Deputation/Secondment Of Non-gazetted Railway Employees


Government of India   Ministry of Railways   Railway Board   Master Circular No. 40   Deputation/Secondment of Non-gazetted Railway Employees   CONTENTS   No. Subject 1 Introduction 2 Deputation to Central Public Enterprises/Autonomous bodies 3 Deputation/Secondment abroad 4 Duputation to RITES/IRCON and secondment through them 5 Deputation of Railway employees to Departments/Offices 6 Medical facilities to families of employees on secondment abroad on foreign service terms 7 Refusal to proceed on deputation 8 Leave on reversion back from deputation 9 Passes & PTO’s  during deputation/secondment 10 Retention or otherwise of Railway quarters by Railway employees during deputation/secondment 10.1 – Deputation and Secondment in India 10.2 – On deputationabroad 11 “Cooling off” period betweentwo Deputations 12 Deputation to Co-operative Societies, Banks etc of Railways 13 General Disclaimer Annexure I – Proforma for proposal for extension of deputation period Annexure II – Consolidated instructions on Foreign Assignment of Indian Experts issued by the DOPT dated 20.06.1991 Annex – Level of Officers to be considered for the posts in the Secretariates of UN Agencies and other International Organisation. Annexure III – Eligibility and Entitlement of Passes/PTOs during deputation   Deputation/Secondment of Non-gazetted Railway Employees   The instructions on the subject “Deputation/Secondment” are contained in Chapter20 of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol.II and various circulars issued from time to time from this office.  The question of issue of consolidated instructions hee been engaging the attention of the Railway Board for quite some time.  It has now been decided to issue consolidated instructions on the subject in the form of a Master Circular for the information and guidance of all concerned as below:   2. Deputation of Railway employees to Central Public Enterprises/autonomous bodies:   2.1 Deputation of railway employees to Central Public Enterprises/autonomous bodies is governed by the orders issued by the Ministry of Finance (BPE) in the case of former and the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions in the case of latter from time to time. Railway employees can join posts in these bodies only on immediate absorption basis except whare the organisation has been specifically exempted.from the rule of immediate absorption.   ( F(E)II/86/DE1/1 dated25/3/86 and Department of Pension& Pensioners Welfare OM No.4(12)85/P&PW dated31.03.1987)   2.2 Employoes should be absorbed in the undertaking/autonomous bodies or repatriated to their parent railway on expiry of the authorised period of the deputation unless extension has been obtained from tbe competent authority.   2.3     To implement the above provisions the following system should be introduced on the Railways, if not already in vogue:   a)A register should be maintained of staff sent on deputatation, departmentwise, at Headquarters, Divisions and extra-Divisional offices so that the repatriation or extension of the deputation period could be matched and timely action taken to ensure compliance with the extant instructions;   (b)Action to recall the employees or to seek extension should be initiated at least six  months in advance of the date of the expiry of the3 years period, which is normally the maximum period   c)One officer should be nominated each in the Headquarters Office, Divisional Office and extra-Divisional offices to keep a watch over timely repatriation or extension as the case may be.  It is the responsibility of these officers personally to see that necessary action in this regard is taken as indicated abow as per the schedule;     (d)Where extension beyond3 years is considered absolutely necessary, a proposal for extension should be made to the Board so as to reach them at least3 months before the expiry of the3 years of deputation period duly furnishing the requisite information in the prescribed proforma as in Annexure-1.  Board’s approval in such cases  should not be taken for granted.   e) Proposals in any cases of delay should be accompanied with factual position  regarding fixing of rssponsibility. (E (NG) I/89/DP/24 dt.01.01.1989)   2.4 For the purpose of these orders:-   a) A Central Public Enterprise is an undertaking wholly or substantially owned by the Government of India, and which is accepted as such by the Bureau of Public Enterprises (now Department of Public Enterprises)   b)Central autonomous body is generally a nonprofit making organisation which is financed whoåly or substantially (more than50{459fecfca4475f09f90d8e5f2511a3c5c1949f070046c1e8cc6bde8835d5da4a} of the expenditure coming within the term “substantial”) from Cess or Central Government grants.   It may be a Society registered under the Societies Registeration Act1960 or a statutory body or a Central University having its own governing council whoss memorandum of association/ bye-laws etc. contain provision for complying with Government directives for carrying out its business in achieving the objctives for which the organisation is established,   (Department of Personnel& Training’s OM No.28016/ 5/85-Estt.(C) dated31.01.1986 and Ministry of Railway letter No.F (E) II/84/PN1/4 dt.25.06.1987)   2.5 The poriod of deputation of Railwsy employees to Sikkim will be5 years extendable by another year  with the concurrence of the  Ministry of Home Affairas         (Ministry of Home Affairs’ letter No.12012/5/79-SKM dated06.05.1982)   3.   Deputation/Secondment abroad:   3.1 Coneolidated instructions regarding appointment of Indian Experte for posts under International Organisations and Foreign Governments have been issued by DOP&T vide their OM No.F/18/1D/91-FA(UN) Dt.20/6/91. These instructions will apply to railway employees mutatis-mutandis.  A copy of this OM is enclosed as Annexure-II   3.2 The period of secondment starts from the date of departure from India and ends on the date of arrival in  India.  The period between release and departure and arrival and resumption may be treated as leave due.   4. Duputation to RITES/IRCON and secondment through them.   4.1The General Managers are competent to place non-gazatted staff on deputation to RITES /IRCON without the prior approval of the Railway Board for a maximum period of 3 years. 4.2Deputation of Railway employees to RITES/IRCON should be under the normal rules of deputation, their pay on such deputation being fixed in terms of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter No.F(E)II/88/DEl/1 dated17.02.1989. For the present i,t has be en ecided to restrict the deputation upto04.03.1992, unless extended further.   