Special Casual Leave


Master Circular No. 10   Special Casual Leave   CONTENTS   S. N Particulars 1 General 2 Grounds for Sanctioning Special Casual Leave 2.1 – Eligibility and Status Under Leave Rules 2.2 – Combination With Other Leaves 3 SCL For Railwaymen’s Cooperative Societies 4 SCLFor Family Welfare Programs 5 SCL For Sports Activities 6 SCL For Trade UnionActivities 7 SCL For Cultural Activities 7.1 – SCL For Scouting Duties 7.2 – SCL For Participation in the Republic Day Celebrations 7.3 – SCL For Attending Meetings/Conferences/Congresses 7.31 – Listof Meetings/Conferences/Congresses 7.32 – List of Meetings/Conferences/Congresses of Doctors 7.4 – SCL For Voluntary Donation of Blood by Railway Employees 7.5 – SCL For Railway Protection Force Annual Meet 7.6 – SCL For Attendance at Courts as Jurors or Assessors 7.7 – For Activities of Kendriya Sachivalaya Hindi Parishad. 7.8 – Territorial Army Activites 7.9 – For Absence due to Bandh, Curfew & Other Disturbances 7.10 – Rly Servants Assisting as Defense Helper 7.11 – Stenographer Attending Exam. for Grant of Advance Increment 7.12 – Teachers attending Educational/Science Seminar 7.13 – Rly servants enrolled in Home Guards Organisation 7.14 – For Auxiliary Units 7.15 – For Attending Governing Body of Rail Surakshak Kalyan Nidhi 7.16 – For Elections to Lok Sabha and to State Assembly 8. Clarifications on the Letters on Which the MC is Based 9. List of Letters on Which the MC is Based 10. Other Railway Board Orders on the Subject Special Casual Leave     The instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time on the subject of grant of special casual leave are contained in several letters. It has now been decided by the Railway Board to issue a Consolidated Master Circular, as below, incorporating all the instructions issued so far on the subject for the information and guidance of all concerned.   2.Special casual leave is granted to Railway employees to cover their absence from duty, on the following occasions for the following work. (i)   For attending to work connected with running/administration of Railway-men’s Cooperative Societies; (ii) For promoting small family norms under the Family Welfare Programme; (iii) For participation in sports events; (iv) Attendance as officials at meetings of Trade Union/Federation; (v) Participation in cultural activities like Drama, Music competitions; (vi) Scout work; (vii)    Occasions like Voluntary Donation of Blood; attendance at meetings of Tech­nical/Scientific institutes; attendance at courts a jurors/assessors; participa­tion in Republic Day parade; unavoidable absence due to civil disturbances; etc.;   2.1.Special casual leave is admissible to both the permanent and temporary em­ployees. Like casual leave, it is not a recognised leave or is subject to any rule under the leave rules applicable to the Railway employees. Full pay is admissible during the period when the employee is on special casual leave. Special casual leave can be sanctioned with retrospective effect also.   2.2.Special casual leave cannot be combined with ordinary casual leave and regular leave, except in certain cases, where the combination is allowed.   3.The details of the quantum of special casual leave admissible and the items of work connected with the running/administration of Railwaymen’s Cooperative Societiesfor which special casual leave can be granted have been shown in Annexure ‘A’.   4.The details regarding the special casual leave admissible to the Railway em­ployees under the Family Welfare Scheme have been shown in Annexure ‘B’.   5.For participation in Sports events/Tournaments, the details of special casual leave admissible are contained in Annexure ‘C’.   6.The details of admissibility of special casual leave to Railway employees for attendance at meetings of Trade Union/Federation have been shown in Annexure ‘D’.   7.Special casual leave not exceeding30 days in a calendar year, excluding Sundays/ Holidays, may be granted to employees who participate in cultural activities like Drama, Music and take part in Inter-Railway, Inter-Divisional competitions.                                             [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (W) 75 WE6/13, Dated 12.05.1980]   7.1 Scouting Duties:   (i) Special casual leave up to a maximum of30 days in a calendar year may be granted to Railway employees and also apprentices and trainees who are scouts or Rover scouts for attending camps or rallies or when engaged on scouting duties on instructions from Scouting authorities. If a Rail’ servant, while on special casual leave on scouting duties, is injured and is required to be hospitalised the period of his absence due to hospitalization should be regulated as special casual leave but the limit of30 days of special casual leave in a calendar year on scouting duties including the period of absence on account of injuries/hospitalisation should not be exceeded. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W) 83 Spl. 4, Dated 12.08.1983]   (ii)    Special casual leave, when sanctioned for scouting work, may be combined with casual leave or regular recorded leave. When regular leave is granted in combination with special casual leave, casual leave cannot also be granted in combination.     [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W) 80 WE 6/2, Dated 05.01.1983]   (iii) The term scouting duties covers activities of Committee Members andother office bearers in attending meetings of the HQrs. or District Associate services rendered by Scouts/Guides for organisation of Scouting Conferences etc., duly authorised by the Scouting officers concerned. [Ref: Note (i) below sub-para (i) of para 1104-Estt. Manual]   7.2.Participation in the Republic day Parade and celebrations:   (i) Members of the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade: Period of absence of Railway employees who participate in the Republic Day parades held annually the rehearsals connected therewith in their capacity as members of St. Job Ambulance Brigade should be treated as special casual leave.   (ii) Railway servants other than the members of the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade: The period of absence of a Railway employee who participates in   RepublicDay parades and celebrations can be treated as special casual leave only when the Railway employee participates in such events under the orders of the Central Government. In cases where the Railway employees are deputed on a request by a State Govt., special casual leave will be sanctioned where the Railway Administration specially permits the Railway servant concerned and also considers that such participation or assistance is essential for the success of the programme and is in the public interest.                                                                       [Ref: Para1104 (ii) of Establishment Manual]   7.3.Railway servants attending meetings or conferences or congresses held in Indiamay draw travelling allowance as on tour when they are officially deputed to attend them but not when they attend at their own request. In the latter case, provided any Government interest is served thereby, they may only be granted special passes for the journeys to and from the place of meeting.   (1)   Attendance of Government servants at the meetings listed below has been re­cognised as being in the interest of the Government-   Annual General Meetings of the Institution of Engineers (India), Calcutta and its Regional Centers, and of the Institute of Railway Accountants and Auditors (Calcutta).   Meetings of the local Associations of the Institution of Engineers.   The Annual General branch meetings of the Indian, Western and Eastern centres of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Railway Division) and of the Indian Medical Association or the Association of the Surgeons of India or the Association of Physicians of India or the meetings and conferences arranged by the Institute of Costs and Works Accountants.   The annual conferences of the Indian Statistical Institute. The annual Session of the Indian Science Congress. Regional Centres of the Permanent Way Institutes, Meetings of the Sectional Committee set up by the Bureau of Indian Standards. Meetings of the Advisory Committee of the Indian Council of Medical Research. Meetings of the Institution of Telecommunication Engineers. Meetings of the Institute of Permanent Way Engineers.   The All India Malaria Conferences, The Annual Conferences of the All India Tu­berculosis Association, the Annual Conferences of Indian Public Health Association, The Annual Conference of Association of Family Planning, the Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Occupational Health, Two meetings of the Bombay Railway Signal and Telecommunications Society in a Calendar Year. Annual Convention of the Institute of Indian Foundrymen, Calcutta, Annual meeting of the Institute of Rail Transport.   Any one meeting of the Institute of Rail Transport in a year when attended by the Members of the Institute.   Annual General Meetings of Institution of Chemists (India).   Joint Chemical Convention (Annual) of the Chemical Research Committee of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Ministry of Education, Government of India), the Institution of Chemists (India), the Indian Chemical Society and the Society of Biological Chemists (India).   Cases not covered by the above should be referred to the Railway Board for orders.   The time spent by the Railway servants in attending such meetings, when they are permitted to attend the meetings at their own request, will be treated as special casual leave.   (2)Railway Doctors who are either Members of the following Associations or who read papers may be permitted to attend such meetings at theirown request, the period of absence being treated as special casual leave. Special Railway passes may also be given for the journey to and from the place of meetings but no road mileage or daily allowance for halts at the place of meeting would be allowed.   The Annual Conference of Association of Radiologists, Annual Conference of As­sociation of Ophthalmologists, Annual Conference of Association of Oto-Rhine-Laryngalogists, Annual Conference of India Society of Anesthetists, Annual Confer­ence of Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians, Annual Conference of Association of Nurses, Meetings of the Dental Council of India, Annual Conference of All India Dental Association.   Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Annual Conference of Cardiological Society of India. Annual Conference of Association of Neurologists of India. Indian Association of Pathologists. The Annual Conference of the Indian Association for Chest disease. The Indian Society of Gastroenterology. National Congress on Occupational Health. Dermatological Society of India. Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatrists Society. Annual Convention of the Indian Hospital Association. Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine. Thoracic Surgical Conference. Annual General Meetings of Railway. Signalling and Tele-Communication Engineers. Annual Seminars of the Institute of Town Planners, India. Indian Orthopedic Association.                                                                                        [Ref: Rule 1689- R. II/1987 edition]   7.4.Voluntary donation of blood by Railway employees:   Railway servants volunteering to donate blood to Railway Centres may be granted special casual leave to cover the outward and inward journeys and one day’s stay at the Centre, in cases in which it is necessary to undertake a journey for going to the Centres. In other cases, a day’s special casual leave may be granted if the blood is donated on a working day. [Ref: Para 1104(x) of the Establishment Manual Board’s letter No. 62/H/19S  dated 29.04.1963] 7.5.Railway Protection Force Annual Meet:   The absence of the Railway employees who take part in Annual Meet shall be treated as special casual leave without payment of any travelling allowance. [Ref: Para1104 (xi) of Establishment Manual and Board’s letter No. E (G)63 LE2/25, dated04.03.1964] 7.6.Attendance at Courts as Jurors or Assessors:   Time spent by Railway employees attending Courts as Jurors or Assessors with the permission of their respective Heads of Deptt should be treated as special casual leave. [Ref: Para 1104(iv) of Establishment Manual and Board’s letter No. E (G) 55/LE2/ 127/3, dated 18.12. 1957]   7.7.Attendance at Hindi Examinations and participation in activities connected with Kendriya Sachivalaya Hindi Parishad.   (i) The absence of Railway employees for the days on which they take the Hindi examinations may be treated as special casual leave subject to the condition that in the case of employees taking a third chance no such privilege will be allowed.      [Ref: Board’s letter No. Hindi /57/6 (HE), Dated 05.10.1957]   (ii) The concession of special casual leave on the days of examination allowed to employees appearing at Hindi examinations conducted by the Ministry of Railways should be extended to employees appearing at Prarambik, Pravesh and Parichay Hindi examinations conducted by the Rashtra Bhasha Prachar Samati, Wardha. Railway employees who appear at these examinations privately will not be entitled to special casual leave.                                                            [Ref: Board’s letter No. H/ 60/05, Dated 03.07.1960]   (iii) Facility of special casual leave allowed to Railway employees for appearing at Hindi examinations is applicable to Group ‘D’ employees also.                                                                                   [Ref: H161/5/1, Dated 20.05.1961]   (iv) A Railway employee, who is an office bearer of the Kendriya Sachivalaya Hindi Parishad may be granted special casual leave in connection with general body meetings of the Parishad and on the occasion of its prize distribution ceremony. The special casual leave is subject to a limit of five days in a year including the time taken on journeys, subject to the condition that the leave will be confined to the days on which the meetings/ceremonies are held and the time actually taken on travel;   (v) A Railway employee, who is an office bearer of the Parishad may be granted special casual leave up to a limit of five days for participation in the meetings of the Central Committee at Delhi, depending on me distance of his place from Delhi;   (vi) Railway employees, who are office bearers working in the Ministry of Railways and proceeding to different places for attending to activities of the Parishad other than those mentioned in sub-paras (iv) and (v) above may be granted special casual leave up to a limit of twenty days in a year for the outward and return journeys, subject to the condition that (a) the special casual leave will be restricted to the time actually spent on the journeys; and (b) for reckoning the limit of twenty days in a year, the special leave that may have been availed in terms of sub-paras (iv) an (v) will be counted.   (vii) The special casual leave granted to an individual for any of the purposes mentioned in (v) and (vi) above or for all the purposes mentioned in (iv), (v) (vi) above together should not exceed twenty days in a year. The special casual leave granted in terms of the above may be combined with casual L only and not with any other kind of leave.                                               [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(G) 76 LE1/24,D dated 17.12.1976] 7.8 Territorial Army-Annual Training Camps/Post-Commission training:   (i) Territorial Army Personnel, when released for Annual Training Camps may be allowed only a total of leave for six days before and after the training in addition to special casual leave to cover to and fro travel time prior to and after the Annual training camp. The unveiled portion of special casualleave granted on this account cannot be credited to the leave account of TA Personnel. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(ML) 83 (10)120, dated 28.02.1984 &  E(ML) 68 (10)J] dated 05.02.1988]   (ii) In terms of Rule 20-B of the Territorial Army Act Rules,1948, every officer commissioned in the Territorial Army and appointed to the Railway Engineer Groups shall be embodied for undergoing post-commission training for a continuous period not exceeding30 days excluding the period of journey. For the purpose of Post-commission training, a Railway employee, when released for such training may be allowed special casual leave for six days plus special casual leave for the travel time to cover to and fro journeys prior to and the post-commission training.                                               [Ref: Board’s letter No. E (ML) 87 (10)/3, dated 04.05.1987]   (iii)   In both the situations mentioned in sub-paras (i)& (ii) above, the ceiling 30 days of special casual leave may be allowed to be exceeded.   7.9 Absence due to Bandh, Curfew & Other Disturbances   Unless any specific instructions are issued by the Board for any particular bandh, disturbances etc., HODs are competent to grant special casual leave to their staff, a subject to their being satisfied that the absence is due to reasons beyond their control, in the following cases and the position should be reported to the Board after sanction: –   (i)   Failure of transport facilities, if the distance to be traveled is more than 3 miles/5 KMs to the place of duty;   (ii)    In case of picketing or disturbances or curfew, the above condition of distance may not be insisted upon; and   (iii) Disorganization of train services either on account of train accident or floods, when no other mode of transport could have been availed of to reach the place of duty. [Ref: E(LU) 71/ST2/9, dated 29.11.1972], E(LR)II/71/ST2/2, dated 24.08.1979], E(LR)II/81/ST2/1. dated 03.11.1981] and E (LR) II/81/ST2/1, dated 28.04.1982]   (iv) In case of employees who proceed on leave but are unable to return to place of duty owing to dislocation of train services on account of floods, subject to their producing a certificate from the SM or supervisory staff in charge at the station nearest to the breach indicating that the employee had reported to him on a particular date and had to hold on at that station up to the time of restoration of communication. Special casual leave in such cases can be combined with any other kind of leave. (For those who proceeded on duty, such forced halts may be treated as duty.)                                                                              [Ref: E(G) 66 LE2-38, dated 20.08.1966]   7.10. Railway Employees assisting other Railway employees) facing inquiry under          the R.S. (D&A) Rules:   (i) A Railway employee, who is assisting another Railway employee at inquiry conducted by the Inquiring Authority under the Railway Servants (D&A) Rules1968, is eligible to grant of reasonable special casual leave. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E.51 RG6/20 dated 08.04.1953 -Provision reproduced in para 12. of the main annexure to the Brochure on Railway Servants (D&A) Rules, 1968]   (ii) A Railway employee, assisting another Railway employee for inspection of official documents in connection with inquiry under theR.S. (D&A) Rules, 1968 ordered against him, may be given at the discretion of the competent authority, special casual leave up to a maximum of three days in one disciplinary case.            [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(D&A) 64 RG6-22 dated 23.07.1966 and 02.02.1967]   (iii) Special casual leave granted under items (i) and (ii) above may be allowed to be combined with either casual leave or regular leave as may be due and admissible to the individual employee provided that the leave in continu­ation of special casual leave so sanctioned is taken for reasons beyond one’s control, i.e., sickness etc.                                      [Authority: Board’s letter No. E (G) 68 LEI-17, dated 28.11.1968]   7.11.Period of absence of the serving stenographers in attending the examination held by Railway Recruitment Board for the purpose of grant of advance increments plus bare journey period to and fro be treated as SCL. No such facility for employees availing Third Chance.                                      [Authority: Board’s letter No. E (G)62 LE1/1, dated15. 02.1962]   7.12. Teachers attending Educational/Science Seminar:   Period of absence of Railway School Teachers when nominated by the State Government to attend the Educational/Science Seminars etc. may be treated as special casual leave. No TA/DA will be payable to them but may be allowed to retain the remuneration, if any, received by them from the State Government concerned.                                     [Authority : Board’s letter No. E(G) 72 LE 1/12, dated 11.06.1974]   7.13. Railway servants enrolled as members of Home Guards Organisation:   There is no ceiling limit to the grant of special casual leave in order to regularise the absence of the Railway servants called up for training and duty in the Home Guards Organisation.                                 [Authority : Board’s letter No. E (ML) 66 ML8/17, dated 23.01.1967]   7.14. Auxiliary Units:   Railway servants embodied in the Auxiliary Units may be permitted to combine the special casual leave granted for the annual training with regular leave (not ordinary casual leave).                                      [Authority : Board’s letter No. E(G) 63 LE2-27. dated 25.07.1963]   7.15. Attending the Governing Body of Rail Surakshak Kalyan Nidhi:   Members of the Governing Body should be given special casual leave for attending the meeting of the Governing Body the special casual leave should be limited to a maximum of15 days in a year.                       [Authority : Board’s letter No. 76 Sec./ Spl. 6/5/Pt. II. dated 24.04.1974]   7.16. Elections to Lok Sabha and to State Assembly :   In order to provide facilities to the Central Govt. employees who reside at a place where the date of polling is different from that at the place where their office is situated and where the day of poll at the place of residence is not a public or closed holiday. They should be given a day’s special casual leave to enable them to exercise their franchise.                                                   [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(G) 82 LE1/ 1, dated 18.05.1982]   8.         (i) While referring to this master circular the original letters mentioned herein should be read for a proper appreciation. The master circular is only, consolidation of the existing instructions and should not be treated as, substitution to the original circulars. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority;   (ii) The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to, have only prospective effect from the date of their issue, unless indicated otherwise   (iii) If any circular on the subject which has not been superseded has been lost sight of, in the preparation of the master circular, the said circular which has been missed through oversight, should not be ignored, but should be treated as valid and operative.   9.   The letters and other references on the basis of which the consolidated master circular has been prepared are indicated in the enclosure below.   References on the basis of which the consolidated master circular has beei prepared.     Letter Date   Letter No. Date 1. E(G)64LE1/2 23.03.1964 7. E(G)64LE1/10 20.03.1968 2. E(G)64LE1/22 Pt. 11.12.1964 8. E(G)70LE1-2 16.11.1970 3. E(G)64LE1/10 22.11.1965 9. E(G)70LE1/2 21.01.1971 4. E(G)64LE1/10 31.01.1966 10. E(G)70LE1/2 03.08.1986 5. -do- 17.06.1966 11. E(G)86LE1/3L 03.08.1986 6. -do- 18.02.1967 *12. E.51 RG6/20 08.04.1953 13. E(D&A)64RG6/22 23.07.1966 *14. E(D&A)64RG6/22 02.02.1967   (Provisions of letters mentioned against S.Nos.12 to 14 reproduced in para 1.2 of the main Annexure to the Brochure on R.S.(D&A)Rules, 1968 (1976 Edition)   *15. Hindi/57/6/HE 05.10.1957 40. E(W)67Spl/15 04.04.1968 *16. H/60/51 03.07.1960 41. -do- 25.06.1968 *17. H/61/51 20.05.1961 42. -do- 05.10.1968 *18. E(LR)71/ST2/9 29.11.1972 43. -do- 24.10.1968 *19. E(G)76LEI/24 17.12.1976 44. -do- 24.07.1969 *20. E(LR)II79ST2/2 24.08.1979 45. E(W)72Spl/4 06.12.1972 *21. E(W)75WE6/13 12.05.1980 46. E9(W)74Spl/1 24.01.1975 *22. E(LR)II82/ST2/1 28.04.1982 47. E9(W)74Spl/1 23.09.1977 *23. E(W)80WE6/21 05.01.1983 48. E(W)72Spl/4 24.01.1981 *24. E(W)83SP1/4 12.08.1983 49. E(W)81Spl/3 19.09.1981 25. E(ML)83(10)20 28.02.1984 50. E(w)72Spl/4 25.08.1981 26. E(ML)87(10)3 04.05.1987 51. -do- 02.08.1984 *27. Paras 1104(i) to 1104(ii), 1104(iv), 1104(vi),1104(vii),1104(x) and       1104 (xi) of Establishment Manual. 52. E(W)85Spl/1 15.04.1985 28. 66/H/(FW)6l/74 15.03.1972 52A. E(W)85Spl/3 11.06.1985 29. 76/H(FP)9.6 29/30.05.1976 53. E(W)85/Spl/4 16.07.1985 30. 77/H/(FW)9/27 08.01.1978 54. E(W)Spl/4 02.02.1990 31. 77/H(FW)9/27 08.01.1978 55. E(LR)II81ST2/1 03.11.1981 32. 78/H(FW)9/1Pt. 01.07.1978 *56. E(G)65LE1/6 15.02.1967 33. 78/H(FW)9/5 15.02.1979 *57. E(L)66NM1/21 25.01.1967 34. -do- 17.01.1981 58. E(LU)771 UT3/3 09.03.1971 *35. -do- 11.06.1981 59. -do- 14.01.1972 36. 84/H/FW/9/1 14.03.1984 60. E(LU)72UT3/9Tp.I 06.02.1973 37. -do- 30.04.1984 61. E(L)60UT1/141 24.03.1962 38. -do- 06.06.1984 *62. E(LR)I79NM1/57 14.02.1980 39. E(W)56Spl/13 29.07.1959 *63. E(LR)I84NM1/51 10.10.1984       64. 84/H(FW)9/1 28.07.1988   *Letters available in the reference books compiled by South Central Railway& Northern Railway and others. Copies not attached.   ANNEXURE ‘A’   Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway servants concerned with the maning/ administration of Railwaymen’s Cooperative Societies.   Special casual leave up to a maximum of15 days in a calendar year plus the minimum period required for journeys from the place of duty to the Headquarters of the Cooperative Societies is admissible to Members, Delegates of members. Managing Committee members and/or office bearers of Railwaymen’s Credit/Consumer/Housing Cooperative Societies to attend meetings of Managing Committee of such societies including the meetings of Board of Directors and Subcommittees of the Societies.   2.If the bye-laws of the Societies provide for the members to attend the annual general meetings, special general meetings, through delegates of members, members will not be eligible to the grant of special casual leave. The elected delegates of members will be eligible to the grant of special casual leave. However, if the members are required to participate in meetings held outside the Headquarters of the Society, to elect delegates they may be granted special casual leave. [Ref. : Board’s letter No. E(G)64/LE-1-2, dated 23.03.1964; E(G)64 LE-1/10, dated  22.11.1965]   3.Special casual leave is also admissible to Railway servants, who are members of the Managing Committee office bearers of the Railwaymen’s Cooperative Societies up to the ceiling limit mentioned in para1 above, if they have to remain absent on the under mentioned occasions:   (a) To attend Court(s) in connection with Cooperative Society matters;   (b) To contact and settle matters with Registrar or other State officials at the instance of Railway Administration;   (c) To attend any special meeting which may be convened by the Railway Administration;   (d) To contact Civil authorities for lifting weekly quota for fair price shops etc.; [Ref.: Board’s letters No. E (G)64LE-1/10, dated 22.11.1965,.03.01.1966 and                                                                              17.06.1966]   4.The facility of grant of special casual leave is admissible to the Managing Committee members and office bearers of Railwaymen’s Consumer Cooperative Societies under liquidation, who are summoned by the concerned Registrars for investigations etc.                                                [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(G)64 LE-1/10, dated 18.02.1967]   5.Running staff, who are Managing Committee member and office bearers of Railwaymen’s Consumer Cooperative Societies even if posted in Headquarters of Societies may be allowed the facility of special casual leave subject to exigencies of work.                                                  [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(G)64LE-1/10. dated 18.02.1967] ANNEXURE – ‘B’   Description Nature No. of days of special casual leave admissible   Male Railway Employee (i). Vasectomy operation- Ist time Not exceeding six working days. Sundays and closed Holidays intervening should be ignored.   (ii) Vasectomy operation-2nd time due to failure of the first time operation. Six days on production of certificate from the medical authority concerned that the second operation was done, due to failure of the first.   (iii). Post-vasectomy complications. (a). Additional Special Casual Leave, as may be required to cover the period for which the employee is hospitalised, subject to production of certificate from the concerned hospital authority/medical attendant. (b). Maximum of seven days, where due to post operational complications the employee is not fit to resume duties but not hospitalised subject to production of medical certificate.   (iv). Tubectomy operation, either puerperal or non-puerperal for the first time (Puerperal Tubectomy is the operation done with in 2-5 days of child birth) or second time, undergone by his wife. Seven days to attend on his wife. Where the operation has been performed for the second time due to the failure of the first the production of a medical certificate to that effect from the medical authority to that effect from the medical certificate to that effect from the medical authority concerned is necessary for the grant of special casual leave. Seven days, subject to production of medical certificate stating that the employee’s wife has undergone. Tubectomy/Salpigectomy after medical termination of pregnancy. [Ref: Board’s letter No. 78/H(FW)/9/5, dated 17.01.1981, E.78/H (FW) 9/5 dated 11.06.1981] Seven days [Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H(FW) 9/1, dated 14.03.1984]   (v).Tubectomy/ Salpigectomy operation undergone by his wife after medical termination of pregnancy. (vi). Sterilisation of wife through operation under the Laproscopic method.       Married Female Rly employee (i) Tubectomy operation-Ist time-puerperal or non- puerperal. Not exceeding fourteen days.   (ii). Tubectomy operation-2nd time due to failure of first. Not exceeding fourteen days subject to production of a certificate from the concerned hospital authority/medical attendant that first operation was a failure and a second operation was performed.   (iii). Post-Tubectomy complications. Additional special casual leaves, as may be needed to cover the period of hospitalisation subject to production of certificate from the concerned hospital authority/medical attendant.   Maximum of fourteen days, where due to post-operational complications, the employee is not fit to resume duties but not hospitalise, subject to production of medical certificate from the appropriate authority. [Ref: Board’s letter No. 78/H(FW)/9/5, dated 15.02.1979,17.01.1981, E.78/H (FW) 9/5 dated 11.06.1981 and 77/HF(W)9/5, dated 02.02.1978]   Inspection of I.U.D. (Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device) One day on the day of insertion. Also admissible for one day, the day of re-insertion. [Ref: Board’s letter No. 76/HF(FP)/9/6, dated 29/30.05.1976 and 78/H(FW)9/5 dated 11.06.1981].     Sterilisation through operation under the Laparascopic method Fourteen days. [Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H(FW) 9/1 dated 14.03.1984.]     Vasectomy operation on husband One day-the day on which the husband undergoes the operation. [Ref: Board’s letter No. 84/H(FW)9/1, dated 28.07.1988]     S.N Description Nature No. of days of special casual leave admissible 3. (i) Unmarried Railway employee; Recanalisation Operation should be performed in a hospital/medical college/institute having the requisite facilities for recanalisation. It can also be done at private hospital nominated by the State Govt./Union Territory Admn. for the purpose. Twenty-one days or actual period of hospitalisation as certified by the medical attendant, whichever is less. The request for grant of special casual leave should be supported by the Doctor who performed the operation, indicating that hospitalisation for the period stipulated was necessary for the operation and recovery thereafter. In addition, special casual leave can be granted to cover the to and fro journey performed for undergoing the operation. [Ref: Board’s letter No.78/H(FW)9/1 Pt., dated 01.07.1978 and 78/H(FW)9/5 , dated 17.01.1981] (ii) Railway employee having less than two children; (iii) Railway employee desirous of recanalisation for the substantive reasons, i.e.’ the employee having lost all male children after sterilisation operation performed earlier. 4. Railway employees – both Male & Female Sterilisation operations undergone in Private hospitals/clinics. Special casual leave to the extent admissible as indicated in items 1 & 2 above, subject to the production of medical certificate from the private hospital/clinic concerned, duly countersigned by a Railway Doctor. [Ref: Board’s letter No.84/H(FW)9/1, dated 30.04.1984] 5. Canteen Employees (Departmental/ Co-operative) Sterilisation operations Special casual leave may be granted, as per the scale allowed to Railway employees. [Ref: Board’s letter No.84/H(FW)9/1, dated 06.06.1984]   S.N Description Nature No. of days of special casual leave admissible 6. Daily rated Casual Labour (Both male and female labourers)         (i) Vasectomy operation – Male Not exceeding six working days. (ii) Tubectomy operation – Female Not exceeding fourteen days. (iii) Insertion of I.U.D. – Female        Benefit will be admissible only to those daily rates casual labour who have been in continuous employment for at least three months before undergoing sterilisation operation/I.U.D. insertion and who are likely to continue thereafter for at least three months. One day. (Full wages will be claimed for these days and debited to contingencies under the grant provided by the Min. of Health & Family Planning, Govt. of India.). [Ref: Board’s letter No.E/78/H(FW)9/5, dated 11.06.1981]   Note: Special casual leave connected with sterilisation operations, recanalisation under the Family Welfare Programme may be prefixed as well as suffixed to regular leave or casual leave. Special casual leave should be prefixed either to casual leave or regular leave and not both. The intervening holidays and or Sundays may prefixed/suffixed to regular leave, as the case may be. [Ref: Board’s letter No.E/78/H (FW) 9/5 dated 11.06.1981]   ANNEXURE ‘C’   Subject:Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway servants for participation in Sports events.   S. No Description No. of days of special casual leave admissible 1. 2. 3. 1. Participation in National champion-ships including time taken in journey to and from the place of events. Period of participation in the events treated as duty, including the period of journey; to and from the place of the events. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)72SP1/4 dated 24.01.1981. 2. Attending pre-participation training camps for National Championships. Treated as duty for a period not exceeding thirty days, in addition to the period of participation in the events. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)85SP1/1 dated 12.04.1985] 3. Participation as Members of Railways’ teams sponsored by RSCB not termed as ‘Nationals’ but are of national importance, such tournaments being specified by RSCB. Treated as duty. List of tournaments approved by RSCB where participation is treated as on duty attached. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)85 SP1/1 dated 12.04.1985] 4. Participation in coaching  camps prior to actual participation in events specified in (3) above. Treated as duty. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)85SP1/1 dated 12.04.1985] 5. Participation in the following events of  National and International importance:- (i)        All India Inter-Railway tournaments in different games. (ii)       Coaching camps organised by RSCB [other than those in (4) above]. (iii)     Coaching camps organised by the National Sports Federation to which participants are sponsored by RSCB [other than those included in (2) above]. (iv)     Major tournaments in which combined Railway teams are sponsored by RSCB [other than those included in (3) above.] (v)      Participation in International events in India or abroad as representative of the country; Special casual leave (SCL) up to Ninety days excluding Sundays and holidays. However, General Managers have powers to sanction special casual leave for such periods as considered necessary without any upper limit to the Railway employees sponsored by RSCB for participation in sporting events of National and International importance. [Ref: Board’s letters No. E(W)74Spl-4 dated 24.01.1975, E(W)81 SP1-3 dated 19.02.1981 , E(W)72Sp1-3 dated 06.12.1972 and E(W)72SPL-4 dated 03.07.1979] 6. National tournaments in which Railwaymen participate as Members of State teams. Constitutes participation in neither National nor Ordinary events. Participants are entitled to special casual leave up to 45 days in a year excluding Sundays and holidays. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)85SPl-3 dated 11.06.1985] 7. Participation in the following events, classified as Ordinary Sporting events. (i) Tournament between Railway Institutes, Areas and Divisions. (ii)Inter-Divisional Tournaments organised by different Railways. (i)        Open Tournaments organised by the State Sports Bodies and outside bodies where the Railwaymen represent the respective Railways. (ii)       Coaching camps organised by the respective Railways. (iii)     Coaching camps organised by the State Sports Councils when sponsored by the Railways concerned. (iv)     Inter-Railway Technical School Sports Competition. Special Casual leave up to thirty days in a Calender year excluding Sundays and holidays. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)72 Spl-4 dated 06.12.1972 and E(W)Spl-4 dated 05.02.1973]   Apprentices and Trainees are eligible for special casual leave subject to the training not being interfered with or training being extended suitably, if necessary. However, apprentices undergoing training in the Railway Training School under Apprentices Act, 1961 should not be granted special casual leave on Sports Accounts. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)56Spl/3 of 21.03.1957 and E(W)69 Spl/7 dated 03.09.1971]   (vii) Mounting Expeditions which have the approval of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation. Period of absence in excess of 30 days should be treated as regular leave of the nature admissible. For this purpose, Railway employees may be permitted as a special case to combine special casual leave with regular leave. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)85 Spl/4 dated 16.07.1985 and E(W)89 Spl/4 dated  02.02.1990]   (viii) Trekking expeditions organised by the Youth Hostels Association of Indian or which have the approval of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation. 8. Deputation of  Railway employees who are NIS (Patiala) Coaches, from the Railway to another, under authority from RSCB. Treated as duty for a period of 15 days at a stretch. The total period for which a NIS Coach may be so deputed shall not exceed 30 days in a Calender year. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)72 Spl-4 dated 24.01.1981] 9. Period of absence of Railway employees who are nominated as Coaches/Managers/ Asstt. Managers of the Railways, teams participating in the National Championships in various sports disciplines. Treated as duty as under: (a) Coaches-Fifteen days prior to commencement of the National Championships for imparting training to Railway Sportsmen/Women in a coaching camp. When organised and participation of the team including the period of journey to and from the place of events (wherever necessary) in both cases. (b) Managers or Asstt. Managers: Three days prior to commencement of or during the coaching camp for one of the officials and actual period of participation of the team including period of journey to and from the place of events (wherever necessary)in both the cases. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)Spl/4 dated 25.08.1981 and 02.08.1984 10. Deputation of Railway employees by the RSCB to undergo training as Coaches in the NIS in different sports disciplines lasting ten months. Treated as duty. 11. Participation in Inter Railway or National Bridge Tournaments or other Bridge Tournaments where the GM would like the Railway employees to participate on behalf of Railways. Thirty days in a Calender year. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)76 Spl-1 dated 23.09.1977] 12. Railway Officers, other than Welfare & Personnel Officers, specially deputed to attend meetings of All India Sports Bodies or to organise sports in their official capacity. Period of absence should be treated as duty. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)61 Spl/24 dated 06.09.1962] 13. Computation of special casual leave sanctioned for participation in sporting events. Sundays and holidays, falling within the period of special casual leave, should be excluded in computing the period of special casual leave required to be sanctioned/sanctioned to Railway servants for participation in sporting events. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)67 Spl-15 dated 04.04.1968 and 05.10.1968] 14. Participation in practice sessions for a short duration in a day. Railway servants participating in practice sessions of sports for a part of the day/short duration in a day should be allowed to remain absent from duty with prior permission, for the purpose. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W)67 Spl-15 dated 04.04.1968, 25.06.1968, 05.10.1968, 24.10.1968 and 24.07.1969] 15. Attendance at National Physical Efficiency Drive Tests Railwaymen participating in the National Physical Efficiency Drive Test may be granted special casual leave for one day, i.e., the day on which they take the tests at the Testing Centres set up by the State Government, Union Territories, Ministry of Education and the Railway Administration those who are deputed to conduct the NPEDT may be treated as on duty. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(W) 64 Spl-13 dated 04.06.1964]   6.The benefit of special casual leave up to the ceiling limit prescribed will also be admissible to members, delegates of members. Managing Committee members, office bearers of Railwaymen’s Cooperative Societies, who are stationed at the Hqrs of the Societies, for (i) attending regular monthly meetings of the Cooperative Societies held at the Hqrs of the Societies and (ii) on occasions mentioned in para3 above.   [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(G)64 LE-1110, dated 20.03.1968]   7.Railway employees, who are not members of Managing Committee but are elected as members to the Subcommittees and also not more than two employees nominated by the Managing Committee to the subcommittee are eligible to the grant of special casual leave to attend meetings of the subcommittee provided the names of those nominated by the Managing Committee are advised to the Railway Administra­tion as a result of resolution passed by the Managing Committee and remain current for one year.   [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(G)70 LE1/2, dated 16.11.70]   8.In the case of Railwaymen’s Cooperative Credit Societies/Banks where the holding of meetings more than once a month becomes necessary in terms of the bye-laws, special casual leave will be admissible to the Railway employees who are members, delegates of members. Managing Committee members and office bearers, up to a maximum of30 days in a calendar year for attending meetings of the Managing Committee and Board of Directors. The increased limit of special casual leave will not be applicable to attend meetings of subcommittees. [Ref: Board’s letters No. E(G)70 LE1/2, dated 21.01.1971 and 03.09.1971]   9.The power to grant special casual leave may be exercised by the HODs/ DRMs/ADRMs/ Dy.CMEs in charge of shops.   [Ref: Board’s letters No. E(G)64 LE112Pt., dated 11.12.1964 and E(G) LEH3. dated 03.08.1986, (RBE 146/86)]   10. .Special casual leave, when sanctioned for the purposes mentioned in the above paras, can be combined with ordinary casual leave only and not with regular leave. Sundays/ Holidays intervening the period of special casual leave will not be ignored, but will form pan of the special casual leave.   [Ref : Board’s letter No. E(G) 64 LE112, dated 23.03.1964] List of Championships/Tournaments approved by RSCB where participation treated as duty.   Aquatics 1. National Aquatic Championships Combined Railway’s Team 2. NSA Invitational Swimming Open Events 3. Dalmiya Invitational Championships, New Delhi. Athletics 1. All India Open Athletic Meet Open Events Combined Railway Team 2. National Cross Country Meet 3. Pune International Marathon Open event Badminton 1. National Badminton Championships Combined Railway Team 2. Zonal Badminton Championships 3. Inter-Institutional Championships 4. Zonal Open Championships Open event Ball Badminton 1. National Ball Badminton Championships Combined Railway Team 2. Zonal Ball Badminton Championships 3. Madras Ball Badminton Tournament Zonal Railway Team Basketball 1. National Basketball Championships Combined Railway Team 2. Pre-Asian Championships 3.Federation Cup Tournament Zonal Railway Team 4. Ramu Memorial Tournament, Bombay 5. Advani Memorial Tournament, Jaipur Billiards 1. National Billiards & Snooker Championships Combined Railways Boxing 1. National Boxing Championships Combined Railway Team 2. YMCA Boxing Championships 3. GM’s Trophy Boxing Championships, South Central Railway, Secunderabad Open event Cricket 1. Ranji Trophy Tournament Combined Railways Team 2. Sheesh Mahal Tournament, Lucknow 3. All India Indira Gandhi Memorial Cricket Tournament, Birsinghpur (M.P.) 4. Buchi Babu Tournament, Madras 5. Moin-ud-dowla Tournament, Hyderabad 6. Scindia Gold Cup Tournament, Gwalior 7. All India Shahid Smriti Tournament, Agra Cycling 1. National Cycling Championships Combined Railways 2. Promise Cycling Championships Open Events Football 1. Santosh Trophy Tournament(Nationals) Combined Railways Team 2. Durand Cup Football Tournament, Delhi. Zonal Rlys. Team 3. Rovers Cup Football Tournament, Bombay 4. D.C.M. Football Tournament, Delhi   Golf 1. Inter Zonal Championships (National) along with All India Amateur and Zonal Championlships Combined Railways Team 2. Wills Masters’ & Wills Trophy Tournament, Calcutta Open events 3. DCM Open Tournament, Delhi. 4. North Eastern Railway Golf Championships Gymnastics 1. National Gymnastic Championships Combined Rlys Team Hockey (Men) 1. National Hockey Championships Combined Railways Team 2. K.D. Singh ‘Babu’ Tournament, Lucknow 3. Aga Khan Tournament, Bombay 4. Indira Gandhi Memorial Tournament, Srinagar 5. Beighton Cup Tournament, Calcutta Zonal Railways 6. Jawaharlal Nehru Hockey, Delhi 7. Bombay Gold Cup Tournament, Bombay Hockey (Women) 1. National Hockey Championships for women Combined Railways Team Kabaddi 1. National Kabaddi Championships Combined Railways Team 2. Federation Cup Championships 3. Central Zone Championships 4. Bombay Gold Cup Tournament   Table Tennis 1. National Championships Combined Open Event 2. Inter-Institutional championships 3. Times of  India Tournament, Delhi Tennis 1. National Lawn Tennis Championships & All India Veterans’ Championships Combined Railways 2. Open Championships in States Open Events Volleyball 1. National Volleyball Championships Combined Railways Team 2. Federation Cup Tournament 3. Nagarcoil Volleyball Championships 4. Mohan Singh Memorial Tournament, Delhi Zonal Rly. Team Weightlifting 1. National Senior Weightlifting Championships Combined Railways Team 2. National Junior Weightlifting Championships Wrestling 1. National Wrestling Championships Open Events 2. National Wrestling Championships (Indian Style) 3. Rustam-e-Hind Wrestling, Haryana 4. Mahan Bharat Kesari Wrestling, Rajasthan 5. Russtam-e-Bharat Wrestling, Maharashtra 6. Sanjay Gandhi Gurj/Moti Lal Nehru Trophy (Indian Style)   ANNEXURE-D   Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway Servants for Attendence at Meetings etc. of the Trade Unions/Federations   Special Casual Leave is granted to cover the period of absence of Railway servants attending   (i) PNM meetings at the Zonal level. Divisional level;   -Meetings are held quarterly at the Zonal level and once in two months at the Divisional level;   -PNM meetings at the Railway Board’s level- Attendance treated as duty vide Board’s letter No. E (LR) 184/NM1/5 dated10.10.84. However for discussion at Board’s level no issues arising out of PNM meetings. Special Casual Leave will be granted to the representatives.   -Representatives attending the PNM meetings at the Zonal/Divisional level should be given special casual leave to enable them to be available at the place of PNM meeting one day in advance of the date of meeting for consultation amongst themselves and for the days of the meeting. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LR) 179 NM1/57 dated 14.02.1980]   (ii) Organisational meetings at the Zonal level;   (iii) Organisational meetings of affiliated Federations;   (iv) Staff Side consultations connected with Joint Council meeting at the National level under the JCM Scheme.   -Special casual leave of not more than5 days in a year to a Railway servant who is a Member of the Joint Council. To be granted at the request of the Leader of the staff side. In addition. Leader of the Staff side and one Secretary from the Staff side, designated as such by the Leader, may be granted special casual leave of not more than10 days in a year, for preparing staff side cases.   [Ref: for items No. 4 + Board’s letters No. E(L) 66 NM-1/21 dated 25.01.1967]   No. Occasion   Admissibility of Special Casual leave 1. Meetings of Zonal Union 1. Special casual leave is admissible to all members of the Working Committee for meetings of the Working Committee; [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71UT3/3 dated 14.01.1972] 2. Special casual leave is admissible to the members of  the General/Central Council for attending the meetings of General/Central Council and meetings of the General Body at the rate of one member for every 1250 members. Special Casual Leave is also admissible to delegates availing the meetings, provided that the delegates availing of their own passes and PTOs for attending the meetings, provided that the delegates to whom the special casual leave is granted does not exceed the number at the rate of one for every 1000 members. These facilities will be granted for not more than 5 meetings in a year of all the bodies together. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71UT3/3 dated 09.03.1971] In addition to the limit of 5 meetings mentioned in the letter of 09.03.1971, the additional facility of Special Casual Leave may be extended to the recognised Railway Unions for a maximum of two more Working Committee meetings as and when the request for the same is received from them. [No. E(LR)III/80/UTF/3 dated 04.07.1980] 2. Meetings of Divisional Union 1. Special Casual Leave admissible to all the members of the Divisional Executive Committee for two meetings in a year. For two more meetings in the year, which would be held in conjunction with meetings under the PNM, an extra day’s special casual leave, either for the day before or after the PNM meeting is admissible. This facility is admissible to all the members including those who may not attend the PNM meeting. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71 UT3/3 dated 09.03.1971 and E(LU)72 UT3/9 dated 06.02.1973]       Where there is no Divisional Executive Committee, the facility of special casual leave is admissible to all members of the Divisional Council Comprising of Divisional office bearers, Branch Secretary of each branch of the Union in Division and representatives elected by each Branch. 3. Meetings of Branch Council 1. Five members in addition to the office bearers will be eligible for special casual leave for one day for 6 meetings in a year. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(LU)71UT3/3 dated 09.03.1971] Office bearers of the Unions attending meetings of the Union/Federation may be allowed to combine special casual leave, when granted for Union/ Federation purposes, will regular leave just before commencement or immediately after the expiry of regular leave, each case being decided on merits. [Ref: Board’s letter No. E(L)60UTI/141 dated 24.03.1962]       37.       Subject:           Grant of additional special casual leave to Railway employees to cover hospitalisation during post-sterilisation operation complications.   [No. 77/H (FW)/9/5 dated 02.02.1978]   According to the existing orders as summarised in this Ministry’s letter No. 67/H (FP)/15/2, dated26.10.1968 the following kinds of special casual leave is admissible to the Railway employees in connection with his/her own sterilisation operation under the Family Welfare Programme.   (a)6 working days’ special casual leave to a male Railway employee who undergoes vasectomy operation.   (b) 14 working days’ special casual leave to married female Railway employee who undergoes non-puerperal tubectomy operation.   They were also allowed therein to combine either ordinary casual leave or regular leave as applied for by the Railway servant in continuation of special casual leave, on the advice of the appropriate medical authority, for post-operational complications.   2.It has since been represented that there arc a number of cases of the Railway employees who, having undergone sterilisation operation, could not recover within the prescribed period of special casual leave in case of vasectomy/tubectomy owing to post-operational complications.   3.The matter has been considered in consultation with the Minis­tries of Finance, Health& Family Welfare and Home Affairs (Deptt. of Personnel& Administrative Reforms), and it has been decided that a Railway servant developing post-sterilisation complications may be al­lowed additional special casual leave to cover the period of his/her absence for which he or she is hospitalised for post-operational complication on production of a certificate from the concerned hospital authorities/an Authorised Medical Attendant.   4.In future such cases need not be referred to the Ministry of Railways for sanction. All such cases may be dealt with on their merits at Railway level, for sanction of the additional special casual leave necessary in each case, on production of a certificate from the concerned hospital authorities/authorised Medical Attendants where he or she was hospitalised for the post-operational complications.   5.  This has the sanction of the President.   38.       Subject:           Grant of special casuaNeave to Railway employees seeking recanalisation—family welfare programme.   [No. 78/H (FW)/9/1 Pt. I dated 01.07.1978]   A copy of Ministry of Home Affairs’ letter No. 28016/4/77-Estt. (A) dated18.05.1978 in the subject noted above is sent herewith. The instructions contained therein will apply mutatis mutandis to Railway employees also.   2.With reference to para1(1) thereof, it is clarified that these orders should cover all such cases operated in Railway hospitals and in the hospitals approved by the Central and State Governments.   