Increments Consolidation Of Orders


Government of India   Ministry of Railways   Master Circular No. 58   Increments Consolidation of  Orders     CONTENTS     No. Subject 1 Introduction 2 General 3 Adv. increment to Probationers in Gr. A on passing departmental exams 4 Regulation of increments of Probationers 5 DOITS after RS (RP) Rules. 1986, for Gr.’A’ Railway Services who were fixed under the Concordance Table on promotion JS to SS. 6 Drawal of increment from Ist of the month in which it falls due 7 Increment in cases where postponement due to employee’s proceeding on leave without pay which is not counted for increment 8 Increment when certain period of service is treated as ‘dies non’ 9 Periods of service at the same stage in broken spells 10 Increment when the normal increment is withheld for specified peried and the peried of such penaltv expires after Ist of the month 11 Increment due shall not be drawn till the Railway servant on  leave/joining time returns to duty/joins the new post 12 Officiating pay period willnot count for increment in that scale 13 Stagnation Increment 14 Stagnation Increment is to be counted while fixing pay in promoted grade 15 D e l e t e d 16 Stagnation increment when a person is promoted to a higher post with charge allowance only 17 Pay Fixation when stagnated exactly for one/two years at the maximum of the pre-revised scale of pay as on 01.01.1986. 18 Pay fixation when the Railway servants reached the maximum of the pre-revised scale (having annual increments) after 01.01.1985 19 20 Grant of benefit of ad hoc increment/stagnation increment to employees drawing fixed pay in the pre-revised set up prior to 01.01.1986 21 22 Periods of leave including E.O.L., Joining time,suspension period and officiating period are to be included while computing the two years period for staganation. 23 Stagnation increment admissible in the selection grade (non-functional) 24 Deputation Pay/Allowance and Staganation Increment 25 Disciplinary cases and regulation of stagnation increment. 26 Benefit of Personal pay cannot be refused on the ground of less total emoluments by grant of Personal Pay 27 Grant of Ad hoc Increments 28 Thebenefit of ad hoc increment to those debarred from further promotion due to bad record of service 30, 31 Premature Increments 32 – 36 Efficiency Bar 37 Procedure for application/consideration of cases of pressing of E.B No. Subject 38 For Group C & DStaffs 39 Measures to avoid delay in EB Test 40 Effect on Pay in not clearing EB Test 41 Annual Review ofthose who failed in EB Test 42 Exceptional circumstances when such cases are reviewed before one year period 43, 44 Fixation/Drawal of Pay on review of failed cases 45 Effect of Promotion, regular as well officiating, on Pay Fixation and EB 46 The disabilities under Rule (FR 17-A)-RII and crossing EB, if otherwise found fit 47 Cases where employees become due for E.B. even before earning a single report 48 Effect of advance increments taking the  official above Efficiency Bar stage 49 Sealed cover Procedure 50, 51 Effect of suspension, criminal/departmental proccedings, penalties under DAR etc after being cleared by DPC but before actual implementation 52 When penalty of withholding of increment imposed while official held up at EB stage 53 Whenincrement above E.B is allowed inadvertently 54 In delayed E.B. test due to admn. reasons or due to the illness of the railway servant, the competent authority is empowered to grant the same from the due date only when the Railway servant passes the test at the first opportunity 55 Grant of Increment above EB in case of resignation or while on LPR 56 Authority Competent to sanction increment above the E.B. in the case of deputationists and those of foreien service 57 Periodical reviews 58 Method study to be undertaken by the Administrative Ministry/Dept, every three yearsto suggest improvements 59 Illustrative list of Pay Scales with EB stages 60 General Disclaimer Link to Chapter 17 of IREC Vol. II Link to Chapter 13 of IREC Vol . II Other Railway Boards Orders on Pay Fixation Other Railway Boards Orders on Increments Other Railway Boards Orders on Efficiency Bars Increments & Efficiency Bar.   1.         The instructions issued by the Railway Board from time to time, on the subject of Drawal of Increments of Non-Gazetted Staff were consolidated in Master Circular No. 46 issued on29.06.1992.  It has now been decided to supplement these instructions by covering orders applicable to Probationery Officers in various Railway Services Gr. ‘A’ Efficiency Bar and other clarificatory instructions about ad hoc increment to officers stagnating at the maximum of their pay scales. 2.         General : Drawal of increments is regulated by Rule 1320 (FR 26) R.II.  