4.3Where non-gazetted staff ere deputed to RITES/IRCON for execution of their contract abroad they will be posted on deputation to these two Companies and the Ministry’s approval would not be necessary for deputation upto a period of3 years.   4.4In cases where non-gazetted staff ars seconded to a foreign Government/ Organisstion through RITE5/IRCON, they will be treated as on foreign service out of India, and in such cases the Ministry’s prior approval would be necessary   4.5As far as extension of deputation of railway employees to RITES/IRCON is concerned, the following terms and conditions have been laid down:-     (i) Tenure should generally be terminated in3 years and extension cases should be rare.   (ii) Eextension beyond5 years will not be granted at all   (iii) Officer should not be shifted from ono project to another for the purpose of granting extension.   (iv)For projects extending beyond5 years, fresh staff should be deputed rather than seeking extension for those who have completed3 years;   (v)In each case of extension, CMD should himself certify that the guidelines have been strictly adhered to.   (vi)  Cases for extension should be submitted to the Ministry of Railways at least3 months in advance giving necessary particulsrs in the prescribedproforma;   (vii)Extension should be approved in the Ministry of Railways at the level of the Minister in-charge:   (viii)Extension can be granted only for a year at a time.   Note:- Extension of deputation period beyond three years can be considered only against project oriented posts.   4.6 White it is the primary responsibility ofRITES/IRCON as borrowing organisations to return the personnel to Railways at the end of their sanctioned tenure, it is also an act of indiscipline on the part of the concerned staff who overstay their sanctioned tenure unauthorisedly. Accordingly, whenever a contract is entered into by RITES/IRCON with individuals sent on deputation/secondment abroad, a clause should be incorporated in such contracts, indicating that in case the Railway employee does not revert to the Rnilway at the end of the sanctioned tenure, he will render himself liable to disciplinary action and the period of such overstayal may be treated as unauthorised absence. 4.7 While notifying their requirements RITES and IRCON should give Complete details of the type of person required in various categories and grades for secondment/deputation and as much as possible dstails about the country of secondment, expected emoluments and other benefits etc. and the job requirements.  The communication calling fnr volunteers should be addressed to CPOs and the HODs concerned by name. It shall be the responsibility of the CPOs of the Zonal Railways/Production units to ensure that notification calling for volunteers is given wide publicity and it reaches the line staff well in advance of the last date of calling for application.   4.8  After scrutinizing the applications received and weeding out the voluntesrs who do not fulfil the requirements, a selection should bs carried out at the various Railway Headquarters by a Selection Committee which would have one nominated representative of the HOD concerned.  Based on the above selection, a merit list will be prepared separately for each Railway duly countersigned by the concerned HOD.  Due consideration for seniority, experience and ability of the  candidates with spscial regard for job requirement will be given by tho Selection Committee. Thereafter, the selection made in the various Railways/Production Units will be consolidated into one list byRITES/IRCON on the basis of “selection- cum-merit” in consultation with the client country where necessary.  The finally selected list should be sent to the Ministry of Rgilways (Railway Board) indicating vigilance/DAR clearance for their apprcval.   (E (NG) II/78/DP/37 dt.13.02.1979, E (NG) I/81/DP/38 dt.19.06.1981, E (NG) I/82/DP/32 dt.26.08.1982, E (NG) I/84/DP/18 dt.04.08.1984, E (NG) I/84/DP/7 dt.17.08.1984, E (NG) I/82/DP/70 dt.30.03.1985, E (NG) I/84/DP/23 dt.27.06.1985 & 23.07.1985, 5(25)/ 85/ BPE(PE5B) dt.28.08.1985, E (NG) I/85/DP/12 dt.25.10.1985,  E (NG) I/85/5R6/23 dt. 26.12.1985, F (E) II/86/DE1/1 dt.25.03.1986, E (NG) I/84/DP/10 dt.08.05.1986, E (NG) I/86/DP/29 dt.27.11.1986, 86/E(0)11.19.23 dt.30.09.1986, E (NG) I/86/DP/25 dt.11.03.1987, E (NG) I/84/DP/23 dt.18.03.1987 & 29.08.1988 and E (NG) I/84/DP/24 dt.01.11.1989)   5.Deputation of Railway employees to Departments/Offices   5.1 The period of deputation shall be subject to a maximum of3 years in all cases except for those posts ^here a longer period is prescribed.  (F(E) II/70/F5I dated17.01.1976)   5.2Extension beyond the above limit by one year may be granted with the approval of the Board (MS) if such extension is considered necesssry in public interest.   5.3The barrowing Ministries/Departments may extend the period of deputation for the fifth year or for the second year in excess of the period prescribed in the recruitment rules where absolutely necessary subject to the following conditions –   (i) While according extension for the fifth year or ths second year in excese of the’period prescribed in the recrujtment ruleéy the directivn issued for ‘rigid application for the tenure rules should bo taken info consideration and only in rare and exceptional circumstsnces, such extension should be granted,   (ii)The extension should be strictly in public interest and with the specific prior approval of concerned Minister the of borrowing Department/Ministry.   (iii) Where such extension is granted, it would be on the spscific understanding that the officer would not be entitled to draw deputation (duty) allowance.   (iv) Extension would be subject to the prior approval of the lending organisation and the officer on deputation.   In ceses where the extension is beyond fifth year or beyond the second year in excess of the period prescribed in the recruitment rules, the same would be allowed only after obtaining prior approval of the DOP&T.  Proposals in this regard should reach DOP&T at least3 months before the expiry of the extended tenure. : When extension of the period of deputation is considered, the period af extension may be so decided upon as to enable the officer concerned to continue on deputation till completion of the academic year in cases where the officer has school/college going children.   For computing tho total period of deputation the period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceeding ths current appointment shall also be taken into account.   