Railway Board’s letters No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 dated25.11.1976 read with Board’s letters No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 dated08.03.1985 and10.06.1987 wherein. General Man­agers have been empowered to give out of turn promotion to serving Sports persons subject to the conditions mentioned therein. [No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 dated 25.05.1990] (e) Out of Turn Promotion : Ministry of Railways, (Railway Board) have also decided that out of turn promotion may be given to the truly outstanding performance of Sports persons by the General Managers on the following criteria: Group ‘C’: Sports persons who: (a) Represented the country in International meets; OR (b) Represented Railways in the National meets on three occasions and acquitted themselves creditably; (c) The Sports persons should have been put in three years’ service in the existing Grade, where relaxation of this limit is required; the case is to be referred to the Railway Board; (d) No Sports person should ordinarily be given more than one out of turn promotion in the course of his/her career, and (e) As far as possible, the out of turn promotion should be to a Grade where there is a direct recruitment quota and his promotion should be counted against this direct recruitment quota. The General Manager will, however, have discretion to relax this provision in special cases. Note: These orders will remain in force upto31.03.1991. (f)Second out of turn Promotion : A second out of turn promotion which is to be recommended in really outstanding and deserving cases is to be granted at Railway Board’s level only. (g) Promotion from Group D’ to Group ‘C’: Board have decided that Sports persons recruited in Group ‘D’ catego­ries may be considered for promotion on out of turn basis if (a) During the course of their sports career on the Railways, they fulfill the current norms for recruitment in Group’ C’ category; OR (b) They represent Railways in the National Championships on two occasions. Such an out of turn promotion of Sports persons from Group D to Group C will not be considered as out of turn promotion for the purpose of the stipulation provided in the instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 dated25.11.1976 that no Sports persons should ordi­narily be given more than one out of turn promotion in the course of his career. Similarly for such an out-of-turn promotion the condition regarding minimum period of service also need not be insisted upon. [No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 dated 10.12.1975, 25.11.1976, 21.04.1981 and 10.06.1981; No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/I dated 08.03.1985; No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 dated 31.05.1989 and E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 dated 25.05.1990] 9.All proposals for out of turn promotion where the conditions as mentioned in para 8 (e) above are not fulfilled, cases of release of unutilised quota relaxation in educational qualification and recruitment in intermedi­ate grade should be forwarded to the Railway Board for their consideration along with the personal approval of the General Manager concerned. 10.Serving Sports persons may be imparted necessary training in the departmental work during the slack periods. This may be arranged by the Railways themselves from within their existing resources. 11. General: (a) While referring to this Circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far, and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority. (b) The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and (c) If any circular on the subject which has not been superseded, has not been taken into consideration while preparing this consoli­dated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight should be treated as valid and operative such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board. 1. Subject:Recruitment of sportsmen and out-of turn promo­tion to serving sportsmen. [No. E (NG )III/75/RRl/26 dated 10.12.1975] In accordance with Board’s letter No. E (NG) 65/RCl/31 dated 13.09.1965; the General Managers have powers to recruit outstanding sportsmen,18 in number on the Zonal Railways and9 on the Production Units, per year. Suggestions for increasing the Sports quota have been received from some Railway Administrations. The recommendations of the Committee of General Managers in this connection for improving the standard of sports on the Railways were reviewed recently and the Minis­try of Railways have decided that the existing quota for recruitment of Sportsmen should be revised as follows: (i) Central, Eastern, Northern, from18 to24 per year.Southern, South-Eastern and Western Railways (ii) South Central, North Eastern 18 per year and Northeast Frontier Railways (iii) CLW, DLW& ICF from9 to12 per year Out of the increased quota of24 sportsmen in a year, as indicated in item(i) above,4 vacancies on each Railway will be controlled by the Ministry of Railways. 2. In modification of the Board’s Orders contained in the letter No. E (NG) II 66/RR, 1/17 dated 05.11.1966, out-of-turn promotions of outstanding sportsmen will be regularised as follows: (i) Out-of-turn promotion may be given to an outstanding sportsman who — (a) In games in which International Meets are held, are selected to represent the country in such meets; (b) In other games, have represented Railways in the National Meets on three occasions and acquitted themselve creditably. (ii) The sportsman concerned should have already reached the maximum of his scale of pay. (iii) The number of such promotions in a year should not exceed1/3 rd of the annual recruitment quota and should be counted against this quota i.e., one promotion will mean reduction by one in the recruitment quota. (iv) No Sportsmen should ordinarily be given more than one out-of-turn promotion in the course of his career. 3. Before an appointment or out-of-turn promotion is approved by the General Manager, the papers should be put to the FA & CAO who should record a certificate that the quota is not exceeded in the particular year. 2. Subject:Recruitment of sportsmen against Sports Quota on Railways as Minimum norms therefore. [ No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/75 dated 29.12.1975 ] It has been cleared by the Railway Board to lay down the following minimum norms for recruitment of sportsmen against sports quota on Railways: Sportsmen, who hae represented, in any of the games recognised by the Railway Sports Control Board: (1) A State or equivalent unit in the National Championship whether Junior or Senior Section and obtained at least 3rd position; (2) University in Inter-University Sports Board and obtained at least 3rd position. (3) A State schools Team in the National Games for Schools conducted by the All-India School Games Federation and obtained at least 3rd position. Note : In Team games like Hockey, Foot-ball, Cricket, Volley-ball, Basket-ball, Kabaddi, etc., fourth position will be taken into consideration. The