This rule relates to the counting of service and periods of leave for increments. The following periods count for increments : (a)        Duty (b)        Service in another post, other than a post carrying less pay referred to in clause (a) of  Rule 227 (FR 15) R-1 (c)        All kinds of leave including E.O.L. granted on (i)         medical certificate (ii)        without sedical certificate but due to inability of the railway servant to join or re-join duty on account of civil commotation, and (iii)               for prosecting higher technical and scientific studies. (d)       E.O.L. taken otherwise than on medical certificate may be allowed by the President or the competent Authority declared under Rule 1320 (ER 26)R.II to count, if it was taken for any other cause beyond the control of the railway servant. (e)        Deputation out of India under Rule1339 (FR 51) R.II (f)        Foreign service. (g)        Joining time in continuation of duty (h)        Joining time in continuation of leave if the last day of the leave immediately before the commencement of joining time counts for increment in that post. Note: l.            In respect of a post on which the Railway servant was officiating, service in a higher post counts for increment in the Iower offg. post if he is re-appointed to the Lower offg. post or is appointed or re-appointed to a post in the same time scale. The peried will however be restricted to the period during which the railway servant would have officiated in the Iower post but for his appointment to the higher post. 2.         Certificate of continued officiation but for proceeding on leave is necessary in respect of periods referred to in (c) (d) (e) above. 3.        In respect of a post on which the Railway servant was officiating the period counting for increment will be restricted to the period so long as he would have continued to officiate in that post or a post in the same time scale, but for his going on foreign service. 4.         Contract officers will be treated as officiating Government servants but the certificate of continued offication will not be necessary in respect of posts in which they are on contract. Such a certificate will however be necessary, in respect of the posts in which they are officiating. 3.        Grant of advance increment to Probationery Officers in Railway Services Gr. A on passing departmental exams. Consequent to introduction of Revised Pay Scales, based en recommendations of 4th Pay Commission, the directly recruited Probationery Officers in the various Railway Services Gr. ‘A’ namely IRAS, IRTS, IRSE, IREE, IRSME, IRSSE, IRSS and IRPS in scale2200 – 4000 may be granted advance increments as under :— (a)        Ist increment raising pay from Rs.2200 to Rs.2275 be granted on passing the Foundation Course (Phase1) exam. of Railway Staff College, Vadodara. (b)       2nd advance increment raising pay from Rs.2275 to Rs. 2350/- on passing either of the exams. listed at (i), (ii) and (iii) given below:             (i)         First departmental exam. or             (ii)        Exam. of Railway Staff College, Vadodara (PhaseII) and             (iii)       Language exam unless exempted. In case a Probationer fails to pass any of the above exams, he shall not be granted further increment till he passes the exam. After the grant of advance increments as above, the pay of the officer concerned will be regulator according to his position in the time scale and the next increment raising pay from Rs. 2350/- to Rs. 2425/- will accrue only on satisfactory completion of the specified period of probation and confirmation. Even en confirmation, the increment at  Rs. 2425/- will be admissible only on completion of3 years service. (No. PC.IV/87/FOP/9 dated01.10.1987) 4.         Regulation of increments of Probationers. Where the normal probationery period itself is more than12 months on confirmation, the officer may be given the increments which he would have drawn but for his probation and arrears in this regard may also be allowed to the officer.  In cases where the period of probation is extended on account of failure to pass the departmental examination, white there/is no objection to regulate the Pay and increments, on confirmation at the end, for the extended probationery period, on the basis of what the officer would have drawn but for his probation, no arrears on this account should be allowed to him for the period prior to the date of confirmation.  This would mean that the increment of the officer is withheld without cumulative effect for failure to pass the departmental examination and cannot be considered as Penalty under Railway Servants (D&A) aules. 5.         Date of increment after introduction of Railway Servants (Revised Pay Rules. 1986, in respect of officers belonging to various Organised Gr.’A’ Railway Services who were promoted from Junior Scale to Senior Scale on regular basis from a date prior to 01.01.1986 and whose pay on promotion to senior scale was fixed under the Concordance Table. If their date of increment in senior scale did not fall in 1986 under the rules governing concordance table. In such cases, the pay in the revised scale will be fixed with reference to the pay drawn on01.01.1986 and the next increment will be granted on01.01.1987.  