Absorption And Utilisation Of Surplus Staff On The Railways


Master Circular No. 22   Absorption and Utilisation of Surplus Staff on the Railways   CONTENTS     l. Identification of Surplus Posts 2. Bank of Surplus Posts 3. Utilisation/Redeployment of Surplus Staff 4. Creation of “Special Supernumerary” 5. Posts Seniority of Staff rendered surplus on deployment 6. General Original Orders/Circulars from which Consolidation has been made 1. F(E)53/PA.5(1) dated 11.06.1953 2. E. 52RC-1/5/3 dated06.08.1953 3. E(G)66EC2-7 dated 23.11.1966 4. E(G)66EC 2-7 Pt. dated 11.04.1967 5. E(NG) 66 RC 1/84 dated 24.07.1967 6. E(NG)H/67/RE1/58 dated 29.04.1968 7. E(NG)II-67RE1/47 dated 22.05.1968 8. E(NG)II68RE1/47 dated 31.07.1968 / 01.08.1968 9. E(NG)67RE1/49 dated 28.10.1968 10. E(NG)68RE1/12 dated 20.11.1968 11. E(NG)II/81/RE1/5 dated 15.01.1982 12. E(NG)II/84/RE 1/10 dated 26.10.1984 alongwith copies of. (i) E(G)82 EC 2-2 dated 12.07.1984 (ii) E(G) 79 EC 2-7 dated 15.10.1981 (iii) E(G) 76 EC 2-7 dated 17.11.1979 (iv) E(G) 76 EC 2-4 dated 21.02.1978 13. E(NG) II/84/RE1/10 dated 09.04.1985; 101/85RBE 14. E(NG) II/84/RE1/10 dated 31.03.1987; RBE 78/87 with copy of E(NG)II-84/RE 1/10dated 26.07.1985; RBE 216/85 15. E(NG) I/88/PM 7/48(PNM/NFIR) dated 28.03.1989; RBE 90/89 with copy of E(NG) I-84-PM7-56 dated 03.11.1987 16. E(NG) II-84/RE-l/lO.dated 21.04.1989; RBE 106/89 17. E(NG) I/88/PM7/48/PNM dated 15.03.1990; RBE 48/90 18. E(P&A)II/91/PP/U dated 23.09.1992; RBE 160/92 19. E(NG)II/93/RC-3/33 dated 08.12.1993; RBE 177/93 20. Other Orders of Railway Board on the Subject     Absorption and Utilisation of Surplus Staff on the Railways   Consequent on the change of traction and full or partial closure of steam loco sheds, marshalling yards, goods sheds and other redundant assets, Board have been issuing instructions from time to time about the absorption of staff rendered surplus on account of the above. They have now decided to issue a Master Circular consolidating the instructions issued so far, as below, for the information and guidance of all concerned.   I. Identification of Surplus Posts:   2. The Railway Board desire that suitable advance planning should be done by the Railways to identify areas in which the staff are likely to be rendered surplus. For this purpose, a Cell should be carved out of the existing work Study Units on the Railways and the same entrusted with the specific task of carrying out studies with a view to locating surpluses. As soon as the posts are identified as surplus, a formal office order should be issued immediately surrendering such surplus posts. The incumbents against these posts should be re-deployed against other ‘live’ posts as far and as early as possible.     (i)   The ban on filling of vacancies will not be attracted if they are utilised to absorb staff rendered surplus.     (ii)     Surplus staff who have continuity of service should be allowed during the period of training pay and allowances as would be admissible to them in the post in which they are to be absorbed after training.     (iii)    The surplus steam staff may also be given conversion training in Diesel / Electric Traction without insisting in any Educational Qualification and age restriction, but subject to the following conditions: —   (a)   The Surplus Steam Staff selected for the conversion training should be screened properly to ensure that they have basic intelligence and literacy to absorb the conversion training.     (b)   Illiterate or Semi-literate staff should first be given a special course (say for 3 months or so) to bring them to a minimum acceptance level of literacy. This opportunity need be given only once. (c)   The staff should give an undertaking before being nominated for conversion training that they may be transferred to other stations within the division.   (d)  The concerned staff should not be given more than three chances to pass the conversion training.   [No. E (G) 66 EC2/7 dated 23.11.1966, No. E (NG) II/81/RE 1/5 dated 15.01.1982, No. E (NG)II/84/RE 1/10 dated 09.04.1985, No. E (G) 66/ EC 2-7 dated 11.04.1967, No. E (NG)II/67/RE 1/47 dated 22.05.1968, No. E (NG) I/88/PM 7-48 dated 15.03.1990]   3. No new activity should be started at the location where staff are likely to be rendered surplus merely for accommodating them at the same place without the prior approval/sanction of the Railway Board. Where special circumstance warrant the same, suitable proposals should be sent well in time to the Railway Board with the personal approval of the GM. The Railway Board expect that such cases are few and far between. In no case, Board’ s approval should be presumed.   [No. E (NG) H/84/RE 1/10 dated 21.04.1989]     4. The surrendered posts should be struck off from the relevant cadre registers, scale check registers and other records based on the formal orders issued.     [No. E (NG) II/81/RE 1/5 dated 15.01.1982; No.E (NG) II/84/RE 1/10 dated 21.04.1989]     5. Normally, the junior-most of the employees should be rendered surplus, irrespective of the manner in which they had been recruited/entered to the post/Grade. However, where staff give their willingness to go on bottom seniority in recruitment grades to other deptts., such volunteers should be given preference depending upon the availability of vacancies in the other cadre and their suitability, including medical fitness.   The above do not, however, apply to SC/ST in respect of the whom separate orders already exist.     [No. E (NG)/67/RE-1149 dated 28.10.1968; E (NG) II/81/RE-1/5 dated 15.01.1982; E (NG) II/84/RE-1/10 dated 21.04.1989]     6. The Railway Board desire that the recognised unions should also be advised in time, as far as possible, about the number of staff likely to be rendered surplus and the station where they are. Their views, as far as possible, may also be obtained regarding their re-deployment.   [No. E (NG) H/84/RE-1/10 dated 21.04.1989]   II.        Bank of Surplus Posts:     7. To keep a proper accountal of surplus posts and their utilisation, the Railway Board have decided that a Bank of surplus posts» should be maintained by each Railway as under: —   (a). The bank of surplus posts will be operative from 01.04.1987 and earlier bank net credit may be added as an opening balance of the new account as on mat date;   (b). All posts (excluding posts which were/are created for specific short term purpose e.g. those created for summer rush) identified as surplus and surrendered on or after 01.04.1987 will be credited to this Bank;   (c). Matching surrender already reckoned for creation of posts after 01.04.1987 (including opening balance from the previous balance) and surrenders to be made in future, will be debited to the balance in the bank;   (d). The account in this bank will be maintained department-wise and grade-wise, though for matching surrender posts can be drawn from this bank irrespective of the department to which they pertain; and   (e). The accountal of the bank will be maintained by the CPLO or CPO (as per practice on the individual Railway) under the overall supervision of the Addl. G.M. (Exp. Control).   Note:   In every proposal for the creation of posts, the CPLO/CPO will indicate the availability of surplus posts in the Bank.   [No. E (NG) II/84/RE-1/10 dated 26.10.1984; E (NG)H/84/RE-1/10 dated 31.03.1987]   III . Utilisation/Redeployment of Surplus Staff:     8. When doing the advance planning for identifying the surplus posts referred to in para 2 above, appropriate scheme for providing training, wherever found necessary, in alternative jobs for staff rendered surplus should also be planned and developed. Utilisation and re-deployment of surplus staff should be given the highest priority and their absorption will have precedence over all other modes of recruitment including screening of casual labour and direct recruitment for filling up the vacancies so that the surplus staff can be first utilised at suitable locations including places where additional posts are created for operation/ maintenance of additional/new assets.     [No. E (NG) I1/81/RE-1/5 dated 15.01.1982; E (NG) II/84/RE-1/10 dated 26.10.1984, E (NG) II / 84/RE-1/10 dated 09.04.1985; E (NG) II/84/RE-1/10 dated 21.04.1989; E (NG) II/68/RE-1/47 dated 31.07.1968 / 11.08.1968]     9. There shall be no recruitment in those categories in which posts are likely to be rendered surplus and the categories in which surplus staff are likely to be redeployed. Surplus staff can be absorbed in the existing vacancies against new posts which are duly.     IV. Creation of “Special Supernumerary” Posts:     10. When the posts were not vacant and staff are working against them, “Special Supernumerary” posts in the same grade should be created to accommodate the staff rendered surplus. Simultaneously the “Special Supernumerary” posts should be credited to the “Bank of surplus posts” and maintained in the respective billing units.   [No. E (NG) H/81/RE-1/5 dated 15.01.1982; E (NG) II/84/RE-1/10 dated 21.04.1989]   11. Where the surplus staff are transferred and posted against the vacancies in the same or other departments, the question of creation of “Special Supernumerary” posts does not arise. Such posts will be directly credited as vacancies to the “Special Supernumerary”.     12. The incumbents borne against such “Special Supernumerary” posts should be re-deployed quickly against other posts by re-training if necessary.     13. The “Special Supernumerary” posts shall be personal to each incumbent and are to be surrendered as soon as the incumbent is absorbed in some other duly sanctioned posts or retires or vacates it for any other reason.     14. When these “Special Supernumerary” posts are surrendered, they should be credited as vacancies to the “Bank of surplus posts” and can be utilised as matching surrenders for creation of additional posts for maintenance and operation of additional/new assets.     15. The staff, who cannot be immediately absorbed even after training against other duly sanctioned posts, should be allowed to continue against “Special Supernumerary” posts in the same grade in which the incumbents were working. They will continue to have their lien in their old cadre posts so as to keep their promotional prospects in tact.   16. The Railways should set up suitable machinery to review the utilisation/re-deployment of staff being borne against “Special Supernumerary posts”.   V. Seniority of Staff rendered surplus on deployment:     17. When re-deploying the surplus staff to other Units/Departments, which constitute a different seniority unit, the folio wing methods could be adopted:     (i) If only a small number of staff are being rendered surplus and they have to be transferred to various Units of other departments against vacancies of duly sanctioned posts, they can be suitably adjusted in these units with their full seniority and merging their seniority in the respective units;   (ii)  When a large number of staff are being transferred to new units that are being set up, they should be given their full seniority. No minimum educational qualifications should be prescribed. It should be sufficient if they pass the re-training/conversion training tests at the end of their training, subject to course their medical fitness.   (iii) Whenever a large number of staff have to be transferred to existing units against vacancies or additional sanctioned posts, the views of the Unions may be taken as to whether the seniority of the staff  being shifted should be kept separate against the “Special Supernumerary” posts, so that their promotional pros­pects are kept separate and identical to what they would have achieved in the old Unit and it does not jeoparadise the promo­tional prospects of the staff in the Units in which they are being inducted. In such cases, the application of percentage distribution of posts would be separate for the existing cadre posts and the surplus staff who have been brought into the cadre, the latter being controlled by the percentage as applicable to their previous cadre. However, as and when there is wastage through retirement, promotion etc. in the seniority unit of shifted staff charged against “Special Supernumerary” posts in the direct recruitment grades, the direct recruitment quota of the same should be merged with the existing cadre seniority of that unit, i.e. the Unit  to which they had been re-deployed on being surplus.   [No. E (NG) II/84/RE-1/10 dated 21.04.1989]   18. In cases, where the seniority of surplus staff is maintained separately, there could be cases where the few staff, who are left behind in the old seniority unit continue to get their promotion as per their seniority alongwith the other staff transferred to the new unit. It may happen in some cases, where the number of higher grade posts may have to be operated in excess of the percentage laid down to avoid transferring the staff left behind. However, it should be ensured that the total number of posts in each grade of the old unit, taking into account those both left behind and transferred to the new Units, should not exceed the original sanctions. 19. The pay of Railway servants rendered surplus and absorbed in alternative posts is fixed under the normal operation of rules and where the normal rules do not give sufficient relief, by grant of advance increments under Rule 2023 (F.R. 27) – R II.   Since the above orders do not provide sufficient relief in fixation of pay to the staff rendered surplus and absorbed in alternative posts, it has been decided by the Board as under: —   (1)        When staff recruited through RRB are rendered surplus:   (a)        When appointment is from a higher to a lower or equivalent alternative post:   Increments equal to the number of years of service rendered in the post from which the Railway servant has been rendered surplus should be given in the post in which he has been absorbed.   (b)        If the appointment is to an alternative post carrying an identical time scale:   Pay should be fixed under the normal rules.   (2)        When staff not recruited through RRB are rendered surplus:   (a)        When appointment is from a higher to a lower or equivalent alternative post:   Pay may be fixed in accordance with Railway Board’s letter No. F (E)53/PA 5(1) dated 11.06.1953 as under:   (i)         Transfer from a higher to a lower post:   Temporary Railway Servants:   In such cases, the benefit of completed years of service in their higher posts may be given for purposes of advance increment in the lower posts to which a Railway servant is appointed, provided of course, this does not exceed the pay drawn in the higher post at the time of transfer. In case the appointment in lower involves appointment to a regular cadre with immediate or future prospects of absorption as a permanent Government Servant care should be taken to sec that the grant of advance increment does not come into conflict with the pay fixed for other Railway servants in the cadre. In such cases, normally, it may be preferable to fix a Railway servant’s pay at the minimum of the time scale and to grant of a personal pay equal to the appropriate number of increments instead of fixing the pay at a higher stage in the time scale. The personal pay will be absorbable in future increments.   (ii)        Permanent Railway servants:   In the case of permanent Railway servants officiating in a higher post and transfer to officiate in another post which is lower than the previous officiating post, provision exists under Rule 2022-R(FR). 26 for the counting of this offici­ating service in the higher post for the purposes of incre­ments. No further relaxation is normally necessary.   (b)        Transfer from one post to another equivalent post:   (i)         Temporary Railway Servants:   In such cases, temporary Railway servants may be given the advantage of the completed years of service in the former post for higher fixation of pay in the latter, provided that there is a reasonable prospect for former post to continue for long  period and that the Railway servants would have continued to hold that post. In this case also, if the transfer is to a regular service or cadre or a post on which chances of immediate or ultimate confirmation exist it may be neces­sary in the interest of service of other Railway servants to grant a personal pay instead of a higher start. This personal pay will be absorbed in future increments.   (ii)        Permanent Railway Servants:   In the case of permanent Railway servants officiating in a post and transferred to officiate in another post of equivalent status, the proviso to F. R. 22 (2017). R applies where the time scales are the same or identical. The rules for permanent Railway servants should not norm all y be relaxed except in individual cases or hardship. In such cases, it should be closely examined as to whether the Railway servant would have continued in his former post for any length of time, say 2 or 3 years. If he would not have continued, it would weaken the case of higher fixation of pay under Rule 2023. R (FR. 27).   Transfer from a lower to a higher post. The cases should be continued to be regulated under the orders contained in Railway Board’s letter No. F (E)/48/PA 4/1 dated 29.11.1950   (3). The above provisions were further clarified vide Board’s letter No. E (NG)II/67/ RE 1/58 dated 29.04.1968 as under :     (i)         When staff recruited through Railway Service Commission are rendered surplus:   (a)        When appointment is from a higher to a lower or equivalent alternative post:                                          Increments equal to the number of years of service rendered in the post from which the Railway Servant has been rendered surplus, should be given in the post in which he has been absorbed.   (b)        If the appointment is to an alternative post carrying an identical time scale:   Pay should be fixed under the normal rules.     (ii)        When staff not recruited through Railway Service Commission are rendered surplus:   (a)        When appointment is from a higher to a lower or equivalent alternative post:   Pay may be fixed in accordance with Railway Board’s letter No. F(E) 53/PA 5(1) dated 11.06.1953 as at present.   (b)        if the appointment is to an alternative post carrying an identical time scale :   pay should be fixed under the normal rules.   (4)        The above orders will have effect from 15.04.1966   VI.       General:   20.            (a)   While referring to this circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation. This circular is only a consolidation of the instructions issued so far and should not be treated as a substitution to the originals. In case of doubt, the original circular should be relied upon as authority.   (b). The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For dealing with old cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to; and   (c)   If any circular on the subject, which has not been super-ceded, has not been taken into consideration while preparing this consolidated letter, the said circular, which has been missed through oversight should be treated as valid and operative. Such a missing circular, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Railway Board.   APPENDICES     l.          Subject:           Fixation of higher pay under Rule 2023-R(FR)27 in certain cases.     [No. F(E)53/PA.5(l) dated 11.06.1953]     With a view to ensuring uniformity, the following clarifications are issued in regard to fixation of pay at a higher stage under Rules 2023-R(FR.27) relaxation of Rules 2017-R(FR. 22) and 2022-R(FR. 26).   These clarifications are only guiding principles and should be applied in consultation with the FA & CAO. They do not delegate more powers to Railway Administrations than are already contained in the schedule of power, the Indian Railway Establishment Codes or other extant orders. Cases, which are not within the competence of the Railway Administrations such as the grant of personal pay, should continue to be referred to the Board.     (a). Transfer from a higher to a lower post:   (i). Temporary Railway Servants: In such cases, the benefit of completed years of service in the higher posts may be given for purposes of advance increment in the lower posts  to which a Railway servant is appointed, provided of course, this does not exceed the pay drawn in the higher post at the time of transfer. In case the appointment in lower involves appointment to a regular cadre with immediate or future prospects of absorption as a permanent Government servant, care should be taken to see that the grant of advance increment does not come into conflict with the pay fixed for other Railway servants in the cadre. In such cases, normally, it may be preferable to fix a Railway servant’s pay at the minimum of the time scale and to grant of a personal pay equal to the appropriate number of  increments instead of fixing the pay at a higher stage in the time scale. The personal pay will be absorbable in future in­crements.   (ii)    Permanent Railway Servants : In the case of Permanent Railway Servants officiating in a higher post and transfer to officiate in another post which is lower than the previous officiating post, provision exists under Rule 2022-R(FR.26) for the counting of this officiating service in the higher post for the purposes of increments. No further relaxation is normally necessary.     (b). Transfer from one post to another equivalent post.   (i). Temporary Railway Servants:   In such cases, temporary Railway servants may be given the advantage of the completed years of service in the former post for higher fixation of pay in the latter, provided that there is a reasonable prospect for former post to continue for long period and that the Railway servants would have continued to hold that post. In this case also, if the transfer is to a regular service or cadre or a post on which chances of immediate or ultimate confirmation exist it may be neces­sary in the interest of service of other Railway servants to grant a personal pay instead of a higher start. This personal pay will be absorbed in future increments.   (ii). Permanent Railway Servants:   In the case of permanent Railway servants officiating in a post and transferred to officiate in another post of equivalent status, the proviso to F.R. 22 (2017.R) applies where the time scales are the same or identical. The rules for perma­nent Railway servants should not normally be relaxed except in individual cases or hardship. In such cases, it should be closely examined as to whether the Railway servant would have continued in his former post for any length of time, say 2 or 3 years. If he would not have continued, it would weaken the case of higher fixation of pay under Rule 2023-R(FR.27).   (c). Transfer from a lower to a higher post. The cases should be continued to be regulated under the orders contained in Railway Board’s letter No. F (E) 48/PA4/1 dated 29.11.1950.   2. In cases in which the above principles are applied, pay can be fixed from the date of appointment but arrears of pay and allowances as a result of refixation should be allowed only from the date of issue of orders.   3. The above principles will not apply to cases for which specific orders exist or issued from time to time.     __________________________________________________________________________     2.         Not Printed.                             [No. E. 52RC-1/5/3 dated 06.08.1953]         [3]   Subject: Economy in administrative expenditure — Ban on recruitment — creation of additional posts. [No. E (G) 66EC2-7 dated 23.11.1966]   Board’s orders in regard to the ban on creation of and recruitment to posts in Ministerial and other categories are contained in Board’s letters No. E (G) 62EC2-2, dated 11.04.1962, No. E (G) 62EC2-15, dated 17.11.1962 and No. E (G) 63EC2-1, dated 23.04.1963. Further orders detailing the steps to be taken to effect economy in administrative expenditure have been issued vide Board’ s letter No. E (NG) 66 RR1/12 Economy dated 19/20th August, 1966. With a view to achieving greater economies in administrative expenditure, the Board have now decided that: —   (i)   With immediate effect no additional post, gazetted or non-gazetted shall be created in the Headquarters, Divisional/District offices of Railway for a period of one year except in the case of posts required for operational and maintenance purposes.   (ii)   A total ban be imposed on recruitment of staff in all categories for a period of one year in the Headquarters, Divisional/District offices except staff required for operational and maintenance purposes. This ban will also apply to filling up of vacancies occurring on account of normal wastages on account of retirements, discharges etc. or which have been vacant for six months or more. In this connection attention is invited to paras. l & 2 of Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG) 66 RRl/12/Economy dated 19/20.8.1966 which lay down that in order to manage the work with staff decreasing gradually on account of the normal casualties, it is essential that an analysis should be made of staff utilisation for the various items of work done in the offices, to reduce staff requirements by rationalisation and simplification of procedures and the elimination of relatively infructuous work.   (iii)    In regard to staff required for developmental schemes and works for which sanctions exist, and posts required for operation and maintenance of any new or additional assets brought into use, or any specific or additional service or activity, the ban will apply to creation and recruitment to posts in ministerial and Class IV categories in offices. But even in categories other than ministerial and Class IV, the need for direct recruitment should be reduced to the barest minimum and as far as possible, the required staff should be found from the staff rendered surplus elsewhere.   (iv)   In operational and maintenance categories, the Railway Administrations may continue to observe the normal procedure for creation of post and filling them after due financial scrutiny in terms of instructions contained in letter No. E (G) 63EC2-1, dated 23.04.1963, wherever considered absolutely essential.   2. The Board desire that the existing cadres of various Department should be thoroughly reviewed with a view to locating surplus staff in various places. For this purpose, services of Efficiency Officers and Works Study Officers should be utilised for making a quick assessment of staff requirement in branches, where reduction is prima facie possible, by laying down norms of work.   3. The Board further desire to be advised of the details of new posts created on your Railway, month by month from April, 1966. The informa­tion may be submitted category-wise and department-wise like (i) Ministerial Staff (ii) Operational Staff (a) Traffic (b) Mechanical (c) Electrical and (iii) Civil Engineering etc.     4. A note titled “Economy Campaign on the South Eastern Railway” indicating the steps taken by South Eastern Railway to effect economy is also sent herewith for your information and guidance.   Statement showing the detail of posts created from April, 1966 and onward       Sl. No.     Month / Year     Deptt.   Category of staff     No. of Posts created   Scale of pay   Date from which created     Period for which created Remarks ( Brief justification indicating why the creation of posts could not be pended ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                             ECONOMY CAMPAIGN ON SOUTH-EASTERN RAILWAY       Keeping down the expenditure on the Railways to the minimum had been the watch word of the South-Eastern Railway during last few years. The task was not an easy one, specially in view of the enormous develop­ment works undertaken on the Railway and every changing pattern of traffic to fit in the industrial development of the country. The drive was not merely confined to the different offices but actual checks were made on the spot during the inspections of the General Manager and other Senior Officers. The results achieved and the steps taken to effect the economics were discussed in the inspection specials, in the divisional headquarters and also’ in the HOD meetings and the ideals exchanged among the different officers for universal adoption.     2. The scope of the drive was not merely confined to the usual routine procedure like economy in paper and other consumable stores, scrutiny of the proposals for fresh sanctions, scale checks etc., but was extended to new fields like modification of the structural designs to adopt more economical ones, change over from L.T. to H.T. supply of  electricity, change over of the steam pumps to diesel, and electric, analysis of the workload of the shunting engines to reduce the number review of the sanctioned works to step down the scope or defer the works less essential, disposal of surplus scrap, reduction in the on hand stock of stores by ensuring regular supply and reducing the reserve partial lighting at stations and platforms out side the train timings, use of flourement lamps and HPMV lamps to reduce the current consumption, rigorous watch on the vehicles, plants and machineries lying out of commission to reduce the idle hours, reduction of the strength of gatemen by reducing their sustained attention by introducing treadles to be operated by approaching trains, reduction in the number of material trains by co-ordination of work to be done by different trains, reduction in trainee posts, utilisation of aluminium conductors in place of copper, replacement of Railway generation of power by purchase from State Electricity Boards utilisation of old Khus-Khus tatties of the previous year in 1965 summer extending the interval between white-washing of public buildings etc.   3. A determined effort was made to review and reduce the strength of the staff as the cost of the staff constitutes the biggest single item of revenue expenditure of the Railway. This item form an important item in each Inspection Special of the General Manager and considerable economies effected as a result of spot checks.   