above norms may please be kept in view while recruiting sportsmen against sports quota. Your attention is also invited to the Board’s Confidential Circular No. RSCB/SQ/Rect./71, dated 17.07.1971, wherein it was requested to send a yearly statement of sportsmen recruited by you against sports quota every year. It is observed that the orders of the Board are not being complied with. It is, therefore, requested that suitable instructions may be given to ensure the submission of requested that suitable instructions may be given to ensure the submission of requisite statement to this Board in time. 3. Subject: Out-of-turn promotions to serving sportsmen. [No. E (NG) III/75/RRI/26 dated 25.11.1976] In modification of the orders contained in Board’s letter of even number dated10.12.1975 the Ministry of Railways have decided that out-of-turn promotion may be given on the personal orders of the General Managers on the Following criteria: (i) Out-of-turn promotion may be given to outstanding sportsmen who — (a) In games in which International Meets are held, are selected to represent the country in such meet; (b) In other games, have represented Railways in the National Meets on three occasions and acquitied themselves creditably. (ii) The sportsmen should have put in5 years of service in the existing grade; where relaxation of this limit is required, the case may be referred to the Board. (iii) No sportsmen should ordinarily be given more than one out-of-turn promotion in the course of his career, and (iv) As far as possible the out-of-turn promotion should be to a grade where there is a direct recruitment quota and this promotion should be counted against this direct recruitment quota. The GM will, however, have discretion to relax this provision in special cases. 4. Subject: Recruitment of sportsmen. [No. E (NG) III/77/RR1/14 dated 27.07.1977] In terms of Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/75/RR1/26 dated10.12.1975, the Railways were permitted to recruit a limited number of sportsmen every year. Thereafter some temporary increases in the sports quota were made for some Railways. The Ministry of Railways have observed that this has resulted in sportsmen being recruited irrespective of whether the sports and athletic teams required strengthening or not. The standards have also been relaxed in some cases. The Ministry of Railways have, therefore, decided that, henceforth, recruitment of sportsmen may be made only to the extent of catering to wastages in the teams. The number of sportsmen that the Railways may recruit on the above terms in any one-year from1977-78 should not exceed the number as indicated under: Central, Eastern, Northern, 24 Southern, South- Eastern& Western South Central, North Eastern and North- East Frontier18 C.L.W., I.C.F.& D.L.W 12 The highest standards should be looked for in the recruits and only those who satisfy the minimum standards laid down in letter No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/75 dated29.12.1975 should be considered. Letter No. RSCB/ RSQ/Policy/75 dated04.10.1976 should be treated as cancelled. 5. Subject : Direct recruitment in intermediate grades against Sports Quota. [No. E (NG) II/80/RRI/7 dated 07.04.1980] In Board’s letter No. E (NG) III-78/RR1/39 dated25.04.1979, instruc­tions were issued that no appointment should be made either on compas­sionate grounds or against sports quota in Intermediate Grades exclusively filled by promotion so that the promotion prospects of the existing staff arc not hampered. 2. It has been brought to Board’s notice that with the issue of these instructions, Railways have not been able to appoint really competent sportsmen. With a view to maintain the Railways’ superiority in various games, it has been decided that, upto a maximum of25 sportsmen of outstanding merit, may be appointed every year on all Indian Railways taken together in grades other than the recruitment grades. 3. The appointments of these sportsmen will be controlled by the Railway Sports Control Board, New Delhi, and will be counted against the sports quota already prescribed in Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/77-RR1/14 dated27.07.1977. 6. Subject: Recruitment of Sportsmen in Category ‘D’ (Class IV) against Sports Quota on Railways — Guide­lines therefor. [No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/80 dated 29.05.1980] It has been decided by the Railway Board to lay down the following guidelines for recruitment of sportsmen in Category ‘D’ (ClassIV) against sports quota on Railways: (i) The Sportsman concerned should have atleast participated in the Inter-Club Championships in a City/Inter-District Championships at the State level either in Junior or in the Senior section should have obtained atleast 3rd position in individual events and 4th position in the Team events OR (ii) The Sportsman concerned should have participated in the Inter-School or in the Inter-College Championships held within the State and must have obtained position as detailed above OR (iii) The Sportsman concerned should have represented the State Schools Team/ University / State in the All-India National Cham­pionships (in such a case obtaining of a position need not be insisted upon). In order to ensure uniformity in recruitment in this category on different Zones, it has been decided that the recruitment of sportsmen in Category ‘D’ shall be limited to4 in each Division and Headquarters and 3 in each Workshop during a financial year. Inter-Divisional or Inter-Workshop adjustments may be allowed subject to personal approval of G.M./SDGM but the overall limit should not be exceeded. 7. Subject:Recruitment of sportsmen in Category ‘D’ (Class IV) against Sports Quota on Railways — Guidelines therefor. [No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/80 dated 21.06.1980] In continuation of Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 29.05.1980 on the above subject, It is stated that the Railway Board have further decided that upto a maximum number often sportsmen may be recruited by RDSO and Production Units during a financial year in Category’ D’ (Class IV) in accordance with the guidelines prescribed therein. 8. Subject: Out-of-turn promotion to serving Sportsman — From Category D(ClassIV) to Category C (Class-III). [No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 dated 21.04.1981] Representations have been received from the Railways that the norms for out-of-turn promotion of sportsmen as laid down under Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 dated25.11.1976 are too stiff for sportsmen who have been recruited in the ClassIV categories, but have performed well enough to merit a promotion to Class-III category. 2. It is clarified that the Board’s letter dated25.11.1976 referred to above, pertains only to the Sportsmen who have been recruited in Class-III categories and are being considered for promotion to higher grades. 