In this regard an illustrative case is given.  Cases of increment having been granted in the revised scale after 01.01.1986 but earlier than01.01.1987 in the type of cases mentioned above would require review and suitable action should be taken to recover basic pay and consequent allowances. In regard to junior scale officers who are promoted on regular basis in senior scale, on or after01.01.1986, their pay in the revised scale should be fixed under the normal rules, i.e. under Rule (FR 22-C) R.II and the increment in the higher post granted after completion of12 months qualifying service. (2)PC.IV/88/Inct./2 dated19.09.1988) 6.         Drawal of increment from Ist of the month in which it falls due. In the case of initial appointments/promotions accruing after01.11.1973, it is inherent in the orders that the first increment will be drawn earlier before completing the normal incremental period of12 months. All increments falling after01.11.1973 will be drawn prematurety from the Ist of the month and will be reckoned for all purposes as the normal date of increment. These orders are also applicable to work charged and industrial employees who are not engaged on a casual  basis. (No. PC.III.74/INC/1 dated17.01.1974 7.         Regulation of increment in cases in which there is postponement due to employee’s proceeding onleave without pay which is not counted for increment. The postponement of normal increment will be worked out as per extant rules and orders. If the postponed increment falls on any date of a month, it will be granted from the Ist of that month.            8.         Regulation of increment when certain period of service is treated as ‘dies non’ ’Dies non’ would have as much effect as Extra-ordinary leave without pay and the increment would be regulated accordingly. (Rule1318 (FR 24)R-II, PC.III.74/INC/1 dated07.01.1975,  PC.III/75/INC/2 dated10.11.1975 ) 9.         Periods of service at the same stage in broken spells : Period of service at the same stage count for increments. If by counting broken periods, the date of next increment falls due on a date later than Ist of the month it will be payable from the Ist of the month in which the next increment falls due, after counting the broken periods equal to one year, provided the Railway servant has also been holding the post from the first of that month to the date it falls due.  In case he is not holding the post on the first of the month, the increment will be granted from the date it falls due.                        . (No. PC.III-74/INC/1 dated07.01.1975) 10.       Regulation of increment when the normal increment is withheld for specified peried and the peried of such penaltv expires after Ist of the month. Increments in such cases will be granted/restored from the date the penalty ceases. (Rule1318 (FR24) R.II, PC.III.74/INC/1 dated07.01.1975, PC.III.75/INC/2 dated10.11.1975 11.       Increment due shall not be drawn till the Railway servant on  leave/joining time returns to duty/joins the new post. An increment falling due during leave/joining time shall not be drawn till the Railway Servant returns to duty.  This is because the Railway Servant during leave is entitled to draw only leave salary/joining time pay equal te the pay which was drawn before relinquishment of charge in the old post.  This will not however have the effect of postpening the future increments  previded that the portion of the leave period falling after the due date of increment counts for increments. (No. PC.III.74/INC/l dated07.01.1975) 12.      When the officiating pay of a railway servant is fixed below the minimum of time scale, he must not be treated as having effectively officiated in that post and the period during which he drew that pay will not count for increment in that scale. (  RULE 1329 (FR35) R-11 13.       Stagnation Increment: All Railway Servants in Grade ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ’D’ services/posts who have opted for RS(RP) Rules, 1986, the maximum of whose pay scale does not exceed Rs. 6700/- and whe may reach the maximum of their revised scale of pay shall be granted one stagnation increment on completion of every2 years at the maximum of the respective scales. The stagnation increment shall be equivalent to the rate of the increment last drawn by them in their pay scales and shall be treated as ‘Personal pay’.  A maximum of three such increments shall be allowed. The pay plus stagnation increment shall in no case exceed Rs. 7300/- (No. PC-IV/87/INC/3 dated03.08.1987 ) 14.       The stagnation increment should also be taken into account for the prupose of fixation of pay on promation to higher grade/post. This is effective w.e.f. 30.09.1993. (No.   PC-IV/87/INC/3 dated30.11.1993. 15.       D e l e t e d   —— 16.     Regulation of stagnation increment when a person is appointed on promotion to a higher post but is not allowed the pay in the scale of pay of higher past and instead is allowed only charge allowance. In such situations, he may be allowed stagnation increments as and when it becomes due in the lower post subject to the condition that charge allowance is reduced to that extent.  