3.It is further clarified that this type of special casual leave can be sanctioned in accordance with the rules of admissibility by authorities empowered to sanction regular leave to the employees involved.   4.This has the sanction of the President.   Copy of D.O.P./O.M. No. 28016/4/77 Estt. (A) dated 18.05.1978.     Subject:           Grant of Special Casual Leave to Government emplo­yees seeking recanalisation—Family Welfare pro­gramme.   The undersigned is directed to say that the question regarding treat­ment of period of absence of Government employees who undergo opera­tion for recanalisation has been considered and it has been decided that Central Government industrial and non-industrial employees who-   (a) are unmarried, or   (b) have less than two children, or   (c) desire for substantial reason e.g. a person who has lost all male children or all female children after vasectomy/tubectomy opera­tion performed earlier, and who undergo such an operation may be granted by the Head of Department, special casual leave upto a period of21 days or actual period of hospitalisation as certified by the authorised medical attendant, which­ever, is less. In addition, special casual leave will also be granted for the minimum journey period actually required and spent for to and fro journey performed for undergoing this operation. The grant of special casual leave will be subject to the following conditions: —   (i) The operation has been performed in a hospital/medical college/ institute where facilities for recanalisation are available as per list compiled by the Ministry of Health, Government of India, as amended from time to time;   (ii) The request for grant of special casual leave is supported by a medical certificate from the doctor who performed the operation to the effect that hospitalisation of the Govt. servant for the period stipulated therein was essential for operation and post-opera­tional recovery.   2.The period of absence in excess of the minimum period of special casual leave as admissible in para1 above, should be treated as regular leave of the kind admissible under the Leave Rules applicable to the person concerned or ordinary casual leave, as applied for by the Government employee. For this purpose, Government servants, may be permitted, as a special case, to combine regular leave or ordinary casual leave with special casual leave on the following conditions: —   (i) Sundays and closed holidays intervening in a period of special casual leave are not to be ignored for calculating special casual leave.   (ii) Prefixing of regular leave to special casual leave is not permis­sible.   3.In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.   39.       Subject:           F.W. Programme—Grant of special casual leave/additional special casual leave to Railway employees under Family Welfare Programme.   [No. 78/H (F)/9/5 dated 15.02.1979]   The Ministry of Railways have from time to time issued letters in connection with the grant of special casual leave/additional special casual leave to the Railway employees under the Family Welfare Programme. For ready reference, the provisions of these letters have been consolidated and are given below:   1. Vasectomy:   Special casual leave not exceeding six working days is admissible to a male Railway employee who undergoes vasectomy.   [No. 77/H (FW)/9/5 dated02.02.1978]             If a Railway employee undergoes vasectomy for the second lime, special casual leave of six working days is again admissible on production of a medical certificate from the authorised medical attendant the effect that the first operation was a failure and the second operation was actually performed. [No. 70/H(FW)/29/1 dated 22.10.1970]   In case of post vasectomy complications, additional special casual leave may be granted to cover the period for which the person is hospitalised on production of a certificate from the concerned hospital authority/auth­orised medical attendant. [No. 77/H(FW)/9/5 dated 02.02.1978]   2. Tubectomy:   (a) Special casual leave not exceeding fourteen working days is admissible to a married female Railway employee who under­goes non-puerperal tubectomy.   [No. 77/H (FW)/9/5 dated02.02.1978]   In the event of failure of a tubectom, if a female Railway employee undergoes the said operation for the second time, special casual leave not exceeding fourteen working day s is again admissible on production of a medical certificate from the con­cerned hospital authority/authorised medical attendant to the effect that the first operation was a failure and the second operation was actually performed.   [No. 70/H(FW)/29/1 dated 22.10.1970]   In case of post tubectomy complications, additional special casual leave may be granted to cover the period for which the lady employee is hospitalised, on production of a certificate from the concerned hospital authority/authorised medical attendant.   [No. 77/H(FW)/9/5 dated02.02.1978]   Note:   Special casual leave in the case of puerperal tubectomy (i.e. when the operation is done within2-5 days of the delivery)is not admissible.                                              (b) Special casual leave upto seven days is also admissible to a male Railway employee whose wife undergoes non-puerperal tubectomy subject to the production of a medical certificate from the doctor who performed the operation to the effect that the presence of the Railway employee is essential for the period of leave to look after his wife during her convalescence after production.            [No. 77/H(FW)/9/27 dated 08.01.1978]   Note:   Sundays and closed holidays intervening in a period of special casual leave arc to be taken into account while calculating special casual leave period. ‘  [No. 771H(FW)1911 dated 2 3.2.] 977]   3.  I.U.D.:   Special casual leave of one day is admissible to a married female Railway employee on the day of IUD insertion. [No. 771H(FW)19127 dated 08.01.1978] Special casual leave for the IUD insertion cannot be granted to a woman Railway employee for more than one occasion.   [No. 761H(FW)1916 dated 29130.5.1976}   4.   Recanalisation :   Special casual leave upto a period of21 days or actual period of hospitalisation, whichever is less, as certified by the authorised medical attendant, is admissible to a Railway employee who undergoes recanalisation operation. This will subject to the following conditions:   (a) The Railway employee is unmarried, or has less than two children, or has some other substantial reasons for undergoing the recanalisation.   (b) The operation has been performed in a Railway hospital, or a hospital approved by the Central or State Government.   (c) The request for grant of special casual leave is supported by a medical certificate from the doctor who performed the operation to the effect that hospitalisation of the Railway employee for the period stipulated therein was essential for operation and post operational recovery.   [No. 78/H(FW)/9/1 Pt. I dated 01.07.1979]   Note:   Sundays and closed holidays intervening in a period of special casual leave are to be taken into account while calculating special casual leave period.   [No. 77/H/FW)9/1 dated23.02.1977]   5.  Casual labour :   The daily rated staff (casual labour) on the Railways including those employees on the Projects who have been in such employment continuously for at least three months before undergoing sterilisation or IUD insertion (in case of female employees) and are likely to remain in service thereafter for at least three months, will be granted full wages as follows:   (a) for a period not exceeding six working days to a male employee undergoing vasectomy;   (b) for a period not exceeding .fourteen working days to such a married female employee undergoing non-puerperal tubectomy; and   (c) For one day to such a married female employee undergoing IUD insertion. Normal compensation money (not wages) in such cases, will also be admissible.   [No. 66/H(FW)/6/74 dated 15.03.1972]   6.  General:   (a) Either ordinary casual leave or regular leave may be allowed to be suffixed with special casual leave only on medical grounds by the Heads of the Deptts./0fficcs.   (b) While prefixing of ordinary casual leave with special casual leave may be allowed by the competent authority, prefixing of regular leave with Special Casual Leave is not permissible, but individ­ual cases of hardship, if any, may be dealt with on their merits and sent to the Ministry of Railways for consideration.   (c) Special casual leave is not allowed to be combined with casual leave or regular leave at one time.   (d) A spell of special casual leave cannot also be availed of between two periods of regular leave.   [No. 67/H(FW)/15/2 dated 26.10.1968 and No. 71/H(FW)/32/1 dated 01.09.1971]   Note:   M.T.I cases are not covered for the purpose of special casual leave under the Family Welfare Programme.   7.This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Date. of the Ministry of Railways and has the approval of the President.   40.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees on account of Bundh etc.   [No. E(LR) II.79. ST2/2 dated 24.08.1979]     Reference instructions contained in Railway Ministry’s letter No. E (LU) 71 ST2/9, dated29.11.1972 providing for the grant of special casual leave for absence of staff due to Bundh, Curfew, other disturbances etc. Instructions were also issued vide Railway Ministry’s letter No. E (G) 66 LE2-38, dated20.08.1966 for treatment of period of absence spent at out-stations by Railway employees who proceeded on duty or on leave and could not return to the headquarters due to dislocation of train services on account of floods.   2.In view of the genuine difficulty felt in exercising the powers with the prior approval of the Railway Ministry/GMs, as the case may be, it has been decided that the following procedure may be adopted for granting special casual leave in cases of the kind mentioned above in terms of the aforesaid orders:—   (a) Special casual leave wherever admissible under the provisions of the aforesaid orders may be granted by the Heads of Departments.   (b) All such cases where special casual leave has been granted should be reported to the Railway Ministry.   3.The above has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   41.           Not Printed   [E(LR)1 79 NM1/57 dated 14.02.1980]   42.       Subject:           Guidelines for introduction of Inter-divisional Drama and Music Competitions on Railways.   [No. E(W)75 WE 6113 dated 12.05.1980]   Background:In order to give encouragement and fillip to the latent talent of the Railwaymen and their family members, the Ministry of Railways have decided to introduce Inter-Divisional competitions in Drama and music. Excellence in these activities will be recognised and winners awarded suitable prizes to begin with on a modest scale.   2. Dates & Venues of Inter-Divisional Competitions—The pre­liminary rounds in the Inter-Divisional Headquarters and the finalists in the various items will be sent by the Divisions to the Headquarters office where the final competitions will be held to adjudge the winners of the Railway in the above events competed. The Inter-Divisional competitions shall be held on dates to be fixed by the Railways.   3. Items for the Competition—The items for the competitions may be as indicated below: —   (i) Drama  — One Act Play;   (ii) Music   — The competitions may be both in the Karnatik and Hindustani Systems of Music in both Vocal and Instrumental. In the Vocal, there may be two sec­tions, namely, classical and light music in both the Systems. In the Instrumental Section in Karnatik, instruments like Veena, Flute, Voilin, Harmo­nium and Mridangam, etc. will be permitted. In the Hindustani music, instruments will consist of Sitar, Sarod, Flute, Voilin, Tabia, Harmonium, etc.   4. Eligibility —The competitions shall be open to all Railway employees and their dependents as permissible under the Pass Rules. Only amateurs will be permitted to take part in the competition and the compe­tition is not open to professionals.   5. Drama—One Act Play—Maximum duration of the play may not exceed30 minutes. The plays may be staged in any of the Indian Languages, as provided in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution. The maximum number of participants in a play should not exceed9, including the Director, who should also be a Railway employee. Light, sound and the stage shall be provided by the Railway Administrations. The settings, which should not be elaborate, and background music, if any, shall be arranged by the competitors. Assistance for this, as required, may be provided from the S.B.F. Sufficient thought and care should be exercised in the choice of the plays. Plays on themes of contemporary interest should be preferred.   Music—Each participant may be allowed15 minutes in respect of classical music and10 minutes in respect of light music. Each participant shall arrange his/her own Tanpura. In the Section light music, only bhajans, gazals and songs based on a recognised Raga either in Hindustani or Karnatik System be permitted.   Each participant in the Instrumental music will be allowed10 minutes and the participants shall bring their own instruments.   6. Issue of Passes Spl. C.L.—The participants will be given special passes, the class of passes being regulated on the analogy of para1541 IREM, and special casual leave in the case of Railway employees for theirjourneys for attending Inter-Divisional competitions as in the case of participants in the Inter-Divisional sports tournaments. The total quantum of special casual leave to individual Railway servants who may participate in the events shall be restricted to the existing ceiling applicable to ordinary sporting events. The special casual leave to participants in cultural activities taken separately shall not exceed30 days, excluding Sundays/Holidays.   