The following were the general lines of approach: —   (a)    Rigid check of the existing cadres on the basis of yardstick and job analysis.   (b)    Reduction in the strength of staff where workload decreased due to changed pattern of working.   (c)   Downgrading the classification from ‘Continuous’ to ‘Essentially Intermittent’ on the basis of Job analysis.   (d)   Reduction in the strength of staff by amalgamating the duties of  the staff of different departments.   (e)    Suitable adjustment of the grades of the staff on the basis of the nature of the duties performed.   (f)   Adoption of mechanical and electrical aids to reduce the man power, etc.   As a result of the above drive there had been significant reduction in the strength of the staff during last 3 years. The reduction in 1965-66 alone had been 1255 staff in the regular cadre as per breakdown below: —   ————————————————————————————————————- Department                                                                No. of posts reduced ————————————————————————————————————-     Medical                                                                                    32   Commercial                                                                             37   Electrical                                                                                  171   Sig. and Telecom.                                                                  134   Engineering                                                                             108   Operating                                                                                   318   Mechanical                                                                                405                                                                                                   ——- Total:                                       1255                                                             ——-       4. The saving on account of the reduction of staff in the regular cadre during the last 3 years had been as under: —   ————————————————————————————————————- Year                                                    Economy effected Rs. ————————————————————————————————————-   1963-64                                                           262,905   1964-65                                                           6,09,555   1965-66                                                           11,00.000 ————————————————————————————————————-   5. The saving out of staff economy in gaining momentum as more and more avenues for economy are being explored and implemented. The figures above do not include the savings arising out of casual staff against work-charged post or temporary revenue works. These are many time more. Moreover, the effect on the economy is not to be judged from the amount saved alone put from the atmosphere created by the drives. A general consciousness for effecting economy was created in each office and each staff due to the drives initiated and pursued by the General Manager and Senior Officers on the spot and the same is gathering momentum each day. Proposals for additional staff are more critically scrutinised by the executives and all possible adjustments of duties explored before hand. Vigilance is also exercised by the Accounts Officers to ensure that the posts surrendered are not revived in the same or lower grade unless the same be justified as separate proposals on the basis of the additional workload.     6. It is worth examining in detail a few of the specific directions in which economy was effected:   (i)                  Traffic—   (a)        Engine pilotmen—A number of engine pilotmen have been withdrawn from the different yards by providing signals for the movement of engines to and from the shed as also through the yards.   (b)        Lampmen—A number of lampmen at the stations have been reduced by entrusting the work to the station Token Porters and Pointsmen wherever possible. At other stations, the work of the lampmen and the station sweepers have been combined to reduce the cadre strength.   (c)        Pointsmen—The system of having pointsmen at each road side station has been reviewed and the pointsmen replaced by the Token Porters on a lower scale as these staff are not intensively utilised for shunting operations at the road side stations. The duty list of the Token Porters include the coupling and uncoupling of wagons and helping the train guard or the A.S.M in conducting Shunting as required. The strength of pointsmen accompanying the pilots to work the outlying sidings has also been reduced by amalgamating the work of the pointsmen and the carriage and wagon staff. The pointsmen used to accompany the pilots for shunting operations and carriage and wagon staff for fixing hose pipes, attending to the train leaks etc as the two categories were not intensively occupied, their duties have in many cases, been combined.   (d)        Coupling Porters and Shunting Jamadars—The strength has been reduced by proper job analysis of the work load in relation to each shunting engine employed in the yard instead of following the fixed yardstick of one shunting jamadar and a fixed number of coupling porters per shunting engine. The reduction in the number of shunting engines has also reduced the strength.   (e)        Guards—According to the previous practice, even the colliery and industrial sidings taking off within the station limits used to be worked by the guards. Instructions have been issued for the station yard staff to work such sidings and the services of guards dispensed with.   (f)         Supervising Pointsmen—Previously, one supervising pointsman of the same grade as Shuntman used to be posted at each station per shift. This was considered unnecessary as no work requiring higher skill is involved and these supervising pointmen have been withdrawn. 72 Supervising pointsmen were reduced in Nagpur division alone.   (g)        Waiting room staff have been made responsible also for cleaning the waiting room and the equipment therein. This has effected some reduction in the strength of  Safaiwalas. But more particularly it has kept the waiting room cleaner. Similarly. Carrider Coach Attendants have been given a small hand bag with necessary equipment for cleaning the coach fittings and the bathrooms. The number of waiting room bearers and Ayah have been reduced by 9.   (h)        The work load of staff at different stations have been analysed on the basis of changed pattern of traffic and necessary economy effected. The traffic at some of the intermediate yards like Dongargarh. Chakradharpur Rajkharswan have come down considerably with the opening of the major yards. Drastic reduc­tion have been made in the strength of staff at such intermediate yards.   (i)         The workload in the narrow gauge sections has been specially reviewed in view of less intensity of tram services and the unfavourable operating ratio on the same. 78 posts were surrendered recently.   (j)                 The strength of running room staff has been considerably reduced  by amalgamating the work of waterman, masalchis and bearers, to the extent possible. Separate running rooms under the control of Traffic and Mechanical departments have been brought under unified control and a number of running rooms closed.   (k)               The workload of the Train Clerks has been  analysed in view of the reduction in the same on account of introduction of BOX-wagon (which accounts for 2 units of the previous 4-wheeler type) and the block rake movement, and at a number of yards the cadre has been substantially reduced.   (l)                  In unimportant Narrow Gauge branch line, a number of stations have been made night closing and the staff reduced.   (m)              The working of the re-control Organisation set up at different points was scrutinised and 16 posts reduced.   (n)                On branches with less density of traffic, specially on the narrow gauge, the gateman for gates near the facing point have been abolished and pointsmen proceeding to set the point dose the gate. 20 posts of gatemen have been reduced in this way.   (o)               In view of the introduction of doubling and fast diesel and electric traction a number of line clear stations have been converted into flag stations. On the Narrow Gauge, a number of line clear stations were similarly converted by introducing ‘One engine system’ in relatively unimportant branches.. As many as 83 posts were surrendered in this way.   (ii)        Engineering —   (a)                The greatest economy was in respect of Chowkidars who were previously employed to guard over stocks of  released rails and sleepers spread over the line. These materials are now being stoked in one central place and often near a ganghut so mat the chowkidars may be dispensed with. Small fittings are kept locked up in a gang hut for better security and evidence of special watchmen. The stores of PWIs and IOWs are put in the same place where possible, and the chowkidars saved. Day-light chowkidars were withdrawn from a number of stores as othermen would be available in the same during the day.   (b)               Bellowmen, Hammper-men and Helpers—Previous system of having a helper attached to each skilled staff like Carpenter, Blacksmith, Painter, has been reviewed and the system of having pooled helpers introduced to reduce the strength.   (c)                Carpenters, Painters and Blacksmith—The necessity for having a Carpenter, a Painter and a Blacksmith for each TWI or IOW has been reviewed and the strength reduced by providing such staff for two or more PWIs according to the workload. Assistance was given by casual labour whenever there was any heavy concentration of work at a particular time.     (d)               Trolleymen—A very substantial economy has been effected in the number of Trolleymen for the officers as also the subordinate staff by having pooled Trolleymen for each Centre to be utilised as and when trollies are taken out. The necessity for trollies was gone into great detail and the trollies withdrawn from the staff like AIOW (Settlement who are not required to go out very frequently.)   (e)                Gatemen—The Railway has planned for operation of all level crossing gates near about the station, from the cabin. At a number of stations, the level crossings previously, at a distance have been suitably diverted to bring them within the operational distance from the cabin winch. This is paying dividends in that 2 to 3 gatemen for each such level crossing have been dispensed with while the detention to road traffic at the level crossing reduced considerably due to better co-ordination. As many as 127 Gate­men were saved and more and more will be saved with the gradual introduction of the system.   A number of manned gates were converted into unmanned due to insufficient road traffic. 9 Gatemen were served in this way.   The number of Gatemen at busy gates were reduced by downgrading the classification from ‘Continuous’ to “Essentially-Intermittent” by providing treadles and bell signal for approaching trains which reduced the period of sustained attention.   (f)         Valve Operators—A large number of Valve Operators were utilised in the past for opening and closing of the Valves of the water pipe line from the well to the overhead tank as also for the domestic distribution. This number has drastically been reduced by entrusting the work to the Pump engine driver or the fitter Operator. At many places, pipeline has been suitably re-aligned to eliminate the necessity of Valve Operator.     (iii)       Medical—   This department has a large organisation of anti-malarial staff, their strength has been drastically reduced due to the absence of incidence of Malaria in the regions served.   (iv)       Signal & Telecom—   (a)                The biggest reduction in this department was in the strength of Telephone Maintainers and Khalasis. 13 Telephone Maintainers and 59 Khalasis were reduced in 1965-66 alone. The actual workload was checked up on the basis of the failures and other attention required and the cadre adjusted on the basis of the same.   (b)               Maintenance of the batteries was made over to the D.E.E. who had been maintaining a parallel organisation for his departmental work and the staff reduced. (v). Electrical—   (a)        A substantial reduction was made in the strength of Pump House attendants by changing the classification and reducing the strength in view of the less intensive workload. As many as 33 posts were surrendered in 1965-66 alone.   At stations where the requirement of water is less, a system of giving an operational switch in the SM’s Office to enable him to start and dose the pump by remote control is under implementation. This will eliminate the Pump House Attendants at such stations. At certain pump houses in addition to the electric pumps mere are stand by diesel or steam pumps. The previous practice of having separate pump driver attendant for the steam/diesel pumps has been eliminated and the duties combined in one.   (b)        In this department also mere has been substantial reduction in Khalasis. As many as 60 posts were reduced in 1965-66 only.   (c)                The strength of the Traction Power Control Office, Electric Loco Shed, Loco Power Control, Office and the Divisional Office has been thoroughly scrutinised and substantial reduction effected not merely in the cadre of Class III and Class IV Staff but also in mat of Officers.   (vi)       Commercial—   (a)        A large number of watermen were being utilised at different stations for distributing water in drums. Water taps had been arranged at large stations by fixing tubewell and a small electric pump of the same. This has not only made pipe water available to the travelling public but has dispensed with the necessity of watermen. As many as 24 posts were surrendered in 1965-66 alone.   (b)        18 porters attached to the T.T.Es were also surrendered in 1965-66.     (vii)      Mechanical—   (a)                The necessity for continuing the different train examining points has been thoroughly investigated on the basis of the incidence of sick-marking, run of trains etc., and a number of carriage and wagon examination points eliminated e.g. as many as 50 posts could be surrendered at one point and 20 at the other.  Drastic reduction was also effected in the number of BTMs and Khalasis; as many as 33 Shed Khalasis and 50 BTMs were reduced in 1965-66, alone.     (b)               The strength of fuel organisation was thoroughly scanned in the light of the electrification and dieselisation and a substantial economy effected in the strength of coal checkers. (c)                With the reduction of the number of steam engines, suitable reduction in the strength of staff was also effected. e.g. 18 Boiler Makers, 18 Shunters and a number of other shed Khalasis were reduced in 1965-66 alone.   (d)               Several Zonal training schools were closed down by centralising the training at Khargpur and the strength of Instructors substantially reduced in 1965-66 alone, 17 posts of Instructors were surrendered.   (e)                Substantial economy in the supervisory staff was effected by amalgamating the yard and station carriage an wagon staff under the same supervisor wherever the work load justified.   Separate mechanical and electrical fitters used to accompany Mail & Express trains. These have been replaced by fitters competent to attend both mechanical and electrical repairs.     (viii)         General—   (a)                The strength of peons in different offices has been scrutinised and substantial reduction effected. In 1965-66 nearly 20 posts of peons were surrendered.   (b)               The duties of Box boys and Calls boys have been amalgamated at medium-size station and yards and the strength reduced. Similarly, the call boys for electric, steam and diesel sheds pooled. 42 posts could be surrendered in this way.   (c)                Strict job analysis of the staff on the basis of fixed yardstick enabled reduction of nearly 700 posts and downgrading the classification of 54 and downgrading of another 249 posts.   (d)               Staff strengths were reduced ad hoc by about 1600 due to the elimination of Chowkidars, reduction in the strength of Classes IV  staff, amalgamation of duties of the staff of different departments, amalgamation of the duties of mechanical and electrical fitters in the travelling squads by trains, reorganisation of the sanitary staff at stations and colonies under a common supervisor etc.   7. The above are only a few examples of the ways and means adopted for effecting economy. More and more avenues are still under experimentation to effect further economy in staff.   [4]   Subject:Economy in administrative expenditure—Ban on recruitment creation of additional posts   [No. E (G)66EC 2-7 Pt. dated 11.04.1967]     (A). Creation and recruitment of posts:     (i)     The two letter s quoted above apply only to posts in Headquarters Divisional/District and other offices including subordinate offices such as AENs, SM, PWIs and etc. and not to posts outside the offices.     (ii)   The ban other on creation of posts or on recruitment does not apply to posts in any category, the entire cost of which is borne by other Government or Departments or Siding owners etc., such as posts required for Family Welfare Planning Organisation.     (iii)      The ban on creation of posts is applicable to all categories of staff in offices but the ban on filling of vacancies will be applicable only in respect of Clerks, Stenographers, Record Sorters, Dafftries, Peons (or Khalasis performing peons; duties) and Farashes.     (iv)   The ban on creation of posts for offices will not operate in the following cases: —     (a)  Creation of posts, including ministerial and Class IV, re­quired for the operation and maintenance of new or additional assets or any specific additional or specific service or activity.     (b)   creation of posts including ministerial and Class IV, re­quired for developmental schemes and works for which sanctions exist.     In both these cases, the staff required in the categories mentioned in (ii) above against the sanctions thus accorded must, however, be found by readjustment of existing staff and no fresh recruitment should be resorted to. In other words while the ban on creation of posts is relaxed, the ban on recruitment holds good.     (v)    The ban on creation of posts does not operate on the creation of higher grades posts consequent on annual review. At any rate, this feature is not likely to arise except in respect of one more annual review.     (vi)  Posts required to meet statutory requirements, such asRestgivers may be sanctioned, but the posts in the categories listed in (iii) above will have to be filled by adjustment of men from the existing strength. In respect of office staff, it is however, unlikely that Registers would at all be required.     (vii)    In regard to leave reserves, attention is invited to Board’s letter No. E (G) 67 LR1-4, dated 04.02.1967 applicable to all categories of k staff in the Railways Board’s letter dated 04.02.1967 has been circulated vide this office letter No. 3-E/2/55 Pt. III (Adj), dated  Feb., 1967 (P. S. No. 3833), i.e. there should be no increase in the leave reserve percentages at present in force on the Railway.     (B). Ban on filling vacancies:     (i)         As already indicated above the ban on filling of vacancies will be applicable only in respect of Clerks, Stenographers, Record Sorters, Daftries, Peons (or Khalasis performing Peons’ duties) and Farashes. However the ban on filling of vacancies is not attracted if they are utilised to absorb:                           (a)   staff rendered surplus;     (b)   promoted from Class IV to Class III against the quota of 20{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} vacancies;     (c)   absorption of medically unfitted staff in alternative catego­ries.     (ii)        No relaxation of the ban on filling vacancies is permissible in respect of small offices, such as those of AENs, Station Masters, PWIs etc. Vacancies equal to the number which occur after 20-8-1966 in the categories mentioned in A (iii) above  should be kept unfilled in any of the offices/Subordinate, Divisional/District or Headquarters—which constitute the heirarchy; but there is no objection to any specific vacancy being filled by adjustment within the heirarchy.     [5]   Subject:Filling of non-gazetted post in Diesel / Electric Traction units from surplus staff of Steam side— Relaxation of educational qualification.     [No. E(NG) 66 RC 1/84 dated 24.07.1967]   Reference Board’s letter of even number dated 20.08.1966 and your replies thereto.   The Board have carefully considered the matter and have decided that in considering the absorption of staff rendered surplus on the steam side in various posts on the Diesel/Electric sides, the prescribed edu­cational qualifications for these posts need not be insisted upon in their cases provided they are otherwise considered suitable.       [6]   Subject:Fixation of pay of staff rendered surplus and absorbed in alternative posts.   [No. E (NG)II/67/REI/58 dated 29.04.1968]   Under the existing orders, the pay of Railway servants rendered surplus and absorbed  in alternative posts is fixed under the normal operation of rules and, where the normal rules do not give sufficient relief, by grant of advance increments under Rule 2023(FR. 27) R-II in the terms of Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)53/PA5(1) dated 11.06.1953 and No. E52/RC1/ 5/3 dated 06.08.1953.   2. It has been represented to the Board that the existing orders do not provide sufficient relief in fixation of pay to the staff rendered surplus and absorbed in alternative posts. The Board have considered the question and have decided as under: —   (l)                  When staff recruited through Railway Service Commission are rendered surplus.   (a)        Where appointment is from a higher to a lower or equivalent alternative post:   Increments equal to the number of years of service rendered in the post from which the Railway servant has been rendered surplus, should be given in the post in which he has been absorbed.   (b)    If the appointment is to an alternative post carrying an identical time scale:   Pay should be fixed under the normal rules.   (2)       When staff not recruited through Railway Service Commission are rendered surplus:   (a)  When appointment is from a higher to a lower or equivalent alternative post:   Pay may be fixed in accordance with Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)53/PA5(1) dated 11.06.1953 as at present.   (b)        if the appointment is to an alternative post carrying an identical time scale:   Pay should be fixed under the normal rules.     3. The above orders will have effect from 15.04.1966.       [7]   Subject: Absorption of Surplus staff of the Civil Engineering Department S.E. Railway.   [No. E (NG) 1I-67RE1/47 dated 22.05.1968] Attention is invited to Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)67RBI-59 dated 28.09.1967 in which it has been stated that surplus staff coming under para 4(c) of Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)65REI/8 dated 15.04.1966 may be treated as serving Railway employees for the purpose of training in Railway Institutions where they have to undergo training before being put in charge of working posts in alternative employment for which they have been screened and selected. A doubt has now been raised whether such staff should be paid prescribed stipend or pay of the post during their period of training.     It is clarified that surplus staff who have continuity of service should be allowed, during the period of training, pay and allowances as would be admissible to them in the post in which they are to be absorbed after training.     [8] Subject: Utilisation of Surplus staff in Class IV categories.     [No. E(NG)II68RE1/47 dated 31.07.1968/0l .08.1968]     A doubt has been raised whether the orders contained in Board’s letter No. E(NG)II68RE/12 dated 06.05.1968 are also applicable to the staff in the Railway Workshops in view of the fact that separate instructions have been issued for filling up posts of Khalasis by direct recruitment in Railway Workshops in Board’s letter No. E(G)67EC2-12 dated 10.01.1968. The Board desire to clarify that the provision relating to exercise of powers for recruitment of Class IV staff contained in their letter No. E(NG)II68RE1/12 dated 06.05.1968 should also be observed in the case of Workshop staff.     [9]  Subject:Surplus staff   [No. E(NG)67RE1149 dated 28.10.1968]     A question has been raised as to the order in which staff should be rendered surplus particularly in categories where there are both direct recruits and promotes. There are already standing instructions for fixing the relative seniority between direct recruits and promotes vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)60SR6/2 dated 16.11.1961. When staff are to be rendered surplus, the order of seniority should be the criterion for deciding the employees who are to be rendered surplus, the junior employee being rendered surplus earlier than the seniors irrespective of the manner in which they entered the grade. Board desire that this clarification should be strictly followed when rendering staff surplus.     2. The above do not, however, apply in the case of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in respect of whom separate orders already exist.         [10]   Subject: Utilisation of surplus staff in Class IV categories.   [No. E(NG)68RE1112 dated 20.11.1968]   Reference Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 06.05.1968. In paragraph 2 thereof, it has been laid down that the power of deciding whether recruitment from the open market should be made for filling regular posts in a particular category in Class IV, should be exercised by the General Manager personally in consultation with his F.A. & C. A. O. The Board have further considered the matter and decided that the General Manager may delegate this power to their Chief Personnel Officers but there should be no other re-delegation.       [11]  Subject:Absorption of surplus staff.   [No. E(NG)II/81/RE1/5 dated 15.01.1982]     Consequent upon the full or partial closing down of steam loco Sheds, marshalling Yards and such other redundant assets and no account of retiring/putting on GRS a large number of steam locos there is need to issue uniform guidelines for utilisation / absorption of surplus staff. The matter was also discussed at length with the General Managers at the time of Works Programme Meetings. Accordingly, following procedure is pre-scribed for immediate implementation.   (1)     Every Railway should set up a standing task force if not already done, for identifying the areas of reduction in activity. This task force would be responsible for identifying and isolating the posts which are surplus to the requirements of the work load, in consultation with the concerned Departments.   (2)    Formal Office orders should be issued immediately, surrendering the surplus posts, and transferring the same of the category of  “Special Supernumerary” posts in the same grade to be maintained for the respective bill units. The incumbents against these posts should be redeployed against other ‘live’ posts as far and as early as possible. The surrender of posts should be reflected in the relevant cadre register, scale check registers and other relevant records.   (3)     The junior most of the employees should be rendered surplus employees irrespective of the manner in which they entered the grade.   (4)   There should be no recruitment in those categories in which posts have been declared surplus, to enable re-deployment/absorption of surplus personnel without delay. Surplus staff can be deployed either in the existing vacancies in identifical posts or against new posts, which might be created for new activities.   (5)      Those staff who cannot be immediately absorbed may be allowed to continue against the “Special Supernumerary” posts in the same grade in which the incumbents were working.   (6)      Special Supernumerary post shall be personal to each incumbent and are to be surrendered as soon as the incumbent is either absorbed in some other post or retires or vacates it for any other reason.   (7)       The staff retained against “Special Supernumerary” posts will continue to draw their pay an increments on due dates against these posts and permanent staff will also have their liens against such posts.     (8)        The staff working against “Special Supernumerary” posts may be deployed for special jobs of temporary or occasional nature such as special repairs to rolling stock, modification to rolling stock, special ticket checking drives etc.   (9)       Appropriate schemes for providing training in alternate skills should be developed and implemented locally within the existing resources for conversion of such staff borne against such “Special Supernumerary” posts.   II. The identification of existing surplus posts should be completed within one month if not done already. The task teams should be directed to identify all future surpluses as soon as any decision is taken to reduce an activity and continuous efforts should be made to redeploy the surplus staff in accordance with the guidelines given above.         [12]   Subject:Absorption of surplus staff:   [No. E(NG)II/841RE 1/10 dated 26.10.1984]     Reference instructions contained inRailway Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)II/81/RE1/5 dated 15.01.1982 laying down the modalities for dealing with the cases of staff rendered surplus consequent upon the full or partial closing down of Steam Loco Sheds, Marshalling Wards and other redun­dant assets, etc. Attention is also invited to the instructions issued recently under Railway Ministry’s letter No. (EG)82EC2-2 dated 12.07.1984 clarifying the position about the orders banning creation of posts on the Railways. The latter inter alia enjoin that in processing proposals for creation of new posts, it should be verified whether surplus staff who can be deployed against additional requirements are available and if so, have them so deployed.   The matter has been further considered. It has been decided that a ‘Bank of surplus  posts’ should be maintained by each Railway Department-wise and grade-wise so that it may be easy to locate the surpluses wherever available and to re-deploy them to the maximum extent possible.   The Railway Ministry also reiterate the importance of keeping Special Supernumerary posts as a separate group in accordance with the instructions dated 15.01.1982 referred to and of working them/canceling them off as and when the incumbents vacate them. The unit Accounts Officers may be asked to keep a dose and concurrent/continuing watch on this aspect.       Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E(G) 82 EC-2-2 dated 12.07.1984     Subject:Economy in administration and non-plan expenditure-Creation of pasts on the Railways and filling in of vacancies.   Attention is invited to this Ministry’s letter No. E(G) 79-EC2-7 dated 15.10.1981, as further amended/amplified/amplified from time to time restricting the powers of General Managers to create new posts and in filling of vacancies chargeable to Revenue.     2. A number of Railway Administrations have expressed views that some aspects of these instructions, have tended to affect the smooth implementation of the aforesaid instructions. The Ministry of Railways have carefully considered the view expressed or suggestions made in this regard. While the ban on creation of posts, as laid down in the letter cited above would continue to operate until further orders and also the instruc­tions regarding operation of the ban until 30.1.1984 will be applicable till that date, the Board desire to clarify some of the points raised by the Railway Administrations, as under :—     (1)        Point raised/suggestion made:     The instruction contained in the Ministry’s letter dated 03.11.1982 read with their letter dated 22.11.1982 seem to apply only to posts connected with the maintenance of new assets and not to those required for these operation. However, the new assets can generate revenue only if they are also actually utilised and not merely maintained. Same powers can therefore, be delegated to the Railways for the creation of posts for the operation / utilisation of new assets.     Decision/Clarification/observations of the Ministry of Railways:     (a)     The instruction contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 03.11.1982 read with the letter dated 22.01.1982, apply equally to posts required for the operation/utilisation of new assets, subject, to matching surrenders being effected.     (b)       The term ‘new assets’ was always intended to include not only assets create by or through works executed by the Construction Organisation (including Railway Electrification) but also all assets created or acquired by the open line organisation.     (c)       All additions to rolling stock (as distinct from replacements (debitable to Capital may also be treated as ‘new assets’ for this purpose.     (d)  All proposals for creation of new posts (whether the matter is within the  competence of the G.M. or requires the approval of the ministry) should be examined by the Head of the Deptt. Concerned and vetted by the Addl. G.M. (expenditure Control). The examination by the Head of Deptt. will duly take into account the effect of innovations and  sophistication in technology on the need for additional manpower.   It will have due regard to the need for improvement in productivity in the context of progressive modernisation and sophistication.   It needs hardly be mentioned that the spread of modem technol­ogy in various departments of the Indian Railways over the last two to these decades call for the name out put compared to the replaced assets.   While vetting such proposals, the A.G.M. (E. C.) and the FA & CAO should, in particular, verify whether surplus staff who can be deployed against the additional requirements are available and if so, have them so deployed.   (e)        Where the approval of the Ministry of Railway is required the proposals for creation of new posts submitted to the Ministry should indicate clearly that they have been examined on the above lines by the Head of the Deptt. concerned and also vetted by AGM (EC) from the point of view of containing expenditure on Revenue account and also that of the total staff strength on the Railways.     (2)        Point raised/Suggestion made:   Difficulties have been pointed out by the Railways in complying with the conditions joined in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 22.11.1982, particularly on the following scores:   (a)                The surplus staff may not be in the same department;   (b)               Re-deployment of staff becoming surplus in one department is the intermediate grades in another department, involves practical difficulties.     Decision/Clarification/Observation of Ministry of Railways:               It has been decided that where, in an exceptional case, it is not found feasible to  strictly comply with the conditions stipulated in the letter dated 22.11.1982 the Railway Administration can create posts for the maintenance/operation/utilisation of new assets in terms of the Ministry’s letters dated 03.11.1982, and 22.11.1982 read with this letter, subject to the following conditions:     (a)      The proposals should be vetted by the F A & C A O and cleared by the AGM (EC) in the manner suggested in the preceding sub-paragraph.     (b)    The expenditure should be not form within the budget allotment made to the Railways.     (c)       If there is a larft craft gap between the person occupying the post available for surrender and that of the newly created post the objective of containing revenue expenditure should be achieved by suitable re-adjustment of personnel through smaller jumps m crafts instead of giving up attempts for matching surrender. On the ground that the craft gap is wide.     (d)     Approval of the General Manager to the proposal should be obtained.     (3)        Point raised/suggestion made:     It has not been found feasible on many occasions to locate live posts which can be offered as matching surrender. This necessitates submission of proposals to the Ministry even though the Railways can otherwise create the posts in terms of the letter of 15th October 1981. Same modifications in the concept of posts which can be accepted as matching surrender can be considered to remove this difficulty.     Decision/Clarification/Observation of Ministry of Railways:     With increasing sophistication m the equipment and assets of the Railways and the progressive modernisation in operations, it should be possible for individual Railway Administrations to locate pockets where surpluses do, in fact, exist. Such surpluses can be set off against the additional requirements of posts.     To enable the Railways to locate such surpluses, the Ministry of Railways has decided that (except on the Northern and Southern Railways where staff inspection units already exist) a cell should be carved out of the existing Work Study Units to be entrusted with the specific task of carrying out studies with a view to locating surpluses. The surplus posts identified through such studies should be utilised as a set off against the additional requirements for creation of new posts in terms of the letter of 15.10.1981, as amended/clarified from time to time, including the modifications contained in this letter.     (4)        Point raised/suggestion made:     The process of obtaining approval of the competent authority to fill posts which have been lying vacant for more than six months, takes a long time. This creates administrative difficulties. It also results in grievances among the staff who are due promotion to a higher grade. A modification in the procedure may be considered with a view to removing these difficulties.     Decision/Clarification/Observations of the Ministry of Railways:     It was laid down in this Ministry’s letter No. E(G) 79EC2-7 dated 15.10.1981, that all vacancies over 60 days should normally stand temporarily frozen till personally cleared by the General Managers. Similarly, all vacancies over six months will remain unfilled till cleared by the Board after the General Managers have accorded personal approval of filling such a post.     The matter has been reviewed by the Ministry of Railways, who have, in supersession  of the aforesaid orders, decided as under:     (a)                Where a post has been vacant for more than two months but not more than six months, it can be filled only with the personal sanction of the A.G.M (E.C).     (b)               Where a post has been vacant for more than six months but not more than one year, it can be filled only with the personal approval of the General Manager.     (c)                Where a vacancy has persisted for a period exceeding one year due to non-availability of panel of approved candidates from the Railway Service Commission, the General Manager can approve of its being filled, provided the period of vacancy does not exceed two years.     (d)               In all cases [other than these covered by (c) above] where a post has remained vacant for more than one year, it cannot be filled until and unless the prior sanction of the Railway Ministry is obtained after the General Manager has accorded personal ap­proval for filling the post.     (5)        Point raised/suggestion made:   In the case of running staff, the practice has been to create/surrender posts of guards, fireman, drivers etc. on the basis of a six monthly review. Railway Administrations, could be authorised to continue to create/surren­der posts of running staff on me basis of such review every six months.     Decision/Clarification/Observation of the Ministry of Railways:     It has been decided that the Railways may continue the practice of creating/surrendering posts in running categories (like drivers, guards, fireman, etc.) on the basis of a six monthly review, subject to the proposal in each such case being vetted and approved by the AGM (EC), who may satisfy himself that there is no slack available in any  running category in which posts are to be created. He will also ensure that where such a review justified reduction in the number of posts in any running category, such reduction is in fact effected and further that before additional posts are created on the basis of such a review, existing vacancies are filled in.     3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.       Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E (G) 79 EC2-7 dated 15.10.1981       Subject:Economy in administration and non-plan expenditure— Ban on creation of posts on the Railways.     Comprehensive instructions on the extent of ban on creation of posts on the Railways  were issued in this Ministry’ s letter of even number dated 17.11.1979. The subject of expenditure control on the Railways came up for detailed discussions in the Conference of the General Managers held in Board’s office on 01.05.1981. A record note of discussions between Financial Commissioner, Railways and General Managers of Southern and South Central Railways, held at Madras on 08.06.1981, has been circulated to GMs and FA & CAOs/Open Line. It has been brought out therein that there is no budget provision for any additional staff during the year 1981 -82 in respect of revenue expenditure and that every effort should be made to identify the surplus staff and arrange for their deployment elsewhere.   2. Ministry of Railways have, therefore, decided that with immediate effect there will be a further temporary ban on creation of new posts on the Railways in respect of revenue expenditure upto 31.03.1982 except by matching surrender of live posts resulting in the deployment of the staff rendered surplus.   3. The Ministry of Railways have also decided that all vacancies over 60 days should normally stand temporarily frozen till personally cleared by the General Managers. All vacancies over 6 months will remain unfilled nil cleared by the Board after the General Manager has accorded personal approval to filling such a post.   4. It must, however, be ensured that the new plan assets created and new activities must not be handicapped for manning of posts and in such cases to the utmost extent posts should be filled by suitable re-deployment /matching surrender so that thee is no extra budgetary burden during the current financial year.     5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.   Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E(G) 76 EC 2-7 dated 17.11.1979   Subject: Economy in administration and non-plan expenditure- Ban on creation of posts on Railways.   Comprehensive instructions on the extent of ban on creation of posts on the Railways were last issued in this Ministry’s letter number E(G) 76 EC 2-4 dated 21.02.1978. In the context of the Government’s decisions to effect economy in non-plan expenditure as well as to create a proper climate of economy and austerity following instructions are issued in supersession of all earlier orders.   