For example, an officer in the scale of Rs. 5900-6700 and drawing pay of Rs. 6500/- when appointed to a post carrying scale of Rs.7300-7600 will be entitled to Rs.6500 plus Rs.500 on account of charge allowance. If he were drawing one stagnation increment in Gr.5900-6700 or becomes entitled to the stagnation increment, his pay fixation would be Rs. 6700/- plus Rs.200 on account of stagnation increment and Rs.300 on account of charge allowance. The charge allowance would get reduced to Rs. 100/- if he were entitled to two stagnation increments. (No. PC.IV/87/Inct./3 dated09.01.1991) 17.      Where a railway servant had stagnated exactly for one/two years at the maximum of the pre-revised scale of pay as on01.01.1986, he shall be granted additional increments on 01.01.1986 under the 3rd or 4th Proviso to Rule8 of RS(RP) Rules, 1986. (PC.IV/87/Inct/2 dated10.09.1987) 18.     In cases where the Railway servants reached the maximum of the pre-revised scale (having annual increments) after01.01.1985 the next increment in the revised scale shall be granted on the completion of service for the full incremental period for increment as prescribed under rules, from the date on which he reached tho maximum of the existing scale.  In cases where a railway servant drawing pay in the pre-revised scale having bi-ennial increment reached the maximum of the scale after01.01.1985, the next increment in the revised scale will be admissible on completion of service for the full incremental period for increment as prescribed under rule2022 FR 26-RII from the date of election of revised Scale of pay. (NO.PC.IV/87/Inct/2 dated03.08.1987) 19.       Grant of benefit of ad hoc increment/stagnation increment to employees drawing fixed pay in the pre-revised set up prior to 01.01.1986      Since a fixed pay is not a time scale and there is no periodical increment available it cannot be said that the officer had stagnated in that scale at the maximum as there was no minimum or maximum irrespective of mumber of years spent at such pay.  Accordingly, the benefit of proviso3 or4 to Rule8 of RS(RP) rutes1986 is not admissible to a railway servant holding a post with a fixed pay on01.01.1986 in the pre-revised set up. 20.      The period of2 years for this purpose will count from the date the employee reaches the maximum of the scale after the grant of last increment.             No. PC-IV/87/Inct/3 dated 03.08.1987) 21.      The personal pay being of the nature of an ad hoc benefit and having regard to the need for simplifying calculations, it has been decided that all such periods of leave including E.O.L., Joining time and period of suspension could also be included while computing the two years period from the date of reaching the maximum of the scale. 22.       The period of officiation in the higher post on an ad hoc basis will also be taken into account  for counting the2 years stagnation at the maximum of the scale of the tower post and on reversion, the employees will be granted benefit of stagnation increment if the period of stagnation is2 years or more. (No. PC.IV/87/Inct/3 dated02.01.1989) 23.      The benefit of stagnation increment will also be admissible in the selection grade (non-functional) 3/1  (No. PC.IV/87/Inct./3 dated02.01.1989) 24.      In case of employees who have opted for grade pay plus Deputation (duty) allowance, (white on deputation), deputation (duty) allowance will be determined with reference to the basic pay alone and stagnation increment will not be taken into account for this purpose. However, the benefit of stagnation increment will be admissible in the scale of the cadre post,  subject to fulfilment of all other conditions. In case the employee has opted for the scale of the deputation post, the stagnation increments will also be admissible in the scale, subject to fulfilment of all other conditions. 25.      The employees against whom disciplinary cases are pending will be allowed the stagnation increment in the same manner as annual increment. PC-IV/87/Incre./3 dated30.09.1993 26.       An employee on being eligible for this benefit of Personal pay cannot refuse it, on the ground that he will be put to hardship becuase of reduction in his total emoluments by grant of Personal Pay. (No. E(P &A) I -70/PP/6 dated26.03.1970) 27.       An official who has declined promotion to next higher post permanently or temporarily would also be entitled to ad hoc increment, if he has continued to draw the maximum of the scale for2 years. 28.      The benefit of ad hoc increment may be given to a railway servant who is debarred from further promotion due to bad record of service. 29.       