7.The Railway Administrations may introduce trophies and indi­vidual prizes for Inter-Divisional competitions, but the cost of individual items, rolling shields and over all trophies should be on a modest scale to be financed by the Staff Benefit Fund.   43.       Subject:           Family Welfare Programme—Grant of special cas­ual leave/additional special casual leave to Railway employees under the Family Welfare Programme. ‘ [No. 78/H (FW)/9/5 dated 17.01.1981]   Acopy of Office Memorandum No. 28/16/3/78-Estt (A), dated 6th August,1979 from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Deptt. of Personnel& Administrative Reforms), Government of India, New Delhi is circulated herewith for information and necessary action. The decision contained therein will apply mutatis mutandis to Railway employees also.   This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   Copy of D.O.P. & A.K., O.M. No. 280l6/3/78-Estt.(A) dated 06.08.1979.       Subject:           Grant of special casual leave to industrial and non-industrial Central Government employees who un­dergo sterilisation operation under Family Welfare Programme.   The undersigned is directed to say that there are already provisions for motivating Central Government employees (both industrial and non-indus­trial) to adopt the small family norm, in the form of grant of special casual leave to those who undergo sterilisation operation. The question of further liberalising the existing provisions to secure increased motivation has been considered and it has been decided that, in supersession of all the existing instructions on the subject, special casual leave under Family Welfare Programme may be granted to Central Government employees (both industrial and non-industrial) in accordance with the provisions detailed in the succeeding paragraphs.       2. Male Government employees who undergo vasectomy operation under the Family Welfare Programme may be granted special casual leave not exceeding six working days. If any employees undergoes vasectomy operation for the second time on account of the failure of the first operation, special casual leave not exceeding six days may be granted again on production of a certificate from the medical authority concerned to the effect that the second operation was performed due to the failure of the first operation.   3.(a) Female Central Government employees who undergo tubectomy operations— whether puerperal or non-puerperal may be granted special casual leave not exceeding14 days.   (b) Female Central Government employees who have inser­tions of infra-uterine contraceptive devices may be granted special casual leave on the day of the IUCD insertion.   (c) Female Central Government employees who undergo Salpingectomy operation after Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP), may be granted special casual leave not exceeding14 days.   4.(a) Male Central Government employees whose wives undergo either puerperal or non-puerperal tubectomy operation for the first time or for the second time due to failure of the first operation (under the Family Welfare Programme) may be granted special casual leave for7 days subject to the production of a medical certificate stating that their wives have undergone tubectomy operation for the second time due to failure of the first operation. It shall not be necessary to state in the certificate that the presence of the Central Government employees is required to look after the wife during her convalescence.   (b) Male Central Government employees whose wives undergo tubectomy/ Salpingectomy operation after Medical termina­tion of Pregnancy (MTP) may be granted special casual leave upto7 days subject to the production of medical certificate stating that their wives have undergone tubectomy/Salpingectomy operation after medical termination of pregnancy. It shall not be necessary to state in the certificate that the presence of the Central Government employees is required to look after the wife during her convalescence.   5.A Government employee who requires special casual leave beyond the limits laid down for undergoing sterilisation operations owing to the development of post-operation complications may be allowed special casual leave to cover the period for which he or she is hospitalised on account of post-operational complications, subject to the production of a certificate from the concerned hospital authorities/an authorised Medical attendant. In addition, the benefit of additional special casual leave may also be extended to the extent of seven days in case of vasectomy operation and 14 days in case of tubectomy operation to such Government servants who after sterilisation operation do not remain hospitalised, but at the same time, are not found fit to go to work, subject to the production of a medical certificate from the appropriate authority in the concerned hospital/an authorised medical attendant.   6.Central Government employees who undergo operation for recanalisation may be granted special casual leave upto a period of21 days or actual period of hospitalisation as certified by the authorised Medical attendant, whichever is less. In addition, special casual leave can also be granted for the actual period of the to and fro journey performed for undergoing this operation. The grant of special casual leave for recanalisation operation (without any commitment to the reimbursement of medical expenses) is subject to the following conditions:   (i) the operation should have been performed in hospital/medical college/Institute where facilities for recanalisation are available. If the operation is performed in a private hospital, it should be one nominated by the State Government/Union Territory Admini­stration for performing recanalisation operations.   (ii) the request for grant of special casual leave is supported by a medical certificate from the doctor who performed the operation to the effect that hospitalisation of the Government servant for the period stipulated therein was essential for the operation and post-operation recovery.   The concession indicated above is admissible to Central Government employees who—   (a) are unmarried, or   (b) have less than two children, or   (c) desire recanalisation for substantial reasons e.g. a person has lost all male children or all female children after vasectomy/tubectomy operation performed earlier.   7.Special casual leave connected with sterilisation/recanalisation may be prefixed to regular leave. It cannot, however, be combined with casual leave or suffixed to regular leave.   8.In so far as employees of I.A.&A.D. are concerned, this issues in consultation with Comptroller and Auditor-General.   44.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees participating in sports activities as on duty.   [No. E(W)72SP1-4 dated 24.01.1981]   The Ministry of Railways have had under-consideration for some time past, the question of treating the absence period of Railway employees participating in National Championships/training camps and Railway’ employees, who are NIS (Patiala) coaches, when deputed on coaching duties from one Railway to another Railway, as duty. It has now been decided that:   (a) The Railway employees, who are NIS (Patiala) coaches, when deputed for coaching from one Railway to another Railway may be treated as on duty for a limited period of15 days at a stretch. The total period for which a Railway employee may be so deputed in one calendar year shall not exceed30 days such deputations of a Railway employee who is NIS (Patiala) coach, from one Railway to another Railway shall be authorised only by the Railway Sports Control Board in this Ministry;   (b) Railway sportsmen participating in National Championships may be treated as on duty for the period of participation in the events including the period of journey to and from the place of the events;   (c) Railway sportsmen participating in training camps for a period not exceeding15 days, prior to the National Championships may also be treated as on duty in addition to the period of participation in the actual events, as indicated in (b) above.   2.This has the sanction of the President.   45.       Subject:           F.W. Programme—Grant of Special Leave/Additional Special Causal Leave to Railway employees under the F.C. Programme.   Reference:     Ministry of Railway’s letter of even number dated 17.01.1981.   [E 78/H (FW) 9/5 dated 11.06.1981]   A copy of Office Memorandum No. 28016/1/80-Ests. (A), dated                                    30.04.1981 from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Deptt. of Personnel& Ad­ministrative Reforms) is circulated herewith for information and necessary action. The decision contained therein will apply mutatis mutandis to Railway employees also.   2.This has the approval of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Date of the Ministry of Railways.   Copy of Ministry of Home Affairs, Deptt. of Personnel & Administra­tive Reform’s O.M. No. 28016/1/80-Ests. (A) dated 30.04.1981   Subject:           Grant of Special Casual Leave to Industrial and non-Industrial Central Government employees, who un­dergo sterilisation under F.W. Programme.   The undersigned is directed to refer to this Deptt’s O.M. No.28016/ 3/88-Estt.(A), dated06.08.1979 and to say that the question of further liberalising the existing provisions to secure increased motivation has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Health& F.W. and it has been decided that the following modifications may be made in aforesaid instructions:   (i) Special C.L. in the case of male Government employees, who undergo vasectomy operation for the first time may be counted in terms of working-days only. Sunday and closed holidays inter­vening should be ignored while calculating the period of Special Casual Leave.   (ii) In the case of female Central Government employees, who un­dergo tubectomy operation for the second time on account of the failure of the first operation. special casual leave not exceeding14 days may be granted again on production of a medical certificate from the prescribed medical authority concerned to the effect that the second operation was performed due to the failure of the first operation.   (iii) Female Central Government employees, who have re-insertion of Intra Uterine Device (IUD) may be granted special casual leave on the day of the IUD re-insertion.       (iv) Special Casual Leave in case of post-vasectomy tubectomy operation complications not requiring hospitalisation should be restricted to7/14 working days respectively as the period of special casual leave in such cases cannot be unlimited.   (v) In modification of Para7 of this Deptt’s O.M. No.28016/3/78 Estt. (A), dated06.08.1979, special casual leave connected with sterilisation, recanalisation under Family Welfare Programme may be suffixed as well as prefixed to regular leave or casual leave. However, special causal leave should not be allowed to be prefixed both to regular leave and casual leave. Special C.L. should either be prefixed to regular or to C.L. and not both. Similarly, special casual leave may be suffixed either to the regular leave or the CL and not both. The intervening holidays and/or Sundays may be prefixed/suffixed to regular leave, as the case may be.   2. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit& Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.   3.These modified instructions would be applicable not only to those cases where operations take place after issue of the said instructions but to those cases also which are still pending regularisation on the date of issue of these instructions.     46.       Subject:          Treatment of absence of Railway employees participating                         in sports activities as on duty.   [No. E(W)72SP1-4 dated 25.08.1981]   In continuation of the instructions contained in para 1(b) of this Ministry’ s letter of even number dated24.1.1981, it has been decided that Manager, Asstt. Manager and Coaches, when accompanying a team for participating in National Championships may also be treated as on duty for the period of participation in the events including the period of journey to and from the place of the events.   This has the sanction of the President.   47.       Subject:           Grant of S.C.L. to employees for participation in sports events.   [No. E(W)81SP1-3 dated 19.08.1981]   Reference this Ministry’s letter No. E(W)74SP1-4 dated 24th January, 1975 (copy enclosed).   In partial modification of the instructions contained therein, the Ministry of Railways have decided to delegate full powers to the General Managers to sanction Special Casual Leave for such periods as considered necessary, without any upper limit, to Railway employees sponsored by RSCB for participation in sporting “events of National and International importance” exclusivesly. Other instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter referred to above remain unaltered.   2.   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of this Ministry.   48.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees caused                          by dislocation of train services due to flood.   [No. E(LR)II 81 ST2-1 dated 03.11.1981]   Reference instructions contain in Railway Ministry’s letter No. E (LU)71 ST2-9, dated29.11.1972 and E (LR) II79ST2-2 dated24.08.1979 regarding treatment of absence of Railway employees on account of Bandh, etc. Recently Central Railway have reported cases in which the Railway employees could not reach their office/duty place because of disorganisa­tion of train services caused due to train accident/floods as a result of heavy rain, etc. The General Manager treated the period of absence as special casual leave and intimated to Railway Board in terms of para 2(a) of this Ministry’s letter dated24.08.1979 quoted above. The matter has been considered by the Board and it is clarified that such cases are not covered by Board’s order dated24.08.1979. Board desire that in future all such cases must come to them for approval before regularising absence in such circumstances as Special C.L.   49.