MASTER CIRCULAR No. 1   SCOUT ACTIVITIES ON THE INDIAN RAILWAYS   CONTENTS       S. No. Particulars Part -I 1 Background 2. Importance and Relevance of Scout Activities 3. Concessions/Facilities (i) Leave (ii) Passes (iii) TA/DA (iv) Recruitment 4. Contribution from Staff Benefit Fund 5. Licence Fee 6. Entry in the Service Record 7. The Railways Scouts & Guides Board 8. Objectives of the Apex Body 9. General 10. Miscellaneous Part-II   Original Orders /Circulars from  which Consolidation has been made       1. No. 5926-8 dated 23.11.1940 2. No. E(W)57-WE6/30 dated 22.11.1957 3. No. E(W)57-WE6/15 dated 14.12.1957 4. No. E(W)58-WE6/6 dated 24.05.1958 5. No. E(W)64-WE6/22 dated 27.07.1965 6. No. E(W)65-WE6/23 dated 26.04.1966 7. No. E(NG)III-79/RR1/25 dated 25.08.1980 8. No. E(W)80-WE6/1 dated 27.09.1982 9. No. E(W)80-WE6/2 dated 05.01.1983 10. No. E(W)80-WE6/1 dated 07.05.1983 10A. No. E(W)82-WE6-2 dated 21.07.1983 11. No. E(W)83SP1-4 dated 12.08.1983 12. No. E(W)82WE62 dated 28.01.1984 13. No. E(NG)II 84/RR2/1 dated 14.09.1984 14. No. E(W)84WE6/7 dated 16.10.1984 15. No. E(W)84PS5/18/1 dated 22.01.1985 16. No. E(W)86WE6/8 dated 07.05.1986 17. No. E(W)86WE6/3 dated 04.12.1986 18. No. E(W)86FU1/1 dated 14.05.1987 19. No. E(W)88WE6/5 dated 16.05.1988 19A. No. E(NG)II/86/RR-2/3 dated 26.05.1988 20. No. E(W)88WE6/5 dated 09.09.1988 21. No. E(W)84SC2/10 dated 19.09.1988 21A. No. E(W)82 SC 2-47 dated 28.03.1989 22. No. E(NG)V88/CR/4 dated 12.05.1989 23. No. E(NG)II-88/RR2/1 dated 05.06.1989 23A. No. E(W)88WE6-1 dated 21.08.1989 24. No. 88/LM(B)/3/38/Scouts dated 18.12.1989 Orders issued subsequently 25. No. E(W)90WE 6-6 dated 10.06.1992 S.C. No. 1 to M.C. No. 1 26. No. E(W)90WE 6-6 dated 24.07.1992. S.C. No. 2 to M.C. No. 2 27. No. E(W) 92WE 6-1 dated 16.12.1992 S.C. No. 3 to M.C. No. 3 28. No. E(W)92 WE 6-1 dated 16.12.1992. S.C. No. 4 to M.C. No. 4 29. Other Railway Board Orders on the Subject     SCOUT ACTIVITIES ON THE INDIAN RAILWAYS     At present, the orders relating to “Scouting activities on the Indian Railway” are scattered in a number of office circulars/orders issued from time to time. The question of consolidation of these existing orders/circu­lars into one Master Circular has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways. They have now decided to issue a consolidated order on the subject as below for the information and guidance of all concerned. 2. The Chairman, Railway Board in his D.O. of 11.01.1990 to all General Managers observed on the importance and relevance of scout activities on the Indian Railways as under: “The Scouts and Guides movement, which is a world wide one, aims at building character and inculcating a sense of discipline in those who join the organisation. These, in fact, are the very qualities expected of those engaged in public service, but arc sadly lacking now-a-days, both among public servants and among the public. A large number of Railway staff come in contact with public. Their courteous behaviour towards the users and uprightness in dealings will go a long way in building the Railway’s image. As such, those who have gone through the scout movement are likely to prove more effective as Railway-men in the day-to-day discharge of their duties”. 3.In order to give impetus to the Scouts and Guides Movement on the Indian Railways, the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have given/ provided the following concessions/facilities: Leave: (a) Grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway servants including Apprentices and trainees, who are Boy Scouts or Rover Scouts for attending training camps or rallies or when engaged under in­structions from their scout authorities, etc. within the country or outside India, within the prescribed limit of30 days in a calendar year. [No. 5926F dated 23.11.1940, No. E(W)57WE6-30 dated 22.11.1957 and No. E (W) 58WE6-6 dated 23.05.1958] (b) In respect of Leader Trainers/Assistant Leader Trainees whose services are utilised for imparting training to scouts/guides may by granted Special Casual Leave to the extent of45 days in a calendar year. In case leave in a calendar year is required beyond his ceiling limit of45 days, the same should be referred to the Railway Board.          [No. E(W) 86WE6-3. dated 04.12.1986] (c) Period of absence of Railway employees on account of injuries sustained by them while on Special Casual Leave granted for scouting duties for which they are required to be hospitalised also regularised as Special Casual Leave within the overall limit of30 days/45 days, as the case may be, in a calendar year as per (a) and (b) above respectively.   [No. E(W)83SP1-4, dated 12.08.1983] (d) Special Casual Leave is permitted to be combined with Casual Leave or recorded leave on scout duties but when regular leave r sanctioned in combination with Special Casual Leave, Casual Leave cannot be combined. [No. E(W)80WE6-2 dated 05.01.1983] Passes: (e) Free Special Passes are issued to scouts/guides on scouting duties for their journey by Rail. [No. 5926F dated 23.11.1940 and No. E (W) 57WE6-30 dated 22.11.1957] (f) Special Passes are issued to the bonafide family members of Railway employees who are appointed as office bearers of the State Association and also to those who enroll themselves as Rovers, Rangers, Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts and Guides. These are issued for attending training camps or rallies or when engaged on other scouting activities. Such passes are also issued over Rail­ways other than Home Railway when camps, rallies, etc. are arranged at places served by other Railways; [No. E(W)57WE6-13 dated 14.12.1957] (g) The passes issued should be of the same class to which the employee concerned is normally entitled to. [No. E(W)57WE6-13 dated 14.12.1957] (h) Commissioners of Scouts and Guides when required to travel on scout duties are eligible for the concession of First Class Passes regardless of their entitlement in their individual capacity. [No. E(W)65WE6-23 dated 26.04.1966] (i) Railways have powers to issue First Class Special Complemen­tary Cheque Passes not exceeding three sets per year to the retired Railway employees on the recommendations of the CPO and the Railway State Chief Commissioners for Scouts and Guides from the station of/nearest their residence to the stations of/nearest the training camps and back subject to fulfilling the following conditions: (i) He/she had been an office bearer of the Railway Scout. Organisation or had been an active worker for a period of atleast five years assisting Railway Administration in organizing training camps or imparting training etc.; (ii) He/she would be atleast a President Scout/Guide or Himalayan Wood Badge Holder; and (iii) A certificate is given by the Railway State Chief Commis­sioner that the presence of the retired Railway official concerned is absolutely essential and no suitable person of his/her qualifications or calibre is available for imparting training to Railway employees. Note:These powers are to be exercised only by the General Managers/Additional General Managers and not to be re-delegated.        [No. E(W)84PS5-] 811 dated 22.01.1985] TA/DA to Railway employees on Scouting duties : (j) TA/DA as on tour at the rates appropriate to the pay of employees subject to a maximum of15 days in a calendar year paid to scouts/ guides/adult leaders/ commissioners/ rovers/ rangers for the fol­lowing activities: (a) When deputed to attend training camps/courses organised by the State/Distt. Scout Associations, Himalayan Wood Badge Training Courses or for imparting training to chil­dren, Scouts/Guides/Rovers/Rangers. (b) When deputed to assist the Railway Administration in supplementing Railways’ efforts during Melas, Festivals, Accidents, Natural Calamities like floods, cyclones, breaches, etc. (c) Scouts/Guides officials who are deputed to attend meetings of the State/National Body; and (d) Railway employees who are deputed to impart training or organise major scout/ guide events, such as rallies, jam-borettes, conferences, etc. at the State or National levels. Note:   1.The expenditure on TA/DA is to be met from Revenue. 2.Grant of15 days TA/DA should be within the ceiling of30 days/45 days of Special Casual Leave. [No. E(W)80WE6-1 dated 27.09.1982, No. E(W)80WE6-1 dated 07.05.1983 and E(W)84-WE6-7 dated 16.10.1984] Recruitment: (k) Special quota for recruitment of Scouts and Guides against Cultural-cum-Scouts and Guides quota has been fixed by the Railway Board as under: Group’ C’ :      Four per year per Railway. One per year per Production Unit. Group ‘D’: Not more than two per Division per year. [No. E(WG)III-79/RR1/25 dated 25.08.1980, No.E(NG)-84/RR2/I dated 14.09.1984 and No. E(NG)l 1-881 RR211 dated 05.06.1989] 4. The annual per capita contribution from Staff Benefit Fund for scout activities has been increased from Re.0.75 to Re.1.00. The expenditure on scout activities in Railway schools also should be met out of the contribu­tion of Staff Benefit Fund of the respective Railways. Allotment of funds for promotion of scout activities will be made by the Ministry of Railways in consultation with the apex body viz. the Railways Scouts and Guides Boards. [No. E(W)86/FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987, No. E(W)64-WE6122 dated 27.07.1965 and No. E (W) 82 WE 6-2 dated 28.01.1984] 5. In view of the purely non-commercial nature of activities of the Bharat Scouts and Guides organisation and the need to encourage the Scouts and Guides movement, it has been decided by the Railway Board to charge a nominal licence fee of Rs. 101- per annum only in respect of building/ structure licensed to the Bharat Scouts and Guides organisation. [No. 88 LM (B)31381 Scouts dated 18.12.1989] 6.Ministry of Railways have also decided that when a Railway employee acquires any qualification in the field of scouting, a suitable entry should be made in his Service Record. [No. E(NG)I-88CR4 dated 12.05.1989] 7.The Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have set up an Apex Body called the Railways Scouts and Guides Board consistingof:   1.Chairman :   Advisor (Staff), Railway Board. 2.Vice-Chairman    :   Executive Director, Estt. Railway Board. 3.Treasurer :   Joint Director, Finance (Estt.) Railway Board. 4.Secretary :   Joint Director, Estt. (Welfare), Railway Board.   Note:The Chairman of the apex body shall invite one of the Railway State Chief Commissioners for Scouts and Guides as may be nominated by the General Council (consisting of the apex body and the Railway State Chief Commissioners Scouts and Guides) as a special invitee to attend the meeting of the apex body also known as the Managing Committee of the Railways Scouts and Guides Board. (i) to have a general review of the progress of scouring move­ment on the Indian Railways; (ii) call for periodical reports from the scouting organisations covering organisational aspects, service and training; and (iii) oversee that the grants from the Staff Benefit Fund arc properly and purposefully utilised. (i) Scouts and Guides should be encouraged to adopt a village near their place of work for imparting training/undertaking work on adult literacy, hygiene, civic, sense, etc., including organising entertainment programmes for the benefit of local population.       [No. E(W)86WE6-8 dated 07.05.1986] (ii) Scout and Guide activities should be encouraged in Railway schools, particularly Primary and Middle schools etc. to in­culcate the spirit of selfless service and self-discipline amongst the children. [No. E(W) 84-SC-2110 dated 19.09.1988] (iii) When lectures are delivered on “staff welfare” in Railway Staff College, Zonal Training Schools and all other training institutes, the activities of the Railway Scout Organisations should be highlighted so that the employees may be induced to take interest in such activities. [No. E(W)88WE6-5 dated 16.05.1988 and No. E(W)88WE6-5 dated 09.09.1988] 10.      (i) While referring to the synopsis as above, the original circulars referred to should be read for proper appreciation. The synopsis given in the Master Circulars should be construed only as a key to the original circular and not as a substitution. In case of any doubt, the original circular(s), referred to in the Master Circulars, will be relied upon as authority. (ii) It should be noted that the orders/instructions issued under the various circulars have only prospective effect from the date of issue of the relevant original letters), unless specifically stated otherwise in the concerned letter. Hence, for dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time have to be referred. (iii) Though all efforts have been taken to include all the relevant circulars on the subject, if any circular, which has not been superseded, happens to be omitted, that circular, which has been omitted through oversight, will still hold the field. Anyone coming across such a circular may bring it to the notice of the Railway Board for suitable action for issuing a Supplementary Circular.”   8. Objectives of the Apex Body :        9.  General:     APPENDICES   LIST OF CIRCULARS FROM WHICH CONSOLIDATION HAS BEEN MADE               1. No. 5926-8 dated 23.11.1940 2. No. E(W)57-WE6/30 dated 22.11.1957 3. No. E(W)57-WE6/15 dated 14.12.1957 4. No. E(W)58-WE6/6 dated 24.05.1958 5. No. E(W)64-WE6/22 dated 27.07.1965 6. No. E(W)65-WE6/23 dated 26.04.1966 7. No. E(NG)III-79/RR1/25 dated 25.08.1980 8. No. E(W)80-WE6/1 dated 27.09.1982 9. No. E(W)80-WE6/2 dated 05.01.1983 10. No. E(W)80-WE6/1 dated 07.05.1983 10A. No. E(W)82-WE6-2 dated 21.07.1983 11. No. E(W)83SP1-4 dated 12.08.1983 12. No. E(W)82WE62 dated 28.01.1984 13. No. E(NG)II 84/RR2/1 dated 14.09.1984 14. No. E(W)84WE6/7 dated 16.10.1984 15. No. E(W)84PS5/18/1 dated 22.01.1985 16. No. E(W)86WE6/8 dated 07.05.1986 17. No. E(W)86WE6/3 dated 04.12.1986 18. No. E(W)86FU1/1 dated 14.05.1987 19. No. E(W)88WE6/5 dated 16.05.1988 19A. No. E(NG)II/86/RR-2/3 dated 26.05.1988 20. No. E(W)88WE6/5 dated 09.09.1988 21. No. E(W)84SC2/10 dated 19.09.1988 21A. No. E(W)82 SC 2-47 dated 28.03.1989 22. No. E(NG)V88/CR/4 dated 12.05.1989 23. No. E(NG)II-88/RR2/1 dated 05.06.1989 23A. No. E(W)88WE6-1 dated 21.08.1989 24. No. 88/LM(B)/3/38/Scouts dated 18.12.1989 Orders issued subsequently 25. No. E(W)90WE 6-6 dated 10.06.1992 S.C. No. 1 to M.C. No. 1 26. No. E(W)90WE 6-6 dated 24.07.1992. S.C. No. 2 to M.C. No. 2 27. No. E(W) 92WE 6-1 dated 16.12.1992 S.C. No. 3 to M.C. No. 3 28. No. E(W)92 WE 6-1 dated 16.12.1992. S.C. No. 4 to M.C. No. 4                           APPENDICES     [1]     Subject:Rover Scouts. [No. 