6. The families of Railway employees on secondment abroad on foreign service terms, left behind in India will be entitled to the medical facilities under the Retired Railway Employees Contributory Health Schemein terms of para624 of Indian Railway Medical Manual (IRMM) as amended from time to time. (78/H/6/1/27 dated21.09.1978)   7.Refusal to proceed on deputation:   Such of those staff who withdraw their nominations for deputation after being selected will be debarred from future deputation for a period of three calendar years following the year of refusal. (E (NG) II/79/DP/50 dt. 06.091979)   8.Leave on reversion back from deputation:   On reversion from deputation post, the employee concerned might be allowed leave not exceeding2 months by the borrowing Ministry/Department/Organisation. For any leave beyond the period of2 months, the employee should apply to his cadre controlling authority. (F (E) II/88/DE1/1 dated17.02.1989)   9. Passes & PTO’s  during deputation/secondment:   Eligibility and entitlement of passes and PTOs for Railway employees during their period of deputaticn is given in Annexure- III (Schedule III of Pass Rules1986).     10. Retention or otherwise of Railway quarters by Railway employees during deputation/secondment.   10.1   Deputation and Secondment in India   (i)An employee on deputation to another Ministry/Department of Central or State Government in India may be permitted to retain the Railway quarter on the same terms and  conditions as applicable in the case of permanent transfer.   Services in any public sector undertaking/company under any Ministry/Department of Central or State Governments excluding the public sector  undertakings under the Ministry of Railways, will be treated as service on deputation for the purpose of retention of quarters; and    (ii) In the case of deputation and secondment to public sector undertakings under the Ministry of   Railways e.g., RITES, IRCON, COFIS, CRIS, IRFC,  RCT, IRWO, CONCOR the instructions issued from time to time will continue to apply. (E (G) 85/QR1/9 dt.15.01.1990 & 08.01.1991)   10.2An employee on deputation abroad may be permitted to retain the Railway Quarter as follows:-   (a)For the entire period of deputation abroad  provided family passage facility is not availed of;   (b)In case an employee avails of the family passage concession, he/she may be permitted to retain the quarter for a period of two months or upto the date of departure of family in India, whichever is earlier.   NOTE: (i)  “Deputation abroad” means transfer of an employee for service abroad, during which period, the pay and allowances of the employee is charged to the Government of India revenue.   (ii) Railway employees posted abroad in the Indian Missions against posts, pay and allowances of which are borne by the Ministry of Railways will be treated as on permanent transfer for the purpose of retention of quarter.   11.Witha view to ensuring that the Railway servant keeps himself abreast of upto date knowledge of Railway working a “cooling off” period of three years should be observed between two non Railway assignments including for sponsoring a Railway servant for a foreign assignment after return from the last deputation/non-Railway assignment in India.   (E (D) II/71/DE1/A/18 dated 15.09.1991)   12. Prior approval of the competent authority is necessary whenever any Railway Employee is sent on deputation work as Paid Secretary, Manager, Accountant etc of a RailwayEmployees Co-operative Store, Credit Societies, Banks. In such cases they will be treated as on deputation on usual foreign service terms and the requisite contributations towards leave, pension, PF, Bonus, Gratuity etc will be paid by the above organisation to the Railway Employees. (Para 2337 of  IREM Vol. II) 13.       (i) While referring to the master circular,  the  original letters mentioned herein should be read for a proper appreciation. The  master  circular  is only a consolidation  of  the  existing instructions  and should not be treated as a substitution of  the original  circulars.  In case of doubt,  the  original  circulars should be relied upon as authority;   (ii)The instructions contained in the original circulars referred to have only  prospective effect unless indicated otherwise;   (iii)If any circular having a bearing on the subject, which has not been superseded  has  been lost sight of in the preparation of the master circular, the said circular which  has been missed through oversight should not be ignored but should be treated as valid and operative.   ^ J^ÉL^^J^.1 PROFORMA FOR PROPCSAL FOR EXTEN5IGN CF TERM OF DEPUTATION (   ^JIS^LJL!i9,^ÆÅf^J^_____ ^’      PJa^ÅC^lars of the individual Na^c               : ‘           Service& Level    : Data of birth      : B.      I^^&^^^LJ^         ! ^.         ^^                ^ B^         (i^dicate project, t^         designation and r^         Grade) Frcn-n                     : Upto                : c.      E^^Æ^^^l^ia^-^^isu^^aR Project for which  : extsnsion proposed Period of extension: Justification      : Date of induction  s of the officer in ths Project Likely date of     : compl^Mon of the project 5ucc<essor plan,    : if any ^hether certificate: of adherence to guidelines signed by MD attached Whether parent     : RailMay^s approval to the proposed extension has been °^^”^-                         ( DESIGNATION)   ^^E^^RE^j^  – COPY OF MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRI&VANCE5 & PENSIDN(DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING)^ letter No.F.18/10/ 91-FA(UN) dated 20/6/1991 the Chief Secretariesof all Stats Governments and Union Territorios<. —^—.^t-. Subject:  Consolidated instructions relating to Foreign Assignment of Indisn Experts. *^<t’-^*^ I am directed to say that in supersession of this Department’s earlier instructions contained in letter No.1/10/87-FA(UN) dated the 29th of January, 1988 and allother letters on the subject^ the follo^ing revised and comprehensi^e instructions ^ill be operative from the dateof issue. ^.      DEPUTATION ON FDREluN ASSIGNMENT: Deputation of Indian Experts on assignments abroadwill be classified info the following categories: (a)  Foreign posts of the bovernment of India (GOI)- –  under the various Ministries of the Government. (b)  Bilateral assignments to the developingcountries of Asia^ Africa and Latin America^ (c)  Captive posts of GOI in the internationalorganisstions where recruitment is limited tothe Indian officials, (d)  International assignments covering assignmentsto the UN and its agencies, other multinationalorganisations^ the governments and public institutes in the oil-ric^ and devel opedcountries. 3′      EORE^GN PpS^TS^OF_G^: These includs the posts in the Indian Missions abroad’ under the administrative control of the Mfinistries of Finance,Commerce etc. (other than the Ministry of External Affairs)^the overseas offices of the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry ofCivil Aviattcn and other Ministries, the India InvestmentCentre and other similar public bodiss^ ‘:-.                  <^^<^-^   3.1     Selection for the se posts will be made through theCivil Services Bo ard (C5B) according to the  procedureprsscribed for appoin^ments under the Central Staffing Scheme of GOI in ordsr to ensure equality of opportunityand fairness in the selection procedure, 3.2     The officers appointed to the posts would beallowed e tenure of 3 years (and this period will not counttowards the ceiling prescribed for assignments under the international organisations). 4<      B.ILATMAL_ ASSIGNMENTS TD_TH^ QE^/ELOPING CDUNTRIES: These cover assignment s under the ITEC (IndianTechnical &. Economic Cooperation) and other similar             ^programmes and contract appointments in the Government and      ^pars-statal organisations in the devsloping countries of        :Asia^ Pacific^ Africs and Lstin America and remunorated by      ^ the concernod developing countries (as distinguished fromthe oil-ricn ånd devsloped nations) according to their salary scales. 4.1     As far as possible, all organised recruitment ofexp^rts at graduate professionsi level and above forbilateral assignments should be on a Government-to-bovernment basis.  In addition^ individual officials may also securesuch assignments by making applicallens in response to open advertisements by the Governments and para-statal organisa-tions of the dsveloping countries following the prescribedprocedur^; sometimes direct of ters may also be received from these organisations by experts in recognition of  their past    Mork in the relevant areas, 4.2     Selection for  assignments under the ITEC prog ramme Mould bs made as per the scheme being operated  by the Ministry of External Affsirs and the Department of Personnel & Training.  For thsse and other bilateral assignments on a Government-to-Government basisy the panel of experts maintained in the Department of Personnel & Training will be utilised for making selections.  In addition, if necessary, suitable experts could be located in consultation Mith the relevant nodal Ministries and the State Governments. 5 ‘      CAPTI VE POSTSJJF_ GJJI_IN THE INTEM These assignments include the posts of Executive Qirectors in the World Banky the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Asian Development Bank..(ADB) etc.^ Advisers and Technical or Executive Assistants to the Executive Directors and othsr similar posts where recruitment is restricted to the Indian experts.   5.1     Selsctions for these posts would be n^ade according to the procedure prescribed for appointmonts under the Central Sletting Scheme of GUI.  However, thi. tenure of  thssG offici^ls in the international orgsnisations will be subjuct to the provisions relsting to the ceiling on tenure^ cooling off rcquirement etc. prescribed (in subsequent paragraphs) for international assignment^^ 6^      INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNM^NTS_: Th3.s category c overs the assignm^nts under the ^ international organis^tions like the U N and its specialised agencies, the World Banky IMF, ADB and the Commonwealth Secretariat ihcluding the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Coopsration (CFTC) and other multi national public in stitutionQ.  Included in this category are also assignments to the Governments^ pare-statal organisations and public institutions like Univ^rsitias, Res.earch & AcadBmic Institutes in the oil-rich and devsloping countries. 6,1     The details concerning the seloction procedures and terms ^olating to appointments including ceiling on tenurey cnoling off requirement etc. in re speet of international assignm^nts ha/e been outlinod in the paragrpphs that follo^,   Whensvsr scme of thase terms are also applicablp to other CBtegories of fcreign assignments^this has bsen indicated at tho appropriatG place^ 7.     T^L5^F_^TER!^J^^ONAL^ : International assignment may be categorised by location and duration. As far as location is concernpd (i) thers are posts at the Sekretariat or headquarters of an international organi- sation which are subject to the country-quota restrictions. These may include ^sy positions or posts of criticsl importanos^ Mhich the Government ^ould like its official nominees to hold., In case of a specific /acancy, the Government ^auld  field the most suitable csndidate who in their vi^w has a good chance of bsing finally selected for the post. (ii) ^ost intBrnaticnal assignm^nts are^ howevsr^ project-rslated field jobs^ op^rat^d in the developing countries under the auspices of the international organisations.  These are professional j obs and final selection is usually made by the host country government in CDnsultation with the international agency, Thore is no quota system govsrning thess assignments^ but the candidntes are screened at various stages and selGctions are made on the basis of their professional qualifications and . experionce^  The Government would, therBfore^ enccursge the oxperts in various fields to apply for end secure those jobs by adopting a li^;ral approach. 7.1      From ths pcint of vieM of duration^ the assignmsnts can be (a) long-term jobs which are more than three months (90) days in duraticn, and (b) short-term CDnsultancies with duration of three months (90 days) or less. .^…4/-   6.      METHOD5 OF 5ELECTION AND R^LA1EQ__MATTER5: The primary criteria for permitting a government employee to undertake an assignment would be the convenience of the Government in sparing hi m from the point of view ofthe management o^ the service cadre to which he belongs and exigency of public service. 3.1     Subject to this overall condition^ the Government       ^and public sector employees may secure international and        ^bilateral assignments through any of the following methods:- (i)   nomination by the Government? (ii)  direct offer from an international organisation/foreign Government due to past work; (iii) application made in response to open advertise-ment following the prescribed procedure; and J (iv)  by being picked up from the rester of an international organisation. 8.2     The Dspsrtment of Personnel & Training, the cadre controlling author^ty nf various service cadres and the nodal  ] Ministriss for ths international organisations will deal with  ]various aspects relating to the nomination^ selection and/Inter-appointmont of the Government employees to the posts under the/_ natia-al ^s dealt with by a nodal Ministry^ for instance the Ministry agen-  of’Labour looks after the International Labour Qrganisation eies & (ILQ)^ the Ministry of Health liaises with the World HealthforeignDrganisation (WHO) and the like. Govts. E^ach    6.3     N O ^11 N A T 10 N 5_8^_TH E ^C^E^^ME^T^ Inter-         ^ national   The Government msy nominate suitable and quslified agency officErs for pcsts under the international organisations or foreign gov^rnments under any of the following circumstancess- (a)  vacancy notic^s or requests are received by theGovernment (ncdal Ministries and/or the Depart- ment cf Personnel & Training)? (b)  information regarding ths  possible vacancies and the details of the posts are made availsble by the Indian Missions abroad, individual officers and other sources including open advnrtisements and the Government decides to field candidates; and :—5-: (c)  the nodal Ministry/the Department of Personnel & Training identifies key or important posts in the international organisations ‘^ith a vievJ to making nominations. 