The pay of a railway servant who elects revised scales of pay from the date he would have become entitled to stagnation increment in the pre-revised scale shall also be fixed under Rule7 of RS(RP) Rules, 1986  and the date of his subsequent increment will be fixed under Bule8 of RS(RP) Rules,1986. This option will be available only to those Gr. B, C& D railway employees who would have become entitled to stagnation increment during1986. 3/3(NO.PCIV/87/Inctt/3 dated25.09.1990) 30.      Premature Increments.  Where the application of normal rules gives rise to extreme hardship or difficulties, the competent authorities may in their discretion fix the pay of a railway servant at a stage higher than that permissible under Rule (FR 22(1) R-11 by invoking powers under Rule (FR 27) R-II. There are however certain limitations to the use of their discretion, for example it is a long established convention that Rule1321 (FR 27) R-11 should not be resorted to, in any case in order to give higher initial pay than that recommended by the U.P.S.C.  The powers to disregard the provisions of Rule 1313 (FR 22(1)-R. II must be exercised with discrimination. Recourse should not be taken to Rule 1321 (FR 27)-R.II so often to reduce Rule 1313 (FR 22(1) to a mere nullity. 31.       The powers under Rule 1321 (FR 27) R.II shall not be used to grant premature increments in the following cases: (i)         as reward for meritorious work. (ii)        in disregard of the advice given by Ministry of Finance/associate Finance, in any individual case of fixation of pay. (iii)      in dis-regard of the normal rules governing fixation of pay except in cases of hardship or where the circumstances are unusual. (iv)       to take into account the monetary equivalent of certain prerequisits allowed, special pay drawn or deputation allowance granted in a previous post for the purpose of fixing the initial pay on appointment to another post where such monetary benefits are not permissible. These orders do not however, effect the use of Rule 1321 (FR 27) R. II where specificaily allowed under special Government Orders already in existence., e.g. Grand of advance increments to stenographers for aquiring higher speed, incentive increments to accounts staff for passing App.II, App.III and App.IV exams, incentive increments to railway employees for acquiring higher technical, scientific and accounts aualifications such as Graduate Diploma in Engineering (AMIE), Personnel management, industrial relations, ICMA, Materials Management etc. and incentives for promotion of small family norms etc. Efficiency Bar 32.      Efficiency Bar is regulated by provisions of Rule 1319 R.II (FR 25) 33.   It is a mechanism whereby Competent Authorities can deny further increments to an employee, beyond the stage at which Efficiency Bar is prescribed in a time scale if his performance is unsatisfactory. 34.      Crossing of Efficiency Bar requires the specific sanction of the authority emplowerod to withhold increments under Rule 1318-RII (FR 24) or the relevant disciplinary rules whom the Competent Authority may, by general or special order authorise in this behalf. 35.      However, stoppage of an official at the efficiency Bar stage in the time scale of pay on the ground of unfitness to cross the bar is not a punishment under the D&A rules, but the concerned employee has a right to prefer an appeal against such an order and the Appellate   authority shall consider all the circumstances of the case and make such orders as it may deem just and equitable. 36.       The decision to enforce the Efficiency Bar should be formally communicated to the official concerned. (PC-IV/92/EB/1 dated10.09.1992) 37.       Procedure for application/consideration of cases of pressing of E.B. Cases of officials approaching Efficiency Bar stage, in a time scale of pay, shall be considered by a standing committee of three officers for various categories of staff.  The Committee shall be the same, as the DPC constituted for the purpose of considering cases of confirmation of the railway servants concerned, provided that if the DPC for considering cases of confirmation had a member of UPSC thereon, it shall not be necessary to associate him again for considering cases for crossing of Efficiency Bar.  It is not essential for the Committee to sit in a meeting to consider cases for crossing of Efficiency Bar. Consideration by circulation of papers, for this purpose, is sufficient.  The Committee shall make it s recommendations to the Competent Authority who will take a decision and pass an Order under Rule 1319 (FR 25) RII. (PC IV/92/EB/1 dated10.9.1992) 38.      For the purpose of considering cases for crossing the Efficiency Bar, up-to-date records of performance available at the time of such consideration shall form the basis.  