5926-F, dated 23.11.1940]   I am directed to state that the Railway Board have decided that Special Casual Leave may be granted to railway servants who are Boy Scouts or Rover for attending training camps or rallies or when engaged, under instructions from their scouting authorities, on scouting duties, provided that is done without detriment to their railway duties. Free passes may be issued for any railway journeys of such staff on these occasions but no daily allowance will be admissible. ___________________________________________________________________________ [2]   [No. E(W) 57WE6-30. dated 22.11.1957]   A question has been raised whether Special Casual Leave may be granted to Railway servants, including Apprentices and Trainees on the Indian Railways, who are Boy Scouts or Rover Scouts, for attending scouting camps etc. outside India in terms of para2 of Board’s letter No. F(E)52/LE-II/1 dated20.05.1952. The Board have decided that in such cases also Special Casual Leave may be granted within the limits prescribed in Board’s letter dated20.05.1952, viz.30 days in a calender year. The Board have also decided that special passes may also be issued in favour of the Railway Scouters etc. for their journey by rail.   2.This has the sanction of the president.   3.(This disposes to Shri V.V. Bhide’s D.O. No. E. 273-L/II dated 15.10.1957 to Shri P.S. Mahadevan) for Central Rly. only. ___________________________________________________________________________   [3]                        [No. E(W) 57WE6-13, dated 14.12.1957]   A question has been raised whether special passes may be issued to the family members of railway employees, for participation in scouting activi­ties. The Board have carefully considered the matter and they have decided that special passes may be issued to the bonafide family members of railway employees, who are appointed as office bearers of the State Association and also to those who enroll themselves as Rovers, Rangers, Cubs, Bulbuls, Scouts and Guides to help the growth of the movement. Such passes may be issued for attending training camps or rallies or when engaged on other scouting duties, and they may also be issued over Railway other than the Home Railway, when camps, rallies, etc., are held at Places served by other Railways.   2.  The passes issued in this connection should be of the same class to which the employee concerned is normally entitled to, irrespective of the status in the Scouting Organisation.   Subject: Special Casual Leave for Scout Duties.   [No. E(W) 58 WE-6-6. dated 23/24.05.1958]   Reference Railway Board’s letter No. 5926-F dated 23.11.1940 on the above subject wherein sanction was communicated to the grant of Special Casual Leave to Railway servant, who are Boy Scouts or Rover Scouts, for attending Scouts Camps etc. and to the issue of passes in their favour for their journey by rail. The Board have further decided that these concessions would be admissible also to Apprentices and Trainees who are Boy Scouts or Rover Scouts.   This has sanction of the President.   (This disposes of G.M., Western Railway’s letter No. E631/4 dated 25.01.1958) ___________________________________________________________________________   [5]     Subject:Scout/Guide activities in Railway Schools.   Reference : R. Board’s letter No. E(W) 64 WE6-22 dated 30th November, 1964.   [No. E(W) 64WE6-22 dated 27.07.1965]   2.  It has been observed that some of the Railways are meeting the cost on account of registration fees, cost of group equipment for scouting activities in Railway schools from the Railway Revenues. It is felt that the expenditure on Scouts/Guide activities in Railway schools should more ap­propriately be met out of Staff Benefit Fund. It is, therefore, desired that the expenditure should not be charged from the Railway Revenues but it should be met from the Staff Benefit Fund of the respective Railways. ___________________________________________________________________________   [6]   Subject: Issue of Passes to Scouting Commissioners.                       [No. E(W)65 WE6-23 dated 26.04.1966]   It has been represented to the Board that Scout/Guide Commissioners of the Railway State Organisations while travelling on scout and guide duties should be given first Class Passes. The Board have carefully examined the matter and they have decided that in partial modification of the orders contained in para2 of their letterno. E(W) 57WE6-13 dated 14.12.1957 Scout/Guide Commissioners when engaged in travelling duties on account of scout and guide duties should be eligible for the Concession in First Class Passes, regardless of their entitlement in their individual capacity. [7]   Subject:Appointment of Scouts against cultural quota.   [No. E(NG)IH179/RRI125 dated 25.08.1980]   The Ministry of Railways vide their letter No. E(NG) III/77/RRI/50 dated07.04.1980 had authorised General Managers to recruit Class III staff not exceeding6 in a year(3 in the case of Production Units for purposes connected with cultural activities.   The Ministry of Railways have now decided that out of this quota,2(1 in the case of Production Units) should be filled from among Scouts and Guides with high scouting qualifications and who have received special awards. ___________________________________________________________________________     [8]   Subject: Grant to TA/DA to Railway employees on scouting duties.        [No. E(W)80WE6-1 dated 27.09.1982]   The question of grant of TA/DA to railway employees on scouting duties has been under consideration in this Ministry. It has been decided that TA/DA as on tour at the rates appropriate to the pay of the employees subject to a maximum period of15 days in a calender year may be paid to scouters/guiders/adult leaders/commissioners/rovers/rangers for the following ac­tivities:   (i) When deputed to attend training camps/course organised by the State/Distt. Scout Associations, Himalayan wood Badge Train­ing courses or for imparting training to Children, Scouts/Guides/ Rovers/Rangers.   (ii) When deputed to assist the Railway Administration in supple­menting Railways efforts during Melas, Festivals, Accidents, Natural calamities like Floods, Cyclones, Breaches etc.   2.Since scouting is a voluntary organisation and the motto of the movement is ‘service’ it has not been considered desirable to treat the period spent on scouting activities as duty. Accordingly, the period spent on such activities may be treated as Special Casual Leave as at present.   3.Scouting being a part of welfare activities, grants are made from the SBF for this purpose. It, is therefore, considered that the maximum expenditure on TA/DA for scouting duties should be proportionate to this grant. For this purpose, the Railway may fix a ceiling on expenditure towards TA/DA for scouting activities taking into account the amount of grant sanctioned from SBF for scouting purposes every year.   4.  This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of this Ministry. [9]   Subject : Grant of Special Casual Leave to staff on duty-combination of Special Casual Leave with Casual Leave or Recorded Leave.   [No. E(W)BGWE6-2 dated 05.01.1983]   The question of combination of Special Casual Leave with other leave to railway servants who are boys scouts or rover scouts for attending camps or rallies or when engaged under instructions from their scouting authorities on scouting duties has been under consideration of this Ministry. It has been decided that Special Casual Leave may be permitted to be combined with Casual Leave or Recorded Leave when sanctioned on scouting duties. How­ever, when regular leave is granted in combination with Special Casual Leave, Casual Leave will not be granted in combination.   2.   This has the sanction of the President. ___________________________________________________________________________   [10]   Subject:Grant of TA/DA to Railway employees on scouting duties.        [No. E(W)80WE6-1 dated 07.05.1983]   The matter has been considered and it has not been found feasible to agree to any further liberalisation in the terms and conditions for the grant of TA/DA to Railway employees for scouting activities mentioned in Board’s letter No. E (W) 80WE6-1 dated 27.09.1982.   2.It is clarified that the expenditure on TA/DA for scouting activities admissible in terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 27.09.1982is to be met from revenue.   3.It is also clarified that grant of15 days TA/DA for specific scouting activities is within the present limit of30 days Special Casual Leave and that the total period spent on this account by an employee should not exceed30 days in all.   4.  This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   [10A]   Subject:Apex Body for scouting activities.   [No. E(W)82WE6-2, dated 21.07.1983]   With the separate allocation of Re.0.75 per capita to the staff Benefit Fund for scouting activities on the Railways w.e.f.01.04.1982, the question of setting up of an Apex Body so as to give proper guidance as to how these funds now made available should be sent has been under consideration of the Ministry of Railways. It has now been decided that an Apex Body should be set up in the Ministry for this purpose with the following composition:   (1)Chairman       —Director Establishment, Railway Board. (2)Member        —Joint Director, Finance Establishment, Railway Board. (3)Secretary       —Joint Director, Establishment, Railway Board.   Wherever necessary, the Apex Body will co-opt Scout Commissioner, Organising Commissioner and State Secretary for expert guidance.   2. The objective of the Apex Body will be to have a general review of the progress of scouting movement on the Railways. It will also call for periodical reports from the scouting organisations covering organisational aspects, service and training. The Apex Body will oversee that the grants from the Staff Benefit Fund are properly and purposefully utilised.   3. All concerned with the scouting organisation on the Railways may please be advised accordingly. ___________________________________________________________________________   [11]   Subject :Special Casual Leave for Scouting duties.   [No. E(W)83SP1-4 dated 12.08.1983]   A question has been raised that when a Scouter/Guider/Rover/Ranger (working staff) is injured while on Special Casual Leave for scouting/ guiding and he/she is required to be hospitalised, how the period of absence is to be regularised.   2.  The matter has been considered and it has been decided that in the case of Railway employees who are granted Special Casual Leave for scouting duties, their absence on account of injuries sustained by them while on such Special Casual Leave for scouting/guiding activities for which they are required to be hospitalised, should be regularised as Special Casual Leave in a calendar year granted to Railway employees on scouting duties including the period of absence on account of injuries/hospitalisation, should not exceed30 days in a calendar year.   This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways   [12]   Subject :Regulation of scouting activities on Railways.   [No. E(W)82WE6-2 dated 28.01.1984]   The Railways are aware that in terms of Board’s letter No. E (W) 82FUI-9 dated17.08.1982, the annual per-capita contribution to the staff Benefit Fund has been revised from Rs.9 to Rs10.25 effective from01.04.1982. Thisenhancement includes a contribution of75 paise per capita specifically for encouraging the growth of scouting and scouting spirit among Railwaymen and their children.   2. In furthercnce of the objectives of a co-ordinated and integrated development of scouting, the Board had further decided to set up an Apex Body for reviewing, guiding and regulating the scouting activities on the various Zonal Railways, vide Board’s letter of even number dated 21.07.1983.   3. Subsequently, vide Board’s telegram of even number dated 23.09.1983, reports of the scouting activities for the previous three years viz. 1979-80,1980-81 and1981-82, were called for. These reports are still to be received. It is imperative that these reports as well as the report for the year 1982-83 are sent to the Board without further delay to enable a meaningful review being made and further appropriate directions given by the Apex Body.   4.  The report for the year1982-83 should specifically indicate:   (i) A statement of Income and Expenditure Account for the year duly audited by an Auditor nominated by the CPO &FA & CAO; and   (ii) A balance-sheet of assets and liabilities certified by the Auditor.   5.While for the year1983-84, the allocation and release of funds have been made on the basis of the respective staff strength of the Railways, future releases in1984-85 will be moderated to the extent necessary after reviewing the statement of account of income and expenditure and on the specific and expert advice of the Apex Body for scouting.   6. The Board desire that the relevant information mentioned in para 3 and4 above should be sent without any further delay in connection with the deliberation of the Apex Body scheduled in the near future.   7.Besides the foregoing, the precise structural relationship between your Railway Scouts& Guides Association and the corresponding State Scouts/Guides Associations and-the Bharat Scouts& Guides Organisation at the national level should also be clearly spelt out, including the extent of accountability, interaction and minimum level of conformity expected of the Zonal Railway Scouts& Guides   8.All the information asked for should be sent so as to reach the Board’s office not later than 15th of February,1984, certain.   [13]   Subject:Recruitment of Scouts against cultural quota.   [No. E(NG)H-84/RR2/1 dated 14.09.1984]   Reference this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)III/79/RRI/25 dated13.05.1982 on the above noted subject.   The Ministry of Railways have reviewed the matter further and they have now decided that General Managers of Zonal Railway administration may recruit not more than two persons per Divisions in Group’ D’ (ClassIV) post in Unskilled or semi skilled category subject to the candidate for appointment fulfilling such scouting qualifications as may be prescribed by the Railway Administration in consultation with the State Chief Commis­sioner for Scouts and Guides. The minimum qualification should however, preferably be a President’s scout besides other educational/technical quali­fications and experience, if any. This will be prescribed for each post. This power can be delegated by the General Manager to Divisional Railway Managers for recruitment in their respective Divisions.   