8^4     It would not be necessary for ths Government to make nominations in respect of all the posts for which information or vacancy notices are rsceivGd from time to lima.  The nodal Ministry/the Department of Personnel & Training may decide nominate its officers keeping in vie^ the nsture and importance of the post(s), the expertise available in the country and  other related considerations.   Ho^ever, when an officer is nominated for a specific international assignmenty ho would be trested as the ^official nominee” and the Government may use its available source s, including the diplomatic channel^ for convassing support for his candidature. 8.5     Broad-based selection procedures would be adbpted for identifying the best and most suitabl^ candidats(s) for nominaltcn.  When a nodal Ministry recsives a vacancy notice or details of the posts for which it is decided to nominate Indias ex.perts, it Mould exp^ditiously circulate the sama to all the relevant Departments and agencies of GGI and the State Governments inviting suitable nominations.  A copy of the vacancy circular or nottce cont eining th^ details of the post should also be endor^nd tD -hh3 Department of Personnel & Training (Foroign Assignment Seotio^)^ ‘^nich msy suggest csndidates from out of thi. panel of experts maintained by thnm and/or from among the members of the organised services under the ir administrative control including those on Central deputation. 8^6     The nodal Ministries will finalise the nominations for (i) the posts upto and including P.4 levsi in the seere-tariat or headquarters of an international organisation^ and (ii) upto and including P_5 level in the project-related tie Id j obs.   In its task, the nodal Ministry will be sssisted by a Foreign assignment 5elcction Committee (FA5L) which ^ouldscreen tho applications recsived and suggest a namo or a panel of namss.   The FA5C in each nodal Ministry will include amcng others the representative cf the Ministry and the Establishment Officer to the GQI or his representative.  The nodal Ministry Mill obtain cadre clearance from the concerned cadre controlling authorities before forwarding the name(s) to the international agency.  The clearance of the establishment Officer to the GDI Mould also be required i f the officer concerned is merking in a post under the Central Staffing Schome. ^  a  t  ^  w D  ‘< :-6-: 6.7     Applications or nominations in resp^ct of the (a^ posts of P-5 levet ond abo/e in the secretariat of an international organisation^ and (b) all other posts abcve the P-5 levet should be forwarded by the ncdal Ministry concernod to the Department of Personnel & Training (Dffice of the Establishment Officer) ^hich would screen the applicstions and submit these to the Civil Service sBcard (CSB)/Cabinet Secretary for final selection.  Thereafter, nominations would be sent te the concerned          ^international organisstion^3.8     Apart from the nodsl Ministries, the Department of Personnel & Training may, when the time  availshle for making nominalt ons to an international agsncy is short orin other special circumctances, obtain applications/           . nominalt ons fr”‘m the concerned agencies in the Central and State Governmento and make appropriate recommendstions with the spproval of the competent authorities.                   ^ 8<9     The  Government,may nominate an officer or a panel       : of names for a vacancy in an international organisstion          ^ depending on the circumstances of each case.  HoMever^ in      ^ respect of the vacancies identified as (a) key or important      [ posts and (b^ the posts considered to be of critical             ^ importanc^y the Government would nominate the best candidste    ^ available (as he has to compete with the nationals of other     ^ countries) rather than a panel- of names.  Since the objective   ^ is to secure t.he ksy international assignment for the Indian     ^ expertsy all qualifi-ed officers including those ^ho have been   ^ on foreign assignment earlier would be considered for           ^* nomination^ subject, ho^ever, to the condition that those       ^ ^ho havs complcted  the maximum period (csiling) prescribed     ^ for international assignment would be required to resign/       ^ seek retirement from Government service on selection for        ^ the assignment.                                                   ^_ S.10    ^i^^^i^af^^^^l  In case of an offer of assignment by   Jt) ^n international agency or friendly foreign government         ^tt directly to s Government omployee due to his past wort< or      ^N expertise^ the expert has to take cadre clearsnce from the     ^t) cadre c^ntrolling authcrity as well as from the Depgrtment    jttj of Personnel & Training before accepting the offer,            jttt 8,11    Application against O pen_A^erj^^^eJ^J^  The Government^)! employees may apply in response to the open or public advertisE-^S ment of vacanc^os by the international organis^tions and foreign Governmpnts with the prior pBrmission of the csdre      ^ controlling aut^ority concerned.  In rare cases, when the time available for submitting the application is short, an officer ……7. :-7-: may send his application to the concerned agency in advsnco with a copy to his cadre controlling authority and this may bs confirmed or ^ithdrawn subsequently depending on the dscision of the authority^   Th^ cadre controlling authorities would consider each case only from the point of vie^ of whether the officer could be sparsd or not; no other g^nsr.^l considerations should be applied in tak ing a decision in th3 case.  An officer may be permitted to apply in responsa to a public advartissmcnt evsn if he has completed the permitted number of years he car spsnd in international assignment in i     his career.  However^ in such a case^ he would have to resign ^    or take retirement frnm hovern ment service on selection. ^     A Government employee applying for an international assign- ment in responsa to public advertisement will not be giventhe status of ^official nomin^e” for the assignment^ Correspondence^relating to the grant or dental of permission Mill be bet^sen the officer concerned and the cadre controlling authority/Government and latter ^ill not correspond with the international arganisation the subject. ^ 8.12    Ragistration on the Rosters maintained by ..