3. As regards sportsmen recruited in Class-IV categories, it is mentioned that they may be considered for promotion on out-of-turn basis if in the course of their sports career in the Railways, they fulfil the norms of recruitment in the Class-Ill category as laid down in Board’s letter No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/75 dated29.12.1975. Any condition regarding mini­mum period of service to be rendered by them in the Railways before being considered for out-of-turn promotion need not be insisted upon in such cases. 9. Subject:Out-of-turnpromotion to serving sportsmen. [No. E (NG) III- 75/RRI/26 dated 10.06.1981] In partial modification of Board’s letter of even number dated25.11.1976the Ministry of Railways have decided that sub para (i) should be modified as under: Out-of-turn promotion may be given to outstanding sportsmen who— (a) Represent the country in international meets. OR (b) Represent Railways in the National meets on three occasions and acquitted themselves creditably. 9A. Subject: Recruitment of sportsmen. [No. E (NG) II-82/RRI/21 dated 27.09.1982] The Board in their letter No. E (NG) III/77/RR1/14 dated27.07.1977 had prescribed a quota for recruitment of sportsmen on the various Railways. The total number of sportsmen that can be recruited in Class III in a year on all the Railways is244. It is observed that the entire quota for recruitment of sportsmen is not fully utilised by some of the Railways, who are perhaps unable to attract sportsmen who fulfil the requisite norms for recruitment. On the other hand certain other Railways exhaust their sports quota early in the year and are unable to recruit outstanding sportsmen when the occasion arises during the remaining part of the year. The Ministry of Railways have now decided that the quota for appointment of sportsmen which remained unutilised on the various Railways at the end of the year would be taken over by the Railway Sports Control Board and allotted to those Railways who wish to recruit sportsmen in excess of their quota for the next year. Such carry forward of the quota will be done only upto the next year i.e. the year immediately after the one to which it pertains. The RSCB should be advised of the unutilised quota on the various Railways, to enable them to make such re-allocation of the quota. 10. Subject:Relaxation of age limits. [No. E(NG)II/82/RR-I/32 dated 24.02.1983] At present there is no provision in the Indian Railway Establishment Manual regarding recruitment of non-gazetted staff on compassionate grounds on sports account etc. Such recruitment is regulated by orders issued by the Ministry of Railways separately and as amended from time to time. 2. There is also no provision in the Indian Railway Establishment Manual regarding relaxation of age limits when recruitment is made on compassionate grounds or on sports account etc. The extant orders permit the upper age limit being relaxed while making appointments on compas­sionate grounds of wards of Railway servants who dies while in service or retire after medical incapacitation etc. The Ministry of Railways have also decided that the General Managers may relax the prescribed age limits to the extent warranted and justified while recruiting outstanding sportsmen against Sports quota. 3. Advance Correction Slip making necessary provision in the In­dian Railway Establishment Manual in respect of the above matters is enclosed for your information. The Ministry of Railways have decided that the Indian Railway Establishment Manual should be deemed to have been amended as in the Advance Correction Slip. INDIAN RAILWAY ESTABLISHMENT MANUAL ADVANCE CORRECTION SLIP NO.133 Add the following sub-para (C) to Para 109 of Sub-Section II of Section ‘B’ of Chapter I of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual: “(C) Recruitment may also be made by the Zonal Railways and Pro­duction Units etc. without going through the agency of the Railway Service Commission of sons, Daughters / Wives / Wards etc. of Railway servants who die while in service or retire after medical in­capacitation in accordance with the general orders which may be issued by the Ministry of Railways from time to time. Similarly, appointments may also be made of outstanding sportsmen against the quota prescribed for the purpose and on the conditions laid down from time to time in the general orders issued by the Ministry of Railways”. The following sub-para may be added as item (viii) under para114 in Sub-SectionIIof Section ‘B’ Chapter I of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual: “The upper age limit may be relaxed to the extent warranted and justified while making appointment on compassionate grounds of sons, daughters, wives, wards etc. of Railway servants who dies while in service or are medically incapacitated. The General Managers may also relax the age limit while making recruitment of outstanding sportsmen against the sports quota” [Authority :No. E (NG) II/82/RR-I/32 dated 24.02.1983.] 11. Subject: Out-of-turn promotion of serving sportsmen. [No. E (NG) II/85/RR3/7 dated 08.03.1985] Attention is invited to Ministry of Railways’ letter No. E (NG) III-75/ RR1/26 dated25.11.1976 wherein criteria have been laid down forgiving out-of-turn promotion to outstanding sportsman on the personal orders of the General Manager. One of the conditions laid down therein is that the sportsmen should have put in five years of service in the existing grade. Where relaxation of this limit is required a reference has to be made to this Ministry. 2. The Ministry of Railways have had occasion to review this matter. They have now decided that the period of five years as stipulated in the letter referred to above may now be reduced to three years. Other conditions enjoined in the extant orders of this Ministry, remain unaltered. 3. These orders will remain in force for a period of two years i.e. upto31.03.1987 4. The Ministry also desire to take this opportunity to emphasise that while considering proposals for out-of-turn promotion to sportsmen, the spirit and objective of the extant instructions, which provide for out-of-turn promotion as an incentive to the truly outstanding sportsmen, should be invariably kept in view. 12. Subject: Direct Recruitment in Intermediate Grades against Sports Quota. [No. E (NG) II/85/RR3/1 dated 27.04.1985] Reference Railway Ministry’s letter No. E (NG) 1I/80/RR1/7 dated 07.04.1980 on the above subject. In partial modification of Para2 thereof, it has now been decided by the Ministry of Railways: (a) To increase the maximum number of sportsmen of outstanding merit for recruitment in the Intermediate grades (upto and includ­ing the grade Rs.700-900 from25 to40 (forty) every year; (b) To fix the pay of sportsmen in such cases at higher stage than the minimum appropriate to their calibre/achievement; and (c) That such appointments of these sportsmen will continue to be controlled by the Railway Sports Control Board. 2. It has also been decided by the Ministry of Railways that serving sportsmen may be imparted necessary training in the departmental work during the slack periods. Railways may arrange for the same within their existing resources. 