I. Creation of Posts:   There is a complete ban on creation of new posts, except for —   (a)        Posts required for new organisations, the need for which has been specifically accepted.   (b)        Posts required for operation and maintenance of new plan assets.   (c)        Posts required in connection with operation and maintenance of new passenger and goods trains, including these trains whose runs have been extended. This will also cover the following categories of posts, as may be required for the purpose: —   (i)         TTEs and TCs.   (ii)        Coach Attendants.   (iii)       Booking Clerks.   (iv)       Reservation Clerks.   (v)        Typists  for Reservations Offices.   (vi)       Catering staff required in connection with the setting up of new base kitchens and new dining cars.     (d)        Posts required for fulfilling statutory requirements such as Rest Givers necessary for implementation of HOERs.   (e)        Posts of TTEs/Conductors/Coach Attendants required in connection with the introduction of sleeper coaches, conversion of GSs into reserved accommodation.   (f)         Seasonal posts, e.g. staff required in connection with the handling of summer rush of passengers, movement of food grains, sugar cane traffic during the crushing season, etc.   In all the above cases, posts should be created only in accordance with the prescribed norms of yardsticks with the prior concurrence of FA & CAO after clearly establishing that the need cannot be met by readjustment.   II. Post Chargeable to Demand No. 4:   In Board’s D.O. letter No. 74-B-4057 / 8 dated 25.10.1975 a complete ban on creation of  posts chargeable to Demand No. 4 was imposed with the proviso that posts could be created if the cost could be met from matching surrender and there was no increase in the manpower as a Consequence. Except for posts which are directly required for proper functioning of new organisations, creation on such posts even with matching saving is prohibited.   III. Leave Reserve Posts:   Creation of L.R. posts, except for those chargeable to Demand No. 4, for so as to bring them upto the minimum of the prescribed percentage does not attract the ban. If any change in the accepted norms for creation of Leave Reserve posts is contemplated (e.g. upward revision of the prescribed percentage) the ban on creation of posts would be attracted.   IV. Trainee Reserve Posts:   General Managers may create with the concurrence of their FA& CAOs trainee posts  for running staff as well as for staff directly connected with safe working of trains in accordance with the prescribed norms so that the concerned categories of running or stationary staff are given adequate training, including refresher courses, at the prescribed intervals.   V. Creation of Work charged Posts against Estimates:   While creation of non-gazetted posts chargeable to sanctioned estimates according to prescribed norms laid down for the purpose is permissible, gazetted posts can be sanctioned only when these are chargeable to Demand Nos. 13, 14, 15 and 22. General Managers can sanction gazetted posts chargeable which to Estimates of works such as rebuilding of bridges etc. were earlier chargeable to DRF but are now chargeable to Demand No. 5. The power of General Managers is restricted to the creation of posts up to J.A. grade and also to the specific grade and period mentioned in sanctioned estimates.   VI. Filling up of Posts:   There is complete ban on filling up of vacancies more than one year old except with the concurrence of the Board.   2. Except to the extent shown above, there is a complete ban on creation of posts in all other categories, including staff required for expansion of any present activity. Where as under earlier orders, Rlys could create post in relaxation of the ban orders if the cost could be met from matching surrender without any increase in manpower, the position is no longer so and it requires Cabinet’s approval for creation of posts with corresponding saving. 3. The Ministry of Rlys would also wish to reiterate that be fore creating additional posts in terms of the Clarifications given above, the General Managers should ensure in Consultation with their F& CAOs that the requirements cannot be met in whole or in part from existing sanctions or by measures such as tightening up of the links of drivers/guards etc., reducing to the utmost the number of running staff engaged in stationary duties or even by drafting other categories of staff who may have spells of slack periods. As creation of additional posts and filling them up on the basis of fresh recruitment will have adverse repercussion on the profitability of the Rlys General Managers should exercise utmost are in achieving maxi-mum economy in working expenses and should resort to creation of additional posts only when they are inescapable and even then only to the minimum extent necessary. In this connection the results of annual review made by the Efficiency Bureau on  the staff strength of the different department of various railways, pointing out area where the strength is in excess of the requirement, are also to be borne in mind by the General Managers in sanctioning additional staff.   4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.       Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E(G) 76EC2-4 dated 21.02.1978     Subject: Economy in administration and non-plan expenditure ban on creation of posts on Railways.   A number of instructions have been issued from time to time, on the extent of ban on creation of posts on the Railways. For facility of ready reference, these have been compiled and are enumerated below. These instructions, issued in super-session of earlier orders take immediate effect except where mentioned otherwise. Opportunity has also been taken to indicate further clarifications following receipt of references from different Railways and organised labour.   I. Creation of posts:   There is a complete ban on creation of new posts, except for   (a)        Operational and maintenance post required in connection with additional plan assets commissioned since the beginning of the 5th Five Year Plan.   (b)        Posts required in connection with operation and maintenance of new passenger and goods trains, including those trains whose runs have been extended. This will also cover the following categories of posts/as may be required for the purpose: —   (i)         TTEs, and TCs   (ii)        Coach Attendants   (iii)       Booking Clerks   (iv)       Reservation Clerks   (v)        Typists for Reservation Offices.   (vi)       Catering staff required in connection with the setting up of the new base kitchens and new dining cars.   In Railway Board’s letter No. E(G)76EC2-l(Pt.), dated 12.08.1977, Railways were authorised to create posts required for operation and maintenance of new trains introduced with effect from 01.04.1977. Having  regard to the fact that a large number of passenger trains were introduced on the Railways in 1976-77 and following representations from the Railways that the orders should have, therefore, retrospective effect, the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided that these orders will be applicable in respect of new trains introduced or the trains whose run has been extended from 0l .04.1976. Wherever General Managers in consultation with their F.A. & C.A.Os. had already created such posts in connection with additional trains, the same should be adjusted against the strength admissible and no sanction of Railway Board will be necessary. Special attention of the Rail­ways is however, drawn to the instructions contained in para 6 of this letter.   (a)                Posts of TTEs/Conductors/Coach Attendants required in connec­tion with the introduction of sleeper coaches, conversion of GSs into reserved accommodation.   (b)               Seasonal posts, e.g. staff required in connection with the handling of summer rush of passengers, movement of food grains, sugarcane traffic during the crushing season, etc., provided the maximum number of posts/duration sanctioned m the past years is not exceeded.   II . Posts chargeable to Demand No. 4:   In Board’s D.O. letter No. 74-B-4057/8, dated 25.10.1975, a complete ban on creation of posts chargeable to Demand No. 4 was imposed with the proviso that posts could be  created if the cost could be met from matching surrender and there was no increase in the manpower as a consequence. The purpose behind these instructions was to prevent proliferation of staff in the Zonal and Divisional Headquarters Offices of Railways, particularly in ministerial categories. However, if such posts (including posts of Security  staff) even if chargeable to Demand No. 4 are required in the field for a new Plant Project (as for example a New line, workshop or shed) and if it is considered that the post is required directly for the proper functioning of the project and cannot be found by re-adjustment, the required posts may be sanctioned treating the posts as operational.   III. Leave Reserve Posts:   Posts required for fulfilling statutory requirements such as posts of Rest Givers  necessary for implementation of Hours of Employment Regulation are exempt from the ban. Similarly, creation of L.R. posts except for those chargeable to Demand No. 4 so as to bring them upto the minimum of the prescribed percentage does not attract the ban. If any change in the accepted norms for creation of Leave reserves posts is contemplated (e.g. upward revision of the prescribed percentage) the ban on creation of posts would be attracted.   IV.       Trainee Reserve Posts:   General Managers may create trainee posts for running staff as well as for staff directly connected with safe working of trains in accordance with the prescribed norms so that the concerned categories of running or stationary staff are given adequate training including refresher courses, at the prescribed intervals   V.        Creation of work charged posts against estimates:   There is no ban on creation of non-gazetted posts chargeable to sanctioned estimates according to prescribed norms laid down for the purpose. As regards gazetted posts, these can be sanctioned only when these are chargeable to Demand No. 13,14,15 and 22. The General Managers can also sanction gazetted posts chargeable to estimates of works, such as rebuilding of bridges etc. which were earlier chargeable to D.R.F. but are now chargeable to Demand No. 5.   VI. Creation of posts of teachers in Railway Schools:   Posts of teachers are exempt from the ban and these may be created by the General Managers under their own powers in the manner indicated in this Ministry’s letter No. E(W)63SC2-72, dated 17.01.1964.   3. Filling up of posts   No fresh appointment is to be made for the posts of peons and there is a complete ban on creation of posts of peons. In respect of other posts also, there is complete ban on filling up of vacancies which are more than 6 months old except with the concurrence of the concerned Financial Adviser.   4. Creation of higher grade posts   Consequent on upgradation of a large number of posts in Class III grades, there is a ban on creation of posts in higher grades for a period of three years from May, 1976. The annual cadre review also stands suspended in terms of Railway Board’s letter No. PCIII/74/PS-3/UPG/5, dated 10.05.1976 except for artisan cadres. This, however, does not apply to work charged posts or where the higher grades posts can be found from re-adjustment within the existing resources. Creation of higher grade posts is also permissible where such posts (e.g., those of guards and drivers) have to be upgraded following change in the classification of trains.   5. Except to the extent shown above, there is a complete ban on creation of posts in all other categories, including staff required for expansion of any present activity. Railways are, however, authorised to create posts in relaxation of the ban orders only if the cost could be met from matching surrender and there is no increase in manpower as a consequence of this. Generally, the savings from matching surrender should be suggested only after a proper systematic study of staff requirement such as that by a Work Study Unit. The posts to be surrendered should be such as would result in true economy which should be reflected in the Budget. Only regular long term posts in operation and required indefinitely should be surrendered. Secondly, the posts to be surrendered should have some relevance to the posts required. Surrender of lower grade posts so as to create higher grade posts should be resorted to only very sparingly but surrender of non-gazetted posts so as to create gazetted posts is prohibited.   6. The Ministry of Railways wish to reiterate that before creating additional posts in terms of the clarifications given here, the General Mangers should ensure in consultation with  their F.A. & C.A.Os that the requirements cannot be met in whole or in part from existing sanctions or by measures such as tightening up of the links of drivers/grades etc., reducing to the utmost of the number of running staff engaged in stationary duties or even by drafting other categories of staff who may have spells of slack periods. As creation of additional posts and filling them up on the basis of fresh recruitment will have adverse repercussion on the profitability of the Railways the General Managers, in consultation with their FA&CAOs, should exercise the utmost care in achieving maximum economy in working expenditure and should resort to creation of additional posts only when they are incapable and even then only to the minimum extent necessary. In this connection the results of annual  review made by the Efficiency Bureau on the staff strength of the different departments of various railways, pointing out areas where the strength is in excess of the requirements, are also to be borne in mind by the General Managers in sanctioning additional staff.   7. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     [13]   Subject:Surplus staff—Maintenance of bank of surplus posts.   [No. E(NG) II/84/ REI /10 dated 09.04.1985; RBE 101/85]   As Railways are aware, instructions have been issued by this Ministry, from time to time, regarding maintaining a record of posts rendered surplus, In this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)II/81/RE-1/5 dated 15.01.1982 detailed instructions were given regarding accountal of posts rendered surplus and absorption of surplus staff. It was, inter-alia, laid down therein mat those surplus staff who cannot be absorbed immediately may be allowed to continue against Special Supernumerary posts in the same grade in which the incumbents were working. The General Managers of Zonal Railways were also separately requested to include a paragraph in their PCDOs on the subject of surplus staff. Attention, in this connection, is invited to Secretary, Railway Board’s D.O. of even number dated 18.02.1985.   