^i^^J^^tiSJl^^J^L^Jli^^^oJEls^__________ Thb Government employces may register their names inthe rusters maintninE^ by thn international organisations bysending their application? di^ectly to the concerned inter-national agency, k^eping the^r cadre controlling authoritiepand the relevant nodal Mir.i strids informRcL  Cadrp clearancevJould be sought ^hen the international agency checks on theavnilability of the officer for a specific assignment.  Tocut do^n on tho ro sponse time in respect of th3 vacancies circulated by tho international organisations, the nodalMinistries may also maintsin pansis of experts, 3.13    ^OREIGN ASSIGNMENT PANELS OF THE DEPART^ENT OF ^ERSPNNEL_A. T R AI NI NG._____^,______________^ Ths ^epartment cf Pcrsonnel& Training maintains2 data banks of Indian experts comprising (i) the panel fbrbilateral assignments including those under thu ITEC andsimilar programmcs. and (ii) the list of experts in variousdisciplinss inter^sted in international assignments.Applications for regi stratten in the panel for bilateralassignmonts are invited f rom Indian nationals both inGov^rnm^nt and outside in3 pr^scribed form which is aveilablefor salu in the såles d^pots in the Publication Division of the Government of India.  The applications-receiv^d areprccsssed and the dats stored in computsr.   The  expertsar& r^gist^red in order of seniority based on the date ofrbce^pt of th^ v^ltd application forms in the DopartmBnt cf t« e< t d e ‘           :-8-:- “‘  ‘  ^      –             -^ . Personnsl’& Training and nominatiohs are msde strictly in order of ssniority and suitability.  The rsgistration remsins valid for a period of 3 years.  Applications for registratioh should invariably be forwarded prcper channel and the forwarding authorities clearly recommend the applications for rsgistration.  This would mean that it solectsd the cmployer would relieve the experts concerncd for tak ing up the assignment.    8.14    For registering expsrts f nr international sssignmunts^ applicaticns ara invited in the prescribcd forms available in the Department of Personnol & Training from government employces and executives of the public sector enterprises and other government snd semi-government organisations.’  Those applications are to be forwardsd with a clear recc..imendation by tho ccncerned employers.  Valid applications are rsgistersd under various categories of spscialisation to which applicants belong.  ‘^hon a requast for assignment is receivcdy experts registersd under the relevant fields are reconrmended according to thGir seniority of rGgistration and  also on tha basis of their s-uitcbility in the spocific j obs. 9.       ^:rLn^ _P.’._Du’ R ATI O N _OF A 5 SI G NN E NT:_ An offic^r msy be parmitted to romain on long-term assignments adding upto the maximum of five years during the first t^enty—fivs years o^ h-?.3 service,  Beyond 25 yesrs of service^ there would bo no calling,  HowevGr, at thatst^ge whEf! an officer completes two years (24 months) of long-term assignment undertaken eithsr in one spell or in instalments^   ^ he w uld not be ccnsidered for empanolmEnt for posts of        ‘ Joint Secrotary and equivalent under the Central Stgffing Scheme for a pe?riod of tw:? years upon his return from the assignment^ in the case of an officer eligible to be empanelled as Additional Secr^tary/Secretary or equivalent, the corresponding period would be one year,  If^ however, an officer is on a long-term assignment at the time of completing 25 years of s^rvice^ he has to undergo the required cooling off period (t^o years) at ths end of that assignment; und only thereofter h^ will be eligible to take    ^ up another  long tarm assignment, which will be exempted        ^ from the ceiling prescribed for such assignments. 9.1     The provisions relating to the ceiling on deputation of assignment would be applicable to international sssignmonts and the^captive posts cf ^01 in the international organisations but not to ths foreign posts of bDI, bilateral assignments t^ thu d^veloping countries and the U.N. volunteurs. …..9.   t                                          *<-.Q-.* t                                                                               * ***.7    * 9^2     O^^f and above the five-yesr ceiling mentianed above, an officc^ ^y be allowed to undertake short^-term cnnsultancies t   for an international organisetion or foreign Government upto !   a maximuia cf twenty five (25) months^  during his entire ‘   career. b^ne cf the se assignments would excecd three months (90 days) firing a calendar yssr^ provided fui±hr-,r.that the administr^^ivB Department/^inistiy under ^hich hs is working is in a p^aitian to spare his services without any substituts being posied in his place^ 10.     CCQLI NG OFF _ R^^ULR.E^NT:. An officer returning from a for^ign assignment exceeding 180 days would not be eligible to ao for a long^ term sssi^n^ent for a period of t^o years. ^ ^ .      ^^S^.IB L:_D_LE_Vt; L 5, F D R N O M I N A_T_i.D N^^ The United Nations snd its specialised agencies as MGll as other international organis stiens gcnsrally indicate the salary l^vel of the post at the time of the announosment of the vscancy.  It has been decidsd that for the posts in ths si^cret^ric.t of an international organisation, some correspn^donce bet^esn the rank s of the officers of the Government with the s^lary levels in the international agency woulo b^ ansured at the ti^p cf making nominations.  For the project-related field E-scignmentS) howavery suen corres- pondencs ^ould not be insisted upon as the levels for the se assign^ents are usually flexible and the sslary and other terms are nsgotiable depending on the experience ^nd ssniority of the officar/expert.  In order to guide the ‘Ministries and Departments of the GOI in this area various criteria have be en indicated in the ANNEX which would be observsd ‘^hile determining the catsgorius cf officers to be considerad for different levels of posts in the secrctariat of the UM^ its specislised Agsncies and other international organisstions, 12.     f!ESTRIC.TIDN5 ON OFFICEP5 DEALING ^ITH INTERNATIONAL OR.^A^I5^TI_0^5_IJ^Q^F^^^^^                         _ . …,….., .^…_._ The officers in a nodal Ministry of GQI/Office of F. Head of Lepartment/Attached and 5ubordins-ce offices of the Government/Indian Missions Qbroad who are directly Eis3lincj with en international organisation in a coordinating or nodal capacity shall not b^ allo^ed to take up assignments in the sekretariat of the concerned orgsnisation for a  psriod .:;f two years after thsy have r^linquished charge of thei..r pc^ts.   