3. This issues with concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 12A. Subject: Out-of-turn promotion of serving sportsmen. [No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 dated 10.06.1987; RBE 148/87] Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated08.03.1985 on the subject mentioned above. After careful consideration. Railway Board have decided that the currency of the above orders be extended upto31.03.1989. The other terms and conditions for out-of-turn promotions will remain unchanged. 13. Subject: Recruitment of sports persons in Revised Pay scales and performance linked incentives to Sports-persons. [No. E (Sports) 88/RSQ/Policy dated 02.02.1988] The question of granting incentives to outstanding sports persons to be recruited against sports quota has been under consideration of the Railway Board for some time. In the light of the introduction of the Fourth Pay Commission Scales, the powers of the General Managers with regard to fixation of pay, grant of advance increment and out-of-turn promotions to outstanding sports persons have been reviewed and it has been decided by the Railway Board that the Railway Administrations will have the power to fix the pay of outstanding sports persons at the time of initial recruitment with additional increments as follows. The reasons for giving higher fixation may be recorded in writing. S. No Grade Fixation at initial recruitment 1. Rs. 950-1500 (RP) ( Old scale Rs. 260 – 400) Upto a maximum of Rs.1250 depend­ing upon the calibre of the Sports-persons (Under General Manager’s Powers). 2. Rs.1200-2040 (RP) (Old scale Rs.330-560) Upto a maximum of Rs.1530 de­pending upon the calibre of the Sports-persons (Under General Manager’s powers). As regards intermediate grade for which the General Managers have to come up to the Board for their approval for recruitment of outstanding sportsmen against the intermediate quota of40 per year, the Railway Administra­tions may observe the following guidelines: S. No Grade Fixation at initial recruitment 1. Rs.1400-2300 (RP) (old scale Rs. 425-640/ Rs.425-700) Fixation at a stage between 7th (Rs.1680) and12 stages (Rs.1900) above minimum depending upon the calibre of the Sports persons. 2. Rs. 1600-2600 (RP) (old scale Rs. 550-750) Fixation at a stage between 7th (Rs.1900) and the 10th stage (Rs.2100) above minimum depend­ing upon the calibre of the Sports-persons 3. Rs.2000-3200 (RP) (old scale Rs.700-900) Fixation at a stage between the 7th (Rs.2450) and the 10th stages (Rs.2675) above minimum depend­ing upon the calibre of the Sports-persons 2. The Board have also decided that General Managers may grant increments in the following scale at incentives for excellence in sports as detailed below: (1) Increments for excellence Two increments for excellence i.e. at National level. Gold/Silver/Bronze medal winning performance at National Champion­ships. (2) Increments for excellence Three increments for excellence at International level. i.e. Gold/Silver/Bronze medal winning performance at International Championships. 3. The above incentives may be given in addition to those mentioned in Railway Board’s letter No. E (NG) III / 75 RR-1/26 dated 25.11.1976 read with Board’s letters No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 dated 08.03.1985 and 10.06.1987 wherein, General Managers have been empowered to give out-of-turn promotions to outstanding mentioned therein. 4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 14. Subject: Recruitment of Sports persons in Revised Pay Scale and performance-linked incentives to Sports persons. [ No. E (Sports) 88/RSQ/Policy dated 12.12.1988 ] Further to Board’s letter ofeven number dated 02.02.1988 (para 2)regarding additional increments for excellence at national and international levels, it is clarified that— (i) Additional incrementsdecided in terms of these instructions accrue on the date of the national/international events, the performance in which leads to the grant of such increments. However, the date of normal annual increment would remain unaffected. (ii) Such increments would be given only once during a financial year. However, if a better performance of a sports person subsequently in the same financial year justifies additional increments in terms of these orders,additional increments would accure on the date of the event the performance in which justifies such additional increments. However, in no case the total additional increments granted in a financial year should exceed two increments for performances at National level and three increments for those at international level, subject to an overall maximum of three increments on this account during one financial year. Grant of additional increments in the above manner will be subject to the condition that the maximum of scale will in no case be exceeded. 2. While the Railway Administrations may finalise the case of incentives in terms of above in respect of sports persons with excellence in individual events on their own for performance from the year 1987-88 (even before02.02.1988) onwards, similar incentives in respect of team events of National and International meets will be finalised and conveyed by the Railway Sports Control Board. 3. The international events where excellent performance will form the basis for grant of incentives to Sports persons are: (1) Olympic Games (2) Asian Games (3) Commonwealth Games (4) World Cup Tournaments (5) World Championships (6) Asian Championships (7) Commonwealth Championships OR Comparable individual performances in other international meets. 4. It is clarified that incentives as above will be awarded to Railway Sports persons only if they represent the Indian Railways or the Country and the same will not be applicable in respect of their representing States even when they may have shown excellent performances. Similarly, the awards are not applicable to performances in veteran Meets/Championships, Na­tional Games as also when, in the absence of any losing Semi-finalists match, the third place remains undecided. 5. The above additional increments are intended to be granted only in recognition of improved or sustained performance and are not applicable in the event of any deterioration. For example an individual or team will not be eligible for any fresh additional increments as per the above scheme if the position secured has shown a decline over the previous position. 6. The incentives are permissible in respect of outstanding performances by Sports persons only and will not be applicable in regard to learn officials and coaches. 7. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 15. Subject: Probation period for persons recruited against Sports Quota. [No. E (NG) II/88/RR-3/41 dated 05.01.1989; RBE 12/89] The question of prescribing a probation period for all persons recruited in future against sports quota has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways for some time. After careful consideration of the matter, the’ Ministry of Railways have decided that a two year probation period may be prescribed for all persons recruited against the sports quota. This is considered necessary to ensure that consistent effort is put in by each and every person recruited on the strength of his proficiency in sports. This stipulation should invariably be incorporated in the offer of appointment. 