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees caused by dislocation of train services due to flood.   [No. E (LR)/l8J ST2-1 dated 28.04.1982}   In Board’s letter of even number dated03.11.198 lit was laid down that in cases where Railway employees could not reach their office/duty place because of disorganisation of train services caused due to train accident/ floods as a result of heavey rain etc., the Railway administration should approach the Board for approval before regularising absence as a special casual leave. The matter has been considered and it is clarified with the approval of the President that in such cases also the Railway Administra­tions can grant special casual leave in accordance with the delegations already made in Board’s letter No. E (LR) II79 ST2-2 dated24.08.1979 but continue to send a report to them as hitherto. However, the competent authority should satisfy that in all such cases, no other mode of transport was available which could have been availed of by the employees to reach their place of duty. If State transport or other private transport was available, it would not be justified to grant special casual leave in such cases. The competent authority should consider each case on merits and decide the same under their powers.     50.       Subject:           Grant of Special Casual Leave to staff on duty combination of special casual leave with casual leave or recorded leave.   [No. E (W) 80 WE6-2 dated 05.01.1983]   The question of combination of special casual leave with other leave to railway servants who are boy scouts or rover scouts for attending camps or rallies or when engaged under instructions from their scouting authorities on scouting duties has been under consideration of this Ministry. It has been decided that special casual leave may be permitted to be combined with casual leave or recorded leave when sanctioned on scouting duties. How ever, when regular leave is granted in combination with special casual leave, casual leave will not be granted in combination.   2.   This has the sanction of the President.   51.       Subject:           Special Casual Leave for scouting duties.                         [No. E(W)93SP1 -4 dated 12.08.1983]   A question has been raised that when a Scouter/Guider/Rover/Ranger (working staff) is injured while on special casual leave for scouting/guiding duties and he/she is required to be hospitalised, how the period of absence is to be regularised.   2.The matter has been considered and it has been decided that in the case of Railway employees who are granted special casual leave for scouting duties, their absence on account of injuries sustained by them while on such special casual leave for scouting/guiding activities for which they are required to be hospitalised, should be regularised as special casual leave but the limit of special casual leave in a calendar year granted to Railway employees on scouting duties including the period of absence on account of injuries/hospitalisation, should not exceed30 days in a calendar year.   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   52.       Subject:           Joining Time to Railway T.A. personnel—Annual Training Camp.   [No. E (ML) 83 (10)/20 dated 28.02.1984]   Reference Railway Board’s letter No. E(ML)70ML3/39(i), dated 22.3.1971 which provided that duty in aid of civil/military powers, the concession of joining time may be regulated under the Railway Rules applicable to them.   2.The question of allowing the concession of joining rime to Railway TA personnel when they are released for Annual Training Camps has been under consideration. It has now been decided that such TA personnel when released for Annual Training Camps may be allowed six days’ special casual leave plus special casual leave for the travel time to cover to and for journeys prior to and after the Annual Training Camp. It has also been decided that in such cases the ceiling of30 days’ special casual leave may be allowed to be exceeded.     3.The above has the sanction of the President and this issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   53.       Subject:           Family Welfare Programme—Grant of special and additional special casual leave for sterilisation/IUD/ Post Operative complications, etc. under Family Welfare Programme.   [No. 84/H(FW)/9/1 dated 07.03.1984]   A question has been raised whether provisions relating to grant of special casual leave of14 days and7 days to female and male Railway employees respectively on account of puerperal or non-puerperal tubectomy operations as provided in Department of Personnel& AR’s O.M. No. 28016/3/78-Estt (A), dated06.08.1979 circulated under this Ministry’s letter No. 78/H (FW)/9/5, dated17.01.1981 will be applicable also to cases where the sterilisation of female Railway employee is performed through opera­tion under Laparoscopic Method.   2.It is clarified that the provisions relating to grant of special casual leave of14 days and7 days to female and male Railway employee respectively may also be applied to cases where the sterilisation operation is performed by Laparoscopic Method.   (Ministry of Home Affairs, Deptt. of Personnel& A.R.’s O.M. No. 28016/5/83-Estt. A, dated 25th January,1984 copy enclosed.   Copy of the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms. O.M. No. 28016/5/83-Estt. A dated 25.01.1984.   Subject:      Grant of Special Casual Leave to Industrial and non-Industrial Central Government employees who un­dergo sterilisation operation under Family Welfare Programme.   The undersigned is directed to say that according to the provisions contained in this Department O.M. No. 28016/3/78-Estt. A, dated the 6th August,1979, female Central Govt. employees who undergo tubectomy operations—whether puerperal or non-puerperal— may be granted special casual leave for a period not exceeding14 days. Further, male Central Government employees whose wives undergo either puerperal or non-pu­erperal tubectomy operations for the first time or for the second time due to failure of the first operation (Under the Family Welfare Programme) may be granted special casual leave for7 days subject to the production of a medical certificate stating that their wives have undergone tubectomy operation. A question has been raised whether these provisions relating to grant of special casual leave to male and female Central Government employees on account of puerperal or non-puerperal tubectomy operations will be applicable also to cases is performed through operation under laparoscopic method.   2.The matter has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and it has been decided that the aforesaid provisions relating to grant of special casual leave to male and female Central Government employees may also be applied to cases where the ster­ilisation operation is performed by laparoscopic method. Ministry of Finance, etc. are requested to bring this decision to the notice of all concerned serving under their control.   3.In so far as employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.   54.       Subject:           Grant of Special Casual Leave to industrial/non-industrial Central Government employeees who un­dergo sterilisation operation under the Family Welfare Programme in Private Hopital/Clinics.   [No. 84/H(FW)/9/1 dated 30.04.1984]   There are already provisions for motivating Railway employees (both industrial and non-industrial) to adopt the small family norms, in the form of grant of special casual leave to those who undergo sterilisation operation. The question of further liberalising the existing provisions contained under this Ministry’s letters No. 78/H/(FW)/9/5, dated17.01.1981 and No. 78/ H (FW)/9/5, dated11.06.1981 to secure increased motivation has been considered and it has been decided that apart from instructions contained therein, the Railway employees (industrial and non-industrial) shall be entitled to the grant of special casual leave to the extent admissible as per instructions already issued on the subject, in case of sterilisation operationsconducted by private hospitals/clinics provided the certificate issued by the private hospitals/clinics is countersigned by a Railway Doctor. These orders are effective from the date of issue of this letter.   This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   (The Ministry of Health& F.W. (Deptt. of Family Welfare)’s O.M. No. A.25011/1/83-Ply. Vol.II dated20.03.1984 copy enclosed)   Copy of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. O.M. No. A. 25011/1/83-Rly. (Vol.II) dated 20.03.1984 .   Subject :     Grant of Special Casual Leave to industrial/non-industrial Central Government employees who undergo sterilisation operation under the Family Welfare Programme in Private Hospitals/Clinics.   The undersigned is directed to say that there are already provisions for motivating Central Govt. employees (both industrial and non-industrial) to adopt the small family norms, in the form of grant of special casual leave to those who undergo sterilisation operation. The question of further liberali­sing the existing provisions contained in Ministry of Home Affairs, Depart­ment of Personnel and P.R. O.M. No. 28016/3/78-Estt (A), dated06.08.1979 and No. 28016/l/80-Estt (A), dated30 04.1981 to secure increased motiva­tion has been considered and it has been decided that apart from the instructions contained therein, the Central Govt. employees (both industrial and non-industrial) shall be entitled to the grant of special casual leave to the extent admissible as per instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and P.R., in case of sterilisations operations conducted by private hospitals/ Clinics provided the certificate issued by the private hospitals/clinics is countersigned by a Government doctor. These orders come into force from the date of issue of this office memorandum.   55.       Subject:           Grant of Special Casual Leave to the Canteen Emplo­yees for promoting the small family norms.   [No. 84/H(FW)/9/1 dated 06.06.1984]   There are already provisions for motivating Railway employees (both Industrial and Non-industrial) to adopt the small family norms, in the form of grant of special casual leave to those who undergo sterilisation operation. The question of further extending the existing provisions contained under this Ministry’s letter No. 78/H (FW)/9/5, dated17.01.1981 and No. 78/H (FW)/9/5, dated11.06.1981 to secure increased motivation, it has been decided that special casual leave may be granted to the eligible Canteen Employees also in accorance with the provisions contained in the aforesaid letters of the Ministry of Railways.   These orders arc effective from the date of issue of this letter.   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   (The Ministry of Home Affairs (Deptt. of Personnel& A.R.)’s O.M. No.3/1/7 (82-Dir. (C), dated30.03.1984, copy enclosed)   Copy of D.O.P. & A.R., O.M. No. 3/1/7/82 Dir.(C) dated 30.03.1984     Subject:          Introduction of Incentives among Canteen Employees for promoting the small family norms—Grant of spe­cial leave regarding.   The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department O.M. No. 3/l/7/82-Dir.(C), dated 07.07.1982 regarding introduction of incen­tives for promoting the small family norms and to say that the question of grant of special casual leave to the employees of the canteens (Departmen­tal/Co-operative) who undergo sterilisation operations under Family Welfare Programme has been under consideration of the Government. It has now been decided that special casual leave may be granted to the eligible canteen employees in accordance with the provisions contained in Ministry of Home Affairs, DP&AR O.Ms. No. 28016/3/72-Estt (A), dated 06.08.1979 and No. 28016/l/80-Estt.(A), dated30.04.1981, copies enclosed for reference and record.   56.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees partici­pating in sports activities as on duty.   [No. E (W) 72SP 1-4 dated 02.08.1984]   In continuation of the instructions contained in this Ministry’s circular of even number dated25.08.1981, it has been decided that the period of absence of the Railway employees who are nominated as coaches or Managers or Asstt. Managers of the Indian Railways’ teams participating in the National Championships in various sports disciplines from time to time will be treated as on duty as follows:   (a) Coaches — 15days prior to the commencement of the Na­tional Championship concerned for imparting training to Railway sportsmen in a coaching camp when organised. (b) Managersor Assistant Managers —3days prior to the commencement of or during the coaching camp for one of the officials.               (Note: In both the cases (a) and (b) above, the prescribed period excludes journey time for out-station coaching camps.)   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     57.           Not Printed.   [E(LR)1 84 NM115 dated 10.10.1984]     58.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees partici­pating in Sports activities as on duty. [No. E(W)85SP1-1 dated 15.04.1985]   Reference Ministry of Railways letter No. E (W) 72SP1-04 dated 24.01.1981 on the above subject.   2.In modification of the instructions contained in item (c) thereof, it has since been decided that Railway employees participating in coaching camps for a period not exceeding30 days prior to the National Champion­ships may be treated as on duty, in addition to the period of participation in actual events as indicated in (b) of Board’s letter dated24.01.1981 referred to above.   3.  