At the saT.a time^ however, in very exceptlDnal …..^0.     :-lo-.:                                    ^ cases where a post at the headquarters/secretariat of an international agency is considered to be s key post er a post of critical importance and the Government feels that a ‘ particular officer though dealing with the organisation is ths most suitable and qualified and is likely to be acc&pted^the officer may be nominated for the post  Mith the recommen-  dation of the Civil Servics Board (C5B)/Eabi.rBt Secretary and approval of the Prime Minister.   Those assignments would typically include very high level posts in the international organisations^ some of which are primarily filled thrcugh election or on considcrations of regional representation ar very high level of expertise. 12,1    The Government policy has always been that its officers should not lobby f^r internat!nnsi assignment s. Serious view would be tåken and appropriate action initiated  against the pfficers and members of the official Indian delegattons to intornationsi conferences who indulge in can vossing or lobbying for posts in the international organisations with Mhich they have official dealings. 13.     ^^Ji’LJ^L&AR^iCE^ in all cases of foreign assignments, cadre clearance  from the cadre controlling authority is to be obtsined before an officer procepds on the assignment.  For the officers M ork ing in the posts under the Central Staffing Sch erne^ clearance of the Leportment of Personnel & Training (Establishment officer to GOI) would also be required.   Thesole critcrion for giving them clearance would be whetherof view of management of the cadrs or of exigencies of public   ^ service^ subject^ of course, to the provisions regarding ceiling on duration of for^ign assignment^ cooling off requirements etc. laid down in this letter.  No other ganeral consideration (like the period of an officer^s absence from the caore etc.) would be relevant to giving such clearance. 13.1    In cases where the Government nominates an officer for a specific vacancy, cadre clearance should be given at the time of ncmination.  In all other cases^ this will be obtained when a communication is received from the international orgsnisatinn/ foreign Government that the officer concerned is being considered for appointmsnt or that a tentative decision has been tåken to make him an offer of appointment.    13^2    In respect of the smployces working under the S^ats empcwerod to decido whether to permit the expert to sccept f^rcign assignment or not.  Matters such as retention of their lien and protection of their  seniority in service will also be decid^d by them in accordance with the service lules opplicableto these e^perts.                                                  ^ 11 « . . < « ‘ ‘ * ^ ^                            :-11-: ^.    ^fl’^AL-GL^^EL_i^^ In the preceding paragraphs^ the responsibilities of the various nodal Ministries^ the cadre con’c rolling authoritics and the Departmant of Personnel &. Training have been outlined^ Th^ cadre controlling authorities of the various servicos of the Government of India and the State Governments will mainly be responsible to ensurr that the officers under the control apply for and secure fcreign assignments strictly according to these guidelines^  Thpy will maintain data relating to the periods spent by these o^ficers on foroign assignmcnts and enforce ths provisions relating to the ceiling prescribed for such assignment s^ cooling off requirements etc. 14.1    White thc3 cadre controlling authorities and the nodal Ministries and Departmcnts are competent to gi ve various clesrances as per these guidelines, any deviation proposed to be made therRfro^ ^ould rsquire prior consultation and clearance from the Department of Persnnnel & Training. 14.2    If e noda^ or administrative Ministry/Department is of the V3ew that any category of expertis^ should be declared as “scarce^ by ths Government of India so as not to permit an easy exit of the Indian experts in that field for foreign assignment^ it should send suitable proposals to the Deportment of Personnel & Training who would  issue appropriato orders in this regard.   When an Indian expert proposes to take up assignment abroad in any nf hhe c^tegorisr. declared as ^’scarce” hs ^ould have to obtain a ”No objectinn Certificate” from the relevant administrative Ministry of the  Government of India befoic takino up th^ assignment^ 14.3    The persons deputed to the UN agencies and other international organisations or those on bilateral assignments may rr-sigr from service without returning ‘co India and to their par^nt department i f thsy choose te continue on foreign assignment beyond the permissible period.   The Government per-‘ sonnod deputed on ITEC assignment cannot resign while serving abroad as th^ Government of India in the Ministry of External Aft^irs bs^rs the salary and other expenses of such peisene. 1^^4    No person who^— (i)  is on assignment under the Indian Technical and Econorr.ic Coopera.tion (ITEC) Prog ramme of the Ministry of Extsrnal Affairs and other Aid Prog rammes^ (ii) is postei ab ro sd in a foreign based office of a Mimstry/Depsrtment; (i^i^ qoGS on a sp^cific contract assignment to a f^reian government.   —.12. s-^2-: should be allo^ed to rstire voluntarily unless, after having  bsen transferred to India, he has resumed th^ charge of the pest in India and servcd for a period of not less than one year.  This restriction will, ho^ever^ not be applicable in case of ^fficers ^ho are on deputation to the UN/Intcmational organisation. 14.5    Sinne deputation of Indian officials abroad contributes to mutual goodwill and understanding bet^een India and the foreign c-ountry concerned^ it ^ould be larg^ly in the public  int(-,rest, if^ as a ruley the lien of Government employGS and public sector e^ployee selected fur s foreign assignment is retained. 14.6    The State Gov^rnments ars advised that thuir employees may be released for sarvice ah ro ad on foreign service terms in the public intersst^ after retaining the spplicant^s lien and protecting hi^ ssniority.  However, the State Government may allow the ir emplcyees to go abro^d in sccordsnce ^ith the rules which are cnforced and applicable to the employees. 14^7    This order will take effect frem the date of issue< All thos3 who are on fcrsign assignment at present shall be governed by the provisions of this order .n respect of the proposals for cixcension of their tenure of deputation etc. 14.Q    All questions or dnubts relating tn interpretation of the instructicns will be ducided by the DspartmGnt of Personnel and Training^j   * — 13 —’ ^N&^ LE VEL OF THE OFFICER5 TO BE C^N5IDERED FG^ THE P05TS AT THE S^GRETARI/.T C”. THE U,N.AbENCIE5 AND OTHE^ INTERNATIONAL j  OnG^.’I5ATIQN^ t Note-1:  Tne following correspondence bet ^en the levet of posts in an international organisation 3nd the levet s of Indian officers is relevant only se far as the posts at the secretariat of an international organisation $          a< ^ concerned.  