2. In addition to the criteria followed for deciding confirmation of any temporary employee in regular employment, the continued retention of and confirmation of an employee appointed against the sports quota will thus be subject to their performance as sportsman also being satisfactory. A stipulation in this respect too must be incorporated in the offer of appoint­ment. 3. On completion of the two year probation, the performance of the sports person will be reviewed at the Zonal Railway level by a committee comprising President and Hony. General Secretary of the Zonal Railway Sports Association and the Captain/Coach of the particular discipline. If the performance of the persons recruited on sports account is considered to be unsatisfactory, he will be given a show cause notice and if the reply is not considered satisfactory his services will be terminated by notice observing requisite procedure for such termination. 4. For review of cases involving sportsmen recruited in intermedi­ate grades, with Board’s approval, one nominee of the Railway Sports Control Board will also be associated with the aforesaid Committee. 5. Board desire that the above instructions may be noted for strict compliance. 16. Subject:Out-of-turn promotion of Serving Sportsmen. [No. E(NG)II/85/RR-3/7 dated 31.05.1989] Please refer to Board’s letters of even number dated08.03.1985 and 10.06.1987 on the subject mentioned above. After reviewing the matter, Railway Board has decided that the currency of the above orders be extended upto31.03.1991. The other terms and conditions for out-of-turn promotions will remain unchanged. 17. Subject: Recruitment of Sports persons in skilled cadre in the production units. o. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/12 dated 12.04.1990] In terms of extant instructions relating to recruitment of Sports persons, Production Units viz. CLW.DLW& ICF can recruit up to12 Sports persons each annually. Since Production Units have very limited strength in non-artisan categories, it has been represented that they (these three Production Units) have not been able to utilise this quota in full. 2.In the above context a suggestion has been made that Production Units should be allowed to recruit Sports persons with requisite qualifica­tions and attainments in sports in skilled cadre and such persons should be fitted straightaway in the scale of artisans, allowing higher initial pay also, where justified, within the guidelines prescribed in the standing instructions of the Board. The proposal to treat Sports persons recruited for artisan categories against sports quota, as Railway employees with fitment in the scale of pay of artisans from the initial date of recruitment, tantamounts to waival of training prescribed for directly recruited artisans. After careful consideration of the matter, Board have concluded that any such dispensa­tion should be confined to the intake of a small number of Sports persons only. 3. Accordingly, Board have decided that the three Production Units viz. CLW, DLW& ICF my recruit not more than four Sports persons in the category of skilled artisans (in the initial recruitment grade) waiving the prescribed training period. This will be within their normal annual quota of 12. Such recruitment of Sports persons against skilled cadre should be counted against the25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} direct recruitment of skilled artisans too, vide Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/78/RC-1/9 dated24.02.1979. 18. Subject:Recruitment against Sports Quota— Incentives to Sports persons. [No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 dated 25.05.1990; RBE 89/90] Pursuant to the decisions taken during the meeting of the Secretaries of various Railway Sports Associations held on17.01.1989, a Sub-Commit­tee was nominated to give their recommendations regarding norms for re­cruitment against sports quota and grant of incentives to the deserving Sports persons. The recommendations made by this Sub-Committee were considered in the meeting of Presidents and Secretaries of various Railway Sports Associations held on16.02.1989 and thereafter were deliberated by the Official Committee. After careful consideration of the matter. Board have decided in partial modification or supersession, as the case may be, of extant instructions that the norms for recruitment against sports quota in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’, incentives to outstanding Sports persons/Coaches, etc., should be regulated in terms of the following guidelines: (I) Norms for Recruitment agsint Sports Quota in Group ‘D’: 1.1. In supersession of Board’s letter No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/dated29.05.1980 and21.06.1980, the norms for recruitment against Sports Quota in Group’ D’ should be as under: (a) Sports persons concerned should have represented a District in Jr./Sr. State Championship and obtained atleast first three posi­tions either in individual or team events OR (b) Sports persons concerned should have represented State Schools/ University/State Jr. or Sr. team in National School Games/Inter-University Championship/Jr. or. Sr. National Championships. In such cases obtaining of a position need not be insisted upon. 1.2. The recruitment of Sports persons in Group ‘D’ shall remain limited to four in each division and headquarters, three in each workshop and upto ten in RDSO and Production Units5 each for W&AP, DCW and RCF during a financial year. Within this quota Inter-Divisional or Inter-Workshop adjustments may be allowed subject to personal approval of GM/ SDGM, but the overall limit for Zonal Railway or Production Unit should not in any case be exceeded. (II) Norms for Recruitment against Sports Quota in Group ‘C’: 2.1. In supersession of Board’s letter No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/dated 29.12.1975, the revised norms for recruitment against sports quota in Group ‘C’ should be as under: 2.2. Sportspersons who have represented, in any of the games recog­nised by Railway Sports Control Board: (i) The country as a member of Junior/Senior team OR (ii) Zonal teams within the country and the team should have obtained at least3rd position in Inter-Zonal Championships OR (iii) The State or equivalent Unit in National Championships whether junior or senior section and obtained at least3rd position in individual or atleast 4th position in team games OR (iv) The University in All India Inter-University Championships-organised under the ageis of Inter-University Sports Board) and should have obtained upto second position in individual events or upto third position in team games. OR (v) A State School team in National School Games for Schools (conducted under the aegis of all Indian School Games Federa­tion) and should have obtained at least first position both in individual or team games. 