2.While filling up the vacancies in scouts/guides cells, preference should always be given to persons who have sufficient training and expe­rience in this field. With this end in view suitable staff may also be sponsored for undergoing training programmes chalked out by the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts& Guides. ___________________________________________________________________________   [14]   Subject:  Grant of TA/DA to Railway employees on scouting duties.        [No. E(W)84WE6-7 dated 16.10.1984]   In partial modification of the orders contained in Board’s letter No. E (W) 80WE6-1 dated 27.09.1982, it has been decided by the Railway Ministry that TA/DA as on tour may also be allowed to an individual for a maximum period of15 days in a calender year in respect of the following scouting activities:   (i) Scouts/Guides officials who are deputed to attend meeting of the State/National Body; and   (ii) Railway employees who are deputed to impart training or organise major scout/guide events, such as rallies, jamborettec, conferences, etc., at the Stale or National levels.   2.In this connection, it is clarified that the total number of days for which TA/DA is allowed to an individual for scouting activities should not exceed15 days in a calender year.   3.The above orders have the sanction of the President and issue with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     [15]   Subject:Issueof cheque passes to retired railway employees associated with Bharat Scouts and Guides for imparting training to Scouts/Guides.   [No. E(W)84PS5-1811 dated 22.01.1985]   As a Result of discussion held in the meeting of Railways State Chief Commissioners, Scouts and Guides held in Rail Bhavan, New Delhi on 25.05.1984, Ministry of Railways have decided that General Managers/Addi­tional General Managers may issue First Class special Complimentary Cheque Passes not exceeding three sets per year to the retired Railway employees on recommendations of the CPO and Railway State/Chief Commissioners for Scouts and Guides, from the station of/nearest their Residence to the Stations of nearest the training camps and back subject to fulfilling the following conditions:   (i) He/she had been an office bearer of the Railway Scouting Organisation or had been an active worker for a period of atleast5 years assisting Railway Administration in organi­sing training camps or imparting training etc.   (ii) He/she would be atleast a President Scout/Guide or Himalayan Wood Badge Holder; and   (iii) A Certificate is given by the Railway State Chief Commis­sioner that the presence of the retired Railway official concerned is absolutely essential and no suitable person of his/her qualifications or calibre is available for imparting training to railway employees.   2. These passes are being issued with a view to utilising their services for the specific purpose of imparting training to the Scouts and Guide on the Railways.   3. These powers given to General Managers/Additional General Managers are not delegatable further. ___________________________________________________________________________   [16]   Subject:Scouting activities on the Railways—Adoption of a village for imparting training undertaking work on adult literacy, hygiene, civic sense etc.   [No. E(W)86WE6-8 dated 07.05.1986]   At a recent meeting of the Managing Committee of the Railway Scouts & Guides Board, it was decided, that as a part of the scouting activities on the Railways, Scouts and Guides should be encouraged to adopt a village near their place of work for imparting training/undertaking work on adult-literacy, hygiene, civic, sense, provision of civic amenities and organising entertainment programmes for the benefit of local population.   The Department of Railways desire that necessary action in this regard may please be taken and a report sent in due course.   [17]   Subject :  Enhancement in the quantum of Special Casual Leave on scouts accounts.   [No. E(W) 86WE6-3 dated 04.12.1986]   Sanction of the Ministry of Railways is communicated to the raising of the present limit of30 days. Special Casual Leave on scouting account, to45 days in a calendar year in respect of Leader Trainers/Assistant Leader Trainers whose services are utilised for imparting training to scouts/guides. It has also been decided that in cases where Special Casual Leave in a calendar year is required beyond this ceiling limit of45 days in respect of Leader Trainers/Asstt. Leader Trainers, these may be referred to the Board for their consideration, giving detailed justification.   2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   ___________________________________________________________________________   [18]   Subject :Increase in per capita contribution of the Staff Benefit Fund.   [No. E(W)86FU1-1 dated 14.05.1987]   Further to this Office letters No. E (W) 82FU1-9 dated17.08.1982 and No. E (W) 82FU1-9 dated12.01.1983, it has been decided by the Ministry of Railways that the annual per capita contribution to the Staff Benefit Fund may be raised from Rs.10.25 per capita to Rs. 14/- per capita w.e.f./ the financial year1987-88 to be distributed as follows:       Present Revise (i) General activities, viz.. Education, re- creation, amusement, relief of distress. sickness and miscellaneous items. Rs.7.00 Rs.8.50   (ii) Sports activities Rs. 1.50  Rs.2.50 (iii) Sports activities Rs. 0.75 Rs.1.00 (iv) Recreational facilities to officers& supervisory staff   Rs. 1.00 Rs.2.00   2. Allotment of funds of various Zonal Railways/Production Units etc. for promotion of sports and scout activities, based on the revised overall per capitacontribution @ Rs-2.50 and Re. 1/-respectively (Para1items (ii) and (in) above) will continue to be made by this Ministry in consultation with the Apex Bodies concerned viz.. Railway Sports Control Board and Railways Scouts& Guides Board.   3. The revised break-up of amount for distributionto general activities other than sports, scouts etc. shall, as far as possible,be broadly as under:   Purpose                           Present   Revised (a) Education Rs. 2.20 Rs.2.50 (b) Recreation other than sports Rs. 1.50 Rs.2.00 (c) Relief of distress, sickness etc. Rs. 2.85 Rs.3.50 (d) Miscellaneous Rs. 0.45 Rs.0.50   Rs.7.00 Rs.8.50   3.1.The Staff Benefit Fund Committees may be advised to adhere to the above guidelines while distribution fund for various activities covered under this Head. The Railways may, as hitherto, however, augment their SBF by equivalent to50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of expenditure on technical scholarship during the previous year in terms of Board’s letter No. E (W) 82FU.I-26 dated 01.01.1963.   4.This has the sanction of the President and issues with the concur­rence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways. ___________________________________________________________________________     [19]   Subject: Scout activities on the Railways—highlighting of—0 in the lectures in the Zonal Training Schools and Railway Staff College.   [No. E(W) 88 WE6-5 dated 16.05.1988]   An extract of itemIV (i) of the minutes of the meeting of the Managing Committee of the Railway Scouts and Guides Board held on07.07.1987 on the above subject is appended below for necessary action.   “It was recommended that the activities of the Railway Scout Organisations may be highlighted when lectures are delivered on “Staff Welfare” at the Railway Staff College and the Zonal Training Schools”. [19A]   Subject : Qualifications for appointment of Scouts and Guides of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts against the cultural quota.       [No. E(NG)H/86RR-2/3 dated 26.05.1988] Attention is invited to the under mentioned letters* which prescribe the President’s Award or other special awards besides outstanding achieve­ments in Scouting for appointment of Scouts/Guides to Group ‘C’ (to be adjusted against the cultural quota). Instructions also exist for recruitment of Scouts and Guides in Group ‘D’. A question has been raised by Railway Administration whether the same consideration can be given to the Scouters and Guiders who have passed the Advanced Training Courses as are given to the winners of President’s Award or other Special Awards, in the matter of recruitment against the aforesaid quotas. 2. In this context, the Railway Board have reviewed in some detail, the qualifications etc. for recruitment against the quotas referred to above. They have now decided that the following qualification/conditions would apply for recruitment of Scout/Guides in Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ posts. (i) A President’s Scout/Guide/Ranger/Rover OR Himalayan Wood Badge Holder  OR A pre-HWD Trained Scout Leader/Advanced Trained GuideLeader/Captain. (ii) Should have been an active member of a Scouts Organisation for atleast3 years in the recent past and continued to be active; (iii) Should have attended atleast one event at national level and one or two events at State level; OR Should have a good record of participation in Scouts/Guide activities at Unit/District level; (iv) Should fulfil necessary conditions regarding age, qualifications, etc., for Class-III/ Class-IV appointment, as per the extant rules;   *  E (NG)III/79/RR1/25 dt. 19.09.1979 * E (NG)IH/79/RR1/25 dt. 25.08.1980 * E (NG)III/79/RRV25 dl. 13.05.1982 *  E (NG) II/84/RR2/1 dt. 14.09.1984     (v) Written declaration may be obtained from the candidate that he/ she will serve the Scout/Guide movement in the event of his/her selection. (vi) Since there will be a number of aspirants, it is necessary that applications are called for from those who fulfil the above qualifications with necessary certificates and separate tests con­ducted for Group ‘C’& ‘D’ posts to select the best amongst them. There should be no ban for any person to appear for both Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ selection separately, if he/she so desires ___________________________________________________________________________   [20]   Subject:Scout activities on the Railways-highlighting of-in the lectures in the Training Schools and the Rail­wayStaff College.   [No. E(W)88WE6-5. dated 09.09.1988] Reference this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 16.05.1988 on the above subject. 2.The matter was further discussed in the meeting of the Managing Committee of the Railways Scouts& Guides Board held on27.07.1988. It was that delivery of lectures on “Staff Welfare” including scout activities should not be restricted to Railway Staff College and Zonal Training Schools but should also cover all training schools on the Railways where employees undergo training so that they could be induced to take interest in such activities which may lead to their children/wards also taking active pan in scouts activities in schools. ___________________________________________________________________________ [21]   Subject : Encouragement ofco-curricular activities in Rail­ways Schools – inclusion of Scout & Guide activi­ties.          [No. E(W) 84 SC2-10, dated 19.09.1988]   It is known that the Railway Administrations have introduced a number of co-curricular activities in Railway schools and are giving due en­couragement of promotion of such activities from within their available resources. However, it is not known whether Scout& Guide activities have also been given due importance in such realm of co-curricular activities in Railway schools.   2. Board desire that scout and guide activities should also be given due encouragement in Railway schools, particularly in Primary and Middle Schools etc. to inculcate the spirit of selfless service, self discipline etc. amongst the children, which will go a long way in character building assis­tance and guidance if any needed in this respect, may be sought from your Railway Scout& Guide Organisations functioning at various levels.   3. Action taken may kindly be reported to the Board for their information. [21A]   Subject :  Supply of uniforms to the students in Railway Primary Schools.   [No. E(W)82SC2-47 dated 28.03.1989] In modification of instructions contained in their letter No. E (W) 60 ED1-10 dated18.05.1960 as amended from time to time, the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided to supply two sets of Terrycot uniforms in lieu of three sets of Khadi Dosouti uniforms to the eligible students studying in Railway Primary Schools including Austerity Primary classes of Rly. Middle/High/Higher Secondary Schools and Inter-Colleges and non-Rly. Schools managed by staff themselves (Board’s letter No. E (W) 825C2-47 dated03.08.1990). It has also been decided that the terrycot uniforms which will now be supplied to the eligible children should be in the colour and style of the uniforms as prescribed for Cubs& Bulbuls/Scouts & Guides by the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides. Accordingly the following detailed instructions are issued:   (i) Colour For boys, the lower garment should be in Navy Blue and Upper garment in Grey Colours. For girls, the upper and lower garment should be in Blue Colour. (ii) Style Boys should be issued the shins (half sleeved) and shorts (Nicker), Girls should be issued frocks and panties. The detailed specifications should, as far as possible, be as follows: —Shirt (Grey) with collar, to epaulettes, NR Slip badge on right shoulder (sleeve) and two patch pockets, the left one fixed with membership badge (blue). — Short(Nicker) Navy Blue with web belt. —Frock (blue) with box pleats, collar two epaulettes, NR Slip badge on the right shoulder (sleeve), two patch Pockets on the chest; six’s emblem being fixed just above the left one, membership badge on the left shoulder (sleeve) cloth bell and two large patch pockets on the lower (bottom) portion of the frock. Panty should be with pleats   Note:   (i) In case any doubt arises with regard to colour and style of the uniform, the State Chief Commissioner Bharat Scouts& Guides or the Secy. thereof may be consulted. (ii) Two sets of Terrycot uniform per child per annum may be supplied to both boy and girls. In places where winter conditions prevail and woollen jersey is supplied, the same may continue to be supplied, the colour and style of the jersey being Ncvy Blue and V shape neck respec­tively. (iii) Terrycot cloth should be used for shirts, shorts, frocks and panties. Children should be taught to keep the terry-cotton cloth uniform clean through home washing. 3.  