Further, in the detailed instructions issued in this Ministry’s letter No. E(G)-82-EC2-2 dated 12.07.1984 regarding ban on creation of posts, it was specifically laid down mat to enable the Railways to locate staff surpluses, a cell should be carved out of the existing Work Study Units and the same entrusted with the specific task of carrying out studies with a view to locating surpluses. The surplus posts thus identified are to be utilised as a set off against requirements for creation of new posts. Railways were advised further in this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 26.10.1984 that a “bank of surplus posts” should be maintained by each Railways department-wise and grade-wise.   The Ministry of Railways consider is important that the bank of surplus posts should be streamlined and effectively utilised if not already being done so on the Zonal Railways. It is clarified in this context that for purpose of matching surrender for creation of posts, the surplus posts to be set off against new creations need not necessarily have to be in the same Department. Any surplus posts of equivalent value available in the surplus bank or otherwise could be used. The objective is to achieve in a purposeful mariner economy in staff costs and contain the total staff strength.   The proposals received from Railways, from time to time, for sanction of new posts, are generally on the basis that there are no surplus posts available. This perhaps does not reflect the correct position, as the surplus Bank has not been effectively set up and operated.   The Ministry therefore, would be reiterate that the maintenance of the surplus bank should be one of the principal responsibilities of the Addl. General Manager (Exp. Control) and it should be for him to ensure that an appropriate paragraph on the functioning of their surplus Bank is in variably included in the PCDOs, as already mentioned in Secretary’s D. O. dated 18.02.1985, cited above.       [14]   Subject:Surplus staff—maintenance of bank of surplus posts.   [No. E(NG) I1/84/RE1/10 dated 31.03.1987; RBE 78/87]   Attention of the Railway Administrations is invited to the instructions issued by this Ministry, from time to time on the subject as stated in letter Nos. E(NG)II/81/RE 1/5 dated 15.01.1982 and No. E(NG)II 84/RE 1/10 dated 26.10.1984, No. E(NG)II 84/RE 1/10 dated 18.02.1985, No. E(NG)II 84/RE 1/10 dated 09.04.1985 and No. E(NG)II 84/RE 1/10 dated 06.07.1985. The Ministry of Railways have been considering and laying down the methodology to be adopted in maintaining the account in the bank of surplus posts. They have now decided as under: —   (i)                  The bank of surplus posts will be operative from 01.04.1987 arid earlier bank net credit may be added as an opening balance of the new account as on that date.   (ii)                All posts (excluding posts which were/are created for specific short term purpose, e.g. those created for summer rush), identified as surplus and surrendered on or after 0l .04.1987 will be credited to this bank.   (iii)               Matching surrender already reckoned for creation of posts after 01.04.1987 (including opening balance from previous balances) and such surrenders to be made in future, will be debited to the balance in this bank.                                                         (iv)              The account in this bank will be maintained department-wise and grade-wise, though for matching surrender posts can be drawn from this bank irrespective of the department to which they pertain.   (v)                The accountal of the bank will be maintained by the CPLO or CPO (as per practice of each individual Railway) under the overall supervision of the Additional General Manager (Exp. Control). In every proposal for creation of posts, the CPLO/CPO will indicate the availability of surplus posts in this bank.   2.         The para regarding surplus staff to be included in the PCDO from General Manager as per extant instructions, should be brief and should indicate the posts surrendered in the period and posts re-created from matching surrenders in the bank, as also showing the balance at credit in the surplus bank.     3.         This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG) II-84/RE 1110 dated 26.07.1985;   RBE No. 216/85     Subject: Re-deployment of surplus staff.   The following recommendations of the Railway Reforms Committee in Part XI of  their reports have been considered by this Ministry and the decisions thereon are reproduced below: Recommendation                                        Decision of                                   the Ministry 112. The staff rendered surplus on closure of steam sheds should be suitably trained and re-deployed in other activities. There should be no hesitation in absorbing skilled surplus staff in diesal sheds.VII, para 3.12). 113. The additional staff required for augmenting maintenance facilities for wagons and coaches should be taken from the surplus staff of steam shed closed down or turncated. (Chapter-VII para 3.12)      Noted. Action will be taken         (Chapter-to implement           these      recommendations     to the extent feasible. 120. (i) Management should not be reluctant to solve the problem of redeployment of surplus staff in a forth right manner. (i) The matter should be discussed between the labour unions and the Zonal Railway Managements periodically and the released labour absorbed in installations and places where vacancies exist. (iii) To the extent possible, the absorption of such staff should be within the same division or none. (Chapter-VIII,paras3.12 &5.7) Accepted 128. Training and redeployment of staff rendered surplus should be coordinated at the level of zonal railway through operation of a ‘surplus Staff Bank’ for which we have made some concrete suggestions. (Chapter-VII, para 8.2). 129. (i) Staff in the ‘Bank’ should be retained according to the present plan and re-deployed in other activities as early as possible (ii) The operation of this ‘Bank’ including the training and redeployment should be monitored by a high-level team at the zonal level. (Chapter-VII, para 8.3). Instructions already exist in regard to locating surplus and re-deploying them.Accepted. These instructions will,however, be reiterated for vigorousfollowing up.       [15]   Subject:Relaxation of minimum educational qualification and age restrictions for conversion training of Diesel Running Staff in Electric Traction.   [No. E(NG) I/88/PM7/48(PNM/NFIR) dated 28.03.1989;RBE 90/89]     It has been brought to the notice of the Board by NEIR that on some of the  Railways, conversion training to Diesel Assistants for coming over to AC Traction as Electrical Assistant Drivers is being given only to those staff who have the minimum educational qualification of 8th class pass and are below 45 years of age. NF1R have requested that no such restriction of age and educational qualification should be enforced for conversion train­ing.   2. The matter has been considered by the Board. It is noted mat no specific orders regarding qualifications for imparting conversion training to the running staff for switching over from Diesel to Electric Traction, when staff are rendered surplus due to change of traction, have been issued by the Board. However, in terms of Board’s letter No. E(NG) I/84/PM7/56 dated 03.11.1987, the minimum qualification of 8th class pass and age restriction of 45 years have been prescribed for induction of Firemen as Diesel/Electric Assistants. Perhaps the Railways are enforcing the same conditions for conversion training also which are meant for only normal induction of staff info Diesel and Electric traction running staff to fill up vacancies arising from time to time. Board wish to clarify that whenever it is expected that the Diesel Running staff become surplus due to introduction of Electric Traction in a big way, they should be imparted conversion training in Electric Traction without insisting on the minimum educational qualifica­tion and age restriction. However, the employees selected for conversion training should be screened properly to ensure that they have basic intelligence and literacy to absorb the conversion training.       Copy of Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG) I-S4-PM7-56 dated 03.11.1987   Subject: Mode of filling up the post of First Fireman/Diesel Asstt./Electric Assist. and Steam Shunter.     As the Railways are aware, the mode of filling up the vacancies in the categories of Fireman ‘A’/Diesel Asstt./Asstt Driver (Elect.) has been laid down in Board’s letter No. E(NG) III-75/RC1/69 dated 19.18.1981, read with their letters No. E(NG)II-80/RCl/144 dated 30.04.1982 and No. E(NG)II-80/RCl/144 dated 17.09.1982. In terms of these orders these vacancies are to be filled as under: (a)                50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} by the usual selection procedure from erstwhile Firemen ‘B’ who have studied upto 8lh Class and are below 45 years of age.   (b)               50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} by departmental examination from erstwhile Firemen ‘B’ and ‘C’ who are Matriculates and have 3 years Railway service.   (c)                If the departmental examination referred to in (b) above fails to provide  enough Matriculates for the 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} quota in the case of Fireman ‘A’ and the usual selection and the departmental exami­nation referred to in (a) and (b) above fail to provide enough candidates for the respective quota in the case of Diesel Assistant and Assistant Electric Drivers, direct recruitment to the extent of shortfall should be made through Railway Recruitment Boards.   (d)               In the case of Assistant Electric Drivers, wherever the existing AVC provided for a modicum of vacancies being filled from among artisans 20{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacancies may be filled by selection from amongst artisans who are at least VIIIth Class pass and below 45 years of age, the mode at (a) and (b) above applying to the remaining 80{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacancies.   2.  In the scales of pay notified on the recommendations of the 4th Pay Commission, the grades of Fireman ‘B’ and ‘A’ have been merged and placed into a single scale of Rs. 950-1500 and the posts in the merged scale of Rs. 950-1500 have been redesignated as First Fireman. The posts in the grade of erstwhile Fireman ‘C’ (Scales Rs. 210-270 and 260-350) have been allotted the single revised scale of Rs. 825-1200 redesignated as Second Fireman. The erstwhile designation of Assistant Electric Drivers has also been changed as Electric Assistants.     3. The Staff Side of the Departmental Council under the JCM have raised a demand that the restriction in regard to age and educational qualification for the promotion of Fireman ‘B’ and Fireman ‘A’ should be removed.     4. The demand of the Staff Side has been considered carefully by the Board keeping in view the foregoing and in the light of the discussion held with the Staff Side in the Departmental Council Meeting. As a result, the Board have decided as follows in supersession of the existing orders dated 19.08.1981 and 30.04.1982:   (i)      The vacancies in the grade of First Fireman (Rs. 950-1500) will be filled cent per cent by promotion of Second Fireman in scale Rs. 825-1200 by a process of selection but without any restriction of age or qualification. Shortfall, if any, will be made good by direct recruitment through Railway Recruitment Boards.   (ii)   The vacancies in the grade of Diesel Assistant/Electric Assistant may be filled as under :   (a)    50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacancies shall be filled by lateral induction from among  First Fireman who are at least 8th Class pass and are below 45 years of age, in the case of shortfall, by promotion by usual selection procedure from among Sec­ond Firemen who are at least 8th Class pass and are below 45 years of age.   (b)   Balance 50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of vacancies shall be filled by lateral induction of matriculates First Firemen with minimum three years of continuous service, shortfall, if any, by promotion of Matriculate Second Firemen through departmental examination.   (c)    Shortfall, if any, against (a) and (b) above shall be made good by direct recruitment through the Railway Recruit­ment Boards.   (d)   Wherever the existing AVC provides for 20{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacan­cies in the grades of Electric Assistants being filled from amongst Artisan who are atleast 8th Class pass and below 45 years of age, the same practice may continue and the mode as indicated at (a) and (b) above will apply to the remaining 80{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacancies in this category.   (iii) The vacancies in the grade of Steam Shunters in scale Rs. 1200-2040 may be filled as under:   (a)    66-2/3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the vacancies of Steam Shunters (Rs. 1200-2040) will be filled from amongst First Fireman Diesel Asstt. /Electric Asstt. on the basis of seniority-cum-suitability without any restrictions of age or qualification.   (b)   The remaining 33-1/3{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of vacancies will be filled from amongst First Fireman/Diesel Asstt./Electric Assistant who have the minimum educational qualification of 8th Class and are not more than 50 years of age.         [16]    Subject: Absorption/utilisation of surplus staff.   Reference:     Board’s letter No. E(NG) II-81/RE-1/5, dated 15.01.1982 and No. E(NG) II-84/RE-1/10 dated 26.10.1984, No. E(NG) II-84/RE-1/10 dated 09.04.1985, No. E(NG) II-84/RE-1/10 dated 26.03.1985, No. E(NG) II-84/RE-1/10 dated 11.09.1985 and No. E(NG) II-84/RE-1/10 dated 31.03.1987.   [No. E(NG) II-84/RE-1/10, dated 21.04.1989; RBE 106/89]     Consequent on the change of traction and the full or partial closure of steam loco sheds, marshalling yards, goods sheds and other redundant assets, certain guidelines have already been issued from time to lime regarding the absorption and utilisation of surplus staff. These are broadly indicated below: —   (i)   Suitable advance planning should be done to identify areas in which the staff are likely to be rendered surplus. At such places the surplus posts, which are lying vacant, should not be Filled up and surrendered as “vacancies” to the “bank of surplus posts”. Appropriate Schemes for providing training in alternative jobs as required, should be developed and planned at the time of advance planning itself so that these surplus staff can be suitably and quickly re-deployed in other areas, where there are additional requirements of staff for operation and maintenance of additional/new assets.   (ii) A soon as the posts are identified as surplus, a form al office order should be issued immediately surrendering surplus posts. Where die posts were not vacant and staff are working against them, “Special Supernumerary” posts in the same grade should be created. Simultaneously they should be credited as “Special Supernumerary” posts to the “bank of surplus posts” and maintained in the respective billing units. However, die question of creating “Special Supernumerary” posts would not arise to the extent the surplus staff are transferred and posted against the vacancies in the same or other departments. Such posts will be directly credited as vacancies to the “bank of surplus posts”.   (iii)       The surrendered posts should be struck off from the relevant cadre registers, scale check registers and other records based on the formal orders issued.   (iv)       The incumbents borne against these “Special Supernumerary” posts should be re-deployed quickly against other posts by re-training as necessary.   (v)        The “Special Supernumerary” posts shall be personal to each incumbent and are to be surrendered as soon as the incumbent is absorbed in some other duly sanctioned posts or retires or vacates it for any other reason. (vi)       When these “Special Supernumerary” posts are thus surrendered, they should be credited as vacancies in the “bank of surplus posts” and can be utilised as matching surrenders for creation of additional posts for maintenance and operation of additional/new assets. The surrendering of “Special Supernumerary” posts for crediting them as vacancies in the bank and utilising them for creation of additional posts for accommodating surplus staff against them can be simultaneous also.   (vii)      The staff, who cannot be immediately absorbed after retraining, where necessary, against other duly sanctioned posts should be allowed to continue against “Special Supernumerary” posts in the same grade in which the incumbents were working and they will continue to have their lien in their old cadre posts, so as to keep their promotional prospects m tact. The Railways should set up suitable’ machinery to review the utilisation/re-deployment of staff being borne against “Special Supernumerary” posts.   (viii)           Whenever a fairly large number of staff are likely to be rendered surplus in a particular location, the recognised unions should be advised in time, as far as possible, and their views regarding their re-deployment taken into account to the extent possible so that the surplus staff are fully utilised and re-deployed quickly.   2.  Even though the above instructions have been in force for quite some time and different Railways have been adopting different practices for re-deployment of surplus staff, it has been found mat on some Railways in certain pockets the surplus staff continued to remain without proper-re-deployment. Further both the Federations have represented to the Board that no advance planning is being done by the Railway for identifying the areas, where surplus staff are likely, to the generated and recognised unions are also not being advised  regarding the date by which they are likely to be rendered surplus and the modalities of their training and re-deployment. The subject has been discussed in the recent PNM. meetings held with NFIR and AIRF/In the light of these discussions, the following broad guidelines, are, once again, reiterated to the Railways, particularly in the context of large scale electrification and consequent surrender of steam/ diesel posts:—   (i)                  Each Railway Administration should draw an advance plan of action for identifying the areas, where surplus staff are likely to be generated and advise the recognised unions in time, as far as possible about the same giving details of the staff likely to be rendered surplus.   (ii)                No new activity should be started at the location where the staff are likely to be rendered surplus, for accommodating them at the same place, without the prior approval/sanction of the Railway Board. Where special circumstances warrant the same, suitable proposals should be sent well in time to the Board with the personal approval of the General Manager, Board expect that such cases will be few and far between. In no case Board’s approval should be resumed.     (iii)               Utilisation and re-deployment of surplus staff by re-training, if necessary, should be given the highest priority and their absorption will have precedence over all other modes of recruitment, including screening of casual labour and direct recruitment for filling up the vacancies, so that the existing surplus staff can be first utilised at  suitable locations, including places, where additional posts are created for operation/maintenance of additional/ new assets. Advance planning and obtaining the views of the Unions as far as possible in time, regarding re-deployment of all staff is very essential, particularly when large number of staff are likely to be rendered surplus at a particular location.   (iv)              There shall be no recruitment in those categories in which posts are likely to be rendered surplus and the categories in which surplus staff are likely to be redeployed. Surplus staff can be absorbed in the existing vacancies or against new posts, which are duly sanctioned for operation/maintenance of additional assets/ new assets.   3.  When re-deploying the surplus staff to other units/Deptts, which constitute a different seniority unit, the following methods can be adopted: —   (i)                  If only a small number of staff are being rendered surplus and they have to be transferred to various units of other departments against vacancies of duly sanctioned posts, they can be suitably adjusted in these units with their full seniority and merging their seniority in the respective units.   (ii)                When a large number of staff are being rendered surplus and they are  being transferred to new units that are being set up like traction rolling stock, overhead equipment, new electric loco sheds etc., they should be given their full seniority and these should be no difficulty in re-deploying the staff with suitable retraining in identical scales and suitable trades. No minimum educational qualifications should be prescribed and the sole criterion would be their ability to absorb re-training/conversion training and pass the necessary tests at the end of training period and of course, medical fitness.   (iii)               Whenever a large number of staff have to be transferred to existing units against vacancies or additional sanctioned posts, the views of the unions may be taken as to whether the seniority of the staff being shifted should be kept separate against the “Special Supernumerary” posts, so mat their promotional prospects are kept separate and identical to what they would have achieved in the old unit and it does not jeopardise the promotional prospects of the staff in the units in which they are being inducted. In such cases, the application of percentage distribution of posts would be separate for the existing cadre posts and the surplus staff who have been brought into that cadre, the latter being controlled by the percentages as applicable to their previous cadre. However, as and when there is wastage through retirement, promotion, etc. m the seniority unit of shifted staff charged against “Supernumerary posts” in the direct recruitment grades, the direct recruitment quota of the same should be merged with the existing cadre seniority of that unit, i.e., the unit to which they had been re-deployed on becoming surplus.     4.  In cases where the seniority of surplus staff is maintained separately, there could be cases where the few staff, who are left behind in the old seniority unit continue to get their promotion as per their seniority along with the other staff transferred to the new unit. To this extent it may happen that in some cases, where the number of higher-grade posts may have to be operated in excess of the percentages laid down so as to avoid transferring the staff left behind in the old unit. However, it shall be ensured that the total number of posts in each grade of the old unit, taking into account those both left behind and transferred to the new unit, shall not exceed the original sanction.     5.  Normally, the junior most of the employees should be rendered surplus, irrespective of the manner in which they had entered the grade. However, where staff give their willingness to go on bottom seniority in recruitment grades to other departments, such volunteers should be given preference depending upon the availability of vacancies in the other cadre and their suitability, including medical fitness.     6.  This issue with the concurrence of  the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.     [17]   Subject:            Relaxation of minimum educational qualification and age restriction for conversion training of sur­plus steam staff in Diesel/Electric Traction.     [No. E (NG) I/88/PM7/48/PNM dated 15.03.1990;RBE 48/90]     Reference Ministry of Railways letter of even number dated 28.03.1989 in terms of which it was decided that Diesel Running staff, who become surplus due to introduction of Electric Traction, should be imparted conversion training without insisting on the minimum educational qualification and age restriction. Pursuant to the above, NFIR made a demand in the PNM Meeting held on 07/08.08.1989 that these instructions should be extended also to surplus steam staff.     2. Ministry of Railways have carefully examined the matter. It is pointed out that para 3(ii) of this Ministry’s circular No. E(NG) II/84/RE1/ 10 dated 21.04.1989, states that minimum educational qualifications should not be insisted upon for redeployment of surplus staff. At the same time, it will be appreciated that running staff with experience in steam traction only, cannot be placed on the same footing as those with experience in diesel traction. Nevertheless, due consideration has to be shown to steam staff (in regular employment) becoming surplus in the matter of their redeployment in suitable alternative jobs. Having regard to these aspects, Board have decided that the surplus steam staff may be given conversion training in Diesel/Electric Traction without insisting on any educational qualification and age restriction, but subject to the following conditions: —   (i)                  the surplus steam staff selected for the conversion training should be screened properly to ensure that they have basic intelligence and literacy to absorb the conversion training;   (ii)                illiterate or semi-literate staff should first be given a special course (say for 3 months or so) to bring them to a minimum acceptable level of literacy. This opportunity need be given only once.   (iii)               the staff should give an undertaking before being nominated for conversion training that they may be transferred to other stations within the division;   (iv)              the concerned staff should not be given more than three chances to pass the conversion training.   3.  It may, however, be clarified that this relaxation of minimum educational qualification and age would be applicable only in case of surplus staff. For normal induction of Fireman as Diesel/Electric Assistants on promotion to fill up vacancies the educational qualifications and age restriction indicated in this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG) I/84/PM7/56 dated 03.11.1987 should be strictly followed.     [18]   Subject: Protection of pay of surplus staff when absorbed in lower alternative posts.   [No. E(P&A)II/91/PP/17 dated 23.09.1992; RBE 160/92]     Under the extant provisions contained in Para 603 (ii) of Indian Railway  Establishment Manual, Volume I (Revised Edition-1989), the pay of the permanent staff on transfer from a higher grade post to a lower grade post is fixed by counting number of years of service rendered in the higher grade post for increments in the lower grade posts. The pay of the surplus , staff on their absorption in the alternative lower post is also being fixed in terms of these provisions.     2. As a result of discussions held with the staff side in PNM/NFIR meeting held on 17/18.08.1992, it has been decided by the Board that the pay of the surplus staff on absorption in the lower alternative post shall be fixed at the stage equivalent to the pay drawn by him in the post from which he has been rendered surplus and if there is no such stage available in the scale of new post held by him, at the stage next below, the difference to be treated as personal pay to be absorbed in future increments. However, this shall be subject to the condition that the pay so fixed should not exceed the maximum of the scale of the post in which the surplus staff is being absorbed.     3. The above pay protection shall not be extended where despite availability of a post in a matching pay scale, the person is redeployed / readjusted in a post carrying a lower pay scale at his own request.     4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways and will have prospective effect.       [19]   Subject:Consultation with recognised unions for redeployment of surplus staff.     [No. E(NG)II/93/RC-3/33 dated 08.12.1993; RBE 177/93]     During the recent JCM/DC meeting held on 19.08.1993, the staff side have brought  to Board’s notice that the recognised unions are not being consulted in the matter of redeployment of surplus staff, and demanded that suitable instructions should be issued to the Railway Administrations for consulting the recognised unions in the matter.     2. In this connection, attention is invited to instructions contained in para 1(viii) of Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/84/RE-1/10 dated 21.04.1989, reproduced below for ready reference.   “Whenever a fairly large number of staff are likely to be rendered surplus in a particular location, the recognised unions should be advised in time, as far as  possible, and their views regarding their redeployment taken into account to the extent possible so [hat the surplus staff are fully utilised and redeployed quickly.”     3. Board desire to reiterate the above instructions for strict compliance.


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