2.3. In supersession of Board’s letter Nos. E (NG) III/75/RR1/26 dated 10.12.1975; E (NG) II/85/RR-3/16 dated04.11.1985; E (NG) II/85/RR-1/13 dated26.09.1986; E (NG) II/87/RR-3/7 dated13.04.1987; E (NG) II/87/RR-3/ 46 dated13.03.1990; E (NG) II/85/RR-3/16 dated11.05.1990 and any other instruction on the subject the recruitment quota for intake of Sports persons in Group ‘C’ will be as under: (i) Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern, 24 per year South Eastern, South Central and Western Railways (ii) North Eastern and Northeast 18 per year Frontier Railway (iii) CLW, DLW & ICF 12 per year (iv) DCW, W&AP and RCF 5 per year (v) Metro Railway, Calcutta 4 per year 2.4. Board desire that appointments against Sports Quota should be given only after trials in all cases except when the sports person has represented India or got position in national level. (III) Fixation of Pay under GM’s powers in Recruitment Grades : [Nos. E(Sports)88/RSQ/Policy dated 02.02.1988 & 12.12.1988] 3.1. The Railway Administration will have the power to fix the pay of outstanding Sports persons at the time of initial recruitment, in recruitment grades with advance increments as under within the upper limits specified below subject to the provision that reasons for giving higher fixation will be recorded in writing: S. No. Grade Fixation at initial recruitment 1. Rs. 950-1500 (RSP)(Old scale Rs. 260 – 400 ) Upto a maximum of Rs.1250 depend­ing inter alia upon the calibre of the Sports-persons. 2. Rs.1200-2040 (RSP) (Old scale Rs.330-560(Recruitment grade only) Upto a maximum of Rs.1530 de­pending inter alia upon the calibre of the Sports-persons. 3.2. For direct recruitment of sports persons in Intermediate grades against sports quota, which are controlled by Railway Sports Control Board, the Railway Administration may observe the following guidelines in their proposals in so far as they relate to fixation of pay: if not specifically advised in intermediate grade quota release order: S. No. Grade Fixation at initial recruitment 1. Rs.1200-2040 (RSP)(old scaleRs. 330-560) Upto a maximum of Rs.1530 depending inter alia upon the calibre of the sports persons. 2. Rs.1400-2300 (RSP)(old scale Rs. 425-640/ Rs.425-700) Fixation at a stage between 7th (Rs.1680) and12 stages (Rs.1900) above minimum depending inters alia upon the calibre of the Sports persons. 3. Rs. 1600-2600 (RSP)(old scale Rs. 550-750Rs. 550-800) Fixation at a stage between 7th (Rs.1950) and the 10th stage (Rs.2100) above minimum depend­ing inter alia upon the calibre of the Sports-persons 4. Rs.2000-3200 (RSP)(old scale Rs.700-900) Fixation at a stage between the 7th (Rs.2450) and the 10th stages (Rs2675) above minimum depend­ing inter alia upon the calibre of the Sports-persons. (IV) Grant of Incentives to Sportspersons for Excellence in Sports : The Board have also decided that General Managers may grant incentives on RSCB’s recommendation by way of additional increments to Sports persons for excellence in sports. (1) Increments for Excellence at National Level : (a) Two increments for gold medal winning performance during the national championships. (b) One increment (not obligatory) if found justified for Silver or Bronze medal winning performance during the national champi­onships (2) Increments for Excellence in International Meets – International meets will be categorised as under for award of advance increments: Category Al Olympic Games Category A2 Asian Games Category B Commonwealth Games World Championships, World Cup. Category C Asian Championships, Commonwealth Championships. Grant of incentives for medal winning performance in Olympics will be considered on merits on receipt of results. For medal winning perform­ances in other international events irrespective of the Sportsperson winning gold/silver/bronze medal, the Railways may grant upto three increments in games falling in CategoryA2, upto two increments for those coming in Category B and one increment for those in Category C. These increments will, however, be in addition to those if any, granted on performances in national events. (3) Incentives to Coaches – It has been decided that performance of all Coaches attached to Indian Railways team will be reviewed once in a calendar year. The Coaches who render exemplary service and contribute to the good performances of Indian Railways teams may be granted one additional increment subject to maxi­mum of five(5) in lifetime. The awards to Coaches will, however, be granted only with the approval of the Railway Board. (V) The above incentives as provided herein in respect of sports persons, may be granted in addition to those mentioned in Railways Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/75/RR1/26 dated25.11.1976 read with Board’s letters No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 dated08.03.1985 and10.06.1987 wherein. General Managers have been empowered to give out-of-turn promotion to serving sports persons subject to the conditions mentioned therein. (VI) Promotion from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’: In partial modification of Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 dated21.04.1981, Board have decided that Sports persons recruited in Group ‘D’ categories may be considered for promotion on out-of-turn basis if — (a) During the course of their sports career on the Railways, they fulfil the current norms for recruitment in Group ‘C’ category OR (b) They represent Railways in the National Championships on two occasions. Such an out-of-turn promotion of sports persons from Group D to Group C will not be considered as out-of-turn promotion for the purpose of the stipulation provided in the instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E (NG) III/75/RR-1/26 dated25.11.1976 that no sportsman should ordinar­ily be given more than one out-of-turn promotion in the course of his career. Similarly for such an out-of-turn promotion in the condition regarding mini­mum period of service also need not be insisted upon. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. 19. Subject: Recruitment of sports persons in skilled cadre in the Production Units. [No. E(NG)II/90/RR-3/12 dated 05.09.1990] In terms of extant instructions relating to recruitment of Sports persons. DCW, RCF& W&AP can recruit5 persons each annually in Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ against sports quota. Since these Production Units have very limited strength in non-artisan categories, it has been represented that they (these Production Units) have not been able to utilise this quota in full. 2. In the above context a suggestion has been made that Production Units should be allowed to recruit sports persons with requisite qualifica­tions and attainments in sports in skilled cadre and such persons should be fitted straightaway in the scale of artisans, allowing higher initial pay also, where justified, within the guidelines prescribed in the standing instructions of the Board. The proposal to treat sports persons recruited for artisan categories against sports quota, as Railway employees with fitment in the scale of pay of artisans from the initial date of recruitment, tantamounts to waival of training prescribed for directly recruited artisans. Board consider that any such dispensation should be confined to the intake of a small number of Sports persons only. 3. Accordingly, Board have decided that DCW, RCF and W&AP may recruit not more than two Sports persons in the category of skilled artisans (in the initial recruitment grade) waiving the prescribed training period. This will be within their normal annual quota of 5. Such recruitment of Sports persons against skilled cadre should be counted against the25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} direct recruitment of skilled artisans too vide Board’s letter No. E (NG)III/ 78/RC-1/9 dated24.12.1979. 