In respect of railway servants in Gr C& D. (i)         trade tests wherever these are being conducted for crossing the E.B. should continue. (ii)        where Confidential Reports are not maintained, the review by the Committee shall be on the basis of service record and the report of the immediate superior of the concerned employee. (iii)       where confidential reports are maintained the Committee of three officers appointed for the purpose shall make a report on the basis of reports of the immediate superior as well as confidential reports. (iv)      Oral/written tests will not be held in (ii)& (iii) above. (v)        Also, the artisan staff shall not be subjected to a trade test as in (a) above, and their case shall be processed according to (ii)& (iii) above. 39.      In order to avoid delays in consideration of efficiency Bar cases, the following time schedule may be adopted: Months during which the date ofcrossing E.B. falls Months in which EBcases should beconsidered by D.P.C. Jan to March Jan Apr to July Apr Aug to Oct July Nov& Dec Oct.   It would be necessary to get the Confidential reports written on priority basis, during the first fortnight of Jan. (if ACR period is Calender year) or April (if ACR period if financial year) for the immediately preceding year, in respect of persons whose cases have to be considered in Jan/April, so that there is no delay. In the event of the Committee being convened after a gap of time following the date on which the official became due to cross the Effinciency bar, the Committee should consider only those Confidential Reports which it would have considered, had the D.P.C. been held as per the prescribed schedule. 40.      A railway servant against whom an E.B. has been in force or whose increment has been withheld for failure to pass a prescribed exam, may be allowed to draw the pay at the stage which he would have ordinarily reached but for his detention at the bar or withholding of increment and he may be allowed to draw his future increments from the original date of  increment. In other words, ordinarily the detention at the E.B. stage or withholding of increment for failure to pass a prescribed exam will only have the effect of postponing the drawal of increment above that stage by the time taken in qualifying for crossing that stage. In particularly bad cases, however, the authority competent to sanction increment may allow the railway servant to recommend his ascent in the time scale from the stage at which he was detained only from the date in which bar is removed or on which he passes the exam. 41.      If an employee is not allowed to cross the E.B. on due date, his case may be reviewed again next year, with a view to determine whether the quality of his work has improved and generally whether the defects for which he was stopped at the bar have been remdied to an extent sufficient to warrant the removal of the bar. 42.       In exceptional circumstances of the type mentioned below, where it may not be possible to adhere to the limit of one year strictly, action may be taken to review the cases even before annual review becomes due:- (PC IV/92/EB/l/dated10.09.1992) (i)         when the appellate authority has reasons to believe that the decision already taken is incorrect, and (ii)       where the annual increment at the EB falls in the latter half of the year and at the time of deciding the case, the reports were considered upto the end of the previous year and the subsequent report justified review of the case 43.       If an official is found unfit to cross the Efficiency bar from the original due date, the same D.P.C. can consider the report for subsequent year also, if available, to assess his suitability  in the subsequent year.  When allowed to cross the Efficiency Bar at a later date, as a result of subsequent review, his pay shall normally be fixed at the stage immediately above the Efficiency Bar unless the competent authority, with the approval of next higher authority, decides to fix his pay at a higher stage by taking into account the length of service from the due date of efficiency bar. The increased pay will have effect from the date of removal of the bar and cannot have retrospective effect and he cannot be allowed arrears prior to that date. Subject to these limitations regarding fixations of pay after removal of E.B. he may be allowed to draw the next increment en the usual date and not after rendering one year’s service. 44.   The above ruling applies only to the fixation of pay in the time scale in which E.B. has been applied. A bar applied in the junior time scale of service should not, therefore, affect an officer’s pay in the senior time scale.  He should be paid in the latter scale according to length of his service unless his pay in such scale itself is affected by the operation of Efficiency Bar or by a disciplinary order passed in accordance with the rules. 45.       No orders are necessary for crossing the Efficiency Bar in lower scale for the purpose of fixing the pay in the higher post. Similarly, in the case of an employee whose officiating pay on refixation carries his pay above the E.B. stage in the time scale of the offg. post, he should be deemed to have automatically crossed the E.B. at the time of refixation of offg. pay in the time scale of the offg. post and the question of application of E.B. will not arise. 