The Board have decided that the procurement of terry-cotton cloth and fabrication of the uniforms should be left to the individual Railways. One way of keeping down the cost is to arrange for mass cutting to standard sizes and for tailoring to be done in the Railway handicraft centers. The Board also desire that the cost per set of uniforms should be kept down to Rs. 65/- (Rupees sixty five only). 4.  Every effort should be made for supply of school uniforms to all the eligible children as soon as the schools re-open after the summer vacation. 5.   The issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railway. ___________________________________________________________________________     [22]   Subject :Entry in the Service Record qualifications acquired in the field of Scouting.   [No. E(NG)I/88/CR/4 dated 12.05.1989]   Ministry of Railways have decided that when a Railway employee acquires any qualification in the field of Scouting a suitable entry in regard to the same should be made in his service records. ___________________________________________________________________________   [23]                                                                             [No. E(NG)H/88/RR-2/1 dated 05.06.1989] Attention is invited to the instructions contained in the marginally noted letters (i) E (NG)III/77/RRI/50 dated07.04.1980 (ii) E(NG)IIV79/RRI/ 25 dated 25.08.1980andE(NG)IIV79/RRI/ 25 dated18.05.1982. regulating appointments against Cultural-cum-Scouts Quota on the Railways. In their letter No, E (NG) III/79/RR-1/ 25 dated18.05.1982, the Ministry of Railways had directed thatif suitable persons are available. Railways may recruit more Scouts and Guides but within the ceiling of6 in a year(3 in the case of production Units) fixed as per Board’s letter of07.04.1980 referred to in the margin. 2.  The question of increasing the Scouts& Guides quota from the existing two per Zonal Railway has been under consideration of the Board for some time. 3.After careful consideration of the matter, Board have decided that on the Zonal Railways, the Scouts& Guides quota may be increased from 2 to4, keeping the cultural quota at the existing level of4. In other words, the revised cultural-cum-Scouts quota for Zonal Railways will be8 (eight) i.e. four(4) for recruitment in connection with cultural activities and four(4) for recruitment of Scouts and Guides. 4.  The other instructions in this regard remain unaltered.   [23A]   Subject : Facilities required to be provided in the Training-cum-Camping Centres.   [No. E(W)88WE6-1 dated 21.08.1989] Reference Item II (iii) of the minutes of the meeting of the General Council of the Railways’ Scouts& Guides Board held at Raiwala on 02.12.1988 as circulated in this Ministry’s letter ofeven number datcd 29.12.1988. 2.The National Headquarters Bharat Scouts and Guides, have since furnished the list of suggested material essential for running a Training-cum-Camping Centre. The list is enclosed for necessary action in terms of minutes referred to above. To run a Pre-training Course of40 to50 Scouts (S.M.) a Training Centre may need the following training equipment and facilities:   (i) Accommodation :  Tents for40-8 with all accesso­ries complete. Ground sheets for tents-8 Lantern-10 Buckets-10 Petro wax with K. Oil etc.   (ii) Tools for Camp and Craft :  Phawrey-5, Khurpcy-10, Sawsmall-5. Hand Axes-5, Kudal small-5, Basula-2, Mclleie-8, Crow Bar-5, Rakes-5.   (lit) Ceremonies :   2Association Flags,2 Troop Rags,2 Poles, Halyard for poles with ring and stick,1 National Flag, Black Board, Notice Board Gang& Mellets. (iv) Training materials      :100Lathies,4 Big poles of15′ each. Lashing Ropes of6′ each— 50, Knotting Ropes 6’each—50 Pulleys—2 each of1′, 2′ & 3′, 10 Ropes of15 to20′ long. Com­passes—5, Maps of Local area Charts of all type, First Aid, Ban­dage etc.2 Kg., Suttee for goggels. (v) Physical facilities :   Permanent and also of temporary nature (light, water, sanitation) worthRs,. 2.000/- per course. (vi) Kitchen Utencils :   16Bhogonas (Patrol size),16 Service Spoons,16 Mugs,16 Plates,2 Tawas(1 big,1 small),2 Chimta,1 Karahi with Karcha,2 Jharar,16 Glasses,16 Lunch trays, 2 sets Chakia with Belen,1 Iman Dasta,1 Sil Batta,1 Chalmi Parat, 10 Buckets, Ration as per strength and requirements. (vii) First Aid Kit :   With essential medicines etc. Worth Rs.400.   (viii) Hike Kit :   6Hike Rue Sacks,12 blankets,12 red Sheets,25 Water Bottels.   (ix) Stationary :   Worth Rs.200 necessary for the course.   (x) Literature and Charts :   Worth Rs.500 available at Na­tional Headquarters.   [24]   Subject : Licensing of Railway buildings to Bharat Scouts and Guides.   Reference:Board’s letter No. 84/W2/LM/18/159 dated 21.05.1987. [No. 88 LM (B)/3/38/Scouts. dated 18.12.1989] In terms of Board’s letter quoted above railway building/structures are licensed to Bharat Scouts and Guides at a nominal licence fee of Rs.300 per annum. 2.Board have considered a request for reduction in the amount of nominal licence fee charged in respect of buildings/structures licensed to Bharat Scouts and Guides. In view of the purely non-commercial nature of activities of this organisation and the need to encourage the Scouts and Guides movement. Board have decided to charge a nominal Licence fee Rs.20 per annum only in respect of buildings/structures licensed to Bharat Scouts and Guides. ___________________________________________________________________________ DO Letter No. E(W) 89WE6-15, dated 11.01.1990, from Shri M.N. Prasad, Chairman, Railway Board. The Scouts and Guides movement, which is a world-wide one, aims at building character and inculcating a sense of discipline in those who join the organisation. These, in fact, are the very qualities expected of those engaged in public service, but are sadly lacking now-a-days, both among public servants and among the public. 2. A large number of railway staff come in contact with public. Their courteous behaviour towards the users and uprightness in dealings will go a long way in building the Railways’ image. As such, those who have gone through the scouting movement are likely to prove more effective as Railwaymen in the day-to-day discharge of their duties. 3.Under the aegis of Staff Benefit Fund, wherein an amount of Re.1 per year per employee has been exclusively earmarked for promoting scouting activities, the movement has gained ground on all the Railways. It now covers nearly1.2 lakhs participants in various age groups. Some of them may eventually be joining the Railways. Even otherwise, they would prove useful to the Nation as such. 4. In the above background, as also in the context of my recent discussion with the State Chief Commissioners (Scouts& Guides) of the various Zonal Railways at the 11th National Jamboree at Bhopal on 6th January,1990, I would like you to take the following steps to promote scouting on your system: (i) In all important railway colonies, efforts should be made to involve each and every child in the Scouting movement by enlisting him/her, as a Scout/Guide or Cub/Bulbul. There should be no compulsion, but a positive persuasion/All the Railway schools (Middle Schools and above) must provide for necessary Scouting facilities to include not only the children studying in the school, but also other children in the Railway colony. Alterna­tively, a