It has also been decided that Railway sportsmen/women partici­pating as members of the Railways’ Teams sponsored by RSCB in important sports events which are not termed as ‘Nationals’ but arc of national importance, such tournaments being specified by the Railway Sports Control Board, and in the coaching camps prior to actual participa­tion in such events, will be treated as on duty.   4.List of RSCB approved tournaments to be treated as on duty is enclosed (Annexure ‘A’).   5.These orders take effect from01.04.1985.   This letter issues with the concurrent of the Finance Directorate o the Railway board.     59.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees participating in sports activities as special casual leave.   [No. E (W) 85SPI-3 dated 11.06.1985]   In continuation of instructions contained in this office letter No. E (W) 85SP1-1, dated15.04.1985, it has been decided that the existing ceiling limit of30 days special casual leave in respect of National Tournaments in which Railwaymen participate as members of State teams, shall stand increased to45 days for the aforesaid purpose only. However, this specific item will neither constitute an event of ‘Ordinary Importance’ nor of ‘National Importance.’   2.These orders will take effect from01.06.1985.   3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   60.       Subject:           Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway emplo­yees participating in Trekking expeditions.   [No. E (W) 85SP1-4 dated 16.07.1985]   In continuation of instructions contained in this Ministry’s Idler No. E (W) 69SP1-10, dated21.02.1970 regulating grant of absence from duty of’ Railway employees participating in mountaineering expeditions, it has been decided that the period of absence from duty of Railway employees participating in Trekking expedition may also be regulated by the grant of Special Casual Leave not exceeding30 days in one calendar year subject to the following conditions:—   (A) (i) That the expedition has the approval of the Indian Moun­taineering Foundation;   (ii) That the overall limit of30 days’ Special Casual Leave for an individual Railway employee in one calendar year as for participation in ordinary sporting events-‘ is not exceeded;   (B) (i) The period of absence in excess of30 days should be treated as regular leave of the kind admissible under Leave Rules applicable to the employee concerned. For this purpose, Railway employees may be permitted, as a special case, to combine special casual leave with regular leave.   2.This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     61.       Subject:           Co-operative Societies—Grant of Special Casual Leave to the Central Government employees.   [No. E (G)86 LEI-3 dated 03.08.1986]   Reference Board’s letter No. E (G) 64 LEI-2 Pt., dated11.12.1964, wherein it has been decided that the power of granting special casual leave in this respect may be exercised by the Divisional Superintendents, Dy. Chief Mechanical Engineers in the shops and other Senior Scale Officers in-charge of the Districts who may also exercise necessary powers to issue special passes in this regard.   The Department of Railways have further reviewed the matter and have decided that the powers of granting special casual leave in this regard may also be exercised by Additional Divisional Railway Managers who may also exercise necessary powers to issue special passes in this regard.   The above has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Department of Railways, Ministry of Transport.   62.            Not Printed.   [E(ML) 87 (10)3 dated 04.05.1987]     63.       Subject:           F.W. Programme—Grant of Special Casual Leave to the Female  Railway Employees when their hus­bands undergo for Vasectomy.   [No. 84/H(FW)/9/1, dated 28.07.1988]   It has been decided by the Government of India (Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances& Pension, Deptt. of Personnel& Training) vide their Office Memorandum No. 20016/88-Estt(A), dated2.6.1988 (Copy en­closed) that Special Casual Leave for one day, on the day when their husbands undergo Vasectomy Operation, may be given to Women Central Government Employees, to enable them to attend on their husbands.   (This orders are effective from02.06.1988.)   Copy of Min. o/p.& A.R., O.M. No. 28016/1/88 Estt. (A) dated 02.06.1988.     OFFICE MEMORANDUM   Subject:          Family Welfare Programme—Grant of Special Casual Leave to Women Central Government employees when their husbands undergo Vasectomy Operation.   The undersigned is directed to say that the question whether Women Central Government Employees should be granted any Special Casual Leave when their husbands undergo Vasectomy Operation in terms of this Department’s O.M. No.28016/3/75 Estt (A). dated 6th August,1979 has been engaging the attention of the Government of India for some time. It has been now decided that special casual leave for one day, on the day when their husbands undergo Vasectomy Operation, may be given to Women Central Government employees, to enable them to attend on their husbands.   2.These orders will take effect from the date of issue.   3.In so far as employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, this issues with the approval of C&AG.     64.       Subject:           Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway servants participating in Trekking Expeditions.   [No. E (W) 89 SP1-5 dated 02.02.1990; RBE 21/90]   Reference this Ministry’s letter No. E (W) 85 SP1-4, dated16.07.1985 regarding regulation of absence from duty of Railway servants participating in Trekking Expeditions by grant of Special Casual Leave (SCL) not exceeding30 days in a calendar year subject inter alia to the condition that the expedition has the approval of the Indian Mountaineering Federation.   2.It has now been decided that the period of absence from duty of Railway servants participating in Trekking Expedition organised by Youth Hostels Association of India also may be regulated by grant of SCL not exceeding30 days in a calendar year. The grant of SCL will be subject to ‘he following conditions:—   I. (a) that the expedition is organised by Youth Hostels Association of India or has the approval of the Indian Mountaineer­ing Federation; and   (b) there will be no change in the over-all limit of30 days of special casual leave for an individual Railway servant for one calendar year for participating in ordinary sporting events.   II.The period of absence in excess of30 days should be treated as regular leave of the kind admissible under the leave rules appli­cable to the persons concerned. For this purpose Railway servants may be permitted as a special case, to combine special casual leave with regular leave.   3.This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   65.            Not Printed.                              [Paras 1104  of IREM]   66.       Subject:           Special Casual Leave—Treatment of absence of Railway employees for participation in Sports activities as “On duty”.   Supplementary Circular No. 1 to M.C. No. 10   [No. E (W) 89 SPI-l dated 08.11.1991; RBE 191/91]   Please refer to Item (iii) of Para2 of Board’s Circular No. E (G) 90LEI-1 (M.C. No.10), dated22.05.1991. Your particular attention is invited to Annexure C, Item 5 (i) of M.C. No.10 wherein it has been indicated the participation of Railway sportspersons in Inter-Railway tournaments will be treated as Special Casual Leave.   2.In this context, your specific attention is drawn to Board’s Circular No. E (W) Spl—1, dated04/09.10.1991, wherein it has been advised that the Board have decided participation of specified number of teams including officials and sportspersons in various Inter Railway Champion­ships in team events or individual events be treated as duty.   3.It may, therefore, be noted that the instructions contained in Master Circular No.10 referred to in para1 above, stand modified mutatis mutandis.   4.Circular of even Number dated04/09.10.1991 forms part of the Master Circular No.10 on Special Casual Leave and constitute Supplementary Circular No.1 of Master Circular No.10.   67.       Subject:           Treatment of absence of Railway employees partici­pating in Sports activities as on ‘Duty.   Supplementary Circular No. 2 to M.C. No. 10.   [No. E (W) 91 SP 1-2 dated 30.09.1992; RBE 747/92]   Reference Railway Board’s letter No. E (W) 85SP1 -1, dated12.04.1985 enclosing a list of tournaments specified by the Railway Sports Control Board in which participation of Railway employees will be treated as on ‘ Duty’ for a period not exceeding30 days in a calendar year. The list of such tournaments has since been revised by the Railway Sports Control Board, a copy of which is enclosed as Annexure ‘A’.   2.It has also been decided that in games of Cricket, Football, Table Tennis, Hockey and Basketball, the upper limit will be45 days in a calendar year. In case of other games the limit of30 days in a calendar year will remain unchanged   3.   These orders take effect from01.08.1992.     4.   This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of the Railways Board.     ANNEXURE ‘A’  List of Championships/Tournaments (On Duty)   Aquatics 1. NSA Invitational Swimming Championship, Calcutta Open events.   2. P.M. Hindu Bath All India Invitational Water Polo Tournament. Athletics 1. Master’s Meet. Open events   2. Pune International Merathon Badminton 1. Zonal Badminton Championship. Indian Rly. Team.   2. Inter Institutional Championship   3. Zonal Open Championship. Open events. Ball Badminton 1. Zonal Ball Badminton Championship Indian Rly Team..   2. Madras Ball Badminton Tournament Zonal Rlys. Teams. Basketball 1. Pre Asian Championship Indian Rly. Team   2. Federation Cup Tournament Zonal Rly. Teams.   3. Ramu Memorial Tournament, Bombay   4. Advani Memorial Tournament, Jaipur. Billiards & Snooker All-India Invitation/Open Snooker Championships       1. All-India Press Club     2. Bipin Badani Memorial     3. Khar Gymkhana     4. B.C.A. Garware Club House     5. Islam Gymkhana Open events.   6. Champions of Champion     7. BEL     8. Coffee Planters Saliespur, Bangalore     9. NSIC     10. Western India Billiards Snooker   Body Building . All India Russi Modi Body Building Championships                        Jamshedpur Selected players of Indian Rlys. (entry through) RSCB). Boxing 1. YMCA Boxing Championship Indian Rly. Team.   2. GM’s Trophy Boxing Championship, South Central Railway, Secunderabad Open events.   3. Federation Cup   Bridge Winter National Zonal Rlys. (Entr. through RSCB) Cricket 1. Cooch Behar Trophy     2. Sheesh Mahal Tournament     3. Buchi Babu Tournament     4. Moin ud Dowle Tournament Hydderabad Indian Railways Teams   5. Scindia Gold Cup, Gwalior     6. All India Shahid Smiriti, Agra     7. Steel Trophy     8. Escorts Trophy     9. Arena Challenge Cup     10. Duleep/ Deodhar/ Irani Selected Rly. Players for Central Zone. Cycling Football Promise Cycling Championship Open events.   1. Durand Cup, Delhi Zonal Railways Teams.   2. Rovers Cup, Bombay   3. D.C.M. Tournament, Delhi     4. I.F.A. Shield     5. Nai Duniya, Indore   Golf 1. Inter-Zonal Championship alongwith All India Amateur and Zonal Championship             Indian Railway Teams.   2. Wills Master’s and wills Trophy Tournament, Calcutta     3. D.C.M. Open Tournament, Delhi Open events.   4. North-Eastern Railway Golf Championship     Hockey (Men) 1. Indira Gandhi Memorial, Srinagar Zonal Rlys. (Entry through RSCB).   2. Beighton Cup, Calcutta     3. Jawaharlal Nehru, Delhi     4. Bombay Gold Cup, Bombay     5. Federation Cup     6. K.D. Singh     7. Aga Khan Indian Railways Team   Hockey (Women) 1. Federation Cup Indian Rlys Team..   2. All India Invitation Hockey Tournament, Lucknow     3. Gangotri Devi Invitation All India Hockey Tournament, Gorakhpur Zonal Rlys.   Kabaddi 1. Federation Cup     2. Central Cone Championship     3. Bombay Gold Cup Tournament Indian Railways Team. Shooting Federation Cup Indian Rlys. Team. Table Tennis 1. Inter-Institutional Championship     2. 5 Zonal Championships& All-India Ranking Championships     3. Mayors Cup Open events.   4. Times of India Tournament     5. Indira Gandhi Gold Cup   Volleyball (Men) 1. Zonal Tournaments of Federation Cup       2. Inder Chand Agarwal Tournament Renukoot Indian Railways Team   3. Dr.Y.S. Parmar Memorial, Shimla   Volleyball (women) 1. Federation Cup Indian Railways Team.   2. Any tournament before Federation Cup Zonal Rlys. Team.   3. Inder Chand Agarwal Tournament, Renkoot       68.       Subject:           F.W.Prog.—Incentive of Special Casual Leave under F.W. Scheme—Grant of special casual leave for Abortion cases- regarding.   [No. 91/H (FW)/8/1 dated 10.07.1992]   A point has been raised whether Female Govt. employee who under­goes Salpingectomy operation after M.T.P. is entitled for14 days’ special casual leave only in term of item 3 (c) of Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. 28016/3/78-Estt. (A), dated 6th August,1979 circulated vide Ministry of Railways’ Circular No. 78/H/9/5, dated17.01.1981 or Six(6) weeks as in abortion cases. The subject was also raised by the staff in the Departmental Council of J.C.M.     The matter has been examined and the clarification given by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension (Deptt. of Personnel and Training) vide their Office Memorandum No.28016/1/9 l-Estt (A), dated 13th May,1992 is reproduced below (copy of O.M. also enclosed for ready reference):—   “Female Government servant undergoing salphingectomy operation along with M.T.P. will be entitled to six weeks mater­nity leave. Such female Government servants who avail of this facility of maternity leave would not be entitled to additional14 days of Special Casual Leave, as provided in their O.M. No. 28016/3/78 Estt. (A), dated 6th August,1979″ circulated vide the Ministry of Railway’s circular No. 73/H (FW)/9/5, dated17.01.1981.”   This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.


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