46.       The disabilities under Rule (FR 17-A)-R IIshould not stand in the way of an official, if he is otherwise found suitable to cross E.B. 47.      Cases where an employee becomes due for crossing E.B. even before earning a single report. When an employee officiating in a higher post becomes due for for crossing the Efficiency Bar in the scale attached to the higher post even before earning a single report regarding his performance in the higher post, consideration of his case for crossing the Efficiency Bar in the scale attached to the higher post in which he is officiating should be deferred till at least one report about his performance in that post becomes available and thereafter his case may be taken up for consideration which should be on the basis of the entire record of service. If he is found fit as a result of such consideration he may be allowed to cross the Efficiency Bar retrospectively from the due date. 48.       Effect of advance increments taking the  official above Efficiency Bar stage. If the grant of advance increments absorbable in future increments takes the employee above the E.B. stage, it may be granted to him only when he is found fit to cross theE.B. after consideration of the case. On the other hand, if an officer qualifies for advance increments not absorbable in future increments and the grant of such increments would take him beyond the Efficiency Bar stage in the time scale, he would be considered for crossing the Efficiency Bar w.e.f the date of accrual of the advance increments itself. If crossing the EB is sanctioned in pursuance of Rule 1319 (FR 25)-RII, the officer would get the advance increments from the due date. If not the officer will come on to such stage in the time scale of pay as the competent authority may fix when the E.B. is subsequently lifted, taking the date of accrual of advance increments as the due date of crossing the Efficiency Bar. 49.       Sealed cover Procedure: In case of railway servants (i)        under suspension; or (ii)        in respect of whom disciplinary proceedings are pending or a decision has been taken to initiate disciplinary proceedings, or (iii)      in respect of whom prosecution for a criminal charge is pending or sanction for prosecution has been issued or a decision has been taken to accord sanction for prosecution, or (iv)      against whom an investigation on serious allegation of corruption, bribery or similar grave misconduct is in progress. The D.P.C. shall assess their suitability without taking into consideration the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution pending or contemplated against them.  However, the recommendation of the D.P.C. shall be kept in a sealed cover. If on conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings, the railway servant is exonerated of the charges against him, the recommendations in the sealed cover may be considered by the competent authority who may lift the Efficiency Bar retrospectively from the date it originally became due.  If the proceedings end in imposition of one of the miner penalties, the E.B. case may be reviewed by the DPC with reference to the original recommendations kept in the sealed cover and the circumstances leading to the disciplinary action and the penalty imposed.  The review D.P.C. shall in such cases, having regard to the circumstances of the case like the date of the cause of action for the disciplinary proceedings and the nature of penalty specifically give their recommendations whether the crossing of E.B. can be allowed from the original due date or from a prospective date only.  In cases where the disciplinary proceedings ond in imposition of a major penalty, the recommendations of the D.P.C. kept in the sealed cover shall not be acted upon. 50.      A railway servant who is recommended for crossing of E.B. by the D.P.C. but in whose case any of the circumstance referred to above arise after the recommendation of the D.P.C. are received but before he is actually due for crossing the Efficiency Bar will be considered as if his case had been placed in a sealed cover by the D.P.C. 51.      In a case where railway servant who becomes due for crossing of E.B. is already undergoing a miner penalty, the D.P.C. shall consider his case taking into account the overall record,  including the circumstances leading to the disciplinary proceedings and the nature of penalty imposed, and give their recommendations regarding his suitability for crossing the bar.  If however, the railway servant is undergoing the penalty of withholding of the increment, the crossing of E.B. shall be given effect to only after the expiry of the period of penalty. 52.       