20. Subject: Recruitment against Sports Quota — Incentive to sportspersons. [No. E(NG)II/90/RR-3/3 dated 01.10.1990; RBE 172/90] Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number, dated25.05.1990on the above subject. In this connection the following clarifications are given in order that there is uniformity in implementation of the instructions by all the Railway Administrations: (i) In para 2.2(i) of Board’s letter of25.5.1990, the sentence “In such cases obtaining of a position need not be insisted upon” may be deleted.” (ii) Para 2.2(ii) thereof may be read as under: “Zonal teams within the country and the team should have obtained at least3rd position in Inter Zonal Championships”. (iii) Additional increments for excellence at national level as men­tioned in para IV (1) of the letter of25.05.1990 will be granted from the day following the last day of the particular tournament. (iv) With reference to para IV (3) of Board’s letter, dated25.05.1990 it is clarified that performance during1989-90 also will be taken into account. (v) It is clarified that for the purpose of promotion from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ as mentioned in paraVI of Board’s letter of 25.05.1990, the performance during1989-90 also can be taken into account. 21. Subject: Recruitment of Sportspersons in Group ‘D’— adjustment of quota. [No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 dated 04.02.1991; RBE 24/91] Attention is invited to para1.2 of Board’s letter of even number dated 25.05.1990 (R.B.E. No.89/90] wherein quota for recruitment of Sports persons in Group ‘D’ has been specified. 2. During the meeting of the Secretaries of the Zonal Railway Sports Associations with Railway Sports Control Board, Railway Board held on 03.12.1990, it was pointed out by some units that on their Railways while inter-divisional or inter-workshops adjustments in sports quota are being allowed in Group ‘D’ without exceeding overall limit, no adjustments arc being permitted from Division/Headquarter to workshops and vice versa. It is, therefore, clarified that without exceeding the overall limit per Zonal Railway, the Zonal Railways may permit such adjustments form Division/ Headquarter to Workshop and vice versa. 3. There is no change in other instructions. 22. Subject: Recruitment of Sportspersons against Sports Quota. [No. E (Sports) 91/RSQ/ Policy dated 06.02.1991; RBE 31/91] In continuation of this Office letters Nos. E (Sports) 89/RSQ/Policy dated29.03.1989 and E (Sports) RSQ/Policy/90 dated05.09.1990 and01.11.1990 wherein recruitment against sports quota in the games of Billiards, Bridge, Chess, Tennis, Golf and Jr. Football was restricted and permitted only with the prior approval of Railway Sports Control Board. As desired by the General Council of RSCB, during their meeting on17.01.1991, the aforesaid policy has been extended to Rifle Shooting also. 23. Subject: Fixation of upper age limit for recruitment of Sportspersons (Supplementary Circular No. 2 to M.C. No. 14) [No. E (NG) II/91/RR-3/7 dated 07.05.1991 ;RBE 95/91] Attention is invited to Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/82/RR-l/32 dated 24.02.1983 contained in Advance Correction Slip No.133, wherein the General Managers have been empowered to relax the age limit while making recruitment of outstanding Sports persons against the Sports Quota. 2. The question of fixation of upper age limit for recruitment of sports person was discussed during the General Council Meeting of Railway Sports Control Board held on17.01.1991 and it was decided that the Railways shall henceforth recruit Sports persons upto the age of23 years normally. In exceptional cases. General Managers may consider relaxing the upper age limit to26 years, only. 3. Ministry of Railways have considered the recommendations of Sports Control Board. It has accordingly been decided that henceforth the Railway Administrations shall normally recruit sports persons against sports quota with the upper age limit to23 years. In exceptional circum­stances, the upper age limit may be relaxed upto26 years, with the specific approval of the General Manager. 24. Subject: Recruitment against Sports Quota — Educational Qualification (Suppl. Circular No.3 toM.C. No.14) [No. E (NG) II/91/RR-3/8, dated 09.10.1991; RBE 176/91] In terms of extant instructions, relaxation of educational qualifications in respect of candidate considered for appointment against sports quota can be granted only by the Railway Board. Deserving cases are to be forwarded to the Railway Board, alongwith the personal recommendation of the General Manager for relaxation from educational qualifications/standards for the consideration and approval of Board on merits of each individual case. 2. Board takes serious view of cases being referred to Railway Board for post facto approval for relaxation from the prescribed educational qualifications in respect of sports appointees at the Railway level. Board desire to reiterate, that in no case of sports quota appointment, relaxation from the minimum prescribed educational qualifications should be granted without prior approval of the Railway Board. This may please be noted for strict compliance. 25. Subject: Recruitment of Sportspersons in Group’D’ on the workshops (Supplementary Circular No. 4 to M.C. No. 14) [No. E (NG) II/91/RR-3/35 dated 20.11.1991; RBE 202/91] Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letter No. RSCB/RSQ/Policy/80 dated29.05.1980 and also para2 of Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/31 dated28.11.1990 (Master Circular No.14), in terms of which recruitment of Sportsmen in Group ‘D’ should be limited to3 in each workshop during a financial year. 2. Railway Board after reviewing the matter have decided that, with immediate effect, no separate quota for recruitment of Sports persons for workshops in Group ‘D’ referred to in para(1) above, is to be operated. 26. Subject: Recruitment against Sports Quota—Sports norms for Group’C’ (Supplementary Circular No. 5 to M.C. No. 14 [No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/3 dated 21.07.1992; RBE 119/92] Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 25.05.1990 and also para4 (a) of Master Circular No.14 circulated vide Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/31 dated28.11.1990, prescribing the minimum sports norms for recruitment of Sports persons against sports quota. 