separate unit may be setup where all children not attached to the scouting group of any school can be enrolled. (ii) All those appointed under the Scouts/Guides quota should be spared whenever required for scouting activities. It is excepted that the services of these staff may not be required for more than 2 hours per week. (iii) State Chief Commissioners (Scouts& Guides) and State Com­missioners (Guides) /State Commissioners (Scouts) should only be those who have a sense of involvement and the necessary aptitude and background. In those cases where the background may be lacking, training can be arranged for them. General Managers should take personal interest in this regard, since the success of the movement entirely depends on the leadership given. (iv) At the time of recruitment of Teachers for Railway Schools, other thing being equal, a person with scouting qualification may be given preference. (v) With regard to the creation of one post each in grade Rs.700-900 (RS) designated as Inspector (Scouts) and Inspector (Guides), Board had decided (vide their letter No. E(NG) II-82/PO/5 dated 01.03.1982) that these posts should be operated by readjustment from within the existing sanctioned strength, on ex-cadre basis. Most of the Zonal Railways have already implemented this decision. In the few cases where the full complement has not been earmarked, steps may now be taken for creating the posts at Railway level by suitable matching surrender. ___________________________________________________________________________   [25]   Subject :Scout activities on Indian Railways- Supplementary Circular No. 1 to M.C. No. 1 No. 1.   [No. E(W)90WE 6-6, dated 10.06.1992; RBE 95/92] Reference Board’s letter No. E(W)90WE6-6 dated20.08.1990 on the above subject, Besides gist of orders issued by the Board, already incorporated in the Board’s Circular ibid, they have also issued certain orders relating to a few aspects concerning Scouts and Guides activities on Railways. They are summarised below for your information and guidance. (i)  Review of scout activities on the Railways. It was decided that the Railway’ s Scouts and Guides Organisation should take the following action: (a) The activities of the Scouts and Guides Organisation should be reported every month to the National Headquarters of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, for incorporation in their house magazine. (b) The Scout activities’ report should be circulated to other State (Railway) Organisations for their information. (c) UNICEF should be contacted for obtaining necessary assistance in implementation of the various schemes sponsored by them. (d) Details regarding the number of scouts declared as President Scouts, persons who have acquired Himalaya Wood Badge quali­fications and Leader Trainers selected should be incorporated in the Annual Report. (To be incorporated against Column(7) regarding “Awards/ Rewards/ Commendations” of the prescribed performa) vide (No. E (W) 88WE6-8 date,22.06.1988) [Authority: No. E(W)88WE 6-13 dated 28.09.1988; RBE225/88} (ii) Qualifications acquired in the field of Scouts and Guides Reflection in CRs. It has been decided that the reporting officers may mention special achievements/ qualifications in the field of Scouts and Guides against Column(4) in Para3 of Annexure I,II, and III and Column11 of Annexure V containing Confidential Reports’ format, circulated under this Ministry’s letter No. E (NG)I/CR/5 dated22.04.1987. [Authority : No. E (NG) H88/CR/4 dated 25.02.1991RBE36/91-circulated, vide letter No. E(W)90WE6-11 dated 03.09.1991] (iii) Recovery of electricity charges. It has been decided that electricity consumption in the premises occupied by Bharat Scouts and Guides Association should be charged at rates as applicable to Railway employees with effect from01.06.1991. [Authority:No. 90/Elec. (0)1150112 dated 08.05.1991 forwarded, vide Board’s letter No. E(W)/90WE 6-11 dated 03.09.1991] [26]   Subject : Scout activities on Indian Railways – Supplementary Circular No. 2 to M.C. No.l   [No. E(W)90WE 6-6, dated 24.07.1992; RBE 122/92} Reference Railway Board’s letter No. E(W)90 WE6-6 dated20.08.1990 andNo. E(W)90 WE 6-6 dated 10.06.1992 on the above subject. Besides, gist of orders issued by the Board already incorporated in the Board’s Circular ibid, they have also issued orders relating to recruitment against Scouts& Guides quota on Railways. Orders are summarised below:   (i) Recruitment Against Cultural/Scouts and Guides Quota.    In terms of Para2 of Master Circular No.7 circulated vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/90/RR-2/1 dated22.10.1990, annual quota for recruitment on ‘Cultural-cum-Scouts and Guides’ has been fixed on the Zonal Railways and Production Units. The quota for Scouts& Guides was4 per year per Railway and1 per Production Unit per year in Group ‘C’ and not more than2 per division per Railway and Production Unit in Group ‘D’. 2. On careful consideration and review of the matter, it has been decided to freeze completely recruitment against Cultural-cum-Scouts/ Guides quota with immediate effect.   [Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)11/901RR-S/1,dated 06.07.1992]                           [27]   Subject : Staff Benefit Fund-Grant for Scouting activities on the Railways – Supplementary Circular No. 3 to M.C. No. 1   [No. E (W) 92WE 6-1, dated 16.12.1992; RBE 216/92] In the Fifth Annual Meeting of the General Council of the Railway Scouts& Guides Board held on19.06.1992 at Salogra (Northern Railway), it was brought to notice that the instalments of grants sanctioned by Railway Board for promotion of Scouts& Guides activities were not being released to the Zonal Railway State Scouts& Guides units soon after their receipt. 2. It may be informed that the grant for Scout activities is centrally administered by the Board and released to the Railway Administrations, taking into account various factors, creditable to the SBF. Normally, sanc­tions releasing the amounts are issued by the Board twice a year, one initially soon after the commencement of the financial year and the other after receipt of annual report and audited statement of accounts from the respective Railway State Scout units by the Board. It may kindly, therefore, be ensured that when sanctions for such grants are received by the Railway Administration, the sanctioned is released soon after to the Railway State Scout units without lapse so that they could utilise the amount more effectively and in time. ___________________________________________________________________________   [28]   Subject :Purchase of Railway Scrap by Railway Scouts & Guides Organisations— Supplementary Circular No. 4 to M.C. No. 1   [No. E(W)92 WE 6-1, dated 16.12.1992; RBE 218/92] In the Fifth Annual General Council Meeting held at Salogra (Northern Railway) on19.06.1992 it was inter alia reported that one of the recommen­dations relating to purchase of Railway scraps for use of Railway Scouts organisations was still under consideration of the Board. 2. Instructions already exist vide Board’s letter No. RS (S)/83/709/ 11 dated26.09.1984 on the subject. You may, therefore, approach the Controller of Stores of your Railway for issue of such scrap stores.


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