No correspondence is prescribed for field jobs on projects  etc. Notc-2:  Dfficers may be permitted to take up assignments which ar9 one levul above or below the lovol prescribed. .Ls.vsjL    Levet of the Post/salory scale  of India  experts f^st^s     ^J^^sjJs^s.i____,_________      _________ D 2  ^   More th^n 17 yosrs of IA5 or equivalenb service i   without any upper limit,   Technical and other officers ^ „  9   ^’ho could bn !?qu3tE’d with Jaint Sacreta.ries or above !   i^ the Government of India; in other cases officers ^   draging more than Rs.5900-6700 P 5      D^fic^rs bctwesn 14 and 17 years of lAScr equivalGnt s^rv^ce<   Tschnicel ard oth^r officers who could’ be equatGd with Diroctors in the Government of India. In uthor cases officers drawing Rs.450Q tu 57DO/^. P 4      Dffic^rs bet^cen 9 to 14 yoars uf IA5 or equi valent rervice.  Technical snd other officers who couJd be equabed with Deputy Secretaries to ths Government of India.  In other cas^s officers drswing bet^aen R5.3700 to f^5.5000/-. P 3     Gtficers between 6 to 9 years o^ IA5 or oquivalent service.  Technical and other officers may bs equated ^ith Under Secr^tarius to the Government of India. In uthor cases officers drawing pay bst^een Rs.SUOO to 4.500/-. P 2      Officers between 4 to 6 years of IA5 or equivalent service*  Technicsl and other officers who may ba equated with Junior Under 5ecretaries to the Government of India.  In other cases officers drswing ^pto Rs.30DO/-. P 1      Officers upto 3 yesrs of IA5 or equival^nt service. T^ )nical and other’officers who may b s equated with actr^hes/registrarE^-5ection Officers. M’ÆJ<LR^i.ll ELIGIBILITY AND &NTITLEMENT OF PASSES & PTGs FOR RAILWAY ^fLG^^^D^^^^,^Rl^D_^^L(^________^^^^__ j  ^^._____________,_________________________.^.______ Category     Conditions of entitlement    Entitlement/ ^     (1)                    (2)                           (3) t       ‘  ‘    Cn^^^R^^^t^o^_i^_ln^i^^Å^^2^^ ^  ^^^D^’    ^^ Eligihls for privilege Pass   Pass/PTO will be ‘     ”         pnd Privileg? Ticket GrdErs   issusd for the and School Passes etc^        Class of entitle during the normal period of   ment of the deputation to departments     Railway servant other thsn Central Seere”‘     on pri^iicgo. tarist/Fublic S^ctor Under- ‘                   takings on the same scales  ‘                   as admissible to the railway servant for a maximum period of 4 years. (ii) For RtilMay servants who are nn deputatian ta Central Secretariat i^r^ Hiristries/ Departments of the Government of Jndia^ the period of admissibLlity on a full—scnie will be as p^r fendre allo^ed frem time to time* ^            (iii)  For Railway servants who are ^            –   ^  on deputation te Public j!                     Undurtaking, including RITES/ IRLON the period of admissi- bility to full benefits ^ill be as under:^ (a) for posts which are – – declared as top posts csrrying the pay scale of Rs^5900-.7300 and above .^.2 years (b) other posts .^. <,…..<.,.*….3 yoars (iv)  Whsre ^ho deputstion of a ^ailway servant is extendcd boyene th6 normal period specified above^ the priviloge Pass facilities will be continued on the same soales only it the employBr is <t  o  )t ^- C (^)                       (2)                              (3) prepared to bssr the cost of Passes issued. ^’hsre the employer is not prspared to bear the costy the Railway servant Qhall be allowed passes at the lo^est scaJ-e appli- cable to rstired railway servants of his category even though he may not have completed the minimum qualifying service for t^is purpoue provided that if the Rail^ay servant is entitled to a higher scal^ of privilege p^ss if he had retired fr’m railway service on ths date on which he ^ould compl^t^ the no.frnal period of dsputation, he shall be entitled to the sg?e sc.^le  of Passes ^’hich he was draging on tnat date<(v) In cases who ro rsil^ay servant is placGd on doputation fr-^m .one department toano^her without reverting to the parent cpp^rtrrent  the benefit of Påse shall not be p^n.LSsibla bey ond the maximum period of deput^tion as d^tailed above reckoned from initial deputation. (vi) Railway servants who are seconded to foreign service outside India through PITL5/IRCCN, ‘.’ill siso be admissible for priviloge passes/^TOs on the scale referred to in (iii) ibid treating them as Initially depu^ed to RITE5/I^COi’. (vii) Railway servants ^ho are sponsored fcr ^ foreign service on Govt. to Govt. basis^ as also those whose applications have bscn fcr^nrded throurh the Qepartment of Personnel for various foreign assignnont^ Kili be ad^issible to passes at the Iowest se ale as spplicable to retired rail^ay ssrvants  of their cla^s even though they may not have completed the minimum qualitying railway service for this purpose and where they have cornpleted minimum cjualifying railwsy service^ they will be entitled to the scale of privilegs ,.asses ss admissible tD retired railway servants of their class^ it their familites are lett behind.  In’ other cases, the officers will be allowed only one  sel cf passes/ PTOs Ror annum on rcquests -received^ *  <   *  * ‘-^ ^ :-3-: (1)                     (2)                         (3) (viii) Permanent railway servants and temporary railway ser<- vants with more than 3 years continuous railway service y whose applications have been forwarded and Mho have been selected and appointed for post in other Central &o/t, ^epartments/Dffices^ Public Sector undertskings or autonomous bodies may be allowed the bene tit of passes/PTCs for a period of t^o years from the date of relief from the Rail^ays, during which they are permitted to rstain their lien. (ix)   Railway servants who are deputed on short tsrm assignments or posting against posts  controlled by the Deptt^ of Railways will be entitled to passes/PTDs as admissibic to them while in railway service^ On deputation to Railws.vs from non-Rail^,a.V Deptt_s^_  Employees of non-railway  (i) Eligible for passes/ departments sppointed         PTOs as admissible  on deputation to posts        to railway servants. on Indian Railways.      (^^) p^^g passes for self and family and pass for transport of personal effects for joining the post on Railways and on  relinquishing the same ^ (iii)Same dass of pass/ ^PTO as admissible  to railway serva^n-ts  on privilege accour^t.


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