2. During the meeting of the Presidents and Secretaries of Railway Sports Associations with the Railway Sports Control Board, held during January,1991, it was decided that members of the teams securing first two positions in the Federation Cup should qualify the norms for recruitment in Group ‘C’ and the performances of only the last two years Federation Cup should be considered. 3. After careful consideration of the matter, the Ministry of Rail­ways have decided that members of the teams securing first two positions in the Federation Cup during the last two years, to be included in the list of eligibility for Group ‘C’ appointment. 27. Subject: Recruitment of Sportspersons in skilled cadre in the Production Units (Supplementary Circular No. 6 to M.C. No. 14 [No. E (NG) II/90/RR-3/12 dated 26.04.1993; RBE 64/93] In partial modification of Board’ s letter of even No. dated12.04.1990 and para3.1 of Master Circular No.14, Board have approved that the three Production Units (ICF, DLW, CLW) may recruit not more than six persons instead of four in the category of skilled artisans (in the initial recruitment grade) waiving the prescribed training period. This will be within their annual quota of12. Such recruitment of Sports persons against skilled cadre should be counted against the25{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} direct recruitment of skilled artisans vide Board’s letter No. E (NG) II/78/RC-1/9 dated24.02.1979. 28. Subject: Out-of-turn promotion of serving sportsmen— Extension of currency thereof. Supplementary Circular No. 6 to Master Circular No.14. [No. E (NG) II/85/RR-3/7 dated 06.12.1993; RBE 176/93] Please refer to Board’s letters of even number dated08.03.1985 and 14.05.1991 on the subject mentioned above. After reviewing the matter, Railway Board has decided that the currency of the above Orders be extended upto31.03.1995. The other terms and conditions for out-of-turn promotion will remain unchanged. 29. Subject: Out-of-turn promotion and recruitment of Sports persons in Intermediate grades — Creation of su­pernumerary posts for. [No. E (NG) I/93/SR 6/9 dated 30.11.1994; RBE 109/94] As the Railways are aware, in terms of extant rules, Sports persons may be allowed out-of-turn promotion for outstanding performance in the field of sports, subject to the fulfilment of prescribed conditions. As far as possible out-of-turn promotion is to be given in a grade where there is an element of direct recruitment and the out-of-turn promotion is counted against this element of direct recruitment. However, GMs have the discre­tion to relax this provision in special cases. 1.1. AIRF raised a demand in the PNM that out-of-turn promotion should not be allowed to Sports persons specially in the intermediate grades which do not have any element of direct recruitment and desired that notwithstanding the low incidence of out-of-turn promotion, wherever they are allowed in Intermediate grades, they should be offset against supernu­merary posts to ensure that the interests of other employees in the cadre are not adversely affected. 2. The demand has been considered by the Board in the light of deliberations in the PNM Meeting and it has been decided that Railways may create special supernumerary posts with matching surrender, to accommodate out-of-turn promotion of Sports persons in intermediate grades having no element of direct recruitment. These special supernumer­ary posts will be personal to the incumbents. 2.1. Similarly, special supernumerary posts may also be created on the above lines to accommodate freshly recruited Sports persons in the Intermediate grades having no element of direct recruitment. 2.2. Matching surrender will be required only to the extent of differ­ence between the supernumerary post and the lower grade post in monetary terms. 3. The post vacated by the Sports person on account of his promotion against the special supernumerary post, will be kept vacant till such time the special supernumerary post in higher-grade remains in operation. 3.1. Similarly, the post in the direct recruitment grade, which the freshly recruited Sports person would have held but for being accommo­dated against the supernumerary post in higher grade, will be, kept in vacant till such time the special supernumerary post in higher grade remains in operation. 3.2. In both the above cases, the staff will continue to perform the duties of the post in the lower grade count seniority in the same lower grade and seek functional promotion to the higher grade in the cadre, as per specified procedure. 4. The ban presently applicable to the creation of non-plan posts (which are not related to new assets) is hereby relaxed for the limited purpose of creation of special supernumerary posts as brought above. 5. These instructions will take effect from the date of issue. Past cases will not be reopened. 6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of theMinistry of Railways. 30. Subject: Seniority of staff recruited against Sports Quota. [No. E (NG) I/94/SR6/16 dated08.12.1994; RBE112/94] As the Railways are aware, the principles for determination of seniority of directly recruited candidates on their appointment to working posts are contained in Para303 of IREM (1989-Edition) as amended vide ACS0.9 issued under Board’s letter No. E (NG) I-89/SR6/32(PNM), dated 19.03.1993. 2. A question was raised as to whether the seniority of directly recruited Sports persons in the posts in which initial training has been prescribed, should also be determined on the basis of the merit position secured by them in the examination held after the training as provided in Para303 of IREM as amended or their seniority should be regulated based on their date of appointment in terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E (NG) I/80/SR6/21, dated05/08.07.1980. 3. The matter has been considered by the Board. It is clarified that instructions contained in Board’s letter dated5/8.7.1980 referred to in para2 above, which in cum, where based on Board’s earlier letter No. E (NG) I/69/SR6/25, dated01.11.1969 were issued in a context when the services of Sports persons appointed to the Railway service under the special powers vested with the General Managers, were to be regularised by the concerned Railway Service Commissions at a later stage. The principle enunciated therein for assigning seniority to the Sports persons from the date of their appointment, therefore, does not hold good any longer now, as they are not required to pass R.R.B. Exam. It is accordingly clarified that in cases where directly recruited Sports persons are required to undergo initial training in training schools before appointment against working posts, the normal rules of seniority contained in Para303 of IREM as amended will apply. 4. The same principal also applies to appointment on compassionate grounds and appointment against Handicapped quota.


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