When penalty of withholding of increment imposed while official held up at EB stage. If an official on consideration is not found fit to cross the E.B., and before his case could be reviewed annually, is placed under suspension, and the disciplinary proceedings against him and up with imposition of penalty of withholding of increments for a specified period, the case of railway servant for crossing the E.B. should be reviewed on a date immediately follwing the date of the order of penalty and if he is found fit to cross the Efficiency Bar, the stage at which he would draw pay above the E.B. should also be decided. Once it is done, the no. of increments commencing from the date of next increment after being allowed to cross the E.B. can be withheld and the penalty thus enforced. In case he is not found fit to cross the E.B. from a date immediatety after the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings, his case should be reviewed with reference to every subsequent anniversary of the original due date until he is found fit to cross the E.B.  Thereafter the stage at which he should draw the pay above Efficiency Bar  should also be decided upon and the penalty order enforced, as explained above. 53.       When increment above E.B is allowed inadvertently. Increments granted above the E.B. by mistake should be withheld at once. Simultaneously, the official’s case for crossing the E.B. from the due date should be considered by the appropriate Committee, taking into account the records of performance up-to-date. If he is found fit to cross the E.B. from due date, the withheld increments should be released to him with arrears, if any, pertaining to the period from the date of release of those increments.  If however he is not found fit to cross the E.B. from the due date, the amount paid to hita by way of increments which were not due to him should be recovered in easy instalments. 54.       If the E.B. test could not be held in time due to administrative reasons or due to the illness of the railway servant, whether he is governed by the Payment of wages Act or not, the competent authority is empowered to grant the same from the due date only when the Railway servant passes the test at the first opportunity. This would mean that while no increment will be drawn till the railway servant passes the test, this will be drawn as soon as he does so, with effect from the due date. 55.       Where a railway servant who was due an increment next above the E.B. quits service after the date from which the increment was due but before the E.B. test could be held and where a railway servant proceeds on L.P.R. and the increments next above the EB falls due while he is on LPR(irrespective of the reasons why he has proceeded on LPR) the railway servant concerned may be granted the increment next above the EB if the competent authority is satisfied that the Railway servant would have crossed the EB but for quitting service or proceeding on LPR. 56.       Authority Competent to sanction increment above the E.B. in the case of deputationists and those of foreien service. In the case of a State Government employee, on deputation to the Railways or vice versa, and a Govt. servant on deputation from one department to another or on foreign service, the authority competent to permit the crossing of E.B. shall be the parent department or the new employer, according as the Government servant draws pay in the parent scale plus deputation allowance or in the scale of pay attached to the post held by him on deputation. 57.       Periodical reviews: At regular intervals, which may be prescribed by the Railway Board/GMs concerned, the Divisional Railway Managers, Heads of Departments and GMs and Competent authorities should review the position obtaining in that Ministry/Railway regarding sanction of increments above the EB stage in order to see whether the authorities concerned are being objective and not either too lenient or too strict in enforcing the E.B. 58.      A method study may be undertaken by the Administrative Ministry/Dept, every three years or so, to see the work if of the system of considering railway servants suitability for crossing the E.B. and suggest improvements therein. 59.       An illustrative schedule of revised scales introduced under RS(RP) Rules1986 is  annexed, showing rates of increment in different scales of pay and the stages of EB for ready reference. 60.       (a) White referring to this circular, the original letters referred to herein should be read for a proper appreciation.  This circular is only a consolidation of the orders issued from time to time and should not be treated as a substitute of the originals.  In cases of doubt, the original circular should only be relied upon as an authority (b) Instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only prospective effect from the date of issue, unless specifically indicated otherwise in the concerned circular. For  daling with the cases, the instructions in force at the relevant time should be referred to, and (c) If any circular on the  subject has not been superceded but has not been taken into account white preparing this Master Circular through oversight, the same should be treated as valid and operative.


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